Specialist Diploma in WSH (WSHP Level C) : Competency Unit
Specialist Diploma in WSH (WSHP Level C) : Competency Unit
Specialist Diploma in WSH (WSHP Level C) : Competency Unit
(WSHP Level C)
Competency Unit
Manage Internal WSH Management
System Audit
Date: 31/01/2022
Time: 0900 hrs
Duration: 8.5 hrs
Remarks: Liaised with auditee through SMS, phone calls and email.
Main Workshop
5 Audit Scope – List down the coverage of systems, No. of plants, function
units & processes
7 Resources required (Material & Equipment) for Audit – List down Material &
- Video Recorder
- Camera
- Questionnaires
- Interview Sheets
8 Auditors selected – Roles & Responsibilities, Training & experience
Lead Auditor
- Leading an audit team.
- Conduct the opening meeting according to auditing standards.
- Analyse the results of previous audits, if any.
- Ensure audits are conducted in accordance with the requirements of Regulatory
- Organize the audit team to carry out the tasks.
- Review with the client any need for changes to the audit scope that becomes
apparent as on-site auditing activities progress.
Training & experience: 15 years of safety experience (MOM approved safety
Co Auditor
- Conduct audits in accordance with regulatory authority requirements.
- Conduct audits according to the audit itinerary.
- Discussion of audit results with lead auditor before closing meeting.
- Follow the lead auditor's instructions.
- Aid the lead auditor in presenting findings on clauses or elements audited by him at
the closing meeting.
- As this is an internal audit, the familiarity of the auditor with the company can create
biasness in the auditing process (particularly if they have completed safety audits
before and are known to staff).
1030 - 1230 Site inspection & Interview of staffs Mohamed Noh Julian
Anson Chew Josh
- Waste Storage
- Main Workshop
- Warehouse
1 Training
a Are all the employees equipped with the relevant Check training records and
trainings and required certificates to conduct their interview staffs
own task/duty?
b Are all the employees able to demonstrate their Check training records and
competency in their own task/duty? interview staffs
c Are the supervisors conducting on job training Check training records and
(OJT) for their staff? interview staffs
2 Risk Assessment
a Does all the identified hazards have additional risk Match site practice with
control measures in the risk assessment? control specified in RA.
b Are the existing control measures being Interview staffs and match site
implemented on site? practice with control specified
in RA.
c Does the RA been updated regularly when any new Check RA thoroughly.
hazard was identified?
3 Safe Work Procedures (SWPs)
a Does the SWPs cover all the job scope/task To check the SWPs
available on site? thoroughly.
b To check area of the site
Are all relevant and valid permits displayed at site?
c Were the available permit to work system (PTW) To check displayed PTWs at
implemented by authorised person? the site thoroughly.
4 Accident/Incident Investigation
(Interview of Personnel)
S/N Audit Check Item (Interview Questionnaire) Yes No Remarks
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Julian (Supervisor)
(Physical Inspection)
S/N Audit Check Item (Physical Inspection) Yes No Remarks
1 Safety Bulletin Boards
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Titan Machinery Workshop P/L
Audit date:31/01/2022
Report date: 01/02/2022
Report prepared by: Anson Chew (Co Auditor)
Report reviewed by: Lim Tik Tok (Operations Manager)
Report approved by: Gunasekaran (Director)
1. Audit Objectives:
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2. To implement recommendations which lead to a reduction in accidents and minimization
of loss potential.
3. To identify WSH management system deficiencies.
4. To determine the ability of the company’s WSH Management System to ensure the
organization meets applicable statutory, regulatory, and contractual requirements.
2. Audit Scope:
3. Audit Methodology
Document Review
Interview of Personnel
Physical Inspection
S/N Audit Element Audit Finding Type of finding Recommendation
1. Risk Assessment There were some critical Non-Conformity To be included in the RA.
work activities not
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indicated in the RA. (Use
of table saw)
2. Risk Assessment There were insufficient Area for To be included in the RA.
additional control improvement
measures included in
the RA.
3. Safe Work Procedures There were some safe Non-Conformity To be included in the SWPs.
(SWPs) work procedures not
identified in certain job
4. Safe Work Procedures Permit to work system Non-Conformity To implement corrective and
(SWPs) (PTW) for hot work preventive actions (CAPAs)
carried out was not immediately.
available at workshop.
5. Policy Some of the employees Non-Conformity Management to ensure that all
did not demonstrate employees read through the
understanding of the company’s policy.
company’s policy.
6. Training Some of the employees Non-Conformity To implement corrective and
did not have the relevant preventive actions (CAPAs)
training/certificate to immediately.
operate a task on site.
Signature Signature
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3. There were some safe work procedures To be included in the WSH Immediate
not identified in certain job scopes. SWPs. Officer(s)
Permit to work system (PTW) for hot work CA: Work temporarily WSH Immediate
carried out was not available at stopped until permit-to- Officer(s)
workshop. work has been applied and
Some of the employees did not have the CA: The employees were WSH Immediate
relevant training/certificate to operate a asked to stop their work Officer(s)
task on site. immediately.
6. PA: All employees to
submit their relevant
certificates upon joining the
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