A Comprehensive Review On Machine Learning in Agriculture Domain
A Comprehensive Review On Machine Learning in Agriculture Domain
A Comprehensive Review On Machine Learning in Agriculture Domain
Corresponding Author:
Kavita Jhajharia
Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Manipal University Jaipur
Dehmi Kalan, Near GVK Toll Plaza, Jaipur-Ajmer Expressway, Jaipur, Rajasthan 303007, India
Email: [email protected]
Agriculture is a basic need for humankind to subsist. Continuous increment in population strains to
feed the ever-growing population. Resources and food production management is required to cater for the
augmented population. Agriculture production relies on many factors, such as soil type and quality, irrigation
management, weather, and water. Agriculture is a basic need for humankind to subsist. Continuous increment
in population strains to feed the ever-growing population. Resources and food production management is
required to cater for the augmented population. Farming has become more intensified to maximize crop
yields. To produce the sufficient amount of food, smart agriculture is required. Satellite data makes
agriculture more accurate and predictive. Smart farming has evolved widely in the last few years to fulfil the
food need.
Machine learning (ML) in consort with data analysis generates possibilities to understand and
reconnoitre the field of agriculture more effectually. According to Tom Michael, ML is a set of computer
instructions that learns from previous experience, concerning the task, and on the basis of previous
experience and task, performance is measured and which improves with experience and task [1]. Samuel
defines ML as a scientific domain of study which provides machines with the ability to learn without being
specifically programmed [2]. With time, machine learning is being widely applied in many fields, including
bioinformatics [3], anatomy [4], cheminformatics [5], economics [6], robot locomotion [7], speech
recognition [8], information retrieval [9], and neuroscience [10]. In this research paper, machine learning
algorithm in agriculture domain is deliberated [11].
The organization of the paper is: machine approach section has the description of machine learning
methods, techniques, and algorithms, the literature review section contains the review of the identified areas
of agriculture that have used machine learning, and discussion and conclusion section encloses the final
findings, conclusion and discussion of the paper along with the advantages of application of machine learning
in agriculture domain. ML is a process where the system or machine learns from experience and can improve
performance. Statistical and mathematical models can measure improved performance. Set of examples can
also be dictated as ML model or algorithms are trained using data sets. After the accomplishment of training,
the trained model is used to identify, predict or classify new input data. Figure 1 illustrates the ML approach.
ML algorithms explained below are not limited to the methods applied in papers used for this review process.
2.1. Research method
A systematic review methodology has been followed for the review conduction used in this research
paper. The review process includes review planning, search string, and search criteria for Machine learning in
agriculture. After completing the search, the paper selection is made based on inclusion and exclusion
criteria. This section contains information about how the review is accomplished.
The review's primary focus is to brief the significant benefits of ML in the agriculture domain and
possible research areas. The review analyses the existing machine learning tools and techniques deployed in
the agriculture domain, including crop prediction, soil management, pest management, weed management
and crop disease. Many international journals cover the advances in the development and applications of
hardware, software, and related technologies for solving issues in the agriculture domain. The total number of
research articles reviewed is 38. The review includes 3 conference and 35 journal articles, as shown in
Figure 4. The presented articles here are from 2005 to till present, shown in Figure 5. The year-wise
distribution of reviewed papers is demonstrated in Figure 5. The result clearly shows that there is significant
work done in the last 3 to 4 years in agriculture using machine learning.
Analysis of the articles indicates that mainly nine ML algorithms are examined/adopted in the
survey, shown in Figure 6. In crop prediction, Nine ML algorithms are deployed; further analysis of the
surveyed articles indicates that ANN is the most popular algorithm applied in the field of crop prediction. In
soil management, five ML algorithms are deployed where SVM and regression are mainly used. In the pest
management category, five ML algorithms are deployed where SVM is majorly used. In Weed management,
five ML algorithms are implemented and, SVM is most often used. In last, crop disease, four ML algorithms
are implemented and, SVM is majorly used. Thus, the majority of work is done using ANN and SVM can be
concluded from the reviewed literature.
Journal Papers
Conference Papers
Number of Papers
6 5 5
4 3
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2005 2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Publication year
Number of Papers
Crop Prediction Soil Pest Weed Crop Disease
Management Management Management
Agriculture Categories
Regression Decision Tree
Clustering Bayesian Algorithm
Ensemble Algorithm SVM
Instance Based Algorithm
The analysis of figures indicates that SVM is majorly implemented because of its sequential
approach, which incorporates several features to make a decision/ features into classes. SVM uses a kernel
function to differentiate the nonlinear and separable data and generates a mapping relationship between the
input vector and high-dimensional space vector through a hyperplane. SVM is preferred because of its sparse
representation and absence of local minima. Machine learning has a significant impact on application areas of
A comprehensive review machine learning in agriculture domain (Kavita Jhajharia)
758 ISSN: 2252-8938
the agriculture domain. Results produced by ML are promising. Particularly DL is getting more acceptance
because of its automatic feature extraction method in the agriculture sector, which can ease the process and
support the stakeholders of the agriculture domain. DL architectures/algorithms are also vastly implemented
in crop disease, weed management and crop prediction domains.
ML-based techniques have attracted much attention from researchers to improve the productivity in
agriculture domain. This review summarises the implementation of the ML algorithm in the agriculture
domain in the past few years. Though many algorithms are deployed, SVM and neural networks are the key
techniques to be better and precise. However, the researcher can explore new techniques, new domain, and
the inclusion of raw data to get more accurate results in the future. Deep learning is getting attention in the
past 3-4 years. The review covers five major domains; however, further study is required to explore the other
research areas of agriculture: rain management, weather Management, climate management, livestock
production, and animal welfare.
Sample set 2:
Average spectra:
PLSDA: 92.50
RBFNN: 87.50
ELM: 97.50
SVM: 90.00
Pixel-wise Spectra:
PLSDA: 96.60
RBFNN: 98.70
ELM: 99.50
SVM: 99.30
[43] Crop disease Leaf, stem, and Detect real-time DL Images using a Mean average precision
fruits disease along with digital camera 83.06%
the class and from farms of the
location of the plant Korean peninsula
[44] Crop disease Spectral Detects and SVM Cercospora leaf Cercospora Leaf spot:
vegetation classifies plant spot, leaf rust and 89.69
indices diseases in sugar powdery mildew Sugar beet rust: 83.60
beet Powdery mildew: 92.46
[45] Crop disease Coloured, Detects plant disease CNN PlantVillage Overall accuracy-
greyscale and using images Public dataset 99.35%
[46] Crop disease 75 features by Healthy and KNN GAP Agricultural KNN:
wavelet fusarium diseased research Statistics of wavelet
decomposition pepper leaves were (GAPTEAM), coefficient: 99%
detected şanlıurfa, Turkey Wavelet Coefficient:
[47] Crop disease Grayscale Detect and classify CNN Images captured Dataset split:
potato disease by by cameras 90%-train and 10%-test
visible symptoms provides accuracy -
[48] Crop disease Shape, texture, Identification of SVM The University of Accuracy 93.1%
and grey level plant disease by Georgia, USA
visual symptoms
[49] Crop disease Leaf properties Classifies the CNN Plant village Accuracy 99.18%
disease based on
symptoms visible
[50] Crop disease Color, texture, Detects disease in ANN, ANN, SVR-RBF, RMSE:
gray level co- apple fruit SVR-rbf, and SVR-Poly ANN: 0.53
occurrence and SVR- SVR-Poly: 0.42
matrix, and Poly SVR-RBF: 0.2
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Kavita Jhajharia was Born in Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India, in 1992. She Received
her B.Tech. Degree from Rajasthan Technical University, India, in 2013 in Information
Technology, and the M.Tech Degree from SRM University, Sonepat, India, in 2016. She is
Assistant Professor in Manipal University Jaipur since 2016. She is member of ACM. Her
Research interest is VANET, Wireless networking, Machine Learning, Software Engineering
and IOT. She can be contacted at email: [email protected].