Earth and Life Science: Quarter 2 - Module 11: Genetic Engineering

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Senior High School

Earth and Life Science

Quarter 2 - Module 11:
Genetic Engineering
Earth and Life Science
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 - Module 11: Genetic Engineering
First Edition, 2020

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Author: Corazon M. Baculio
Reviewers: Jean Macasero, Shirley Merida, Duque Caguindangan, Eleanor Rollan,
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Senior High
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Earth and Life

Quarter 2 - Module 11:
Genetic Engineering

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Table of Contents

What This Module is About ................................................................................................................... i

What I Need to Know .............................................................................................................................. i
How to Learn from this Module ...........................................................................................................ii
Icons of this Module ...............................................................................................................................ii

What I Know ........................................................................................................................................... iii

Lesson 1:
Genetic Engineering

What I Need to Know .................................................................................... 1

What’s In…………………………………………………………………………..1
What’s New: Learning Activity 1: Match Me! ............................................... 2
What Is It…………………………………………………………………………. 2
What’s More: Learning Activity 2: You Fill Me Up! ....................................... 3
What’s New: Learning Activity 3: “Bisayang Manok” vs.
Commercial Chicken on Venn ...................................................................... 4
What I Have Learned: Learning Activity 4: A Boon or A Bane?................... 6
What I Can Do: Learning Activity 5: Imaginative Being I can Be! ................ 7

Assessment: (Post-Test)………………………………………………………………………..10
Key to Answers ................................................................................................................... 11
References .......................................................................................................................... 1
What This Module is About

The history of Genetic Engineering can be traced back in 1953 when James Watson
discovered the structure of DNA, after which scientists were able to understand and changed
the structure. The idea of Genetic Engineering is something that we associate with the 20th
century. No one knew that genes were the mechanism of heredity until the middle of the 20th
century. The direct modification of genes for some purpose did not even start until the 1970s.
But it is worth noting that human beings have been, in some ways, influencing the genetics of
organisms for a very, very, very long time.

As one of the greatest technological breakthroughs in science, this module

demonstrates an understanding of the concept of Genetic Engineering. This module focuses
on the simplest yet comprehensive lessons that will be tackled. You will appreciate the values
that one must uphold in this worthwhile scientific endeavor. Advantages, benefits, and
disadvantages will also be given emphasis at the end of this module.

This module will also help you explore your own imagination and express your
creativity as you create your own imaginary - Genetically Modified Organism (GMO). This way,
one will come to appreciate the effort exerted by our scientists in producing only the best
organisms with desirable characteristics that would benefit the entire populace.

The following are the lessons contained in this module:

1. Genetic Engineering Processes and Techniques;

2. Types of Genetic Modification; and
3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Organisms.

What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you should be able to:
1. describe the process of genetic engineering (S11/12LT-IIej- 17); and
2. evaluate the benefits and risks of using GMOs (S11/12LT-IIej- 19).

How to Learn from this Module
To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises.

Icons of this Module

What I Need to This part contains learning objectives that
Know are set for you to learn as you go along the

What I know This is an assessment as to your level of

knowledge to the subject matter at hand,
meant specifically to gauge prior related
What’s In This part connects previous lesson with that
of the current one.

What’s New An introduction of the new lesson through

various activities, before it will be presented
to you

What is It These are discussions of the activities as a

way to deepen your discovery and under-
standing of the concept.

What’s More These are follow-up activities that are in-

tended for you to practice further in order to
master the competencies.

What I Have Activities designed to process what you

Learned have learned from the lesson

What I can do These are tasks that are designed to show-

case your skills and knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life concerns and situations.

What I Know

Pre-Assessment Test
Part I. Multiple Choice. Read the questions and choose the letter of the correct
Answer. Write your answer on separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following terms is NOT associated to genetic engineering?

A. Biotechnology C. Modification
B. Destruction D. Manipulation

2. Which of the following cites the DISADVANTAGE of Genetically Modified Organism

A. It reduces the risks of depleted water supply.
B. It makes agricultural practices much safer.
C. It can lead to more birth defects.
D. It can create an extended life.

3. Which of following genetic engineering CANNOT modify?

A. Animals C. Plants
B. Microbes D. Rocks

4. Which of the following is NOT considered application of biotechnology?

A. Living cells to make products such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverages
B. DNA science to produce materials for diagnostics and research
C. Plastic wrappers to make chairs, tables and other furniture
D. Organisms such as bacteria to protect the environment

5. What genetic engineering process involves DNA strands are cut into fragments?
A. DNA sequencing C. Recombinant DNA technology
B. Recombinant DNA D. Restriction DNA

Part II. Give what is asked.

Directions: Give at least five (5) advantages and five (5) disadvantages of GMOs.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

Advantages Disadvantages
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


1 Genetic Engineering
What I Need to Know

Genetic Engineering also called Genetic Modification is one of the many

branches of applied biology. It is the changing of an organism’s genome using
biotechnology. Moreover, genetic engineering involves artificial manipulation or
modification and recombination of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) and other nucleic acid
to alter an organism’s phenotype (Gaur 2018,1).

This module discusses the concepts on Genetic Engineering processes, types,

technique, including the discussions of the advantages and disadvantages of the
application of this biotechnology. Furthermore, there are presentations of the
Genetically Modified Organisms or GMOs in this module. As 21st century learners, you
are encouraged to examine the application of this technology. However, there are
some points of discussion regarding the advantages and disadvantages of genetic

What’s In

In the previous module, you have gained understanding on the different

unifying themes of life. From simple to complex structures of life forms especially that
of the human beings were presented. One of the prominent themes that we talked
about is biology and society. Due to changes and technological advancement, people
have been using biology to perform the following: medical procedures, developing
pest-resistance crops, and creating wildlife refuges where animals and other species
can be protected and studied.

This module further discusses on the relationship between biology and

society in the field of biotechnology. Particularly, the lessons on genetic engineering,
processes, and even the existence of different applications and products of this field.
Now, as part of the introduction of this new lesson, answer the activity on the next
page. Just follow the direction and have fun in learning.

What’s New

Learning Activity 1: Match Me!

Directions: Match Column A with the correct answer on
Column B, write only the letter of answer on a separate sheet of

Column A Column B

1. produces a genetic copy of another A. phenotype

individual B. transgenic organism
2. separates DNA fragments by size C. DNA
3. a biotechnology filed and application D. restriction enzyme
4. genetically and synthetically E. plasmid
manipulated organism F. GMO
5. contains the genetic material G. cloning
6. physical appearance H. DNA sequencing
7. organisms whose genes altered I. gel electrophoresis
8. carries the genetic make-up J. genetic engineering
9. with sticky ends for joining other DNA
10. sequencing of recombinant DNA

Are you done answering? How was it? Do not worry because on the next pages,
there are discussions of the activities to deepen your discovery and understanding of
the concept.

What Is It

Genetic Engineering Processes

Biotechnology is the use of biological techniques and engineered organisms to

make products (Loroch and Renneberg 2017,464). In order to carry on this technology,
it employs different processes such as:

• Restriction Enzymes which is the cutting of the DNA strands into fragments. It
is basically used to create DNA fragments with sticky ends or blunt ends that can
join with other DNA fragments.
• Gel Electrophoresis separates DNA fragments by size. It is used to study DNA
fragments of various sizes.
• Recombinant DNA Technology is the combination of a DNA fragment with the
DNA from another source also called exogenous DNA.
• Gene Cloning is the production of the large numbers of identical recombinant
DNA molecules. It is used to create large amounts of recombinant DNA to be
used in genetically engineered organism (Aryal 2018,1).
• DNA Sequencing is used to identify the DNA sequence of cloned recombinant
DNA molecule to further study. It is used to identify errors in the DNA sequences
to predict the function of a gene and to compare to other genes with similar
sequences from different organisms.
• Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) makes copies of specific regions of
sequenced DNA. It is used to copy DNA for any scientific investigation including
forensic analysis and medical testing (Vynck et al.2016,437-447).

Genetic Engineering Techniques

The following are the techniques and steps in genetic engineering

processes for any organisms to be modified:
1. Identification of any organisms with desirable genes.
2. Extraction of the entire DNA.
3. Removal the gene from the rest of the DNA.
4. Insertion of new gene to an existing organism’s DNA with the use
of plasmid, which is a circular piece contains the genetic material.

What’s More

Learning Activity 2: You Fill Me Up!

Directions: Complete the information on the table below. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Tool/Processes Function Applications/

Ex. EcoR
Gene cloning
DNA sequencing
Chain Reaction

What’s New

Types of Genetic Modification

1. Plant Genetic Modification
Acknowledge at present as plant genetic engineering, plant modification is the
easiest method utilized by our wandering ancestors of the past (Qaim 2016,1-10). In this
process, genetically heterogeneous population of plants is inspected, and “superior”
individuals - plants with the most desired traits, like improved palatability and yield - are
selected for continued propagation.
ex. Production of pest-resistant plants
ex. Increase of crop production

2. Animal Genetic Modification
Modern breeds of livestock differ dramatically from their ancestors as a result of
breeding strategies. Established and emerging biotechnology in animal agriculture include
assisted reproductive technologies; use of naturally occurring hormones, such as
recombinants, and biotechnologies to enhance reproductive efficiency without affecting
the genome; and biotechnologies to enhance expression of desirable genes.
ex. Increase of milk production per cow
ex. Double production of eggs in chickens

3. Genetic Modification of Microbes

Microorganisms play significant roles in food production. They serve as primary and
secondary roles in food fermentation and in food spoilage, and they can produce enzymes
or other metabolites used in food production and processing. Humans have used and
genetically modified microbes for centuries to produce food, wine, bread, and cheese are
common examples of ancient foods, still popular, depend on microbial ingredients and
ex. Increase microbe-dependent-food production
ex. Increase human immunity/ resistance to microbe-caused-diseases

Generally, the discussion above tells us the uses of genetic engineering in

plants, animals, and even microorganisms. Genetic engineering will repair genetic defect,
enhance organisms, increase resistance to disease or external damage, and even
organism is used to cure diseases. There are also products as food and poultry. To check
whether you really comprehend the discussion, answer the next activity. This activity
infers you on what is really a genetic modification.

Learning Activity 3: “Bisayang Manok” vs. Commercial Chicken on Venn

Directions: Using a Venn Diagram, compare and contrast
Bisayang Manok and Commercial Chicken by means of their
descriptions found in the Table below. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

Bisayang Manok Commercial Chicken

Higher protein Lower fat
Yellow-orange egg yolk Low-flying birds
Lesser muscle mass Higher muscle mass
Deep complex flavor Low protein
Less beneficial to health More beneficial for health
Higher fat Has feathers
Less complex flavor Has short pointed beak


“Bisayang Commercial
Manok” Chicken

Advantages and Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Organisms

• Advantages/Benefits

One of the main reasons why scientists conduct Genetic Engineering (GE) is to
provide and sustain human. The modern practice of genetic engineering goes beyond
crossbreeding different species to create a new outcome (Rosenberg 2017, 81-93).
There are many advantages that genetic engineering can bring the world today. One
is that it makes agricultural practices much safer by reducing, if not eliminating the use
of pesticides. This will result in creating greater yields since farmers will no longer
spend money for pesticides. No use of pesticides would lead to improve growth rate
of crops and consequently create better food products. Likewise, better food products
mean more people to be fed (Gaille 2017, 1).GE allows specific traits to be developed
for plants and animals.

It can improve resistance to diseases and even stop genetic diseases in

humans. We already have genetic testing in place to test for certain cancers. GE could
be used DNA manipulation to help treat or cure people who are born with genetic
disorders. The different tools of genetic engineering could produce novel medical
treatments like vaccines, insulin, and even hormone treatment. Through GE we can
create more treatments that allow us to be proactive more often against pathogens
that can have life-threatening characteristics.

• Disadvantages

There are also disadvantages that genetic engineering can bring like: amount of
diversity that is available is limited. The reason for this is the industry will focus on the
product or organism that performs well. Another disadvantage is, it’s prone to
technological abuse. Currently, we have laws and treaties in place to prevent genetic
engineering abuse. However, that does not mean that abuse on its use will not occur.
The next disadvantage is the genetic engineering process can only be copyrighted in
the United States, a rule that GE DNA sequences can be patented. That makes the
rule more profitable for organizations to study DNA manipulation instead of working
for the good of humanity. Another disadvantage is it can bring difficult legal liabilities
with unintended consequences (Asia-Pacific Economics Blog 2014). Seeds and crops
can also be patented. This brings issues for farmers who encounters GMOs on their
land due to unintentional spread. GE does create a natural barrier against disease and
harsh environmental conditions. It also just extends the resilience of plants and
animals. The changes made are not permanent benefits. More modifications are
required over time because nature eventually adapts. Pathogens become stronger to
affect the stronger plants and animals. Our own experience with medicines that we
take like antibiotics is an evidence to this fact.

What I Have Learned

Learning Activity 4: A Boon or A Bane?
Part A. Directions: Make a table and cite at least five (5) advantages
and five (5) disadvantages of Genetically Modified Organisms or GMOs.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Part B. Directions: Answer the question below in 2-3 sentences.

Question: In your own opinion, are GMOs considered as a boon or a
bane? Support your answer.

What I Can Do
Learning Activity 5: Imaginative Being I Can Be!
Directions: Let your imagination work! Consider yourself as
one of the Genetic Engineers. Using your drawing materials,
illustrate a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) that you
would produce. Emphasize the unique features of this
creature and the benefits it would give to mankind.

Name of



Rubrics for the Imaginary Creature Activity


Category 4 3 2 1

The poster The poster The poster The poster

clearly clearly indirectly does not
Presentation communicates communicates communicates sufficiently
the main idea some of the the idea and communicate
and strongly important ideas hardly promotes any idea that
promotes and slightly awareness. can promote
awareness. promotes awareness.
All of the Most of the The graphics The graphics
graphics used graphics used on were made by were not made
Creativity on the poster the poster reflect the student but by the student.
and reflect an student ingenuity were copied from
Originality exceptional in their creation. the designs or
degree of ideas of others.
ingenuity in their
All graphics in Most graphics in Some graphics The graphics in
Accuracy the poster are the poster are in the poster are the poster are
and accurate and accurate and accurate and neither
Relevance related to the related to the related to the accurate nor
topic. topic. topic. related to the
The poster All required Few required Required
includes all elements are elements are elements are
Required required included. included. missing.
Element elements as well
as additional


• Biotechnology – is the use of biological techniques and engineered organisms

to make products or plants and animals that have desired traits.
• DNA – Deoxyribonucleic Acid – is any of various nucleic acids that are usually
the molecular basis of heredity.
• Exogenous DNA – is produced by growth from superficial tissue.
• Gel Electrophoresis - separates DNA fragments by size.
• Gene Cloning is the production of the large numbers of identical recombinant
DNA molecules.
• Genetic Engineering – is a technology that involves manipulating the DNA of
one organism in order to insert the DNA of another organism called exogenous
• Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) – is an organism whose genomes has
been engineered in the laboratory in order to favor the expression of desired
physiological traits or the reproduction of desired biological products.
• Genes – is a specific sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA that is located
usually on a chromosome and that is the functional unit of inheritance controlling
the transmission and expression of one or more traits by specifying the structure

Assessment: (Post-Test)
Multiple Choice. Select the letter of the best answer from among
the given choices. Write your answer on separate sheet of paper.

1. What is to be manipulated to achieve genetic engineering?

A. DNA B. genes C. RNA D. all the above

2. What do you call to the circular piece containing the genetic material?
A. DNA B. genes C. microbes D. plasmid

3. Which of the following involves the transfer of DNA’s part from organism to
A. cloning C. genetically modified organism
B. genetic engineering D. all the above

4. What is the second technique in any genetic processes?

A. New gene insertion to an existing organism’s DNA
B. Identification of organism with desirable gene
C. Entire DNA extraction from the organism
D. Gene removal from the rest of the DNA

5. Which of the following Genetic Engineering process occurs when DNA

strands are cut into fragments?
A. DNA sequencing C. Recombinant DNA technology
B. Recombinant DNA D. Restriction DNA

6.What happens to the genetically modified organism?

A. enhancement of the desired physiological traits
B. genomes has been genetically engineered
B. desired biological products reproduced
D. all the above

7. What is the molecular basis of heredity?

A. DNA B. genes C. RNA D. genomes

8. Which the most frequently cited examples of GMOs?

A. agricultural plants C. medicine
B. farm animals D. all the above

9. What are the benefits of genetic engineering?

A. reduced costs for drug and food production C. decreased crop yields
B. increased need for pesticides D. all the above

10. What are the other examples of GMOs used in medicine?

A. milk for animals C. pharmaceutical agents
B. paramedicines D. vaccines

What’s New
Activity 1:
1. G
2. I
3. J
4. F
5. E
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. H
Part 1:
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. A
Part II:
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
Advantages Disadvantages
1. It allows for a faster growth rate. 1. the nutritional value of foods can
be reduced.
2. It can create an extended life. 2. it could create new pathogens.
3. specific traits can be developed. 3. there can be negative effects that
are unexpected.
4. new products can be created. 4. the amount of diversity developed
can be less favorable.
5. Greater yields can be produced 5. copyrighted genetic engineering
can have costly consequences.
Key to Answers
What’s New
Learning Activity 3:
Venn Diagram
What’s More
Learning Activity 2:
Genetic Engineering
Tool/Processes Function Applications
Restriction Cut DNA Used to create DNA fragments with sticky ends or blunt
enzymes strands into ends that can join with other DNA fragments.
Ex. EcoR fragment
Gel Separates DNA Used to study DNA fragments of various sizes.
Electrophoresis fragments by
Combines a Used to create recombinant DNA to be used to study
Recombinant DNA fragment individual genes and genetically engineered organisms
DNA with DNA from and in the treatment of certain diseases.
Technology another source
Produces large Used to create large amounts of recombinant DNA to be
Gene cloning numbers of used in genetically engineered organisms.
DNA molecules
Identifies the Used to identify errors in the DNA sequences to predict
DNA sequence the function of a particular gene and to compare to other
DNA sequencing of cloned genes with similar sequences from different organisms.
DNA molecule
to further study
Makes copies of Used to copy DNA for any scientific investigation
Polymerase specific regions including forensic analysis and medical testing.
Chain Reaction of sequenced
Post Assessment
1. A
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. C
Learning Activity 4
What I Have Learned

Asia-Pacific Economics Blog. “Advantages and Disadvantages of Genetic Engineering”. Asia-

Pacific Economics (blog), May 27, 2014.Accessed May 27,
2014. genetic engineering.

Aryal, Sagar. Online Microbiology and Biology Notes, “Gene Cloning Requirements, Principle
Steps and Application. 2018.Nepal: (accessed September 6, 2018)

Gaille, Louise. Vitanna Personal Finance Blog. “Advantages of GMO Foods. Vitanna (blog).
July 12, 2017. of GMO Foods.

Gaur, Aakanksha. Encyclopedia Britannica, 10th ed., s.v.“Introduction to Genetic Engineering”.

Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica,2018. (accessed
May 24, 2018).

Qaim, Matin (2016-04-29). "Introduction". Genetically Modified Crops and Agricultural

Development. Springer. pp. 1–10. ISBN 9781137405722.

Rosenberg, Eugene. “Genetic Engineering”, Academic Press.2017:81-


Vanya Loroch and Reinhard Renneberg, Biotechnology for Beginners (Academic


Vynck, M., Trypsteen, W., Thas, O. et al. The Future of Digital Polymerase Chain Reaction in
Virology. Mol Diagn Ther 20, 437–447 (2016).

For inquiries and feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

DepEd Division of Cagayan de Oro City

Fr. William F. Masterson Ave Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro
Telefax: ((08822)855-0048
E-mail Address: [email protected]

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