Voynich (13) - A RISC-Design For The Voynich Alphabet (?)
Voynich (13) - A RISC-Design For The Voynich Alphabet (?)
Voynich (13) - A RISC-Design For The Voynich Alphabet (?)
This essay investigates in how far the Voynichese Alphabet may be interpreted as a derivative of the
Ugaritic alphabet.
According to Jorge Stolfi's three-layer model the Voynichese grammar1 distributes the EVA-letters
over three levels: core, mantle and crust.
For example, okoecheody is parsed as (o(k)oe)((ch)e)(o(d))(y).
The core layer of a normal word, by definition, consists of the "gallows" letters { t p k f }
or their "pedestal" variants { cth cph ckh cfh }.
The mantle layer consists primarily of the "bench" letters: ch and sh, and the ee group,
which, in its n-gram statistics, seems to be a variant of those two.
The bulk of the crust consists of a variable number of "dealers", the letters d l r s.
Except the Futhark and Ogham signaries most European alphabets are derived from the Ugaritic
signary. Most of these signaries display a theonym such as “ṬYḪWŠ” (“ṬYḪWŠ”) in one of the
rows of the 2-dimensional table.
If the Voynichese signary is derived from the Ugaritic alphabet the Voynichese alphabet may also
display a theonym on one of the rows of the 2-dimensional table. In the following three-layer model
of Jorge Stolfi's concept the Voynichese alphabet may be derived from one of the earlier alphabets.
As the Younger Futhark signaries (with 16 or even 15 letter symbols) the bulk of the Voynichese
manuscript may have followed a “RISC”-concept (Reduced Instruction Set Computer), which
resulted in a more complex text with a repetitive character of a reduced number of letter symbols.
Theoretically a genuine theonym “diefs”, “ṬYḪWŠ” (“ṬYḪWŠ”) or one of the abbreviations
“dies” or “dis” may be found in a 2-dimensional array of the letters in the EVA-composition.
2 Footnote in Modern Hebrew phonology (quoted in The Composition of the Sky-God's Name in PIE-Languages)
The categorizing of the letters in the Latin alphabet
Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ugaritic 30
ʾa b g ḫ d h w z ḥ ṭ y k š l mḏ n ẓ s ʿ p ṣ q r s ġ t ʾi ʾu s2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Hebrew 22
ג ב א כ י טח ז ו הד מל נ שרק צ פ ע ס ת
Old-Greek 21 A B Γ Δ Ε Υ Ζ ΗΘ Ι Κ ΛΜ Ν ΟΠ s q Ρ Σ Τ
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21-26
C Ϝ I V,U,W,
Latin 26 A B DE Z H Þ K LM N O P s QR S T
Table 3 Ugaritic abecedaria (1) of the "Northern Semitic order" (27-30 letters)
(Categorized according to the Hebrew standard of Rabbi Saadia Gaon's comments)
In the derivatives of the Latin alphabets the aspired letters Th22, Ch11, Gh16, Ph17, Sh21 are defined as
combinations of two letters.
In the course of time the alphabet may be losing superfluous letters. Some of the lost letters
however may be memorized in the theonym's name:
6 ṯ→ r→ 2
Θ 25 R24
5 n→ ġ→ ʿ→ ṣ→ 4
D5 G3 A1 B2 Z8
# 7 5 5 4 6 27
Table 6 A sky-god's theonym ṬYḪWŠ (ṬYḪWŠ) at the 2nd row of the Ugaritic Signary
(in a Latin transliteration) – (source: The Common YHV-Root in the Ugaritic Alphabets)
3 The Ugaritic writing system is a cuneiform abjad (consonantal alphabet) used from around either the fifteenth
century BCE[1] or 1300 BCE[2] for Ugaritic, an extinct Northwest Semitic language, and discovered in Ugarit
(modern Ras Al Shamra), Syria, in 1928. It has 30 letters. (Source: Ugaritic alphabet)
The modern European alphabets
Most of the modern European alphabets (Latin, Greek, Futhark and Ogham) seem to be derived
from the Ugaritic designs4.
The overview contains three black highlighted boxes with theonyms, which are lined in different
• at the row #2 of the Latin alphabet the theonym ÞIΕVS (or ÞIΕUS),
• at the row #3 of the Futhark signary the theonym TIÆWS (or TIWÆS) and
• at the row #4 of the Ogham signary the theonym TIΕU(ᚕ) or TIΕU(X).
Eventually the display of a characteristic theonym in these categorized signaries may prove the
existence of a common, fundamental keyword such as “DIΕUS”, which had to be generated by
ordering the letter symbols in an alphabetical table structure. These tables also resembled to the
Hornbooks, which had been described by Flinders Petrie in “The formation of the alphabet"5.
The most complex theonym is a combination of two 5-gram words (DIOVS-PITER), which in the
course of time had been deteriorated to Jupiter (IV-PITER).
This complex structure (DIOVS-PITER) may be related to Jorge Stolfi's three-layer model for the
Voynichese alphabet.
4 The Origin of the Futhark, Ogham and Gothic Runes (In this paper all signaries are characterized as follows: the
linguals: D, Þ L, N, T, palatals: C, G, I, J, K, Q, X, the gutturals: A, Ε, H, O, Y, labials: B, ϝ - V, M, P, U, W and the
dentals: Z, S, R. )
5 The formation of the alphabet (Petrie, W. M. Flinders) (1912)
The categorization of the letters in the Voynichese Grammar
Stolfi's three-layer model6
In his three-layer model Jorge Stolfi7 suggests a distribution of the letters in 3 specific subsets of the
Voynichese alphabet:
As in our previous model [5], the normal words are parsed into three major nested
"layers" --- crust, mantle, and core --- each composed from a specific subset of the
Voynichese alphabet8:
Table 7 Distributing of the letters in the three-layer VM-model (by Jorge Stolfi)
Jorge Stolfi lists a few rules for the three-layer VM-model, for example9:
The distribution of the "circles", the EVA letters { a o y }, is rather complex. They
may occur anywhere within the three main layers, as we discuss later on.
In normal words, the letter e, when not part of an ee group, is almost always located in
or next to the core and mantle layers, almost always after a non-empty core or mantle.
The paradigm also provides strong support for John Grove's theory that many ordinary-
looking words occur prefixed with a spurious "gallows" letter (T P K F in the EVA
The crust layer is the part of the word consisting of the letters Q D L R S X I M G,
with their a o y pre-modifiers and final y or o, if any. In normal words, the crust
comprises either the whole word (almost exactly 75% of the normal tokens), or a prefix
and a suffix thereof (25%). The bulk of the crust consists of a variable number of
"dealers", the letters D L R S.
The mantle layer consists primarily of the "bench" letters: Ch and Sh, and the ee group,
which, in its n-gram statistics, seems to be a variant of those two. As explained above,
we include in the mantle also isolated e letters, except those that follow a core letter;
and any o letters prefixed to the above.
Although each of these layers can be empty, the three-layer structure is definitely non-
trivial: it rules out, for example, words with two core letters bracketing mantle or crust
letter. More generally, suppose we assign "densities" 1, 2, and 3 to the three main letters
types above, and ignore the remaining letters. The paradigm then says that the density
profile of a normal word is a single unimodal hill, without any internal minimum.11
Letters "circles"
core: TPKF cth cph ckh cfh {AOY}
mantle: ch sh ee {AOY}
crust: dlrs nximg {AOY}
Index (Ugaritic) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
transcription ʾA B G Ḫ D H W Z Ḥ Ṭ Y K Š L M Ḏ N Ẓ S ʿ P Ṣ Q R Ṯ Ġ T ʾI ʾU S2
Index (Hebrew) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22
גבא מ לשכ י טחז ו הד נ רקצפעס ת
g p k
EVA-European a -
d e f - h th i ch sh l m n s o
r t
Alphabet g
a d e f h i l m n s o p kq r t
Table 13 Ugaritic abecedaria (1) of the "Northern Semitic order" (27-30 letters)
(Categorized according to the Hebrew standard of Rabbi Saadia Gaon's comments)
In the following EVA-alphabet the deleted letters are uncolored:
6 ṯ→ r→ 2
Θ 25 R24
5 n→ ġ→ ʿ→ ṣ→ 4
D5 G3 A1 B2 Z8
# 7 5 5 4 6 27
Table 14 A sky-god's theonym ṬYḪWŠ (ṬhYkḪWŠ) at the 2nd row of the Ugaritic Signary
(in a Latin transliteration) – (source: The Common YHV-Root in the Ugaritic Alphabets)
The Futhark Signaries
The elder Futhark Signary
The Elder Futhark Signary12 may have been designed to display a dedicated theonym TIÆWS.,
which correlates to equivalent PIE-names for the sky-god DIÆUS:
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Elder ᚠ ᚢ ᚦ ᚨᚱ ᚲ ᚷ ᚹ ᚺ ᚾ ᛁ ᛃ ᛇ ᛈ ᛉ ᛊ ᛏ ᛒ ᛖ ᛗ ᛚ ᛜ ᛟ ᛞ
Futhark F U Þ A R KGW HN I J Æ P Z S T B E ML Ŋ O D
ætts "Freyr's ætt" "Hagal's ætt" Tyr's ('Mars') ætt
Table 15 The Categorization of the elder Futhark Signary
At the 3 row the Futhark signary displays a similar pentagram TIÆWS which may be varied
between TIWÆS and TWÆIS.
linguals palatals gutturals labials dentals
6 ᛞ- D ᛗ- M
5 ᛜ- Ŋ ᛟ- O ᛒ- B
4 ᛚ- L ᛃ- J ᛖ- E ᛈ- P
ᛏ- T ᛁ - I ᛇ- Æ ᚹ- W ᛊ- S
2 ᚾ- N ᚷ- G ᚺ- H ᚢ- U ᛉ- Z
1 ᚦ- Þ ᚲ- K ᚨ- A ᚠ- F ᚱ- R
Table 16 Displaying the PIE-theonym TIÆWS for the sky-god in the Elder Futhark Signary
linguals palatals labials gutturals dentals
6 ᛞ- D ᛗ- M
5 ᛜ- Ŋ ᛒ- B ᛟ- O
4 ᛚ - L ᛃ- J ᛈ- P ᛖ- E
3 ᛏ - T ᛁ - I ᚹ- W ᛇ- Æ ᛊ- S
2 ᚾ - N ᚷ- G ᚢ- U ᚺ- H ᛉ- Z
1 ᚦ - Þ ᚲ- K ᚠ- F ᚨ- A ᚱ- R
Table 17 Displaying the Germanic theonym TIWÆS in the Futhark Signary
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Transcript Younger Futhark FUÞ ARC HN I Æ S T B M L R
Equivalent EVA-Alphabet f - d a r c h n i e s t - m l -
Alternative EVA-symbols q o p
Ætts "Freyr's ætt" "Hagal's ætt" Tyr's ('Mars') ætt
Table 18 The Categorization of the Younger Futhark Signary
Transforming the Younger Futhark Signary in the 2-dimensional array may result in:
The skipped letters have been left (uncolored) at their former location in the elder Futhark. Several
positions (G) and (U) are left open without filling the open space with another suitable dummy
letter. The S had been shifted downwards to replace the skip the letter Z.
In the ogham signaries the ordering mechanism is equivalent to the mechanisms to display a sky-
god's name in the Ugaritic, Phoenician, Greek, Latin and the Futharc runic alphabets, which were
designed to display a theonym in the 5 colums of the 2-dimensional categorized array-structure.
Three of the 4 arrays of the ogham signaries display a typical PIE-theonym “TIΕU” in the 4th row of
the ogham signary. Only the medieval order displays a theonym “NgIΕM” in the 4th row of the
signary. The mechanism of the typical PIE-theonym “TIΕU” in the 4th row of the ogham signary
may be explained.
This essay will be integrated in the overview How to Read the Theonym „TIWÆS“ in the Runic
“Futhark Signary" 17.
Table 20 3 chronological orders (from Proto-Ogham (2008) and the “standard order”.
The EVA-alphabet (16 letters) may be listed as follows: a c d e f h i l m n s o p q r t, which more or
less corresponds to the Ogham Signaries.