Political Research PAGCOR
Political Research PAGCOR
Political Research PAGCOR
A radical is a man with both feet firmly planted in the air. A conservative is a man with
two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward. A reactionary is a
somnambulist walking backwards. A liberal is a man who uses his legs and hands at behest of
his head (F.D. Rossevelt, n.d.). Politics and welfare of the disabled persons or most-commonly
known as Persons with Disability are both intertwined in the aspect of governance. Moreover,
in a disability trivia where the history of United States was governed by best Presidents who
were later on found persons with disability (Ability Center, 2019). Persons with Disability in the
Philippine context and society where as there were such discrimination in various field such as
employments, education, sports, medicine, etc. In the report of the Department of Social and
Welfare and Development, whereas the said agency provided services for three-thousand three
hundred seventy-four (3,374) PWDs in 2018 was significantly more than the estimated figure in
2017, but only sixty (60) percent of local governments units had an office dedicated for PWDs
(news.abc-cbn., 2019).
With regards to the Philippine definition of the said PWDs, in accordance to the
provision of Republic Act 10524, which reflects to, “Persons with Disability (PWDs) refers to
individuals who suffer long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which
upon interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society
on an equal basis with others”. While Republic Act 7277 as been amended by the former
substantially provides Section 4 which refers to definition of terms of act, paragraph (k),
“Marginalized Disabled Person refer to disabled person who lack access to rehabilitate services
and opportunities to be able to participate fully in socioeconomic activities and who have no
means of livelihood or whose incomes fall below poverty threshold”, which only implicates the
assistive devices. Provisions of the significant assistive devices especially to marginalized PWDs
concerns are very fundamental in the maxim, salus populi est suprema lex. This Latin legal
maxim further adheres to provide especially on the people with disabilities as they are as well
part of the Philippines society as stated in Republic Act 7277, Section 2 paragraph (a), Disabled
persons are part of the Philippine society, thus the Senate shall give full support to the
improvement of the total well-being of disabled persons and their integration into the
mainstream of society. Thus, the necessity of such provisions especially the significant assistive
devices to people would put improvement and enhancement to the total well-being of PWDs.
As of February 24, 2021, the Municipality of Alfonso Cavite, have recorded 1,558
Persons with Disability (PWDs) coming from the recent statistics of Person with Disability Affairs
Office (PDAO). The Municipality of Alfonso which had the land area of 6,998 hectares or 64.60
sq. m., conducted a various projects and procured bidding and awards for the last two years,
however, there was nothing in the exercise of provisions of the significant assistive devices for
persons with disability (PWDs) as published in their official website. Thus the researcher would
like to examine the importance of the provision of the assistive devices in selected Barangay of
Alfonso Cavite.
Theoretical Framework
This study is anchored on the social model of disability theory adopted by Joan Gilmour
where under this model disability is caused by socially constructed barriers which only means
that when disability is identified society ought to exclude persons with disability socially,
physically, and politically. In this theory as well, the main focus of disability is not as an
Moreover, the study also made us of bio-medical approach where it assumes that
condition that is not normal or aberrant. The approach also suggested that different disability
There are certain effects of the assistive devices to the Persons with Disability
(PWDs) where question lies should people consider these devices important or hazardous.
Assuming that there are two main courses when provisions of significant assistive devices on
Persons with Disability are implemented as it is for others where there are certain advantages
and disadvantages.
Disadvantages of Assistive Devices
The study conducted by McMillen and Söderberg with the thesis title “Disable Persons’
Experience of Dependence on Assistive Devices shows that the participants' experience of being
dependent on assistive devices included possibilities such as gaining a better quality of life and
being able to live a normal life. The dependence also led to obstacles like a fear of injuring
oneself when utilizing assistive devices, difficulties in accepting them and worry about future
needs for devices. The participants experienced a changed reception from other people and
problems imposed by society or the community. They felt that they were treated in a different
way and were in the way. A lack of access to public places and a feeling of helplessness when
faced with the power of the authorities were other experiences of the participants (A. McMillen
Moreover, the research of Batavia and Hammer which examines the assistive devices in
between newly-disabled persons to disabled persons. This research is entitled ”Towards the
development of consumer-based criteria for the evaluation of assistive devices” where the
study evaluated the assistive device for economic purposes only. This also means that the
assistive devices which are evaluated based on the criteria of marketing and treated only as a
mere product. Thus the research found that the researchers recognized a common of pattern of
adaptation and abandonment of such devices, particularly by persons who are recently disabled
2) the individual uses the device and recognizes that it is inadequate to meet his or her
3) the individual either continues to use the device, remaining dissatisfied with it until it
4) the individual then chooses another device that satisfies the needs the previous device
failed to satisfy (but often fails to meet other needs) (A. Batavia & G.S. Hammer, 1995).
Hence, as the study shows that even there are provisions of significant assistive devices
as fit for Persons with Disability (PWDs) it would not make sure that the device would help
Furthermore, Agree E.M. (1999) substantially provided in her study with the dissertation
of “The influence of personal care and assistive devices on the measurement of disability” that
there are certain advantages and disadvantages in comparison to the assistive devices and on
personal care among persons aged 70 and older in the community. The goal was to promote
personal care than of using assistive devices as the two being measured through the
Emmett & Alant (2007) argued in their dissertation with the topic title “Women and
disability: exploring the interface of multiple advantages”, that In general, women with
disabilities are more discriminated against and disadvantaged than men with disabilities. In the
industrialised countries there are consistent, although not necessarily large, gender differences
in income, employment and education for people with disabilities. Poverty and deprivation
magnify these inequalities, and can determine access to food, care and social inclusion, and
even threaten survival. Women with disabilities are also at greater risk of physical, mental and
sexual abuse, and because of stigmatisation have lower marriage prospects. There are more
barriers to access and participation for women than for men, and mothers and caregivers in
particular face enormous challenges when raising children with disabilities or chronic illnesses,
especially within the context of women-headed households and early pregnancy (T. Emmett &
E. Alant., 2007).
In the study of Brose et. al. entitled ”The role of Assistive Robotics in the Lives of
Persons with Disability” found that robotic assistive devices are used increasingly improve the
independence and quality of life persons with disabilities. Devices as varied as robotic feeders,
smart-powered wheelchairs, independent mobile robots, and socially assistive robots are
One cannot deny that even there are certain disadvantages of assistive devices, the
effect and the contribution of the advantages of the said devices exceed far more than the
understanding of humanity. For example in the article of Kumar, Rahman & Krovi (1997), where
it was entitled “Assistive Devices for People with Motor Disabilities”, which includes the
generally developed prosthetics wherein that very same article indicated that this device was
derived from earliest prosthetic limbs dating back to 500 B.C. (Kumar, et., al., 1997). The article
articulated as well the benefits of technology to prosper the invention and development of
Thus, the researcher would like to examine the importance of assistive devices through
the illuminative information source coming from the participants of Alfonso, Cavite.
a. age;
b. sex;
d. disability?
The research would like to focus on the importance of the provision of significant
assistive devices to the Persons with Disability (PWDs) as the independent variable of the study
residing in the Municipality of Alfonso, Cavite and a bonafide citizen of the Republic of the
Philippines. The researcher would like to exclude Persons with Disability not residing the same
The research as well would like to focus on the selected significant assistive devices to
be provided as a research material. The inclusion of such is the exclusion of another, whereas
the researchers would like to exclude devices not fit to the disability of the participants.
Persons with Disability (PWD). This refers not only to the PWDs in the Municipality of Alfonso
but to the PWDs as well to the whole archipelago. The study would give an insight on to the
Persons with Disability Affairs Office (PDAO). This refers to the Office of the PWDs affairs
instated at each of the municipality. The research might give a guide to the office on to handle
Municipal Social Welfare and Development (MSWD). The research would like to expound the
idea of the importance of the provisions of the assistive devices to the Persons with Disability as
Political Science Students. The study would like to greatly contribute to students who seek
profound understanding of the Legal Latin Maxim Salus populi Est Suprema Lex which refers to
young and future researchers where the future study is to be found and recommended from
Definition of Terms
For purposes of clarity and better understanding, the following terms are defined
PWDs. Persons with Disability refer to the individuals or persons who suffer from long-term
physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which, upon interaction with various
barriers, may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with
others. In this study this term as well refers to the independent variable which would be the
Assistive Devices. The devices used by the Persons with Disability to aide their impairments,
while in this study, the term would like to refer to the dependent variable which would likely to
Disability. Under RA 7277 there are seven types of disabilities as mentioned on the same act
are psychosocial disability, disability due to chronic illness, learning disability, mental disability,
visual disability, orthopaedic disability, and communication disability. In this study the term
would like to refer to the control variable as subject to qualification of assistive devices that
The researcher would like to employ narrative research design and interview method.
Narrative research design and analysis is employed because it is perfectly combined with case
studies as it concerns with the responses from the questions that includes the lack of
predetermined findings based from the interview. Moreover, the method that would also be of
used to presenting the profile of the participants in ethical manner where there is significance to
The participants of the study would like to refer to the Persons with Disability in the
selected Barangay of Municipality of Alfonso, Cavite. The participants are responsible for being
the independent variable as for they are the source of the illuminative and rich data due to
their locus standi where their disability is considered in this paper as their capacities and
the material needed for the gathering of data. The material would like to have its three parts
respectively as; Part I consists of participant’s profile including age, sex, educational attainment
and disability. Part II is the importance of assistive devices in accordance to the variables cited
in Part I. Part III will be the relevance of the assistive devices to the participants with regards to
The researchers would like to take the following steps for the gathering of data as well
as for the completion of the study. First, the researchers will send a letter to the Municipality of
Alfonso, Cavite for permission and for formality purposes noted by the Dean’s Office in Arellano
University to conduct a case study on the provisions of significant assistive devices for Persons
with Disability in the selected Barangay of Alfonso. Second, would like to send letters to the
families of the participants for ethical considerations and for permission purposes in order for
the researchers to gather necessary data. Finally, after securing such necessary procedures, the
researchers would like to conduct the interview to the participants based on their accessibility
and availability. The researchers then will personally ask questions to the participants for the
interview via voice recording. The collected data will be transcribed and presented by the
Sampling Method
The sampling procedure that the researchers would like to employ in this study is the
purposive sampling method. This method is used to qualify the participants’ illuminative rice
information source. Furthermore, purposive or selective sampling methods are usually used for
kinds of researches such as case studies where the judgement of the researchers is realized.
Ethical Considerations
The researchers would like to impose ethical consideration in conducting the study due
to the concern that most of the data that would be gathered would be coming from the
participants which refers to the Persons with Disability (PWDs) in the selected Barangay of
Alfonso, Cavite. Hence the researcher is entitled to observe the following ethical considerations
in respect to the moral and/or legal obligations of the participants in relation to the research as
Privacy. The respondents or participants of the study are entitled to their own privacy. In this
research paper, the researcher would like to ask for their permission if ever the questions
raised are beyond their limit of expectations where in accordance to their own point of views,
offensive and degrading to them. To honor that respect, the researcher beforehand would like
to ask for their consent whether or not before performing such task is ethically and morally
Free Will. In accordance to our Constitution, a person of vitiated will is not capable of
performing any neither valid contracts nor agreements. Hence, the researcher would like as
well to second the motion of inquiring whether or not the opinions coming from their
well would like to consult the participants whether or not they are capable of benevolent
neutrality. Meaning that when it comes to the evaluation and examination of the variables, the
researchers would observe unbiased neutrality for the integrity of the paper and of the study.
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