Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting in Separate Oxygen and Hydrogen Cells
Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting in Separate Oxygen and Hydrogen Cells
Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting in Separate Oxygen and Hydrogen Cells
Solar water splitting provides a promising path for sustainable hydrogen production and solar energy storage. One of
the greatest challenges towards large-scale utilization of this technology is reducing the hydrogen production cost. The
conventional electrolyser architecture, where hydrogen and oxygen are co-produced in the same cell, gives rise to critical
challenges in photoelectrochemical water splitting cells that directly convert solar energy and water to hydrogen. Here we
overcome these challenges by separating the hydrogen and oxygen cells. The ion exchange in our cells is mediated by auxiliary
electrodes, and the cells are connected to each other only by metal wires, enabling centralized hydrogen production. We
demonstrate hydrogen generation in separate cells with solar-to-hydrogen conversion efficiency of 7.5%, which can readily
surpass 10% using standard commercial components. A basic cost comparison shows that our approach is competitive with
conventional photoelectrochemical systems, enabling safe and potentially affordable solar hydrogen production.
ater electrolysis (2H2 O → 2H2 + O2 ) combined with a salt bridge, as illustrated in Fig. 1b, but this is not a common
renewable power sources such as solar or wind provides practice because the series resistance of the salt bridge reduces
a promising path for sustainable hydrogen production the electrolysis efficiency. Recently, a new PEM electrolyser
for fuel cell electric vehicles1 and power-to-gas storage of variable architecture was proposed, using a soluble molecular redox
power sources2 . One of the greatest challenges towards large- mediator (silicotungstic acid) that mediates the electron-coupled
scale utilization of these clean energy technologies is reducing proton exchange between the oxygen and hydrogen evolution
the hydrogen production cost. This may be achieved using reactions (OER and HER, respectively)6 . The redox mediator is
photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting cells that directly reduced at the glassy carbon cathode of an electrolytic cell while
convert water and sunlight to hydrogen and oxygen3 . The current water is oxidized at the Pt mesh anode, and then transferred to
architecture of PEC water splitting cells4 resembles that of another cell with Pt catalyst that gives rise to spontaneous H2
conventional water electrolysis cells5 , comprising a sealed cell with evolution from the reduced mediator, as illustrated in Fig. 1c. Thus,
two electrodes and a membrane that separates the O2 and H2 gas the OER and HER are decoupled, and O2 and H2 are generated
products. This architecture is well-suited for centralized hydrogen in separate cells. This provides potential advantages, as discussed
production in alkaline or polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) in ref. 6, but it also has some critical drawbacks and limitations.
electrolysers, but not for distributed solar hydrogen production in Firstly, the reported efficiency of the electrochemical process in the
PEC cells. The low power density of the sunlight necessitates a electrolytic cell and the Faradaic efficiency for H2 evolution in the
large number of PEC cells, giving rise to critical challenges for second cell were rather low, 63% and 68%, respectively, ending up in
gas separation, collection and transport to a centralized hydrogen an overall efficiency of 43%. This is considerably lower than state-of-
storage and distribution facility safely and affordably. This work the-art PEM electrolysers that reach up to 68.3% based on the free
addresses these challenges by separating the hydrogen and oxygen energy metrics5,7 . Secondly, the redox mediator is acidic; therefore,
production such that the hydrogen can be produced in a central precious Pt catalysts are required. And thirdly, given the dark colour
generator far away from the solar field, where oxygen is produced. of the redox mediator, the feasibility of this approach for PEC solar
The ion exchange between the anode and cathode in the oxygen cells is questionable. To overcome these problems, we sought out
and hydrogen cells, respectively, is mediated by reversible solid-state a solid-state redox system that could mediate the ion exchange
redox relays that can be cycled many times with minimal efforts. between the anode and cathode in alkaline aqueous solutions and be
Our separate cells approach works well for both electrolysis and PEC cycled multiple times. The material selection criteria of the desired
cells, as demonstrated in the following. redox mediator are discussed in the Supplementary Information.
The conventional water electrolysis cell design is illustrated Accordingly, the NiOOH/Ni(OH)2 redox couple was selected for
in Fig. 1a, featuring an alkaline electrolyser5 . Both electrodes are use as auxiliary electrodes (AEs), as illustrated in Fig. 1d. This idea
dipped into one cell containing the aqueous electrolyte, with an was first disclosed by us in a patent application filed in 20158 . A very
ion exchange membrane or porous diaphragm separating the recent report by another group demonstrates a similar concept with
cell into anode and cathode compartments that generate O2 and sequential H2 and O2 generation in two steps9 , as opposed to contin-
H2 , respectively. The two compartments can be separated using uous co-generation of H2 and O2 in separate cells presented herein.
The Nancy & Stephen Grand Technion Energy Program (GTEP), Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, Technion City, Haifa 32000, Israel. 2 Department
of Materials Science and Engineering, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, Technion City, Haifa 32000, Israel. 3 Department of Chemical Engineering,
Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, Technion City, Haifa 32000, Israel. 4 Institute of Solar Research, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Cologne 51147,
Germany. 5 Evonik Creavis GmbH, Marl 45772, Germany. *e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
© 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
a b Salt bridge Power
source Membrane
H2 O2
c d
cathode source
H2 H4SiW12O40 Cathode
H2 Ni(OH)2 + OH− O2
Pt anode Anode
+ 2H+ + 2e− O2
2H2 + 4OH− 4H2O electrodes O2 + 2H2O 4OH−
Figure 1 | Water electrolysis cell architectures. a, Conventional configuration of an alkaline water electrolysis cell. b, The same as in a with the membrane
replaced by a salt bridge. c, The new PEM electrolyser configuration proposed in ref. 6 with a soluble redox mediator that enables decoupling the H2 and O2
generation steps. d, Our membrane-free configuration for alkaline water electrolysis in separate hydrogen and oxygen cells8 . The anode can be replaced by
a photoanode or a photoanode–photovoltaic tandem stack, thus turning the electrolysis cell into a PEC water splitting solar cell that directly convert water
and solar power to hydrogen fuel.
NiOOH/Ni(OH)2 electrodes are widely employed in demonstrated in rechargeable alkaline batteries13 , electrolysis can
rechargeable alkaline batteries10,11 , where charged NiOOH be carried out repeatedly by cycling the AEs either by reversing
electrodes reversibly convert to Ni(OH)2 on discharging: the current polarity or swapping their places. To demonstrate this,
NiOOH + H2 O + e−
Ni(OH)2 + OH− (ref. 12). The Fig. 2 shows 40 electrolysis cycles in separate oxygen and hydrogen
NiOOH/Ni(OH)2 redox reaction in our AEs precedes the OER by cells with Ni foil primary electrodes and commercial Ni(OH)2 AEs.
more than 200 mV, as demonstrated in the cyclic voltammograms Prior to this test, the AEs were activated through charge–discharge
presented in Supplementary Fig. 1. This enables the AEs to serve as cycles during which the discharge capacity increased from 59% of
reversible redox relays that mediate the ion (OH− ) exchange with the transferred charge (22.5 mAh) on the first cycle to 99.6% at the
the primary electrodes (anode and cathode) in separate cells, while end of the activation process (see Supplementary Fig. 8). Following
the OER and HER take place only at the primary electrodes. Thus, the activation process, a charged NiOOH electrode was placed near
O2 and H2 are produced in separate cells with no O2 /H2 crossover. the anode in the oxygen cell, and a discharged Ni(OH)2 electrode
The operation principle of our two-cell water electrolysis system is was placed near the cathode in the hydrogen cell. The electrodes
illustrated in Fig. 1d and in more details in Supplementary Fig. 2. In were connected by copper wires as illustrated in Fig. 1d, and
the oxygen cell, the OER (4OH− → O2 + 2H2 O + 4e− ) occurs at electrolysis was carried out by forcing a constant current of 45 mA
the anode, converting OH− ions supplied by the AE to O2 gas, while (5 mA cm−2 ) between the anode and cathode, while measuring the
the AE transforms from NiOOH to Ni(OH)2 . In the hydrogen cell, applied voltage, Vappl . Figure 2a shows Vappl as a function of time
the HER (4H2 O + 4e− → 2H2 + 4OH− ) occurs at the cathode, during 20 h of continuous operation in which the current polarity
and the OH− ions generated by this reaction are consumed by was reversed whenever the voltage reached a threshold limit of
the AE that transforms from Ni(OH)2 to NiOOH. Thus, one AE ±3 V. This limit was set to avoid oxygen evolution in the hydrogen
charges while the other one discharges. The electrons participating cell and vice versa, as explained in the Supplementary Information.
in the OER and HER reactions transfer from the cathode to the In every cycle, Vappl increased gradually from 1.8 V at the begin-
anode through a power source that drives the reactions, whereas ning of the cycle to 2.3 V close to its end, ending with a sudden
the electrons participating in the AE redox reactions transfer from jump to the threshold limit (±3 V). The changes in Vappl followed
one AE to another through another metal wire. Summing all the the changes in the potential difference between the AEs in the
reactions in the oxygen and hydrogen cells yields the overall water oxygen and hydrogen cells, 1UAE = UAE,O2 − UAE,H2 , as shown in
splitting reaction: 2H2 O → 2H2 + O2 . Supplementary Fig. 15(b). This resembles the discharge curve of a
Owing to the remarkable cycling durability of the battery, indicating that the changes in Vappl track the state of charge
NiOOH/Ni(OH)2 AEs, which can be cycled thousands of times as of the AEs. The sudden jumps at the end of the cycles indicate
0.1 0.2
−4 0.0 0.0
0 5 10 15 20 0 10 20 30 40
Time (h) Cycle number
Figure 2 | Two-cell water electrolysis cycles in separate hydrogen and oxygen cells. a, Vappl as a function of time during 20 h of operation at a constant
current of 45 mA (5 mA cm−2 ). b, The cycle duration plotted against the cycle number. The measurement was carried out in 1 M NaOH alkaline aqueous
solution at ambient temperature.
complete discharge of the AEs, which must be recharged to continue Thus, more important than the overall electrolysis efficiency of the
the process. Here, recharging is achieved by reversing the current entire system is the polarization loss incurred by the AEs. This
polarity and performing another electrolysis cycle with the oxygen was, on average, 0.12 V, which is only 5.7% of the applied voltage.
and hydrogen cells being swapped, as illustrated in Supplementary This is a reasonable toll, comparable to the Ohmic loss across the
Fig. 2. In Supplementary Fig. 12 we demonstrate cycling by swap- membrane in other PEC cell architectures14–16 . h1UAE i increases
ping the AEs instead of reversing the current polarity as shown here. with increasing current density, but the increase is slow, and at a
The two methods are equivalent and yield very similar results. current density of 40 mA cm−2 in the hydrogen cell and 4 mA cm−2
The first electrolysis cycle in Fig. 2 lasted 30 min before reaching in the oxygen cell h1UAE i reaches only 0.16 V, see Supplementary
the threshold voltage. Subsequently, the cycle duration decreased Fig. 11. It is noteworthy that the polarization loss incurred by the
by 0.3%, on average, from one cycle to another, reaching 26 min redox reactions of the AEs scales logarithmically with the current,
after 40 cycles, as shown in Fig. 2b. This drift is due to incomplete whereas the Ohmic loss across the membrane in conventional
charging of the AE in the hydrogen cell. However, the AE can electrolysis scales linearly with the current.
be recharged back to its initial state whenever necessary as Having demonstrated that the hydrogen cell can be separated
demonstrated in Supplementary Fig. 13. The cycle duration depends from the oxygen cell in a simple alkaline water electrolysis system
on the initial charge of the AEs and on the electrolysis current. It without degrading the efficiency with respect to alternative electrol-
can be extended by increasing the charge and reducing the current. ysis architectures, we show next how this concept can be applied for
In Fig. 2 the AEs were charged to 22.5 mAh, a small fraction the design of a hydrogen refuelling station with unsealed PEC solar
of their rated capacity (1,300 mAh, according to the vendor). cells or photoelectrochemical–photovoltaic (PEC–PV) tandem
Consequently, the cycle duration was short (30 min at 45 mA). In cells7,17 connected by metal wires to a centralized H2 generator at
Supplementary Fig. 10 we show much longer cycles of >6 h achieved the refuelling station, as illustrated in Fig. 3. The motivation for
by charging the AEs to 448 mAh. During the whole test (125 h), proposing this disruptive concept becomes clear when considering
gas bubbles evolved on the primary electrodes, but not on the AEs the requirements to separate and collect the H2 gas produced in
(see Supplementary Movie 1). Gas chromatography measurements a large number of conventional PEC cells distributed in the solar
confirmed stoichiometric O2 and H2 production in the oxygen and field and transport it to a centralized H2 storage and distribution
hydrogen cells, respectively, with Faradaic efficiency of ∼100% and facility, and the complex measures that must be taken to ensure
no O2 /H2 crossover up to ∼80% of the charged capacity of the safe operation in compliance with strict fire protection standards18 .
AEs (see Supplementary Figs 19 and 21, respectively). Thus, the Considering as a case study a hydrogen refuelling station with
results presented here demonstrate that alkaline water electrolysis a production rate of 400 kg H2 per day, an average insolation of
with continuous co-production of H2 and O2 gases in separate cells 180 W m−2 and a solar-to-hydrogen (STH) conversion efficiency of
can be carried out using reversible solid-state AEs that can be cycled 10%, the net area of the PEC solar cells should be >30,000 m2 . Using
multiple times. 10 × 10 cm2 PEC cells, the largest PEC cells reported to date19 ,
Next, we examine the electrolysis efficiency of our system and means an array of >3,000,000 cells. To collect the H2 from all these
the polarization loss incurred by the AEs. At 100% Faradaic cells they must be sealed and fitted with H2 gas piping manifold.
efficiency, the electrolysis efficiency equals the voltage efficiency, In addition to the immense piping construction, the cells must be
ηV = Vrev /Vappl , where Vrev = 1.23 V is the reversible voltage of fitted with membranes to prevent intermixing of H2 and O2 , a highly
water electrolysis (at 25 ◦ C). Averaged over a 125 h electrolysis flammable gas mixture, adding complex engineering and material
test with 20 cycles of >6 h (Supplementary Fig. 10), the applied challenges20 . Furthermore, to comply with the strict fire protection
voltage (hVappl i) was 2.12 V, of which 0.12 V was the average voltage standards of hydrogen technologies18 , complex safety measures
drop on the AEs, h1UAE i (see Supplementary Fig. 15(c)). Thus, would have to be taken to ensure that no gas leaks occur within the
the average electrolysis efficiency of our system was 58%. This PEC cells and at the joints along the H2 gas piping manifold, and that
is an excellent result for a simple electrolysis system with Ni foil unexpected accidents are immediately extinguished. The required
electrodes operated under mild conditions (1 M NaOH, ambient safety measures give rise to tremendous efforts and expenses, as
temperature). The electrolysis efficiency can be readily enhanced discussed in the Supplementary Information. These challenges,
by using rare-earth OER and HER catalysts such as RuO2 and in addition to efficiency and stability challenges, render solar H2
Pt, respectively, as well as by using concentrated alkaline solution production using conventional PEC cells economically question-
and operating the cell at elevated temperature, as commonly done able21,22 . Our separate cells architecture overcomes these hurdles in
in alkaline electrolysers5 . These routes were not pursued in this an elegant way that is also very feasible, as demonstrated below.
study because we aim to demonstrate the effectiveness of our Since the performance of current photoanodes for PEC water
separate cells approach rather than break the efficiency record. splitting is not sufficiently high for their integration with high-end
© 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
O2 O2
H 2O
st atio
fuel H2
gen H2
Figure 3 | Conceptual illustration of a solar hydrogen refuelling station with distributed PEC solar cells producing O2 and a centralized H2 generator.
A detailed conceptual design of the solar field is illustrated in Supplementary Fig. 26.
PV cells7,23 , we demonstrate the utilization of the AEs in a a schematic illustration of our solar water splitting system. The
PV-coupled electrolysis system that simulates a PEC–PV tandem geometry of the cells is depicted in Supplementary Fig. 22.
cell. The system comprises of a Si PV module connected to oxygen The current density–voltage (J –V ) characteristics of the PV
and hydrogen cells with primary Ni foil and Pt-plated stainless-steel module, measured under simulated solar radiation (AM1.5G), and
mesh electrodes, respectively, and activated NiOOH and Ni(OH)2 of the two-cell water electrolysis system are depicted in Fig. 4 by
AEs. The system design follows the constraints that an analogue the red and blue curves, respectively. These J –V characteristics
PEC–PV tandem cell would be subjected to; namely, the oxygen were measured separately, prior to connecting the PV module to
cell conformally maps the PV module, and the AEs in the oxygen the electrolysis system. The two curves cross at V = 1.7 V and
and hydrogen cells are interchangeable. The inset in Fig. 4 shows J = 6.7 mA cm−2 . However, the operation points of the coupled
system were at slightly higher voltages and lower current densities,
as shown by the green dots in Fig. 4. This small deviation is due to
18 O2 additional coupling losses such as wire and contact resistances as
Current density (mA cm−2)
Figure 4 | Solar water splitting system with separate oxygen and hydrogen
cells. Current density–voltage (J–V) characteristics of the individual where Isc is the short-circuit current of the PV-coupled electrolysis
components, the PV module (red curve) and water electrolysis system system (measured at standard AM1.5G insolation conditions), ηF is
(blue curve), and the operation points of the coupled PV–electrolysis the Faradaic efficiency, 1.23 V is the reversible voltage (Vrev ) of the
system (green dots). The red X marks the maximum power point of the PV water splitting reaction (at 25 ◦ C), Amodule is the area of the PV mod-
module. The black dashed line curve shows the J–V characteristics of a PV ule (6.03 cm2 ), and Pin is the power density of the incident light
module of the same model based on the vendor’s specifications. The inset (100 mW cm−2 ). Taking ηF = 100% (see Supplementary Fig. 19) and
shows a schematic illustration of the system. hIsc /Amodule i = hJsc i = 6.05 mA cm−2 (Fig. 4), the STH efficiency was
Table 1 | Comparison between our results and state-of-the-art solar water splitting systems that have been reported recently.
Device configuration PV cell PCE (PV cell) OER/HER hSTHi/time hSTHi/PCE Product Hydrogen Reference
catalysts separation production
Buried junction GaInP/GaAs 13.9% Ni/NiMo 8.6%/2 h 61.9% Yes Distributed 25
Buried junction GaInP/GaInAs 27% RuO2 /Rh 12.3%/16 h 45.6% No Distributed 26
PV-coupled electrolysis Si 16% NiBi /NiMoZn 9.7%/7 d 60.6% No Centralized 27
PV-coupled electrolysis CH3 NH3 PbI3 17.3% NiFe(OH)2 / 12.3%/75 s 71.1% No Centralized 28
PV-coupled electrolysis GaInP/GaAs/ 39.2% Ir/Pt 30%/48 h 76.5% Yes Centralized 29
PV-coupled electrolysis Si 12.3% Ni/Pt 7.5%/1 h 61.0% Yes Centralized This work
7.5%, averaged over 1 h of operation. Taking the photoactive area not done this because our photoanodes are not sufficiently good
of the PV module (4.9 cm2 ) instead of the total area (6.03 cm2 ), for coupling with high-end PV cells. While this challenge is being
which includes inactive area due to interconnects, yields an average addressed elsewhere31–33 , we wanted to show here that a two-cell
STH efficiency of 9.1%. The ratio between the photoactive and PEC water splitting system could work just as well as a conventional
inactive area can be readily increased in large-area PV modules; PEC cell. To this end we constructed a two-cell system with a thin
therefore, the higher STH value (9.1%) can be readily approached by film haematite (α-Fe2 O3 ) photoanode34 in the oxygen cell, a Pt foil
sizing-up the components. Furthermore, considering the difference cathode in the hydrogen cell, and NiOOH/Ni(OH)2 AEs. The J –V
in Jsc between the particular PV module that was used in this test characteristics of this two-cell PEC configuration were nearly the
(7.0 mA cm−2 ) and the vendor’s specifications (8.3 mA cm−2 ), it is same as a single-cell configuration using the same photoanode and
expected that the STH would increase by up to 18.6%, relative to cathode without a separator (Supplementary Fig. 25). This result
the present result, by selecting a better PV module. This would demonstrates that the separation of the oxygen and hydrogen cells
bring the STH efficiency up to 8.9% based on the total area of the can be achieved in a PEC cell just as well as in an electrolysis cell.
PV module, or 10.8% based on the net photoactive area. Further The separation of H2 and O2 production into two cells with only
improvement would be possible by tailoring the J –V characteristics electrical connections between them offers important advantages
of the PV module to cross the J –V characteristics of the electrolysis over other PEC cell architectures. First and foremost, the H2 is
system at its maximum power point, for example, using a d.c./d.c. produced in a centralized H2 generator that can be placed at the
power converter. Assuming a 90% d.c./d.c. power conversion effi- end-user’s location, far away from the solar field, as illustrated in
ciency, this would bring the STH efficiency up to 11.7%, based on Fig. 3. This eliminates the need to seal the PEC cells and fit them with
the net photoactive area (see Supplementary Fig. 24). complicated and costly H2 gas piping manifold, thereby simplifying
Despite the use of a PV module of rather low performance the construction of solar water splitting plants employing a large
that does not optimally match the electrolysis system, and number of PEC cells. Secondly, the separation of the hydrogen
primary electrodes that have not been optimized for maximum and oxygen cells enables safe operation with no H2 /O2 crossover,
electrolysis performance, the efficiency of our system is comparable without membranes. Otherwise, complex measures would have to
to state-of-the-art solar water splitting systems including both be taken to ensure safe operation, including not only the membrane
buried junction25,26 and PV-coupled electrolysis configurations27–29 separators and gas-tight sealing of each and every one of the cells,
(see Table 1). Although higher STH efficiencies have been reported, but also continuous pressure monitoring of the entire H2 gas piping
they were obtained using high-efficiency non-commercial28 manifold, periodic leak tests, continuous H2 gas detection at critical
or expensive double-junction25,26 or even triple-junction joints, and other safety measures in compliance with the strict
concentrator PV cells29 , rare-earth catalysts26,29 , and without product fire protection standards of hydrogen technologies18 . In terms of
separation26–28 . More important than the STH efficiency, which efficiency, the overpotential toll for driving the reversible redox
depends greatly on the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of the reaction of the AEs is rather small, ∼150 mV (see Supplementary
PV cell used to drive the water splitting reaction, is the normalized Fig. 11). This toll amounts to 7.5–10% of the total bias voltage that
STH/PCE ratio that is independent of the PV efficiency7 . On drives the water splitting reaction (1.5–2 V). On the bright side, the
the basis of this figure of merit, our system scores respectively AEs substitute the membrane separator in the conventional PEC
high (see sixth column in Table 1). Besides efficiency, another cell architecture, which gives rise to an Ohmic overpotential of
important feature of solar water splitting systems that has great ∼50–100 mV (ref. 14), and reduces the incident light intensity by
impact on their safety and cost is whether the hydrogen production >10%. In addition, our open cell architecture solves the problem
is distributed or centralized. Examples of distributed systems of gas bubble crowding at the front window that reduces the light
are buried junction25,26 and PEC–PV tandem cells7,17 ; whereas intensity at the photoelectrode. Therefore, the efficiency of our PEC
centralized systems are present in PV-coupled electrolysis27–29 and cell architecture is on par with or even higher than that of the
our separate cells architecture. Centralized hydrogen production conventional PEC cell architecture.
has important operational advantages in terms of H2 gas collection, In terms of cost, it is difficult to make a precise techno-
process compactness, safety, and so on, whereas PEC–PV tandem economic analysis and estimate the levelized hydrogen production
cells offer potential advantages in efficiency7 and cost21,30 . Our cost because there are too many unknowns and uncertainties. A
separate cells approach yields the best of both worlds: it enables rigorous techno-economic analysis builds on a detailed plan of
centralized hydrogen production, as illustrated in Fig. 3, yet it also the solar water splitting plant, which is currently lacking. Such
works for PEC–PV tandem cells, as demonstrated in the following. an analysis is beyond the scope of this work, and it shall be
Figure 4 demonstrates a standalone solar water splitting system carried out elsewhere. However, a basic comparison of the costs
with separate hydrogen and oxygen cells driven by a PV module. saved by substituting the membrane separators and H2 gas piping
Similarly, it is possible to construct a PEC–PV tandem system by manifold by the AEs, including their daily swapping during the
using PEC oxygen cells with semiconductor photoanodes instead lifetime of the plant, shows the potential of our approach to offer
of metal anodes, as illustrated in Supplementary Fig. 26. We have tremendous savings in the overall balance, as discussed in the
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Introduction to Electrochemical Power Sources (Arnold Edward, 1984). KAMEA Program. G.S.G. acknowledges support from the Arturo Gruenbaum Chair in
Material Engineering. The authors thank Y. Lifshitz and S. C. Warren for reading the
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manuscript and providing useful suggestions for improving it.
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Author contributions
A.R. and G.S.G. conceived and guided the entire project. A.L., H.D. and G.E.S. designed
separators in a water-splitting photoelectrochemical cell. Energy Environ. Sci. 7, the experiments. A.L. and H.D. performed the experiments and analysed the data. All
1468–1476 (2014). authors contributed to the cost analysis. A.R., G.S.G. and A.L. wrote the manuscript. All
16. Haussener, S. et al. Modeling, simulation, and design criteria for authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript.
photoelectrochemical water-splitting systems. Energy Environ. Sci. 5,
9922–9935 (2012). Additional information
17. Prévot, M. S. & Sivula, K. Photoelectrochemical tandem cells for solar water Supplementary information is available in the online version of the paper. Reprints and
splitting. J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 17879–17893 (2013). permissions information is available online at
18. The National Fire Protection Association Hydrogen Technologies Code (2016). Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to G.S.G. or A.R.
19. Lopes, T., Dias, P., Andrade, L. & Mendes, A. An innovative
photoelectrochemical lab device for solar water splitting. Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Competing financial interests
Cells 128, 399–410 (2014). The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Methods cathode, respectively. The system was operated by applying a constant current of
Our two-cell alkaline water electrolysis systems with separate oxygen and hydrogen 128 mA but the different electrodes had different areas such that the current
cells were constructed according to the illustration in Fig. 1d, with primary densities at the anode, cathode, discharging AE and charging AE were 8.13,
electrodes (that is, cathode and anode) connected to a power source and 80, 40 and 4 mA cm−2 , respectively. For the PV–electrolysis test presented in
battery-grade Ni(OH)2 /NiOOH auxiliary electrodes (AEs, purchased from Fig. 4, a nickel foil and platinum-coated stainless-steel mesh were used as the
Batterix) connected to each other by a copper wire. A charged NiOOH AE was anode and cathode, respectively. The power source was a PV module comprising
placed in the oxygen cell and a discharge Ni(OH)2 AE was placed in the hydrogen four Si PV cells connected in series (IXOLAR solar module SLMD121H04, IXYS)
cell. The electrolyte was 1 M NaOH in deionized water for all the electrolysis tests, that was placed on top of the oxygen cell and illuminated by solar-simulated
and all the tests were carried out in ambient temperature. The AEs were activated radiation (1,000 W m−2 ). The only power source was the PV module, with no
before each test by constant-current charge–discharge cycles until their capacity additional external bias. Finally, for the photoelectrolysis test presented in
stabilized. Cyclic voltammetry measurements of a fully charged NiOOH electrode Supplementary Fig. 25, a haematite (α-Fe2 O3 ) photoanode and Pt sheet cathode
were carried out in a three-electrode configuration with an Hg/HgO/1M NaOH were used. The haematite photoanode was prepared as described elsewhere34 . A
reference electrode at different scan rates (1, 5, 20, 50 and 100 mV s−1 ), see linear sweep voltage scan was performed between 0.5–2 V in the dark, under solar
Supplementary Fig. 1. For the low-current density test presented in Fig. 2, the simulated illumination, and under chopped-light conditions. The measurements
primary electrodes were made of nickel foil. Electrolysis cycles were carried out by were conducted once in a single-cell configuration with no separator, and
applying a constant current between the primary electrodes while measuring the once in a two-cell configuration using Ni(OH)2 /NiOOH AEs. The hydrogen
applied voltage (Vappl ), until reaching the threshold voltage limit of 3 V. Once the and oxygen purity in the respective cells was measured by gas chromatography
threshold voltage was reached, the current polarity was reversed to continue for gas samples that were extracted from the cells at constant time intervals. The
electrolysis. In parallel to measuring Vappls , the potentials of the AEs were also Faradaic efficiency was evaluated for both cells by measuring the volume of
measured with respect to Hg/HgO/1M NaOH reference electrodes in their the effluent gases using a total flow meter. A detailed description
respective cells by two additional electrometers (see Supplementary Fig. 14). In an of the experimental methods is presented in the
alternative cycling method, the electrolysis cycles were carried out by swapping the Supplementary Information.
AEs when the threshold voltage limit was reached (see Supplementary Fig. 12). For
the high-current density test presented in Supplementary Fig. 11, an iridium-plated Data availability. The authors declare that the data supporting the findings of this
titanium plate and a platinum-plated titanium mesh were used as the anode and study are available within the paper and its Supplementary Information files.
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