Department of Education: Cookery

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

COOKERY ______7. Which of the following

PRE-TEST considerations are essential in choosing
ingredients for high quality salads?
NAME: _________________________________ A. quality and quantity
B. texture and color
GRADE & SECTION: ___________________
C. freshness and variety
D. crispiness and taste
Directions: Read the statements below and ______8. Which of the following
choose the best answer. Write your answers guidelines is not included in making
before the number. NO ERASURES. vegetable salad?
A. cooked to a firm, crisp texture and
______1.A sweet course or dish which is good color
usually served at the end of a meal. B. cooked until completely tender and
A. sweet overcooked
B. dessert C. thoroughly drained and chilled before
C. stock using
D. appetizer D. marinated or soaked in a seasoned
______2. All of the following are liquid
characteristics of good fruit desserts, Except ______9. Which of the following
A. appetizing aroma procedures for quantity green salad
B. slightly chilled temperature production is the last step to do?
C. simple and attractive A. Arrange salad plates on worktables.
D. moderate sweet B. Add dressing before serving.
______3. What is the process of putting C. Prepare all ingredients.
your product into containers for easy D. Refrigerate until serving.
distribution? ______10. Which of the following
A. packaging appetizers are made out of thin slices of
B. labeling bread in different shapes.
C. wrapping A. relish
D. storing B. cocktail
______4. Which of the following sanitary C. hors d’ oeuvres
practices is not true in storing desserts? D. canapé
A. Wash utensils and equipment ______11. Aling Pelita finds it hard to
thoroughly. remove tough soils from the used pots and
B. Keep away from food when you are ill. pans, it does not respond to different cleaning
C. Store foods and ingredients in a dry agents she used, if you will help her which of
place. the following will you recommend that will
D. Safeguard the food during distribution. surely solve her problem?.
______5. In plating and presenting food, A. abrasives
which among the following statements is B. acid cleaners
related to texture? C. detergents
A. enhances plate presentation D. cleaners
B. plays important part in plate ______12. Your younger sister accidentally
presentation swallowed poison. What first aid treatment
C. adds visual interest to the food should you do?
D. serves as frame of the presentation A. Read the label of the poisonous
______6. It is the most important material.
principle for sandwich safety after B. Remove anything remaining in the
preparation to avoid spoilage. mouth.
A. 4 – 40 – 140 C. Give her a glass of water or any fruit
B. 4 – 140 – 40 juice.
C. 140 – 4 – 40 D. Give her a spoonful sugar or any kind
D. 40 – 140 – 4 of sweets.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

______13. Which of the following is the ______19. Which of the following situations is
proper order in washing the dishes? good housekeeping practice best
A. chinaware, utensils, silverware, shown?
glassware A. Emptying the garbage can every other day.
B. utensils, silverware, glassware, B. Using imported sanitizing and disinfecting
chinaware materials
C. silverware, chinaware, glassware, C. Spraying air freshener before and after
utensils, leaving the room.
D. glassware, silverware, chinaware, D. Planning and implementing a program of
utensils regular cleaning of
______14. Which of the following is a material fixtures, furniture and home appliances
used for salad making and dessert ______20. Which of the following knife is used
that need great care to ensure long shelf life? for trimming and paring fruits and
A. glass vegetables?
B. aluminum A. butcher knife
C. cast iron B. French knife
D. stainless steel C. paring knife
______15. Which of the following appetizers D. shears
are made out of thin slices of bread ______21. Which of the following appetizers
in different shapes? are made of seafood or fruit, usually
A. relish with a tart or tangy sauce?
B. cocktail A. canapé
C. horse d’ oeuvres B. cocktail
D. canapé C. relish
______16. Aling Tessie finds it hard to remove D. salad
tough soils from the used pots and ______22. Your younger sister accidentally
pans. It does not respond to the different swallowed poison. What first aid
cleaning agents that she has treatment should you do?
used. If you will help her, which of the A. Read the label of the poisonous material.
following will you recommend B. Remove anything remaining in the mouth.
that will surely solve her problem? C. Give her a glass of water or any fruit juice.
A. abrasive D. Give her a spoonful of sugar or any kind of
B. acid cleaner sweets.
C. detergent ______23. Which of the following is the proper
D. solvent cleaner order in washing the dishes?
______17. Small pieces or portions of highly A. Utensils, chinaware, silverware, glassware
seasoned food, usually served before B. Silverware, utensils, glassware, chinaware
a meal to induce and stimulate one’s C. Chinaware, glassware, utensils, silverware
appetite. D. Glassware, silverware, chinaware, utensils
A. appetizer ______24. Which of the following is the proper
B. dessert order/steps in cleaning kitchen
C. hamburger premises?
D. salad dressing 1. Rinse all surfaces with cold to hot water to
______18. Sherwin owns a restaurant. He is remove thoroughly
awake up to 12 midnight in order to all remaining chemical solution and food soil
supervise the business and sees to it that he residues
has enough supply of 2. Remove residual food soils from equipment
materials the next day. This kind of character surfaces
shows that he is: 3. Scrape and Pre-rinse
A. creative 4. Rinse all equipment surfaces sanitizing
B. personalize agent
C. motivated A. 4 3 2 1
D. committed B. 2 3 1 4
C. 3 2 1 4
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

D. 1 2 3 4 A. Cooked to a firm, crisp texture and good

______25. Which of the following should be color
practiced when using cutting board to B. Cooked until completely tender and
reduce the spread of bacteria? overcooked
A. Use the same chopping board for different C. Thoroughly drained and chilled before
kinds of food. using
B. Keep separate chopping board for your D. Marinated or soaked in a seasoned liquid
meat and your vegetables. ______33. Which of the following is not a
C. Clean the chopping board if needed. factor to consider in salad preparation?
D. Scrape chopping board before using. A. Contrast and harmony of colors
______26. A salad tool used to remove excess B. Quality of ingredients
water from the salad greens. C. Arrangement of food
A. mixing bowl D. Proper food combinations
B. salad server ______34. Which of the following procedures
C. salad spinner for quantity green salad production
D. cutting boards is the last step to do?
______27. Used to hold salad ingredients for A. Arrange salad plates on worktables
mixing, or for tossing. B. Add dressing before serving
A. knives C. Prepare all ingredients
B. cutting board D. Refrigerate until serving
C. mixing bowl ______35. Which of the following ingredients
D. salad server is not used in making French
______28. Salads that can be served as a full dressing?
meal because it contains A. egg yolk
substantial portion of meat, poultry, B. oil
seafoods, fruits and vegetables. C. vinegar
A. appetizer salad D. sugar
B. accompaniment salad ______36. Which of the following structures of
C. main course salad a salad is an edible decorative item
D. dessert salad that gives eye appeal and adds flavor to the
______29. Salads made of mixtures of food?
ingredients that are held together usually A. body
with a thick dressing like mayonnaise. B. garnish
A. green salads C. base
B. vegetable salads D. dressing
C. composed salads ______37. It is the most important principle
D. bound salads for sandwich safety after preparation
______30. Salad ingredients are arranged on to avoid spoilage.
plate rather than being mixed A. 4 – 40 – 140
together B. 4 –140 – 40
A. fruit salad C. 140 – 4 – 40
B. composed salad D. 40 – 140 – 4
C. bound salad ______38. Which tool is used to measure
D. vegetable salad serving of soft foods, such as filling ice
______31. Which of the following cream, and mashed potato?
considerations are essential in choosing A. potato masher
ingredients for high quality salads? B. scooper
A. quality and quantity C. scoop or dipper
B. texture and color D. baster
C. freshness and variety ______39. There are many kinds of kitchen
D. crispiness and taste knives, each with a special use. Which
______32. Which of the following guidelines is one is used to cut thick sandwiches?
not included in making vegetable A. butcher knife
salad. B. paring knife
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

C. deli knife C. Wrapping

D. sandwich knife D. Storing
______40. A small flat, round bladed utensil ______ 48. This term refers to packaging in
that is serrated on one side and smooth large standardized containers for
on the other, used to apply food spreads over efficient shipping and handling
bread slices. A. Aseptically
A. Cutting Board B. Bulk
B. Measuring Spoon C. Packaging
C. Sandwich Spatula D. Containerization
D. Serrated Knife ______49. Which of the following material is
______41. A plastic, serrated edge knife that is made from wood pulp and used for
designed to slice lettuce without flexible packaging of goods?
causing the edges to turn brown. A. Cellophane
A. Lettuce Knife B. Glass
B. Mixing Spoon C. Metal
C. Bread Toaster D. Paper
D. Grill ______50. A thin and transparent material
______42. The purpose of storing desserts is that is made of cellulose and contains
to variable amount of water and softener
A. Increase its volume A. Cellophane
B. Soften food tissues B. Glass
C. Improve the palatability C. Metal
D. Enhance freshness and quality D. Paper
______43. Which of these sauce is best for a
simple dessert?
A. Cold Jan Alleana M. Fernandez
B. Light Subject Teacher
C. Hot Fudge
D. Rich What is your expectation in this subject?
______44. The following are thickening agents _____________________________________________
used in the preparation of sauce, _____________________________________________
EXCEPT _____________________________________________
A. Baking Powder _____________________________________________
B. Cornstarch _____________________________________________
C. Cream _____________________________________________
D. Egg _____________________________________________
______45. Which of the following is considered
the simplest dessert? What is your expectation to your subject
A. Custard teacher?
B. Fruits _____________________________________________
C. Gelatin _____________________________________________
D. Puddings _____________________________________________
______46. All of the following are _____________________________________________
characteristics of good fruit desserts, _____________________________________________
EXCEPT _____________________________________________
A. Appetizing aroma _____________________________________________
B. Slightly chilled temperature
C. Simple and attractive
D. Moderately sweet
______47. What is the process of putting your
product into containers for easy
A. Packaging
B. Labeling

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