Clinical Pharmacology of Botulinum Toxin
Clinical Pharmacology of Botulinum Toxin
Clinical Pharmacology of Botulinum Toxin
Dirk Dressler
1 Introduction
2 Therapeutic Mode of Action
3 Time Course of Action
4 Target Tissues
5 General Pharmacological Profile
6 Adverse Effects
7 Interactions
8 Potency Labelling
9 Antigenicity
10 Therapeutic Preparations
Botulinum toxin (BT) has changed from a deadly poison to a novel therapeutic
principle for a large number of disorders in many medical areas.
BT drugs are special in many ways: they are biologicals, their active ingredient
BT is not patentable, their spectrum of clinical applications is extremely broad,
their dose range is enormous, their mode of action is local and their life cycles are
This review covers BT’s therapeutic mode of action, time course of action,
target tissues, pharmacological profile, adverse effects, interactions, potency
labelling and antigenicity as well as BT’s therapeutic preparations.
D. Dressler (*)
Movement Disorders Section, Department of Neurology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover,
Adverse effects · Antigenicity · Botulinum toxin · Clinical pharmacology ·
Interactions · Mode of action · Pharmacological profile · Potency labelling ·
Target tissues · Therapeutic preparations · Time course
1 Introduction
Botulinum toxin (BT) has made one of the most remarkable transitions in the
history of mankind: once infamous as a food safety hazard and a means of biological
warfare it is now a drug for a large number of disorders for many of which it has
revolutionised their treatment.
BT drugs are special in many ways: As biologicals they are not only specified by
their chemicophysical properties alone, but also by their steric confirmation which is
heavily influenced by the manufacturing process and handling conditions. Compar-
ing biologicals is challenging and has to consider many parameters. Nevertheless,
also biologicals can and need to be compared with respect to efficacy, adverse effects
and economics. BT as a natural compound cannot be protected by patents. Intellec-
tual property protection is mainly gained by the BT drug’s registration status. This
generates very special drug life cycles and the option of alternative registration
pathways through biosimilarity approval. This may dramatically influence the future
development of BT drugs. The broad spectrum of clinical applications generates
enormous dose ranges leading to serious pricing issues. As a strictly local agent BT
drugs require specific registration pathways.
This review covers BT’s therapeutic mode of action, time course of action, target
tissues, pharmacological profile, adverse effects, interactions, potency labelling and
antigenicity as well as BT’s therapeutic preparations.
BT has a prolonged biological effect. This is one of the key prerequisites for its
therapeutic use. BT drug effects follow a distinct time course (Dressler and Benecke
2007). With a delay of 2–5 days, their therapeutic effect builds up (build-up phase),
stays on a plateau for 6–10 weeks (plateau phase) and then gradually declines
(wearing-off phase). To maintain a steady clinical improvement, reinjections
become necessary. This is usually the case after 8–14 weeks, but may be delayed
in reality by many considerations including the physician’s availability, travel
logistics, economic considerations and the patient’s personal choices.
Different BT types have different durations of action. Exact data on the duration
of action of BT in humans is sparse, as in most treatment studies patients would not
accept reinjection delays once they enter the wearing-off phase. In humans, BT-A
has the longest duration of action, whereas BT-B may have a slightly shorter one and
BT type C and BT type E seem to have a particularly short duration of action
(Dressler and Foster 2018). BT’s duration of action may also depend on the
particular target tissue chosen. BT therapy of hyperhidrosis, where it is applied to
the sweat glands, may produce somewhat longer effects than BT therapy of muscle
hyperactivity syndromes (Naumann and Jost 2004). Comparing the therapeutic
duration of action requires identical endpoint definitions and identical treatment
parameters, so that valid data on the duration of action of different BT types or
different BT drugs can only be generated by direct head-to-head comparison studies.
The build-up phase is therapeutically less relevant as it only occurs in full at the
initiation of BT therapy and as it is very short in relation to the plateau phase.
Different BT types do not seem to have much different build-up phases. The same
seems to be true for the wearing-off phase. Long-term data show that the temporal
profile of BT’s action is remarkably stable over even decade-long applications
(Dressler et al. 2015b). This lack of enzymatic induction and lack of tachyphylaxis
are other key prerequisites for BT’s therapeutic use.
D. Dressler
4 Target Tissues
BT drugs can be applied to all tissues with cholinergic innervation including muscle
tissue (striate and smooth), exocrine glandular tissue (sweat glands, saliva gland,
lacrimal glands) and pain relevant structures. The target tissue affinity seems to be
the same for BT drugs of the same BT type, but is different between BT drugs of
different BT types. Whereas BT-A has a relatively strong affinity to muscle tissue
and a relatively weak one to autonomic tissue, this relationship is reversed in BT-B
(Dressler and Benecke 2003). Potentially different durations of action in different
target tissues have been discussed above.
With all features described above, BT drugs can be characterised as long-term and
long-lasting, but temporary and fully reversible, well controllable, local and – even
in very high doses – surprisingly safe drugs for muscle relaxation, exocrine gland
secretion suppression and analgesia.
6 Adverse Effects
systemic toxicity but also safety with respect of BT antibody formation (Dressler
et al. 2015a). With this, the therapeutic dose range of BT is now considerable and
allows treatment not only of focal muscle hyperactivity disorders but also of
segmental and generalised ones, thus advancing BT therapy considerably (Dressler
et al. 2016b). Repeated BT therapy – often for decades – does not produce additional
adverse effects indicating also an exceptional long-term safety (Dressler et al. 2013).
The adverse effect profile of BT-B is much different from that of BT-A drugs.
Even at moderate BT-B doses, patients may experience anticholinergic adverse
effects including dryness of mouth, dryness of eyes and accommodation difficulties
(Dressler and Benecke 2004).
7 Interactions
8 Potency Labelling
small sample sizes are used. To obtain more precise results, full dose-effect curves
need to be compared.
9 Antigenicity
Risk Factors for BT Antibody Formation Classical risk factors are the single
dose, i.e. the amount of BNT applied at each injection series; the interinjection
interval, i.e. the time between two subsequent injection series; and the application of
booster injections, i.e. two BT injection series with an interinjection interval of less
than 2 weeks. More recently, it became clear that also the immunological quality of
the BT drug used as described by the specific biological potency may be a risk factor
(Dressler and Bigalke 2017a). Sex and age of the patients treated, the cumulative BT
dose applied and the treatment duration do not seem to be risk factors. Also, so far,
there is no indication that the particular target tissue injected may change the risk of
BT antibody formation.
10 Therapeutic Preparations
BT drugs are complex mixtures of compounds. Their various features are shown in
Table 1. BT drugs consist of BNT, complexing proteins (CP) and excipients.
CP CP are a residue of the natural development process and are not necessary for
BT’s therapeutic action. Their role in BT’s antigenicity is unclear. It was suggested
they may indirectly increase BT’s antigenicity by attracting leucocytes into the
injection area (Lee et al. 2005). Based on these considerations, CP have been
removed from the BT drug incobotulinumtoxinA without changing its therapeutic
and adverse effect profile, but potentially contributing to its particularly low
Clinical Pharmacology of Botulinum Toxin Drugs
Botulinum Toxin Drugs BT drugs have unique features: they are not patentable as
such, they have an enormous spectrum of indications, their therapeutic doses range
spread with a factor of 1,000, they represent a completely new therapeutic principle,
they require highly individualised injection schemes developed by trained injectors
and they have remarkably long commercial life cycles. This profile demonstrates the
enormous therapeutic potential, but, at the same time, generates numerous
challenges including qualitative and quantitative off-label use and the necessity to
offer user training and to prevent therapy failure due to suboptimal application
techniques. Therapeutic BT preparations currently available or under development
are shown in Table 2.
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