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A. Content Standard Effect of temperature on materials

B. Performance Investigate the different changes in materials as affected by
Standard temperature
C. Learning Competency Describe changes in materials based on the effect of
4.1 Solid to liquid
4.2 Liquid to solid
4.3 Liquid to gas
4.4 Solid to gas
1. Unpacked At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to :
Competency 1. Identify the changes form of solid, liquid and gases
2. Appraise the importance of each change in the form of solid
liquid and gas
3. Discover the changes of solid, liquid and gas when material
is exposed to high temperature.


A. Topic Changing Forms of Solid, Liquid and Gas

B. Science idea Processes in which matter changes between
liquid and solid states are freezing and melting. Processes in
which matter changes between liquid and gaseous states are
vaporization, evaporation, and condensation. Processes in
which matter changes between solid and gaseous states are
sublimation and deposition.
C. Science Process Skills Observing, Identifying, describing, comparing
to be developed
D. Science Attitudes and Cooperation,curiosity and Appreciating the different object
values to be around us.
E. Material (For solid )Small piece of candles wax, big spoon, thick cloth,
candle, ceramic saucer, and matches

(For liquid) transparent drinking glass, marker and water

(For gas)
A piece of naphthalene ball, a piece of stone, 2 identical
colored saucers, a piece of cloth and a plastic spoon.
Video clips about matter
F. References Science teachers guide Grade 4.
Science (kagamitan ng mag-aaral ilokano GRADE3 (PAGE 38-44)
Gwan wail an, Koh Siew Luan,Published by Marshall Cavendish
K to 12 Curriculum guide
Lesson Guides, integrating HOTS for grade 3, pp.162-173
My pals are here! Science 3B Activity Book,pp. 36-43, 59-79
My Pals are Here! 3A Science activity book, Dr. Kwa Siew Hwa,
Goh Sao-Ee,Teo
Science and Health Teacher’37-39,50-52,63-65,94-116.

G. Other Learning Google, old lesson plan

Resources http://www.chem4kids.com/files/matter_changes.html

States of Matter and Changes of State - Science for Kids


Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

1. Drill
The Teacher will group the class into 2
The teacher will give jumbled words The students will arrange the jumbled words.

2. C I L E N P 2. PENCIL
3. E D L A N C 3. CANDLE

4. Q U I D L I 4. LIQUID
5. W R A E T 5. WATER
6. K I L M 6. MILK

7. A G S 7. GAS
8. S O M K E 8. SMOKE


Ask the pupils the following questions to

recall the idea/concept that heat affects the
temperature of the material :

1. What can you say about the

temperature of a material when heat The temperature is increases teacher!
is added to it?
Very good!

2. What can you say about the

temperature of a material when heat The temperature is decreases teacher!
is removed from it?

Very good!

3. What can you say about the

The temperature of tap water is warm because
difference in temperature of tap
it came from groundwater.
water and cold water?

Very good!


1. Motivation
I guess we can now move on to our next
topic for today. But before we proceed, I
prepared a video clip that you need to

(Video present)
States of Matter and Changes of State -
Science for Kids

Let me just ask you first. What are the things 1. Keep quiet.
that you need to do while you are watching? 2. Avoid unnecessary movements.
3. Observe and just listen.

Very good class!

Class, what is the video clip all about?

It’s all about state of matter and changes of
Very good! state.


Okay Class, Based on the video clip, what

do you think is our lesson for today? Do
you have any idea? About Solid, liquid and Gas teacher!

Very good.

Another idea. Anyone?

Teacher, The lesson for today is about
How solid, liquid and gas changes.
Very good!

If the candle wax is heated or cooled,

what do you think will happen to it?

If the water is heated, what do you think

will happen to it?

If the naphthalene ball is heated, what

will happen to it?

And if the water is cold what do you

think will happen?

This is what we will experiment on



I will divide you into 4 groups. Each group

will prepare the material you need to use in
our experiment today.

but before we proceed to our activity,

What are the standards that we need should
be following again?
Let’s follow the GROUPS. Teacher!
That’s right. Let’s follow the groups while
doing the activity.
What does the acronym GROUPS again?
Can you all give me the meaning of each

What does G mean?

Get along
What does R mean?
Respect others
What does O mean?
On task
What does U mean?
Use quiet voices
What does P mean?
What does S mean?
Stay in your group
Okay Very good!

You will perform this activity in 10 minutes.

Each group will have a leader to

demonstrate your understanding on the

Any question children?

None, Teacher.

4.Activity Proper

Each group needs to do different task.

(Experiment time )
The first group will do the experiment that
you need to discover how the solid form
change into a liquid form.
Let the pupils’ do the activity

The second group will do the experiment

that you need to discover what will Happen
when the water is exposed in the heat.

The third group will do the experiment that

you need to discover what will happen when
the naphthalene ball is exposed in the heat.

And the last group will do an experiment

that you need to discover what will happen
to water when it is cold.

After doing these activities observed it and

tell me the changes that you have noticed in The designated leader will Share his/her
each experiment. observation about the experiment.

1. Group Reporting

I’m Glad that you all performed the activity. The volunteer will go in front
Now, may I ask a volunteer reporter in one
group to share to the class the result of their When I put the little candle wax in the spoon
activity and put it on the fire, it melted and became

Very good!
When the water exposed in the heat the
formed change and there is a smoke came out
in the water. So from liquid turns into gas.
Very well said!

Very good children.

You may now take your seat.

2. Discussion

Class, what do you observed from the Teacher! We observed that when a solid
activity that we’ve done? material is heated by fire it will dissolve and it
will form as a liquid and produce smoke which
we call gas.

Very good! Any other answer or observation We also noticed that when the water is heated
from our experiment? or boiled there is a smoke coming out and the
water inside are decreases.

So what do you think is called to the smoke Its evaporation teacher!

coming out from that boiling water?

Yes. Very good!

What do you think our topic is all about? Our topic will be all about changing forms of
solid, liquid and gas

That’s right.
I will show you more pictures so you can
better understand our topic

(the pupils are Listening)

Changing forms of matter is

When a substance goes from one state of
matter, solid, liquid or gas to another state
of matter, the process is a change of state.
Some rather interesting things occur during
this process.

to a

There is a special temperature for every It will melt, teacher!
substance called the melting point. When a
solid reaches the temperature of its melting
point, it can become a liquid.
For water, the temperature needs to be a
little over zero degrees Celsius (0oC) for you
to melt.
Melting is the transition between solid to Yes, teacher!
liquid state.
Is the transition between solid to liquid,
For example, when margarine is put in a hot teacher!
pan, What happens to margarine?
Another example, It’s called the melting point teacher!

Gelatin powder mixed with hot water.

From solid gelatin powder to liquid.

Understood ? Yes, teacher

What is melting again? The candle is starting to melt teacher.

What is special temperature for every

substance again?

Very good!
Yes, teacher!
Just like our first experiment right?

What happened to the candle wax again Ice is a kind of solid teacher.
when it was heated by the fire?

Okay, Very good!

- Margarine heated in a pan teacher.

Another example is an ice,
Ice is made of water right? - Ice candy teacher

What kind of phases of matter is ice?

Is it Solid, liquid or gas? - Gelatin powder mixed with hot water

Okay very good!

Can you give me some examples of solid to


Just raise your hand if you want to answer.
Great job children!

When the water put it in the freezer, it

becomes freeze so that it becomes solid.
Now we proceed to Changing form of liquid
to solid.

So based on the picture what do you think is

the reason why liquid becomes solid?

Very good that’s right!

Suppose more energy or heat is extracted

from liquid as if the liquid ice is put in the
freezer where the temperature could be 0°c It will start to freeze and become solid
or much below the liquid particles may be
slow down. They continue getting closer to
one another. If the particles lack some
energy the ice begins freezing. The Freezing is the change of state from a liquid to
transition of condition from a liquid to a solid, teacher!
solid is freezing.

For example, Ice candy teacher, when ice candy put it in the
Gelatin mixed with hot water, freezer, it become freeze so it will also
If you put gelatin mixed with water in the become solid
refrigerator what will happen to it?

What is freezing again? - Gelatin mixed with hot water and

placed inside the refrigerator.
Very good!
- Ice cream that put in the freezer
Can you give me more example of liquid to teacher!
solid? Any volunteer?
- From water to Ice cubes!
Very good!

What else?
None, teacher!

All your answers are correct.

Very good children!

Is there any question? The naphthalene ball creates bad odor and
dark smokes, teacher!

And the next is Solid to gas.

It’s called gas that evaporate to the air
Based on our experiment a while ago what
do you observed or noticed when the
naphthalene ball is heated?

What do you think is called to that bad odor

and dark smokes?

Very good!

For certain situations, small particles found

for solid state, such as ball of naphthalene,
are converted directly into gaseous form. It
is only possible if the solid surface particles
obtain ample energy to form a gas. Particles
in a solid do not move into the liquid state
during sublimation, because they contain
gas. As a solid material sublimates into a
gas, its particles’ freedom of movement
increases. In the case of naphthalene balls,
the material solid disappears; however, its
odor can be smelled in the air.
Sublimation The conversion from solid to
gaseous phase without changing first to the
liquid phase.

Deposition is the process by which

molecules go directly from the gas phase
into the solid phase. Deposition chemistry
occurs when molecules settle out of the gas
phase and into the solid phase.

Is The process of changing solid into gas

What is sublimation again? without passing the liquid phase.

is the process by which molecules go directly

How about Deposition? from the gas phase into the solid phase

Very good!


It’s like a tiny bubbles that floating upward

Evaporation (Liquid to Gas)

What can say about the picture?

I noticed that as the water is boils, it is also

decreases, teacher!

The water evaporated.

Yes, you’re right.

Do you remember the last experiment that

we’ve done a while ago? What happen to
the water when heated? When water changes from a liquid to a gas or
vapor, teacher!
What do you think will happen or where did
that water go?

- The smoke coming out of a hot cup of

Yes, because Evaporation is When water tea or coffee
changes from a liquid to a gas or vapor.
- Hanging wet clothes under the sun

What is evaporation again ?

Very good!

Can you give me 2 example of evaporation?

Very good, class! is When water vapor in the air changes into
liquid water.
Next is
 Condensation is When water vapor in the air
changes into liquid water.
The pupils will do so.

What is condensation again?

Very good class.

May we all stand and do the power clap.

1. Generalization

What is our topic again? Our topic is all about Changing forms of solid,
liquid and gases.

What happens to the candle wax when The candle wax is solid form, but when heat is
heated or when heat is added? added, it melts.

What is melting? Is the transition between solid to liquid,


Can you give me 2 example of solid to liquid? - Margarine heated in a pan teacher.
- Water put it in the freezer

What is freezing? Change State from liquid to solid

Can you give me 2 examples of liquid to - Gelatin mixed with hot water and
solid? placed inside the refrigerator.
- From water to Ice cubes

What is sublimation again? Is The process of changing solid into gas

without passing the liquid phase.

What happen to the water when heated? The amount or level of water is decreases.

What is the effect of heat on the water? Heat causes water to evaporate into water

What is evaporation again? Evaporation is When water changes from a

liquid to a gas or vapor.

If you want your wet clothes to dry
quickly, where should you hang them? Clothes dry much quicker in the warm sunshine
Why? because the water is evaporated.

How does cooking cause a change of

state? When you cook a liquid it becomes a solid, like
when a raw egg becomes a scrambled egg.
Where else can we observe melting,
freezing and evaporation around the When you walk outside on a cold day, you can
house or in our daily lives? see your breath as you exhale.


Direction: Read the following items encircle

the letter of the correct answer.

1. When does sublimation occur? When


a. solid transform into gas

b. solid transform into liquid
c. liquid transform into gas
d. None of the above

2. It is a change of state from solid to


a. Evaporation
b. Melting
c. Boiling
d. freezing

3. It is a change of state from a liquid to

a gas

a. Melting
b. Evaporation
c. Boiling
d. freezing

4. the change of state from a liquid to


a. boiling
b. freezing
c. evaporation
d. melting

5. LPG is a kind of?

a. Solid
b. Liquid
c. Gas
d. None of the above

6. Ice is a kind of?

a. Gas
b. Liquid
c. Solid
d. All of the above

7. Margarine heated in a pan

a. Solid to liquid
b. Liquid to gas
c. Liquid to solid
d. Solid to gas

8. Gelatine mixed with hot water and

placed inside the refrigerator.

a. Solid to liquid
b. Liquid to solid
c. Liquid to gas
d. Solid to gas

9. Hanging wet clothes under the sun

a. Gas to liquid
b. Solid to liquid
c. Liquid to gas
d. Solid to gas

10. From water to iced cube

a. Solid to liquid
b. Liquid to gas
c. Liquid to solid
d. All of the above

Give at least 5 each example of solid, liquid and gas that found at home.

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