National Pool of Resource Persons Grade A B C Under DAY NRLM 060921

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Director, ~RLM(RC} (Ministry of Rural Develepment, Government of India)
-, . Rajendranag~r, Hyderabad 500 030'(lndia) J

Email: [email protected]
Contact No: 040-24008419

. \ 3~ September,' 2021
<, /.' --

Sub':NIRDPR"-NRL1VIRC'- Nati~nal Pool of Resource Persons (NRPs)under

BAY-NRLM - Updated list -,Regaratng.
~ )
\ '\, ,
'****. ~
' .
. NIRDP~ e~~a~elled t.he experienced Nationa1 Resour~e Persons, ~~ross.lhr
country, to support vanous thematic areas under NRLM Program. It. IS proposed to build a
strong cadre o(NRPs at national ,level to utilize their knowledge, expertis-e and experience
for --1\,'<;-W~ trainings, preparation 'of m~d~le~, and doc'um~ntaHQr[_of case studies, best
practlces and- hand hol&ng~supp(}rf -,
to SRLMS, on need
basis. A~pool of 322::::Resource
Persons ~t, the National leve] including North-Eastern states have.J>een identified by
I'JIRD&PR am:l-NMMU NRLM, MoR-Djointly. The grade wise entitlement of NRPs/asper the
NRPPolicy is placed below: -,

[s~'-j-Catego-rY of Re~o~rce' . Nc. of R~s~u~ce Boarding & Lodging' Travel

I:OT _-_----_p_e_,~_s~:__ ~._._t--r _N_R,_PS_,

.+ ~(~~:_y_..:_:+-
__ p_' e~r_D_a_Y_(R_S_._)

'IIl' National Resource

I . ~~i _ 55' ----. 10000 .' & Rs.4,000
-: Rs.580 ------ ,! I
1::.=_-'-p.~-ponCategory,-A1 .- _ ___ . __ Air Fare'
I . 12~4
l I'

I N.itional
~at/ional Re_

R2so'ur_ce - -
P erson Categorv - Pc
~ 7500

. ~~
R 400 & R .. ') 500
s'. s.~,
Economy -
~ II Cla-::s/2n~-AC
'Ivain/AC Bus ~
:; .

I \::. 1.0?0._ _RS.375 & .Rs.3,000. /~ __. I .

L_P~r50nCatego~t:" B _'__~_:___ _ _
-4 - .~JationClI.Reso,
ti.rc~~ -', I 8 .
I _'-'--_~
3rd fJ.CTrain/

." 3000- \ IRs. 200 & Rs.2,000 ~ AC~Ai. us

-,-' Person Category - C ~_, __ . _ __::_ _.L_. _--,-
. .

" ·Ba.sed'on geogra.phic~and_.the~atic ,interest~ ofSRLMS, the resource pers__ons list

---- --woL.ld be-updated regularly. The expertise a-nds~rvlCesof empanelied NRPswill be LJtiiizecf~
in various _capacity building activities, .studie;;, documentation &. t~chnical support to aiL
\.:.. -". ~ ./

SflLJvfs and Union Terr'~tories. The list of Identified National' Resource person.s of \/ariQJs
categorie's ~sat:ached he,rewith for .k:nd perusal and use.. ~_ - ."-

Thanking YOL~,
" / /

, .--

.------ I.


, ~-: 91--40-24008526,~': 91-040-24016500 f 24()15277

Phone :',91-A'O-2400852-6,-Fax
: 91-040-24016500 I 24015277
~ ~ . - - \
Use wood free ~Handtnade Paper
/ --

Updated Theme wise list of National Resource Persons under DAY-NRLM(RC), NIRDPR Dt.02.09.2021
SL. No Name Contact No. E-Mail id State Grade Theme
I Md. Amjad Khan 9424415981 amjusha@gmaiLcom New Delhi A IB&CB

2 G. Bhargava 9848930032 [email protected] Telangana A IB&CB

3 A Kalamani 9440800601 [email protected] Telangana A IB&CB

4 S Rama Lakshmi 9440800603 [email protected] Telangana A IB&CB

5 Shivaji N Choudhury 9717531358 [email protected] Uttar Pradesh A IB&CB

6 Dhrubaa Mukhopadhyay dhrubaa20 II @gmail.eom Jharkhand A IB&CB
7 Alok Sahu 9433355568 [email protected] . West Bengal A IB&CB

8 lui Gupta 9830942125 [email protected]; Uttar Pradesh A IB&CB

9 K Rajendra Prasad 9449678054 raj enprasad [email protected] Karnataka A IB&CB

10 Sanjay Kumar 9685626137 [email protected] Madhya Pradesh A IB&CB
II Girish Chandra Pradhan 9438260097 [email protected] Odisha A . IB&CB
12 K Venkateshwar Rao 9000501440 [email protected] Telangana A IB&CB
13 Sandip Nandi 9939334806 sand ipnand [email protected] Jharkhand B IB&CB
14 Sulakshana Padhi 9437219620 [email protected] Bhuvaneshwar B IB &CB
15 Pankai Dave 8142792587 Pankajdave20 [email protected] Rajasthan B IB&CB
16 Parmeshwar Singh 9805908783 I [email protected] Himachal Pradesh B IB&CB
17 Anju Burk 9783666256 [email protected] Rajasthan B IB&CB
18 Balaji Narayanan.V 9994164372 [email protected] Tamil Nadu B IB&CB
19 Don Bosco [email protected] Telangana B IB&CB
20 Suneetha 9666648371 [email protected] Telangana B IB&CB
SL. No Name Contact No. E-Mail id State Grade Theme
21 Dr. K Raja Reddy 9440800602 [email protected] Telangana B IB&CB

22 J. Murali [email protected] Telangana B IB&CB
23 Sachin Bhagat 7738978278 b [email protected] Maharashtra B IB&CB

9440800640 /
24 N. Naveen Kumar [email protected] Telangana B IB&CB
25 Naresh Kumar Nain nareshnain [email protected] Rajasthan B IB&CB

26 Sareen Kumar Panda 9938517556 [email protected] Odisha B IB&CB


27 Gomas Srinivas 9440800619 [email protected] Telangana B IB&CB

28 Prabhat Failbus 9636159345 [email protected] Rajasthan A IB&CB & PTM

[email protected],
29 Dr. Harish Vashistha 9761894841 Uttarakhand A IB&CB & PTM
ogiuatds-ediffmail. com,
30 Shilpi Agarwal [email protected] Uttar Pradesh B IB&CB & PTM
31 Anupam Pandey 9415383078 anupam.pandey [email protected] Uttar Pradesh B IB&CB & PTM

32 Nila N Patel [email protected] Gujarat B IB&CB & PTM
.J.J Debashis MandaI 7978410360 [email protected] Odisha A IB&CB

34 L. Sugantha Priscilla [email protected] tamilnadu A IB&CB
35 Lalita Dhal 9437258678 [email protected] Maharashtra B IB&CB

36 Ajaya Kumar Mohapatra 8130933300 aj [email protected] Haryana B IB&CB

37 Ms. Soumya Kidambi 9676123426 [email protected] Telangana A IB&CB & Social Audit

38 T. Nirmala 9848930031 [email protected] Telangana B IB&CB & Social Audit

39 K.P.Suresha 9538226543 [email protected] Kamataka A Livelihoods

40 Lutfur Rahman 8724039486 [email protected] Assam B Livelihoods

41 Kalpana Pant 98501 53574 [email protected] Maharashtra B Livelihoods

Sl. No Name Contact No. E-Mail id State Grade Theme
42 S. Rajeshwar 9505503047 rajesh _ [email protected] Telangana B Livelihoods

43 Pratyaya Jagannath 9711294800 pratyayj@gmaiLcom Delhi B Livelihoods

44 Prof. Manoj Mishra 9925236164 [email protected] Gujarat A Livelihoods

45 Pradyut Bhattacharjee 9406539132 [email protected] Assam B Livelihoods

46 Parag Boruah 9706375837 [email protected] Assam B Livelihoods

47 Suman Laskar 9989928138 sumanlaskar [email protected] Telangana B Livelihoods

9435037149; Livelihoods (Sustainable
48 Binay Kumar Deka [email protected] Assam A
8876207800 Agricu Iture)
49 Livelihoods (Sustainable
Sanjay Kumar Ray 9437216407 skray7@gmaiLcom Odisha A
50 Livelihoods (Sustainable
Surjit Behera 9937331030 surj [email protected] Odisha A
9777891678, Livelihoods (Sustainable
5I Prafulla Kumar Samal samal [email protected] Odisha A
7077789016 Azricu lture)
52 Anil Verma Livelihoods (Sustainable
9934259579 anilverrnaprangayargjgmail.corn Bihar A
53 Livelihoods (Sustainable
Mousumi Sarkar 8224008519 [email protected] Jharkhand A
Azricu Iture)
54 Livelihoods (Sustainable
K. N. Sundareshan 9986040902 [email protected] Kamataka B
9425046102; Livelihoods (Sustainable
55 Dr B.C-Dubey [email protected] Madhya Pradesh B
8349848011 Agriculture)
56 Livelihoods (Sustainable
Dr Saujanendra Swain 9437141705 [email protected] Odisha B
57 Livelihoods I'Sustainable
Dr. H. B. Dwivedi 7869954355 hbdwi [email protected] Madhya Pradesh B
58 Livelihoods (Sustainable
Sabhapati Khadanga 9338093180 [email protected] Jammu & Kashmir B
59 Livelihoods (Sustainable
Kuntal Mukherjee 7869443659 [email protected] Chhattisgarh B
. Agriculture)
072502752431 sujoy [email protected]; Livelihoods
Sujoy Bhattacharyya Jharkhand B
60 0943195245 [email protected] (Sustainable

61 Livelihoods (Sustainable
Rajan Kumar Mahapatra 9861162756 [email protected] Odisha A
SL. No Name Contact No. E-Mail id State Grade Theme
62 Madhabananda Ray Livelihoods (Sustainable
8134911329 [email protected] Assam A
63 Soumik Banerjee Livelihoods (Sustainable
8294062742 [email protected] Jharkhand A
64 Rajendra Singh Livelihoods (Sustainable
9414213718 [email protected] Rajasthan A
65 Aswini Bhattacharjya Livelihoods (Sustainable
9706028477 aswinib [email protected] Assam B
Agricu Iture)
66 Ravindranath Reddy Livelihoods (Sustainable
9663218488 ravindra082I @gmail:Com Kamataka B
67 9907414085, Livelihoods (Sustainable
Rishi Narayan Singh [email protected] Uttar Pradesh B
9451424016 Agricu lture)
9830807100, Livelihoods (Sustainable
68 Saikat Pal [email protected] West Bengal B
9433234734 Agriculture)
69 Ranjita Bezbaruah Sharma Livelihoods (Sustainable
9435019659 [email protected] Assam B
70 Kanchan K. Bhowmik Livelihoods (Sustainable
9153256780 kanchanbhowmikO [email protected] West Bengal B
71 Anis Mohammad 9166466794 anis _ [email protected] Rajasthan B Agricu Iture(Organic
72 Sushanta Nayak 9437506106 sushanta [email protected] Odisha B Agricu Iture(Organ ic
Sustainable Agriculture
73 Devendra Kumar Kurrey 9407658117 [email protected] Chhattisgarh B (Organic
940148763/ Sustainable
74 Abdul Mannan Choudhary [email protected] Assam B Agriculture(Organic
75 Purushottam Dhakar 851 I 104429 [email protected] Madhya Pradesh B Agriculture(Organic
76 Anupam Bharti 8757679149 [email protected] Jharkhand B Agriculture( Organ ic
Dr Anwar Hussain 8761860515, Sustainable Agriculture
77 anwarl [email protected] Assam B
Hazarika 9859633769 (Livestock)
9 I99886424. & Sustainable Agriculture
78 Om Prakash Singh [email protected] Jharkhand B
7292870044 (Livestock)
79 Doladobinda Panda Sustainable Agriculture
[email protected] Odisha B (Fishery)
80 Abhijit Goswami 9158433555 Sustainable Agriculture(Value
[email protected] Andhra Pradesh B
81 9727006296,
Pramod Kumar Sahu 8249713612 [email protected] Gujarat A Livelihoods (Organic Farming)
Sl. No Name Contact No. E-Mail id State Grade Theme
82 7909005651,
Sandip Nandi [email protected] West Bengal B Livelihoods (Organic Farming)
83 Shylaja R. Rao 9745519975 [email protected] Kerala B Livelihoods (Organic Farming)
Dr. layprakash laykumar
84 9511858669 [email protected] Maharashtra A Livelihoods (Organic Farming)
85 Shrikanta Mohanta 9437458133 [email protected] Odisha A Livelihoods (Organic Farming)

86 Sanjay Deshmukh 9822006586 [email protected] Maharashtra A Livelihoods (Organic Farming)

9449832154 /
87 Manoj Kumar K. K [email protected] Kamataka A Livelihoods (Organic Farming)-
88 9440901148/
N Madhu Murthy [email protected] Telangana A Livelihoods (Organic Farming)

89 S.Rajendranath Nath 9347021752 [email protected] Andhra Pradesh A Livelihoods (Organic Farming)

90 Shantaram N. Sakore 9881496501 [email protected] Maharashtra B Livelihoods (Organic Farming)

91 Vivek Vyas 8384046477 [email protected] Rajasthan B Livelihoods (Organic Farming)'

92 Parag Boruah 9706375837 [email protected] Assam B Livelihoods (Organic Farming)

93 Robens C. 1. 7760891860 [email protected] Kamataka B Livelihoods (Organic Farming)

94 Inamul Hussain Saikia [email protected] Assam C Livelihoods (Organic Farming)
95 Nitul Kalita 9707010490 [email protected] Assam C Livelihoods (Organic Farming)

96 SankarNath 9854636670 sankar.atma Assam C Livelihoods (Organic Farming)

97 Iqbal Baig 9993656065 [email protected] Madhya Pradesh C Livelihoods (Organic Farming)

98 9365255243 /
Rajeev Ranjan [email protected] New Delhi C Livelihoods (Organic Farming)
99 Dukhishyam Kar 9533073613 [email protected] Telangana B Livelihoods (Value Chain)

100 Rajendra P Agarwalla 9435049534 [email protected] Assam A Livelihoods (Value Chain)

10l 9431593545;
Dr Anil Kumar laiswal [email protected] lharkhand A Livelihoods (Value Chain)

SL. No Name Contact No. E-Mail id State Grade Theme

102 B irendra Pun 9901074979 [email protected] Nagaland A Livelihoods (Value Chain)
103 Ashwini Chandak 9975903336 [email protected] Telangana A Livelihoods (Value Chain)

104 Purushotham Rudraraju 9849437812 purushotham [email protected] Andhra Pradesh A Livelihoods (Value Chain)

105 Gautam Kumar Pradhan 9437153811 [email protected] Odisha A Livelihoods (Value Chain)

106 9938234396;
Sibabrata Choudhary [email protected] Odisha A Livelihoods (Value Chain)
107 Shiv Kumar 7032690520 [email protected] Andhra Pradesh B
, Livelihoods (Value Chain)

108 Sowmini Sunkara 9676893636 [email protected] Telangana B Livelihoods (Value Chain)

109 Sayeed Anees Rizvi 9414396716 sa_rizvi [email protected] Rajasthan B Livelihoods (Value Chain)

110 Kushankur Dey 9428479352 [email protected] Odisha B Livelihoods (Value Chain)

III Pankaj Bezbaruah 9085055215 [email protected] Assam B Livelihoods (Value Chain)

112 Sunil Kumar Nepak 9680778680 [email protected] Rajasthan B Livelihoods (Value Chain)

113 Brij Mohan Kandpal 8826208001 [email protected] Uttarakhand B Livelihoods (Value Chain)

114 N. Bhuvaneswari 9790003577 [email protected] Tamil Nadu B Livelihoods (Value Chain)

115 Joginder Ralhan 9971908306 [email protected] Uttar Pradesh B Livelihoods (Value Chain)

116 Shenoy Mathew shenoy. [email protected] Telangana B Livelihoods (Value Chain)

117 Muthuvelan K. P. 7639457772 [email protected] Tamil Nadu B Livelihoods (Value Chain)

118 Dr. S. B. Nadagouda 9731698838 [email protected] Kamataka A Livelihoods (Livestock)

119 Vikas Kunj 7319934206 [email protected] Bihar A Livelihoods (Livestock)

120 Dr. B. R. Athani 9480077891 athan [email protected] Kamataka A Livelihoods (Livestock)

121 Dr. Anil Kumar Pegu 9435014290 [email protected] Assam B Livelihoods (Livestock)
SL. No Name Contact No. E-Mail id State Grade Theme
122 9031978155,
Dr Ravindra Kumar ravindrakumar [email protected] Jharkhand B Livelihoods (Livestock)
123 9445821499,
Dr Liju V.J. [email protected] Kerala B Livelihoods ( Livestock )
124 Dr. layverdhan Tiwari 8890395577 [email protected] New Delhi Livelihoods ( Livestock ) B

125 Dr Prem Nath Singh 9990014899 [email protected] New Delhi Livelihoods ( Livestock ) B

126 Dr Puneet Kumar Bhat 9412382003 [email protected] Uttarakhand Livelihoods ( Livestock ) B

127 Cijo K Joseph 8779632651 [email protected] Maharashtra Livelihoods ( Livestock ) B

128 Perumal Vivekanandan 7708852334 [email protected] Tamil Nadu Livelihoods (Livestock)

129 Ashis Chakraborty 9199772201 [email protected] Iharkhand A Livelihoods (NTFP)

130 Md. Shamshad Alam 9431548080 [email protected] Iharkhand A Livelihoods (NTFP)

131 Arindam Dasgupta 9435321349 [email protected] Assam A Livelihoods (Non-Farm-SVEP)

132 Anup G Nair 9446363250 [email protected] Kerala A Livelihoods (Non-farm-SVEP)

133 Liby T Johson 9446515053 [email protected] Bhubaneswar A Livelihoods (Non-Farm-SVEP)

134 Neichuto Doulo 9436005350 [email protected] Kohima A Livelihoods (Non-Farm-SVEP)

135 Dr. Ananya 8902176011 [email protected] West Bengal B Livelihoods (Non-Farm-SVEP)

136 9909009753;
Chandramauli Pathak [email protected] Gujarat A Livelihoods (Non-Farm-SVEP)
137 layant G Athavale 9825934144 jga_ [email protected] Gujarat A Livelihoods (Non-Farm-SVEP)

138 Manabendra Pathak 7896962861 [email protected] Assam B Livelihoods (Non-Farm-SVEP)

139 Arghya Ghosh 9899317330 argya [email protected] West Bengal A Livelihoods (Non-Farm)
140 7355531998
Ashok Bagga Maharashtra B Livelihoods (Non-Farm)

141 K S Srikanth 9972098183/91668529 [email protected] Kamataka A Livelihoods (Non-Farm)

Sl. No Name Contact No. E-Mail id State Grade Theme

142 Chandra Shekar Rao 6303656452 [email protected]

Sanapala Andhra Pradesh B Livelihoods (Non-Farm)

143 Gautham Mazumdar 9830505876

[email protected] West Bengal B Livelihoods (Non-Farm)

144 Himmat Patel 9589050136

[email protected] Haryana B Livelihoods (Non-Farm)

145 K.Suresh Kumar 9600139869 koppinen [email protected] Andhra Pradesh, A Livelihoods (Non-Farm)

146 Kishore kumar Lodah 9830611141 kishore [email protected] West Bengal A Livelihoods (Non-Farm)

147 Mahesh Doddamane 9901975292 [email protected] Maharashtra A Livelihoods (Non-Farm)

148 9833371078,
Nikhil Damle [email protected] Maharashtra A Livelihoods (Non-Farm)
149 Pragati Gokhale 9822719618 [email protected] Maharashtra A Livelihoods (Non-Farm)

150 Prodyut Mukherjee 9560590094 [email protected] Delhi A Livelihoods (Non-Farm)

151 Ranjit Chandra 9560002522 [email protected] Andhra Pradesh A Livelihoods (Non-Farm)

152 Ruchi Prasad 9207735445 [email protected] Kerala A Livelihoods (Non-Farm)

153 S RAJAN BABU 7042343377 achiraja [email protected] Tamilnadu A Livelihoods (Non-Farm)

154 Sumit Kumar Maji 9811 105025 [email protected] Delhi A Livelihoods (Non-Farm)

155 Surendra Srivastava 9999106193 [email protected] Rajasthan A Livelihoods (Non-Farm)

156 Swami Saran Sharma 9810069637 [email protected] Haryana A Livelihoods (Non-Farm)

157 Kadali. Kalyana Kumar 9177285969 [email protected] Andhrapradesh B Livelihoods (Non-Farm)

158 9959684705,
Nilendu Mukherjee [email protected] Telangana B Livelihoods (Non-Farm)

159 Prashant Vallabh Singh 8128418633 [email protected] Gujarat B Livelihoods (Non-Farm)

160 7013015350,
Ramu Eluri [email protected] Telangana B Livelihoods (Non-Farm)
161 S. Swaminathan 9444108719 [email protected] Tamilnadu B Livelihoods (Non-Farm)
SL. No Name Contact No. E-Mail id State Grade Theme
[email protected],
162 Shipra Singh 9711315100 Delhi B Livelihoods (Non-Farm)
sh [email protected]
163 Sabhya Saachi Sharma 9999886628 [email protected] Haryana C Livelihoods (Non-Farm)

164 bravishankar [email protected],

B. Ravishankar 9849900750 Andhra Pradesh B Livelihoods (Non-Farm)
P. Mohanaiah 9908107007 [email protected] Telangana A Financial Inclusion

166 Sanjiv Mitragotri 9850836180 [email protected] Maharashtra A Financial Inclusion

167 Bidyut Kumar Basu [email protected] West Bengal A Financial Inclusion
168 Tulsi Lal Bhaduri 9836785600 [email protected] West Bengal A Financial Inclusion

169 Rajan Babu S 7042343377 achiraja [email protected] Tamil Nadu A Financial Inclusion
170 Umakanta Mohanty ukm __
[email protected] Odisha A Financial Inclusion
171 V. Ashok Kumar 9866146641 ashokkumar. valaboj [email protected] Telangana A Financial Inclusion

172 I.Ramachandra Reddy 9849399938 [email protected] Andhra Pradesh A Financial Inclusion

173 Bhuban Mohan Patnaik 9437026714 [email protected] Odisha A Financial Inclusion

174 Dharani Dhar Mishra 7735677577 [email protected] Odisha A . Financial Inclusion

175 Dibyendu Chakraborty dchakraborty090 [email protected] West Bengal A Financial Inclusion
176 Dilip Kumar Mitra 9163313899 [email protected] West Bengal A Financial Inclusion

177 S. Sundar 9444294604 [email protected] Tamil Nadu A Financial Inclusion

178 Satya Kinkar Patra 9434519694 [email protected] West Bengal A Financial Inclusion

179 Binod Kumar Mishra 9821046281 [email protected] Maharashtra A Financial Inclusion

180 Gagan Bihari Bhuyan 7506370577 [email protected] Odisha A Financial Inclusion

181 Manoj Kumar Agarwal 9001990735 [email protected] Rajasthan A Financial Inclusion

182 Ramesh Kumar Arora +919212 153394 [email protected] Uttar Pradesh A Financial Inclusion
SL. No Name Contact No. E-Mail id State Grade Theme
ratnesh _ [email protected];
183 Ratnesh 9873021511 New Delhi A Financial Inclusion ."
184 Shalab KumarShrivastava 7209015729 [email protected] Jharkhand A Financial Inclusion

185 Y V Raghunatha Reddy 9849912711 [email protected] Kamataka A Financial Inclusion

186 . Vineeth Kumar Mathur 9177374545 [email protected] Telangana A Financial Inclusion

187 Dixit Khanderao Baburao 9420540891 [email protected] Maharashtra B Financial Inclusion

188 Pankaj Pandey 8349901209 [email protected] Madhya Pradesh B Financial Inclusion

189 Shubhankar Iha 9998337839 [email protected] Gujarat B Financial Inclusion

190 Kumar Shailabh 9923115524 [email protected] Maharashtra B Financial Inclusion

191 B.Ravindranath 9060404258 [email protected] Andhra Pradesh B Financial Inclusion

192 Dr. Ajit Kumar [email protected] Bihar B Financial Inclusion
193 Phani Priya Nandula 9890530072 [email protected] Telangana B Financial Inclusion

8058 662 444;

194 Agyeya Tripathi [email protected] Uttar Pradesh B Financial Inclusion
195 Chenio Lotha 7005057971 [email protected] Naga1and B Financial Inclusion

196 Rony Banerjee 9973156169 [email protected] Bihar B Financial Inclusion

[email protected]
197 Dr. Archana Singh 02027204040(0), Maharashtra B Financial Inclusion
198 Anjan Makim 9428150234 [email protected] Gujarat A Financial Inclusion

199 Om Prakash Khokher 8879781505 [email protected] Haryana A Financial Inclusion

200 Pranay Bhargava 9848748364 [email protected] Bangalore A Financial Inclusion

j itendra [email protected],
201 litendra Yadav 9650001756 Uttar Pradesh A Digital Finance
[email protected] .
202 Karthik Laxman 9910435279 [email protected] New Delhi A Digital Finance
Sl. No Name Contact No. E-Mail id State Grade Theme
203 MP Singh 9350547710 mpsinghO [email protected] Uttar Pradesh A Digital Finance
204 Neeraj Pokhariyal
[email protected] Uttarakhand B Digital Finance -
9936242433 1
205 Mr Rajeev Shukla [email protected] Uttar Pradesh B Digital Finance
206 Ishwar Singh [email protected] Uttar Pradesh A Bank Linkage

207 ANILSHARMA 9619226813 [email protected] Haryana A Bank Linkage & Digital

9350907489 [email protected]
208 Sudhakar Satapathy 8232044466 Odisha A Financial Literacy
[email protected],
209 Vijay Laxmi Sharma 8890394078 Rajasthan B Financial Literacy
sharma. vii
210 Aasha Ramesh 9845075268 [email protected] Kamataka A Gender

211 Nafisa Barot 9825326809 [email protected] Gujarat A Gender

212 Sunila Singh 9910272509 [email protected] Naw Delhi A Gender

213 P. Andal Devi 9848622829 [email protected] Telangana A Gender

214 S.V. Sreeram [email protected] Kamataka A Gender
215 Dr Archana 9893506365 [email protected] Madhya Pradesh A Gender

216 P.Prashanti 7032904065 [email protected] Telangana B Gender

[email protected],
217 Sneha Manjari Mishra 9437017967 Odisha B Gender
[email protected]
218 Jaya Bisht 9452840845 [email protected] Uttar Pradesh B Gender
[email protected]
219 Roopali Dutta Mohapatra 8809227799 Odisha B Gender
roopal [email protected]
220 Sarbani Bose 9934564909 [email protected] Jharkhand B Gender

221 Gyan Prasad Sharma 9801307413 gyan9 [email protected] Jharkhand B Gender

222 D. Rajeswar 9810831113 [email protected] New Delhi A Social Inclusion

Sl. No Name Contact No. E-Mail id State Grade Theme
223 Deepa Rajkamal

9047 126 127 ceotn [email protected] tamilnadu B Social Inclusion
224 G. Yadaiah 9059112105 [email protected] Telangana B Social Inclusion

225 G. Aruna 9959881406 [email protected] Andhra Pradesh B Food Nutrition Health &
226 Meeta laruhar 8809854073 [email protected] lharkhand A Food Nutrition Health &
227 Deepa Kamath 9972034247 [email protected] Kerala A Food Nutrition Health &
228 K Surekha 9849307209 [email protected] Telangana A Food Nutrition Health &
9825599451 ;
229 Srnruti Desai [email protected] Gujarat B Food Nutrition Health &
230 Yogendra Singh yogendra [email protected] Madhya Pradesh B Food Nutrition Health &
231 Dr. Shilpi Das 9311336305 [email protected] New Delhi B Food Nutrition Health &
232 Dr. P. R. lanci Rani 9486034723 [email protected] Tamil Nadu B Food Nutrition Health &
233 P. Sunitha 9866313060 goldcan [email protected] Telangana B Food Nutrition Health &
9490816660, [email protected],
234 S. Vishnupriya Telangana B Food Nutrition Health &
9440237971 priya [email protected]
235 Dr. Shaila Trivedi 9712242536 [email protected] Gujarat B Food Nutrition Health &
236 Ashish Kumar Singh 7905717706 ashishkumarjuly [email protected] Uttar Pradesh B Food Nutrition Health &
9651434764 WASH
237 SaradaAnna vaj hala 7702357407 [email protected] Telangana B Food Nutrition Health &
Sanjeeb Behra [email protected] ,
238 9910044906 Odisha B Food Nutrition Health &
[email protected]
239 Dr. Tapan Kumar Gope [email protected] New Delhi B Food Nutrition Health &
240 Kandimalla Padmavathi 9949883502 [email protected] Andhra Pradesh B Food Nutrition Health &
Sl. No Name Contact No. E-Mail id State Grade Theme
241 N. Srimati 9650325783 n.srimatioagmai New Delhi A Humen Resources
242 Jelani Mohammed 8884407466 [ tamilnadu B Humen Resources
25421456,25462062 Knoledge Management &
Devendra Chopra [email protected] New Delhi A
243 & Communication
244 [email protected] I Knoledge Management &
A. GuIzar 8588936163 Maharashtra A Commun ication
245 Knoledge Management &
Pallavi Jain 094250 61456 [email protected] Madhya Pradesh C
246 Knoledge Management &
Paromita Ukil 7275323450 [email protected] Uttar Pradesh A
247 G. Satyavani 9505504256 [email protected] Andhra Pradesh B Convergence
9830226400, [email protected],
248 D.K. Pal West Bengal A Convergence
249 Ritesh Kumar Sinha 8588833963 [email protected] New Delhi A Convergence

250 9566952002 &

M. R. Arulraja arulraja [email protected] tamilnadu A Convergence
25 ~ Krishn Kumar Trivedi 8959591213 [email protected] Madhya Pradesh A Convergence

252 Amulya Kumar Khandai 9437469257 [email protected] Odisha A Convergence

253 Tapan Kumar Maity 9434180878 [email protected] West Bengal B Convergence

254 Nandini Sen 8100272000 [email protected] Kamataka B Convergence

255 Devendra K. Mishra 9415524982 [email protected] Uttar Pradesh 8 Convergence

256 Asutosh Satpathy 7008574182 ashutoshsatpathy [email protected] Odisha 8 Convergence

257 [email protected];
Dr. Govind Dhaske 9819179377 Maharashtra 8 Convergence
[email protected]

258 Dr. Debabrata Lahiri 9434018178 [email protected] Assam A Thematic Studies

259 charu25I I

Ms. Charu Sheela 9891951848 Uttar Pradesh A Thematic Studies
charu. shee la@craftconsulting. in

260 Dr Gaddipati Sreedhar 9440889606 [email protected] Andhra Pradesh A Thematic Studies

Sl. No Name Contact No. E-Mail id State Grade Theme
261 Dr. V. Reddappa Reddy [email protected] and
9440044922 Andhra Pradesh A Thematic Studies

262 Dr C. P. Nagi Reddy

8978228686 /
[email protected] Telangana A Thematic Studies
263 Bisoya Loitongbam 7829700300 [email protected] Kamataka A Thematic Studies

264 Soumik Kundu 9999052114 [email protected] New Delhi B Thematic Studies

265 Sumit Kumar 9661212138 csrd [email protected] Bihar B Thematic Studies

266 Subhash Kiran Kasarapu 9493807367 [email protected] Telangana B Thematic Studies

267 Tripti Singh 9424686541 [email protected] Madhya Pradesh C Thematic Studies

Director, NRLM(RC)

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