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Fiitjee: Big Bang Edge Test - 2017 Class 9

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FIITJEE Big Bang Edge Test - 2017

for students presently in

Class 9
Time: 3 Hours (1:45 pm - 4:45 pm)
I Code 190091 Maximum Marks: 311


Caution: Class, Paper, Code as given above MUST be correctly marked in the answer OMR sheet
before attempting the paper. Wrong Class, Paper or Code wJ1lgive wrong results.

1. This Question paper consists of 3 sections. All questionswill be multiple choice single correct out of four
choices INith marking scheme in lable below:

",Y"ro~g<!_Il,5Y'er i:
1t03,101011,66 +3 -1
PHYSICS 4108, 1210 14, 67, 77 +4 -1
9, 15,68,78 +5 -2
161018,25 to 26,69
191023, 27 to 29, 70 to 71
24, 30, 72 to 73
+5 -2
31 to 33, 40 to 41,74 +3 -1
MATHEMATICS 34 to 38, 42 to 44, 75, 79 +4 -1
39,45,76,80 +5 -2
46 to 49, 60 to 61 +3 -1
BIOLOGY 50 to 57, 62 to 64 +4 -1
58 to 59,65 +5 -2
r 2 Answers have to be marked on the OMR shee!. The Question Paper contains
work. No additional sheefs wilt be provided for rough work.
blank spaces lor your rough.

3 Blank papers, clip boards, log tables, slide rule, calculator, cellular phones, pagers and electronic deVices, In
any form, are nol allowed
4 Before attempting paper write your OMR Answer Sheet No., Registration Number, Name and Test
Centre in the space provided at Ihe bottom of this sheet
5. See method of marking of bobbles of the back of cover page for question no. 66 to 80.

Note: PJI'ase check this Question Paper cont";ns "II 80 questions In seri,,1 order. If nol so, exchange tor the co"ecl Question P"per.

OMR Answer Sheet No.

Registration Number

Name of the Candidate

Test Centre

FIn'U Ltd., nrrJEE Ho"u, 29-A, Hal" Sc••.•." Satvaprfya V/har, Nftw Deihl .11OOJ6, Ph, 40283471/73/75
For questions 66 to 76

Numerical based questions single digit answer 0 to 9

Example 1:

If answer is 6.

Correct method:

Example 2: 1
If answer is 2.
Correct method:

For questions 77 to 80

Numerical answer type questions with answer XXXXX. XX

Correct bubbles to be darkened below the boxes for your answer.

'InJU Ltd., TlrrJEE llouu, 29-A, K,,/u S"nd, S"","priy<l Vih"r, New V.II>!.J JooJ6, Ph: 4928347J/73/7:5
w.NIt.: www.JlltJ- •. t:om
BBE-2017-C-IX (Paper-2)-S&M-2

Section-l Science & Mathematics

Physics (Part-A)
Straight Objective Type
Question numbers 1 to 15 are 15 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (e) and
(D), out of which ONt Y ONE is con-ect.

1. Out of following mark out incorrect statement.

(A)limiting friction is never less than the static friction.
(8) Limiting friction is always greater than the kinetic friction.
(C) Static friction is always greater than the kinetic friction.
(D) Coefficient of static friction is always greater than the coefficient of kinetic friction.

2. It is easier to draw up a wooden block along an inclined plane then to haul it up vertically,
principally because.
(A) the friction is reduced
(8) the mass becomes smaller
(C) only a part of the weight has 10be overcome
(D) g becomes smaller.

3. If the distances between the earth and the sun becomes four times, then time period becomes
(A) 4 times (8) 8 times
(C) 2 limes (0) 5 times

4. A stone A is dropped from rest from a height h above the ground. A second stone 8 is
simultaneously thrown vertically up with velocity v. The value of v which would enable the stone 8
to meet the stone A midway between Iheir inilial positions is
(A) 2gh (B) 2J9h
(C) J9h (D) ,j2gh
Space for Rough Work ',' ,..

FDTJ(( Ltd., Fln\J£E Uo"u, 29'A, Kal •• s<>."I, S"rtI"P'fy" Vlh"., N~w D~lhj .J J 001e;, Fh: 4928347 J/73/75
w~b"ju: www.f/ltj•••com
BBE-2017-C-IX (Paper-2)-S&M-3

5, The mass of the moon is about 1.2% of the mass of the earth. Compared to the gravita!ional
force the earth exert on the moon, the gravitalional force the moon exert on earth?
(A) is smaller (B) is the same
(C) is greater (D) varies with its phase

6. A person travelling on a straight tine moves with a unifonn velocity Vl for some time and with
unifonn velocity V2 for the next equal time. The average velocity v is given by

(A) v = v, + v2 (B) v = .jv,v1

211 111
(C)-=-+- (0)-=-+-
v v, v2 V v1 v2

7. A car of mass 400 kg travelling at 72 kmlh crashes into a truck of mass 4000 kg travelling at 9
kmJh in the same direction. The car bounces back at a speed of 18 kmlh. The speed of the truck
after the impact is
(A) 9 km/h (8) 18 kmlh
(C) 27 km/h (0) 36 kmlh

8. A body of 5 kg is moving with a velocity 20 m/s. If a force of 100N is applied on it for 10 sec. in
the same direction as its velocity, what will now be the velocity of the body.
(A) 200 mls (8) 220 mls
(C) 240 m/s (0) 260 m/s

9. The magnitude of the force in Newton acting on a body varies with lime t (in micro-second) as is
shown in figure. AS, Be and CD are straight line segments. The magnitude of total impulse of the
force on the body from t = 4 fls and t = 16 Ils is
!:S 600

~ 400
u. B

2 4 6 8 10121416
Time (1-15)

(A) 5 x 10-3 Ns (8) 5000 Ns

(e) 5 Ns 500
Space for Rough Work

FUTJULtd., TITTJEE Ho"u, 29.A, Kat" Sa""l, Sa •.•.

apr/ya Villar, Ncw Dcl'" oj JooJ6, PIl, 49283471/73/75
wcbslu: wwwJlltJc!c.com
BBE-2017-C-IX (Paper-2)-S&M-4

10. Two block are in contact on a frictionless lable one has mass m and the other 2m. A force f is
applied on 2m as shown in fig. Now, the same force is applied from the right on m. In the two
cases respectively, the ralio of force of contact between the two blocks will be-


(A)l:l (8)1:2
(C) 2 : 1 (D)1:3

11. Acceleration due to gravity

(A) decreases from equator to poles (8) decreases from poles to equator
(C) is maximum althe centre of the earth (D) is maximum at the equator

12. A simple pendulum has time. period Tl when on the earth's surface, and T2 when taken to a
height R above the earth's surface, where R is the radius of the earth. The value of T2fTl is
(A) 1 (8) J2
~4 ~2

13. A salellile is moving in a circular orbit of radius 5RE. Its acceleralion would be (GR~E = 10ms-' )

(A) 0.2 ms.' (8) 0.4 ms'

(e) 0.8 ms.2 (D) 1.8 ms.2

14. A body at rest breaks into two pieces of equal masses. The parts wilt move
(A) In same direction (8) Along different lines
(C) In opposite direction with equal speeds (D) In opposite direction with unequal speeds,

The velocity - time graph of a particle on a straight line is
shown in figure. 10
(A) The particle has unifonn motion
(8) The particle has never turned around 10 20 30
o t(s)
(C) The particle has _z~ro displacement
(0) The average speed in the interval 0 to 10s is the same as -10
average speed in the inlerval10s to 20s.

Space for Rough Work

'lfl'U Ltd., TllT~E HOU3e,29-A, It,ll" Saral, Sanoaprlya V/har, Ne", De/hi .1100J6, Ph: 49283471/73/75
web$It..: www.Jlltfie.com
BBE-2017-C-IX (Paper-2)-S&M-5

Chemistry (Part-B)
Straight Objective Type
Question numbers 16 to 30 are 15 multiple choice questions_ Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C)
and (D), out of which ONt Y ONE is correct.

16. The purity of a liquid is generally checked by its

(A) colour (8) boiling point
(C) diffusion (D) none of these

17. Which is not a mixture?

(A) Vinegar (B) Baking soda
(C) Gun metal (0) Washing powder

18. The dispersed phase and dispersion medium of emulsion are respectively
(A) solid and liquid (B) liquid and liquid
(C) liquidandgas (0) gasand liquid

19. The pressure produced by gas molecules in a vessel is due to

(A) intennolecular collision
(B) collision between molecules and the container wall"
(C) Both A & B are correct
(0) Neither A nor B is correct

20. Which one of the following does not consist of single element?
(A) Diamond (B) Ozone
(C) Silica (D) Graphite

21. Fog is an example of

(A) emulsion (B) solid sol
(C) aerosol (D) gel

22. Which of the following gases on condensation form water?

~~ ~~
(C) Both A and B (D) None of these
Space for Rough Work

fllTJU Ltd., FIITJZZ ROIIU, ~9.A, Kalil Saral, Sa •••al'rlya Vlhar, N~w D.lhl.J JOOJ6, Pit: 49~834"J/73/75
Jfltj" ••"orn
•••"I>5It., •••••••••
BBE-2017-C-IX (Paper-2)-S&M-6

23. Which of the following two processes are reversible to each other?
(A) Melting and boiling (B) Evaporation and vaporization
(C) Condensationand evaporation (D) Evaporationand sublimation

24. A vessel contains a liquid. Some liquid molecules are represented with P, Q, Rand S. Which
molecule possesses the highest energy?


(A) P (8) Q
(C) R (D) S

25. Which of the following substance can diffuse at the highest rate?
(A) Sand (B) Glucose
(C) Kerosene (D) Hydrogen

26. Which of the following process is accompanied with evolution of heat energy?
(A) Evaporation (B) BOiting
(C) Condensation (0) Melling
27. h is a volatile solid.On sublimationit changes10
(A) b(liquid) (8) b(gas)
(C) I'(gas) (D) I(gas)
Space for Rough Work

f'ITJU Ltd., TITTJEE H"..~•,• ~9-A. K"l •• Sa,,,l, Sa","priya VI""" 1'1.",D.lhl.llOO16, Ph: 4928347J/73(75
",••b.lu: "'''''''.f/ltj••••.
BBE-2017-C-IX (Paper-2)-S&M-7

28. Slep-III

Ice Step -I l
Water Step-II ) Water
I vapour
Which of the above step is accompanied with evolution of maximum heat energy?
(A)Step- 1 (B)Step- II
(C)Step-III (D)Step-IV

29. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct for common salt?
(1) The solid is made up of Na+ and CI- ions.
(II) The number of Ci ions present around Na+ ions in the solid is same as the number of Na+
ions present around Ct" ions.
(III) The solid conducts electricity.
(IV) The resultant charge on the solid is zero.
(A) I, II, IV (B) I, II

30. The particles present in diamond are:

(A) atoms (B) molecules
(C) ions (0) radicals
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t,' /

f1nJU Ltd., nTTJ¥,E. Ho"u, 29.A. If"l •• Saral, San-apTly" Vlhar, N.,w Ddhl.J 1ooJ6, Ph, 49'28347J/73/7$
w8bsl1<o: www.fllf} ••• com
BBE.2017.C.IX (Pape,.2).S&M-8

Mathem.atics (Part- C)
Straight Objective Type
Question numbers 31 to 45 are 15 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (8), (C)
and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

31. The figure obtained by joining the points X(3, 2), Y(3, 5) and 2(9, 2) on a coordinate plane
(A) a right triangle (8) an isosceles triangle
(C) an equilateral triangle (0) an obtuse triangle

32. Which graph is parallel to x-axis? .

(A)y=x+1 (B)y=2
(c)x= 3 (D)x=2y

33. r
E = k, then the value of k is
3. 3-'
(A) 3 (B) 3'
(C) 3' (D) ,13

34. If both (x - 2) and (x- ~) are factors of px2 + 5x + r, then:

(A)p>r (B)p=r
(e) p < r (0) none of these

35. Factorize X(y2 +Z2)+Y(Zl +x2)+z(x2 +y1)+2XYz

(A) (x + y) (y + z) (z + x) (B) xyz
(C) (x + y)2 (0) (x + y + z)(x + y)(x +z)

36. Find the degree of the polynomial 4x3 - 2X2y3 + 6

W3 ~4 ',' ,,-
~5 ~6
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finJU Ltd., TllTJrE Holl."', :19.A, K••rll. prly •• VI1l<", N• .., D.lhl.JJOOJ6,
S ••, ••I, S •••.•••• Ph: 49:18347J/73/7$
••••bslt.: www.Jl.ltj ••• com
BBE-2017-e-IX (Paper-2)-S&M-9

37. The area of a triangle is 150 cm2 and its sides are in the ralio of 3:4:5. What is its perimeter?
(A) 10 em (B) 30 em
~45= ~~=

1 11.
38. The value of --- +-----+ -----15:
1+ xb-a + xc-a 1+ XC-b + X,,-b 1+ xa-c + xb-C
(A) 0 (8) x''''
(C) 1 (0) x(a.b.c)

39. If a, band care 3 consecutive integers between -10 to +10 (both inclusive), how many integer
a3 + b3 + c3 + 3abc
values are possible for the expression -------?
(a+b+c)' .
WO ~1
~2 ~3

40. Which point lies in IV Quadrant?

(A) (-3, -4 ) (8) (2, -4)
(e) (-2, 3) (D) (0, 1)

41. If XX 3/2 = ( X3f2 )' ,then value of x is:

3 9
(A) - (8) -
2 4
16 8
(C) - (D) -
25 27

42. In the figure, a star is shown. What is the sum of the angles A,
B, C, Dan E? ,
(A) 120'
(8) 180'
(C) 240' •
(D) can't be determined

Space for Rough Work

fmJU Ltd., FlITJZE Houn, ~9.A, Kalil S".",I, S"TV"prly" Vlh"., N~",D.lh/ •.1.100.16, Ph: 4928347J/73/7$
w.b.lu: "'''illI.f11tJ ••. com
BBE.2017.C.IX (Paper.2)-S&M-10

43. If a number 774958A96B is divisible by 8 and 9, the respective values of A and B will be
(A) 7 and 8 (B) 8 and 0
(C) 5 and 8 (0) none of these

44. Which among 21/2 ,31.'3,41/4,61.'6 and 121.'12 is the largest?

(A)2"' (B)3"'
(C) 41.'4 and 61/6 both (0) 121/12

45. Each side of square ABeD has length 1 unit. Points P
and Q belongs to AS and DA respectively. The
perimeter of 6. APQ is 2 units. Then, LPCQ is:
(A) 80' a
(B) 45'
(D) 100' A

Space for Rough Work

fllUU Ltd., FllTJEB nou .••• :19-A, X,d" S •••••l, S"noClpriya Vlh<1., Nfl'" D .•lhl.J J00115, Ph: 49283471/73/75
wflbslu: www.flltj.fl.com
BBE.2017-C-IX (Paper.2)-S&M-11

Biology (Part-D)
Straight Objective Type
Question numbers 46 to 65 are 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C)
and (D), out of which ONL Y ONE is correct.

46. The cells which are capable of undergoing rapid division and development are
(A) Meristematic cells (B) NelVe cells
(C) Differentiated cells (0) All of these

47. Which of the following is a complex tissue?

(A) Parenchyma (B) Col1enchyma
(C) Xylem (0) Sclerenchyma

48. Apis dorsata refers to

(A) Rock bee (B) little bee
(C) Indian bee (0) European bee

49. Green house effect refers to

(A) Cooling of earth (B) Trapping of UV rays
(C) Production of cereals (0) Wanning of earth

50. "Jaya~ and ~Ratna. developed for green revolution in India are the varieties of
(A) Maize (8) Rice
(C) Wheat (D) Bajra

51. The name of Norman 80J1aug is associated with

(A) Green revolution (8) Yellow revolution
(C) White revolution (0) Blue revolution

52. ~Protejn icebergs in a sea of lipids" means

(A) Unit membrane concept (B) Sandwich model
(C) Fluid mosaic model (0) None of these

53. Vessels occur in .'.

(A) All angiosperms, all gymnosperms and some pteridophytes.
(B) All angiosperms and some gymnosperms.
(C) Most angiosperms, a few gymnosperms and pteridophytes.
(0) All pteridophytes. ,
Space for Rough Work

FlITJU Ltd., rrrrJEE 1fous,", 29.A, Kalu Sa •.••l. Sa,"""priya Vlha'. N.", l),.lhl.J )ooJ6, Ph: 49283471/73/7$
",.!>sit.., ",,,,,,,.flltju.com
BBE.2017.C.IX (Paper-2).S&M.12

54. The proteins and lipids, essential for building the cell membrane are manufactured by
(A) Endoplasmicreticulum (B) Goigi apparatus
(C) Mitochondria (D) Peroxisomes

55. Chlorofluorocarbons are not recommended to be used in refrigerators because they

(A) Decrease temperature (B) Deplete ozone
(C) Affect BOD level (0) None of the above

56. Which one of the following fish is a surface feeder?

(Aj Calla (B) Mrigal
(C) Common carp (0) All of these

57. Consider the following statements (A - D) about organic fanning and mark the correct
(P) Utilizes genetically modified crops like Bt collon
(Q) Use only naturally produced inputs like compost
(R) Does not use pesticide and urea
(S) Produces vegetables rich in minerals only
W~a~Mo~ ~Ma~~oo~
~~~~~o~ M~a~~~
58. Movement of ions against electrochemical gradient is
(A) Pinocytosis (B) Passive transport
(C) Active transport (D) Diffusion

59. Thylakoids are present in

(A) Mitochondria (B) Plaslids
(C) Ribosomes (D) Lysosomes

60. Meristematic cells are characterized by

(A) Thin cell walls and large intercellular spaces
(B) Thin cell walls and no intercellular spaces
(C) Thick cell walls and large intercellular spaces
(D) Thick cell walls and small intercellular spaces

61. Which of the following is a renewable resource?, ,. /

(A) Soil (8) Water
(C) Flora and fauna (D) All of these

62. The surface to volume ratio of a cell

(A) Remains constant : (8) Decreases with increasing size
(C) Increases with increasing size (D) Both (A) and (C)

63. The inner lining of gut, stomach and liver is made of

(A) Simple squamous epithelium (8) Simple columnar epithelium
(C) Simple cuboidal epithelium (D) All of these
Space for Rough Work

mUll Ltd., TlrrJEE llouu, 29..1.,Kal" Saral, sarvap"ya Vlhar, New Dclhl .J J OOJ6, Ph: 49283471/73/75
webslfe: www.JlItfec.com
BBE-2017-C-IX (Paper-2)-S&M-13

64. The diagram shows parts of the carbon cycle,

Carbon dioxide in

Carbon compounds Carbon compounds

in decomposers in plants

Carbon compounds
in animals Feeding

Which process converts most of the carbon from gaseous fann to organic form?
(A) Animal respiration (8) Decay
(C) Feeding (0) Photosynthesis

65. Assertion (A): Cardiac muscle of the heart is striated and has intercalated discs between its fibres
Reason (R): It provides quick. powerful and rhythmic contractions to the heart
(A) If both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(8) If both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) If (A) is true and (R) is false.
(D) If (A) and (R) are false.
Space for Rough Work

FlrrJU L~d.• FlrrJZE Houu, :l9.A, Kalu Sa •.••l, Sarvap,/ya Vlha" N••", D~Ih/.1 J0016, Ph, 4928347J/73/75
",d"dk." "'''''''.ftll/ •••.com
BBE-2017-C-IX (Paper-2)-S&M-14

Section-II Physics, Chemistry & Mathemalics

Physics (Part-A)

Numerical Based Questions

Question numbers 66 to 68 are 3 numerical based questions single digit answer 0 to 9.

66. A planet is having a mass twice to that of earth's mass and ils radius as 4 times that of the earth's
radius. Determine four times the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of this planet.
Acceleration due 10 gravity al the earth's surface is 10 ms-2.

67. With what minimum acceleration (in m/sec~ can a fireman slide down a rope whose breaking
strength is 50% of his weight? (g = 10 m/s'2)
68. A man in a balloon, throws a stone downwards with a speed of 5 mls with respect to balloon. The
balloon is moving upwards with a constant acceleration of 5 m/s2• Then the velocily of the stone
relative to the man after 2 second is n x S. Find the value of 'n'. (g 10m/52) =
Space for Rough Work

fllfJU Ltd., FlrrJEl: Houu, :l9.A, Il"alu Sa."/, Sannlp./ya V/ha., N",w D",lhl .J JOOJ6, Ph, 49':18347J/73/75
w",bslk: www.fl/fj ••••••.
BBE-2017-C-IX (Paper-2)-S&M-15

Chemistry (Part-B)
Numerical Based Questions
Question numbers 69 to 73 are 5 numerical based questions single digit answer a to 9.

69. The mass percentage of sugar in it's saturated solution with water is 40%. If the maximum gram
of sugar thai can be crystallized from 500 9 of this solution is expressed as (100x)g, then the
value of x is:

70. A 200 mL vessel contains a gas at 6 aIm pressure at 40°C. What would be the pressure of the
gas in aIm unit, at constant temperature, if the gas is transferred to another vessel whose volume
is 50% larger than the first vessel?

71. How many lolal number of ions are formed by complete ionization of one molecule of Ah(S04)J in

72. A mixture of aqueous solution of Na2S04 and BaCI2 forms a white precipitate on mixing. How
many minimum number of separation processes do you need to separate the precipitate from the

73. A solution was prepared by adding 980 gram of H20 to 20 gram of NaOH. What is the
concentration of the solution in mass% unit?
Space for Rough Work

'1ITJU Ltd., FlrrJEE Houu, :.I9.A. Kalu Saral, Sa",apr!lIa Vlhar. N.w D.lhl.J JOOJ6. Ph: 49:.183471/73/75
w.b~IU: www.Jlltj ••. com
BBE-2017-C-IX (Paper-2)-S&M-16

Mathematics (Part- C)
Numerical Based Questions
Question numbers 74 to 76 are 3 numerical based questions single digit answer 0 to 9.

74. The degree of polynomial 4x2 - .J3x + ~ x3 is


75. a11m =btln = CliP and abc = 1lhen m + n+ pisequalto

76. If x and yare real numbers, then the minimum value of x2 + 4xy + 6y2 - 4y + 4 is
Space for Rough Work

FUTJULtd., TITTJ£E HOIU", :l9.A, Kol •• So",l, So,."oprlya Vlhar, N••", D••lh/ .llOOJ6, Ph: 49283471/73/75
", ••!nIt..: UiUiUi.JIltJe...com
BBE-2017-C-IX (Paper-2)-S&M-17

Section-Ill Physics, Chemislry & Malhemalics

Physics (Part-A)

Numerical Answer Type

Question numbers 77 to 78 are 2 numerical answer type questions with answer XXXXx.xx.

77. A 6 kg mass A moving with a velocity of 2 mls collides with a 4kg mass B moving with a velocity
of 1.5 mls in the opposite direction in a straight line. If the two masses get stuck, what is the
velocity of the combination?

78. A particle moving with unifonn acceleration in a straight line covers a distance of 3m in the 8t~
second and 5m in the 16th second of its motion. What is the displacement of the particle from the
beginning of the 61h second to the end of 15th second?
pace for Rough Work

FI17J(( Ltd., FlITJ1!1!HOIlS., ~9-A, Ealu. Sara!, S ••..,••prlya. Vlhar, Nww ~lhl.J10016, Ph: 49283471/73/75
w~b~fu, wwwJlftj~".com
BBE-2017-C-IX (Paper-2)-S&M-16

Mathematics (Part-B)
Numerical Answer Type
Question numbers 79 to 80 are 2 numerical answer questions with answer XXXXX.XX.

79. The numberof solutionfor JSx + 7 - .)3x + 1 = Jx + 3 is

80. In any triangle. the sum of medians is greater than what times the perimeter?
Sum of medians> ,perimeter?

Space for Rough Work

JI'JII Ltd., J"lTTJEE H<n<SOl,

2!il'-A, K"I" Sa •.••', S"nJ"pr!y" Vlhar, H.", V./hl.J 1OOJ6, Ph: 49283471/73/75
",.,bs/u: www.fljV ••. ~om
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fIIYJU Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29.A, Kalu Sara!, San.>aprlya Vlhar, N.,•••D.,lhl'lJOO16, Ph 46106000, 26569493, TID< 26513942
•••.,b~lt.,: •••••••••
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FIIUU Ltd., rUTJE£ lt~u, 29-A, K.<Ilu SaT,,~ Sarvaprl ••" V/har, N~wDelhl.JJ0016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, rev<26513942
bs/t~, www.j1ItJ~~"com
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FIITJEELtd., rUTJEE House, 29-,1.."", •• Sura~ Snn>"prlJl" Vlh"", New &11'11.110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, rax 26513942
"",hire: www.jlltjee.""m


You can view the scanned image of your OMR answer sheet, Answer Key and Marks
awarded for each question online on our website www.fiitjeelogin.com. In case of a
discrepancy, you also have an option to challenge Ihe answer key by paying Rs. 5001-
for each challenge. In case your challenge is found correct, fee charged will be
refunded. Please read the terms & conditions on the challenge portal carefully before
challenging a question. The challenge portal will be live as per the following schedule:

Date on which the Portal Last Date to Accept the

Test Centres at
goes Live Challenge

Delhi & NCR 17th Oclober 2017 at 10:00 am 18th October 2017 at 4:00 pm

Rest of India 22nd October 2017 at 10:00 am 23rd October 2017 at 4:00 pm


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