Antifungal and Mycotoxin Detoxification Ability of Essential Oils - A Review
Antifungal and Mycotoxin Detoxification Ability of Essential Oils - A Review
Antifungal and Mycotoxin Detoxification Ability of Essential Oils - A Review
DOI: 10.1002/ptr.7281
Jing Cai1 | Rong Yan1 | Jichao Shi2 | Jia Chen1 | Miao Long1 |
3,4 4
Wenda Wu | Kamil Kuca
Key Laboratory of Zoonosis of Liaoning
Province, College of Animal Science & With increased popular awareness of food safety and environmental protection,
Veterinary Medicine, Shenyang Agricultural
plant essential oil has attracted interest due to the absence of residue, its high effi-
University, Shenyang, China
Liaoning Service Development Center, ciency, antioxidant, immune regulation, antibacterial, insecticidal, and other advan-
Shenyang, China tages. Their application in degradation and elimination of mycotoxin toxicity has
MOE Joint International Research Laboratory
attracted increasing attention. This paper reviews the structure, antibacterial activity,
of Animal Health and Food Safety, College of
Veterinary Medicine, Nanjing Agricultural antibacterial mechanism, and toxic effects of essential oils. The inhibitory effects of
University, Nanjing, China
various essential oils on different mycotoxins were studied. The research progress on
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science,
University of Hradec Kralove, Hradec Kralove,
the inhibitory effects of plant essential oils on fungi and mycotoxins in recent years
Czech Republic was summarized to provide reference for the application of plant essential oils.
Miao Long, Key Laboratory of Zoonosis of
Liaoning Province, College of Animal Science & essential oils, fungi, inhibition, mycotoxin
Veterinary Medicine, Shenyang Agricultural
University, Shenyang 110866, China.
Email: [email protected] (M. L.)
Funding information
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Grant/
Award Number: 2016T90477; National Key
R & D Program, Grant/Award Numbers:
2016YFD0501207, 2016YFD0501009;
National Natural Science Foundation of China,
Grant/Award Numbers: 31972746, 31772809,
31872538; UHK (University of Hradec
Kralove), Grant/Award Number: VT2019-2021
List of Abbreviations: ATP, adenosine triphosphate; AFB1, fumonisin B1; AFB2, fumonisin
B2; AFG1, aflatoxin G1; AFG2, aflatoxin G2; CO2, carbondioxide; DNA, deoxyribonucleic
acid; DON, deoxynivalenol; HGB, hemoglobin; LYM, ymphocytes; MAE, microwave-assisted Plant essential oil is a substance originally derived from plants, also
extraction; mRNA, messenger RNA; OTA, ochratoxin; PLE, macrocyclic dibenzyl; RNA,
known as aromatic oil or volatile oil. It is a secondary metabolite
ribonucleicacid; ROS, reactive oxygen species; UAE, ultrasonic-assisted extraction; WBC,
white blood cell. extracted from plant tissues such as buds, stems, leaves, flowers,
Phytotherapy Research. 2021;1–11. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 1
seeds, roots, or bark. It is extracted from different plants and different even exceeding 85%, especially monoterpenes (such as nerol and cit-
plant essential oils are generally of different colors. In most cases, they ronellol). The bioactivity of plant essential oils is mainly determined
are oily. Generally, they are named according to the source of plant by sesquiterpenes (such as nerolidol and terpineol) and diterpenoids
essential oils. Volatile oils with strong aromaticity are usually present (such as phytol, vitamin A, and alcohols) (Cui, Zhang, Zhou, Zhao, &
in secretory tissue cells (Perczak et al., 2016). Some plant essential oils Lin, 2015).
can also precipitate solid components at room temperature. Most
essential oils are colorless or light yellow, contain hydrophobic groups,
are easily soluble in organic solvents, are volatile at room temperature, 1.2 | Extraction of plant essential oils
impart a particular, strong flavor, have strong penetration of flavor
components, long duration, a relative boiling point between 70 C and Although plant essential oils come from plants, not all subsces
300 C, and a relative density of between 0.850 and 1.065 g/cm . extracted from plants are essential oils, because plants contain a vari-
Mycotoxins are metabolites produced by fungi growing in food or ety of active substances, and essential oils have their own unique
feed. They are highly toxic, and exhibit carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, physical and chemical properties. The common extraction methods of
teratogenesis, immune system inhibition, nephrotoxicity, and hepato- plant essential oils include distillation, organic solvent extraction,
toxicity. Their harm is far greater than pesticide residues and food pressing, adsorption extraction, lipolysis, enzyme fermentation, super-
additives (Chen et al., 2020). A variety of mycotoxins can induce critical CO2 extraction, etc. (Moumni et al., 2020). The extraction effi-
tumors in different tissues and organs of experimental animals ciency of essential oils by distillation and pressing was lower than that
(Wagacha & Muthomi, 2008). Given mycotoxins are produced by achieved when using microwave-assisted extraction (Markovic
fungi, it is essential to find some new antifungal substances to control et al., 2018; Reyes-Jurado, Franco-Vega, Ramírez-Corona, Palou, &
or detoxify mycotoxins; however, the traditional method of adding pez-Malo, 2014). Table 1 lists the extraction methods used for sev-
antibiotics to feed is likely to lead to adverse consequences such as eral essential oils.
drug resistance and drug residues in the body of livestock and poultry Steam distillation uses steam to release aromatic compounds
and incurs certain production and food safety risks. Due to the poten- from plants and transport them for cooling with resulting water vapor
tial risk of bacterial resistance to synthetic antimicrobial agents, more (Zhang et al., 2012). The purpose of separation is to exploit the differ-
attention has been paid to the use of natural antimicrobial agents, ence in density between oil and water (Pateiro et al., 2018). The disad-
especially those extracted from plants, such as essential oils. Com- vantage of this method is that the process is slow and the extraction
pared with traditional chemical fungicides, natural plant essential oils temperature is high, leading to the degradation of some components
exhibit the advantages of broad-spectrum antibacterial effect, low (Gavahian, Hashemi, Khaneghah, & Tehrani, 2013).
toxicity, and a high rate of utilization (Baczek et al., 2017; Miguel Cold pressing is a method that destroys the cell structure of
et al., 2018; Oliveira et al., 2019; Puškárová, Bučková, Kraková, Pan- plants and makes essential oils flow from the secretory tissue under
gallo, & Kozics, 2017). The combination of essential oils may benefit the influence of mechanical extrusion. The advantage of cold pressing
gastrointestinal health and be applied as an alternative to antibiotics is that it can be undertaken at room temperature without damaging
(Xue et al., 2020). Therefore, analysis of the inhibitory effect of plant the components of the essential oils. The disadvantage is that the
essential oil on fungi and mycotoxins will help us to eliminate pollu- yield is low, and the purification steps in the later stage are compli-
tion arising from fungi and mycotoxins and provide better protection cated, which renders it unsuitable for large-scale production
for human and animal health. In this article, we review the antifungal (Kapsaski-Kanelli et al., 2017).
and detoxification mycotoxin ability of essential oils. The extraction method uses hydrophobic and non-polar charac-
teristics of essential oils to extract lipophilic substances from plants
with non-polar solvents such as ethanol (Toma, Vinatoru, Paniwnyk, &
1.1 | Plant essential oils Mason, 2001), however, this method is only suitable for laboratory
research, because this method can produce many non-volatile macro-
Essential oils are a mixture of many complex compounds, and the molecular substances which are difficult to separate, making subse-
chemical composition and concentration of different plant essential quent purification difficult.
oils differ. For example, thymol and vanillin are the main components Supercritical CO2 extraction was used to change the density of
of thyme essential oils. The two can account for 3–62% of the total supercritical CO2 by changing the pressure or temperature according
essential oils of thyme (Arras, 1978). Cinnamaldehyde, the main to the relationship between solubility and density of supercritical
component of cinnamon essential oils, accounts for 60–75% of the CO2. At the critical state, the components with different boiling points
total essential oil thereof (Austin & Therapies, 2003). The compo- and different molecular weights were selectively extracted. Ara et al.
nents of plant essential oils are relatively complex, and mainly com- studied the extraction of essential oils from Cornus officinalis by super-
posed of aliphatic compounds, aromatic compounds, nitrogen- critical CO2 extraction. It was proved that supercritical CO2 extraction
containing sulfur compounds, terpenes, and their derivatives. Among is a feasible method of extraction of essential oils from natural sub-
them, terpenoids are the most common and the prevalent compo- stances (Ara, Jowkarderis, & Raofie, 2015; Ismahane& Abdeslam-
nents in plant essential oils, accounting for more than 70%, and some Hassen, 2017).
Ultrasonic-assisted extraction can break the plant cell wall by lipoprotein, cholesterols. Furthermore, lavender essential oil can
ultrasonic wave energy to enhance their permeability to the solvent, reduce systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and mean
thus improving the extraction efficiency. This method has the advan- arterial pressure through the olfactory pathway (Hamzeh, Safari-
tages of needing less solvent and being faster and is often used to Faramani, & Khatony, 2020; Kazemi et al., 2020). Madder oil, garlic
extract plant essential oils with poor thermal stability (Tavakolpour essential oil, Atractylodes macrocephala oil, rosemary essential oil, and
et al., 2017). volatile oil of phlegm fire have certain anticancer activity. Some plant
Microwave-assisted extraction is a method to separate the essential oils play the role of contact killing and repellent in the
extracted substances from the system by heating selectively according growth and development of insects. Moreover, plant essential oils
to the differences in microwave absorption ability of different sub- show advantages of low molecular weight, simple composition, good
stances (Razzaghi et al., 2019). The advantages of this method are that volatility, abundant sources, low environmental pollution load, and
it is less time-consuming, provides high resource utilization, and yields low toxicity and are suitable for indoor pest control. For example, the
a high aromatic content in the final plant essential oils (Lucchesi, essential oils extracted from Cinnamomum osmophloeum of the family
Smadja, Bradshaw, Louw, & Chemat, 2007). Lauraceae exhibit good contact activity against three kinds of mosqui-
toes (Cheng et al., 2009). The essential oils extracted from Eucalyptus
globulus of Myrtaceae have contact killing activity against Aedes
1.3 | Biological activity of plant essential oils albopictus larvae and repellent activity against adults of three kinds of
mosquitoes (Amer & Mehlhorn, 2006). Chegini was fumigated by thy-
Plant essential oils have multiple pharmacological effects, such as anti- mus oil on eggs, larvae, and adult-stage tomato spider mites. The mor-
oxidant effects, action as analgesic, antipyretic, hypoglycemic, tality of tomato spider mites increased with increasing concentration
antiulcer, anticonvulsant, anti-pathological aging, and anticancer of essential oils (Goudarzvande, Habib, Jaber, & Alireza, 2018). There
agents, and other potential therapeutic effects (Uma, Huang, & are also reports that the use of plant essential oils can inhibit the num-
Kumar, 2017). Plant essential oils play an important role in anti- ber of pests in beans: clove essential oil, cinnamon essential oil, and
oxidation by acting directly on the diphenyl bitter acyl radical and Cinnamomum camphora essential oil can decrease the rate of growth
hydroxyl radical (Jayasena & Cheorun, 2014). Through olfactory path- of cowpea nose worms (Viteri Jumbo et al., 2018). Agnus castus (Vitex
way, lavender and perilla essential oils can help to improve the immu- agnus castus) for premenstrual complaints, flaxseed (Linum
nity of rats, and increase the number of white blood cell (WBC), usitatissimum) for hypertension, feverfew (Tanacetum partenium) for
lymphocytes (LYM), and hemoglobin (HGB) in white rats, effectively migraine prevention, ginger (Zingiber officinalis) for pregnancy-induced
regulating the blood lipid metabolism of anxiety rats, balancing the nausea, ginseng (Panax ginseng) for improving fasting glucose levels as
levels of serum total cholesterol, triglyceride, and glutamic acid, and well as phytoestrogens and St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) for
maintaining stable levels of high-density lipoprotein, and low-density the relief of some symptoms in menopause (Izzo, Hoon-Kim,
Radhakrishnan, & Williamson, 2016) are studied. The main pharmaco- the antibacterial properties of the main active components of several
logical activities of these plant essential oils are listed in Table 2. plant essential oils and the microorganisms affected.
Many essential oils and their volatile components have been
found to have strong antibacterial activity, which inhibit the growth of
some bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms, and suppress the pro- 1.4 | Safety evaluation of plant essential oils
duction or accumulation of mycotoxins (Bluma, Amaiden, Daghero, &
Etcheverry, 2008; Moumni et al., 2020). The antibacterial activity of Plant essential oils are not only beneficial special commodity but can
essential oils is mainly caused by its complex active components also be toxic. The safety of plant essential oil is directly related to its
(mainly including alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, and phenols) (Li, Cai, & type, dosage, receptor, and action time. The acute toxicity of Artemisia
Liu, 2019; Yang et al., 2011). Essential oils can use its own hydropho- annua L. and Artemisia scoparia Waldst. on mouse, quail, bee,
bicity to penetrate lipids, thus destroying the structure of the cell wall trichogramma, ladybird, and red crucian carp by oral, percutaneous,
and changing the permeability of the cell membrane: this leads to the inhalation, and skin irritation is low. Different doses of Sabina essen-
outflow of ions and matter within the cyst, causing cell death tial oil can inhibit the rate of growth and food intake of animals. High-
(Cosentino et al., 1999; Dorman & Deans, 2010). Since Hoffmann and dose Sabina essential oil has certain teratogenic toxicity and can result
Evans first proved that plant essential oils have antibacterial proper- in sperm aberration. Chronic poisoning symptoms may also occur
ties, many scholars have investigated the bactericidal effects of plant after long-term low-dose exposure to Sabina essential oil. Table 4 dis-
essential oils. Through their research, essential oils are proven to have plays the safety evaluation of several plant essential oils and their
certain inhibitory effects on fungi, bacteria, and viruses (Dwivedy, active components.
Prakash, Chanotiya, Bisht, & Dubey, 2017). Carvacrol (35.2%),
followed by γ-terpinene (20.1%), was the main constituent of the
essential oils of oregano (Origanum vulgare), while cinnamaldehyde 2 | THE MECHANISM OF ANTIFUNGAL
(69.1%) represents the major component of the essential oils of cinna- ACTION
mon (Cinnamomum cassia). Active products extracted from the essen-
tial oils studied exhibited antibacterial activity against salmonella The antibacterial activity of plant essential oils is an important indica-
strains. Essential oils from thyme, oregano, mint, cinnamon, sage, and tor of their biological activity. As a new type of antibacterial agent,
clove were found to have the strongest antibacterial properties (Chen plant essential oil shows different antibacterial abilities because of its
et al., 2020; Moumni et al., 2020). O. vulgare can inhibit the mycelial complex composition and diverse mechanisms of action.
growth of Enicillium verrucosum and Aspergillus westerdijkiae and the
production of ochratoxin A (Schlösser & Prange, 2019). Table 3 lists
2.1 | Effects on fungal cell wall and cell membrane
TABLE 2 Main pharmacological activities of plant essential oils The cell wall and cell membrane play an essential role in maintaining
the normal life of cells. Plant essential oils can penetrate the cells of
activity Essential oils Reference bacteria owing to their volatility and water solubility, thus affecting
the normal activities of cells (Dwivedy et al., 2017; Vijayasteltar, Nair,
Antibacterial Eucalyptus Cermelli, Fabio, Fabio, and
Quaglio (2008) Maliakel, Kuttan, & I, 2016). Phenolic compounds in plant essential
Antiviral Aloysia triphylla Silva, Figueiredo, Byler, and oils attack the cell wall or cell membrane of microorganisms, damaging
Royle Setzer (2020) the structure of cell wall and cell membrane, thus affecting the func-
Antiinflammatory Rosmarinus Borges, Ortiz, Pereira, Keita, tion thereof: this causes the contents of the cells to leak (carbohy-
officinalis and Carvalho (2019) drates, fatty acids, phospholipids, etc.), causing cell death. The
Regulating Oregano Rienth, Crovadore, Ghaffari, hydrophobic components in the essential oil can also change the per-
immunity and Lefort (2019) meability of the cell membrane and the outflow of cations such as H+
Antioxidant Lavandula Insawang et al. (2019) and K+, thus changing the pH value of cells and affecting the compo-
stoechas sition and activity of cells, causing the death of bacteria and inducing
Anticancer Arnica Montana Sugier, Sugier, Jakubowicz- bacteriostasis (Dwivedy et al., 2017). The main components of gera-
L. Achenes Gil, Winiarczyk, and
niol and citronella essential oils promote the movement of potassium
Kowalski (2019), Andrew
and Izzo (2017) ions from the cell to the outside of the cell and increase the fluidity of
Insect resistance Citrus Campolo et al. (2020) the fungal cell membrane (Bard, Albrecht, Gupta, Guynn, &
Stillwell, 1988); carvacrol can reduce the fluidity of the cell membrane
Anti-mutagenic Artemisia Taherkhani (2016)
ciniformis by changing the proportion and structure of the fatty acids in the cell
Anaesthesia Ocimum Khumpirapang, Pikulkaew, membrane, and then play an inhibitory role thereon (Di Pasqua,
basilicum Anuchapreeda, and Hoskins, Betts, & Mauriello, 2006). The antifungal macrocyclic
Okonogi (2018) dibenzyl (PLE) isolated from Herba Lysimachiae could inhibit chitin
TABLE 3 Antibacterial properties of the main active components of several plant essential oils and the microorganisms affected
Essential oils Scientific name ingredient Affected microorganisms References
Garlic essential oil Allium sativum L. Diallyl sulfide Enteropathogenic bacterial Plata-Rueda et al. (2017)
Capsicum essential Capsicum annuum L. Capsaicin Gram-positive and gram-negative Li et al. (2019)
oil bacteria
Cinnamon oil Cinnamomum cassia Presl Cinnamaldehyde Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus Lyu et al. (2018)
aureus, Listeria monocytogenes,
Salmonella enteritidis
Oregano essential Origanum vulgare L. Carvacrol, Gram-positive and gram-negative Lee, Kim, Beuchat, Kim, and
oil thymol Ryu (2020), Dogruyol, Mol, and
Cosansu (2020)
Rosemary essence Rosmarinus officinalis 1,8-cineole S. aureus, monocytogenes, Hussein, Lee, and Joo (2020),
Campylobacter jejuni Bertocchi et al. (2020)
Fennel essential oil Foeniculum vulgare Anethol Aeromonas hydrophila, Kwiatkowski et al. (2019)
Brevibacterium linens,
Brochothrix thermosphacta
Clove oil Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Eugenol E. coli, S. aureus, L. monocytogenes, Vurmaz and Gülten (2020)
Merr. Enteritidis, C. jejuni
Lemon essential oil Anethum grabeolens L. Limonene, S. Aureus, monocytogenes Le, P. (2020)
Ginger oil Zingiber officinale Rosc. Zingiberene, Gram-positive and gram-negative Amalraj, Haponiuk, Thomas, and
Zingerone bacteria Gopi (2020)
synthesis of the Candida albicans cell wall both in vitro and in vivo. the cell, and then destroy cell activity. Knobloch et al. (1986) found
The inhibitory effect of PLE on chitin synthesis in the cell wall of that most of the active components of plant essential oils had inhibi-
C. albicans may be the main reason for its antifungal activity (Wu, tory effects on the aforementioned processes, verifying that plant
Cheng, Sun, & Lou, 2008; Singh et al., 2009). essential oils could have effects on the growth, development, and res-
piration of bacteria at a certain concentration. Bard et al. proved that
geraniol, an essential oil component, can decrease the temperature of
2.2 | Effect on fungal lipid layer (nucleic acid and the lipid layer and affect the fluidity of the cell membrane (Bard
protein) et al., 1988). Some plant essential oils can enter the cell and combine
with the bioactive substances therein, thus interfering with the normal
Most of essential oils contain surfactants, which can change the per- function of the cell and influencing the metabolism of the organism.
meability of cell membranes, allow extracellular substances to enter For example, cinnamaldehyde can damage the plasma membrane of
cells, and then enter the cells to destroy the spatial structure of mac- levels of Tri4, Tri5, Tri6, and Tri10 encoding proteins required for
romolecular substances within, thus destroying the normal material deoxynivalenol biosynthesis. Methyl syringate is the main active com-
absorption, transport, and metabolism pathways (Yin et al., 2020). A ponent of Betula platyphylla essential oil. Jermnak et al. found that the
certain concentration of citric acid can change the permeability of the rate of inhibition of afIR, pksA, and omtA gene transcription increased
cell wall, mitochondrial membrane, and plasma membrane of Aspergil- with the concentration of methyl syringate. Yaguchi et al. found that
lus flavus, and then inhibit the synthesis of DNA, RNA, lipids, and pro- Precocene II and piperone could significantly inhibit the transcription
teins, resulting in the failure of metabolism, regulation, and other of tri4, tri5, tri6, and tri10 genes when the volume fraction of
functions necessary for normal life, that is, it causes irreparable and piperone was 300 or 1,000 μl/ml (Dwivedy et al., 2017). Studies
lethal DNA damage to A. flavus. Luo et al. found that a concentration showed that plant essential oils could change the conception of mem-
of citral of 1.5 mg/L could cause lethal DNA damage to A. flavus. This brane protein, destroy the integrity of cell membranes, increase the
result revealed that citral first damages the cells by changing the fluidity and permeability thereof, and lead to the outflow of intracellu-
selective permeability of the cell wall, plasma membrane, and mito- lar substances (Jin et al., 2019).
chondrial membrane of A. flavus. After entering the cell, the mycelium The antibacterial mechanism of plant essential oils is complex and
is damaged. The inhibition of DNA, RNA, lipid, and protein biosynthe- remains incomplete in terms of the understanding thereof. Further
sis caused the related genes to become unable to be expresses, forc- research to provide a feasible method for degradation of mycotoxins
ing a loss of regulation and control of metabolism and normal self- in food and feed, thus ensuring food safety, is warranted. This will
replication, ultimately leading to cell death (Luo et al., 2005). provide a scientific theoretical basis for the use of plant essential oils
as a natural antibacterial agent instead of chemical synthetic
antibacterial agents. It is believed that, with a scientific research foun-
2.3 | Effects on energy metabolism and reductase dation and good production techniques, natural fungicides with plant
of fungi essential oils and active ingredients as raw materials will show great
development potential and broad application prospects. However, the
Mitochondria provide energy for various life activities in cells through components of plant essential oil are highly variable. Therefore, it is
respiration. Each step in the process of respiration is inseparable from urgent to standardize the feed additives related to practical applica-
the participation of enzymes. Plant essential oil can inhibit the growth tion and product stability, and it is an ideal choice to synthesize or
of mycelium and the production of toxins. It can be observed (using a extract specific active ingredients from natural materials. Therefore, in
transmission electron microscope) that the essential oil of plant mainly the future, we should strengthen the research on the function and
acts on the inner membrane system and affects mitochondria, thus coordination of specific active components of plant essential oil, clar-
influencing respiration and causing cell death (Nogueira et al., 2010). ify its mechanism from the molecular and cellular point of view, and
It has been reported that dill seed essential oil can inhibit the activity provide theoretical basis for industrial application. The following table
of mitochondrial dehydrogenase, significantly reducing the synthesis shows the action mechanism of common plant essential oils (Table 5).
of ATP in cells, and interfering with the normal energy metabolism of
cells. In the hydrolysis reaction, ATPase pumps many hydrogen ions in
mitochondria into the gap of the mitochondrial membrane, which 3 | DETOXIFICATION OF PLANT
leads to abnormal mitochondrial membrane potential and a large E S S E N T I A L OI L S TO M Y C O T O X I N S
amount of reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulating in mitochon-
dria. ROS can cause A. flavus to die by oxidizing biological macromole- The research into the antibacterial activity of plant essential oils
cules or mediating apoptosis (Tian et al., 2012). Some essential oils, mainly focused on the inhibition of bacteria and some mold growth
such as lactate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, and succinate characteristics of plant essential oils and the accumulation of toxin-
dehydrogenase, affect the function of mitochondria by inhibiting the producing mycotoxins. There are very few studies on the
activity of mitochondrial dehydrogenase. Echinacea can inhibit the
effects of the citric acid cycle and ATP synthesis in C. albicans mito-
chondria (Chen et al., 2013). Terpenoids, the main components of TABLE 5 Action mechanism of several plant essential oils
essential oil, can significantly decrease the number of mitochondria in Represents
cells, and then affect the amount of ROS and ATP (Haque, Irfan, & Mechanism of action essential oil Reference
Kamil, 2016). Destroy the integrity of Clove oil Xu et al. (2016)
cell wall and membrane
Affects bacteria and Cinnamon oil Yin et al. (2020)
2.4 | Effect on fungal gene expression protein synthesis
Interference with bacterial Dill seed Tian et al. (2012)
Gene determines protein, protein determines function. Mycotoxins cell metabolism essential oil
are produced by fungi, and the genes controlling mycotoxins are Interference with bacterial Betula platyphylla Jermnak
cell metabolism essential oil et al. (2012)
closely related. Precocene II and piperitone decreased the mRNA
detoxification of mycotoxins by plant essential oils. Some plant essen- FB1 production (94% reduction), followed by caffeic acid, ferulic acid,
tial oils contain specific components, which can degrade mycotoxins vanillic acid, and iroko, which reduced FB(1) levels by 90–91%
produced by some fungi to a certain extent. The studies showed that (Beekrum, Govinden, Padayachee, & Odhav, 2003). Cinnamon oil from
the essential oils of Aflamomum danielli could degrade ochratoxin OTA plants also could degrade FB1 and the rate of degradation of FB1 was
when the concentration thereof was 1,000 or 2,000 mg/kg, and the 94.06% under optimal conditions (Xing et al., 2014). Further study
rates of degradation were 90% to 95%, and 100%, respectively showed that cinnamon oil emulsion droplets could protect against
(Aroyeun, Adegoke, Varga, & Teren, 2009). FB1 and/or AFB1 induced oxidative stress, cytotoxicity, and repro-
The abilities of essential oils and various extraction solvents (eth- ductive toxicity in male rats (Abdel-Wahhab, El-Nekeety, Hassan,
anol, 70% ethanol, and water extracts) of three medicinal plants (Thy- Gibriel, & Abdel-Wahhab, 2018).
mus daenensis, Satureja khozistanica, and Satureja macrosiphonia) were Plant essential oil can reduce mycotoxins, which provides a new
investigated for their ability to reduce the content of Fumonisin B1 way of reducing their harm to animals and humans; however, some
(AFB1). In general, ethanol and 70% ethanol extracts of all three problems remain. First, different extraction methods of essential oil
plants at 2000 mg/L and their essential oils at 125 mg/L inhibited have different degradation effects on mycotoxins, so many more
(51–87%) AFB1 production and had stronger anti-AFB1-biosyntesis experiments are needed to optimize the extraction process. In addi-
activity than aqueous extract (Tian et al., 2019). On the contrary, tion, the degradation mechanism of mycotoxins by plant essential oil
essential oils, ethanol and 70% ethanol extracts of these plants could has not been studied, especially with regard to whether the degrada-
not significantly degrade AFB1-contamination whereas their aqueous tion products remain toxic, or not.
extracts could significantly degrade AFB1. The aqueous extract of
Thymus daenensis at a concentration of 2000 mg/L resulted in reduc-
tion of 97% of the AFB1 present, while those extracted from 4 | SUMMARY AND PROSPECTS
S. khozistanica and S. macrosiphonia reduced it by 6–15%. In general,
essential oils and ethanol extracts of both Thymus daenensis and As a natural plant metabolite, essential oil mainly consists of terpenes,
S. khozistanica largely inhibited A. flavus growth as well as oxygen-containing derivatives and aliphatic compounds, which have
AFB1-biosynthesis while aqueous extracts of Thymus daenensis antibacterial, antioxidant, anticancer, and other functions. With the
showed strong AFB1-degradation activity and were deemed to be a further study of plant essential oils, it will be developed in multiple
promising candidate for degradation of AFB1 (Gorran, Farzaneh, Shiv- directions and be multi-disciplinary in the future. Plant essential oils
azad, Rezaeian, & Ghassempour, 2013). These results indicated that are a potentially useful natural product with low toxicity and an abun-
the essential oils derived from the use of different extraction methods dance of sources. It will play a greater role in environmental protec-
had different mechanisms of degradation, so more methods should be tion, coatings, medicine, health products, feed, food, and other
used to explore the best extraction methods with which to obtain the aspects. It is important to prevent and treat the harm arising from
essential oils necessary for the degradation of mycotoxins. mycotoxins to human and animal health. With the application of most
Sandosskumar et al. found that when the Allium cepa extract was chemical anti-corrosion and antibacterial agents becoming more
incubated with 70 ng/ml AFB1, the concentration of AFB1 decreased restricted, plant-derived fungicides with natural active antifungal
(58.5%) after 5 days of incubation (Sandosskumar et al., 2007). The ingredients as raw materials will be favored by the market. Therefore,
seed extract of Ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sprague ex Turrill) the development and application of some plant essential oils in live-
showed the maximum degradation of AFG1 at up to 65%. The dia- stock and poultry production, show the antibacterial ability of plant
lysed T. ammi extract was more effective than the crude extract, capa- essential oils, the better to enhance the immunity of livestock and
ble of degrading more than 90% of the toxin. Significant levels of poultry, improve the health of livestock and poultry, and improve the
degradation of AFB1 (61%), AFB2 (54%), and AFG2 (46%) were production performance of livestock and poultry. At present, plant
observed. A time-course study of AFG1 detoxification by dialysed essential oil has not been popularized for use in animal husbandry. In
T. ammi extract showed that more than 78% of AFG1 was degraded the future, plant essential oil can be used to replace drugs in animal
within 6 hr and 91% was degraded at 24 hr after incubation husbandry, perhaps to improve animal growth performance, prevent
(Velazhahan et al., 2010). feed mildew, and improve animal intestinal health. The many applica-
Perczak et al. assessed the ability of selected oils to degrade tions of plant essential oils in animal production warrant further
deoxynivalenol (DON) under in vitro conditions, and found that investigation.
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found that chlorophorin was the most effective compound in reducing Project UHK VT2019-2021.
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