First Quarter Assessment: Ax by C y MX B X y
First Quarter Assessment: Ax by C y MX B X y
First Quarter Assessment: Ax by C y MX B X y
Content Performance
Standards Standards MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCIES (MELCS) Duration Date Name of Writer Evaluator/
/School Validator
The learner… The learner… The learner…
demonstrates is able to factors completely different types of polynomials (polynomials with
Aug 24,25,26
understanding formulate real- common monomial factor, difference of two squares, sum and difference of two Week 1-2
of key life problems cubes, perfect square trinomials, and general trinomials). Sep 1,2,3,4
concepts of involving factors solves problems involving factors of polynomials.
factors of of polynomials, illustrates rational algebraic expressions. Week 3
Sep 7,8,9,10
polynomials, rational simplifies rational algebraic expressions.
rational algebraic performs operations on rational algebraic expressions. Week 4 Sep 11,14,15,
algebraic expressions, solves problems involving rational algebraic expressions. 16
expressions, linear equations illustrates the rectangular coordinate system and its uses.
Sep 17,18,21,
linear and inequalities illustrates linear equations in two variables. Week 5
equations and in two variables, Illustrates and finds the slope of a line given two points, equation, and graph.
inequalities in systems of linear writes the linear equation ax by c in the form y mx b and vice versa.
two variables, equations and graphs a linear equation given (a) any two points; (b) the x – and y – Week 6 Sep 23,24,25,
systems of inequalities in intercepts; (c) the slope and a point on the line. 28
describes the graph of a linear equation in terms of its intercepts and slope.
linear two variables
equations and and linear finds the equation of a line given (a) two points; (b) the slope and a point;
Sep 29,30
inequalities in functions, and (c) the slope and its intercepts. Week 7
Oct 1,2
solves problems involving linear equations in two variables.
two variables solve these
illustrates a system of linear equations in two variables.
and linear problems
graphs a system of linear equations in two variables.
functions. accurately using Oct 5,6,7,8
categorizes when a given system of linear equations in two variables has Week 8
a variety of
graphs that are parallel, intersecting, and coinciding.
solves problems involving systems of linear equations in two variables by Week 9 Oct 9,12,13,
(a) graphing; (b) substitution; (c) elimination. 14
First Quarter Assessment Oct 15-16 Aug 31 Holiday
Standards Standards Duration Date Name of Writer Evaluator/
/School Validator
The learner… The learner… The learner…
demonstrates is able to differentiates linear inequalities in two variables from linear equations in
key concepts formulate and two variables. Week 1
Oct 19,20,21,
of linear solve accurately illustrates and graphs linear inequalities in two variables. 22
inequalities in real-life problems solves problems involving linear inequalities in two variables.
two variables, involving linear solves problems involving systems of linear inequalities in two variables. Week 2 Oct 23,26,27,
systems of inequalities in two 28
linear variables, systems illustrates a relation and a function.
Oct 29,30
inequalities in of linear verifies if a given relation is a function. Week 3 Nov 3,4
two variables inequalities in two determines dependent and independent variables.
and linear variables, and finds the domain and range of a function.
functions. linear functions. graphs and illustrates a linear function and its (a) domain; (b) range; (c) Week 4 Nov 5,6,9,10
table of values; (d) intercepts; and (e) slope.
solves problems involving linear functions. Week 5 Nov 11,12,13,
demonstrates is able to determines the relationship between the hypothesis and the conclusion of
understanding communicate an if- then statement. Week 6 Nov 17,18,19,
of key mathematical transforms a statement into an equivalent if-then statement. 20
concepts of thinking with determines the inverse, converse, and contrapositive of an if-then Week 7
Nov 23,24,25
logic and coherence and statement.
reasoning. clarity in illustrates the equivalences of: (a) the statement and its contrapositive; Week 8 Nov 26,27,
formulating and and (b) the converse and inverse of a statement. Dec 1,2
analyzing uses inductive or deductive reasoning in an argument. Week 9
Dec 3,4,7,9
arguments writes a proof (both direct and indirect).
SECOND QUARTER EXAMINATION Dec 10-11 Nov 2, 30, Dec 8 - Holiday