Lesson Plan For ARTS: Learning Objectives
Lesson Plan For ARTS: Learning Objectives
Lesson Plan For ARTS: Learning Objectives
Assignment no : 5
Day/Date: Week No: 5
Topic : Paper Weaving
Learning Objectives:
Material Needed:
Set up work stations for students. Have colored construction paper strips in a basket and glue.
Starter (5 min):
Explain to students that weaving is one of the oldest art forms of the world, and while it is generally
done with yarn it can be done with other materials as well.
Draw a simple sketch of a weave pattern on the board. Explain that the threads run in two directions,
vertical and horizontal, as set onto a loom. Label the vertical threads as the warp. Label the horizontal
threads as the weft.
Tell students that they are going to create a weaving utilizing paper. It may be helpful to prepare one
ahead of time to use as an example.
The teacher will have two objects displayed on the table. One object will have a pattern design. The other will not. The teacher
will ask the students to compare and contrast the two objects. The students will realize that one object has a pattern. Then the
teacher will introduce the art concept of a pattern. A pattern is the repetition of anything such as color, shapes, lines, or numbers.
Pass around pictures of paintings that contain patterns. Give examples of some objects that have a pattern design that can be
found in their everyday lives such as clothing, paintings, numbers, soccer ball, checkerboard, lines on the road etc. Ask the
students if any patterns can be found in the classroom today. Show the students a few objects that have a pattern design and
objects that do not, and then have the students decide if it has a pattern design or not. Have the students support their answers.
After learning about patterns, the students will make paper weavings placemats out of construction paper. The student will
creatively design a paper weaving that displays some type of pattern. After all the students are finished, the teacher will laminate
the paper weaving placemat. The students will use the placemats for birthday or holiday snacks.
1. Have the students choose which colors they wish to make their pattern with and distribute the materials.
3. From the fold, measure and make cuts at one-inch intervals, being sure to leave a two-inch border.
5. Weave the construction paper strips through the slits. Weave the paper under the first slit, over the next slit, under the
next slit and so on.
Weave it fine!
Evaluation (5 minutes):