Delete interDB Macro Records - Design Module - Modules - AVEVA Software Community

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8/9/22, 7:32 PM delete interDB macro records - Design Module - Modules - AVEVA Software Community

delete interDB macro records

Offline Marcel Prosch over 15 years ago

Marcel Prosch
over 15 years ago
Hi, i think we have made a mistake handling InterDb macros.

We where wondering why the global deamon wasn't propagating the macro's

and decided to distribute them by hand to the locations

When run, we deleted the file from disk (in the xxxMAC folder)

When i type LIST MACROS i see a lot of macro's that have been run a long time ago but are still in de

When i try to delete them by type DELETE MACRO ### i get an error because the file is missing.

At my location i created some dummies for the missing files by hand, but at anothere location there are 300
files missing.

Is there a way to delete de records without creating dummies?

Archie Cone
over 15 years ago
No, I believe that is the only way.

over 15 years ago
Agreed, as far as I know anyway. You could create a bit of pml to do it for you, output the names of teh db
macros, create a file by copying an existing file (Using pml !Newfile.copyfile(!oldfile) = !Newfile and !OLdfile
being file objects) and then use a command that replicates the typed command.

In Admin, run a macro that contains this code

!Array = macros

!Oldfile = file object ('%

Helmut Kremsbrucker
over 15 years ago
Hi !

What's about the form in the Monitor module

over 15 years ago 1/2
8/9/22, 7:32 PM delete interDB macro records - Design Module - Modules - AVEVA Software Community

[QUOTE=binford6000;11017]Hi !

What's about the form in the Monitor module

Helmut Kremsbrucker
over 15 years ago
The devil takes the hindmost.

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