Tyrants Oautoma Rules - by Michael
Tyrants Oautoma Rules - by Michael
Tyrants Oautoma Rules - by Michael
You can use automa to play solo (against one or more automa),
increase the player count in a competitive game, or play 2v2 co-op. Automa Turn:
At the start of each automa turn, remove the top card in their delay
The Market pile from play (if any), and devour market cards based on its type. DO
The automa uses the market cards to control their actions. Because of NOT REFILL THE MARKET YET:
this, whenever a market card is bought or devoured, slide the other Insane Outcast - Devour the three leftmost market cards.
market cards left to fill the gap. New market cards should always Starting Card (noble/soldier) - Devour two leftmost market cards.
enter on the rightmost space. No Delay Cards - Devour one leftmost market card.
Then, perform the following steps:
Set-Up 1. For each card type count the cards of that type in the market
Do not give the automa a player board. They will never draw or gain and resolve their action as detailed below.
cards in the normal fashion. However, do have a player deck for each 2. Give the automa 1 VP for each site control marker it controls
automa, as well as the insane outcast supply, as both may be used but does not have total control over. For site control markers it
during setup and because of certain card effects. DOES totally control, give it the VP value plus 1.
Decide on automa difficulty. Build a “Delay Pile” for each automa: 3. Refill all empty spaces in the market.
Easy Normal Hard
Automa Action Details
13 insane outcasts 10 insane outcasts 7 insane outcasts The automa resolves actions by type in the market, in Guile-Malice-
(top) (top) (top) Conquest-Ambition order. The more cards of that type, the more
10 starting cards 7 starting cards 4 starting cards powerful the action that is performed (see table below).
(bottom) (bottom) (bottom) If there are 4-6 cards of a given type in the market (very unlikely), the
Randomize a starting site for each Automa. Place a VP token next to automa performs the action for 3 cards of that type, then gains 3 VPs
the top side of the board. for each extra card of that type.
Card Type 1 card 2 cards 3 cards
Remove automa spy to place 1 troop at Remove automa spy to supplant 1 troop at Remove automa spy to supplant 2 troops at
their site (Place 1 spy if can’t place troop) their site (place 2 spies if can’t supplant) their site (place 3 spies if can’t supplant)