Pyometra in A Cat: A Clinical Case Report: November 2021
Pyometra in A Cat: A Clinical Case Report: November 2021
Pyometra in A Cat: A Clinical Case Report: November 2021
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Received: July 28, 2021 Pyometra is one of the most common reproductive problem in cat. An eleven-year-
old native cat was admitted to Teaching and Training Pet Hospital and Research Centre,
Published: August 06, 2021 Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Bangladesh, with history of
anorexia and chronic emaciation. At first, general physical examination was done then
special examination was performed. On abdominal ballottement, uterus felt harder and
Citation: Tanjila Hasan, Md. Monir Hos- enlarged than normal. Then ultrasonography examination was done where found multiple
san, Nazifa Tahsin, Md. Afzal Hossain, tubulars, radio-opaque fluid filled structures from caudal to mid abdomen. Blood analysis
AHM Musleh Uddin. Pyometra in a Cat: A showed that the level of AST, ALT, urea, creatinin increased, and PCV and Hb% decreased.
Clinical Case Report. A Review of Litera- All the findings confirmed that cat had suffering from pyometra. After confirmation, it was
ture. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 37(5)-2021. decided to do ovariohysterectomy under general anesthesia. The suture was removed
BJSTR. MS.ID.006068. after fourteen days. The cat had a complete recovery without any complication.
Keywords: Cat; Pyometra; Ultrasonography; Blood Analysis; Ovariohysterectomy
show any vaginal discharge and are more commonly systemically
Pyometra is an acute or chronic suppurative inflammation
ill because resorption of bacterial toxins from the uterine lumen
of the uterus. It is characterized by endometrial hyperplasia
into the circulation can result in endotoxaemia. Bacteremia may
with cystic dilation of endometrial glands and accumulation of
also occur. Non-specific clinical signs such as anorexia, vomiting,
a neutrophil-rich exudate in the uterine lumen. The incidence of
lethargy, loss of weight and unkempt appearance can also be
feline pyometra is still not well documented and probably under-
observed [3]. Polyuria and polydypsia do not occur as often as in
estimated because queens often don’t present with clinical signs
dogs. They were reported only in 9% of the cases [4].
[1]. No prevalence data for pyometra have so far been described in
cats, but observations of most veterinarians are that the disease is Abdominal ultrasound is the most important diagnostic tool
observed less commonly than in dogs. The most common clinical in a pyometra case. The uterine horns typically appear distended
finding in case of 75% of pyometra cases is mucopurrulent to with hypo-/ to hyperechoic fluid with or without flocculation. The
hemorrhagic vaginal discharge [2]. The clinical presentation of uterine wall often appears thickened with irregular edges and small
pyometra is similar in cats and dogs. In ‘open-cervix pyometra’ hypoechoic areas consistent with cystic changes of the endometrial
a blood stained; purulent vaginal discharge may be the only glands. The pyometra can be diffuse or segmental. Cytology of
clinical sign. Animals with ‘closed-cervix pyometra’ may not the uterine or vaginal discharge is likely to reveal degenerative
Copyright@ AHM Musleh Uddin | Biomed J Sci & Tech Res | BJSTR. MS.ID.006068. 29851
Volume 37- Issue 5 DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2021.37.006068
neutrophils and phagocytized bacteria. Leukopenia can be present opaque fluid filled structures from caudal to mid abdomen (Figure
in around 5% of the cases [4]. Treatment includes correction 1). The structures appeared distinct and separate from the intestinal
of fluid deficits, proper administration of antibiotics against loops. Ultrasonography was performed using a B mode real-time
bacterial organisms and removal of infected uterine contents. The 5MHz linear transducer. The finding of abdominal ultrasound was
other management includes surgical removal of ovary and uterus found multiple anechoic fluid filled area without foculation (Figure
(ovariohysterectomy) or use of by PGF2α [3]. The decision to try 2). Then blood sample was collected for doing routine examination
medical or surgical therapy is based on the physical status and and serum analysis.
breeding capacity of the queen.
Surgical Procedure: The cat was being laid on her back (Figure
3) and a sterile drapper was placed over her. Close monitoring of
temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, gum color, pulse strength
and depth of anesthesia was done. An incision was made in the
middle of the underside along the length of the abdomen. After
exposing the abdomen by laparotomy, the uterine and ovarian
Figure 1: Multiple tubular, radio-opaque fluid filled
blood vessels were properly secured and the ovaries, uterine
horns and uterus were completely removed. The abdominal wall
was closed with catgut (size: 1-0). The skin was then closed with
On abdominal ballottement the uterus felt harder and enlarged
cross-mattress suture pattern using silk. The sutured wound was
than normal. Lateral radiograph revealed multiple tubular, radio-
Copyright@ AHM Musleh Uddin | Biomed J Sci & Tech Res | BJSTR. MS.ID.006068. 29852
Volume 37- Issue 5 DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2021.37.006068
covered with the benzoin seal. During the entire operative period, Post-Operative Care: After surgery, antibiotic ceftriaxone
5% dextrose saline was intravenously infused. @20 mg/Kg body weight (Injection Triject vet 1gm®, SK+F
Pharmaceuticals, Bangladesh) was administered intramuscularly
daily for 7 days. Antihistaminic chlorpheneramine maleate
@1mg/ Kg body weight (Injection Astavet®, Acme Laboratories
Ltd., Bangladesh) was administered intramuscularly daily for 7
days. Analgesic (Injection meloxicam @40 mg/Kg body weight
and Injection Melvet®, Acme Laboratories Ltd., Bangladesh) was
administered subcutaneously daily for 5 days for pain management.
The patient was kept in clean squeeze cage and observed for 7 days.
No complication was noted, and the bitch recovered uneventfully.
On the 14th day, the suture was removed, and it was noticed that the
surgical site was healed completely (Figures 4-9).
Copyright@ AHM Musleh Uddin | Biomed J Sci & Tech Res | BJSTR. MS.ID.006068. 29853
Volume 37- Issue 5 DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2021.37.006068
Results Reference value
Total RBC 4 5-10
Total WBC 3.5 5.5-19.5
PCV (%) 19 29-45
Hb (%) 4.5 9.8-15.4
MCV (fl) 59 41-54
MCH (pg) 18 13-17
MCHC (%) 37 31-36
Neutrophil (%) 80 35-75
Figure 8: Application of benzoin seal.
Lymphocyte (%) 20 27-36
Monocyte (%) 2 0-5
Basophil 0 0-1
Eosinophil (%) 1 0-4
Biochemical Parameters
AST 36 7-38
ALT 99 25-97
Urea 41 19-34
Creatinine 3.8 0.9–2.2
Copyright@ AHM Musleh Uddin | Biomed J Sci & Tech Res | BJSTR. MS.ID.006068. 29854
Volume 37- Issue 5 DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2021.37.006068
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Copyright@ AHM Musleh Uddin | Biomed J Sci & Tech Res | BJSTR. MS.ID.006068. 29856