Administering TCP IP Networks

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Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP,

and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3


Part No: E54741

January 2016
Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3
Part No: E54741
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Using This Documentation .................................................................................  9

1  Administering TCP/IP Networks ....................................................................  11

Customizing TCP/IP Properties ........................................................................ 12
Enabling Packet Forwarding Globally ...............................................................  12
Administering Default Address Selection ...........................................................  13
Description of the /etc/inet/ipaddrsel.conf Configuration File .................  14
Description of the ipaddrsel Command .................................................... 14
Reasons to Modify the IPv6 Address Selection Policy Table ..........................  15
▼  How to Administer the IPv6 Address Selection Policy Table ..................... 15
▼  How to Modify the IPv6 Address Selection Table for the Current Session
Only ....................................................................................................  17
Administering Transport Layer Services ............................................................  18
Recommendations for Configuring Systems That Run inetd Based
Services ...............................................................................................  18
Adding inetd Based Services That Run Over Transport Layer Protocols ..........  20
Setting Up a Privileged Port ....................................................................  23
Implementing Traffic Congestion Control ..................................................  24
Logging IP Addresses of All Incoming TCP Connections .............................  26
Configuring TCP Wrappers .....................................................................  26
Changing the TCP Receive Buffer Size .....................................................  26
Monitoring Network Status With the netstat Command ......................................  28
Filtering netstat Output by Address Type ................................................  28
Displaying the Status of Sockets ..............................................................  29
Displaying Statistics by Protocol ..............................................................  29
Displaying Network Interface Status .........................................................  32
Displaying User and Process Information ..................................................  33
Displaying the Status of Known Routes ..................................................... 33
Displaying Additional Network Status With the netstat Command ................  34
Performing TCP and UDP Administration With the netcat Utility .........................  34


Administering and Logging Network Status Displays ........................................... 35

▼  How to Control the Display Output of IP-Related Commands ...................  35
Logging Actions of the IPv4 Routing Daemon ............................................ 37
▼  How to Trace the Activities of the IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Daemon .........  37
Probing Remote Hosts With the ping Command .................................................  38
ping Command Modifications for IPv6 Support ..........................................  38
Determining if a Remote Host Is Reachable ...............................................  39
Determining if Packets Between Your Host and a Remote Host Are Being
Dropped ...............................................................................................  39
Displaying Routing Information With the traceroute Command ...........................  40
traceroute Command Modifications for IPv6 Support ................................  40
Discovering the Route to a Remote Host ...................................................  40
Tracing All Routes ................................................................................  41
About the My Traceroute Utility ......................................................................  41
Analyzing Network Traffic With TShark and Wireshark .......................................  42
Monitoring Packet Transfers With the snoop Command ........................................ 42
snoop Command Modifications for IPv6 Support ........................................  43
▼  How to Check Packets From All Interfaces ...........................................  43
▼  How to Check Packets From an IPMP Group ........................................  44
▼  How to Capture snoop Output to a File ................................................  44
▼  How to Check Packets Between an IPv4 Server and a Client ....................  45
Monitoring IPv6 Network Traffic .............................................................  46
Monitoring Packets by Using IP Layer Devices ..........................................  46
Observing Network Traffic With the ipstat and tcpstat Commands .....................  49

2  About IPMP Administration ...........................................................................  53

What's New in IPMP .....................................................................................  53
Outbound Load Spreading Improvements ..................................................  53
IPMP Configuration Changes ..................................................................  54
IPMP Support in Oracle Solaris .......................................................................  55
Benefits of Using IPMP .........................................................................  55
Rules for Using IPMP ............................................................................  56
IPMP Components ................................................................................. 57
Types of IPMP Interface Configurations ....................................................  58
How IPMP Works .................................................................................  59
IPMP Addressing ..........................................................................................  64
Data Addresses .....................................................................................  64
Test Addresses ......................................................................................  64
Failure Detection in IPMP ..............................................................................  65

6 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016

Probe-Based Failure Detection .................................................................  66

Link-Based Failure Detection ..................................................................  68
Failure Detection and the Anonymous Group Feature ................................... 68
Detecting Physical Interface Repairs .................................................................  68
FAILBACK=no Mode ................................................................................  69
IPMP and Dynamic Reconfiguration .................................................................  70

3  Administering IPMP ....................................................................................... 71
Configuring IPMP Groups ..............................................................................  71
▼  How to Plan an IPMP Group .............................................................  72
▼  How to Configure an IPMP Group That Uses DHCP ..............................  73
▼  How to Configure an Active-Active IPMP Group ................................... 75
▼  How to Configure an Active-Standby IPMP Group ................................. 76
Maintaining IP Connectivity and Routing While Deploying IPMP ..........................  79
▼  How to Preserve the Default Route While Using IPMP ...........................  80
Administering IPMP ......................................................................................  81
▼  How to Add an Interface to an IPMP Group .......................................... 81
▼  How to Remove an Interface From an IPMP Group ................................  82
▼  How to Add IP Addresses to an IPMP Group ........................................  82
▼  How to Delete IP Addresses From an IPMP Interface .............................  83
▼  How to Move an Interface From One IPMP Group to Another IPMP
Group ..................................................................................................  84
▼  How to Delete an IPMP Group ...........................................................  85
Configuring Probe-Based Failure Detection ........................................................ 85
About Probe-Based Failure Detection .......................................................  86
Requirements for Choosing Targets for Probe-based Failure Detection .............  87
Selecting a Failure Detection Method ........................................................ 87
▼  How to Manually Specify Target Systems for Probe-Based Failure
Detection .............................................................................................  88
▼  How to Configure the Behavior of the IPMP Daemon .............................  88
Monitoring IPMP Information .........................................................................  90
Customizing the Output of the ipmpstat Command ..................................... 97
Using the ipmpstat Command in Scripts ................................................... 98

4  About IP Tunnel Administration ..................................................................  101

What's New in IP Tunnel Administration .........................................................  101
About the IP Tunnel Feature .......................................................................... 101
Types of Tunnels .................................................................................  102
Tunnels in the Combined IPv6 and IPv4 Network Environments ................... 102


6to4 Tunnels .......................................................................................  103

About Deploying IP Tunnels .........................................................................  108
Requirements for Creating IP Tunnels .....................................................  108
Requirements for IP Tunnels and IP Interfaces ..........................................  109

5  Administering IP Tunnels ............................................................................  111

About IP Tunnel Administration in Oracle Solaris .............................................  111
Administering IP Tunnels .............................................................................. 112
▼  How to Create and Configure an IP Tunnel .........................................  112
▼  How to Configure a 6to4 Tunnel .......................................................  115
▼  How to Enable a 6to4 Tunnel to a 6to4 Relay Router ............................  117
Modifying an IP Tunnel Configuration ....................................................  119
Displaying IP Tunnel Configuration Information .......................................  120
Displaying an IP Tunnel's Properties .......................................................  120
▼  How to Delete an IP Tunnel .............................................................  121

Index ................................................................................................................  123

8 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
Using This Documentation

■ Overview – Describes tasks for administering TCP/IP networks, IPMP, and IP tunnels in
the Oracle Solaris operating system (OS).
■ Audience – System administrators.
■ Required knowledge – Advanced experience with network administration, including
administering TCP/IP networks and advanced networking features such as IPMP and IP

Product Documentation Library

Documentation and resources for this product and related products are available at

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Using This Documentation 9

10 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
 ♦  ♦  ♦        C  H  A  P  T  E  R    1 

Administering TCP/IP Networks

This chapter describes how to administer the TCP/IP protocol on systems that have Oracle
Solaris installed. The tasks that are in this chapter assume that you have an operational TCP/IP
network at your site, either IPv4-only or a dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 network.

For information about planning your network deployment, see Planning for Network
Deployment in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

For network configuration tasks, see Configuring and Managing Network Components in
Oracle Solaris 11.3.

For information about some of the commands that are described in this chapter to observe
network traffic usage at the different layers of the Oracle Solaris network protocol stack, see
Chapter 2, “Using Observability Tools to Monitor Network Traffic Usage” in Troubleshooting
Network Administration Issues in Oracle Solaris 11.3.
This chapter contains the following topics:

■ “Customizing TCP/IP Properties” on page 12

■ “Enabling Packet Forwarding Globally” on page 12
■ “Administering Default Address Selection” on page 13
■ “Administering Transport Layer Services” on page 18
■ “Monitoring Network Status With the netstat Command” on page 28
■ “Performing TCP and UDP Administration With the netcat Utility” on page 34
■ “Administering and Logging Network Status Displays” on page 35
■ “Probing Remote Hosts With the ping Command” on page 38
■ “Displaying Routing Information With the traceroute Command” on page 40
■ “About the My Traceroute Utility” on page 41
■ “Analyzing Network Traffic With TShark and Wireshark” on page 42
■ “Monitoring Packet Transfers With the snoop Command” on page 42
■ “Observing Network Traffic With the ipstat and tcpstat Commands” on page 49

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 11

Customizing TCP/IP Properties

Customizing TCP/IP Properties

You use the ipadm command to configure the majority of TCP/IP properties, also known
as tunables. The ipadm command replaces the ndd command as the primary tool for setting
tunables. For more information about these changes, see “Comparing the ndd Command to the
ipadm Command” in Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 to Oracle Solaris 11.3.

TCP/IP properties can be either interface-based or global and properties can be applied to a
specific interface or globally to all of the interfaces within a zone. Global properties can also
have different values within different non-global zones. For a complete list of the supported
protocol properties, see the ipadm(1M) man page.
Typically, the default values of the TCP/IP protocol suffice for the network to function.
However, if these values are insufficient for your particular network topology, you can
customize the properties by using the following three ipadm subcommands:

■ ipadm show-prop -p property protocol – Displays the properties of a protocol and its
current values. If you do not use the -p property option, then all of the properties of the
protocol are displayed. If you do not specify a protocol, then all of the properties of all of
the protocols are displayed.
■ ipadm set-prop -p property=value protocol – Assigns a value to the protocol's property.
■ To assign multiple values to a protocol's property, use the following syntax:
ipadm set-prop [-t] -p property=value[,...] protocol
■ To remove one value from a set of values for a given property, use the −= qualifier:
ipadm set-prop -p property-=value2
■ Reset a specific protocol property to its default values as follows:
ipadm reset-prop -p property protocol

For information about customizing IP interface properties, see “Customizing IP Interface

Properties and Addresses” in Configuring and Managing Network Components in Oracle
Solaris 11.3.

For information about customizing IP address properties, see “Customizing IP Address

Properties” in Configuring and Managing Network Components in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

Enabling Packet Forwarding Globally

When you enable forwarding on an IP interface by using the ipadm set-ifprop command, it is
only enabled for that interface and forwarding on all of the other interfaces remains unchanged.
Setting packet forwarding on an individual IP interface property enables you to implement this

12 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
Administering Default Address Selection

feature selectively on specific interfaces on the system. For more information, see “Enabling
Packet Forwarding” in Configuring and Managing Network Components in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

To enable packet forwarding on an entire system, regardless of the number of IP interfaces,

use the protocol property. The forwarding property is the global IP property that is used to
manage forwarding, which is the same property name that is used to manage forwarding on
individual IP interfaces. Because you can enable forwarding for either IPv4 or IPv6 protocols
(or both), you must manage each protocol individually.

For example, you would enable packet forwarding for all IPv4 and IPv6 traffic on the system as

# ipadm show-prop -p forwarding ip

ipv4 forwarding rw off -- off on,off
ipv6 forwarding rw off -- off on,off

# ipadm set-prop -p forwarding=on ipv4

# ipadm set-prop -p forwarding=on ipv6

# ipadm show-prop -p forwarding ip

ipv4 forwarding rw on on off on,off
ipv6 forwarding rw on on off on,off

Note - The forwarding property of either IP interfaces or protocols is not exclusive. You can
set the property for the interface and the protocol at the same time. For example, you could
enable packet forwarding globally on the protocol, and then customize packet forwarding for
each IP interface on the system. Thus, although enabled globally, you can still manage packet
forwarding selectively on a per-interface basis.

Administering Default Address Selection

Oracle Solaris enables a single interface to have multiple IP addresses. For example,
technologies such as IPMP enable multiple network interface cards (NICs) to connect to the
same IP link layer. That link can have one or more IP addresses. Additionally, interfaces on
IPv6-enabled systems have a link-local IPv6 address, at least one IPv6 routing address, and an
IPv4 address for at least one interface.

When the system initiates a transaction, an application makes a call to the getaddrinfo socket.
The getaddrinfo socket discovers the possible address that is in use on the destination system.
The kernel then prioritizes this list to find the best destination to use for the packet. This process
is called destination address ordering. The Oracle Solaris kernel then selects the appropriate
format for the source address, given the best destination address for the packet. This process

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 13

Administering Default Address Selection

is known as address selection. For more information on destination address ordering, see the
getaddrinfo(3SOCKET) man page.

Both IPv4-only and dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 systems must perform default address selection.
In most circumstances, you do not need to change the default address selection mechanisms.
However, you might need to change the priority of address formats to support IPMP or to prefer
6to4 address formats, for example.

Description of the /etc/inet/ipaddrsel.conf

Configuration File

The /etc/inet/ipaddrsel.conf file contains the IPv6 default address selection policy table.
When you install Oracle Solaris with IPv6 enabled, this file contains the contents that are shown
in Table 1.

You can edit the contents of /etc/inet/ipaddrsel.conf. However, in most cases, you
should refrain from modifying this file. If modification is necessary, refer to the procedure
“How to Administer the IPv6 Address Selection Policy Table” on page 15. For more
information on ippaddrsel.conf, refer to “Reasons to Modify the IPv6 Address Selection
Policy Table” on page 15 and the ipaddrsel.conf(4) man page.

Description of the ipaddrsel Command

The ipaddrsel command enables you to modify the IPv6 default address selection policy table.

The Oracle Solaris kernel uses the IPv6 default address selection policy table to perform
destination address ordering and source address selection for an IPv6 packet header. The /etc/
inet/ipaddrsel.conf file contains the policy table.

The following table lists the default address formats and their priorities for the policy table. You
can find technical details for IPv6 address selection in the inet6(7P) man page.

TABLE 1 IPv6 Address Selection Policy Table

Prefix Precedence Definition

::1/128 50 Loopback
::/0 40 Default
2002::/16 30 6to4
::/96 20 IPv4 Compatible

14 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Administer the IPv6 Address Selection Policy Table

Prefix Precedence Definition

::ffff:0:0/96 10 IPv4

In this table, IPv6 prefixes (::1/128 and ::/0) take precedence over 6to4 addresses (2002::
/16) and IPv4 addresses (::/96 and ::ffff:0:0/96). Therefore, by default, the kernel selects
the global IPv6 address of the interface for packets going to another IPv6 destination. The
IPv4 address of the interface has a lower priority, particularly for packets going to an IPv6
destination. Given the selected IPv6 source address, the kernel also uses the IPv6 format for the
destination address.

Reasons to Modify the IPv6 Address Selection

Policy Table
Under most instances, you do not need to change the IPv6 default address selection policy table.
If you do need to administer the policy table, use the ipaddrsel command.
You might want to modify the policy table for the following reasons:

■ If the system has an interface that is used for a 6to4 tunnel, you can assign a higher priority
to the 6to4 addresses.
■ If you want a particular source address to be used only in communications with a particular
destination address, you can add these addresses to the policy table. Then, you can use
the ipadm command to flag these addresses, as preferred. For more information, see the
ipadm(1M) man page.
■ If you want IPv4 addresses to take precedence over IPv6 addresses, you can change the
priority of ::ffff:0:0/96 to a higher number.
■ If you need to assign a higher priority to deprecated addresses, you can add the deprecated
address to the policy table. For example, site-local addresses are now deprecated in IPv6.
These addresses have the prefix fec0::/10. You can change the policy table to assign a
higher priority to site-local addresses.

For details about the ipaddrsel command, see the ipaddrsel(1M) man page.

How to Administer the IPv6 Address Selection

Policy Table

The following procedure describes how to modify the address selection policy table. For
conceptual information about IPv6 default address selection, see “Description of the ipaddrsel
Command” in Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 15

How to Administer the IPv6 Address Selection Policy Table

Caution - Do not change the IPv6 address selection policy table except for the reasons that are
provided in the following procedure. Doing so, can cause problems on the network due to a
badly constructed policy table. Also, be sure to save a backup copy of the policy table, as shown
in this procedure.

1. Become an administrator.

2. Review the current IPv6 address selection policy table.

# ipaddrsel
# Prefix Precedence Label
::1/128 50 Loopback
::/0 40 Default
2002::/16 30 6to4
::/96 20 IPv4_Compatible
::ffff: 10 IPv4

3. Make a backup copy of the default address policy table.

# cp /etc/inet/ipaddrsel.conf /etc/inet/ipaddrsel.conf.orig

4. Add any customizations to the /etc/inet/ipaddrsel.conf file.

# pfedit /etc/inet/ipaddrsel.conf

Use the following syntax for entries in /etc/inet/ipaddrsel:

prefix/prefix-length precedence label [# comment ]

See Example 1 for examples of some common modifications that you might make.

5. Load the modified policy table into the kernel.

# ipaddrsel -f /etc/inet/ipaddrsel.conf

6. If the modified policy table has problems, restore the default IPv6 address
selection policy table.

# ipaddrsel -d

Example   1 Modifying the Default Pv6 Address Selection Policy Table

The following are some common modifications that you might want to make to your policy

■ Assign the highest priority to 6to4 addresses.

2002::/16 50 6to4
::1/128 45 Loopback

16 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Modify the IPv6 Address Selection Table for the Current Session Only

The 6to4 address format now has the highest priority, 50. Loopback, which previously had a
50 precedence, now has a 45 precedence. The other addressing formats remain the same.
■ Designate a specific source address to be used in communications with a specific
destination address.

::1/128 50 Loopback
2001:1111:1111::1/128 40 ClientNet
2001:2222:2222::/48 40 ClientNet
::/0 40 Default

This particular entry is useful for hosts with only one physical interface. Here, 2001:1111:
1111::1/128 is preferred as the source address on all packets that are bound for destinations
within network 2001:2222:2222::/48. The 40 priority gives higher precedence to the
source address 2001:1111:1111::1/128 than to other address formats configured for the
■ Favor IPv4 addresses over IPv6 addresses.

::ffff: 60 IPv4
::1/128 50 Loopback

The IPv4 format ::ffff: has its precedence changed from the default 10 to 60,
the highest priority in the table.

How to Modify the IPv6 Address Selection Table

for the Current Session Only
When you edit the /etc/inet/ipaddrsel.conf file, any modifications you make persist across
system reboots. If you want the modified policy table to exist only in the current session, use
the following procedure.

1. Become an administrator.

2. Copy the contents of the /etc/inet/ipaddrsel file to filename, where filename

represents any name that you choose.
# cp /etc/inet/ipaddrsel filename

3. Use the pfedit command to edit the policy table in filename to your specifications.

4. Load the modified policy table into the kernel.

# ipaddrsel -f filename

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 17

Administering Transport Layer Services

The kernel uses the new policy table until you reboot the system.

Administering Transport Layer Services

This section contains the following topics:
■ “Recommendations for Configuring Systems That Run inetd Based
Services” on page 18
■ “Adding inetd Based Services That Run Over Transport Layer Protocols” on page 20
■ “Setting Up a Privileged Port” on page 23
■ “Implementing Traffic Congestion Control” on page 24
■ “Logging IP Addresses of All Incoming TCP Connections” on page 26
■ “Configuring TCP Wrappers” on page 26
■ “Changing the TCP Receive Buffer Size” on page 26

The following transport layer protocols are a standard part of Oracle Solaris: Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP), Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), and User Datagram
Protocol (UDP). These protocols typically need no intervention to run properly. However,
circumstances at your site might require you to log or modify services that run over these
transport layer protocols. In this case, you must modify the profiles for these services or add
a new service instance by using Service Management Facility (SMF) commands. For more
information, see “Modifying Services that are Controlled by inetd” in Managing System
Services in Oracle Solaris 11.3 and “Adding inetd Based Services That Run Over Transport
Layer Protocols” on page 20.

The inetd daemon is responsible for starting standard Internet services when a system boots.
These services include applications that use TCP, SCTP, or UDP as the transport layer protocol.
You can modify the existing Internet services or add new services by using SMF commands.
For more information, see the inetd(1M) man page. For recommendations on configuring
systems that use inetd processes, see “Recommendations for Configuring Systems That Run
inetd Based Services” on page 18.

Recommendations for Configuring Systems That

Run inetd Based Services
To safeguard against potential security vulnerabilities, you should configure systems that are
running necessary inetd based services so that the number of concurrent processes are limited.
In addition, if a service that is controlled by the inetd daemon is not required disable that
service. See “Stopping a Service” in Managing System Services in Oracle Solaris 11.3 for

18 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
Administering Transport Layer Services

The inetd daemon is the delegated restarter for Internet services for the Service Management
Facility (SMF). Use the inetadm command to display a list of the services that are controlled by

$ inetadm
disabled  disabled svc:/application/cups/in-lpd:default
enabled   online        svc:/network/finger:default
disabled  disabled svc:/application/x11/xvnc-inetd:default

Then, decide on the desired maximum number of concurrent processes for a given service
and set allowable limits for that service by using the inetadm command to set the max_copies
property for the specified service.

For example, you would set a limit of concurrent instances for the finger service to 3 as

# inetadm -m svc:/network/finger:default max_copies=3

Then, verify the change as follows:

$ inetadm -l finger | grep copies


The -l option displays the current values for all of the properties of a specified service.

Use the -p option to list the properties that are common to all services that are managed by the
inetd daemon and their default values.

$ inetadm -p

The -1 value for the max_copies property means that by default the number of processes that
can run concurrently is not limited.

Note - Because it is difficult to determine a limit that is appropriate for all customers and all
environments, Oracle does not provide a generic default limit recommendation for this value.

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 19

How to Add an inetd Based Service That Runs Over a Transport Layer Protocol

Use the -m option to modify the value of a property for a specified service. For example, you
would limit the number of finger processes that can run concurrently to 5 as follows:

$ inetadm -m svc:/network/finger:default max_copies=5

$ inetadm -l finger | grep copies

For more information, see the inetadm(1M) man page.

Adding inetd Based Services That Run Over

Transport Layer Protocols
In Oracle Solaris, several transport layer protocols, for example, SCTP, TCP, and UDP, provide
services to application layer protocols. By default, these protocols typically do not require any
additional configuration. However, you might need to explicitly configure certain application
layer services to use certain network protocols. Some examples include the echo and discard

How to Add an inetd Based Service That Runs Over a

Transport Layer Protocol

The following procedure describes the basic steps for adding inet services (those controlled by
the inetd daemon) for a transport layer protocol to the SMF repository. For more information
about modifying services that are controlled by inetd, see “Modifying Services that are
Controlled by inetd” in Managing System Services in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

For example purposes only, the procedure describes how to add a new SCTP echo service by
using the manifest echo.xml (/lib/svc/manifest/network/echo.xml). However, you can use
the same basic procedure to add different services that run over other transport layer protocols,
for example, TCP and UDP.

Before You Begin Prior to performing this procedure, confirm that the service you want to add is controlled by the
inetd daemon. For example, the output of the following command shows that the echo service,
which is used in this procedure's examples, is controlled by inetd:

$ inetadm
disabled  disabled       svc:/network/echo:dgram
disabled  disabled       svc:/network/echo:stream

20 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Add an inetd Based Service That Runs Over a Transport Layer Protocol

1. Log in to the local system with a user account that has write privileges for
system files.

2. Add a definition for the new service instance to the /etc/services file by using
the pfedit command.
See the pfedit(1M) man page.
Use the following syntax for the service definition:

service-name port/protocol aliases

3. Determine the location of the manifest for the specified service.

$ svcs -l service-name

For example, you would locate the manifest for the echo service as follows:

$ svcs -l echo
fmri svc:/network/echo:stream
name echo
enabled false
state disabled
next_state none
state_time Thu Dec 3 08:11:11 2015
restarter svc:/network/inetd:default
manifest /etc/svc/profile/generic.xml
manifest /lib/svc/manifest/network/echo.xml

fmri svc:/network/echo:dgram
name echo
enabled false
state disabled
next_state none
state_time Thu Dec 3 08:11:10 2015
restarter svc:/network/inetd:default
manifest /etc/svc/profile/generic.xml
manifest /lib/svc/manifest/network/echo.xml

4. Using a text editor, modify the existing service manifest to add a new instance
with the appropriate property values.
For example, /lib/svc/manifest/network/echo.xml is where the echo service manifest is

a.    Change to the directory where the service manifest is stored.

# cd /lib/svc/manifest/network

b.    Copy and paste an existing instance element.

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 21

How to Add an inetd Based Service That Runs Over a Transport Layer Protocol

For this particular example, you could use either the dgram or stream element.

c.    Provide a different name for the instance element (sctp_stream is used in this
example), then change the property value as appropriate.

In this example, the value of the proto property is changed to sctp.

5. Edit the /etc/svc/profile/generic.xml profile file to add the new instance.

For example, you would add a new sctp_stream instance as follows:
<service name='network/echo' version='1' type='service'>
<instance name='stream' enabled='false'/>
<instance name='dgram' enabled='false'/>
<instance name='sctp_stream' enabled='false'/>

6. Restart the manifest-import service.

$ svcadm restart manifest-import

7. Verify that the new service instance has been added.

$ svcs FMRI

For the FMRI argument, use the Fault Managed Resource Identifier (FMRI) of the service
manifest for example, the echo service's FMRI:
$ svcs echo

Or, you can use the inetadm command the display similar information:
$ inetadm -l echo

8. Verify that the property values for the new instance (for example, echo:
sctp_stream) are correct.
$ inetadm -l echo:sctp_stream
exec="/usr/lib/inet/in.echod -s"
default bind_addr=""
default bind_fail_max=-1
default bind_fail_interval=-1
default max_con_rate=-1
default max_copies=-1
default con_rate_offline=-1

22 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Add an inetd Based Service That Runs Over a Transport Layer Protocol

default failrate_cnt=40
default failrate_interval=60
default inherit_env=TRUE
default tcp_trace=FALSE
default tcp_wrappers=FALSE
default connection_backlog=10
default tcp_keepalive=FALSE

9. (Optional) Enable the new service instance.

# inetadm -e FMRI

For example, you would enable the echo service as follows:

$ inetadm -e svc:/network/echo:sctp_stream
$ svcs echo

Or, use the inetadm command as follows:

$ inetadm | grep echo

Setting Up a Privileged Port

On transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, and SCTP, ports 1-1023 are by default privileged
ports. To bind to a privileged port, a process must be running with root permissions. Ports that
are greater than 1023 are by default non-privileged. You can use the ipadm command to extend
the range of privileged ports, or you can mark specific ports in the non-privileged range as
privileged ports.

To manage the range of privileged ports, you can customize the following transport protocol

smallest_nonpriv_portSpecifies a value that indicates the beginning of the range of non-

privileged port numbers, which are the ports to which regular users can
bind. You can set individual ports within the non-privileged range as
privileged ports. Use the ipadm show-prop command to display the
property's values.

extra_priv_ports Specifies which ports outside of the privileged range are also privileged.
Use the ipadm set-prop command to specify ports that you want to
restrict. You can assign multiple values to this property.

As an example, suppose you want to set TCP ports 3001 and 3050 as privileged ports, with
access restricted to just the root role. The smallest_nonpriv_port property indicates that 1024
is the lowest port number for a non-privileged port. Therefore, you can change the designated
ports 3001 and 3050 to privileged ports as follows:
# ipadm show-prop -p smallest_nonpriv_port tcp

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 23

How to Add an inetd Based Service That Runs Over a Transport Layer Protocol


tcp smallest_nonpriv_port rw 1024 -- 1024 1024-32768

# ipadm show-prop -p extra_priv_ports tcp

tcp extra_priv_ports rw 2049,4045 -- 2049,4045 1-65535

# ipadm set-prop -p extra_priv_ports+=3001 tcp

# ipadm set-prop -p extra_priv_ports+=3050 tcp
# ipadm show-prop -p extra_priv_ports tcp
tcp extra_priv_ports rw 2049,4045 3001,3050 2049,4045 1-65535

You would remove a privileged port, for example 4045, as follows:

# ipadm set-prop -p extra_priv_ports-=4045 tcp
# ipadm show-prop -p extra_priv_ports tcp
tcp extra_priv_ports rw 2049,3001 3001,3050 2049,4045 1-65535

Implementing Traffic Congestion Control

Network congestion typically occurs in the form of router buffer overflows, when nodes send
more packets than the network can accommodate. Various algorithms prevent traffic congestion
through establishing controls on the sending systems. These algorithms are supported in Oracle
Solaris and can be easily added or directly plugged into the OS, as shown in the following table
that describes the supported built-in algorithms.

Algorithm Oracle Solaris Name Description

NewReno newreno Default algorithm in Oracle Solaris. This control
mechanism includes a sender's congestion
window, slow start, and congestion avoidance.
HighSpeed highspeed One of the best known and simplest
modifications of NewReno for high-speed
CUBIC cubic Currently the default algorithm in Linux 2.6.
Changes the congestion avoidance phase from
linear window increase to a cubic function.
Vegas vegas A classic delay-based algorithm that attempts
to predict congestion without triggering actual
packet loss.

Congestion control is enabled by setting the following control-related TCP properties. Although
these properties are listed for TCP, the control mechanism that is enabled by these properties
also applies to SCTP traffic.

24 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Add an inetd Based Service That Runs Over a Transport Layer Protocol

cong_enabled Contains a list of algorithms, separated by commas, that are currently

operational on the system. You can add or remove algorithms to enable
only those algorithms that you want to use. This property can have
multiple values. Therefore you must use either the += qualifier or the -=
qualifier, depending on the change that you want to make.

cong_default Used by default when applications do not specify the algorithms

explicitly in socket options. The value of the cong_default property
applies to both global and non-global zones.

The following example shows how you would add an algorithm for congestion control to the
# ipadm set-prop -p cong_enabled+=algorithm tcp

Remove an algorithm as follows:

# ipadm set-prop -p cong_enabled-=algorithm tcp

Replace the default algorithm as follows:

# ipadm set-prop -p cong_default=algorithm tcp

Note - No sequence rules are followed when you add or remove algorithms. You can remove an
algorithm before adding other algorithms to a property. However, the cong_default property
must always have a defined algorithm.

The following example shows how you might implement congestion control. In this example,
the default algorithm for the TCP protocol is changed from newreno to cubic Then, the vegas
algorithm is removed from the list of enabled algorithms.
# ipadm show-prop -p extra_priv_ports tcp
tcp extra_priv_ports rw 2049,4045 -- 2049,4045 1-65535

# ipadm show-prop -p cong_default,cong_enabled tcp

tcp cong_default rw newreno -- newreno newreno,cubic,
tcp cong_enabled rw newreno,cubic, newreno,cubic, newreno newreno,cubic,
highspeed, highspeed, highspeed,vegas
vegas vegas

# ipadm set-prop -p cong_enabled-=vegas tcp

# ipadm set-prop -p cong_default=cubic tcp

# ipadm show-prop -p cong_default,cong_enabled tcp

tcp cong_default rw cubic cubic newreno newreno,cubic,
tcp cong_enabled rw newreno,cubic, newreno,cubic, newreno newreno,cubic,
highspeed highspeed highspeed,vegas

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 25

How to Use TCP Wrappers to Control Access to TCP Services

Logging IP Addresses of All Incoming TCP

IP addresses for all incoming TCP connections are logged by the syslog service, at the daemon.
notice facility and level. The information is located in /var/adm/messages, unless you
changed the local syslog.conf file setup. Note that changing the syslog.conf file setup can
affect where this information is stored. For more details, see the syslog.conf(4) man page.

Set TCP tracing to TRUE (enabled) for all services that are managed by the inetd daemon as
# inetadm -M tcp_trace=TRUE

Configuring TCP Wrappers

TCP wrappers add a measure of security for service daemons by standing between the daemon
and incoming service requests. TCP wrappers log successful and unsuccessful connection
attempts. Additionally, TCP wrappers can provide access control, allowing or denying the
connection, depending on where the request originates. You can use TCP wrappers to protect
daemons such as Secure Shell (SSH), Telnet, and the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). For
information about TCP wrappers and sendmail, see the sendmail(1M) man page.

How to Use TCP Wrappers to Control Access to TCP Services

The tcpd program implements TCP wrappers.

1. Become the root role.

2. Set TCP wrappers to enabled.

# inetadm -M tcp_wrappers=TRUE

3. Configure the TCP wrappers access control policy.

For instructions, refer to the hosts_access(3) man page, which can be found in the /usr/sfw/
man directory.

Changing the TCP Receive Buffer Size

The size of the TCP receive buffer is set by using the recv_buf TCP property, which is 128 KB
by default. However, applications do not use available bandwidth uniformly. Thus, connection

26 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Use TCP Wrappers to Control Access to TCP Services

latency might require you to change the default size. For example, using the Secure Shell
feature of Oracle Solaris causes overhead on bandwidth use because of the additional checksum
and encryption processes that are performed on the data stream. Thus, the buffer size might
need to be increased. Likewise, to enable applications that perform bulk transfers to use
bandwidth efficiently, the same buffer size adjustment is also required.

You can calculate the correct receive buffer size to use by estimating the bandwidth delay
product (BDP). To calculate BDP, multiply the available bandwidth by the value of the
connection latency.

Use the ping -s host command to obtain the value of the connection latency.

The appropriate receive buffer size approximates the value of the BDP. However, the use of
bandwidth also depends on a variety of conditions. A shared infrastructure or the number of
applications and users that compete for the use of bandwidth can change that estimate.

Change the value of the buffer size as follows:

# ipadm set-prop -p recv_buf=value tcp

The following example shows how to increase the buffer size to 164 KB:
# ipadm show-prop -p recv_buf tcp
tcp recv_buf rw 128000 -- 128000 2048-1048576

# ipadm set-prop -p recv_buf=164000 tcp

# ipadm show-prop -p recv_buf tcp

tcp recv_buf rw 164000 164000 128000 2048-1048576

No set value for the buffer size is preferred because the preferred size varies depending on the
circumstance. Consider the following examples where different values are set for the BDP in
each network with specific conditions:

Typical 1 Gbps BDP = 128 MBps * 0.001 s = 128 kB

local area network
(LAN) where 128
KB is the default
value of the buffer

Theoretical 1Gbps BDP = 128 MBps * 0.1 s = 12.8 MB

wide area network
(WAN) with 100
ms latency:

Europe-to-U.S. BDP = 2.6 MBps * 0.175 = 470 kB

link (bandwidth
measured by

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 27

Monitoring Network Status With the netstat Command

If you cannot compute the BDP, use the following guidelines:

■ For bulk transfers over a LAN, the default value of the buffer size (128 KB) is sufficient.
■ For most WAN deployments, the receive buffer size should be in the 2 MB range.

Caution - Increasing the TCP receive buffer size increases the memory footprint of many
network applications.

Monitoring Network Status With the netstat Command

You use the netstat command to generate displays that show network status and protocol
statistics. You can display the status of TCP, SCTP, and UDP endpoints in table format, as well
as display routing table and interface information.

The netstat command displays various types of network data, depending on which command-
line option you specify. The information that is displayed is particularly useful for system
administration. The options that are used for some of the more commonly performed tasks are
described in this chapter. For complete details, see the netstat(1M) man page.
This section contains the following topics:

■ “Filtering netstat Output by Address Type” on page 28

■ “Displaying the Status of Sockets” on page 29
■ “Displaying Statistics by Protocol” on page 29
■ “Displaying Network Interface Status” on page 32
■ “Displaying User and Process Information” on page 33
■ “Displaying the Status of Known Routes” on page 33
■ “Displaying Additional Network Status With the netstat Command” on page 34

Filtering netstat Output by Address Type

You can use the netstat command to display both IPv4 and IPv6 network status. You can
choose which protocol information to display by setting the DEFAULT_IP value in the /etc/
default/inet_type file or by using the -f option. By permanently setting the DEFAULT_IP
value, you can ensure that the netstat command displays only IPv4 information. To override
this setting, use the -f option from the command line. For more information about the
inet_type file, see the inet_type(4) man page.

Use can also use the -f option to specify the inet, inet6, unix (for Unix domain sockets that
used for internal communication) or sdp (Socket Description Protocol) arguments.

28 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
Monitoring Network Status With the netstat Command

Displaying the Status of Sockets

Use the netstat command to view the status of the sockets on a local host. You can specify
several netstat command options as a regular user.

Display the status of connect sockets as follows:

% netstat

Display the status of all sockets, including unconnected listener sockets, as follows:

% netstat -a

EXAMPLE   2 Displaying Connected Sockets

The output of the netstat command shows extensive statistics. The following example shows
how you would limit the output to IPv4 sockets only.

% netstat -f inet

Local Address Remote Address Swind Send-Q Rwind Recv-Q State
-------------------- -------------------- ----- ------ ----- ------ -----------
system-1.ssh remote.38474 128872 0 128872 0 ESTABLISHED
system2.40721 remote.ldap 49232 0 128872 0 ESTABLISHED

Displaying Statistics by Protocol

The netstat -s option displays protocol statistics for the UDP, TCP, SCTP, Internet Control
Message Protocol (ICMP), and IP protocols.

Display protocol status as follows:

% netstat -s

Use the -P option to filter the output of the netstat command by protocol. This option is not
limited to transport protocols.
You can specify the following values with this option:

■ icmp
■ icmpv6
■ igmp
■ ipv6tcp
■ rawip

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 29

Monitoring Network Status With the netstat Command

■ sctp
■ tcp
■ udp

For example, you would filter the netstat output by the UDP protocol as follows:

# netstat -aP udp


Local Address Remote Address State Send Buf TxOverflows Recv Buf RxOverflows

---------------- ---------------- ------- --------- ------------ -------- --------

*.* Unbound 57344 0 57344 0

*.* Unbound 57344 0 57344 0

*.* Unbound 57344 0 57344 0

*.* Unbound 57344 0 57344 0


*.bootpc Idle 57344 0 57344 0

*.dhcpv6-client Idle 57344 0 57344 0

ip-10-134-63-206.bootpc Idle 57344 0 57344 0

*.sunrpc Idle 57344 0 57344 0

*.* Unbound 57344 0 57344 0

*.59730 Idle 57344 0 57344 0

*.sunrpc Idle 57344 0 57344 0

*.* Unbound 57344 0 57344 0

*.47158 Idle 57344 0 57344 0

*.* Unbound 57344 0 57344 0

*.631 Idle 57344 0 57344 0

*.ntp Idle 57344 0 57344 0

*.ntp Idle 57344 0 57344 0

localhost.ntp Idle 57344 0 57344 0

ip-10-134-63-206.ntp Idle 57344 0 57344 0

30 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
Monitoring Network Status With the netstat Command


Local Address Remote Address State If Send Buf TxOverflows Recv Buf RxOverflows

----------------- ------------- ---------- ----- -------- ----------- -------- -------

*.* Unbound 57344 0 57344


*.* Unbound 57344 0 57344


*.* Unbound 57344 0 57344


*.* Unbound 57344 0 57344


*.dhcpv6-client Idle 57344 0 57344



localhost.ntp Idle 57344 0 57344


As shown in the previous output, the netstat -P udp command displays the following four
additional statistics in Oracle Solaris 12:

Send buf Displays socket send buffer statistics.

Recv buf Displays socket receive buffer statistics.

TxOverflows Displays the number of times overflow for transmitting packets occurred.
The counter is increased whenever IP cannot send the outgoing packet to
the MAC layer due to unavailable space.

RxOverflows Displays the number of times that an overflow for receiving packets
occurred. The counter is increased whenever IP cannot send the incoming
packet to the socket due to unavailable space The incoming packet is
dropped in the case of an Rx overflow.

EXAMPLE   3 Displaying the Status of the TCP Protocol

The following example shows how you would display the results for the TCP protocol by
specifying the -P option.
% netstat -P tcp

Local Address Remote Address Swind Send-Q Rwind Recv-Q State

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 31

Monitoring Network Status With the netstat Command

----------------- -------------------- ----- ------ ----- ------ -------

lhost-1.login abc.local.example.COM.980 49640 0 49640 0 ESTABLISHED
lhost.login ghi.local.example.COM.1020 49640 1 49640 0 ESTABLISHED
remhost.1014 mno.remote.example.COM.nfsd 49640 0 49640 0 TIME_WAIT

Local Address Remote Address Swind Send-Q Rwind Recv-Q State If
---------------- ---------------------- ------ ----- ------ ----------- -----
localhost.38983 localhost.32777 49152 0 49152 0 ESTABLISHED
localhost.32777 localhost.38983 49152 0 49152 0 ESTABLISHED
localhost.38986 localhost.38980 49152 0 49152 0 ESTABLISHED

Displaying Network Interface Status

Use the i option of the netstat command to display the state of the network interfaces that
are configured on a local system. With this option, you can determine the number of packets a
system transmits and receives on each network.

Display the status of the interfaces that are on a network as follows:

% netstat -i

The following example shows how you would use the netstat command with a filtering option
to limit the output of a specific interface:

% netstat -i -I net0 -f inet

Name Mtu Net/Dest Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Collis Queue
net0 1500 231001 0 55856 0 0 0

EXAMPLE   4 Displaying Network Interface Status

The following example shows the status of IPv4 and IPv6 packet flow through the host's
interfaces. For example, the input packet count (Ipkts) that is displayed for a server can
increase each time a client tries to boot, while the output packet count (Opkts) remains steady.
This outcome suggests that the server is recognizing the boot request packets from the client.
However, the server does not know to respond to them. This confusion might be caused by an
incorrect address in the hosts, or ethers database.

If the input packet count is steady over time, then the machine does not see the packets at all.
This outcome suggests a different type of failure, possibly a hardware problem.

Name Mtu Net/Dest Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Collis Queue
lo0 8232 loopback localhost 142 0 142 0 0 0
net0 1500 host58 host58 1106302 0 52419 0 0 0

Name Mtu Net/Dest Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Collis

lo0 8252 localhost localhost 142 0 142 0 0
net0 1500 fe80::a00:20ff:feb9:4c54/10 fe80::a00:20ff:feb9:4c54 1106305 0 52422 0 0

32 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
Monitoring Network Status With the netstat Command

Displaying User and Process Information

The netstat command includes a -u option that you can use to obtain information about users
and processes on the system that are using specific ports. Use the netstat -u command to
display the user, process ID, and the program that created the network endpoint or the program
that currently controls the network endpoint.

To produce better alignment of the netstat command output, you can specify the -n option
with the -u option. For more information and detailed examples, see the netstat(1M) man

Displaying the Status of Known Routes

Use the -r option with the netstat command to display the routing table for a local host. This
table displays the status of all routes that are known to a host.
% netstat -r

EXAMPLE   5 Displaying Routing Table Output With the netstat Command

The following example shows the output of the netstat -r command.

Routing Table: IPv4
Destination Gateway Flags Ref Use Interface
-------------------- -------------------- ----- ----- ------ ---------
host15 myhost U 1 31059 net0 myhost U 1 0 net0
default distantrouter UG 1 2 net0
localhost localhost UH 42019361 lo0

Routing Table: IPv6

Destination/Mask Gateway Flags Ref Use If
--------------------- --------------------------- ----- --- ------ -----
2002:0a00:3010:2::/64 2002:0a00:3010:2:1b2b:3c4c:5e6e:abcd U 1 0 net0:1
fe80::/10 fe80::1a2b:3c4d:5e6f:12a2 U 1 23 net0
ff00::/8 fe80::1a2b:3c4d:5e6f:12a2 U 1 0 net0
default fe80::1a2b:3c4d:5e6f:12a2 UG 1 0 net0
localhost localhost UH 9 21832 lo0

The following table describes the information that is displayed in the output of the netstat -r

Parameter Description
Destination Specifies the host that is the destination endpoint of the route. Note that the IPv6
routing table shows the prefix for a 6to4 tunnel endpoint (2002:0a00:3010:2::
Destination/Mask /64) as the route destination endpoint.

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 33

Performing TCP and UDP Administration With the netcat Utility

Parameter Description
Gateway Specifies the gateway to use for forwarding packets.
Flags Indicates the current status of the route. The U flag indicates that the route is up.
The G flag indicates that the route is to a gateway.
Use Shows the number of packets sent.
Interface Indicates the particular interface on the local host that is the source endpoint of
the transmission.

Displaying Additional Network Status With the

netstat Command
You can use the netstat command with various other command-line options to display
additional network status, beyond what is documented in this chapter. There are 10 forms of the
command and each form produces a different table of statistics about the various parts of the
networking subsystem.

Some of the additional statistics that you can obtain include the following:

netstat -g Displays multicast group memberships

netstat -P Displays net-to-media tables: ARP and NDP mappings

netstat -m Displays STREAMS memory statistics

netstat -M Displays the multicast routing table

netstat -D Displays the status of DHCP leases

netstat -d Displays the destination cache table

For complete details, see the netstat(1M) man page.

Performing TCP and UDP Administration With the netcat

Use the netcat (nc) utility to perform a variety of tasks that are associated with TCP or UDP
administration. You can use the command for both IPv4 and IPv6 networks.
You can perform the following tasks by using the netcat utility:
■ Open TCP connections
■ Send UDP packets

34 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
Administering and Logging Network Status Displays

■ Listen on arbitrary TCP and UDP ports

■ Perform port scanning

Unlike the telnet command, where each error message is emitted separately to standard
output, error messages that are generated by nc scripts are combined into one standard error,
which is a more efficient method.

The netcat utility supports a new -M option, which enables you to specify per socket Service
Level Agreement (SLA) properties. When you specify the appropriate properties along with the
-M option, a MAC flow for the socket is created. For example, you might use the -M option as
% nc -M maxbw=50M 7777
% nc -l -M priority=high,inherit=on 2222

As shown in the previous example, the -M option can be used to specify a comma-separated list
of name=value pairs of SLA properties.

Some installation methods do not install the netcat software package by default. Check
whether the package is installed on your system as follows:
% pkg list network/netcat

If the package is not installed, install it as follows:

% pfexec pkg install pkg:/network/netcat

For more details, see the netcat(1) man page.

Administering and Logging Network Status Displays

The following tasks describe how to check the status of the network by using well-known
networking commands:
■ “How to Control the Display Output of IP-Related Commands” on page 35
■ “Logging Actions of the IPv4 Routing Daemon” on page 37
■ “How to Trace the Activities of the IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Daemon” on page 37

How to Control the Display Output of IP-Related


You can control the output of the netstat command to display IPv4 information only or both
IPv4 and IPv6 information.

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 35

How to Control the Display Output of IP-Related Commands

1. Create the /etc/default/inet_type file.

2. Add one of the following entries to the /etc/default/inet_type file, as required for
your network:

■ To display IPv4 information only, set the following variable:


■ To display both IPv4 and IPv6 information, set one of the following variables:



For more information, see the inet_type(4) man page.

Note - The -f option of the netstat command overrides the values that are set in the inet_type

Example   6 Controlling Output to Display IPv4 and IPv6 Information

The following example shows the output when you specify the DEFAULT_IP=BOTH or
DEFAULT_IP=IP_VERSION6 variable in the inet_type file:

# ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=2001000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,VIRTUAL> mtu 8232 index 1
inet netmask ff000000
net0: flags=100001004843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,DHCP,IPv4,PHYSRUNNING> mtu 1500 index
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:1e:68:49:98:80
lo0: flags=2002000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv6,VIRTUAL> mtu 8252 index 1
inet6 ::1/128
net0: flags=120002000841<UP,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv6,PHYSRUNNING> mtu 1500 index 603
inet6 fe80::21e:68ff:fe49:9880/10
ether 0:1e:68:49:98:80
net0:1: flags=120002080841<UP,RUNNING,MULTICAST,ADDRCONF,IPv6,PHYSRUNNING> mtu 1500 index 603
inet6 2001:b400:414:6059:21e:68ff:fe49:9880/64

When you specify the DEFAULT_IP=IP_VERSION4 variable in the inet_type file, you should see
the following output:

# ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=2001000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,VIRTUAL> mtu 8232 index 1
inet netmask ff000000
net0: flags=100001004843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,DHCP,IPv4,PHYSRUNNING> mtu 1500 index
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:1e:68:49:98:80

36 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Trace the Activities of the IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Daemon

Logging Actions of the IPv4 Routing Daemon

If you suspect a malfunction of the IPv4 routing daemon, routed, you can start a log that traces
the daemon's activity. The log includes all of the packet transfers when you start the routed

Create a log file that traces the routing daemon's actions as follows:
# /usr/sbin/in.routed /var/log-file-name

Caution - On a busy network, this command can generate almost continuous output.

The following example shows the beginning of the log that is created when you perform the
“Logging Actions of the IPv4 Routing Daemon” on page 37 procedure.
-- 2003/11/18 16:47:00.000000 --
Tracing actions started
Add interface lo0 #1 -->
Add interface net0 #2 -->
turn on RIP
Add --> metric=0 net0 <NET_SYN>
Add --> metric=0 net0 <IF|NOPROP>

How to Trace the Activities of the IPv6 Neighbor

Discovery Daemon

If you suspect a malfunction of the IPv6 in.ndpd daemon, you can start a log that traces the
daemon's activity. This trace is displayed on the standard output until it is terminated. This trace
includes all packet transfers when you start the in.ndpd daemon.

1. Start a trace of the in.ndpd daemon.

# /usr/lib/inet/in.ndpd -t

2. Terminate the trace as needed by pressing Control-C.

Example   7 Tracing the in.ndpd Daemon

The following output shows the beginning of a trace of the in.ndpd daemon.
# /usr/lib/inet/in.ndpd -t
Nov 18 17:27:28 Sending solicitation to ff02::2 (16 bytes) on net0

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 37

Probing Remote Hosts With the ping Command

Nov 18 17:27:28 Source LLA: len 6 <08:00:20:b9:4c:54>

Nov 18 17:27:28 Received valid advert from fe80::a00:20ff:fee9:2d27 (88 bytes) on net0
Nov 18 17:27:28 Max hop limit: 0
Nov 18 17:27:28 Managed address configuration: Not set
Nov 18 17:27:28 Other configuration flag: Not set
Nov 18 17:27:28 Router lifetime: 1800
Nov 18 17:27:28 Reachable timer: 0
Nov 18 17:27:28 Reachable retrans timer: 0
Nov 18 17:27:28 Source LLA: len 6 <08:00:20:e9:2d:27>
Nov 18 17:27:28 Prefix: 2001:08db:3c4d:1::/64
Nov 18 17:27:28 On link flag:Set
Nov 18 17:27:28 Auto addrconf flag:Set
Nov 18 17:27:28 Valid time: 2592000
Nov 18 17:27:28 Preferred time: 604800
Nov 18 17:27:28 Prefix: 2002:0a00:3010:2::/64
Nov 18 17:27:28 On link flag:Set
Nov 18 17:27:28 Auto addrconf flag:Set
Nov 18 17:27:28 Valid time: 2592000
Nov 18 17:27:28 Preferred time: 604800

Probing Remote Hosts With the ping Command

You can use the ping command to determine whether your system can communicate with a
remote host. When you run the ping command, the ICMP protocol sends a datagram to the
host that you specify, asking for a response. ICMP is the protocol that is responsible for error
handling on a TCP/IP network. When you use the ping command, you can determine whether
IP packets can be exchanged between your host and a specified remote host.

The following is the basic syntax of the ping command:

/usr/sbin/ping host [timeout]

where host is the name of the remote host. The optional timeout argument indicates the time (in
seconds) for the ping command to continue trying to reach the remote host. The default is 20
seconds. For more information, see the ping(1M) man page.

ping Command Modifications for IPv6 Support

The ping command can use both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols to probe target hosts. Protocol
selection depends on the addresses that are returned by the name server for the specific target
host. By default, if the name server returns an IPv6 address for the target host, the ping
command uses the IPv6 protocol. If the server returns only an IPv4 address, the ping command
uses the IPv4 protocol. You can override this behavior by using the -A option to specify which
protocol to use.

For detailed information, see the ping(1M) man page.

38 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
Probing Remote Hosts With the ping Command

Determining if a Remote Host Is Reachable

To determine if a remote host is reachable, use the ping command as follows:
% ping hostname

If the host is accepting ICMP transmissions, the following message is displayed:

hostname is alive

This message indicates that the host responded to the ICMP request. However, if the host is
down, cannot receive the ICMP packets, or if there is a routing problem between your host and
the remote host, you receive the following response from the ping command:
no answer from hostname

Determining if Packets Between Your Host and a

Remote Host Are Being Dropped
Packet loss can cause network connections to seem sluggish because additional time is spent
retransmitting dropped data. Use the -s option of the ping command to determine if packets
between your host and a remote host are being dropped:
% ping -s hostname

In the following example, the ping -s hostname command continually sends packets to the
specified host until you send an interrupt character or a time out occurs:
% ping -s host1.domain8
PING host1.domain8 : 56 data bytes
64 bytes from host1.example.COM ( icmp_seq=0. time=1.67 ms
64 bytes from host1.example.COM ( icmp_seq=1. time=1.02 ms
64 bytes from host1.example.COM ( icmp_seq=2. time=0.986 ms
64 bytes from host1.example.COM ( icmp_seq=3. time=0.921 ms
64 bytes from host1.example.COM ( icmp_seq=4. time=1.16 ms
64 bytes from host1.example.COM ( icmp_seq=5. time=1.00 ms
64 bytes from host1.example.COM ( icmp_seq=5. time=1.980 ms


----host1.domain8 PING Statistics----

7 packets transmitted, 7 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip (ms) min/avg/max/stddev = 0.921/1.11/1.67/0.26

The packet-loss statistic indicates whether the host has any dropped packets. If the ping
command indicates that there has been packet loss, check the status of the network by using
the ipadm and netstat commands. Refer to “Monitoring IP Interfaces and Addresses” in
Configuring and Managing Network Components in Oracle Solaris 11.3 and “Monitoring
Network Status With the netstat Command” on page 28 for more details.

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 39

Displaying Routing Information With the traceroute Command

Displaying Routing Information With the traceroute


The traceroute command traces the route that an IP packet follows to a remote system.
You use the traceroute command to uncover any routing misconfiguration and routing path
failures. If a particular host is unreachable, you can use traceroute to see what path the packet
follows to the remote host and where possible failures might be occurring.

The traceroute command also displays the round trip time for each gateway along the path
to the target host. This information can be useful for analyzing where network traffic is slow
between the two hosts.

For more details about the traceroute command, see the traceroute(1M) man page.
This section contains the following topics:

■ “traceroute Command Modifications for IPv6 Support” on page 40

■ “Discovering the Route to a Remote Host” on page 40
■ “Tracing All Routes” on page 41

traceroute Command Modifications for IPv6

You can use the traceroute command to trace both the IPv4 and IPv6 routes to a specific host.
From a protocol perspective, the traceroute command uses the same algorithm as the ping
command. Use the -A command-line option to override this behavior. Also, you can trace each
individual route to every address of a multihomed host by using the -a command-line option.

Discovering the Route to a Remote Host

Use the traceroute command as follows to discover the route to a remote system:

% traceroute destination-hostname

The following output from the traceroute command shows the seven–hop path that a packet
follows from the local system nearhost to the remote system farhost. The output also shows
the time that it takes a packet to traverse each hop.

% traceroute farhost
traceroute to farhost (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets

40 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
About the My Traceroute Utility

1 frbldg7c-86 ( 1.516 ms 1.283 ms 1.362 ms

2 bldg1a-001 ( 2.277 ms 1.773 ms 2.186 ms
3 bldg4-bldg1 ( 1.978 ms 1.986 ms 13.996 ms
4 bldg6-bldg4 ( 2.655 ms 3.042 ms 2.344 ms
5 ferbldg11a-001 ( 2.636 ms 3.432 ms 3.830 ms
6 frbldg12b-153 ( 3.452 ms 3.146 ms 2.962 ms
7 farhost ( 3.430 ms 3.312 ms 3.451 ms

Tracing All Routes

Use the traceroute command with -a option on the local system to trace all routes:

% traceroute -a host-name

The following example displays all possible routes to a dual-stack host:

% traceroute -a v6host
traceroute: Warning: Multiple interfaces found; using 2001:db8:4a3a:1:56:a0:a8 @ net0:2
traceroute to v6host (2001:db8:4a3b:5:102:a00:fe79:19b0),30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 v6-rout86 (2001:db8:4a3b:1:56:a00:fe1f:59a1) 35.534 ms 56.998 ms *
2 2001:db8::255:0:c0a8:717 32.659 ms 39.444 ms *
3 farhost (2001:db8:4a3b:2:103:a00:fe9a:ce7b) 401.518 ms 7.143 ms *
4 distant (2001:db8:4a3b:3:100:a00:fe7c:cf35) 113.034 ms 7.949 ms *
5 v6host (2001:db8:4a3b:5:102:a00:fe79:19b0) 66.111 ms * 36.965 ms *

traceroute to v6host (,30 hops max,40 byte packets

1 v6-rout86 ( 4.360 ms 3.452 ms 3.479 ms
2 flrmpj17u ( 4.062 ms 3.848 ms 3.505 ms
3 farhost ( 4.773 ms * 4.294 ms
4 distant ( 5.128 ms 5.362 ms *
5 v6host ( 7.298 ms 5.444 ms *

About the My Traceroute Utility

My Traceroute (mtr) combines the functionality of the ping and traceroute commands into a
single networking diagnostics tool. The utility sends exploratory packets to a specified host at
regular intervals, similar to how the ping -s command works. The utility also tracks network
hops between the current host and a target host, similar to how the traceroute command
works. In addition, the utility records and displays timing information on screen. Information
that is displayed is updated constantly as new packets are sent out and responses are returned.

To use the mtr utility on your Oracle Solaris 11 system, you must first install the network/mtr
IPS package. Note that the utility uses the same security model that the traceroute and ping
commands use.

For more detailed information, see the mtr(1M) man page.

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 41

Analyzing Network Traffic With TShark and Wireshark

Analyzing Network Traffic With TShark and Wireshark

TShark is a command-line network traffic analyzer that enables you to capture packet data from
a live network or read packets from a previously saved capture file by either printing a decoded
form of those packets to the standard output or by writing the packets to a file. Without any
options, TShark works similarly to the tcpdump command and also uses the same live capture
file format, libpcap. In addition, TShark is capable of detecting, reading, and writing the same
capture files as those that are supported by Wireshark.

Wireshark is a third-party graphical user interface (GUI) network protocol analyzer that is
used to interactively dump and analyze network traffic. Similar to the snoop command, you
can use Wireshark to browse packet data on a live network or from a previously saved capture
file. By default, Wireshark uses the libpcap format for file captures, which is also used by the
tcpdump utility and other similar tools. A key advantage of using Wireshark is that it is capable
of reading and importing several other file formats besides the libpcap format.
Both TShark and Wireshark provide several unique features, including the following:
■ Capable of assembling all of the packets in a TCP conversation and displaying the data in
that conversation in ASCII, EBCDIC or hex format
■ Contain more filterable fields than in other network protocol analyzers
■ Use a syntax that is richer than other network protocol analyzers for creating filters

To use TShark and Wireshark on your Oracle Solaris system, first check that the software
packages are installed, and if necessary, install them as follows:
# pkg install tshark

# pkg install wireshark

For more information, see the tshark(1) and wireshark(1) man pages.

See also the Wireshark documentation at

Monitoring Packet Transfers With the snoop Command

You can use the snoop command to monitor network traffic. The snoop command captures
network packets and displays the contents in the format that you specify. Packets can be
displayed as soon as they are received or saved to a file. When the snoop command writes to
an intermediate file, packet loss under busy trace conditions is unlikely. the snoop command is
then used to interpret the file.

To capture packets to and from the default interface in promiscuous mode, you must assume the
Network Management rights profile or the root role. In summary form, the snoop command
displays only the data that pertains to the highest-level protocol. For example, an NFS packet

42 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Check Packets From All Interfaces

only displays NFS information. The underlying remote procedure call (RPC), UDP, IP, and
Ethernet frame information is suppressed but can also be displayed if either of the verbose
options is used.

Use the snoop command frequently and consistently to become familiar with normal system
behavior. For more details about the snoop command, refer to the snoop(1M) man page.
This section contains the following topics:
■ “How to Check Packets From All Interfaces” on page 43
■ “How to Check Packets From an IPMP Group” on page 44
■ “How to Capture snoop Output to a File” on page 44
■ “How to Check Packets Between an IPv4 Server and a Client” on page 45
■ “Monitoring IPv6 Network Traffic” on page 46
■ “Monitoring Packets by Using IP Layer Devices” on page 46

snoop Command Modifications for IPv6 Support

The snoop command can capture both IPv4 and IPv6 packets. This command can display IPv6
headers, IPv6 extension headers, ICMPv6 headers, and Neighbor Discovery (ND) protocol data.
By default, the snoop command displays both IPv4 and IPv6 packets. If you specify the ip or
ip6 protocol keyword, then the command displays only IPv4 or IPv6 packets. The IPv6 filter
option enables you to filter through all packets, both IPv4 and IPv6, displaying only the IPv6
packets. See “Monitoring IPv6 Network Traffic” on page 46 and the snoop(1M) man page.

How to Check Packets From All Interfaces

1. Print information about the interfaces that are attached to the system.
# ipadm show-if

The snoop command normally uses the first non-loopback device, which is typically the
primary network interface.

2. Begin packet capture by typing snoop without arguments.

# snoop

3. Press Control-C to halt the process.

Example   8 Displaying Basic snoop Output

The following example shows the basic snoop command output for a dual-stack host.

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 43

How to Check Packets From an IPMP Group

# snoop
Using device /dev/net (promiscuous mode) -> ARP R, is
0:10:7b:31:37:80 -> BROADCAST TFTP Read "network-confg" (octet)
myhost -> DNS C Internet PTR ? foohost DNS R Internet PTR
fe80::a00:20ff:febb:e09 -> ff02::9 RIPng R (5 destinations)

In the previous output, the packets that are captured show a DNS query and response, as well as
periodic Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) packets from the local router and advertisements
of the IPv6 link-local address to the in.ripngd daemon.

How to Check Packets From an IPMP Group

In Oracle Solaris 10, if you want to capture packets from an IPMP group, you need to manually
run the snoop command on each of the interfaces of the IPMP group. In the Oracle Solaris 11
release, you can capture packets from all of the interfaces in an IPMP group by using the snoop
command with the -I option. The output is then consolidated into a single output stream.

The snoop command normally uses the first non-loopback device, which is typically the
primary network interface. However, when the -I option is used, the snoop command uses IP
interfaces (from /dev/ipnet/*), as displayed by the ipadm show-if command. You can also
use this option to enable the snooping of loopback traffic and other IP-only constructs. The -d
option uses datalink interfaces, those that are displayed in the output of the dladm show-link

1. Print information about the interfaces that are attached to the system.

# ipadm show-if

2. Begin packet capture for the specified IPMP group.

# snoop -I ipmp-group

3. Press Control-C to halt the process.

How to Capture snoop Output to a File

1. Capture a snoop session into a file. For example:

44 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Check Packets Between an IPv4 Server and a Client

# snoop -o /tmp/cap
Using device /dev/eri (promiscuous mode)
30 snoop: 30 packets captured

In the previous example, 30 packets have been captured in a file named /tmp/cap. The file
can be in any directory that has enough disk space. The number of packets that are captured is
displayed on the command line, enabling you to press Control-C to abort at any time.
The snoop command creates a noticeable network load on the host machine, which can distort
the results. To see the actual results, run the snoop command from a third system.

2. Inspect the snoop output capture file.

# snoop -i filename

Example   9 Displaying snoop Output Captures

The following output shows a capture that you might receive as output from the snoop -i

# snoop -i /tmp/cap
1 0.00000 fe80::a00:20ff:fee9:2d27 -> fe80::a00:20ff:fecd:4375
ICMPv6 Neighbor advertisement
10 0.91493 -> (broadcast) ARP C Who is, ?
34 0.43690 -> IP D= S= LEN=28,
ID=47453, TO =0x0, TTL=1
35 0.00034 -> IP D= S= LEN=28, ID=57376,
TOS=0x0, TTL=47

How to Check Packets Between an IPv4 Server

and a Client
1. Establish a snoop system off a hub (or a mirrored port on a switch) that is
connected to either the client or the server.
The third system (the snoop system) checks all of the intervening traffic, so that the snoop trace
reflects what is actually happening on the wire.

2. Type the snoop command with the appropriate options and save the output to a

3. Inspect and interpret the output.

Refer to RFC 1761, Snoop Version 2 Packet Capture File Format (
org/rfc/rfc1761.txt) for details of the snoop capture file.

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 45

How to Check Packets on the IP Layer

Monitoring IPv6 Network Traffic

Use the snoop command as follows to capture IPv6 packets:

# snoop ip6

The following example shows typical output that might be displayed when you run the snoop
ip6 command on a node.

# snoop ip6
fe80::a00:20ff:fecd:4374 -> ff02::1:ffe9:2d27 ICMPv6 Neighbor solicitation
fe80::a00:20ff:fee9:2d27 -> fe80::a00:20ff:fecd:4375 ICMPv6 Neighbor
fe80::a00:20ff:fee9:2d27 -> fe80::a00:20ff:fecd:4375 ICMPv6 Neighbor
fe80::a00:20ff:febb:e09 -> ff02::9 RIPng R (11 destinations)
fe80::a00:20ff:fee9:2d27 -> ff02::1:ffcd:4375 ICMPv6 Neighbor solicitation

For more information on the snoop command, see the snoop(1M) man page.

Monitoring Packets by Using IP Layer Devices

IP layer devices are introduced in Oracle Solaris to enhance IP observability. These devices
provide access to all of the packets with addresses that are associated with the system's network
interface. The addresses include local addresses as well as addresses that are hosted on non-
loopback interfaces or logical interfaces. The observable traffic can be both IPv4 and IPv6
addresses. Thus, you can monitor all traffic that is destined for the system. The traffic can be
loopback IP traffic, packets from remote machines, packets that are being sent from the system,
or all forwarded traffic.

With IP layer devices, an administrator for an Oracle Solaris global zone can monitor traffic
between zones, as well as within a zone. An administrator of a non-global zone can also observe
traffic that is sent and received by that zone.

To monitor traffic on the IP layer, use the snoop command with the newer -I. This option
specifies that the command use the new IP layer devices instead of the underlying link-layer
device to display traffic data.

How to Check Packets on the IP Layer

1. (Optional) If necessary, print the information about the interfaces that are
attached to the system.

# ipadm show-if

46 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Check Packets on the IP Layer

2. Capture IP traffic on a specific interface.

# snoop -I interface [-V | -v]

Methods for Checking Packets

All of the following examples are based on this system configuration:

# ipadm show-addr


lo0/v4 static ok
net0/v4 dhcp ok
lo0/v6 static ok ::1/128
net0/v6 addrconf ok fe80::214:4fff:2731:b1a9/10
net0/v6 addrconf ok 2001:0db8:212:60bb:214:4fff:2731:b1a9/64
net0/v6 addrconf ok 2001:0db8:56::214:4fff:2731:b1a9/64

Suppose that two zones, sandbox and toybox, are using the following IP addresses:

■ sandbox –
■ toybox –

You can use the snoop -I command on the different interfaces that are on the system. The
packet information that is displayed depends on whether you are an administrator for the global
zone or for the non-global zone.

EXAMPLE   10 Observing Traffic on the Loopback Interface

The following example shows the output of the snoop command for the loopback interface.

# snoop -I lo0
Using device ipnet/lo0 (promiscuous mode)
localhost -> localhost ICMP Echo request (ID: 5550 Sequence number: 0)
localhost -> localhost ICMP Echo reply (ID: 5550 Sequence number: 0)

To generate verbose output, use the -v option.

# snoop -v -I lo0
Using device ipnet/lo0 (promiscuous mode)
IPNET: ----- IPNET Header -----
IPNET: Packet 1 arrived at 10:40:33.68506
IPNET: Packet size = 108 bytes
IPNET: dli_version = 1
IPNET: dli_type = 4
IPNET: dli_srczone = 0
IPNET: dli_dstzone = 0

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 47

How to Check Packets on the IP Layer

IP: ----- IP Header -----

IP: Version = 4
IP: Header length = 20 bytes

Support for observing packets on the IP layer introduces a new ipnet header that precedes the
packets that are being observed. Both the source and destination IDs are indicated. The 0 ID
indicates that the traffic is being generated from the global zone.

EXAMPLE   11 Observing Packet Flow in the net0 Device Within Local Zones

The following example shows traffic that occurs in the different zones that are within the
system. You can see all of the packets that are associated with the net0 IP addresses, including
those packets that are locally delivered to other zones. If you generate verbose output, you can
also see the zones that are involved in the flow of packets.

# snoop -I net0
Using device ipnet/net0 (promiscuous mode)
toybox -> sandbox TCP D=22 S=62117 Syn Seq=195630514 Len=0 Win=49152 Options=<mss
sandbox -> toybox TCP D=62117 S=22 Syn Ack=195630515 Seq=195794440 Len=0 Win=49152
toybox -> sandbox TCP D=22 S=62117 Ack=195794441 Seq=195630515 Len=0 Win=49152
sandbox -> toybox TCP D=62117 S=22 Push Ack=195630515 Seq=195794441 Len=20 Win=491

# snoop -I net0 -v port 22

IPNET: ----- IPNET Header -----
IPNET: Packet 5 arrived at 15:16:50.85262
IPNET: Packet size = 64 bytes
IPNET: dli_version = 1
IPNET: dli_type = 0
IPNET: dli_srczone = 0
IPNET: dli_dstzone = 1
IP: ----- IP Header -----
IP: Version = 4
IP: Header length = 20 bytes
IP: Type of service = 0x00
IP: xxx. .... = 0 (precedence)
IP: ...0 .... = normal delay
IP: .... 0... = normal throughput
IP: .... .0.. = normal reliability
IP: .... ..0. = not ECN capable transport
IP: .... ...0 = no ECN congestion experienced
IP: Total length = 40 bytes
IP: Identification = 22629
IP: Flags = 0x4
IP: .1.. .... = do not fragment
IP: ..0. .... = last fragment
IP: Fragment offset = 0 bytes
IP: Time to live = 64 seconds/hops

48 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
Observing Network Traffic With the ipstat and tcpstat Commands

IP: Protocol = 6 (TCP)

IP: Header checksum = 0000
IP: Source address =,
IP: Destination address =,
IP: No options
TCP: ----- TCP Header -----
TCP: Source port = 46919
TCP: Destination port = 22
TCP: Sequence number = 3295338550
TCP: Acknowledgement number = 3295417957
TCP: Data offset = 20 bytes
TCP: Flags = 0x10
TCP: 0... .... = No ECN congestion window reduced
TCP: .0.. .... = No ECN echo
TCP: ..0. .... = No urgent pointer
TCP: ...1 .... = Acknowledgement
TCP .... 0... = No push
TCP .... .0.. = No reset
TCP: .... ..0. = No Syn
TCP: .... ...0 = No Fin
TCP: Window = 49152
TCP: Checksum = 0x0014
TCP: Urgent pointer = 0
TCP: No options

In the previous output, the ipnet header indicates that the packet is coming from the global
zone (ID 0) to sandbox (ID 1).

EXAMPLE   12 Observing Network Traffic by Identifying a Zone

The following example shows how to observe network traffic by identifying the zone, which is
extremely useful on systems that have multiple zones. Currently, you can only identify by zone
by using the zone ID. Using the snoop command with zone names is not supported.

# snoop -I hme0 sandboxsnoop -I net0 sandbox

Using device ipnet/hme0 (promiscuous mode)
toybox -> sandbox TCP D=22 S=61658 Syn Seq=374055417 Len=0 Win=49152 Options=<mss
sandbox -> toybox TCP D=61658 S=22 Syn Ack=374055418 Seq=374124525 Len=0 Win=49152
toybox -> sandbox TCP D=22 S=61658 Ack=374124526 Seq=374055418 Len=0 Win=49152

Observing Network Traffic With the ipstat and tcpstat

Two new commands for observing various types of network traffic on a server are introduced in
this release: ipstat and tcpstat.

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 49

Observing Network Traffic With the ipstat and tcpstat Commands

The ipstat command is used to gather and report statistics about IP traffic on a server based on
the selected output mode and sort order that is specified in the command syntax. This command
enables you to observe network traffic at the IP layer, aggregated on source, destination, higher-
layer protocol, and interface. Use this command when you want to observe the amount of traffic
between one server and other servers.

The tcpstat command is used to gather and report statistics on TCP and UDP traffic on a
server based on the selected output mode and sort order that is specified in the command
syntax. This command enables you to observe network traffic at the transport layer, specifically
for TCP and UDP. In addition to the source and destination IP addresses, you can observe the
source and destination TCP or UDP ports, the PID of the process that is sending or receiving the
traffic, and the name of the zone in which that process is running.
The following are some of the ways in which you can use the tcpstat command:

■ Identify the largest sources of TCP and UDP traffic on a server.

■ Examine the traffic that is being generated by a particular process.
■ Examine the traffic that is being generated from a particular zone.
■ Determine which process is bound to a local port.

Note - The previous list is not exhaustive. There are several other ways in which you can use
the tcpstat command. See the tcpstat(1M) man page for more information.

To use the ipstat and tcpstat commands, one of the following privileges is required:

■ Assume the root role

■ Be explicitly assigned the dtrace_kernel privilege
■ Be assigned either the Network Management or the Network Observability rights profile

The following examples show various ways in which you can use these two commands to
observe network traffic. For detailed information, see the tcpstat(1M) and ipstat(1M) man

The following example shows output from the ipstat command when run with the -c option.
Use the -c option to print newer reports after previous reports, without overwriting the previous
report. The number 3 in this example specifies the interval for displaying data, which is the
same as if the command were invoked as ipstat 3.

# ipstat -c 3
zucchini antares TCP net0 72.0
zucchini antares SCTP net0 64.0
antares zucchini SCTP net0 56.0 UDP net0 40.0
antares zucchini TCP net0 40.0
zucchini antares UDP net0 16.0
antares zucchini UDP net0 16.0

50 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
Observing Network Traffic With the ipstat and tcpstat Commands

Total: bytes in: 192.0 bytes out: 112.0

By comparison, the following example shows output of the tcpstat command when used with
the -c option:
# tcpstat -c 3
global 100680 UDP antares 62763 agamemnon 1023 76.0
global 100680 UDP antares 775 agamemnon 1023 38.0
global 100680 UDP antares 776 agamemnon 1023 37.0
global 100680 UDP agamemnon 1023 antares 62763 26.0
global 104289 UDP zucchini 48655 antares 6767 16.0
global 104289 UDP clytemnestra 51823 antares 6767 16.0
global 104289 UDP antares 6767 zucchini 48655 16.0
global 104289 UDP antares 6767 clytemnestra 51823 16.0
global 100680 UDP agamemnon 1023 antares 776 13.0
global 100680 UDP agamemnon 1023 antares 775 13.0
global 104288 TCP zucchini 33547 antares 6868 8.0
global 104288 TCP clytemnestra 49601 antares 6868 8.0
global 104288 TCP antares 6868 zucchini 33547 8.0
global 104288 TCP antares 6868 clytemnestra 49601 8.0
Total: bytes in: 101.0 bytes out: 200.0

The following additional examples show other ways in which you can observe traffic on your
network by using the ipstat and tcpstat commands.

EXAMPLE   13 Observing the Five Most Active IP Traffic Flows by Using the ipstat Command

The following example reports the five most active IP traffic flows. The -l nlines option
specifies how many lines of data to output per report.
# ipstat -l 5
SOURCE DEST PROTO IFNAME BYTES achilles.exampl UDP net0 6.6K aeneas.example.c TCP tun0 6.1K
achilles.exampl UDP net0 964.0
aeneas.example.c TCP tun0 563.0
odysseus.example. UDP net0 66.0
Total: bytes in: 12.6K bytes out: 2.2K

EXAMPLE   14 Displaying a Time Stamp by Using the ipstat Command

The following example reports the top IP traffic with a time stamp in standard date format (-d
d). You can specify that the timestamp be printed in seconds, or Unix time (-d u). The interval is
set to 10 seconds.
# ipstat -d d -c 10
Monday, March 26, 2012 08:34:07 PM EDT
SOURCE DEST PROTO IFNAME BYTES achilles.exampl UDP net0 15.1K aeneas.example.c TCP tun0 13.9K

Chapter 1 • Administering TCP/IP Networks 51

Observing Network Traffic With the ipstat and tcpstat Commands

achilles.exampl UDP net0 2.4K

aeneas.example.c TCP tun0 1.5K
odysseus.example. UDP net0 66.0 aeneas.example.c TCP tun0 29.0
aeneas.example.c TCP tun0 20.0
Total: bytes in: 29.1K bytes out: 3.8K

EXAMPLE   15 Observing the Five Most Active Traffic Flows by Using the tcpstat Command

The following example reports the five most active TCP traffic flows for a server:

# tcpstat -l 5
global 28919 TCP achilles.exampl 65398 aristotle.exampl 443 33.0
zone1 6940 TCP 6868 achilles.exampl 61318 8.0
zone1 6940 TCP achilles.exampl 61318 6868 8.0
global 8350 TCP 6868 achilles.exampl 61318 8.0
global 8350 TCP achilles.exampl 61318 6868 8.0
Total: bytes in: 16.0 bytes out: 49.0

EXAMPLE   16 Displaying Timestamp Information by Using the tcpstat Command

In the following example, the tcpstat command is used to display timestamp information for
TCP network traffic on a server in standard date format:

# tcpstat -d d -c 10
Saturday, March 31, 2012 07:48:05 AM EDT
global 2372 TCP penelope.example 58094 polyphemus.examp 80 37.0
zone1 6940 TCP 6868 achilles.exampl 61318 8.0
zone1 6940 TCP achilles.exampl 61318 6868 8.0
global 8350 TCP 6868 achilles.exampl 61318 8.0
global 8350 TCP achilles.exampl 61318 6868 8.0
Total: bytes in: 16.0 bytes out: 53.0

52 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
 ♦  ♦  ♦        C  H  A  P  T  E  R    2 

About IPMP Administration

IP network multipathing (IPMP) is a Layer 3 (L3) technology that enables you to group
multiple IP interfaces into a single logical interface. With features such as failure detection,
transparent access failover, and packet load spreading, IPMP improves network performance by
ensuring that the network is always available to the system.
This chapter contains the following topics:

■ “What's New in IPMP” on page 53

■ “IPMP Support in Oracle Solaris” on page 55
■ “IPMP Addressing” on page 64
■ “Failure Detection in IPMP” on page 65
■ “Detecting Physical Interface Repairs” on page 68
■ “IPMP and Dynamic Reconfiguration” on page 70

Note - Throughout this chapter and in Chapter 3, “Administering IPMP”, all references to the
term interface specifically means IP interface. Unless a qualification explicitly indicates a
different use of the term, such as a network interface card (NIC), the term always refers to the
interface that is configured on the IP layer.

What's New in IPMP

The following features are new or have changed in this release.

Outbound Load Spreading Improvements

Outbound load spreading for IPMP has been enhanced to occur on a per-connection basis,
rather than on a next-hop basis as in previous Oracle Solaris releases. This improved
functionality works by enabling two different connections to the same off-link destination using
different outbound interfaces. See “IPMP Support in Oracle Solaris” on page 55.

Chapter 2 • About IPMP Administration 53

What's New in IPMP

IPMP Configuration Changes

IPMP works differently in this release than in Oracle Solaris 10. One significant change is that
IP interfaces are now grouped into a virtual IP interface, for example, ipmp0. The virtual IP
interface serves all of the data IP addresses, while test addresses that are used for probe-based
failure detection are assigned to an underlying interface such as net0. For more information, see
“How IPMP Works” on page 59.

Refer to the following general work flow when transitioning from your existing IPMP
configuration to the new IPMP model:

1. Make sure that the DefaultFixed profile is enabled on your system prior to configuring
IPMP. See “Enabling and Disabling Profiles” in Configuring and Managing Network
Components in Oracle Solaris 11.3.
2. Ensure that MAC addresses on SPARC based systems are unique. See “How to Ensure That
the MAC Address of Each Interface Is Unique” in Configuring and Managing Network
Components in Oracle Solaris 11.3.
3. Use the dladm command to configure datalinks. To use the same physical network devices
within your IPMP configuration, you will need to first identify the datalinks that are
associated with each device instance:

# dladm show-phys
net1 Ethernet unknown 0 unknown bge1
net0 Ethernet up 1000 full bge0
net2 Ethernet unknown 1000 full e1000g0
net3 Ethernet unknown 1000 full e1000g1
4. If you previously used e1000g0 and e1000g1 for your IPMP configuration, you would
now use net2 and net3. Note that datalinks can be based not only on physical links but
also on aggregations, VLANs, VNICs, and so on. For more information, see “Displaying a
System’s Datalinks” in Configuring and Managing Network Components in Oracle Solaris
5. Use the ipadm command to perform the following tasks:
■ Configure the network layer.
■ Create IP interfaces.
■ Add IP interfaces to an IPMP group.
■ Add data addresses to an IPMP group.

For more information about network administration command changes in this release, see
“Network Administration Command Changes” in Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 to
Oracle Solaris 11.3.

54 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
IPMP Support in Oracle Solaris

IPMP Support in Oracle Solaris

IPMP provides the following support:
■ IPMP enables you to configure multiple IP interfaces into a single group, called an IPMP
group. As a whole, the IPMP group with its multiple underlying IP interfaces is represented
as a single IPMP interface. This interface is treated just like any other interface on the IP
layer of the network stack. All IP administrative tasks, routing tables, Address Resolution
Protocol (ARP) tables, firewall rules, and other IP-related procedures work with an IPMP
group by referring to the IPMP interface.

Note - Although Oracle Solaris supports the use of iSCSI devices with IPMP, a server that
boots from an iSCSI device cannot be part of an IPMP group.

■ The system handles the distribution of data addresses amongst the underlying active
interfaces. When the IPMP group is created, data addresses belong to the IPMP interface as
an address pool. The kernel then automatically and randomly binds the data addresses to the
underlying active interfaces of the group.
■ You primarily use the ipmpstat command to obtain information about IPMP groups. This
command provides information about all aspects of the IPMP configuration, such as the
underlying IP interfaces of the group, test and data addresses, types of failure detection
being used, and which interfaces have failed. The ipmpstat command functions, the options
that you can use, and the output that each option generates are all described in “Monitoring
IPMP Information” on page 90.
■ You can assign an IPMP interface a customized name to identify the IPMP group more
easily. See “Configuring IPMP Groups” on page 71.

Benefits of Using IPMP

Different factors can cause an interface to become unusable, such as an interface failure or
interfaces being taken offline for maintenance. Without IPMP, the system can no longer be
contacted by using any of the IP addresses that are associated with that unusable interface.
Additionally, existing connections that use those IP addresses are disrupted.

With IPMP, you can configure multiple IP interfaces into an IPMP group. The group functions
like an IP interface with data addresses to send or receive network traffic. If an underlying
interface in the group fails, the data addresses are redistributed amongst the remaining
underlying active interfaces in the group. Thus, the group maintains network connectivity
despite an interface failure. With IPMP, network connectivity is always available, provided that
a minimum of one interface is usable for the group.

IPMP also improves overall network performance by automatically spreading outbound

network traffic across the set of interfaces within the IPMP group. This process is called

Chapter 2 • About IPMP Administration 55

IPMP Support in Oracle Solaris

outbound load spreading. The system also indirectly controls inbound load spreading by
performing source address selection for packets whose IP source address was not specified by
the application. However, if an application has explicitly chosen an IP source address, then the
system does not vary that source address.

In this release, outbound load spreading occurs on a per-connection basis, rather than on a
next hop basis as in previous releases. This change greatly improves IPMP capabilities by
enabling two different connections to the same off-link destination by using different outbound

Link aggregations perform functions that are similar to IPMP to improve network performance
and availability. To compare these two technologies, see Appendix A, “Link Aggregations and
IPMP: Feature Comparison,” in Managing Network Datalinks in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

Rules for Using IPMP

IPMP group configuration is determined by your specific system configuration.

Observe the following rules for IPMP configuration:

1. Multiple IP interfaces that are on the same LAN must be configured into an IPMP group. A
LAN broadly refers to a variety of local network configurations, including VLANs and both
wired and wireless local networks with nodes that belong to the same link-layer broadcast

Note - Multiple IPMP groups on the same link layer (L2) broadcast domain are
unsupported. An L2 broadcast domain typically maps to a specific subnet. Therefore, you
must configure only one IPMP group per subnet. Note also that some exceptions to this rule
apply, for example, in the case of certain engineered systems that are provided by Oracle.
For further clarification, contact your Oracle support representative.

2. Underlying IP interfaces of an IPMP group must not span different LANs.

For example, suppose that a system with three interfaces is connected to two separate
LANs. Two IP interfaces connect to one LAN while a single IP interface connects to
the other LAN. In this case, the two IP interfaces connecting to the first LAN must be
configured as an IPMP group, as required by the first rule. In compliance with the second
rule, the single IP interface that connects to the second LAN cannot become a member of
that IPMP group. No IPMP configuration is required for the single IP interface. However,
you can configure the single interface into an IPMP group to monitor the interface's
availability. Single-interface IPMP configuration is discussed further in “Types of IPMP
Interface Configurations” on page 58.
Consider another case where the link to the first LAN consists of three IP interfaces while
the other link consists of two interfaces. This setup requires the configuration of two IPMP

56 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
IPMP Support in Oracle Solaris

groups: a three-interface group that connects to the first LAN, and a two-interface group
that connects to the second LAN.
3. All interfaces in the same group must have the same STREAMS modules configured in the
same order. When planning an IPMP group, first check the order of STREAMS modules on
all interfaces in the prospective IPMP group, then push the modules of each interface in the
standard order for the IPMP group. To print a list of STREAMS modules, use the ifconfig
interface modlist command. For example, here is the ifconfig output for a net0 interface:

# ifconfig net0 modlist

0 arp
1 ip
2 e1000g

As the previous output shows, interfaces normally exist as network drivers directly below
the IP module. These interfaces do not require additional configuration. However, certain
technologies are pushed as STREAMS modules between the IP module and the network
driver. If a STREAMS module is stateful, then unexpected behavior can occur on failover,
even if you push the same module to all of the interfaces in a group. However, you can
use stateless STREAMS modules, provided that you push them in the same order on all
interfaces in the IPMP group.
The following example shows the command you might use to use to push the modules of
each interface in the standard order for the IPMP group:

# ifconfig net0 modinsert vpnmod@3

For step-by-step instructions on planning an IPMP group, see “How to Plan an IPMP
Group” on page 72.

IPMP Components
The following are the IPMP software components:
■ Multipathing daemon (in.mpathd) - Detects interface failures and repairs. The daemon
performs both link-based failure detection and probe-based failure detection if test addresses
are configured for the underlying interfaces. Depending on the type of failure detection
method that is used, the daemon sets or clears the appropriate flags on the interface to
indicate whether the interface failed or has been repaired. As an option, you can also
configure the daemon to monitor the availability of all interfaces, including interfaces that
are not configured to belong to an IPMP group. For a description of failure detection, see
“Failure Detection in IPMP” on page 65.
The in.mpathd daemon also controls the designation of active interfaces in the IPMP group.
The daemon attempts to maintain the same number of active interfaces that was originally
configured when the IPMP group was created. Thus, in.mpathd activates or deactivates
underlying interfaces as needed to be consistent with the administrator's configured
policy. For more information about how the in.mpathd daemon manages the activation of

Chapter 2 • About IPMP Administration 57

IPMP Support in Oracle Solaris

underlying interfaces, see “How IPMP Works” on page 59. For more information about
the daemon, refer to the in.mpathd(1M) man page.
■ IP kernel module - Manages outbound load spreading by distributing the set of available
IP data addresses in the IPMP group across the set of available underlying IP interfaces
in the group. The module also performs source address selection to manage inbound load
spreading. Both roles of the module improve network traffic performance.
■ IPMP configuration file (/etc/default/mpathd) - Defines the daemon's behavior.
You customize the file to set the following parameters:
■ Target interfaces to probe when running probe-based failure detection
■ Time duration to probe a target to detect failure
■ Status with which to flag a failed interface after that interface is repaired
■ Scope of IP interfaces to monitor, whether to also include IP interfaces in the system
that are not configured to belong to IPMP groups
For information about how to modify the configuration file, see “How to Configure the
Behavior of the IPMP Daemon” on page 88.
■ ipmpstat command - Provides different types of information about the status of IPMP as a
whole. The tool also displays other information about the underlying IP interfaces for each
IPMP group, as well as data and test addresses that have been configured for the group. For
more information about this command, see “Monitoring IPMP Information” on page 90
and the ipmpstat(1M) man page.

Types of IPMP Interface Configurations

An IPMP configuration typically consists of two or more physical interfaces on the same
system that are attached to the same LAN.
These interfaces can belong to an IPMP group in either of the following configurations:
■ Active-active configuration – An IPMP group in which all underlying interfaces are active.
An active interface is an IP interface that is currently available for use by the IPMP group.

Note - By default, an underlying interface becomes active when you configure the interface
to become part of an IPMP group.

■ Active-standby configuration – An IPMP group in which at least one interface is

administratively configured as a standby interface. Although idle, the standby interface is
monitored by the multipathing daemon to track the interface's availability, depending on
how the interface is configured. If link-failure notification is supported by the interface,
link-based failure detection is used. If the interface is configured with a test address, probe-
based failure detection is also used. If an active interface fails, the standby interface is
automatically deployed as needed. You can configure as many standby interfaces as are
needed for an IPMP group.

58 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
IPMP Support in Oracle Solaris

You can also configure a single interface as its own IPMP group. The single-interface IPMP
group behaves the same as an IPMP group with multiple interfaces. However, this IPMP
configuration does not provide high availability for network traffic. If the underlying interface
fails, then the system loses all capability to send or receive traffic. The purpose of configuring
a single-interface IPMP group is to monitor the availability of the interface by using failure
detection. By configuring a test address on the interface, the multipathing daemon can track the
interface by using probe-based failure detection.

Typically, a single-interface IPMP group configuration is used with other technologies that
have broader failover capabilities, such as the Oracle Solaris Cluster software. The system
can continue to monitor the status of the underlying interface, but the Oracle Solaris Cluster
software provides the functionality to ensure availability of the network when a failure occurs.
For more information about the Oracle Solaris Cluster software, see Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.3
Concepts Guide.

An IPMP group without underlying interfaces can also exist, for example, a group with
underlying interfaces that have been removed. The IPMP group is not destroyed, but the group
can no longer be used to send and receive traffic. As underlying interfaces are brought online
for the group, then the data addresses of the IPMP interface are allocated to these interfaces and
the system resumes hosting network traffic.

How IPMP Works

IPMP maintains network availability by attempting to preserve the same number of active and
standby interfaces that was originally configured when the IPMP group was created.

IPMP failure detection can be link-based, probe-based, or both to determine the availability of
a specific underlying IP interface in the group. If IPMP determines that an underlying interface
has failed, then that interface is flagged as failed and is no longer usable. The data IP address
that was associated with the failed interface is then redistributed to another functioning interface
in the group. If available, a standby interface is also deployed to maintain the original number
of active interfaces.

Consider a three-interface IPMP group, itops0, with an active-standby configuration, as

illustrated in the following figure.

Chapter 2 • About IPMP Administration 59

IPMP Support in Oracle Solaris

FIGURE   1 IPMP Active-Standby Configuration

The IPMP group itops0 is configured as follows:

■ Two data addresses are assigned to the group: and
■ Two underlying interfaces are configured as active interfaces and are assigned flexible link
names: net0 and net1.
■ The group has one standby interface, also with a flexible link name: net2.
■ Probe-based failure detection is used, and thus the active and standby interfaces are
configured with test addresses as follows:
■ net0:
■ net1:
■ net2:

Note - The Active, Offline, Standby, and Failed areas in Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure
4 indicate only the status of underlying interfaces and not the physical locations. No physical
movement of interfaces or addresses, or any transfer of IP interfaces, occurs within this IPMP
implementation. The areas only serve to show how an underlying interface changes status as a
result of either failure or repair.

60 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
IPMP Support in Oracle Solaris

You can use the ipmpstat command with different options to display specific types of
information about existing IPMP groups. For additional examples, see “Monitoring IPMP
Information” on page 90.

The following command displays information about the IPMP configuration in Figure 1:
# ipmpstat -g
itops0 itops0 ok 10.00s net1 net0 (net2)

You would display information about the group's underlying interfaces as follows:
# ipmpstat -i
net0 yes itops0 ------- up ok ok
net1 yes itops0 --mb--- up ok ok
net2 no itops0 is----- up ok ok

IPMP maintains network availability by managing the underlying interfaces to preserve the
original number of active interfaces. Thus, if net0 fails, then net2 is deployed to ensure that
the IPMP group continues to have two active interfaces. The net2 activation is shown in the
following figure.

FIGURE   2 Interface Failure in IPMP

Chapter 2 • About IPMP Administration 61

IPMP Support in Oracle Solaris

Note - The one-to-one mapping of data addresses to active interfaces in Figure 2 serves only
to simplify the illustration. The IP kernel module can randomly assign data addresses without
necessarily adhering to a one-to-one relationship between data addresses and interfaces.

The ipmpstat command displays the information in the figure as follows:

# ipmpstat -i
net0 no itops0 ------- up failed failed
net1 yes itops0 --mb--- up ok ok
net2 yes itops0 -s----- up ok ok

After net0 is repaired, it reverts to its status as an active interface. In turn, net2 is returned to its
original standby status.

A different failure scenario is shown in Figure 3, where the standby interface net2 fails (1).
Later, one active interface, net1, is taken offline by the administrator (2). The result is that the
IPMP group is left with a single functioning interface, net0.
FIGURE   3 Standby Interface Failure in IPMP

The ipmpstat command displays the information in the figure as follows:

# ipmpstat -i

62 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
IPMP Support in Oracle Solaris

net0 yes itops0 ------- up ok ok

net1 no itops0 --mb-d- up ok offline
net2 no itops0 is----- up failed failed

For this particular failure, the recovery process after an interface is repaired is different. The
recovery process depends on the IPMP group's original number of active interfaces compared
with the configuration after the repair. The following figure represents the recovery process.
FIGURE   4 IPMP Recovery Process

In Figure 4, when net2 is repaired, it would normally revert to its original status as a standby
interface (1). However, the IPMP group would still not reflect the original number of two active
interfaces because net1 continues to remain offline (2). Thus, IPMP instead deploys net2 as an
active interface (3).

The ipmpstat command displays the post-repair IPMP scenario as follows:

# ipmpstat -i
net0 yes itops0 ------- up ok ok
net1 no itops0 --mb-d- up ok offline
net2 yes itops0 -s----- up ok ok

A similar recovery process occurs if the failure involves an active interface that is also
configured in FAILBACK=no mode, where a failed active interface does not automatically revert

Chapter 2 • About IPMP Administration 63

IPMP Addressing

to active status upon repair. Suppose that net0 in Figure 2 is configured in FAILBACK=no mode.
In that mode, a repaired net0 becomes a standby interface, even though it was originally an
active interface. The interface net2 remains active to maintain the IPMP group's original
number of two active interfaces.

The ipmpstat command displays the recovery information as follows:

# ipmpstat -i
net0 no itops0 i------ up ok ok
net1 yes itops0 --mb--- up ok ok
net2 yes itops0 -s----- up ok ok

For more information about this type of configuration, see “FAILBACK=no

Mode” on page 69.

IPMP Addressing
You can configure IPMP failure detection on both IPv4 networks and dual-stack IPv4 and
IPv6 networks. Interfaces that you configure with IPMP support two types of addresses: data
addresses and test addresses. IP addresses reside on the IPMP interface (the group) only and
are specified as data addresses. Test addresses are IP addresses that reside on the underlying

Data Addresses
Data addresses are the conventional IPv4 and IPv6 addresses that are dynamically assigned
to an IP interface at boot time by the DHCP server or manually by using the ipadm command.
Data addresses are assigned to the IPMP interface (or group) only. The standard IPv4 packet
traffic and IPv6 packet traffic (if applicable) are considered data traffic. Data traffic uses the
data addresses that are hosted on the IPMP interface and flow through the active interfaces of
that IPMP interface or group.

Test Addresses
Test addresses are IPMP-specific addresses that are used by the in.mpathd daemon to perform
probe-based failure and repair detection. Test addresses can also be assigned dynamically by
the DHCP server or manually by using the ipadm command. Only test addresses are assigned to
the underlying interfaces of the IPMP group. When an underlying interface fails, the interface's
test address continues to be used by the in.mpathd daemon for probe-based failure detection to
check for the interface's subsequent repair.

64 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
Failure Detection in IPMP

Note - Configure test addresses only if you want to use probe-based failure detection.
Otherwise, you can enable transitive probing to detect failure without using test addresses. For
more information about probe-based failure detection with or without using test addresses, see
“Probe-Based Failure Detection” on page 66.

In previous IPMP implementations, test addresses had to be marked as DEPRECATED to avoid

being used by applications, especially during interface failures. In the current implementation,
test addresses reside in the underlying interfaces. Thus, these addresses can no longer be
accidentally used by applications that are unaware of IPMP. However, to ensure that these
addresses are not considered a possible source for data packets, the system automatically marks
any addresses with the NOFAILOVER flag as DEPRECATED.

You can use any IPv4 address on your subnet as a test address. Because IPv4 addresses are
a limited resource for many sites, you might want to use non-routeable RFC 1918 private
addresses as test addresses. Note that the in.mpathd daemon exchanges only ICMP probes with
other hosts on the same subnet as the test address. If you do use RFC 1918-style test addresses,
be sure to configure other systems, preferably routers, on the network with addresses on the
appropriate RFC 1918 subnet. The in.mpathd daemon can then successfully exchange probes
with target systems. For more information about RFC 1918 private addresses, refer to RFC
1918, Address Allocation for Private Internets (

The only valid IPv6 test address is the link-local address of a physical interface. You do not
need a separate IPv6 address to serve as an IPMP test address. The IPv6 link-local address is
based on the Media Access Control (MAC ) address of the interface. Link-local addresses are
automatically configured when the interface becomes IPv6-enabled at boot time or when the
interface is manually configured through the ipadm command.

When an IPMP group has both IPv4 and IPv6 plumbed on all the group's interfaces, you do not
need to configure separate IPv4 test addresses. The in.mpathd daemon can use the IPv6 link-
local addresses as test addresses.

Failure Detection in IPMP

To ensure continuous availability of the network to send or receive traffic, IPMP performs
failure detection on the IPMP group's underlying IP interfaces. Failed interfaces remain
unusable until they are repaired. Remaining active interfaces continue to function while any
existing standby interfaces are deployed as needed.
The in.mpathd daemon handles the following types of failure detection:
■ Two types of probe-based failure detection:
■ No test addresses are configured (transitive probing).
■ Test addresses are configured.

Chapter 2 • About IPMP Administration 65

Failure Detection in IPMP

■ Link-based failure detection, if supported by the NIC driver

Probe-Based Failure Detection

Probe-based failure detection consists of using ICMP probes to check whether an interface has
failed. The implementation of this failure detection method depends on whether test addresses
are used.

Probe-Based Failure Detection Using Test Addresses

This failure detection method involves sending and receiving ICMP probe messages that
use test addresses. These messages, also called probe traffic or test traffic, are sent over the
interface to one or more target systems on the same local network. The in.mpathd daemon
probes all of the targets separately through all the interfaces that have been configured for
probe-based failure detection. If no replies are made in response to five consecutive probes on a
given interface, the in.mpathd daemon considers the interface to have failed. The probing rate
depends on the failure detection time (FDT). The default value for failure detection time is 10
seconds. However, you can tune the FDT in the IPMP configuration file. For instructions, see
“How to Configure the Behavior of the IPMP Daemon” on page 88.

To optimize probe-based failure detection, you must set multiple target systems to receive
the probes from the in.mpathd daemon. By having multiple target systems, you can better
determine the nature of a reported failure. For example, the absence of a response from the
only defined target system can indicate a failure either in the target system or in one of the
IPMP group's interfaces. By contrast, if only one system among several target systems does not
respond to a probe, then the failure is likely in the target system rather than in the IPMP group

The in.mpathd daemon determines which target systems to probe dynamically. First, the
daemon searches the routing table for target systems on the same subnet as the test addresses
that are associated with the IPMP group's interfaces. If such targets are found, then the daemon
uses them as targets for probing. If no target systems are found on the same subnet, then the
daemon sends multicast packets to probe neighbor hosts on the link. The multicast packet is
sent to the All Hosts multicast address, in IPv4 and ff02::1 in IPv6, to determine
which hosts to use as target systems. The first five hosts that respond to the echo packets are
chosen as targets for probing. If the daemon cannot find routers or hosts that responded to the
multicast probes, then the daemon cannot detect probe-based failures. In this case, the ipmpstat
-i command reports the probe state as unknown.

You can use host routes to explicitly configure a list of target systems to be used
by the in.mpathd daemon. For instructions, see “Configuring Probe-Based Failure
Detection” on page 85.

66 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
Failure Detection in IPMP

Probe-Based Failure Detection Without Using Test Addresses

With no test addresses, this method is implemented by using two types of probes:

■ ICMP probes
ICMP probes are sent by the active interfaces in the IPMP group to probe targets that are
defined in the routing table. An active interface is an underlying interface that can receive
inbound IP packets that are addressed to the interface's link layer (L2) address. The ICMP
probe uses the data address as the probe's source address. If the ICMP probe reaches its
target and gets a response from the target, then the active interface is operational.
■ Transitive probes
Transitive probes are sent by the alternate interfaces in the IPMP group to probe the active
interface. An alternate interface is an underlying interface that does not actively receive any
inbound IP packets.
For example, consider an IPMP group that consists of four underlying interfaces and
one data address. In this configuration, outbound packets can use all of the underlying
interfaces. However, inbound packets can only be received by the interface to which
the data address is bound. The remaining three underlying interfaces that cannot receive
inbound packets are the alternate interfaces.
If an alternate interface can successfully send a probe to an active interface and receive
a response, then the active interface is functional, and by inference, so is the alternate
interface that sent the probe.

Note - In Oracle Solaris, probe-based failure detection operates with test addresses. To select
probe-based failure detection without test addresses, you must manually enable transitive
probing. For instructions, see “Selecting a Failure Detection Method” on page 87.

Group Failure

A group failure occurs when all of the interfaces in an IPMP group appear to fail at the same
time. In this case, no underlying interface is usable. Also, when all of the target systems fail at
the same time and probe-based failure detection is enabled, the in.mpathd daemon flushes all
of its current target systems and probes for new target systems.

In an IPMP group that has no test addresses, a single interface that can probe the active
interface is designated as a prober. This designated interface has both the FAILED flag and
PROBER flag set. The data address is bound to this interface, which enables the interface to
continue probing the target to detect recovery.

Chapter 2 • About IPMP Administration 67

Detecting Physical Interface Repairs

Link-Based Failure Detection

Link-based failure detection is always enabled, provided that the interface supports this type of
failure detection.

To determine whether a third-party interface supports link-based failure detection, use the
ipmpstat -i command. If the output for a given interface includes an unknown status in its
LINK column, then that interface does not support link-based failure detection. Refer to the
manufacturer's documentation for more specific information about the device.

Network drivers that support link-based failure detection monitor the interface's link state and
notify the networking subsystem when that link state changes. When notified of a change, the
networking subsystem either sets or clears the RUNNING flag for that interface, as appropriate. If
the in.mpathd daemon detects that the interface's RUNNING flag has been cleared, the daemon
immediately fails the interface.

Failure Detection and the Anonymous Group


IPMP supports failure detection in an anonymous group. By default, IPMP monitors the
status only of interfaces that belong to IPMP groups. However, you can configure the IPMP
daemon to also track the status of interfaces that do not belong to any IPMP group. Thus, these
interfaces are considered to be part of an anonymous group. When you issue the ipmpstat -g
command, the anonymous group is displayed as double-dashes (--). In anonymous groups, the
interfaces have data addresses that also function as test addresses. Because these interfaces do
not belong to a named IPMP group, these addresses are visible to applications. To enable the
tracking of interfaces that are not part of an IPMP group, see “How to Configure the Behavior
of the IPMP Daemon” on page 88.

Detecting Physical Interface Repairs

Repair detection time is twice the failure detection time. The default time for failure detection
is 10 seconds. Accordingly, the default time for repair detection is 20 seconds. After a failed
interface has been marked with the RUNNING flag again and the failure detection method has
detected the interface as repaired, the in.mpathd daemon clears the interface's FAILED flag.
The repaired interface is redeployed, depending on the number of active interfaces that the
administrator originally set.

68 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
Detecting Physical Interface Repairs

When an underlying interface fails and probe-based failure detection is used, the in.mpathd
daemon continues probing, either by means of the designated prober when no test addresses are
configured or by using the interface's test address.
During an interface repair, how the recovery process proceeds depends on how the failed
interface was originally configured, as follows:
■ If the failed interface was originally an active interface, the repaired interface reverts to its
original active status. The standby interface that functioned as a replacement during the
failure is switched back to standby status if enough interfaces are active for the IPMP group,
as defined by the system administrator.

Note - An exception is when the repaired active interface is also configured with the
FAILBACK=no mode. For more information, see “FAILBACK=no Mode” on page 69.

■ If the failed interface was originally a standby interface, the repaired interface reverts to its
original standby status, provided that the IPMP group reflects the original number of active
interfaces. Otherwise, the standby interface becomes an active interface.

For a graphical representation of how IPMP operates during interface failure and repair, see
“How IPMP Works” on page 59.

By default, active interfaces that have failed and then been repaired automatically become
active interfaces in the IPMP group again. This behavior is controlled by the value of the
FAILBACK parameter in the in.mpathd daemon's configuration file. However, even an
insignificant disruption that occurs as data addresses are remapped to repaired interfaces might
not be acceptable. In this case, you might prefer to enable an activated standby interface to
continue as an active interface. IPMP allows you to override the default behavior to prevent an
interface from automatically becoming active upon repair. These interfaces must be configured
in the FAILBACK=no mode. For related procedures, see “How to Configure the Behavior of the
IPMP Daemon” on page 88.
When an active interface in FAILBACK=no mode fails and is subsequently repaired, the in.
mpathd daemon restores the IPMP configuration as follows:
■ The daemon retains the interface's INACTIVE status, provided that the IPMP group reflects
the original configuration of active interfaces.
■ If the IPMP configuration at the moment of repair does not reflect the group's original
configuration of active interfaces, then the repaired interface is redeployed as an active
interface, notwithstanding the FAILBACK=no status.

Note - The FAILBACK=NO mode is set for the whole IPMP group, rather than as a per-interface
tunable parameter.

Chapter 2 • About IPMP Administration 69

IPMP and Dynamic Reconfiguration

IPMP and Dynamic Reconfiguration

The dynamic reconfiguration (DR) feature of Oracle Solaris enables you to reconfigure system
hardware, such as interfaces, while the system is running. DR can be used only on systems that
support this feature. On systems that support DR, IPMP is integrated into the Reconfiguration
Coordination Manager (RCM) framework. Thus, you can safely attach, detach, or reattach NICs
and RCM manages the dynamic reconfiguration of system components. For example, you can
attach, plumb, and then add new interfaces to existing IPMP groups. After these interfaces are
configured, they are immediately available for use by IPMP.

All requests to detach NICs are first checked to ensure that connectivity can be preserved. For
example, by default you cannot detach a NIC that is not in an IPMP group. You also cannot
detach a NIC that contains the only functioning interfaces in an IPMP group. However, if you
must remove the system component, you can override this behavior by using the -f option of
the cfgadm command, as described in the cfgadm(1M) man page.

If the checks are successful, the in.mpathd daemon sets the OFFLINE flag for the interface. All
test addresses on the interfaces are unconfigured. Then, the NIC is unplumbed from the system.

If any of these steps fail, or if the DR of other hardware on the same system component fails,
only the persistent configuration is restored. In this case, the following error message is logged:
"IP: persistent configuration is restored for <ifname>"

Otherwise, the detach request completes successfully. You can remove the component from the
system and no existing connections are disrupted.

Note - When replacing NICs, make sure that the replacement cards are of the same type, such as
Ethernet. After the NIC is replaced, then the persistent IP interface configurations are applied to
that NIC.

70 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
 ♦  ♦  ♦        C  H  A  P  T  E  R    3 

Administering IPMP

This chapter describes how to administer interface groups with IPMP in the Oracle Solaris
release. The tasks that are in this chapter describe how to configure IPMP by using the
ipadm command, which replaces the ifconfig command that is used to configure IPMP in
Oracle Solaris 10. To find out more about how these two commands map to each other, see
“Comparing the ifconfig Command to the ipadm Command” in Transitioning From Oracle
Solaris 10 to Oracle Solaris 11.3. See also the ifconfig(5) man page.

For a detailed explanation of changes in the IPMP conceptual model, see “What's New in
IPMP” on page 53.
This chapter contains the following topics:

■ “Configuring IPMP Groups” on page 71

■ “Maintaining IP Connectivity and Routing While Deploying IPMP” on page 79
■ “Administering IPMP” on page 81
■ “Configuring Probe-Based Failure Detection” on page 85
■ “Monitoring IPMP Information” on page 90

Configuring IPMP Groups

The following information describes how to plan and configure IPMP groups. The overview in
Chapter 2, “About IPMP Administration” describes the implementation of an IPMP group as an
interface. In this chapter, the terms IPMP group and IPMP interface are used interchangeably.
This section contains the following tasks:

■ “How to Plan an IPMP Group” on page 72

■ “How to Configure an IPMP Group That Uses DHCP” on page 73
■ “How to Configure an Active-Active IPMP Group” on page 75
■ “How to Configure an Active-Standby IPMP Group” on page 76

Chapter 3 • Administering IPMP 71

How to Plan an IPMP Group

How to Plan an IPMP Group

The following procedure includes the required planning tasks and information to be gathered
prior to configuring an IPMP group. You do not need to perform these tasks in sequential order.

Your IPMP configuration depends on the network requirements for handling the type of traffic
that is hosted on your system. IPMP spreads outbound network packets across the IPMP group's
interfaces and thus improves network throughput. For inbound traffic, each connection must
travel through the same underlying interface as well, to avoid out-of-order packets.

Thus, if your network handles a huge volume of outbound traffic, configuring several interfaces
into an IPMP group only improves network performance if multiple connections also exist. For
inbound traffic, if that traffic is destined for the different IP addresses that are hosted by the
IPMP group interface, having more than one underlying interface can help performance because
inbound load spreading is based on IP address.

Note - You must configure only one IPMP group for each subnet or L2 broadcast domain. For
more information, see “Rules for Using IPMP” on page 56.

1. Determine the general IPMP configuration that suits your needs.

Refer to the information in the task summary of this procedure for guidance in determining
which IPMP configuration to use.

2. (SPARC only) Verify that each interface in the group has a unique MAC address.
To configure a unique MAC address for each interface on the system, see “How to Ensure
That the MAC Address of Each Interface Is Unique” in Configuring and Managing Network
Components in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

3. Ensure that the same set of STREAMS modules is configured and pushed on all
interfaces in the IPMP group.
For guidelines and the command syntax to use, see “Rules for Using IPMP” on page 56.

4. Use the same IP addressing format on all of the interfaces in the IPMP group.
If one interface is configured for IPv4, then you must configure all of the interfaces in the IPMP
group for IPv4. Likewise, if you add IPv6 addressing to one interface, then you must configure
all of the interfaces in the IPMP group for IPv6 support.

5. Determine the type of failure detection that you want to implement.

For example, if you want to implement probe-based failure detection, then you must configure
test addresses on the underlying interfaces. See “Failure Detection in IPMP” on page 65.

6. Ensure that all of the interfaces in the IPMP group are connected to the same
local network.

72 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Configure an IPMP Group That Uses DHCP

For example, you can configure Ethernet switches on the same IP subnet into an IPMP group.
You can configure any number of interfaces into an IPMP group.

Note - You can also configure a single-interface IPMP group, for example, if your system has
only one physical interface. See “Types of IPMP Interface Configurations” on page 58.

7. Ensure that the IPMP group does not contain interfaces with different network
media types.
The interfaces that are grouped together must be of the same interface type. For example, you
cannot combine Ethernet and Token Ring interfaces in an IPMP group. As another example,
you cannot combine a Token bus interface with asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) interfaces
in the same IPMP group.

8. For IPMP with ATM interfaces, configure the ATM interfaces in LAN emulation
IPMP is not supported for interfaces using Classical IP over ATM technology as defined in RFC
1577 ( and RFC 2225 (

How to Configure an IPMP Group That Uses DHCP

You can configure a multiple-interfaced IPMP group with active-active interfaces or active-
standby interfaces. See “Types of IPMP Interface Configurations” on page 58. The following
procedure describes how to configure an active-standby IPMP group with DHCP.
Before You Begin Before performing the following procedure, do the following:
■ Ensure that the IP interfaces that will be in the prospective IPMP group have been correctly
configured over the system's network datalinks. For procedures, see Configuring and
Managing Network Components in Oracle Solaris 11.3. You can create an IPMP interface
even if you have not created the underlying IP interfaces. However, without creating
underlying IP interfaces, subsequent configurations on the IPMP interface will fail.
■ Additionally, if you are using a SPARC based system, you must configure a unique MAC
address for each interface. See “How to Ensure That the MAC Address of Each Interface Is
Unique” in Configuring and Managing Network Components in Oracle Solaris 11.3.
■ Finally, if you are using DHCP, make sure that the underlying interfaces have infinite leases.
Otherwise, if an IPMP group failure occurs, the test addresses will expire and the in.mpathd
daemon will then disable probe-based failure detection and link-based failure detection will
then be used. If link-based failure detection discovers that the interface is functioning, the
daemon might erroneously report that the interface has been repaired. For more information
about configuring DHCP, see Working With DHCP in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

1. Become the root role.

Chapter 3 • Administering IPMP 73

How to Configure an IPMP Group That Uses DHCP

2. Create an IPMP interface.

# ipadm create-ipmp ipmp-interface

where ipmp-interface specifies the name of the IPMP interface. You can assign any meaningful
name to the IPMP interface. As with any IP interface, the name consists of a string and a
number, for example, ipmp0.

3. Create the underlying IP interfaces, if they do not yet exist.

# ipadm create-ip under-interface

where under-interface refers to the IP interface that you will add to the IPMP group.

4. Add the underlying IP interfaces that will contain test addresses for the IPMP
# ipadm add-ipmp -i under-interface1 [-i under-interface2 ...] ipmp-interface

You can add as many IP interfaces to the IPMP group as are available on the system.

5. Specify that DHCP configure and manage the data addresses on the IPMP
# ipadm create-addr -T dhcp ipmp-interface

The previous step associates the address that is provided by the DHCP server with an
address object. The address object uniquely identifies the IP address by using the format
interface/address-type, for example, ipmp0/v4. For more information about the address object,
see “How to Configure an IPv4 Interface” in Configuring and Managing Network Components
in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

6. If you use probe-based failure detection with test addresses, specify that DHCP
manage the test addresses on the underlying interfaces.
# ipadm create-addr -T dhcp under-interface

The address object that is automatically created in Step 6 uses the format under-
interface/address-type, for example, net0/v4.

7. (Optional) Repeat Step 6 for each underlying interface of the IPMP group.

Example   17 Configuring an IPMP Group With DHCP

The following example shows the configuration of an active-standby IPMP group with DHCP
and is based on the following scenario:
■ Three underlying interfaces net0, net1, and net2 are configured into an IPMP group.
■ The IPMP interface ipmp0 shares the same name with the IPMP group.
■ net2 is the designated standby interface.

74 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Configure an Active-Active IPMP Group

■ All of the underlying interfaces are assigned test addresses.

The IPMP interface is first created.

# ipadm create-ipmp ipmp0

The underlying IP interfaces are created and added to the IPMP interface.
# ipadm create-ip net0
# ipadm create-ip net1
# ipadm create-ip net2

# ipadm add-ipmp -i net0 -i net1 -i net2 ipmp0

The DHCP-managed IP addresses are assigned to the IPMP interface. IP addresses that are
assigned to the IPMP interface are data addresses. In this example, the IPMP interface has two
data addresses.
# ipadm create-addr -T dhcp ipmp0
ipadm: ipmp0/v4
# ipadm create-addr -T dhcp ipmp0
ipadm: ipmp0/v4a

Then, the DHCP-managed IP addresses are assigned to the underlying IP interfaces of the IPMP
group. IP addresses that are assigned to the underlying interfaces are test addresses that are to
be used for probe-based failure detection.
# ipadm create-addr -T dhcp net0
ipadm: net0/v4
# ipadm create-addr -T dhcp net1
ipadm: net1/v4
# ipadm create-addr -T dhcp net2
ipadm net2/v4

Lastly, the net2 interface is configured as a standby interface.

# ipadm set-ifprop -p standby=on -m ip net2

How to Configure an Active-Active IPMP Group

The following procedure describes how to manually configure an active-active IPMP group. In
this procedure, Steps 1-4 describe how to configure a link-based active-active IPMP group. Step
5 describes how to make the link-based configuration probe-based.

Before You Begin Ensure that the IP interfaces that will be in the prospective IPMP group are correctly configured
over the system's network datalinks. For instructions see “How to Configure an IPv4 Interface”
in Configuring and Managing Network Components in Oracle Solaris 11.3. You can create
an IPMP interface even if the underlying IP interfaces do not yet exist. However, subsequent
configurations on the IPMP interface will fail.

Chapter 3 • Administering IPMP 75

How to Configure an Active-Standby IPMP Group

Additionally, if you are using a SPARC based system, configure a unique MAC address for
each interface. See “How to Ensure That the MAC Address of Each Interface Is Unique” in
Configuring and Managing Network Components in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

1. Become the root role.

2. Create an IPMP interface.

# ipadm create-ipmp ipmp-interface

where ipmp-interface specifies the name of the IPMP interface. You can assign any meaningful
name to the IPMP interface. As with any IP interface, the name consists of a string and a
number, for example, ipmp0.

3. Add the underlying IP interfaces to the group.

# ipadm add-ipmp -i under-interface1 [-i underinterface2 ...] ipmp-interface

where under-interface refers to the underlying interface of the IPMP group. You can add as
many IP interfaces as are available on the system.

Note - In a dual-stack environment, placing the IPv4 instance of an interface under a particular
group automatically places the IPv6 instance under the same group.

4. Add the data addresses to the IPMP interface.

# ipadm create-addr -a address ipmp-interface

where address can be in CIDR notation.

Note - Only the DNS address of the IPMP group name or IP address is required.

5. If you use probe-based failure detection with test addresses, add the test
addresses on the underlying interfaces.
# ipadm create-addr -a address under-interface

where address can be in CIDR notation. All test IP addresses in an IPMP group must belong to
a single IP subnet and therefore using same network prefix.

How to Configure an Active-Standby IPMP Group

The following procedure describes how to configure an IPMP group in which one interface
is kept as a standby interface. This interface is deployed only when an active interface in the
group fails.

76 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Configure an Active-Standby IPMP Group

For overview information about standby interfaces, see “Types of IPMP Interface
Configurations” on page 58.

1. Become the root role.

2. Create an IPMP interface.

# ipadm create-ipmp ipmp-interface

where ipmp-interface specifies the name of the IPMP interface.

3. Add the underlying IP interfaces to the group.

# ipadm add-ipmp -i under-interface1 [-i underinterface2 ...] ipmp-interface

where under-interface refers to the underlying interface of the IPMP group. You can add as
many IP interfaces as are available on the system.

Note - In a dual-stack environment, placing the IPv4 instance of an interface under a particular
IPMP group automatically places the IPv6 instance under the same group.

4. Add the data addresses to the IPMP interface.

# ipadm create-addr -a address ipmp-interface

where address can be in CIDR notation.

5. If you use probe-based failure detection with test addresses, add the test
addresses on the underlying interfaces.

# ipadm create-addr -a address under-interface

where address can be in CIDR notation. All test IP addresses in an IPMP group must belong to
a single IP subnet and therefore using same network prefix.

6. Configure one of the underlying interfaces as a standby interface.

# ipadm set-ifprop -p standby=on -m ip under-interface

Example   18 Configuring an Active-Standby IPMP Group

The following example shows how to create an active-standby IPMP configuration.

First, the IPMP interface is created.

# ipadm create-ipmp ipmp0

The underlying IP interfaces are then created and added to the IPMP interface.

Chapter 3 • Administering IPMP 77

How to Configure an Active-Standby IPMP Group

# ipadm create-ip net0

# ipadm create-ip net1
# ipadm create-ip net2

# ipadm add-ipmp -i net0 -i net1 -i net2 ipmp0

Next, IP addresses are assigned to the IPMP interface. IP addresses that are assigned to the
IPMP interface are data addresses. In this example, the IPMP interface has two data addresses.

# ipadm create-addr -a ipmp0

ipadm: ipmp0/v4
# ipadm create-addr -a ipmp0
ipadm: ipmp0/v4a

The IP address in this example includes the prefixlen property, which is expressed as a
decimal number. The prefixlen portion of the IP address specifies the number of left-most
contiguous bits of the address that comprise the IPv4 netmask or the IPv6 prefix of the address.
The remaining low-order bits define the host part of the address. When the prefixlen property
is converted to a text representation of the address, the address contains 1's for the bit positions
that are to be used for the network part and 0's for the host part. This property is not supported
on the dhcp address object type. For more information, see the ipadm(1M) man page.

IP addresses are then assigned to the underlying IP interfaces of the IPMP group. IP addresses
that are assigned to the underlying interfaces are test addresses to be used for probe-based
failure detection.

# ipadm create-addr -a net0

ipadm: net0/v4
# ipadm create-addr -a net1
ipadm: net1/v4
# ipadm create-addr -a net2
ipadm: net2/v4

Lastly, the net2 interface is configured as a standby interface.

# ipadm set-ifprop -p standby=on -m ip net2

The administrator can view the IPMP configuration by using the ipmpstat command.

# ipmpstat -g
ipmp0 ipmp0 ok 10.00s net0 net1 (net2)

# ipmpstat -t
net0 routes
net1 routes
net2 routes

78 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
Maintaining IP Connectivity and Routing While Deploying IPMP

Maintaining IP Connectivity and Routing While Deploying


You can add an IP interface to an IPMP group by using either the ipadm command or the
ifconfig command. Due to backward compatibility with previous versions of Oracle Solaris
IPMP, when you use the ifconfig command, any data addresses that are not marked with
IFF_NOFAILOVER are migrated to the IPMP interface that is associated with the IPMP group.
However, when you add an IP interface to an IPMP group by using the ipadm command,
any address that is currently configured on the IP interface becomes a test address for that IP
interface, meaning the address is not migrated to the IPMP interface as a data address.

If you want the IP address to be an IPMP data address, you must first remove the address from
the IP interface and then reconfigure the address directly on the IPMP interface, as shown in the
following example:

# ipadm
NAME              CLASS/TYPE STATE       UNDER      ADDR
ipmp0             ipmp       down         --        --
net0                ip         ok          ipmp0      --
net0/v4         static     ok           --

# ipadm delete-addr net0/v4

# ipadm create-addr -T static -a local= ipmp0/v4

# ipadm
ipmp0    ipmp       ok          --        --
ipmp0/v4   static     ok          --
net0         ip         ok        ipmp0      --

Also, be mindful that any routes that you defined by using specific IP interfaces will no longer
work if these interfaces are subsequently added to an IPMP group. To ensure that a default route
is preserved while using IPMP, you can define the route without specifying an interface. Using
this method ensures that any interface, including an IPMP interface, can be used for routing,
thereby enabling the system to continue to route traffic.

Loss of routing when configuring IPMP can also occur in association with an Oracle Solaris
installation. During the installation, you are required to define a default route, for which you
can use an interface on the system, such as the primary interface. Subsequently, if you configure
an IPMP group by using the same interface on which you defined the default route, the system
can no longer route network packets because the interface's address has been transferred to the
IPMP interface. The following procedure describes a method for preserving the default route
when using IPMP.

Chapter 3 • Administering IPMP 79

How to Preserve the Default Route While Using IPMP

How to Preserve the Default Route While Using

The following task assumes the primary interface on the system is the interface on which
the default route is defined. This type of routing loss applies to any interface that is used for
routing, which later becomes part of an IPMP group.

1. Log in to the system by using a console.

You must use the console to perform this procedure. If you use the ssh or telnet command to
log in, the connection is lost when you perform the subsequent steps.

2. (Optional) Display the routes that are currently defined in the routing table.
# netstat -nr

3. Delete the route that is bound to the specific interface.

# route -p delete default gateway-address -ifp interface

4. Add the route without specifying an interface.

# route -p add default gateway-address

5. (Optional) Display the redefined routes in the routing table.

# netstat -nr

6. (Optional) If the information has not changed, restart the routing service, then
recheck the information in the routing table to make sure the routes have been
correctly redefined.
# svcadm restart routing-setup

Example   19 Defining Routes for IPMP

This example assumes that the default route was defined for net0 during the installation.
# netstat -nr
Routing Table: IPv4
Destination Gateway Flags Ref Use Interface
------------- ------------ -------- ----- ----------- --------
default UG 107 176682262 net0 U 22 137738792 net0

# route -p delete default -ifp net0

# route -p add default

# netstat -nr
Routing Table: IPv4

80 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
Administering IPMP

Destination Gateway Flags Ref Use Interface

------------- ------------ -------- ----- ----------- --------
default UG 107 176682262 U 22 137738792 net0

Administering IPMP
This section contains the following procedures for maintaining an IPMP group that you have
created on the system:
■ “How to Add an Interface to an IPMP Group” on page 81
■ “How to Remove an Interface From an IPMP Group” on page 82
■ “How to Add IP Addresses to an IPMP Group” on page 82
■ “How to Delete IP Addresses From an IPMP Interface” on page 83
■ “How to Move an Interface From One IPMP Group to Another IPMP
Group” on page 84
■ “How to Delete an IPMP Group” on page 85

How to Add an Interface to an IPMP Group

Before You Begin Ensure that the interface that you add to the group meets all of the necessary requirements. For
a list of requirements, see “How to Plan an IPMP Group” on page 72.

1. Become the root role.

2. If the underlying IP interface does not yet exist, create the interface.
# ipadm create-ip under-interface

3. Add the IP interface to the IPMP group.

# ipadm add-ipmp -i under-interface ipmp-interface

where ipmp-interface refers to the IPMP group to which you want to add the underlying

Example   20 Adding an Interface to an IPMP Group

The following example shows how you would add the net4 interface to the IPMP group ipmp0.
# ipadm create-ip net4
# ipadm add-ipmp -i net4 ipmp0
# ipmpstat -g

Chapter 3 • Administering IPMP 81

How to Remove an Interface From an IPMP Group

ipmp0 ipmp0 ok 10.00s net0 net1 net4

How to Remove an Interface From an IPMP Group

1. Become the root role.

2. Remove one or more interfaces from the IPMP group.

# ipadm remove-ipmp -i under-interface[ -i under-interface ...] ipmp-interface

where under-interface refers to an IP interface that you are removing from the IPMP group and
ipmp-interface refers to the IPMP group from which you are removing underlying interfaces.
You can remove as many underlying interfaces in a single command, as required. Removing all
of the underlying interfaces does not delete the IPMP interface. Instead, it exists as an empty
IPMP interface or group.

Example   21 Removing an Interface From an IPMP Group

The following example shows how to remove the net4 interface from the IPMP group ipmp0.
# ipadm remove-ipmp -i net4 ipmp0
# ipmpstat -g
ipmp0 ipmp0 ok 10.00s net0 net1

How to Add IP Addresses to an IPMP Group

To add IP addresses to an IPMP group, use the ipadm create-addr command. For IPMP
configuration, an IP address can be either a data address or a test address. A data address is
added to an IPMP interface, while a test address is added to an underlying interface of the
IPMP interface. The following procedure describes how to add IP addresses that are either test
addresses or data addresses.

1. Become the root role.

2. Add the IP addresses to an IPMP group.

■ Add data addresses to an IPMP group as follows:

# ipadm create-addr -a address ipmp-interface

An address object is automatically assigned to the IP address that you just created. An
address object is a unique identifier of the IP address. The address object's name uses the

82 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Delete IP Addresses From an IPMP Interface

naming convention interface/random-string. Thus, address objects of data addresses would

include the IPMP interface in their names.

■ Add test addresses to an underlying interface of an IPMP group as follows:

# ipadm create-addr -a address under-interface

An address object is automatically assigned to the IP address that you just created. An
address object is a unique identifier of the IP address. The address object's name uses the
naming convention interface/random-string. Thus, address objects of test addresses would
include the underlying interface in their names.

How to Delete IP Addresses From an IPMP


To delete IP addresses from an IPMP group, use the ipadm delete-addr command. For IPMP
configuration, data addresses are hosted on the IPMP interface and test addresses are hosted
on underlying interfaces. The following procedure shows how to remove IP addresses that are
either data addresses or test addresses.

1. Become the root role.

2. Determine the IP addresses that you want to remove.

■ Display a list of data addresses as follows:

# ipadm show-addr ipmp-interface

■ Display a list of test addresses as follows:

# ipadm show-addr

Test addresses are identified by address objects whose names include the underlying
interfaces where the addresses are configured.

3. Remove the IP addresses from an IPMP group.

■ Remove data addresses as follows:

# ipadm delete-addr addrobj

where addrobj must include the name of the IPMP interface. If the address object that you
type does not include the IPMP interface name, then the address that will be deleted is not
a data address.

Chapter 3 • Administering IPMP 83

How to Move an Interface From One IPMP Group to Another IPMP Group

■ Remove test addresses as follows:

# ipadm delete-addr addrobj

where addrobj must include the name of the correct underlying interface to delete the
correct test address.

Example   22 Removing a Test Address From an Interface

The following example uses the configuration of the active-standby IPMP group ipmp0 that
is shown in Example 18. This example removes the test address from the underlying interface

# ipadm show-addr net1

net1/v4 static ok

# ipadm delete-addr net1/v4

How to Move an Interface From One IPMP Group

to Another IPMP Group

You can place an interface in a new IPMP group when the interface belongs to an existing
IPMP group. You do not need to remove the interface from the current IPMP group. When you
place the interface in a new group, the interface is automatically removed from any existing
IPMP group.

1. Become the root role.

2. Move the interface to a new IPMP group.

# ipadm add-ipmp -i under-interface ipmp-interface

where under-interface refers to the underlying interface that you want to move and ipmp-
interface refers to the IPMP interface to which you want to move the underlying interface.

Example   23 Moving an Interface to a Different IPMP Group

In the following example, the underlying interfaces of the IPMP group are net0, net1, and
net2. The example shows how to remove the net0 interface from IPMP group ipmp0 and then
places net0 in the IPMP group cs-link1.

# ipadm add-ipmp -i net0 ca-link1

84 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Delete an IPMP Group

How to Delete an IPMP Group

Use the following procedure if you no longer need a specific IPMP group.

1. Become the root role.

2. Identify the IPMP group and the underlying IP interfaces that are to be deleted.

# ipmpstat -g

3. Remove all of the IP interfaces that currently belong to the IPMP group.

# ipadm remove-ipmp -i under-interface[, -i under-interface, ...] ipmp-interface

where under-interface refers to the underlying interface that you want to remove and ipmp-
interface refers to the IPMP interface from which you want to remove the underlying interface.

Note - To successfully delete an IPMP interface, no IP interface must exist as part of the IPMP

4. Delete the IPMP interface.

# ipadm delete-ipmp ipmp-interface

After you delete the IPMP interface, any IP address that is associated with the interface is also
deleted from the system.

Example   24 Deleting an IPMP Interface

The following example deletes the interface ipmp0 with the underlying IP interface net0 and

# ipmpstat -g
ipmp0 ipmp0 ok 10.00s net0 net1

# ipadm remove-ipmp -i net0 -i net1 ipmp0

# ipadm delete-ipmp ipmp0

Configuring Probe-Based Failure Detection

This section contains the following topics:
■ “About Probe-Based Failure Detection” on page 86

Chapter 3 • Administering IPMP 85

How to Delete an IPMP Group

■ “Requirements for Choosing Targets for Probe-based Failure Detection” on page 87

■ “Selecting a Failure Detection Method” on page 87
■ “How to Manually Specify Target Systems for Probe-Based Failure
Detection” on page 88
■ “How to Configure the Behavior of the IPMP Daemon” on page 88

About Probe-Based Failure Detection

Probe-based failure detection involves the use of target systems, as described in “Probe-Based
Failure Detection” on page 66. In identifying targets for probe-based failure detection, the in.
mpathd daemon operates in two modes: router target mode or multicast target mode. In router
target mode, the daemon probes targets that are defined in the routing table. If no targets are
defined, then the daemon operates in multicast target mode, where multicast packets are sent
out to probe neighbor hosts on the LAN.

Preferably, you should set up target systems for the in.mpathd daemon to probe. For some
IPMP groups, the default router is sufficient as a target. However, for some IPMP groups, you
might want to configure specific targets for probe-based failure detection. To specify the targets,
set up host routes in the routing table as probe targets. Any host routes that are configured in the
routing table are listed before the default router. IPMP uses the explicitly defined host routes for
target selection. Thus, you should set up host routes to configure specific probe targets rather
than use the default router.

To set up host routes in the routing table, you use the route command. You can use the -p
option with this command to add persistent routes. For example, route -p add adds a route
that will remain in the routing table even after you reboot the system. The -p option thus enables
you to add persistent routes without needing any special scripts to recreate these routes with
every system start-up. To optimally use probe-based failure detection, make sure that you set up
multiple targets to receive probes.

The route command operates on both IPv4 and IPv6 routes, with IPv4 routes as the default. If
you use the -inet6 option immediately after the route command, operations are performed on
IPv6 routes.

The procedure “How to Manually Specify Target Systems for Probe-Based Failure
Detection” on page 88 shows the exact syntax to use to add persistent routes to targets for
probe-based failure detection. For more information about the options that can be used with the
route command, see the route(1M) man page and “Maintaining IP Connectivity and Routing
While Deploying IPMP” on page 79.

86 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Delete an IPMP Group

Requirements for Choosing Targets for Probe-

based Failure Detection
Refer to the following requirements to determine which hosts on your network might serve as
good targets:
■ Make sure that the prospective targets are available and running. Make a list of their IP
■ Make sure that the target interfaces are on the same network as the IPMP group that you are
■ The netmask and broadcast addresses of the target systems must be the same as the
addresses in the IPMP group.
■ The target host must be able to answer ICMP requests from the interface that is using probe-
based failure detection.

Selecting a Failure Detection Method

Probe-based failure detection can operate either by using a transitive method that does not use
test addresses or by configuring test addresses.

Also, if the NIC driver supports it, link-based failure detection is always enabled automatically.
You cannot disable link-based failure detection if this method is supported by the NIC driver.
However, you can select which type of probe-based failure detection to implement.

Before selecting a probe-based detection method, take sure that your probe targets meet the
requirements that are listed in “Requirements for Choosing Targets for Probe-based Failure
Detection” on page 87.

To use just transitive probing, do the following:

1. Enable the IPMP property transitive-probing by using SMF commands.

# svccfg -s svc:/network/ipmp setprop config/transitive-probing=true

# svcadm refresh svc:/network/ipmp:default

For more information about setting this property, see the in.mpathd(1M) man page.
2. Remove any existing test addresses that have been configured for the IPMP group.

# ipadm delete-addr address addrobj

where addrobj must refer to an underlying interface that hosts a test address.

To use test addresses to probe for failure, do the following:

Assign test addresses to the underlying interfaces of the IPMP group.

Chapter 3 • Administering IPMP 87

How to Manually Specify Target Systems for Probe-Based Failure Detection

# ipadm create-addr -a address under-interface

where address can be in CIDR notation and under-interface is an underlying interface of the
IPMP group.

How to Manually Specify Target Systems for

Probe-Based Failure Detection

The following procedure describes how to add specific targets if you are using test addresses to
implement probe-based failure detection.

Before You Begin Make sure that your probe targets meet the requirements that are listed in “Requirements for
Choosing Targets for Probe-based Failure Detection” on page 87.

1. Log in with your user account to the system on which you are configuring probe-
based failure detection.

2. Add a route to the particular host that is to be used as a target in probe-based

failure detection.
% route -p add -host destination-IP gateway-IP -static

where destination-IP and gateway-IP are IPv4 addresses of the host to be used as a target. For
example, you would type the following to specify the target system, which is
on the same subnet as the interfaces in IPMP group ipmp0:
% route -p add -host -static

This new route will be automatically configured every time the system is restarted. If you only
want to define a temporary route to a target system for probe-based failure detection, then do
not use the -p option.

3. Add routes to additional hosts on the network that are to be used as target

How to Configure the Behavior of the IPMP


Use the IPMP /etc/default/mpathd configuration file to configure the following system-wide
parameters for IPMP groups:

88 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Configure the Behavior of the IPMP Daemon


1. Become the root role.

2. Edit the /etc/default/mpathd file.

# pfedit /etc/default/mpathd

See the pfedit(1M) man page for instructions.

Change the default value of one or more of the following three parameters:

■ Type the new value for the FAILURE_DETECTION_TIME parameter as follows:


where n is the amount of time in seconds for ICMP probes to detect whether an interface
failure has occurred. The default is 10 seconds.
■ Type the new value for the FAILBACK parameter as follows:

FAILBACK=[yes | no]

yes Is the default for the failback behavior of IPMP. When the repair
of a failed interface is detected, network access fails back to the
repaired interface, as described in “Detecting Physical Interface
Repairs” on page 68.

no Indicates that data traffic does not return to a repaired interface.

When a failed interfaces is detected as repaired, the INACTIVE flag is
set for that interface. This flag indicates that the interface is currently
not to be used for data traffic. The interface can still be used for probe
For example, assume that the IPMP group ipmp0 consists of two
interfaces, net0 and net1. In the /etc/default/mpathd file, the
FAILBACK=no parameter is set. If net0 fails, then it is flagged as
FAILED and becomes unusable. After repair, the interface is flagged as
INACTIVE and remains unusable because of the FAILBACK=no value.
If net1 fails and only net0 is in the INACTIVE state, then the
INACTIVE flag for net0 is cleared and the interface becomes usable.
If the IPMP group has other interfaces that are also in the INACTIVE
state, then any one of these INACTIVE interfaces, and not necessarily
net0, can be cleared and become usable when net1 fails.
■ Type the new value for the TRACK_INTERFACES_ONLY_WITH_GROUPS parameter as follows:


Chapter 3 • Administering IPMP 89

Monitoring IPMP Information

yes Is the default for the behavior of IPMP. This value causes IPMP to
ignore network interfaces that are not configured into an IPMP group.

no Sets failure and repair detection for all network interfaces, regardless
of whether they are configured into an IPMP group. However, when
a failure or repair is detected on an interface that is not configured
into an IPMP group, no action is triggered in IPMP to maintain the
networking functions of that interface. Therefore, the no value is only
useful for reporting failures and does not directly improve network
For more information about this parameter and the anonymous
group feature, see “Failure Detection and the Anonymous Group
Feature” on page 68.

3. Restart the in.mpathd daemon.

# pkill -HUP in.mpathd

The daemon restarts with the new parameter values in effect.

Monitoring IPMP Information

The following examples show how to use the ipmpstat command to monitor different aspects
of the IPMP groups that are on the system. You can observe the status of an IPMP group as
a whole or its underlying IP interfaces. You can also verify the configuration of data and test
addresses for an IPMP group. You can also use the same command to obtain information about
failure detection. For more information, see the ipmpstat(1M) man page.

When you use the ipmpstat command, by default, the most meaningful fields that fit in 80
columns are displayed. In the output, all of the fields that are specific to the option that you use
with the ipmpstat command are displayed, except in the case where the ipmpstat is used with
the -p option.

By default, host names are displayed in the output instead of numeric IP addresses, provided
that the host names exist. To list the numeric IP addresses in the output, use the -n option with
other options to display specific IPMP group information.

Note - In the following examples, use of the ipmpstat command does not require system
administrator privileges, unless stated otherwise.

Use the ipmpstat command with the following options to display the desired information:

90 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
Monitoring IPMP Information

-g Displays information about the IPMP groups on the system. See Example

-a Displays the data addresses that are configured for the IPMP groups. See
Example 26.

-i Displays information about IP interfaces that are related to IPMP

configuration. See Example 27.

-t Displays information about target systems that are used for detecting
failure. This option also displays the test addresses that are used by the
IPMP group. See Example 28.

-p Displays information about the probes that are being used for failure
detection. See Example 29.

The following additional examples show how to display information about your system's IPMP
configuration by using the ipmpstat command.

EXAMPLE   25 Obtaining IPMP Group Information

The -g option displays the status of the various IPMP groups that are on the system, including
the status of their underlying interfaces. If probe-based failure detection is enabled for a specific
group, the command also includes the failure detection time for that group.
% ipmpstat -g
ipmp0 ipmp0 ok 10.00s net0 net1
acctg1 acctg1 failed -- [net3 net4]
field2 field2 degraded 20.00s net2 net5 (net7) [net6]

The output fields provide the following information:

GROUP Specifies the IPMP interface name. For an anonymous group, this field
is empty. For more information about anonymous groups, see the in.
mpathd(1M) man page.

GROUPNAME Specifies the name of the IPMP group. In the case of an anonymous
group, this field is empty.

STATE Indicates an IPMP group's current status, which can be one of the
■ ok – Indicates that all of the underlying interfaces of the IPMP group
are usable.
■ degraded – Indicates that some of the underlying interfaces in the
group are unusable.
■ failed – Indicates that all of the group's interfaces are unusable.

Chapter 3 • Administering IPMP 91

Monitoring IPMP Information

FDT Specifies the failure detection time, if failure detection is enabled. If

failure detection is disabled, this field is empty.

INTERFACES Specifies the underlying interfaces that belong to the IPMP group. In this
field, active interfaces are displayed first, then inactive interfaces, and
finally unusable interfaces. The status of an interface is indicated by the
manner in which it is displayed:
■ interface (without parentheses or square brackets) – Indicates an
active interface. Active interfaces are being used by the system to
send or receive data traffic.
■ (interface) (with parentheses) – Indicates a functioning but inactive
interface. The interface is not in use, as defined by administrative
■ [interface] (with square brackets) – Indicates that the interface is
unusable because it has either failed or been taken offline.

EXAMPLE   26 Obtaining IPMP Data Address Information

The -a option displays data addresses and the IPMP group to which each address belongs. The
displayed information also includes those addresses that are available for use, depending on
whether the addresses have been toggled by the ipadm [up-addr/down-addr] command. You
can also determine on which inbound or outbound interface an address can be used.

% ipmpstat -an
ADDRESS STATE GROUP INBOUND OUTBOUND up ipmp0 net0 net0 net1 up ipmp0 net1 net0 net1 up acctg1 -- -- up acctg1 -- -- up field2 net2 net2 net7 up field2 net7 net2 net7 down field2 -- --

The output fields provide the following information:

ADDRESS Specifies the host name or the data address, if the -n option is used with
the -a option.

STATE Indicates whether the address on the IPMP interface is up, and therefore
usable, or down, and therefore unusable.

GROUP Specifies the IPMP interface that hosts a specific data address. Typically,
in Oracle Solaris, the name of the IPMP group is the IPMP interface.

INBOUND Identifies the interface that receives packets for a given address. The field
information might change depending on external events. For example, if

92 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
Monitoring IPMP Information

a data address is down, or if no active IP interfaces remain in the IPMP

group, this field is empty. The empty field indicates that the system is not
accepting IP packets that are destined for the given address.

OUTBOUND Identifies the interface that sends packets that are using a given address
as a source address. As with the INBOUND field, the OUTBOUND information
might also change depending on external events. An empty field
indicates that the system is not sending packets with the given source
address. The field might be empty, either because the address is down or
because no active IP interfaces remain in the group.

EXAMPLE   27 Obtaining Information About Underlying IP Interfaces of an IPMP Group

The -i option displays information about an IPMP group's underlying IP interfaces.

% ipmpstat -i
net0 yes ipmp0 --mb--- up ok ok
net1 yes ipmp0 ------- up disabled ok
net3 no acctg1 ------- unknown disabled offline
net4 no acctg1 is----- down unknown failed
net2 yes field2 --mb--- unknown ok ok
net6 no field2 -i----- up ok ok
net5 no filed2 ------- up failed failed
net7 yes field2 --mb--- up ok ok

The output fields provide the following information:

INTERFACE Specifies each underlying interface in each IPMP group.

ACTIVE Indicates whether the interface is functioning and in use (yes) or not (no).

GROUP Specifies the IPMP interface name. For anonymous groups, this field
is empty. For more information about anonymous groups, see the in.
mpathd(1M) man page.

FLAGS Indicates the status of each underlying interface, which can be one or any
combination of the following:
■ b – Indicates that the interface is designated by the system to receive
broadcast traffic for the IPMP group.
■ d – Indicates that the interface is down and therefore unusable.
■ h – Indicates that the interface shares a duplicate physical hardware
address with another interface and has been taken offline. The h flag
indicates that the interface is unusable.
■ i – Indicates that the INACTIVE flag is set for the interface. Therefore,
the interface is not used to send or receive data traffic.

Chapter 3 • Administering IPMP 93

Monitoring IPMP Information

■ m – Indicates that the interface is designated by the system to send

and receive IPv4 multicast traffic for the IPMP group.
■ M – Indicates that the interface is designated by the system to send
and receive IPv6 multicast traffic for the IPMP group.
■ s – Indicates that the interface is configured as a standby interface.

LINK Indicates the status of link-based failure detection, which is one of the
■ up or down – Indicates the availability or unavailability of a link.
■ unknown – Indicates that the driver does not support notification of
whether a link is up or down and therefore does not detect changes in
the state of the link.

PROBE Specifies the state of probe-based failure detection for interfaces that
have been configured with a test address, as follows:
■ ok – Indicates that the probe is functional and active.
■ failed – Indicates that probe-based failure detection has detected
that the interface is not working.
■ unknown – Indicates that no suitable probe targets could be found,
Therefore, probes cannot be sent.
■ disabled – Indicates that no IPMP test address is configured on the
interface. Therefore, probe-based failure detection is disabled.

STATE Specifies the overall state of the interface, as follows:

■ ok – Indicates that the interface is online and working normally based
on the configuration of failure detection methods.
■ failed – Indicates that the interface is not working either because the
interface's link is down or because the probe detection has determined
that the interface cannot send or receive traffic.
■ offline – Indicates that the interface is not available for use.
Typically, the interface is taken offline under the following
■ The interface is being tested.
■ Dynamic reconfiguration is being performed.
■ The interface shares a duplicate hardware address with another
■ unknown – Indicates that the IPMP interface's state cannot be
determined because no probe targets were found for probe-based
failure detection.

94 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
Monitoring IPMP Information

EXAMPLE   28 Obtaining IPMP Probe Target Information

The -t option identifies the probe targets that are associated with each IP interface in an
IPMP group. The output in the following example shows an IPMP configuration that uses test
addresses for probe-based failure detection.

% ipmpstat -nt
net0 routes
net1 disabled -- --
net3 disabled -- --
net4 routes
net2 multicast
net6 multicast
net5 multicast
net7 multicast

The following output shows an IPMP configuration that uses transitive probing or probe-based
failure detection without test addresses.

% ipmpstat -nt
net3 transitive <net1> <net1> <net2> <net3>
net2 transitive <net1> <net1> <net2> <net3>
net1 routes

The output fields provide the following information:

INTERFACE Specifies each underlying interface of an IPMP group.

MODE Specifies the method for obtaining the probe targets.

■ routes – Indicates that the system routing table is used to find probe
■ mcast – Indicates that multicast ICMP probes are used to find targets.
■ disabled – Indicates that probe-based failure detection has been
disabled for the interface.
■ transitive – Indicates that transitive probing is used for failure
detection, as shown in the second example. Note that you cannot
implement probe-based failure detection while simultaneously
using transitive probes and test addresses. If you do not want
to use test addresses, then you must enable transitive probing.
If you do not want to use transitive probing, then you must
configure test addresses. For an overview, see “Probe-Based Failure
Detection” on page 66.

TESTADDR Specifies the host name, or if the -n option is used with the -t option, the
IP address that is assigned to the interface to send and receive probes.

Chapter 3 • Administering IPMP 95

Monitoring IPMP Information

If transitive probing is used, then the interface names refer to the

underlying IP interfaces that are not actively used to receive data. The
names also indicate that the transitive test probes are being sent with the
source address of these specified interfaces. For active underlying IP
interfaces that receive data, an IP address that is displayed indicates the
source address of outgoing ICMP probes.

Note - If an IP interface is configured with both IPv4 and IPv6 test addresses, the probe target
information is displayed separately for each test address.

TARGETS Lists the current probe targets in a space-separated list. The probe targets
are displayed either as host names or IP addresses. If the -n option is used
with the -t option, the IP addresses are displayed.

EXAMPLE   29 Observing IPMP Probes

The -p option enables you to observe ongoing probes. When you use this option with the
ipmpstat command, information about probe activity on the system is continuously displayed
until you terminate the command by pressing Control-C. You must become the root role or
have appropriate privileges to run this command.

The following is an example of an IPMP configuration that uses test addresses for probe-based
failure detection.
# ipmpstat -pn
0.11s net0 589 0.51ms 0.76ms 0.76ms
0.17s net4 612 -- -- --
0.25s net2 602 0.61ms 1.10ms 1.10ms
0.26s net6 602 -- -- --
0.25s net5 601 0.62ms 1.20ms 1.00ms
0.26s net7 603 0.79ms 1.11ms 1.10ms
1.66s net4 613 -- -- --
1.70s net0 603 0.63ms 1.10ms 1.10ms

The following is an example of an IPMP configuration that uses transitive probing or probe-
based failure detection without test addresses.
# ipmpstat -pn
1.39S net4 t28 1.05ms 1.06ms 1.15ms <net1>
1.39s net1 i29 1.00ms 1.42ms 1.48ms

The output fields provide the following information:

TIME Specifies the time a probe was sent relative to when the ipmpstat
command was issued. If a probe was initiated prior to ipmpstat being

96 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
Monitoring IPMP Information

started, then the time is displayed with a negative value, relative to when
the command was issued.

INTERFACE Specifies the interface on which the probe is sent.

PROBE Specifies the identifier that represents the probe. If transitive probing
is used for failure detection, the identifier is prefixed with either t for
transitive probes or i for ICMP probes.

NETRTT Specifies the total network round-trip time of the probe, measured in
milliseconds. NETRTT covers the time between the moment when the IP
module sends the probe and the moment the IP module receives the ack
packets from the target. If the in.mpathd daemon has determined that the
probe is lost, then the field is empty.

RTT Specifies the total round-trip time for the probe, measured in
milliseconds. RTT covers the time between the moment the in.mpathd
daemon executes the code to send the probe and the moment the daemon
completes processing of the ack packets from the target. If the daemon
has determined that the probe is lost, then the field is empty. Spikes that
occur in the RTT that are not present in the NETRTT might indicate that the
local system is overloaded.

RTTAVG Specifies the probe's average round-trip time over the interface between
the local system and the target. The average round-trip time helps
identify slow targets. If data is insufficient to calculate the average, this
field is empty.

TARGET Specifies the host name. Or, if the -n option is used with the -p option,
specifies the target address to which the probe is sent.

Customizing the Output of the ipmpstat Command

The -o option enables you to customize the output of the ipmpstat command. You use this
option with the other previously mentioned ipmpstat options to select specific fields to be
displayed out of the total fields that the main option normally displays.
For example, the -g option provides the following information:
■ IPMP group
■ IPMP group name
■ Status of the group
■ Failure detection time

Chapter 3 • Administering IPMP 97

Monitoring IPMP Information

■ Underlying interfaces of the IPMP group

Suppose that you want to display only the status of the IPMP groups on the system. You would
combine the -o and -g options and specify the groupname and state fields, as shown in the
following example:
% ipmpstat -g -o groupname,state
ipmp0 ok
accgt1 failed
field2 degraded

To display all of the fields of the ipmpstat command for a specific type of information, include
the -o option with the all argument.

Using the ipmpstat Command in Scripts

The -o option is useful when you run the ipmpstat command from a script or by using a
command alias, particularly if you also want to generate machine-parsable output.

To generate machine-parsable information, you combine the -P and -o options with one of the
other main ipmpstat options, along with the specific fields that you want to display.
A machine-parsable output differs from normal output in the following ways:
■ Column headers are omitted.
■ Fields are separated by colons (:).
■ Fields with empty values are empty rather than filled with the double dash (--).
■ When multiple fields are requested, if a field contains a literal colon (:) or backslash (\),
you can escape or exclude these characters by prefixing them with a backslash (\).

To correctly use the ipmpstat -P command, observe the following rules:

■ Use the -o option field option with the -P option. Separate multiple option fields with
■ Never use the -o all option with the -P option.

Caution - Ignoring either one of these rules causes ipmpstat -P to fail.

The following example shows the correct syntax for using the -P option:
% ipmpstat -P -o -g groupname,fdt,interfaces
ipmp0:10.00s:net0 net1
acctg1::[net3 net4]
field2:20.00s:net2 net7 (net5) [net6]

98 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
Monitoring IPMP Information

The group name, failure detection time, and underlying interfaces are group information fields.
Thus, you use the -o and -g options along with the -P option.

The -P option is intended for use in scripts. The following example shows how you would run
the ipmpstat command from a script. The script displays the failure detection time for an IPMP
getfdt() {
ipmpstat -gP -o group,fdt | while IFS=: read group fdt; do
[[ "$group" = "$1" ]] && { echo "$fdt"; return; }

Chapter 3 • Administering IPMP 99

100 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
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About IP Tunnel Administration

This chapter provides an overview of IP tunnel administration in Oracle Solaris. For task-
related information, see Chapter 5, “Administering IP Tunnels”.
This chapter contains the following topics:

■ “What's New in IP Tunnel Administration” on page 101

■ “About the IP Tunnel Feature” on page 101
■ “About Deploying IP Tunnels” on page 108

What's New in IP Tunnel Administration

IP tunnel administration in Oracle Solaris 11 has been revised so that it is consistent with the
new model that is used for network datalink administration. In this release, you create and
configure IP tunnels by using the dladm command. Tunnels can also use other datalink features
that are supported in this release. For example, support for administratively chosen names
enables you to assign tunnels more meaningful names than in previous releases. For more
information, see the dladm(1M) man page.

About the IP Tunnel Feature

IP tunnels, also referred to simply as tunnels in this book, provide a means for transporting data
packets between domains when the protocol in those domains is not supported by intermediary
networks. For example, IPv6 networks require a way to communicate outside their borders in
an environment where most networks use the IPv4 protocol. This communication is possible by
using tunnels. IP tunnels provide a virtual link between two nodes that are reachable by using
IP. The link can thus be used to transport IPv6 packets over the IPv4 networks to enable IPv6
communication between the two IPv6 sites.

Chapter 4 • About IP Tunnel Administration 101

About the IP Tunnel Feature

Types of Tunnels
Tunneling involves the encapsulation of an IP packet within another packet. This encapsulation
enables the packet to reach its destination through intermediary networks that do not support the
packet's protocol. Tunnels differ depending on the type of packet encapsulation that is used.
The following types of tunnels are supported in Oracle Solaris:

■ IPv4 tunnels – IPv4 packets are encapsulated in an IPv4 header and sent to a preconfigured
unicast IPv4 destination. To indicate more specifically the packets that flow over the tunnel,
IPv4 tunnels are also called either IPv4 over IPv4 tunnels or IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels.
■ 6to4 tunnels – IPv6 packets are encapsulated in an IPv4 header and sent to an IPv4
destination that is automatically determined on a per-packet basis. This determination is
based on an algorithm that is defined in the 6to4 protocol.
■ IPv6 tunnels – IPv6 packets are encapsulated in an IPv4 header and sent to an IPv4
destination that is automatically determined on a per-packet basis. The determination is
based on an algorithm that is defined in the 6to4 protocol.

Tunnels in the Combined IPv6 and IPv4 Network


Many sites that have IPv6 domains might need to communicate with other IPv6 domains by
traversing IPv4 networks during the early phases of IPv6 deployment. The following figure
illustrates the tunneling mechanism (indicated by "R" in the figure) between two IPv6 hosts
through IPv4 routers.

102 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
About the IP Tunnel Feature

FIGURE   5 IPv6 Tunneling Mechanism

In the previous figure, the tunnel consists of two routers that are configured with a virtual point-
to-point link between the two routers over the IPv4 network.

An IPv6 packet is encapsulated within an IPv4 packet. The boundary router of the IPv6 network
sets up a point-to-point tunnel over various IPv4 networks to the boundary router of the
destination IPv6 network. The packet is transported over the tunnel to the destination boundary
router, where the packet is decapsulated. The router then forwards the separate IPv6 packet to
the destination node.

6to4 Tunnels
Oracle Solaris includes 6to4 tunnels as an interim method for making the transition from IPv4
to IPv6 addressing. 6to4 tunnels enable isolated IPv6 sites to communicate across an automatic
tunnel over an IPv4 network that does not support IPv6. To use 6to4 tunnels, you must first
configure a boundary router on your IPv6 network as one endpoint of the 6to4 automatic tunnel.
In this way, the 6to4 router can participate in a tunnel to another 6to4 site or to a native IPv6
non-6to4 site, if required.

Chapter 4 • About IP Tunnel Administration 103

About the IP Tunnel Feature

Topology of a 6to4 Tunnel

A 6to4 tunnel provides IPv6 connectivity to all 6to4 sites everywhere. Likewise, the tunnel
also functions as a link to all IPv6 sites, including the native IPv6 Internet, provided that the
tunnel is configured to forward to a relay router. The following figure shows how a 6to4 tunnel
provides this connectivity between 6to4 sites.

FIGURE   6 Tunnel Between Two 6to4 Sites

The previous figure depicts two isolated 6to4 networks, Site A and Site B. Each site has
configured a router with an external connection to an IPv4 network. A 6to4 tunnel across the
IPv4 network provides a connection to link 6to4 sites.

Prior to an IPv6 site becoming a 6to4 site, you must configure at least one router interface
for 6to4 support. This interface must provide the external connection to the IPv4 network. In
the previous figure, boundary Router A's interface net0 connects Site A to the IPv4 network.
The address that you configure on net0 must be globally unique. You must configure the net0

104 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
About the IP Tunnel Feature

interface with an IPv4 address before you can configure a tunnel interface for 6to4 support on
the router.

In the figure, 6to4 Site A is composed of two subnets that are connected to interfaces net1 and
net2 on Router A. All IPv6 hosts on either subnet of Site A are automatically reconfigured with
6to4-derived addresses upon receipt of the advertisement from Router A.

Site B is another isolated 6to4 site. To correctly receive traffic from Site A, you must configure
a boundary router on Site B for 6to4 support. Otherwise, packets that the router receives from
Site A are not recognized and are then dropped.

6to4relay Command

6to4 tunneling enables communication between isolated 6to4 sites. However, to transfer packets
with a native, non-6to4 IPv6 site, the 6to4 router must establish a tunnel with a 6to4 relay
router. The 6to4 relay router then forwards the 6to4 packets to the IPv6 network, and ultimately,
to the native IPv6 site. If your 6to4-enabled site must exchange data with a native IPv6 site, you
use the 6to4relay command to enable the appropriate tunnel.

Note - Because the use of relay routers is insecure, tunneling to a relay router is disabled by
default in Oracle Solaris. Carefully consider the issues that are involved in creating a tunnel to a
6to4 relay router before deploying this scenario. For detailed information, see “Considerations
for Enabling Tunnels to a 6to4 Relay Router” on page 106. If you decide to enable 6to4
relay router support, you can find the related procedures in “How to Create and Configure an IP
Tunnel” on page 112.

For more information, see the 6to4(7M) man page.

Packet Flow Through a 6to4 Tunnel

The following information pertains to how the flow of packets from a host at one 6to4 site to a
host at a remote 6to4 site works. This scenario that is described uses the topology that is shown
in Figure 6. Moreover, the scenario assumes that the 6to4 routers and the 6to4 hosts are already

The packet flow is as follows:

1. A host on Subnet 1 of 6to4 Site A sends a transmission with a host at 6to4 Site B as the
destination. Each packet header has a 6to4-derived source address and a 6to4-derived
destination address.
2. Site A's router encapsulates each 6to4 packet within an IPv4 header. In this process, the
router sets the IPv4 destination address of the encapsulating header to Site B's router

Chapter 4 • About IP Tunnel Administration 105

About the IP Tunnel Feature

address. For each IPv6 packet that flows through the tunnel interface, the packet's IPv6
destination address also contains the IPv4 destination address. Thus, the router is able to
determine the IPv4 destination address that is set on the encapsulating header. Then, the
router uses standard IPv4 routing procedures to forward the packet over the IPv4 network.
3. Any IPv4 routers that the packets encounter use the packets' IPv4 destination address for
forwarding. This address is the globally unique IPv4 address of the interface on Router B,
which also serves as the 6to4 pseudo-interface.
4. Packets from Site A arrive at Router B, which decapsulates the IPv6 packets from the IPv4
5. Router B then uses the destination address in the IPv6 packet to forward the packets to the
recipient host at Site B.

Considerations for Enabling Tunnels to a 6to4 Relay Router

6to4 relay routers function as endpoints for tunnels from 6to4 routers that need to communicate
with native IPv6, non-6to4 networks. Relay routers are essentially bridges between the 6to4 site
and native IPv6 sites. Because this solution might be insecure, by default, Oracle Solaris does
not enable 6to4 relay router support. However, if your site requires such a tunnel, you can use
the 6to4relay command to enable tunneling, as depicted in the following figure.

106 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
About the IP Tunnel Feature

FIGURE   7 Tunnel From a 6to4 Site to a 6to4 Relay Router

In Figure 7, 6to4 Site A needs to communicate with a node at the native IPv6 Site B. The figure
shows the path of traffic from Site A onto a 6to4 tunnel over an IPv4 network. The tunnel has
6to4 Router A and a 6to4 relay router as its endpoints. Beyond the 6to4 relay router is the IPv6
network, to which IPv6 Site B is connected.

Packet Flow Between a 6to4 Site and a Native IPv6 Site

The following information pertains to the flow of packets from a 6to4 site to a native IPv6 site.
This scenario uses the topology that is shown in Figure 7.

The packet flow is as follows:

1. A host on 6to4 Site A sends a transmission that specifies as the destination a host at native
IPv6 Site B. Each packet header has a 6to4-derived address as its source address. The
destination address is a standard IPv6 address.

Chapter 4 • About IP Tunnel Administration 107

About Deploying IP Tunnels

2. Site A's 6to4 router encapsulates each packet within an IPv4 header, which has the IPv4
address of the 6to4 relay router as its destination. The 6to4 router uses standard IPv4
routing procedures to forward the packet over the IPv4 network. Any IPv4 routers that the
packets encounter forward the packets to the 6to4 relay router.
3. The physically closest anycast 6to4 relay router to Site A retrieves the packets that are
destined for the anycast group.

Note - 6to4 relay routers that are part of the 6to4 relay router anycast group have the IP
address This anycast address is the default address for 6to4 relay routers. If
you need to use a specific 6to4 relay router, you can override the default and specify that
router's IPv4 address.

4. The relay router decapsulates the IPv4 header from the 6to4 packets, revealing the native
IPv6 destination address.
5. The relay router then sends the now IPv6-only packets onto the IPv6 network, where the
packets are ultimately retrieved by a router at Site B. The router then forwards the packets
to the destination IPv6 node.

About Deploying IP Tunnels

To properly deploy IP tunnels, you need to perform two main tasks. First, create the tunnel link,
then configure an IP interface over the tunnel. The following are the requirements for creating
tunnels and their corresponding IP interfaces.

Requirements for Creating IP Tunnels

To successfully create IP tunnels, you must observe the following requirements:

■ If you use host names instead of literal IP addresses, these names must resolve to valid IP
addresses that are compatible with the tunnel type.
■ The IPv4 or IPv6 tunnel that you create must not share the same tunnel source address and
tunnel destination address with another configured tunnel.
■ The IPv4 or IPv6 tunnel that you create must not share the same tunnel source address with
an existing 6to4 tunnel.
■ If you create a 6to4 tunnel, that tunnel must not share the same tunnel source address with
another configured tunnel.

For more information, see “Planning for Tunnel Use on the Network” in Planning for Network
Deployment in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

108 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
About Deploying IP Tunnels

Requirements for IP Tunnels and IP Interfaces

Each tunnel type has specific IP address requirements for the IP interface that you configure
over the tunnel. These requirements are summarized in the following table.

TABLE 2 Tunnels and IP Interface Requirements

Tunnel Type IP Interface Allowed Over Tunnel IP Interface Requirement
IPv4 tunnel IPv4 interface Local and remote addresses are
manually specified.
IPv4 tunnel IPv6 interface Local and remote link-local
addresses are automatically set when
you issue the ipadm create-addr
-T addrconf command. See the
ipadm(1M) man page.
IPv6 tunnel IPv4 interface Local and remote addresses are
manually specified.
IPv6 tunnel IPv6 interface Local and remote link-local
addresses are automatically set when
you issue the ipadm create-addr
-T addrconf command. See the
ipadm(1M) man page.
6to4 tunnel IPv6 interface only Default IPv6 address is automatically
selected when you issue the ipadm
create-ip command. See the
ipadm(1M) man page.

You can override the link-local addresses that are automatically set for IPv6 interfaces over
IPv6 or IPv4 tunnels by specifying a local and remote interface-id with the ipadm create-
addr -T addrconf command.

Chapter 4 • About IP Tunnel Administration 109

110 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
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Administering IP Tunnels

This chapter describes tasks for administering IP tunnels in Oracle Solaris. For an overview of
IP tunnel administration, see Chapter 4, “About IP Tunnel Administration”.
This chapter contains the following topics:

■ “About IP Tunnel Administration in Oracle Solaris” on page 111

■ “Administering IP Tunnels” on page 112

About IP Tunnel Administration in Oracle Solaris

In this Oracle Solaris release, tunnel administration is separated from IP interface configuration.
You administer the datalink aspect of IP tunnels with the dladm command and the IP aspect of
configuration (including those for IP tunnels) by using the ipadm command.
The following dladm subcommands are used to configure IP tunnels:

■ create-iptun
■ modify-iptun
■ show-iptun
■ delete-iptun
■ set-linkprop

For more information, see the dladm(1M) man page.

IP tunnel administration is closely associated with IPsec configuration. For example, IPsec
virtual private networks (VPNs) are one of the primary uses of IP tunneling. For more
information about network security in Oracle Solaris, see Chapter 8, “About IP Security
Architecture” in Securing the Network in Oracle Solaris 11.3. To configure IPsec, see Chapter
9, “Configuring IPsec” in Securing the Network in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

Chapter 5 • Administering IP Tunnels 111

Administering IP Tunnels

Administering IP Tunnels

This section contains the following topics:

■ “How to Create and Configure an IP Tunnel” on page 112

■ “How to Configure a 6to4 Tunnel” on page 115
■ “How to Enable a 6to4 Tunnel to a 6to4 Relay Router” on page 117
■ “Modifying an IP Tunnel Configuration” on page 119
■ “Displaying IP Tunnel Configuration Information” on page 120
■ “Displaying an IP Tunnel's Properties” on page 120
■ “How to Delete an IP Tunnel” on page 121

How to Create and Configure an IP Tunnel

1. Become the root role.

2. Create the tunnel.

# dladm create-iptun [-t] -T type -a [local|remote]=addr,... tunnel-link

-t Creates a temporary tunnel. By default, the command creates a persistent

If you want to configure a persistent IP interface over the tunnel, then
you must create a persistent tunnel and not use the -t option.

-T type Specifies the type of tunnel you want to create (IPv4 or IPv6). This
argument is required to create all tunnel types.

-a [local| Specifies literal IP addresses or host names that correspond to the local
remote]=address,... address and the remote tunnel address. The addresses must be valid and
already created in the system. Depending on the type of tunnel, you
specify either only one address, or both local and remote addresses.
If specifying both local and remote addresses, you must separate the
addresses with a comma.
■ IPv4 tunnels require local and remote IPv4 addresses to function.
■ IPv6 tunnels require local and remote IPv6 addresses to function.
■ 6to4 tunnels require a local IPv4 address to function.

112 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Create and Configure an IP Tunnel

Note - For persistent IP tunnel datalink configurations, if you are using host names for
addresses, these host names are saved in the configuration storage. During a subsequent system
boot, if the names resolve to IP addresses that are different from the IP addresses used when the
tunnel was created, then the tunnel acquires a new configuration.

tunnel-link Specifies the IP tunnel link. With support for meaningful names in
a datalink administration, tunnel names are no longer restricted to
the type of tunnel that you are creating. Instead, you can assign any
administratively chosen name to a tunnel. Tunnel names consist of a
string and the physical point of attachment (PPA) number, for example,
mytunnel0. For rules governing the assignment of meaningful names,
refer to “Rules for Valid Link Names” in Configuring and Managing
Network Components in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

3. (Optional) Set values for the hop limit or the encapsulation limit.

# dladm set-linkprop -p [hoplimit=value] [encaplimit=value] tunnel-link

hoplimit Specifies the hop limit of the tunnel interface for tunneling over IPv6.
The hoplimit is the equivalent of the IPv4 time to live (TTL) field for
tunneling over IPv4.

encaplimit Specifies the number of levels of nested tunneling that are allowed for a
packet. This option applies only to IPv6 tunnels.
The values that you set for the hoplimit and encaplimit properties
must remain within acceptable ranges. The hoplimit and encaplimit
properties are tunnel link properties. Thus, these properties are
administered by the same dladm subcommands as other link properties.
The subcommands that you use are dladm set-linkprop, dladm reset-
linkprop, and dladm show-linkprop.

4. Create an IP interface over the tunnel.

# ipadm create-ip tunnel-interface

where tunnel-interface uses the same name as the tunnel link.

5. Assign local and remote IP addresses to the tunnel interface.

# ipadm create-addr [-t] -a local=address,remote=address interface

where interface specifies the tunnel interface.

For more information, see the ipadm(1M) man page and Configuring and Managing Network
Components in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

Chapter 5 • Administering IP Tunnels 113

How to Create and Configure an IP Tunnel

6. (Optional) Verify the status of the tunnel's IP interface configuration.

# ipadm show-addr interface

Example   30 Creating an IPv6 Interface Over an IPv4 Tunnel

The following example shows how you would create a persistent IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel.

# dladm create-iptun -T ipv4 -a local=,remote= private0

# dladm set-linkprop -p hoplimit=200 private0
# ipadm create-ip private0
# ipadm create-addr -T addrconf private0
# ipadm show-addr private0/
private0/v6 addrconf ok fe80::c000:217->fe80::cb00:710e

To add alternative addresses, use the same syntax. For example, you can add a global address as

# ipadm create-addr -a local=2001:db8:4728::1,remote=2001:db8:4728::2 private0

# ipadm show-addr private0/
private0/v6 addrconf ok fe80::c000:217->fe80::cb00:710e
private0/v6a static ok 2001:db8:4728::1->2001:db8:4728::2

Note that the prefix 2001:db8 for the IPv6 address is a special IPv6 prefix that is used
specifically for documentation examples.

Example   31 Creating an IPv4 Interface Over an IPv4 Tunnel

The following example shows how you would create a persistent IPv4 over IPv4 tunnel.

# dladm create-iptun -T ipv4 -a local=,remote= vpn0

# ipadm create-ip vpn0
# ipadm create-addr -a local=,remote= vpn0
# ipadm show-addr vpn0/
vpn0/v4 static ok>

You can further configure IPsec policy to provide secure connections for the packets that flow
over this tunnel. For information, see Chapter 9, “Configuring IPsec” in Securing the Network
in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

Example   32 Creating an IPv6 Interface Over an IPv6 Tunnel

The following example shows how you would create a persistent IPv6 over IPv6 tunnel.

114 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Configure a 6to4 Tunnel

# dladm create-iptun -T ipv6 -a local=2001:db8:feed::1234,remote=2001:db8:beef::4321 tun0

# ipadm create-ip tun0
# ipadm create-addr -T addrconf tun0
# ipadm show-addr tun0/
tun0/v6 addrconf ok fe80::1234->fe80::4321

To add addresses, for example, a global address or alternative local and remote addresses, use
the ipadm command as follows:

# ipadm create-addr -a local=2001:db8:cafe::1,remote=2001:db8:cafe::2 tun0

# ipadm show-addr tun0/
tun0/v6 addrconf ok fe80::1234->fe80::4321
tun0/v6a static ok 2001:db8:cafe::1->2001:db8:cafe::2

How to Configure a 6to4 Tunnel

When configuring 6to4 tunnels, a 6to4 router must act as the IPv6 router to the nodes that are
in the network's 6to4 sites. Thus, when configuring a 6to4 router, you must also configure the
router as an IPv6 router on its physical interfaces. For more information about configuring an
Oracle Solaris host as a router, see “Configuring an IPv6 Router” in Configuring an Oracle
Solaris 11.3 System as a Router or a Load Balancer.

1. Create a 6to4 tunnel.

# dladm create-iptun -T 6to4 -a local=address tunnel-link

-a local=address Specifies the tunnel local address, which must already be existing in the
system to be a valid address.

tunnel-link Specifies the IP tunnel link that you can assign a tunnel.

2. Create the tunnel IP interface.

# ipadm create-ip tunnel-interface

where tunnel-interface uses the same name as the tunnel link.

The system automatically configures an IPv6 address for the local interface by using interface-
id ::1.

3. (Optional) Add alternative IPv6 addresses for the tunnel's use.

4. Edit the /etc/inet/ndpd.conf file.

Chapter 5 • Administering IP Tunnels 115

How to Configure a 6to4 Tunnel

# pfedit /etc/inet/ndpd.conf

5. Advertise 6to4 routing by adding the following two lines to the file.
if subnet-interface AdvSendAdvertisements 1
prefix IPv6-prefix subnet-interface

where the first line specifies the local IPv6 interface to send router advertisements over and the
second line specifies the IPv6 subnet prefix to use on the LAN that is attached to that interface.
The IPv6 prefix must start with the same 48-bit 6to4 prefix that is used on the 6to4 tunnel
For detailed information about the ndpd.conf file, see the ndpd.conf(4) man page.

6. Enable IPv6 forwarding.

# ipadm set-prop -p forwarding=on ipv6

7. Choose from one of the following options:

■ Reboot the router.

■ Issue a sighup to the /etc/inet/in.ndpd daemon to begin sending router

The IPv6 nodes on each subnet to receive the 6to4 prefix autoconfigured with the new
6to4-derived addresses.

8. Add the new 6to4-derived addresses for all of the nodes in the 6to4 site to the
name service database.
For instructions, see Chapter 4, “Administering Naming and Directory Services on an Oracle
Solaris Client” in Configuring and Managing Network Components in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

Example   33 Creating a 6to4 Tunnel

The following example shows you would create a 6to4 tunnel. Note that only IPv6 interfaces
can be configured over 6to4 tunnels. In this example, the subnet interface is net0 to which the
/etc/inet/ndpd.conf refers.
# dladm create-iptun -T 6to4 -a local= tun0
# ipadm create-ip tun0
# ipadm show-addr
lo0/v4 static ok
net0/v4 dhcp ok
lo0/v6 static ok ::1/128
tun0/v6 static ok 2002:c000:217::1/16

# ipadm create-addr -T addrconf net0

116 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Enable a 6to4 Tunnel to a 6to4 Relay Router

# ipadm create-addr -a 2002:c000:217:cafe::1 net0
# ipadm show-addr
lo0/v4 static ok
net0/v4 dhcp ok
lo0/v6 static ok ::1/128
net0/v6 addrconf ok fe80::214:4fff:fef9:b1a9/10
net0/v6a static ok 2002:c000:217:cafe::1/64
tun0/v6 static ok 2002:c000:217::1/16

# vi /etc/inet/ndpd.conf
if net0 AdvSendAdvertisements on
prefix 2002:c000:217:cafe::0/64 net0

# ipadm set-prop -p forwarding=on ipv6

Note that for 6to4 tunnels, the prefix for the IPv6 address is 2002.

How to Enable a 6to4 Tunnel to a 6to4 Relay

Caution - Due to major security issues, 6to4 relay router support is disabled in Oracle Solaris
by default. See “Security Issues When Tunneling to a 6to4 Relay Router” in Troubleshooting
Network Administration Issues in Oracle Solaris 11.3 for details.

Before You Begin Before you enable a 6to4 tunnel to a 6to4 relay router, complete the following tasks:
■ Configure a 6to4 router at your site. See “How to Create and Configure an IP
Tunnel” on page 112.
■ Review the security issues that are involved in tunneling to a 6to4 relay router.

1. Enable a tunnel to the 6to4 relay router by using either of the following methods:

■ Enable a tunnel to an anycast 6to4 relay router.

# 6to4relay -e

The -e option sets up a tunnel between the 6to4 router and an anycast 6to4 relay router.
Anycast 6to4 relay routers have the well-known IPv4 address The anycast
relay router that is physically nearest to your site becomes the endpoint for the 6to4 tunnel.
This relay router then handles packet forwarding between your 6to4 site and a native IPv6
For detailed information, refer to RFC 3068, "An Anycast Prefix for 6to4 Relay
Routers" (

Chapter 5 • Administering IP Tunnels 117

How to Enable a 6to4 Tunnel to a 6to4 Relay Router

■ Enable a tunnel to a specific 6to4 relay router.

# 6to4relay -e -a relay-router-address

The -a option indicates that a specific router address is to follow. Replace relay-router-
address with the IPv4 address of the specific 6to4 relay router with which you want to
enable a tunnel.
The tunnel to the 6to4 relay router remains active until you remove the 6to4 tunnel pseudo-

2. Delete the tunnel to the 6to4 relay router, when the tunnel is no longer needed.

# 6to4relay -d

3. (Optional) Make the tunnel to the 6to4 relay router persistent across reboots.
Your site might have a compelling reason to have the tunnel to the 6to4 relay router reinstated
each time the 6to4 router reboots. To support this scenario, you must do the following:

a.    Edit the/etc/default/inetinit file.

# pfedit /etc/default/inetinit

The line to modify is at the end of the file.

b.    Change the NO value in the ACCEPT6TO4RELAY=NO line to YES.

c.    (Optional) Create a tunnel to a specific 6to4 relay router that persists across
For the parameter RELAY6TO4ADDR, change the address to the IPv4 address of
the 6to4 relay router that you want to use.

Example   34 Getting Status Information About 6to4 Relay Router Support

Use the 6to4relay command to find out whether support for 6to4 relay routers is enabled. The
following example shows the output when support for 6to4 relay routers is disabled, as is the
default in Oracle Solaris.

# 6to4relay
6to4relay: 6to4 Relay Router communication support is disabled.

When support for 6to4 relay routers is enabled, the following output is displayed:

# 6to4relay
6to4relay: 6to4 Relay Router communication support is enabled.
IPv4 remote address of Relay Router=

118 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Enable a 6to4 Tunnel to a 6to4 Relay Router

Modifying an IP Tunnel Configuration

You change a tunnel's configuration by using the following command syntax:

# dladm modify-iptun -a [local|remote]=addr,... tunnel-link

You cannot modify an existing tunnel's type. Thus, the -T type option is not allowed for this
command. Only the following tunnel parameters can be modified:

-a [local| Specifies literal IP addresses or host names that correspond to the local
remote]=address,... address and the remote tunnel address. Depending on the type of tunnel,
you specify either only one address, or both local and remote addresses.
If you are specifying both local and remote addresses, you must separate
the addresses with a comma.
■ IPv4 tunnels require local and remote IPv4 addresses to function.
■ IPv6 tunnels require local and remote IPv6 addresses to function.
■ 6to4 tunnels require a local IPv4 address to function.

For persistent IP tunnel datalink configurations, if you are using host

names for addresses, these host names are saved in the configuration
storage. During a subsequent system boot, if the names resolve to IP
addresses that are different from the IP addresses that were used when the
tunnel was created, then the tunnel acquires a new configuration.
If you are changing the tunnel's local and remote addresses, ensure
that these addresses are consistent with the type of tunnel that you are

■ To change the name of the tunnel link, use the dladm rename-link command rather than
the modify-iptun command as follows:

# dladm rename-link old-tunnel-link new-tunnel-link

■ To change tunnel properties such as the hoplimit or encaplimit, use the dladm set-
linkprop command rather than the modify-iptun command.

EXAMPLE   35 Modifying a Tunnel's Address and Properties

The following example consists of two steps. The first command shows how to temporarily
change the local and remote addresses of the IPv4 tunnel vpn0. Then, when the system is
rebooted, the tunnel reverts to using the original addresses. The second command shows how to
change the hoplimit of vpn0 to 60.

# dladm modify-iptun -t -a local=,remote= vpn0

# dladm set-linkprop -p hoplimit=60 vpn0

Chapter 5 • Administering IP Tunnels 119

How to Enable a 6to4 Tunnel to a 6to4 Relay Router

Displaying IP Tunnel Configuration Information

You display an IP tunnel's configuration by using the following command syntax:

# dladm show-iptun [-p] -o fields [tunnel-link]

-p Displays the information in a machine-parsable format. This argument is


-o fields Displays selected fields that provide specific tunnel information.

tunnel-link Specifies the tunnel whose configuration information you want to

display. This argument is optional. If you omit the tunnel name, the
command displays the information about all of the tunnels on in the

EXAMPLE   36 Displaying Information About All Tunnels

In the following example, only one tunnel exists on the system.

# dladm show-iptun
tun0 6to4 -- --
vpn0 ipv4 --

EXAMPLE   37 Displaying Selected Fields in a Machine-Parsable Format

In the following example, only the specific fields with tunnel information are displayed.

# dladm show-iptun -p -o link,type,local


Displaying an IP Tunnel's Properties

You display tunnel link's properties by using the following command syntax:

# dladm show-linkprop [-c] [-o fields] [tunnel-link]

-c Displays the information in a machine-parsable format. This argument is


-o fields Displays selected fields that provide specific information about the link's

120 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016
How to Delete an IP Tunnel

tunnel-link Specifies the tunnel whose properties you want to display. This argument
is optional. If you omit the tunnel name, the command displays the
information about all of the tunnels on in the system.

EXAMPLE   38 Displaying a Tunnel's Properties

The following example shows how you would display all of a tunnel's link properties.

# dladm show-linkprop iptun0

iptun0 autopush rw -- -- -- --
iptun0 zone rw -- -- -- --
iptun0 state r- up up up up,down
iptun0 mtu rw 1480 1480 1480 1280-1480
iptun0 maxbw rw -- -- -- --
iptun0 cpus rw -- -- -- --
iptun0 rxfanout rw -- 8 8 --
iptun0 pool rw -- -- -- --
iptun0 priority rw medium medium medium low,medium,
iptun0 hoplimit rw 64 64 64 1-255
iptun0 protection rw -- -- -- mac-nospoof,
iptun0 allowed-ips rw -- -- -- --
iptun0 allowed-dhcp-cids rw -- -- -- --
iptun0 rxrings rw -- -- -- --
iptun0 txrings rw -- -- -- --
iptun0 txringsavail r- 0 0 -- --
iptun0 rxringsavail r- 0 0 -- --
iptun0 rxhwclntavail r- 0 0 -- --
iptun0 txhwclntavail r- 0 0 -- --

How to Delete an IP Tunnel

1. Unplumb the IP interface that is configured over the tunnel depending on the
type of interface.

# ipadm delete-ip tunnel-link

Note - To successfully delete a tunnel, no existing IP interface can be plumbed on the tunnel.

2. Delete the IP tunnel.

# dladm delete-iptun tunnel-link

Chapter 5 • Administering IP Tunnels 121

How to Delete an IP Tunnel

The only option for this command is -t, which causes the tunnel to be deleted temporarily.
When you reboot the system, the tunnel is restored.

Example   39 Deleting an IPv6 Tunnel That is Configured With an IPv6 Interface

In the following example, a persistent tunnel is permanently deleted.

# ipadm delete-ip ip6.tun0

# dladm delete-iptun ip6.tun0

122 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016

A dladm command
active-active configuration,   58, 75 creating tunnels,   112
active-standby configuration,   58, 76 deleting IP tunnels,   121
address migration,   55, 64 displaying tunnel information,   120
addresses modifying tunnel configuration,   119
default address selection,   13 dropped or lost packets,   39
advertisement for 6to4 router,   116 dynamic reconfiguration (DR)
anonymous group,   68 interoperation with IPMP,   70
anycast addresses,   117
anycast groups
relay router (6to4),   117 E
/etc/default/inet_type file,   35
DEFAULT_IP value,   28
B /etc/default/mpathd file,   58, 88
bandwidth delay product (BDP),   26 /etc/inet/ipaddrsel.conf file,   14, 16
boundary router, in 6to4 site,   104
/etc/inet/ndpd.conf file
6to4 router advertisement,   116

command, 6to4relay
definition,   105
configuration files
IPv6 FAILBACK=no mode,   68
failure detection,   65
/etc/inet/ipaddrsel.conf file,   14
link-based,   59, 66, 68
probe-based,   59, 65
TCP/IP networks
transitive probing,   67
standard TCP/IP services,   18
congestion control,   24 FAIURE_DETECTON_TIME,   88

data addresses,   55, 64 group failures,   67
default address selection,   14
definition,   13
IPv6 address selection policy table,   15 H
deprecated addresses,   65 hosts


checking host connectivity with ping,   38 adding addresses,   82

checking IP connectivity,   39 adding an interface to a group,   81
anonymous group,   68
benefits,   55
configuration file (/etc/default/mpathd),   88
I configuring
ICMP protocol using static addresses,   75
invoking, with ping,   38 with DHCP,   73
in.mpathd daemon,   57 creating the IPMP interface,   73
configuring behavior of,   88 data addresses,   64
in.ndpd daemon definition,   53
creating a log,   37 deleting addresses,   83
in.routed daemon deleting an IPMP group,   85
creating a log,   37 displaying information
inet_type file,   35 about groups,   91
data addresses,   92
inetd daemon
probe statistics,   96
services started by,   18
probe targets,   95
selecting fields to be displayed,   97
checking packets,   43
underlying IP interfaces,   93
IP address
packet forwarding,   12 using the ipmpstat command,   90
IP interface dynamic reconfiguration (DR),   70
privileged ports,   23 configuration file (/etc/default/mpathd),   58
TCP/IP protocol properties,   12 FAILBACK=no mode,   69
IP interfaces failure detection,   65
configured over tunnels,   109, 113, 115 link-based,   68
IP network multipathing (IPMP) See IPMP probe-based,   66
IP protocol transitive probing,   67
checking host connectivity,   38, 39 using test addresses,   66
enabling packet forwarding,   12 failure detection and recovery,   59
IP tunnels,   101 group failures,   67
ipaddrsel command,   14, 16 load spreading,   55
ipaddrsel.conf file,   14, 16 MAC address on SPARC platforms,   72
machine-parsable output,   98
ipadm command
maintaining,   81
add-ipmp ,   73, 81, 84
manual configuration,   75
create-addr ,   82 mechanics of,   59
create-ipmp ,   73 moving an interface between groups,   84
delete-addr ,   83 multipathing daemon (in.mpathd),   57, 66
delete-ipmp ,   85 network performance,   55
remove-ipmp ,   82 on SPARC based systems,   73
set-prop,   12 planning ,   72
show-prop,   12 Reconfiguration Coordination Manager (RCM)
IPMP framework,   70
active-active configuration,   58, 75 removing an interface from a group,   82
active-standby configuration,   58, 59, 73, 76 repair detection,   68

124 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016

routing definitions,   79 N
rules for using,   56 ndpd.conf file
software components,   57 6to4 advertisement,   116
STREAMS modules,   72 netstat command
test addresses,   64 description,   28
types,   58 IPv6 extensions,   28
underlying interfaces,   53 syntax,   28
using the ipmpstat command in scripts,   98 network configuration
IPMP addresses configuring
IPv4 and IPv6 addresses,   64 services,   18
IPMP daemon See in.mpathd daemon new features
IPMP group,   71 default address selection,   13
IPMP interface,   53, 71 NOFAILOVER,   65
IPMP requirements,   56
ipmpstat command,   58, 61, 90
customizing output,   97
data addresses,   92 P
in scripts,   98 packet flow
IPMP group information,   91 relay router,   107
machine-parsable output,   98 through tunnel,   105
output modes,   90 packet flow, IPv6
probe statistics,   96 native IPv6 and 6to4,   107
probe targets,   95 through 6to4 tunnel,   105
underlying interfaces,   93 packet forwarding
IPv4 over IPv4 tunnels,   102 on protocols,   12
IPv4 tunnels,   102 packets
IPv6 checking flow,   42
default address selection policy table,   14 displaying contents,   43
monitoring traffic,   46 dropped or lost,   39
IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels,   102 observing on the IP layer,   46
ping command,   39
description,   38
extensions for IPv6,   38
L running,   39
link-based failure detection,   59, 68 -s option,   39
load spreading,   55 syntax,   38, 38
lost or dropped packets,   39 PPP links
packet flow,   42
privileged ports,   23
M probe-based failure detection,   59
MAC addresses choosing type of probe-based detection,   87
IPMP,   72 selecting target systems,   88
migrating interfaces between IPMP groups,   84 target requirements,   87
transitive probing,   65, 67
using test addresses,   66


probes STREAMS modules

probe statistics,   96 IPMP,   72
probe targets,   95 subnets
protocols, properties of,   12 IPv6
topology for 6to4 router,   104

Reconfiguration Coordination Manager (RCM) T
framework,   70 -t option
relay router (6to4)
inetd daemon,   18
security issues,   106
target systems for probe-based failure detection,   88
relay router, 6to4
TCP receive buffer size,   26
command,   105
TCP wrappers, enabling,   26
relay router, 6to4 tunnel configuration ,   117, 118
TCP/IP networks
repair detection time,   68
route command standard TCP/IP services,   18
inet6 option,   86 troubleshooting,   45
routers displaying packet contents,   43
role in 6to4 topology,   104 netstat command,   28
routing and IPMP,   79 packet loss,   39
routing tables
ping command,   38, 39
tracing all routes,   41
TCP/IP protocol suite
standard services,   18
test addresses,   64
S traceroute command
-s option definition,   40
ping command,   39 extensions for IPv6,   40
services database tracing routes,   41
6to4 tunnels,   102 transitive probing,   67
packet flow,   105 enabling and disabling,   87
relay router,   117 transport layer protocol
sample topology,   104 adding inetd based services,   20
6to4relay command,   117 troubleshooting
tunnel configuration tasks,   117 checking PPP links
snoop command packet flow,   42
checking packet flow,   42 TCP/IP networks
checking packets between server and client,   45 checking packets between client and server,   45
checking packets on the IP layer,   46 monitoring network status with netstat
displaying packet contents,   43 command,   28
extensions for IPv6,   43 monitoring packet transfer on the IP layer,   46
ip6 protocol keyword,   43 monitoring packet transfer with snoop
monitoring IPv6 traffic,   46 command,   42
statistics packet loss,   39
packet transmission (ping),   39 ping command,   39

126 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016

probing remote hosts with ping command,   38 IPv6 over IPv4,   102

traceroute command,   40 6to4,   102
tracing in.ndpd activity,   37 VPNs See virtual private networks (VPN)
tracing in.routed activity,   37 tunnels (6to4)
tunnel configuration packet flow,   107
IPv4 over IPv4,   114
IPv6 over IPv4,   114
IPv6 over IPv6,   114 U
6to4,   116 underlying interfaces, in IPMP,   53, 73
tunnel destination address,   108 /usr/sbin/6to4relay command,   117
tunnel links,   101
/usr/sbin/inetd daemon
tunnel source address,   108
services started by,   18
tunnels,   101
/usr/sbin/ping command,   39
configuring IPv6
description,   38
to a 6to4 relay router,   117
running,   39
configuring with dladm commands,   112
creating and configuring tunnels,   112
deleting IP tunnels,   121
deploying,   108 V
dladm commands virtual private networks (VPN),   111
create-iptun,   112
delete-iptun,   121
modify-iptun,   119 W
show-iptun,   120 wrappers, TCP,   26
subcommands to configure tunnels,   111
hoplimit,   113
IPv4,   102
IPv6,   102
local and remote addresses,   119
modifying tunnel configuration,   119
packet encapsulation,   102
required IP interfaces,   109
requirements for creating,   108
6to4 tunnels,   103
packet flow,   107
topology, to 6to4 relay router,   107
tunnel destination address (tdst),   108
tunnel source address (tsrc),   108
tunnels (6to4)
packet flow,   105
tunnels, 6to4
topology,   104
types,   102
IPv4,   102
IPv4 over IPv4,   102

128 Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3 • January 2016

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