Government Information Quarterly: Fengyi Lin, Seedy S. Fofanah, Deron Liang
Government Information Quarterly: Fengyi Lin, Seedy S. Fofanah, Deron Liang
Government Information Quarterly: Fengyi Lin, Seedy S. Fofanah, Deron Liang
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Available online 28 January 2011 The technology acceptance model (TAM) has been used extensively to explain and predict users' acceptance
of corporate information technology (IT). With the advancement in IT and the expanding popularity of
Keywords: internet applications in Gambia, e-Government has been a priority factor in rendering government services
Electronic government (e-Government) and in making information more accessible to citizens. This study shows how the TAM and e-Government
Accountability initiatives would positively impact the Gambian government, despite the cultural differences within the
Technology acceptance model
country. This study developed a successful model of the Gambian e-Government system to assist Gambians
Information systems success
with more efficient and cost-effective government operations. The study results reveal that the core
constructs of the TAM have strong influences on user-intention towards e-Government products. This implies
that the Gambian government can potentially utilize this study's TAM findings in other contextual settings to
design and promote further implementation of e-Government systems.
© 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0740-624X/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
272 F. Lin et al. / Government Information Quarterly 28 (2011) 271–279
impacts e-Government success and the country's developmental Fishbein, 1980; Gupta & Jana, 2003; Hu et al., 1999). TAM theorizes
aspiration. We examine whether environment influences the impacts that causal linkages flow in a sequence of beliefs, attitudes, intentions,
that the TAM model can have for e-Government initiatives, despite and behaviors. To examine an individual's actual system use, most
cultural differences. Second, this study examines the various factors studies focus on factors affecting the individual's intentions of system
affecting the intentions of Gambia's citizens to use e-Government acceptance (Chen et al., 2002; Gefen et al., 2003; Karahanna et al.,
facilities, and surveys a sample of citizens in Gambia. The results of 1999).
this study can be replicated and extended to other countries in Africa A general model of TAM is shown in Fig. 1. Prior research suggests
to create a complete picture of critical factors affecting citizen that perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU) are
acceptance of e-Government systems in these areas. two major influential emotional beliefs that determine a user's IT
acceptance. Davis (1989, p. 320) defined perceived usefulness as “the
2. Theoretical background degree to which a person believes that using a particular system
would enhance his or her job performance” and perceived ease of use
In this section, we take a closer look of the Gambia e-Government as “the degree to which a person believes that using a particular
progress and the development it registered in comparison with the system would be free of effort” (Davis is also cited in Venkatesh, 2000;
developed nations. Torres et al., 2005).
This study examines the validity of TAM in the e-Government
2.1. e-Government in Gambia setting in Gambia and focuses on how Gambians behave differently,
and exhibit different levels of acceptance, than other e-Government
In his article titled, “The e-Government in Africa”, Yayehyirad Kitaw users. Information and communications technologies (ICTs) are
(2006), the pioneer of e-Government, predicted that the development playing an increasingly vital role in the daily lives of people in Africa,
of e-Government in most African countries would be the world's largest revolutionizing work and leisure and changing the rules of doing
and fastest-growing industry in the next decade. The government of business (Taylor & Todd, 1995; ECA/Government of the Gambia,
Gambia has vigorously promoted an e-Government initiative since 2004). With the emergence of an information technology economy,
2005. The goals of this initiative include better and more efficient the country of Gambia could leap to higher levels of social, economic,
delivery of government information and services to all citizens, and political development.
increased productivity among public servants, the encouragement of Larsen and Rainie (2002) suggested that e-Government services
citizens' participation in government, and the empowerment of all include information for research, government forms and services,
Gambians in line with the development priorities outlined in Gambia's public policy information, employment and business opportunities,
Vision 2020 development plan (Islam & Okuda, 2005). Gambia's voting information, tax filing, license registration, or renewal,
e-Government stores government information and transactions, and payment of fines, and submission of comments to government
includes the integrated Financial Management Information System officials. However, the successful operation of e-Government does
(IFMIS), the Public Service Commission Website and the Official not depend on the technology, but rather on the people (Akman et al.,
Government Web Portal (OGWP). These online services benefit citizens 2005; Wang & Liao, 2008). Bwalya (2009) pointed out,
and government, as well as increase government accountability, by
making its operations more transparent and reducing opportunities for "The Gambia e-government has been implemented by the Gambia
corruption. Online services provide development opportunities, such as government in collaboration with the immigration authority as
livelihood, employment, and entrepreneurship training (Jobe, 2009; part of its agenda to provide services efficiently and therefore
Agarwal & Prasad, 1999). Gambia's e-Government initiative creates a contribute a substantial amount of tax returns to Gambia. The
paperless environment, encourages efficient processes, and increases need for the authority to introduce this computer-based applica-
the public's convenience in contacting government agencies. This tion was specifically to improve immigration service delivery;
system enables citizens to purchase goods and services, obtain and reduce the time it takes for the department to issue Permits and
distribute information, print forms, and submit bids and proposals on Visas and Clearing of persons at the ports of entry by about 50%
the internet (Carter & Bélanger, 2005; Bertot, 2003). As mentioned in ultimately reducing the cost of doing business for the applicants
the introduction, 40% of the adult population is illiterate and PC in the country” (p. 7–11).
penetration is the lowest in the world with 2.2 computers per 100
inhabitants. Africa has the highest internet tariffs, and only 2.7 The e-participation component of e-Government adoption was
telephones per 100 inhabitants. Millions of citizens are not empowered intended to encourage and emphasize the proposed adoption model of
in the decision-making processes of their government. Based on these TAM suggested by Davis in 1989. It was desired that there would be a
factors, it is reasonable to question the relevance of a discourse on the flow of information between the Gambian government and different
prospects of e-Government in Africa. stakeholders involved in the development process of its e-Government
In more advanced countries such as the United Kingdom, the initiative. Thus, this study focuses on the influential factors of e-
United States, Canada, Germany, and Sweden, e-Government services Government success from the perspective of Gambia's citizens.
have enabled citizens to perform many functions over the web, such
as obtaining relevant and up-to-date information, downloading
forms, scheduling appointments, and paying taxes. Compared to Perceived
most developed Western countries, the developing country of Gambia Usefulness
is experiencing substantial obstacles to establishing and perfecting its
internet infrastructure (Jobe, 2009). Thus, it is important to Behavior ActualSystem
External Attitude
investigate factors that affect the citizens' acceptance of e-Govern- intention Use
ment to help the Gambian government design and implement better
of Use
2.2. Technology acceptance model (TAM)
3. Research hypotheses and model country of Gambia could leap to higher levels of social, economic, and
political development. Based on the technology acceptance model
TAM asserts that intentions to perform behavior determine actual (TAM) theory (Lederer et al., 2000; Lin & Lu, 2000), this study presents
behavior. Intention itself represents an individual's attitude toward the following hypotheses:
the behavior. The TAM indicates that both perceived usefulness (PU)
and perceived ease of use (PEOU) are key, independent variables that H1. User attitude on using the e-Government system positively
can determine or influence potential user' attitudes (ATT) toward affects behavior intentions.
behavioral intention (BI).
H2. The perceived usefulness of the e-Government services has a
Davis (1989) called for further research to consider the role of
positive effect on user behavior intentions.
additional external variables that influence PU and PEOU. Two
important external variables – information systems quality (ISQ) H3. The perceived usefulness of using e-Government has a positive
and information quality (IQ) – have been consistently found to be effect on user attitudes regarding use of the internet.
influential factors that affect the perceived usefulness and ease of use
of IT. Table 1 summarizes the related prior study on the variables that H4. The perceived ease of use of e-Government has a positive effect
are used in the empirical analysis of TAM. on user attitudes toward the use of e-Government systems.
A review of relevant literature on the Gambia e-Government
H5. The perceived ease of use of e-Government systems positively
systems reveals a broad spectrum of information technology applica-
affects the perceived usefulness of using the internet to fill out
tions in most government departments and private sectors. When
citizens use Gambian e-Government websites to look for information
or to start a particular administrative procedure, they tend to expect H6. The information systems quality of e-Government systems
more efficiency and effectiveness when compared to their expecta- positively affects the perceived usefulness of using the internet in
tions of the traditional service counter approach. Citizens will submitting application forms online.
perceive the Gambian e-Government to be a useful resource if it can
help them gather information or complete administrative procedures H7. The information quality of e-Government filing systems posi-
quickly, easily, and effectively (Rabaiah et al., 2006; Lucas & Spitler, tively affects the perceived usefulness of using the internet.
According to Ajzen and Fishbein (1972), attitude and the Fig. 2 presents the research model with the hypotheses shown in
subjective norms are important factors on the behavioral intention their respective links.
formation, a proposition that is supported by TAM. Users with a more
positive attitude toward IT are likely to be more satisfied with system 4. Research methodology
and view it as more useful (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980; Heeks, 2006; Shin,
2007). Therefore, user attitude is hypothesized to positively affect After developing the research framework, we conducted a series of
perceived usefulness and behavioral intention. personal interviews with three Gambian e-Government officials from the
DeLone and McLean (1992, 2003) defined information system Department of Information, Communication, and Technology and two
quality as quality manifested in a system's overall performance and professors from the University of Gambia to assess the validity of the
measured by individuals' perceptions. Because citizens are faceless in proposed research model. Based on our review of related literature and
e-Government interactions, the information system's quality becomes the comments gathered from our interviews, we created an initial
the “online storefront” upon which first impressions are formed. If a version of a survey questionnaire. Then, we refined the questionnaire
citizen perceives an e-Government system to be of high quality, that with extensive pre-testing by fifteen academics and government officials
citizen will be more likely to use internet systems to submit with significant expertise in e-Government operations. Pre-testing
applications or access other e-Government services online (Wang, results revealed that the questionnaire items were comprehensive,
2003). except for three questionnaire items related to “perceived ease of use.”
Information quality (IQ), as assessed by citizens, usually influences We deleted these three items from our questionnaire.
their satisfaction and perceived usefulness (Moon & Kim, 2001;
Aggelidid & Chatzoglou, 2008). Gallagher (1974) used customer 4.1. Sampling
perceptions of an information system's value to determine informa-
tion quality. This study focuses on citizens who use e-Government systems to file
The applications of e-Government in Gambia promises to enhance applications or using e-Government in their work. The final question-
the delivery of public goods and services to citizens not only by naire was e-mailed to e-Government officials working at the Depart-
improving the process and management of government, but also by ment of Information, Communication, and Technology, who helped us
redefining the traditional concepts of citizenship and democracy. distribute 1000 questionnaires to e-Government users through Gam-
With the emergence of an information technology economy, the bia's e-Government system from March 14, 2008 to May 26, 2008.
Table 1
Definitions and supported researches of the individual characteristics constructs.
Attitude toward behavior Person's general feeling of favourableness or unfavourableness as far as the use or not of an Ajzen and Fishbein (1972)
information system is concern
Perceived usefulness The degree to which a person believes that using a specific application system will increase his Chen et al. (2002)
or her job performance within an organization context
Ease of use The degree to which a person believes that using computer technology would be achieved with Ajzen and Fishbein (1972)
minimum possible effort
Information system quality An individual's apprehension about the information system quality, when she/he wants to look for Kettinger and Lee (1994) and Heo and
the update information in the computer or internet Han (2003)
Information quality The information quality of the e-government service will enable the people to research for the Carter and Bélanger (2005) and Igbaria
information and look the news through online TVs and radios online et al. (1997)
274 F. Lin et al. / Government Information Quarterly 28 (2011) 271–279
Information Perceived
System H2
Usefulness (PU)
Quality (ISQ) H6
H5 Towards Behavior
Using Intention(BI)
H7 (ATT) H1
Information Perceived Ease
Quality (IQ) of Use (PEOU)
Subjects were employed people who, because of their career, were 5.1. Validation of the measurement scales
identified as having greater than average access to the internet or e-
Government facilities. This means that our respondent pool reflects the To validate our measurement model, we undertook validity
population of interest in e-Government usages in Gambia. assessments of content, discriminate, and convergent validity. Content
Two weeks after the initial email, a follow-up email was sent to all validity of this survey was established from the existing literature, and
recipients who had not responded, requesting their participation and our measures were constructed by adopting constructs validated by
cooperation. A reminder and thank-you email was sent to all subjects other researchers. Pre-tests were conducted with experts in the field of
who responded positively. e-Government in Gambia. The final set of 22 questionnaire items (as
shown in Table 4) exhibit mean, standard deviation, Cronbach's alpha,
4.2. Descriptive analysis and average variance extracted (AVE) exceed recommended standards
for reliability and uni-dimensionality (Cronbach, 1970). According to
This section analyzes the demographic data acquired. Of the 1000 Fornell and Larcker (1981), if AVE is greater than 0.5 of the total
questionnaires, 167 surveys were returned; of the 167 questionnaires, variance, convergent validity is established and the convergent
21 were excluded due to missing information, being incomplete, or validities of all six e-Government factors we used were confirmed. As
being unreadable. The response rate was 16.7% including 14.6% valid shown in Table 4, our average variance extracted values ranged from
questionnaires. To avoid misconceptions, the orientation of the 5-point 0.550 to 0.684, exceeding the recommended threshold.
Likert scale was applied uniformly; low scores represented negative This study adopted confirmatory factor analysis to examine
settings, while high scores represented for favorable situations. whether the model used is appropriate in testing our hypotheses.
According to the questionnaire results, 56.5% of the respondents The structural equation modeling was applied, using the robust
were male, and 43.5% were female. Most of the subjects (or about 77.9% maximum likelihood estimation method. The goodness of the fit was
of the respondents) were from 20 to 40 years old. The respondents were tested using various absolute, incremental, and parsimony fit indices,
engaged in various occupations: 42.8% of them were employed by the which exceeded the limits established by Hair et al. (1998) in almost
government and 37.3% of them were from business sectors. 15.6% of the all cases. Results shown in Table 5 suggest that the measurement
respondents were students. The majority of the e-Government users in model is adequate to test the hypotheses posed in this study.
Gambia were younger people who use e-Government systems more The LISREL and SEM analysis of the path model developed in this study
often than the older people did. With a total population of 1.8 million showed a reasonable fit for the structural model (see Table 5, χ2/d.f.=
people, the age structures of the Gambian population based on 2009 2.28, GFI=0.81, AGFI=0.75, NFI=0.91, NNFI=0.93). Only AGFI value is
government estimation were as follows: 0–14 years: 23.6%; a little bit below the recommended value. We were assured, therefore,
15–30 years old: 36.2%; 30–45 years old: 19.5% 45–60 years old: that our research model is an adequate representation of the entire set of
12.6%. The demographic characteristics in this study have a similar
age distribution as the total population of Gambia. Therefore, our sample
represents the e-Government usage population. Table 2
Demographic characteristics of respondents.
46.7% of the subjects' monthly incomes were below 1000 Gambian
Dalasis and 39.1% were between 1000 and 3000 Gambian Dalasis. The Measure Items Frequency Percentage
average time spent on computer usage for these people were between Gender Female 120 43.5%
12 and 24 h per week. Detailed descriptive statistics related to the Male 156 56.5%
respondent's characteristics are shown in Table 2. Education Undergraduate 202 73.2%
This study reviewed seven more journal articles discussing TAM Graduate 74 26.8%
Age 20–30 128 46.4%
and presented their empirical survey results in Table 3. Prior research 31–40 87 31.5%
sample sizes ranged from 140 to 165, and the response rates were 41–50 46 16.7%
below 20%, similar to our Gambian case. This proves that our sample 51–60 15 5.4%
size is comparable to prior research and our response rates (16.7%) are Monthly income b1000 (GMD) 129 46.7%
1000–3000 108 39.1%
similar to other studies using the TAM.
3000–5000 25 9.1%
N5000 14 5.1%
5. Empirical results Time of using computer b12 h 138 50.0%
per week 12–24 h 114 41.3%
N24 h 24 8.7%
To ensure the content validity of the scales used in the study, the Occupation Government employees 118 42.8%
items selected for the constructs should represent the concepts of our Business sectors 103 37.3%
measurement model in the empirical results as we described the Students 43 15.6%
Others 12 4.3%
details below.
F. Lin et al. / Government Information Quarterly 28 (2011) 271–279 275
Table 3
Literature review for sampling data.
Agrifoglio et al. (2010). Twitter Presents and tests acceptance and use of 385 returned questionnaires from 1. Computer enjoyment
acceptance: The role of intrinsic technology by users, focusing on role of twitter followers (response rate 2. Perceived ease of use
motivation, information systems intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in 12.63%). 3. Perceived usefulness
determining the usage behavior 4. Playfulness
Venkatesh (2000). Management Develops and tests TAM model to explain 156 employees in four longitudinal 1. Voluntariness
Science, 46(2) perceived usefulness and usage intentions field studies (response rate 0.60%) 2. Experience
in terms of social influence and cognitive 3. Subjective norm
instrumental processes 4. Image
5. Job relevance
6. Output quality result
7. Demonstrability
8. Perceived usefulness
Chau and Hu (2001) Decision Compare TAM, TPA, and decomposed 408 physicians in public tertiary 1. Behavioral intention
Sciences, 32(4), 699–719 TPB models hospital in Hong Kong (response 2. Attitude
rate 26.9%) 3. Subjective norm
4. Perceived usefulness
5. Perceived ease of use
6. Compatibility
The UNDP report on the Gambia The survey compares the TAM perceived With all these approaches however, The sample frame revealed that about 41% o
e-Governance study usefulness and perceived ease of use of the the survey was able to receive 165 f the institutions were located within Greater
Gambia e-Government Initiative and how responses out of 515 leaving a response Banjul Area while a significant proportion of
citizen behaves in using computers rate of 17.5% as compared to that of our the rest were within other urban areas in other
research as 16.7% administrative divisions in the country
Park and Chen (2007) TAM + DIT 71 doctors Smart phones
23 nurses
17 other specialities in the U.S.
Wu et al., 2007 TAM + IDT 123 Physicians, nurses and medical Mobile Healthcare System (MHS)
technicians in Taiwan
Day et al., 2007 TAM 3 managers, 10 nurses, and 4 social Videophones
workers in the U.S.
causal relationships. The analysis suggests that the operationalization of significant in predicting citizens' intention to use e-Government
overall e-Government factors was satisfactory. services. These adoption factors are presented in Fig. 3.
TAM explains an acceptable percentage of the variance in citizen's
intention to use e-Government services in Gambia (the overall goodness
5.2. Hypotheses testing of fit=0.75). Since the overall model is satisfactory (Chi-square=490.13,
PN 0.001), we tested the significance of each independent variable.
A primary purpose of this research is to test the TAM in the context Hypothesis 1 examines the link between “attitudes towards using” (ATTs)
of e-Government services adoption in Gambia. Several adoption to “behavioral intention” (BIs). A citizen's actual use of e-Government
factors, such as attitudes toward using e-Government systems, were system was influenced by their behavioral intentions to use. Attitude is
significantly related to citizen's behavioral intention in using e-Govern-
ment (β=0.28; Pb 0.01). This result supports the suggestion of the TAM.
Table 4 However, “perceived usefulness” (PU) has no significant effect on
Descriptive statistics of the constructs. “behavioral intentions” (BIs). Hypothesis 2 is not supported.
Measure Item Mean SD Cronbach's α Average variance Hypotheses 3 and 4 examined the impact of “perceived usefulness”
extracted (PU) and “perceived ease of use” (PEOU) on “attitude towards using”
Behavior intention (BI) BI1 2.933 1.168 0.855 0.684
(ATTs). Perceived usefulness had no significant impact on attitude
BI2 (β = 0.02) but “perceived ease of use” has a significant impact on
BI3 attitude (β = 0.34; P b 0.05). As suggested by the original TAM, the
BI4 positive impacts of PU on the attitude towards using the e-Government
Attitude towards ATT1 5.082 0.924 0.834 0.550
were confirmed.
using (ATT) ATT2
ATT3 Hypotheses 5, 6, and 7 examined the impact of “perceived ease of
Perceived usefulness PU1 5.142 1.078 0.842 0.620 use”, (PEOU) “information system quality” (ISQ) and “information
(PU) PU2 quality” (IQ) on “perceived usefulness” (PU) towards using the
e-Government systems. It is observed that “perceived ease of use”
Perceived ease of use PEOU1 5.617 1.004 0.845 0.578
(PEOU) and “information quality” (IQ) have strong impact on
PEOU3 “perceived usefulness” (PU) toward using e-Government at the 0.01
Information system ISQ1 4.510 1.117 0.864 0.610
quality (ISQ) ISQ2
ISQ3 Table 5
ISQ4 Goodness-of-fit indices: initial model vs. modified model.
Information quality IQ1 4.573 1.140 0.858 0.628
Model χ2 d.f. χ2/d.f. GFI AGFI NFI NNFI RMR RMSEA
(IQ) IQ2
IQ3 Recommended N/A N/A b 3 N0.80 N0.80 N 0.90 N 0.90 b 0.10 b0.08
IQ4 value
IQ5 Initial model 490.13 215 2.28 0.81 0.75 0.91 0.93 0.06 0.09
276 F. Lin et al. / Government Information Quarterly 28 (2011) 271–279
Information Perceived
System H6 Usefulness H2 0.21
Quality (ISQ) 0.21 (PU) (2.89)
R2=0.03 (2.23) R2=0.01
H3 Attitude H1 Behaviour
0.02 Towards
H5 (2.70) Intention(BI)
0.21*** Using (ATT) 0.28*** R2=0.12
(2.67) R2=0.01 (3.84)
H7 Perceived H4
0.01** Ease of Use
Quality(IQ) 0.34**
(2.70) (PEOU)
R2=0.01 (0.89)
R2=0.10 *P <0.1**P <0.05***P <0.01
and 0.05 significance levels, respectively. The greater the Gambia government web portals are not properly in place. Information
government willingness to emphasize on “information quality” (IQ) and accessibility is problematic, and people hesitate to use e-Government
“perceived ease of use” (PEOU), the greater will be influenced citizen's systems available online.
perceived usefulness on e-Government systems. Hypotheses 5 and 7 are Table 6 illustrates that human beings are rational and use a logical
supported. information-based thought process, despite findings from recent TAM
Prior e-Government TAM research focuses on developed countries. and e-Government studies. Hypotheses 1, 4, 5, and 7 are supported.
This study highlights the impact and further developmental aspira- Several studies discuss various effects and emotional concepts of
tions of e-Government on Gambia, a developing country. This study these same findings. Venkatesh et al. (2003) studied emotion via
shows how the TAM and e-Government initiatives would positively computer anxiety (an individual's apprehension, or fear, when this
impacts Gambian government, despite the cultural differences within person may use a computer) as one of the determinants of perceived
the country. Table 6 summarizes the testing results for the hypotheses ease of use. This study examined the direct impact of general
in this study. computer anxiety on PEOU, and found that computer anxiety's impact
Fig. 3 shows that hypotheses H2, H3, and H6 are not supported. on PU is mediated by PEOU.
Gambia's perceived usefulness (PU) exhibits weak linkage for
behavior intentions (BIs) (H2) and attitudes (H3). Electricity avail- 6. Discussion and conclusion
ability in Gambia is not stable compared to Western world. The poor
infrastructures in Gambia are a handicap to government efforts related This study's results suggest that the core constructs of TAM have
to e-Government initiatives. This study shows that there is a direct strong influences on citizen's intentions of using the e-Government
relationship between power availability and a citizen's ability to make systems. Our empirical results show that both IQ and PEOU positively
use of available government services. Relevant to this topic is how the influence on the PU in the Gambian e-Government system. Furthermore,
government can enable its citizenry to access available e-Government PEOU significantly affects citizen's attitudes to use the e-Government
resources. For instance, if someone in Brikama wants to download a systems. In the meantime, attitudes toward using the e-Government
government forms or application for a passport, driver's license, systems significantly affect Gambian citizen's behavioral intentions.
national ID card, or Treasury bills, that person will need specific Consistent with prior TAM literature, the core constructs of the TAMs
computing and peripheral equipment (printers, scanners, and so (information quality, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude
forth). In Gambia, web portals are not user-friendly and Gambians may towards using, and behavioral intention) have a significant and strong
wait for long periods before navigating a browser due to slow internet influence on Gambia's e-Government usage intention.
connectivity. As a result, the majority of Gambians may prefer However, the results do not support hypotheses H2, H3, and H6.
traditional government procedures rather than using e-Government Gambia's perceived usefulness (PU) has a weak linkage with Behavior
services. Therefore, perceived usefulness does not have a strong Intentions (BI) (H2) and Attitudes (H3). This may be due to Gambia's
impact on behavioral intentions or attitudes in a developing country inconsistent and unstable electricity availability compared to Western
with inadequate IT infrastructure. Empirical results do not support world. Gambia's poor government infrastructure is a factor in
Hypothesis 6: The impact of information system quality (ISQ) on unsuccessful e-Government initiatives. Accessing government docu-
perceived usefulness (PU). The Gambia Information System available ments via e-Government resources is quite difficult for Gambians. In
online does not offer the information that Gambians require, and some some cases, Gambians must wait hours before browsers can navigate to
Table 6
The hypothesis testing result.
the specific website due to slow internet connection. Due to internet Part II: Behavior intention of the e-Government in the Gambia
connection difficulties, the majority of Gambians prefer using traditional
methods to process government documents rather than the e- In this part, the purpose of the study is to understand about your
Government services. Perceived usefulness (PU) does not have a strong opinion. Please rate the following questions on a scale of 1 to 5 that best
impact on behavioral Intentions and attitudes in developing countries describe your life style preference. (1—Strongly disagree, 2—disagree,
with inconvenient IT infrastructure. To improve Gambia's Information 3—neutral, 4—agree, and 5—strongly agree)
System understanding, the Gambian government should introduce
control systems and web portals on their sites. Accessibility to
Information is problematic and users sometimes hesitate to access 1 2 3 4 5
online e-Government systems. 1. I intend to use the e-Government system in the next □ □ □ □ □
two years to come.
This study has several limitations which future research can
2. I intend to use the e-Government system on a regular □ □ □ □ □
address. The investigation of e-Government systems success models basis in the future.
is relatively new to Gambia. Thus, generalizing findings in this 3. I intend to use the e-Government information system in □ □ □ □ □
discussion of e-Government categories or user groups is not my next application of passport and national identity card.
concrete, but is a good basis for further research. The sample size 4. I will strongly recommend others to use e-Government □ □ □ □ □
and information technology services.
in this study is another limitation. A cross-cultural validation using a
large sample elsewhere is requires a greater generalization of the Attitude towards the e-Government use
proposed model. 5. Using e-Government and the internet is a good idea. □ □ □ □ □
Citizens using the e-Government system put forth a great effort 6. Using e-Government in the Gambia is a pleasant idea. □ □ □ □ □
7. Using e-Government is a positive idea. □ □ □ □ □
to meet successful results. This study's results show that the core
constructs of the TAM have strong influences on user intention Perceived usefulness of e-Government
towards e-Government products. This implies that the Gambian 8. Using the e-Government would improve my performance □ □ □ □ □
government can potentially utilize this study's TAM findings in in my workplace.
other contextual settings to design and promote e-Government 9. Using the e-Government services online enables me to □ □ □ □ □
accomplish my understanding of services and increase
my productivity.
10. Using the e-Government would make it easier to do □ □ □ □ □
what I want to do and would be very useful in my life.
Appendix A. Questionnaires
Perceived ease of use (PEOU)
Part I. Demographic information 11. Learning to operate the e-Government system would be □ □ □ □ □
easy for me.
12. I would find it easy to get the e-Government to do what □ □ □ □ □
1. In this part, the purpose of the study is to understand about your
I want it to do.
personal information. Please check out the appropriate corresponding 13. It would be easy for me to become skillful at using the □ □ □ □ □
questions. e-Government service on the internet.
14. I would find the e-Government easy to use. □ □ □ □ □
□ Paying out my taxes Cronbach, L. (1970). Essentials of psychological testing. New York: Harper International
□ Others (please specify_______________________) editions.
Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and user acceptance of
information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319−339.
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