Meaningful Life Cheat Sheet
Meaningful Life Cheat Sheet
Meaningful Life Cheat Sheet
We live in such a fast paced, hectic, world that it is becoming increasingly important to slow down and make time to
cultivate a life rich in purpose and meaning. Keep this ‘cheat sheet’ handy and use it, along with this blog post, to remind
you of the simple steps to slowing down and living a more meaningful life.
1. Declutter
Organise your home, create breathing space, and a sense of calm.
Start by decluttering one small space, then move on to the next.
3. Practice mindfulness
Use your senses to bring your awareness into the present moment,
and really focus on the activity you’re engaging in right now.
4. Unplug
Schedule some tech-free time into every day. Turn your devices off,
head outdoors, meet with a friend, read a book or meditate.
5. Practice gratitude
Create cues to remind you to pause and take a moment to reflect
on what you are grateful for. Cultivate an ‘attitude of gratitude’.