Grade Xi Salvation History
Grade Xi Salvation History
Grade Xi Salvation History
LESSON 10-MARY, THE MOTHER OF JESUS, IS OUR immune from all stain of original sin.” - Pope Pius IX,
DISCIPLES OF JESUS. B. In her apparitions to St. Bernadette at Lourdes in 1858,
4 Dogma/ Title of Mother Mary the Mother of God referred to herself by saying, “I am
1. Mother of God January 01 the Immaculate Conception.”
2. Immaculate Conception December 08 C. Immaculate Conception often confused with the Virgin
3. Perpetual Virginity Birth. The distinction?
4. Assumption 1. Immaculate Conception = Mary preserved from
original sin from the first moment of her conception by
1. Mother of God the anticipated merits won for us by Jesus’ sacrifice.
A. Logical explanation 2. Virgin Birth = The Blessed Virgin Mary giving birth to
Jesus is God Jesus
Mary is Jesus Mother 3. Mary’s Perpetual Virginity
Thus, Mary is the mother of God A. Mary is virgin before, during, and after the birth of Jesus.
B. This dogma is defined at the council of Ephesus of 431 A.D B. Mary’s virginity is in no way to be understood as the
(Nestorius) Church saying that sex is evil or bad. To the contrary,
C. Nestorius sexual union, in its proper context, is good, even holy.
Point: The marital act is created by God for procreation and the
“Mary only gave birth to the human Jesus, but not the union of spouses and sanctified by Christ through the
divine Jesus and therefore should not be called the Mother Sacrament of Matrimony.
of God. “ C. Mary’s virginity is the sign of her undivided gift of herself
Reason: This essentially makes Jesus into two persons to God.
rather than one person. You can see how distorting the D. Mary, as virgin and mother is model both to those who
truth about Mary, even more importantly distorts the truth are married and to those who have been called to live
about Jesus out the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and
D. Mary gave birth to the person of Jesus. Jesus is a divine obedience in consecrated virginity, for those who have
person with two natures – divine and human. chosen, virginity “for the sake of the Kingdom,” cf. Mt.
What is the difference between person and nature? E. Mary’s virginity shows forth God’s absolute initiative in
the Incarnation. She was impregnated by the power of
E. Mary did not merely give birth to a nature, but rather, to God the Holy Spirit in a holy unique way, cf. Lk. 1:35
the one Person of Jesus, who is a Divine Person (2nd 4. . Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Person of the Trinity) with two natures (divine and human). A. Mary’s Assumption is a result of her perfect obedience
When a woman gives birth, you won’t hear her say, “Look and cooperation with her Son.
at this little nature in my arms,” but she might say, “Look at B. Mary’s Assumption is a singular participation in the
this little person in my arms,” or something close to that resurrection of Jesus.
F. Mary as the “Ark of the New Covenant” C. The Assumption is often confused with the Ascension.
The difference?
2 Samuel 6: 14-15 – David Luke 1: 43-44 – Same word as 1. The Ascension refers to Jesus going to “sit” at the right
“danced” before the Ark that used in Septuagint (John hand of the Father. He ascends by His own power.
the Baptist “leaped”, but same 2. The Assumption refers to Mary, at the end of her
word is used in the Greek earthly life, being taken up body and soul into heaven.
“danced.” She was not assumed by her own power, rather, she
was assumed into heaven by God.
The Old Ark carried the stone the New Ark carries the
tablets of the law, the 10 Lawgiver Himself LESSON 11 THE CHURCH AND THE AUTHORITY OF
commandments THE POPE (pg.79-82)
The Old Ark carried the staff of the New Ark carries the Eternal
Aaron the High Priest High Priest. Pope Benedict XVI- We are not same casual and meaningless product
The Old Ark carried manna from the New Ark carries the Bread of of evolution. Each of us is the result of thought of God.
the desert, Life Church is a sign instrument of communion with God and unity among
all men.
CCC,775 & 780- The Church in this world is the sacrament of salvation,
G. God the Son is the only Person who ever lived who chose His the sign and the instrument of the communion of God and men.
birth mother. She becomes His mother the moment He PCP II 89- Christ calls us to form a Christian community. He wants the
becomes incarnate in her womb by the power of the Holy Spirit. Church to be a “a communion of life, love, and truth” and “a
2. The Immaculate Conception community of faith, hope, and love”
A. “The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first
moment of her conception, by a singular grace and Lumen Gentium 1- The Church is in the sacrament, a sign and
privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of instrument of communion with God and of unity among all men.
Key points: Giovannu Pope Paul Cum lipso in Humanae
Battista XI monte vitae
The Biblical Enrico 262nd With him on the
Twelve Apostles- choose by Jesus, and He gave them the Antonio Pope mount
mission to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to heal. They Maria In nomini
were the foundation of the Church. Montini domini
The Church is Apostolic in three sense. In the name of
1. She was built and remained on the foundation the lord
of the Apostles.
2. She preserved and transmits the teaching of the
3. She continues to be taught, sanctified and
CCC, 1051- Every man receives his eternal recompense in his immortal
directed by the Apostles.
soul from the moment of his death in a particular judgment by Christ,
the judge of the living and the dead.
St. Peter- Jesus declared that Simon was Peter “the rock”
and on this rock Jesus would build His Church which would The birth of Jesus :
prevail over the power of Hell (Mt.16:18)
Dogmatic Development Eternal life to mankind
Bishops- The pastoral ministry of Peter and the other God the Father ensuring His Gift to us of Eternal Life.
apostles is continued by the bishops under the primacy of
John 10: 28-30
the Pope.
Pope- the Bishop of Rome and the successor of Peter is the “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No
visible and perpetual foundation of unity among the bishops one can take them out of my hand. My Father, who has
and among the faithful. The bishop of Rome has, by virtue of given them to me, is greater than all, and no one can take
his role as the Vicar of Christ and as Pastor of the entire them out of the Father’s hand.”
Church, a full, supreme and universal authority. An assurance we will not perish if we follow and obey his
Church Government and Papal Primacy commands.
Church was and is both a spiritual and visible society, a Eternal life- glory the salvation God bestows on those who
communion of persons, which needs constant guidance to trust and serve Him.
realize its mission.
Pope primacy is one of service, in service of unity. John 3: 15-16
Pope Teaching Office.
“For God so love the world that He gave his only Son, so
Infallibility- immunity of error, it’s a gift of the Holy Spirit
that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but
which protects the Church from error when the Church
have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the
solemnly defines a matter of faith and morals.
world to condemn the world, but the world might be
saved through him.”
Jorge Pope “Miserando Laudato Si Eternal life- gift to all those who believe in the Son of God.
Mario Francis atque eligendo” Amores
Bergoglio 266th Pope by having Laetitia John 14:6
mercy, by Vos Estis Lux
choosing Him Mundi “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to
Joseph Pope “Cooperatores Jesus of the Father except through me.”
Ratzinger Benedict Veritatis” Nazareth Eternal life
XVI Cooperators of Intro. Establish intimate relationship with God through
265th Pope the truth Christianity his Son Jesus Christ.
Caritas in Avoid committing sins and put your trust in
veritate Jesus Christ.
Spirit of
Liturgy Letter of Paul to Galantians (6:8)
Karol Jozef Pope John “Totus Tuus” Love and “Whoever sows for his flesh will reap corruption from the
Wojtyla Paul II Totally Yours Resposibility flesh, but the one who sows for the spirit will reap eternal
264th Pope Sources of life from the spirit”
Renewal ~St. Paul reffering to the Spirit of th living God and the
Person and
Spirit of Jesus Christ.
Albino Pope John Humilitas Seeking God
Luciani Paul I “Humility” through
263rd ordinary
Pope works
John 5:24
“I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes in the ESSENTIALS ATTRIBUTES OF THE HUMAN ACTS
one who sent me has eternal life and will come to
condemnation, but has passed from death to life” 1. Formed by a conscious agent, aware of what his doing and
Jesus promised eternal life, not to be condemned and its consequences.
passed out of death into life for those have faith in Him. 2. Performed by an agent who is acting freely, that is by his
own volitions and powers.
LESSON 13 HUMAN PERSON, AS DINIFIED BEING, 3. Performed by an agent who decides willfully to perform
CCC, 1705-1706
Living a moral life bears witness to the dignity of the
GS 15
Perfection in “seeking and loving what is true and good”
GS 16
Moral Law, urges him “to do what is good and avoid what
is evil”
CCC, 1711-1715
Moral Life, glory of heaven