Reaction Paper Excellence

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Article Title: EXCELLENCE FOR ALL by Robert J. Sternberg

As I was reading the article, I realized that it is actually hard to have a clear-cut definition of the
word Excellence. Everybody have their own meaning for the word excellence. It can be compared with
being happy and satisfied, being excellent is also a subjective term but I agree with the author, that
whatever we define with the said word, it will dictates the way we achieve it. It basically means that, we
really have to know what excellence is, what it really means, and what it really takes to be excellent, for
us to achieve and be an excellent one, or for the school, faculty, and the students, be considered as
excellent in their own field.

To thoroughly define what excellence means, and to clearly give principles about what it takes to
be excellent, the author describes four realistic operations in schools today. Or what he called as Common
Models of Excellence. He discussed the four common models of excellence namely: Looking Only at the
Bottom by “Shadyside School”, Looking Only at the Top by “Sunnyvale School, Looking Only at the
Middle by “Brookdale School”, and Looking Only at the Statistical Average by “Riverside School”. The
names of the abovementioned models show how their school is defining/ achieving excellence. I agree
with the author that these realities in school do not define what true excellence is. The author emphasized
that for defining and achieving excellence is to focus for all students, not just for a group of people,
minority or majority.

And for these to be truly achieved, he then suggested the Other Three Rs (reasoning, resilience,
and responsibility) adding to the original Three Rs (reading, ‘riting, ‘rithmetic). He explained that a
simple model should be used to really focus on the criteria for excellence. Reasoning is a comprehensive
set of thinking skills such as creative thinking, critical and analytical thinking, practical thinking, and
wise thinking, which enable students to use knowledge well; While Resilience refers to the determination
and perseverance in achieving goals despite of many obstacles along the way; Responsibility talks about
ethics, wisdom, care, and right action. I think, in the current situation of the education system here in the
Philippines, this responsibility factor is the most important yet difficult skill to teach the students. It is the
most important factor, because, I think, being reasonable and resilient will start with being responsible,
but difficult especially because of what is happening in the country today, wherein most of the top
government officials do not serve as a good model in being responsible or accountable. The responsibility
of the teachers in guiding and helping the students to be responsible is very significant.

Nevertheless, I agree with the author’s suggestion that aside from focusing with the Original 3
R’s, these other 3 R’s is likewise vital in achieving excellence for all. It will also help the education
system in having this principle of educating students not just preparing them for tests, but rather in life.
And through this, we may guide them to become productive citizens of the country and the world.

Further, this article made me think about our school’s way of teaching our students, are we close
to being excellent? Or are we far away from the reality? On a personal context, it also made me realized
about myself, if how am I as a teacher, guidance counselor, or even just a government employee? Can I
already be considered as an excellent one? I think I have many things to do and achieve more, but I am
ready to face it all, through the help of my inspirations such as family, friends, and most especially my
mentors/ teachers.

Article Title: RIGOR REDEFINED by Tony Wagner

The author enumerated 7 survival skills that students’ need to develop and master to
enable them to become productive citizens through building successful careers:
1. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving – I think this skill can be connected with one
of the other 3 R’s mentioned by Robert J. Sternberg in his article entitled Excellence
for All, which is Reasoning. And in order to be reasonable, one should have the
ability to ask the right questions in order to solve problems.
2. Collaboration and Leadership – This talk about the ability to influence.
3. Agility and Adaptability – We are on a rapidly changing time, and it is a natural
occurrence. Students should be flexible and adaptable in order for them to adjust in
these changing times.
4. Initiative and Entrepreneurialism – What is important is not to be afraid in risking and
trying new things. What is truly important is to try and know the answer, unlike not
doing anything because of fear of failure and not knowing the answer anymore.
5. Effective Oral and Written Communication – It is not just about grammar, or spelling
but is articulate with clear mind and concise way of communication.
6. Accessing and Analyzing Information – In the Philippine context, this can be applied
in analyzing information especially when we get it from the internet, such as social
media where fake news are rampant. It is easy to fall for these, but if one knows how
to access and analyze information properly, no one will be a victim of this.
7. Curiosity and Imagination - Being sceptic and philosophical can also be applied.
Doubt and ask the right questions to come up with beautiful, unique, and meaningful

I agree with the statement of the author, that because of the currently use of assessments
in the schools, the students were tend to prepare merely for test preparations rather than in
helping them master the skills they needed in order for them to succeed as lifelong learners,
workers, and citizens. Assessment should be modified in order to cater the 7 survival skills.
Actually, I must admit, that as a teacher, sometimes, I really depend on the assessment
that prepare the students for test preparations only, but I realized that what the students really
need is for them to learn these survival skills which can also be considered as lifelong skills.
I would also like to add for the students to master, aside from the technical skills, and
these survival skills which I can also refer to as soft skills is being passionate. I remember the
quote said by Jim Barret, that “One is most effective when he is doing what he wants and what
he is capable of”. Because of this, I also think that these survival/ soft skills are really the
missing link in job-skills match.

Article Title: TWO ROADS TO HIGH PERFORMANCE by Susan K.. Sclafani

This article discussed the two different approaches of Singapore and Finland in creating cultures
of high performance in their schools. We already discussed in the previous reaction paper about the
Finland approach, and because of their impressive approach, I was admittedly excited in reading and
learning the Singapore’s approach. The difference between the two approaches is that Singapore took a
centralized approach while Finland opted for a decentralized approach that places the responsibility on
individual schools. But what is truly amazing is that, even they have different approaches in their schools,
they both have the culture of high performance as a result.

Singapore’s Centralized Approach believes that education is the way to prosperity, and teachers
and administrators commitment to student success creates their culture of high performance. One good
thing to emphasize from the article is that, commitment is a requirement for all prospective teachers. I
think, this is one of the missing pieces in the educational system in the Philippines. Further, n Singapore,
prospective teachers are undergoing highly selective process, just like in Finland. They make sure that
these teachers met various important criteria, and must display a passion to teach and can make a
difference. Coaching is also being practiced by senior teachers and administrators to the newcomers. I
hope this practice can be done here in our country. Sometimes, when a newcomer is already in the field,
they experienced culture shock and the heavy weight of work without any orientation and guide from the
people already in the field. The staff evaluation system is also focused in teaching the students in order
for them to succeed academically. Unlike here in the Philippines, teachers, aside from teaching, they are
also bombarded with different and additional responsibilities especially load of paper works demanded by
the Department of Education. This specific practice of Singapore must be realized by the higher
authorities. And lastly, the result of national exam results and student work were used in improving
teaching and learning. Again, here in the Philippines, the results of National Achievement Test are used
as one of the criteria in giving Performance Based Bonus for the teachers, not for improving one’s
teaching and learning.

As what I have said earlier, even Singapore and Finland have different approaches, they both
have the culture of high performance. They both believed that hiring highly qualified teachers who are
focused on student learning can produce high-performing students. They also both recognized that
education should be for all students. Both also emphasized that well-educated citizens lead to nation’s

Comparing the Singapore and Finland’s educational system with the Philippines, makes my heart
heavy and sad. I realized that we still have a long far way to go. I want to copy the question in the article,
“But can we change?” Can the Philippines change it educational system? Can the Filipinos change for the
better and not for the worst? My answer would always be yes. By studying and learning with these high
performers in education. My hopes are not yet vanished. And I am ready to help through changing myself
and in one way or another, my students, and my school. In my own way, I believed that we are one step
closer to Singapore and Finland. At least 

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