IND110321USA6 Bayou Cat
IND110321USA6 Bayou Cat
IND110321USA6 Bayou Cat
Last Raced Pgm Horse Name (Jockey) Wgt M/E PP Start 1/4 1/2 3/4 Str Fin Odds Comments
6Oct21 9IND1 3 Bayou Cat (Prescott, Rodney) 121 L bf 3 4 11 11 11 1/2 11 1Nose 0.30* led btw,duel late,drvg
11Oct21 2IND3 5 Olympic Romp (Parker, Deshawn) 122 L bf 4 6 6 6 4Head 24 25 5.30 bid5w3/8,duel,lost nod
11Oct21 2IND2 2 Sol Del Sur (Pedroza, Jr., Marcelino) 118 L b 2 3 41 4Head 6 31/2 33 6.50 inside,sted1/4,no bid
11Oct21 2IND1 1 Don'tshowweakness (Esquivel, Emmanuel) 124 L b 1 2 21/2 21/2 21/2 41 1/2 43/4 8.60 inside,faded stretch
12Jun21 3CD5 6 Major Attraction (Riquelme, Jose) 122 L 5 5 51 1/2 51 51/2 51 52 33.50 4path,faded stretch
7Oct21 4IND4 7 Markitoff (Rodriguez, Angel) 122 L f 6 1 31 31 31/2 6 6 15.70 stalked3p,faded strtch
Winner: Bayou Cat, Bay Gelding, by Turbo Compressor out of Jennys Royalpurple, by Bluegrass Cat. Foaled Apr 11, 2017 in Indiana.
Breeder: Cathi Diane Jones
Owner: Cathi Jones
Trainer: Eggleston, Tim
Claiming Prices: 5 - Olympic Romp: $25,000; 1 - Don'tshowweakness: $25,000; 6 - Major Attraction: $25,000; 7 - Markitoff: $25,000;
Trainers: 3 - Eggleston, Tim; 5 - Van Berg, Thomas; 2 - Garcia, Genaro; 1 - Contreras, Cipriano; 6 - Garcia, Israel; 7 - Cash, Norman
Owners: 3 -Cathi Jones; 5 - Grit to Glory Racing, LLC; 2 - Southwest Racing Stables Inc.; 1 - Contreras Stable, Inc. and Trostrud Jr., Earl J.; 6 - Clary
Rose, Inc.; 7 - Cash, Norman L. and Cash, Lola;
BAYOU CAT led early between foes, was challenged at the eighth pole, dueled late and lasted under steady urging. OLYMPIC ROMP trailed early, bid five
wide at the three-eighths pole, dueled through the stretch and lost the nod. SOL DEL SUR raced inside, was steadied at the quarter pole, then had no late
bid. DON'TSHOWWEAKNESS raced inside, then faded in the stretch. MAJOR ATTRACTION raced in the four path, then faded in the stretch. MARKITOFF
stalked the pace in the three path before fading in the stretch.