Testing High-Voltage: Electrical Insulation Rotating Machinery Direct
Testing High-Voltage: Electrical Insulation Rotating Machinery Direct
Testing High-Voltage: Electrical Insulation Rotating Machinery Direct
set of insulation I.
tion can be obtained from the d-c micro- resistance curves
amperes versus d-c kilovolt curve. As an
example, let us assume two generators,
made on a new |10_
13.8-kv 115,-
one of which has four times the area of 000-kva turbo- I
I0 15 20
the other and each wound with the same generator D-. VOLIME - KY
0 4 8 12 0 10 2 30 C0 10 2
Figure 7. Capacitance of winding section Figure 8. Capacitance of winding section Figure 9. Capacitance of winding section
under test: 0.399 microfarad; winding tem- under test: 0.017 microfarad; winding tem- under test: 0.018 microfarad; winding tem-
perature 22 degrees centigrade, ambient hu- perature 23 degrees centigrade; ambient hu- perature 23 degrees centigrade; ambient hu-
midity 59 per cent; power factor 11.9 per midity 71 per cent; power factor 12 per cent. midity 71 per cent; power factor 11.2 per
cent. Wilson synchronous condenser 11 ,000 Wilson synchronous condenser 11,000 volts, cent. Wilson synchronous condenser 11,000
volts, 25,000 kva 25,000 kva volts, 25,000 kva
Records are made of the following at and watts (power factor) rectifier, utilizing the capacitance of the
the time of the stator and rotor tests 11. Rotor insulation resistance apparatus under test to smooth the wave
which generally are performed during the out when dielectric absorption is reached.
All the test data, and curves plotted from A full-wave rectifier circuit would have
annual overhaul.
the test data, are kept on file so that any
1. Station and division change in the condition of the insulation required two filament transformers and
a step-up a-c transformer of larger size.
2. Apparatus under test, serial number, mav be detected. The final design only weighs about 85
kilovolt-amperes, volts, amperes, and so
forth. to 90 pounds and is contained in one box
Test Apparatus Used by Pacific which may be transported in any auto-
3. Class of insulation Gas and Electric Company
4. Age and history of the insulation
5. Year apparatus was installed When it was established definitelv that Figure 3 shows the simplified wiring
the maximum direct voltage (2,500) ob- diagram where the main component
6. Winding temperature tainable from the small hand-driven parts are (A) variable alternating voltage
7. Humidity at time of test generator type of insulation testers was regulator, (B) step-up a-c transformer,
8. Surface and physical condition of stator not high enough to detect faulty insula- (C) rectifier tube, (D) current limiting
winding tion, which could be revealed only by a resistor, (E) high-voltage voltmeter,
9. Surface and physical condition of rotor much higher voltage, equipment was as- and (F) the microammeter used to meas-
winding sembled to obtain a higher direct voltage. ure the current through the insulation
10. Individual field coil amperes, volts, The circuit selected was a half-wave under test.
Table 1. Representative Values of Power Factor, Polarization Index, and Insulation Resistance
Age of Power Factor, Polarization Insulation Direct
Apparatus Insulation Per Cent Index* ResistanceVoltage
Generator, Station P, 115,000 kva, 13.8 kv
. . ..........160t3..................
.. 5.1
.............. 1 600 ,to 3,750 megs ....... 10,000 to 25,00
Syn. condenser, Wilson Substation, 25,000 kva ............ 25 years
11 kv #1 phase....... 7.5 ............. 3.0 825 to 1,000 .......... a,000 to 20,000
#2 phase....... 8.0 .............8. 2.3t ......... 665 to 714 ............. ,000 to 9,000
#3 phase......... ... .......... 3.6 560 to 660 .............10,000 to 20, 000
Syn. condensers, Herndon Substation, 25,000 kva,..1. -6 1 years 1.8 ....... .......... 2, 100 to 3,500 ........... 10, 000 to 25, 000
12 kv #2-6 years ............. 2... ........... 7.7 2, 200 to 4, 000 ........... 10, 000 to 25, 000
#3-1 years ............. 2... ........... 6.2 2,600 to 3,800 ........... 10, 000 to 25, 000
Syn. condensers, Salinas Substation, 10,000 kva ..... #....1-26 years ......... 8..3.1
5 .... .... 1 ..4 0. 87 to 125 . . 10,000 to 23,000
11 kv #2-23 years ... 9.5 . . 1.10 ....... 160 to 500 ............. 5, 000 to 21, 000
Generator, Kilarc Power House, 1,500 kva, 2.2 kv . ......... 47 years ......... 1 .85 .. . .................... 3, 300 to 8, 000 ........... 2, 000 to 5, 000
27 megs. 5,500
Generator, West Point Power House, 16,000 kva ............. new ......8............... ......... 2.01 ......... 8 to0 300 . 10 000 to 1, 000
11.5 kv
Syn. condenser, Calif. Ave. Substation, 20,000 20 years ..... 3.5 ............. 2.6 ......... 84 to 623 .,000 to 20,000
kva, 12.5 kv
Generators, Bucks Crk. Power House, 23,000 kva .........f #-24 years ........ Phase 1-4 .0 ........2 1,500 ..... 15,000
11 kv. #2-3.2 ...... 3.3 ......... 3,900 .... 15,000
#3-3. 0... No data§ . no data .1, 500 max.
#2-24 years... Phase #1-2.8. No data§ ....... 1,930§§. 2,900 max.§§
#2-3. 0 . 5 .8. 5,000. 15,000
#3-3.0 . 1.811tt. 1,200. 15,000
Syn. condenser, Station A Stockton, 10,000 kva ............. 28 years
12 kv
......... 9.0 ............. 2. 181¶ ........ 312 to 212 megs ......... 1O,000 to 23,000
Syn. condensers, Station G, El Crrito, 15,000 kva ......... #1-29 years ...... 4...4.0 .............2 181 ........ 450 to 280 megs ......... 5, 000 to 25, 000
11 kv #2-29 years . 3.8 ............. 2.32** ....... 380 to 105 megs ......... 10,000 to 19,000
* Polarization Index at 20,000 volts d-c except
§ notenotugh readings and ** at 15,000 volts d-c
t at 9,000 volts at13,000 volts
¶ at 20,000 volts
tt at 15,000 volts; no good at 20,000 volts
$ at 15,000 volts a-c §§ failure indication at 3,000 volts d-c
Maximum Predicted A-C Puncture
Test Applied D-C D-C Kv D-C/A-C D-C/A-C
Station Number Test Kv Puncture RMS Peak RMS* Peak
Bucks Creek generator number 2; age of insulation 24 years; ... 1. 35,000 .... 38,000 ....... 17,400 .... 24,500 .... 2.18 .. 1.55
Class B 2. 34,000 ....... 36,000 . 15,300 . 21,600. 2.35. 1.66
3. 28,000 ....... 29,000 . 15,300 . 21,600 . .89 . 1.34
4. 34,000 ....... 36,000 . 22,200 . 31,400. 1.62 . 1.15
35,000 ....... 40,500 . 22,000 .
60,000 ....... 67,000 . 40,000 .
1.69 .
7. 35,000 ....... 37,500 . 28,300 . 38,500. 1.33 . 0.98
Electra Power House generator number 1; age of insulation 3 1/2. 1. 35,000 . 37,000 . 29,800 . 42,000. 1.17. 0.83
years; class B 2. 36,000 . 37,000 . 26,300 . 37,000 . 1.41 ...... 1.00
3t .. 27,000 . 28,500t . 19,000 . 28,000. 1.50. 1.02
Santa Maria syn. condenser; age of insulation 20 years; class B . ........7......... 43,000 . 49,000 . 33,300 . 47,000 . 1.47 . 1.02
Wilson syn. condenser; age of insulation 24 years; class B . ............. 3......... 31,000 . 32,500 . 21,750 . 30,650. 1.50. 1.06
4. 20,000 . 20,500 . 14,000 . 19,700. 1.47. 1.04
8. 25,000 . 29,000. 25,800 . 36,400. 1.12 . 0.80
9. 15,000 . 17,000 . 9,78 . 13,800. 1.73. 1.23
Pardee generator number 2; age of insulation 10 years; class B .... 1......... 24,000 . 28,000 . 13,500 . 18,900 . 2.15 . 1.53
(composite) 1(a) .. .16,500 . 23,100
2. 24,000. 25,000 . 14,000 . 19,600 . 1.78. 1.27
3. 25,000 . 27,500 . 14,500 . 20,300. 1.90. 1.35
4t. 25,000 ..... 25,OOO .t .10,000 . 14,100
5 $ 22,000 ..... 22,000 . 5,500 .
. 7,700
* Average 1.72, minimum 1.12, maximum 2.35.
t Insulation on coil physically damaged but not punctured.
$ Discharge or puncture at this point-insulation may have been damaged.
The first device built used a mercury as well as the insulation of rotating approximately 75 per cent of the total
vapor rectifier tube to obtain 10,000 machines. The output is limited to kilovolt-amperes of rotating machines on
volts d-c. It was soon determined that 10 microamperes at 40,000 volts; with the system. During this testing 14
10,000 volts d-c was not high enough, current ranges of 0 to 100, 0 to 1,000, machines have been found with insulation
so one was built for 20,000 volts. Tests and 0 to 10,000 microamperes. considered to be bad and on the border
showed a higher d-c test voltage would be A d-c rectifier set also was assemnbled line of possible failure at an early date.
desirable, so one was built to obtain 40,- for experimental testing up to 150 kv d-c. Some representative test data which
000 volts d-c. The voltage and current in micro- have been obtained to date are given
Figure 4 shows one of the original in- amperes are obtained during the test and now.
sulation testers assembled from miscel- the resistance is calculated in megohms
laneous equipment to obtain approxi- or the readings are plotted for graphical STATION P STEAM PLANT NEW
mately 20,000 volts d-c. Figure 5 shows analysis, as covered in a preceding section 115,000-KVA 13.8-KV GENERATOR
one of the later devices built as a complete entitled "Methods of Testing." Figure 6 shows the curves obtained
compact portable unit for 40,000 volts when this new generator was tested.
d-c. Three of these sets have been built Results of Tests The curve of micro-amperes versus d-c
to date and two more are being built. kilovolts should be noted especially.
They are used for testing insulators, The stator insulation testing to date The low current passing through the
cable bushings, and other apparatus has covered about 3,000,000 kva which is insulation resulted in the high insulation
(2) A-C PEAK BRFA3tDOWN _l~ ... sn
80 20
:a i
l M:
ZL~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IS
40 I
I x
Ir I
0 - 0 5 16 2/+
Figure 10. Capacitance of winding section Figure 11. Pardee generator number 2, East
Bay Municipal Utility District, 6.9 kv, 7,500 Figure 12. Pardee generator number 2, East
under test: 0.01 5 microfarad; winding tem- Bay Municipal Utility District, 6.9 kv, 7,500
perature 23 degrees centigrade; ambient hu- kva
midity 71 per cent; power factor 10.5 per Test made on C phase only. After the d-c test
cent. Wilson synchronous condenser 11,000 C phase was divided into two sections and an Test made on A phase only. A-c and d-c test
volts, 25,000 kva a-c breakdown made on each section made on half section of A phase winding
Bucks Creek Power House genera ..... ........38 56,000... . 59,000... . 38,000
tor number 2 9 .3. ,00 6.1. 61, 000.... 58,000
Figure 13. Kilarc Power House generator
number 2, 2.2 kv, 1,500 kva
Test on total windings to frdme. Cdpdcitdnce: resistance of 1,600 megohms at 25,000 This test was not considered a satisfactory
0.059 microFarad; winding temperature 25 volts d-c. After 30 minutes discharge, comparison for d-c/a-c ratio so the wind-
degrees centigrdde1 ambient humidity 56 per when the starting point was 25 kv d-c, ing was cut up into smaller sections.
cent; power fdctor 1.85 per cent the winding still maintained a voltage Test 2(b), Figutre 7: Direct current
of 11,000. was applied, in increments of 500 volts,
It should be noted that these curves
120 (500 Micro.Amps.) at are very unifonn up to 20 kv d-c. Test
up to 6,000 volts; when the current
18 kv D-C irtez) u e had reached 4,000 microamperes it was
0 experience and study of these curves discontinued; however, by extrapola-
.l indicate that this insulation is in very
A 8C~ ~~Cuv
good condition. They are similar to
tion of the curve the direct current
would have reached 6,000 microam-
the curves obtained on all large genera- pere.s at 7 kv d-c. This section of
4°~~~Cuv15 CZ2 tors and synchronous or static condensers the winding punctured at 6,750 alternat-
when the insulation is in good condition. ing current rms or 9,500 peak alternating
0I current.
current was 4,000 micro-amperes. The predicted value of d-c puncture, before
d-c test was discontinued and alternating d-c puncture occurred, are given in Table
ase No. 3 current applied but the kilovolt-ampere III. Tables I, II, and III give the test
capacity was not sufficient so it was values on this synchronous generator.
0 10 20 30
D.C VOLTAGE - KV decided to cut out some of the winding. PARDEE DAM
Figure 15. El Cerrito Substation, synchronous Test A-nuber 2(a): Direct current was The East Bay Municipal Utility Dis-
condenser number 2, 1 5,000 kva, 11,000 volts applied up to 4,600 volts when again it trict has two 7,500-kva 6.9-kv generators
Winding temperature 28.7 degrees centigrade; was discontinued due to excessive direct at Pardee Dam Figures 11 and 12, which
ambient humidity 35 per cent; power factor: current current of 2,800 micro-amperes. supply power to the system. They were
phase 1 3.1 per cent, phase 2 3.2 per cent, A-c failure was indicated by high kilvolt- flooded and, after dry out, number 1
phase 3 3.1 per cent amperes and by smoke at 6,625 volts. generator tested satisfactory and was
4. Phase 1
5. 31 .2................ .. 18.8 ........ 17.1 punctured ................... 1.87
6. 37 ... 37.5 ......... 22.0 .. 21.3 punctured .. 1.76
0 Phase3
7. 32.8 .. 33.5 ......... 19.7 . 17.8 punctured .. 1.88 0 10 20 30
8. 37 .. 38 ......... 22.3 . 23-kv max. 27.4 . 1 l37
23-kv max. 20.0.......... 1.75 D-C VOLTAGE -KV
9 . 34 35 .. 20.6 ........ ..
Average 1. 75
60 __ _
to 700 microamperes, when the test Generator Number 2: After dryout a Thases
was stopped on this phase. The curve
of phase 2 had an abrupt change of slope
weak spot was found in this generator
at 7,000 volts d-c. This spot was located
starting at 13,000 volts d-c, and at 16,000 and repaired and, after additional dry- B 40
volts d-c the current was 900 micro- out, the generator was tested to 10,000
amperes. volts d-c and placed on the line. It is li
64...................... ...... 10
mine the cause. Only two punctures, -apolating the curve from the point X 70......................
76 ............... 20
without warning, have occurred to date the point Z where the tangent Y is
82......................... .. ..70
when running this type of test, and the ien projected on the X axis to obtain 83 ......................... 80
action, in these cases, was similar to the ie predicted maximum service. 90.......................... .105
discharge of a condenser. D-c test discontinued.
Curve 3 is the type generally obtained UTPUT GAINED BY PLANNED
when the insulation is wet. The cur- AJAINTENANCE Alternating potential was applied and
rent rises more rapidly than it should If a machine could be operated con- the bushing failed at 68 kv rms (96-
under normal conditions and may reach a inuously without any outages a straight kv peak).
value of several milli-amperes without ne output curve would be obtained for Figure 25 gives the results of direct
puncturing the winding. The d-c curve he years of service up to replacement current applied to three 4,250-kv 72,000/
of Figure 7 is a good example of a rela- ime. This is shown on Figure 23 and 6,600-volt transformers after a bushing
tively high current passing through a he difference between the planned main- failure in transformer A at Drum Power
winding without puncturing. enance curve and the unplanned main- House. The stator of one generator also
enance curve gives the net gain to be failed during this trouble and had to be
xpected if the insulation is tested and rewound. Curves Al, B, and C give the
It would be economically desirable to 7eak spots are repaired instead of waiting comparative currents obtained on the
predict the life of a machine or insula- Dr service failures to occur. three transfonners up to 40 kv d-c.
tion to the last day of operation, before As an example the synchronous con- Curve A2 gives the results on transfomer
it required replacement, but it does not .enser stator winding at Wilson Sub- A after cleaning and reinsulating and
seem that this goal will ever be reached. tation failed four times in service before drvout.
However, it is hoped to be able to come he fifth and final one when it had to be
very close to that prediction in the future ewound. Discussion of Results
by the method proposed here or some im-
provement of this method. ESTS ON BUSHINGS AND TRANSFORMERS
. Table I gives representative v-alues of
The curves in Figure 2 are hypothetical The curves shown on Figures 24 and 23 power factor, polarization index, insula-
but have the characteristic shape of zok very similar to others shown but tion resistance, age of insulation, and the
those obtained from test data. Curve 1 hey are on bushings and transformers direct voltages applied.
represents the results we would expect to nd not on the insulation of rotating Table II gives the maximum d-c test
obtain on new insulation and, if an ac- aachines. Figure 24 gives the tests on voltage applied, the predicted d-c punc-
ceptance test on a new 12- or 13.8-kv ix condenser-type bushings rated 69 ture value, and the a-c puncture values
machine, we will assume that it would be iv by the manufacturer. Curve B obtained during tests on the machines
carried up to 50 or 60 kv d-c. After rives the maximum current and curve C at Bucks Creek, Wilson Substation,
the machine had been operated we would ,iv-es the minimum currents obtained. Pardee Dam, and on coils from Electra
expect to obtain curves like numbers tt 100 kv d-c the maximum was 9 micro- Power House and Santa Maria Substation.
2 through 5 inclusive when tested over Lmperes and the minimum was 3 micro- The ratios of d-c predicted puncture
a period of years. The maximum applied tmperes. These bushing withstood the to a-c puncture values are given.
The d-c test values are given in Table
III. The direct voltage applied and the
100 1 Figure 24 (left). Curve A is a test on
240 Micro-Amps, at 94 Ky-DC one 69-kv condenser-type bushing
Predic. D-C failue - KY
100 with faulty insulation. Curves B and 4,00
50 C represent maximum and minimum
t75 results on a group of six 69-kv con-
denser-type bushings with good insu- $ 300
l 50 CT-e A- uz
E-4 1 200
A-C Peak Breakdown /
Figure 25 (right). Tests on three
c 25 4,250-kva 72,000/6,600-volt trans- w 100
formers. Curves Al, B, and C of
Curv max. transformers A, B, and C after bushing
_t C urve C_ -pMin. failure in A. Curve A2 after cleaning,
0 reinsulating, and dryout of transformer 40
0 .-
0 25 50 75 100 0 10 20 30
- Ar
IR 100
Vo = applied voltage, kv bordering the avalanche zone current approaches nearer to avalanche
V1 = ionization starting voltage (break from will decrease the predicted breakdown
linear current), kv din/d V= mk( Vo-V)tm ' = tan a voltage.
Vo-V1 Data from one of our tests have been
Tan a expresses the rate of change of the extrapolated according to the foregoing
m =slope of the nonlinear part of the nonlinear part of the current with voltage,
current before run-away or avalanche approach to the problem, and are shown in
in this case microamperes per kilovolt. Figure 1 of the discussion. Here the d-c
R = low-voltage insulation resistance or If we choose a ratio of 10 microamperes per
specimen, megohms per 1,000 test was stopped at 29 kv with m 2.26 and
rise of 3.5 microamperes per kilovolt. Since increased for some voltage above 29 kv. where
the d-c breakdown voltage should be higher Such a further change in slope would
than the equivalent a-c, we have reason to introduce a third term in the current V2= the voltage at which the slope changes
believe that 3.5 microamperes per kilovolt is rn'=the new slope
equation so that
too low to be considered as bordering on Again assuming that 84 degrees borders
avalanche. This again indicates the likli- iict+i+ini
= the avalanche zone, the predicted break-
hood that the slope of the curve would have in, = k'( Vo -V2)m' down voltage above V2 becomes