Ua 501
Ua 501
Ua 501
Uric Acid ver.2
Order information
Analyzer(s) on which cobas c pack(s) can be used
03183807 190 Uric Acid ver.2 400 tests System‑ID 07 6615 1 Roche/Hitachi cobas c 311, cobas c 501/502
10759350 190 Calibrator f.a.s. (12 x 3 mL) Code 401
10759350 360 Calibrator f.a.s. (12 x 3 mL, for USA) Code 401
12149435 122 Precinorm U plus (10 x 3 mL) Code 300
12149435 160 Precinorm U plus (10 x 3 mL, for USA) Code 300
12149443 122 Precipath U plus (10 x 3 mL) Code 301
12149443 160 Precipath U plus (10 x 3 mL, for USA) Code 301
10171743 122 Precinorm U (20 x 5 mL) Code 300
10171735 122 Precinorm U (4 x 5 mL) Code 300
10171778 122 Precipath U (20 x 5 mL) Code 301
10171760 122 Precipath U (4 x 5 mL) Code 301
05117003 190 PreciControl ClinChem Multi 1 (20 x 5 mL) Code 391
05947626 190 PreciControl ClinChem Multi 1 (4 x 5 mL) Code 391
05947626 160 PreciControl ClinChem Multi 1 (4 x 5 mL, for USA) Code 391
05117216 190 PreciControl ClinChem Multi 2 (20 x 5 mL) Code 392
05947774 190 PreciControl ClinChem Multi 2 (4 x 5 mL) Code 392
05947774 160 PreciControl ClinChem Multi 2 (4 x 5 mL, for USA) Code 392
04489357 190 Diluent NaCl 9 % (50 mL) System‑ID 07 6869 3
Uric Acid ver.2
This kit contains components classified as follows in accordance with the Materials provided
Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008: See “Reagents – working solutions” section for reagents.
Materials required (but not provided)
See “Order information” section
General laboratory equipment
Danger For optimum performance of the assay follow the directions given in this
document for the analyzer concerned. Refer to the appropriate operator’s
H318 Causes serious eye damage. manual for analyzer‑specific assay instructions.
Prevention: The performance of applications not validated by Roche is not warranted
and must be defined by the user.
P280 Wear eye protection/ face protection.
Application for serum and plasma
cobas c 311 test definition
P305 + P351 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several
Assay type 2‑Point End
+ P338 + minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do.
P310 Continue rinsing. Immediately call a POISON CENTER or Reaction time / Assay points 10 / 23‑27
doctor/ physician. Wavelength (sub/main) 700/546 nm
Product safety labeling primarily follows EU GHS guidance. Reaction direction Increase
Contact phone: all countries: +49-621-7590, USA: 1-800-428-2336 Units mg/dL (µmol/L, mg/L)
Reagent handling Reagent pipetting Diluent (H2O)
Ready for use
R1 72 µL 25 µL
Storage and stability
R3 14 µL 20 µL
UA2 Sample volumes Sample Sample dilution
Shelf life at 2‑8 °C: See expiration date on Sample Diluent
cobas c pack label. (NaCl)
On‑board in use and refrigerated on the 8 weeks Normal 3 µL – –
Decreased 12 µL 15 µL 135 µL
Increased 3 µL – –
NaCl Diluent 9 %
Shelf life at 2‑8 °C: See expiration date on cobas c 501 test definition
cobas c pack label. Assay type 2‑Point End
On‑board in use and refrigerated on the 12 weeks Reaction time / Assay points 10 / 34‑42
analyzer: Wavelength (sub/main) 700/546 nm
Specimen collection and preparation Reaction direction Increase
For specimen collection and preparation only use suitable tubes or
collection containers. Units mg/dL (µmol/L, mg/L)
Only the specimens listed below were tested and found acceptable. Reagent pipetting Diluent (H2O)
Serum. R1 72 µL 25 µL
Plasma: Li‑heparin and K2‑EDTA plasma.
EDTA plasma values are approximately 7 % lower than serum values. R3 14 µL 20 µL
The sample types listed were tested with a selection of sample collection Sample volumes Sample Sample dilution
tubes that were commercially available at the time of testing, i.e. not all Sample Diluent
available tubes of all manufacturers were tested. Sample collection systems (NaCl)
from various manufacturers may contain differing materials which could
affect the test results in some cases. When processing samples in primary Normal 3 µL – –
tubes (sample collection systems), follow the instructions of the tube
manufacturer. Decreased 12 µL 15 µL 135 µL
Urine: Assay urinary uric acid as soon as possible. Do not refrigerate. Increased 3 µL – –
To prevent ureate precipitation in urine samples, add sodium hydroxide to
keep urine alkaline (pH > 8.0). To achieve stated uric acid stability, add cobas c 502 test definition
NaOH prior to sample collection. Urine samples are diluted 1 + 10 with Assay type 2‑Point End
distilled/deionized water or 0.9 % NaCl. This dilution is taken into account in
the calculation of the results. Reaction time / Assay points 10 / 34‑42
Centrifuge samples containing precipitates before performing the assay. Wavelength (sub/main) 700/546 nm
Stability in serum/plasma:15 5 days at 2‑8 °C Reaction direction Increase
6 months at (-15)‑(-25) °C Units mg/dL (µmol/L, mg/L)
Stability in urine16 (upon 4 days at 15‑25 °C Reagent pipetting Diluent (H2O)
NaOH addition): R1 72 µL 25 µL
R3 14 µL 20 µL
Uric Acid ver.2
Uric Acid ver.2
For diagnostic purposes, the results should always be assessed in Specific performance data
conjunction with the patient’s medical history, clinical examination and other Representative performance data on the analyzers are given below.
findings. Results obtained in individual laboratories may differ.
Special Wash Programming: The use of special wash steps is mandatory
when certain test combinations are run together on Roche/Hitachi Precision was determined using human samples and controls in an internal
cobas c systems. The latest version of the carry‑over evasion list can be protocol with repeatability (n = 21) and intermediate precision (3 aliquots
found with the NaOHD-SMS-SmpCln1+2-SCCS Method Sheets. For further per run, 1 run per day, 21 days). The following results were obtained:
instructions refer to the operator’s manual. cobas c 502 analyzer: All Serum/plasma
special wash programming necessary for avoiding carry‑over is available
via the cobas link, manual input is not required. Repeatability Mean SD CV
Where required, special wash/carry‑over evasion programming must mg/dL (µmol/L) mg/dL (µmol/L) %
be implemented prior to reporting results with this test.
Precinorm U 4.54 (270) 0.04 (2) 0.9
Limits and ranges
Measuring range Precipath U 11.1 (660) 0.1 (6) 0.7
Serum/plasma Human serum 1 4.03 (240) 0.04 (2) 1.0
0.2‑25.0 mg/dL (11.9‑1487 µmol/L) Human serum 2 7.23 (430) 0.06 (4) 0.8
Determine samples having higher concentrations via the rerun function.
Dilution of samples via the rerun function is a 1:2.5 dilution. Results from Intermediate precision Mean SD CV
samples diluted using the rerun function are automatically multiplied by a mg/dL (µmol/L) mg/dL (µmol/L) %
factor of 2.5.
Urine Precinorm U 4.47 (266) 0.07 (4) 1.5
2.2‑275 mg/dL (131‑16362 µmol/L) Precipath U 11.1 (660) 0.2 (12) 1.6
Determine samples having higher concentrations via the rerun function. Human serum 3 3.96 (236) 0.05 (3) 1.3
Dilution of samples via the rerun function is a 1:2.5 dilution. Results from
samples diluted using the rerun function are automatically multiplied by a Human serum 4 7.17 (427) 0.10 (6) 1.3
factor of 2.5. Urine
Lower limits of measurement
Repeatability Mean SD CV
Lower detection limit of the test
Serum/plasma mg/dL (µmol/L) mg/dL (µmol/L) %
0.2 mg/dL (11.9 µmol/L) Control level 1 11.7 (696) 0.1 (6) 1.2
The lower detection limit represents the lowest measurable analyte level Control level 2 21.7 (1291) 0.3 (18) 1.3
that can be distinguished from zero. It is calculated as the value lying
3 standard deviations above that of the lowest standard (standard 1 + 3 SD, Urine 1 28.8 (1714) 0.6 (36) 2.1
repeatability, n = 21). Urine 2 32.5 (1934) 0.5 (30) 1.5
2.2 mg/dL (131 µmol/L) Intermediate precision Mean SD CV
The lower detection limit represents the lowest measurable analyte level mg/dL (µmol/L) mg/dL (µmol/L) %
that can be distinguished from zero. It is calculated as the value lying
3 standard deviations above that of the lowest standard (standard 1 + 3 SD, Control level 1 11.4 (678) 0.2 (12) 1.9
repeatability, n = 21). Control level 2 21.3 (1267) 0.3 (18) 1.6
Expected values Urine 3 29.3 (1743) 0.9 (54) 3.0
Serum/plasma22 Urine 4 32.1 (1910) 0.8 (48) 2.3
Males: 3.4‑7.0 mg/dL (202.3‑416.5 µmol/L) Method comparison
Females: 2.4‑5.7 mg/dL (142.8‑339.2 µmol/L) Uric acid values for human serum, plasma and urine obtained on a
Roche/Hitachi cobas c 501 analyzer (y) were compared with those
Urine (reference range according to Krieg and Colombo) determined using the corresponding reagent on a Roche/Hitachi 917
analyzer (x).
1st morning urine23 37‑92 mg/dL (2200‑5475 µmol/L)
24‑hour urine24 200‑1000 mg/day (1200‑5900 µmol/day) Sample size (n) = 89
corresponding to 13‑67 mg/dL (773‑3986 µmol/L)
Passing/Bablok25 Linear regression
(calculated from a urine volume of 1.5 L/24 h)
y = 0.993x + 0.158 mg/dL y = 0.986x + 0.224 mg/dL
Urine (reference range according to Tietz)15 τ = 0.969 r = 1.000
Average diet 250‑750 mg/24 hours The sample concentrations were between 2.70 and 23.4 mg/dL (161 and
Low purine diet 1392 µmol/L).
Females < 400 mg/24 hours Urine
Sample size (n) = 86
Males < 480 mg/24 hours
High purine diet < 1000 mg/24 hours Passing/Bablok25 Linear regression
Each laboratory should investigate the transferability of the expected values y = 0.997x + 0.456 mg/dL y = 0.998x + 0.522 mg/dL
to its own patient population and if necessary determine its own reference τ = 0.952 r = 0.999
Uric Acid ver.2
The sample concentrations were between 6.35 and 269 mg/dL (378 and 25 Bablok W, Passing H, Bender R, et al. A general regression procedure
16006 µmol/L). for method transformation. Application of linear regression procedures
for method comparison studies in clinical chemistry, Part III. J Clin
References Chem Clin Biochem 1988 Nov;26(11):783-790.
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2 Keller H, ed. Klinisch-chemische Labordiagnostik für die Praxis, 2nd ed. a decimal numeral. Separators for thousands are not used.
Stuttgart/New York: Georg Thieme Verlag 1991. Symbols
3 Rice EW, Grogan BS. 1960 survey of clinical chemistry procedures Roche Diagnostics uses the following symbols and signs in addition to
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