DIY Linear Actuator: Step 1: Materials and Tools
DIY Linear Actuator: Step 1: Materials and Tools
DIY Linear Actuator: Step 1: Materials and Tools
by farmerkeith
I want a linear actuator, or maybe a series of them, to open and close ventilation openings in my greenhouse. Although I
could buy linear actuators from EBay, I decided to have a go at making my own.
My requirements were:
The actuator should be strong enough the hold the ventilator open in the presence of wind gusts
The movement needs to be about 200 mm, to give a good size opening for air ow
Limit switches to stop movement when the end of travel is reached at both ends
Daisy-chain capability so that I can have multiple actuators, one on each of several ventilation openings.
Warrning: This project involves (gentle) heating of PVC, and also the use of solvent cement (glue). These actions may
release toxic fumes. Take care to have a well ventilated work area and avoid breathing in any fumes as far as possible.
The main parts of the actuator are a small DC geared motor that directly drives a threaded rod. The push arm extends or
retracts as the threaded rod rotates. The push arm has to be stopped from rotating by the connection to the item that it is
controlling, which in my case is a hinged ventilation panel. The direction of movement of the arm is controlled by
changing the direction of the voltage on the DC motor. The speed of movement can be controlled by varying the voltage
used, either using a higher or lower voltage as required, or by the use of PWM.
330 mm M8 * 1.25 pitch threaded rod 1/8" roll pin 16mm long
Ball bearing, 21mm (OD) * 8 mm (ID) * 7 mm (width) 6 screws, M3 * 6mm long (to attach the motor to the
motor mounting bracket)
2 lengths of 15 mm PVC pressure pipe, 20mm and 330
mm long 6 at washers for M3 screws
2 saddles for 20mm PVC pressure pipe 15 wood screws, 4mm dia * 12 mm long
Motor mounting bracket 80mm wide, 40 mm * 40mm * 7 wood screws, 4 mm dia, 16 mm long
1.7mm galvanised steel
6 wood screws, 3 mm dia, 16 mm long
Bearing mounting bracket 80mm wide, 25 mm * 40 mm
* 1.7mm galvanised steel 3 nylon cable ties 2mm wide
2 micro switches actuated by lever arm with roller, SPDT Cordless drill and/or corded drill
2 microswitch mounting plates, 40mm * 20 mm * 1.7mm Small angle grinder with cut-o and grinding wheels
gal steel
Safety goggles and hearing protections
3 microswitch mounting blocks, ne grain hardwood 45
* 25 * 8 mm Tap and die for M8 * 1.25 pitch
6 pole screw terminal strip PVC priming uid and jointing glue
Hookup wire, multi-strand HSS drill bits (for metal) - 2.5 mm, 3.2mm, (3.3mm), 4mm,
(4.2mm), 6mm (drill sizes in brackets are desirable but
Heat shrink tube, 2mm diameter * 300 mm not essential)
M6 hex coupler (a long M6 * 1.0mm pitch nut) (for Countersink bit (for making space for screw heads so the
alternative see Step 2) screw is ush with the surface)
M8 hex coupler (a long M8 * 1.25 mm pitch nut) Hole saws for 16mm and 22 mm holes in wood and steel.
The motor has to drive the M8 threaded rod. have that size; 6.5 mm worked OK). Be careful not to
push the drill in too far, The wider hole should only go
The motor shaft is 6mm diameter with a at machined half the length of the coupler.
onto one surface, making a "D" shaped shaft.
Carefully work the M8 tap into the end of the M6 hex
Because of small errors in alignment straightness of the coupler with the 6.5mm hole to make an M8 thread
M8 threaded rod, a exible drive coupling is required. inside it. The thread should go half way through the
My rst attempt was a rigid coupling, which worked but coupler.
created additional motor losses and movement of the
bearing. I then made a DIY exible coupling using Then I made the M5 thread for the grub screw which
essentially the same materials, which works well. It is locks the coupler to the motor shaft - see (2) in the
also possible to buy a commercially made exible image. Holding the M6 coupler in the vice with the M8
coupling, which also works well. thread down, bore a 2.5mm hole into one of the ats.
Widen the hole to 4 mm with a second drill. Make a
I will show all three couplings, for information. thread in the hole with the M5 tap.
DIY Rigid coupling (unsatisfactory) Cut the threaded rod to length (330 mm) and grind or
I bored through the M6 coupler with a 6mm drill so that le o any sharp edges. Run the M8 die over both ends
the coupler slides over the motor shaft. to make sure the thread is OK. Thread the following onto
the rod in this order: 1. an M8 nut; 2. the bearing; 3.
I then made an M8 thread in one end of the coupler. The another M8 nut. Thread them on so that there is about
nished result is indicated by (1) in the image below. 15 mm of rod sticking out from the second nut. Now it
First step is to bore one end only of the coupler with a should be easy to screw the threaded rod into the M8
6.5 mm drill (the proper drill size is 6.7 mm but I did not
DIY Linear Actuator: Page 4
thread just cut into the M6 coupler. I ground a small at on the coupler so that I could bore a
hole through the coupler at right angles to the grub
Now I could do a trial assembly of the coupler. The 6mm screw hole. With the rod fully inserted into the coupler, I
hole end of the M6 coupler slips over the motor drive drilled rst a 2.5mm hole all the way through, then
shaft, and is locked in place with the M5 grup screw. The increased it to 3.0 mm.
M8 threaded rod screws into the end of the M6 coupler
(now it has an M8 thread in it). When the M8 rod is I then took the rod out of the coupler and increased the
screwed in until it is reasonably tight, wind the 2 M8 nuts hole in the coupler to 3.5mm.
with the bearing in between them back and lock the nut
closest to the coupling against the coupling, using a The roll pin I am using is nominaly 1/8 inch diameter. It
spanner. measures 3.15 mm. It is a loose t in the 3.5mm hole in
the coupler, but has to driven into the rod with a
This makes a rigid coupling betwen the motor shaft and hammer, as it is a tight t. With the rod inserted into the
the M8 threaded rod. The problem with this is that any coupler, drive the roll pin through until it is ush on the
misalignment between the two shafts will result in far side.
friction and exing . Hence I went on to make a exible
coupling. Any excess in the length of the roll pin can be ground
o .
DIY Flexible coupling
This version of the coupling is made from am M6 coupler Here is the nal assembled version.
(just like the rigid coupling). The motor drive side is the
same as the rigid coupling. On the threaded rod side, Commercial exible coupler
drive is transmitted from the coupling to the threaded This is available on Ebay for about $2.
rod by a cross-bar made from a roll pin.
6mm at one end, 8 mm at the other end, both secured
The roll pin is a good option for the cross bar, since it can by 2 grub screws. Simple to use.
be a tight t in the hole through the threaded rod, and a
loose t in the couler. The tight t in the rod means that Flexibility is provided by the spiral cut in the body, which
it won't fall out. The other option would be to use a allows it to ex if the shafts are not quite straight.
screw passing all the way through and with a nut on the
far end. There is no speci cation given about the maximum
torque or the maximum bending angle - but my guess it
I bored through the M6 coupler with a 6mm drill so that is probably quite enough for this application.
the coupler slides over the motor shaft.
1. Completed coupling
2. Original coupler
should be a tight t. It will make it a bit easier to push in enough to take the head of the M4 screws. Then put in
if the PVC is heated - but not too much. the 3 M4 screws.
Once the M8 coupler is in the PVC pipe drill three holes In case the drilling has damaged the thread, or the
at points that face every second at of the M8 coupler. screws have protruded into the thread inside the M8
First drill a 2.5mm hole, then widen it to 3.2 mm (or 3.3 coupler, run the M8 tap through the coupler a few times.
mm if you have that drill). The using the M4 tap, put a
thread into each of the three holes. Use the countersink
bit to make an indent in the plastic for each hole, just big
Step 4: Making the Base, Motor Mount and Thrust Bearing Mount
I then carefully marked positions for the 6 M3 screws Remove the 20mm saddles and pipe. This provides
that attach the motor, drilled them rst with a 2.5m drill access for installing the push arm.
bit, then 3.2mm. Some of them were slightly o so I had
Place the parts together on the base in order - push
to use a small round le to widen them a little bit.
arm,nut, bearing in its mounting bracket, nut, threaded
rod with coupling, motor in its mounting bracket.
I drilled a pattern of 4 screw holes 4mm diameter for the
screws that attach the bracket to the base, making sure
Push the coupling over the motor shaft and tighten the
none of them is under the motor, which would make it
grub screw. Then screw on the rst nut, leaving 3 or 4
di cult to use a screwdriver after the motor is
vacant threads. Slide the bearing up to the rst nut, and
assembled to the bracket.
screw the next nut up to the bearing and tighten them
With the motor attached to the motor mounting bracket
with 6 M3*6 mm screws, I then checked the alignment of
Run the motor to make sure it runs freely. Mark the
the motor with the position of the M8 threaded rod -
position for the motor mount bracket, drill pilot holes
ne. I found that I had to put a washer under the head of
and screw it to the base.
each screw, otherwise the screws went in too far and
distorted the motor casing causing it to bind.
Run the motor again. Mark the position for the bearing
Thrust bearing mount support bracket, drill pilot holes and screw it to the base.
The purpose of the thrust bearing is to transfer the force
of the push rod to the base, without putting strain on Screw the start of the push arm thread on by hand, then
the motor or the motor coupling. The motor coupling is run the motor to bring it about half way along the
designed to transfer rotational, not longitudinal force. threaded rod.
The thrust bearing mount consists of a wooden bearing Now you can re-install the 20mm pipe and secure it with
location pad sandwiched between a mounting bracket the saddles.
and a retainer plate.
The limit switches are microswitches with a lever arm When the polarity is reversed, the negative voltage
and roller at the end. The lever arm needs to be oriented reaches the motor terminal via the diode from terminal
as shown in the photos, otherwise it may catch and 1, even though the NC contact of the limit switch is
bend when the push arm reaches it. open. The positive voltage reaches the motor via the NO
contact of the OUT limit switch (terminal 5), which is in
I used scraps of the metal used for the brackets to make the operated position until the push arm reaches the
mounting plates for the switches, and scraps of wood OUT end of its travel. When the push arm passes the OUT
from the bearing pad to make mounting blocks limit switch, the switch breaks the current ow to the
between the base and the mounting plates. The motor, and its NC contact (terminal 4) transfers the drive
microswitches are attached to the mounting plates with voltage which can be used to drive another actuator in a
M2 * 12 mm screws and nuts. daisy chain.
The IN limit switch is installed up close to the bearing Subsequent actuators in the daisy chain are connected
mount (se photo at right). with terminals 1 and 6 connected to 1 and 6 of the
previous actuator, terminal 2 connected to 3 of the
The OUT limit switch is located so it detects whether the previous actuator, and terminal 5 connected to 4 of the
push arm is present or not at a point 200 mm from the IN previous actuator.
limit switch.
The roller of the OUT limit switch goes through an 8mm The diodes are needed so that the motor is stopped by
hole in the 20mm pipe, to sense whether the push arm is the limit switch when traveling in one direction, but so
present or not. the motor can drive in the opposite direction. The diodes
do not carry current most of the time, since for most of
. the travel of the push arm the limit switches are not at
their limits. However the diodes need to be capable of
. carrying the starting current of the motor.
Photos of the complete actuator, both fully closed and open, are in the introduction.
I will add some more explanation of operation in step 5 if that will help.
Congratulations for actually getting something done: like a lot of folks, I have grandiose schemes
which never see the light of day. But, I do have two suggestions for you. ONE: your choice of
motor isn't good. It's a very underpowered type for the application IMO. I'd have used a scrap
cordless drill motor: they have tremendous torque and the World is awash with free ones. TWO;
ditch those awful limit switches. Years ago I came across an ingenious idea for limiting motor
travel without a mechanical switch. I wont bore you with the details, but you have a sense resistor
and a simple op-amp feedback loop. At the travel limit, the system meets resistance and the
motor begins to stall. The current rises and the electronics turns it off. Simple-s.
Thanks clothier_bruce. Yes getting something actually completed is always a challenge, there is a
continual flow of new projects.
Choice of motor is a matter of matching speed and force requirements of the job with motor
capabilities and the available gearing. The motor I chose is performing well within its limits. I
agree that re-use of a cordless drill motor is interesting, and may be a good choice for this job. I
planned to build something similar using a cordless drill motor, but it has not hit the "today" list
yet. I suspect there are extra challenges to do with the mounting arrangements.
As for limit switches, "awful" or otherwise - I understand the principle of measuring the current
draw, which is proportional to motor torque, and using that to decide when the travel is at the
end. However this method does not allow for operation of multiple actuators in a daisy chain from
the same controller, which can be done with the limit switches. I covered this in the Instructable
and it was one of my requirements. If your requirement does not include the daisy chain
capability, then you have the choice of limit switches or current sensing. It becomes a question of
where you want the extra complexity.
Thanks again for your comment. Keith
But... how do you prevent the rotation of the innertube (pushrod) while the motor is running.
Good question Treepox. When the actuator is installed and the push arm is connected to
something (in my case, a vent window in my greenhouse), that will prevent it from rotating.
I have assumed that this would always apply.
very very nifty. Considering that actuators can be kinda costly this is a great idea. Indeed as
someone else commented it is a wormwheel design. Maybe not as fast as a true linear actuator,
but it will get the job done
Thank you very much for this comment. You reminded me of something I left out. I have now
added a new step, Performance, covering the retract and extend times with and without a load.
I think this is actually a "true linear actuator", but I think you mean a commercially made one. My
guess is that the commercial models also use a screw mechanism, although it is possible some
of them may use a rack and pinion instead.
The speed of operation is a function of the motor power and the various gearings in the setup.
You can get whatever speed of operation you need, by adjusting these factors.
and indeed, my choice of words was bad. 'true' as in commercial ones
There are commercial ones with a screw mechanism and then there are commercial ones with a
coil and magnet. The latter are rather fast and cannot be easily controlled to go, say halfway.
DIY Linear Actuator: Page 15
i agree that the wormwheel is more felxible. Not only gearboxes but also PWM, or, when using a
stepper, the stepmode, make for precise control.
I am definitely going to make one, the principle wasnt new to me, but your implementation gave
me some new ideas about material to use. Mine will be a smaller scale, probably with a 3mm
threaded rod and smaller motor. It wont need to hold much of a load
I always like ingenuity. And I like reusing things around the shop as well. Nice project. Any time
you are looking for a way to make such a thing and need it to hold a lot of force without any
feedback on the motor or gear train, use a screw thread and a gear. The screw will turn the gear
and anything attached to the gear can't feedback force on the screw. Just an idea. Good project.
I think what you just described is a worm and worm gear setup, which if so is true. A worm gear
system is the only design that, as it ages, will actually "wear in" instead of "wearing out" like other
designs, actually performing better with time. Technically speaking, a single lead Acme thread is
designated as self locking power transmission design, such that any applied compressible force
will not cause reverse rotation. I think the author's project uses a common thread single lead
screw plus gearing so the holding power would be huge I suspect.
Back in the day I used to work with electrically driven linear actuators used in medical and dental
chairs and enjoyed every minute of that. ☺
Brilliant! And so well done, too. Beyond my experience level so I learned a lot.
Thank you. I learned quite a few things by doing this project. Don't be afraid to have a go!
Nice !!!!
Thank you.
Finally, a great use for an old cordless drill motor assembly: added bonus, a clutch setting to cope
with unanticipated stoppage without damage to the drive train. ☺
Great comment, BeachsideHank. I think the practicalities may need some looking into, but in
principle a linear actuator would be a really good use for an old cordless drill beyond its use-by
date, possibly because of battery failure.