Ground Water Information Booklet: Jorhat District, Assam

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Ground Water Information Booklet

Jorhat District, Assam

Central Ground Water Board

North Eastern Region
Ministry of Water Resources
August 2013

Sl Items Statistics
i) Geographical Area (in 2,851
ii) Population 10,91,295
iii) Average Annual Rainfall (mm) 1,867
i) Major physiographic units Brahmaputra plain, marshy land and low
altitude structural hills in the extreme
ii) Major drainages River Brahmaputra, Bhogdoi and
3 LAND USE (sq. km.)
i) Forest Area 219.04
ii) Net Area Sown 1202.40
iii) Total cropped area 1730.75
iv) Area sown more than once 528.35
4 MAJOR SOIL TYPES Alluvial and Flood Plains
on March 2013)
8 PREDOMINANT GEOLOGICAL Quaternary formation followed by
FORMATIONS Tertiary deposit.
i) Major water bearing formations Vast alluvial formation of river borne
ii) Pre-monsoon water level during 3.79-8.32 m bgl
iii) Post monsoon water level during 0.50-4.26 m bgl
iv) Long term water level trend in 10 Rising trend
years(1997-2007) in m/year
CGWB (as on 28.02.2013)
i) No of wells drilled 32 (18 EW, 9 OW, 1 PZ & 4 DW)
ii) Depth range in meters 69 to 288
iii) Discharge in lps 4.16 to 58.61

iv) Transmissivity(m2/day) 0.86 to 5672
i) Presence of chemical constituents more than EC: 136 to 1,653 micromhos/cm at 25°C
permissible limit (i.e. EC, F, Fe, As) ( Mariani )
F: 0.37 to1.49 ppm
Fe: 0.20 to 2.36 ppm
As: NA
RESOURCES (2009) in mcm
i) Annual replenishable ground water 1340.75
i) Net annual ground water draft 171.09
ii) Projected demand for domestic and 34.65
industrial use up to 2025
iii) Stage of ground water development 13%
i) Mass awareness programmes Only one Mass Awareness Programme
organized (MAP) and one Water Management
Training Programme (wmtp) were
ii) Date 14th March 2008(MAP),
15th March 2008(WMTP)
iii) Place Jorhat town
i) Projects completed by CGWB Not applicable. No such project has been
( no and amount spent) taken up.
ii) Projects under technical guidance
of CGWB(numbers)
i) Numbers of OE blocks Nil
ii)Numbers of critical blocks Nil
iii)Numbers of blocks notified
16 MAJOR GROUND WATER PROBLEMS As the district is underlain by
AND ISSUES approximately 30 to 50 meters of clayey
formation, construction of shallow tube
wells poses problems. Even for the
construction of deep tube wells in the
extreme southern parts of the district,
utmost care should be taken for selection
of sites and identification of small
alternate beds of fine sand and clay.


1.0 Introduction:

Lying on the south bank of the River Brahmaputra, Jorhat is one of the important
districts of Assam being the centre of communication for the border areas of Nagaland and
Manipur. It is bounded on the south by the Naga-Patkai range, in the west by Golaghat
district and in the south east by Wokha and Mokokchung districts of Nagaland. Sibsagar
district lies to its northeast (Plate I). The Brahmaputra River forms the northern limit of the
district, where world’s largest inland island, the Majuli is located which is also a part of the
district. The district covers an area of 2,851 sq. km. It has three Sub-divisions namely Jorhat,
Titabar and Majuli with head offices at Jorhat. The district has eight development blocks, five
revenue circles and seven towns. As per 2001 census, the total population of the district is

2.0 Climate and Rainfall

The climate of the district is classified as mesothermal wet climate with forest type of
vegetation. January is the coldest month with temperature of 6.1C. July and August are the
hottest period with average monthly temperature of about 29 C. The average relative
humidity in a year is 78.7 per cent. The average annual rainfall for last ten years from 1998 to
2007 has been computed to be 1,867.08 mm. The amount of rainfall increases from southwest
to northeast.

3.0 Geomorphologic Features and Landforms

Five geomorphological units are discernible in Jorhat district,

(i) The flood plain of the Brahmaputra River in the north
(ii) The central upland area covering younger alluvial formations
(iii) The central upland area covering older alluvial formations

(iv) The southern undulating hill area running along the Naga-Patkai range
covering the piedmont plain
(v) Structural hills.
The elevation of the flood plain area varies from 80 to 90 m while in the central
upland area it is 95 to 110 m above Mean Sea Level. The altitude of the hills in the southern
and eastern parts of the district is up to 312 m above MSL. The general trend of the hills is
NE-SW and at places to N-S.
The mighty River Brahmaputra and its important tributaries like south Dhansiri,
Bhogdoi and Kakodonga drain the district. The tributaries originate in Naga-Patkai range and
flow northward to join the Brahmaputra River almost at right angles which give rise to sub-
parallel type of drainage. These tributaries retain only meager base flow during the dry winter
months. The rivers and streams are highly meandering in nature and sudden changes in
courses of these rivers possibly due to heavy siltation and epiorogenic movements cause the
flood havocs. A total of 109 wetlands with a total area of 21 sq. km. are distributed in the
Out of the total geographical area of 2.8 lakh ha, about 1.19 lakh ha is the net cropped
area. Forest occupies significant area 0.22 lakh ha. The recent alluvial soils of recent rivers
are light grey to dark grey in colour and are confined to the flood plain area adjacent to the
Brahmaputra River and its tributaries. The older alluvial soil is sandy loam to silty and clay-
loam. It is light yellowish brown to light brown in colour. The pH is 4.5 to 6.0. Being acidic in
nature, these soils are suitable for tea plantation. The soils of the district are characterized by
organic matter and available phosphorus and low potash. The soils in the southern parts are
residual in origin, derived from the semi-consolidated rocks underlying these areas.

4.0Ground Water Scenario

4.1 Hydrogeology

The area is underlain by unconsolidated alluvial sediments of the Quaternary age,

which can be differentiated into i) Older and ii) Younger alluvium. The Older alluvium
occupies the upland areas with sediments of oxidized and relatively compact nature, while the
Younger alluvium occurs along the low-lying tracts of the area along the river courses (Plate
II). The southern part of the area, adjacent to the Naga hill range is covered by surficial

blanket of clay, belonging to Younger alluvium and probably has been derived from the
adjacent hills which are composed of the rocks of Tertiary age.
Ground water in the district occurs under water table to semi-confined conditions in
the near surface conditions and in the deeper horizon, under semi-confined to confined
conditions. Depth to water level in the water table zone varies from 0.41 to 3.07 m bgl in the
pre-monsoon period and 0.56 to 3.41 m bgl during post-monsoon period. Panel diagram
prepared based on available sub-surface data indicates that in the central parts, three to four
prolific aquifer system exist down to explored depth of 300 m(Plate III). In the vicinity of
Brahmaputra River, five to six aquifer systems with limited thickness exist within the depth
range of 400 m. In the southern parts, the aquifer system fades out due to mixing of finer
particles of sand and clay leading to decrease in thickness of aquifer system. The geometry of
the aquifer system varies widely. In the northeastern and northwestern parts, the thickness of
the aquifer increases and clear sand beds exists. Throughout the district, varied thickness of
clay beds overlying and underlying the aquifer system exist. The thickness of the clay beds
increases southwards i.e. towards Titabar where it attains a maximum thickness of 103 m.
The predominance of clay formation in the depth of 30 to 50 m poses problem in
storage of ground water in the district, however, local variation in the existence of very
limited thickness of sand beds mixed with clay performing as conduits of ground water is
also observed.
The world’s largest inland island ‘Majuli’ is located in the eastern parts of the district.
The area is very much suitable for construction of ground water abstraction structures for
discharges ranging from 100 to 300 m3/hr. Ground water occurs under water table conditions.
Water table is shallow and rests within 4 m bgl.
Central Ground Water Board has carried out exploratory drilling activities in various
hydrogeological situations by deploying appropriate drilling Rigs in Jorhat district of Assam.
The Board has drilled 18 exploratory wells in Jorhat district, out of which, three wells are
abandoned and thirteen wells are under operation. The range of drilling depth varies from
79.72 to 457.30 m bgl with the discharge of 8 to 211.44 m3/ hr. Low duty shallow TWs are
also feasible and have been constructed in the district. The yield of the tube wells varies from
30 to 35 m3/ hr and it irrigates about 3.5 ha. Hydrogeological data of exploratory wells in
Jorhat district, Assam is depicted in Table 1.

Table 1: Hydrogeological data of Exploratory wells, Jorhat district, Assam

Sl Location Depth drilled / Formation S.W.L Discharge T P Storage Geology Remarks

no constructed(m) tapped m.b.g.l M3/hr/Drawdown M2/d M/d Coefficient
1 Boisahabi 288.30 - - - - - - Alluvium Abandoned
2 Brahmingaon 457.30/225.00 72-91 3.75 211.44/6.076 5672.60 88.63 1.02x10-3 do
3 Charingia 295.80/173 60-80 2.065 211.44/2.386 3990 66.5 1.3x103 do
4 Dekagaon 292.7 Abandoned
5 Gohaingaon 300.50/169 48-60 6.481 211.44/5.628 4383 70.69 1.0x 103 do
6 Kakojan 311.77/288 88-106 6.61 205.98/5.205 5030 71.86 do
7 Kakojan(Pz) 89.72/79.72

5.0 Ground water resources

Ground Water Resource
Methodology adopted for ground water resource estimation of Jorhat District of
Assam is as per GEC 1997 Report, i.e. Ground Water Level Fluctuation and Rainfall
infiltration factor Method.

The net ground water availability estimated in the year 2009 is 1273.71mcm. The existing
gross ground water draft 171.09mcm and the stages of development are 13% only. Future
provision for domestic and Industrial use is 34.65mcm and for Irrigation use is 1093.68mcm.

Assessment unit can be categorized into 4 categories as SAFE, SEMI-CRITICAL,

CRITICAL, and OVER-EXPLOITED. In Jorhat district stage of ground water development
is 13%, which shows under the SAFE category. As long-term water level trend does not show
any major change so the whole district may be considered as SAFE.


Net Ground Water Availability = 1273.71mcm

Gross Ground Water Draft = 171.09mcm

Stage of Ground Water Development = 13%

Future provision for Domestic & Industrial Use =34.65mcm

Future Provision for Irrigation Use = 1093.68mcm

6.0 Ground Water Quality

Chemical analysis of ground water in the district carried out by Regional Chemical
Laboratory of Central Ground Water Board, depicts that ground water of the district is
potable except high iron content in scattered patches, which is a common factor in the ground
water chemistry of the state of Assam.
The content of iron varies from 0.20 to 2.36 ppm. Fluoride content in ground water in
the district is found to be within 0.37 to 1.49 ppm. The variation is very much within the
permissible limit.
The water quality is found to be well within the permissible limit for drinking,
irrigation and industrial purposes except high iron concentration in scattered patches, which
can be removed through the process of aeration before use.

7.0 Status of Ground Water Development

Ground water development in the district is still in the nascent stage, as evidenced
from the data collected from State Organization. Assam State Agricultural Department has
constructed a total of 5,083 shallow tube wells in an area of 124.59 ha and developed 14% of
ground water as on March 2005. The construction of shallow tube well down to 50 m depth
and dug well are problematic in some parts of the district due to the presence of thick blanket
of clay beds. People generally prefer to construct ponds and stores rain water, which dries up
during winter period. Though, deep tube wells are feasible in the district, construction of deep
tube wells are not common within the mass, which may be due to ignorance and as well as

requirement of high cost involvement. Ground water development has not been geared up in
the district, except in the Tea Gardens and in some industries.

8.0 Ground Water Management Strategy

The district is blessed with enormous thickness of aquifer in the central and northern
parts comprising medium to coarse sand within the explored depth of 450 m, which is mostly
capped in the upper parts by 30 to 50 m of clay beds and varied thickness of clay intercalation
in between. These water bearing formations are of moderate to high yielding nature,
depending on the nature and size of the sands. In the southern parts of the district, the
promising nature of the sediments slowly turns to be poor to very poor, due to mixing of finer
sediments and minor thickness of water bearing beds with alternate existence of clay beds. In
view of the development strategy of ground water in the district, it needs to be worked out
accordingly, considering feasibility of deep tube wells, installation of proper rig and design
aspects of deep tube wells.

9.0 Ground Water issues/problem of the area

The district even though having a rich aquifer system down to depth of 300 m
witnesses problem in the development of ground water owing chiefly to the fine to very fine
nature of the sand. Deep tube wells constructed in the area reportedly undergoes reduction in
the yield with time and in some cases, they have to be abandoned. The grain size analysis
data was collected during the drilling of exploratory wells in the study area. The results of the
analysis indicates that owing to the presence of the fine sand, significant variation occurs in
the hydraulic conductivity of the individual aquifer zones within the multi-aquifer system.
This points towards the role played by the effective grain size i.e. values in controlling the
hydraulic conductivity.
The proper placement of the slotted portion of the pipe against the aquifer zones is of
much importance in determining the overall service life of the well. It is noticed that the
presence of fines significantly reduce the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer. Care should
be taken while tapping the individual zones and the zone with K value less than 10 m/day
should be avoided. This can be done by making use of standard sieve of 0.106 mm. If less
than 10% of the representative samples of the aquifer pass through this standard sieve size, it

can be assumed that the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer zone is more than 10 m/day and
the zone may be tapped.

10.0 Recommendations
Ground water development in the district is still in nascent stage. State Organizations
like Assam State Minor Irrigation Development Corporation till 1990, Irrigation Department
and Agriculture Department have already constructed 5,083 shallow and deep tube wells till
March 2004, which are used for irrigation purposes. The draft created by these shallow and
deep tube wells is stated to be 132.16 mcm. Based on the balance resource, recommendations
is made for construction of shallow/medium duty tube wells within depth range varying from
50 to 70 m along with design aspects and numbers.
Major parts of the district is underlain by sticky clay down to 20 to 50 m with slight
variation locally, where clay matters mixes with finer sand grains towards the central and
northern parts of the district. Except the extreme southern parts merging with the Naga Hills,
feasibility of constructing shallow/ medium duty tube wells exist in the district. Block wise
pheasibility of shallow/medium duty tube wells against the resource potential are as follows.

Shallow/medium duty tube wells

East Jorhat 2467
Central Jorhat 2495
Jorhat Dev.Block 3898
Kaliapani 6866
Titabar 3243
NW Dev.Block 5293
Ujoni Majuli Block 12420
Majuli Dev. Block 16012
Total 52696

Detailed Hydrogeological surveys aided by exploratory drilling by CGWB have

revealed the existence of rich aquifer system down to depth of 300 m. The aquifer system of
the area is broadly divided into three groups.
i) 0-50 m bgl
ii) 50-200 m bgl
iii) 200-300 m bgl
In the first and the second group, granular zones constitute about 45% and 30%
respectively. The granular zones in respect of both shallow and deeper aquifers have

tendencies to become finer grained and decrease in thickness towards the southern part of the
area. A great deal of facies variations and lateral intercalations are prevalent.
Hydraulic conductivity as determined through aquifer performance tests and through
grain size analysis has enabled the categorization of the deeper aquifer into the following
Group I: Characterized by hydraulic conductivity greater than 20 m/day (in the range
of 45-65 m/day). This is characterized by greater thickness of the granular zones and is
restricted to areas adjoining the Brahmaputra River. The area is suitable for deep tube wells
with discharge of 100-200 m3/hr for draw down up to 6 m.
Group II: Characterized by hydraulic conductivity greater than 20 m/day (in the
range of 30-45 m/day). This occurs in the central portion of the district. This zone is suitable
for deep tube wells as above but with higher lifts.
Group III: Characterized by hydraulic conductivity less than 20 m/day. This area
occurs in the southern part of the district. The granular zones in this Group especially near the
Naga Hills are fine to very fine grained and their demarcation calls for employing precise
methods like electrical logging. These areas are suitable for construction of medium tube
wells up to 70 m3/hr for draw down up to 6 m.
The district has high dependence on ground water to meet the water requirement for
domestic uses. However, for irrigation purpose, the ground water development is at low key.
There exists enormous potential of ground water development to meet the requirements of the
agricultural sector.
To ensure the long service life of the production wells in the district, optimum care
should be exercised while placing the screens to tap the aquifer zones The exploration in the
study area has revealed the presence of fine to very fine sands in the prominent aquifer zones
and have profound impact upon the hydraulic conductivity of the individual aquifer zones.
The pre-monsoon depth to water level in the shallow aquifer of the area varies from
3.79 to 8.32 m bgl. The post-monsoon depth to water level ranges from 0.50 to 4.26 m bgl.
The fluctuation (pre-post monsoon) is in the range of 3.29 to 4.06 m.
Agricultural development in the district needs to be given a boost with special
emphasis on creation of irrigation schemes particularly by way of constructing 5,26,936
numbers of shallow ground water structures. Ground water development may be stepped up
for stabilizing the Rabi irrigation and also for meeting the irrigation demand during the post
Rabi period. Ground water abstraction structures that have become sick due to operational
hazards and constructional defects should be rejuvenated.


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