3004 Home Office and Branches
3004 Home Office and Branches
3004 Home Office and Branches
Agencies and branches are established to decentralize flows are also not acceptable for general purposes.
operations or to expand into new markets. Agencies are These two different sets of financial statements are
simple extensions of the home office; branches, internal to each of the reporting entities, combined
generally, are with regulated autonomy to operate as financial statements must be prepared for the combined
an independent entity. entities (taken as one and the same) to meet the
requirements of general-purpose statements.
Because agencies do not maintain its own set of
accounting records, all its transactions are recorded in A branch and its home office represent two accounting
the books of the home office. If the home office would systems but just one accounting and reporting entity.
like to determine viabilities of the agencies, real and All entries in the accounting records of the branch are
nominal accounts for the agency are identified in the also entered, at least in summary form, in the
home office books to facilitate such determination. accounting records of the home office. The records of
Otherwise, the agency items are merged without the home office and the branch are linked by two
identification with those of the home office. reciprocal accounts; the Home Office Equity account in
the books of the Branch and the Investment in Branch
The branch has its own complete set of accounting account in the books of the Home Office. Because they
records, therefore all its transactions, including those are reciprocal, it means that the two accounts always
with the home office, are recorded in its books. It also have the same balance although the Investment in
presents its own set of financial statements: the income Branch is a debit account (as an asset in the books of
statement, the balance sheet, and the statement of the Home Office) and the Home Office is a credit
cash flows. But because the branch is but a part of the account (as an equity item in the books of the branch).
home office, therefore, these set of financial statements The two accounts frequently show different balances on
are not acceptable for general purposes. And since the a temporary basis due to errors and items in transit. A
home office is just also a part of the whole organization, very important aspect of the study of home office and
its own set of financial statements: the income branches is the reconciliation of the reciprocal balances.
statement, the balance sheet and the statement of cash
Note: The adjusting entry to reflect the true net income or loss of the branch
from the standpoint of the home office is always favorable and only relevant
when billing policy is above cost:
Detailed computation of realized allowance for 2. Adjust some items in the cost of sales section of the
overvaluation thru sales by the branch to outsiders during branch income statement to their true costs (as a
the period: consequence of the billing policy not equal to cost).
Billed Cost Price Mark-up on
Price Cost The working paper adjustment/elimination entries are as
Branch Beg Invty xx xx xx follows:
(from HO)) a. Billed at Cost b. Billed above cost
Current shipments xx xx xx HO Equity x HO Equity x
(from HO Investment in Branch x Investment in Branch x
Branch End Invty (xx) (xx) (xx) Accounts Payable x Accounts Payable x
(from HO) Accounts Receivable x Accounts Receivable x
Cost of Goods Sold xx xx xx Shipment to Branch x Shipment to Branch x
Shipment from Allowance for Ovrvltn x
Cost = Billed Price/100% + % mark-up on cost = Mark-up Home Office x Shipment from HO x
on cost/% mark-up on cost. The amount of allowance None Allownce for Ovrvltn x
considered realized will be the allowance carried by the Branch Beg Invty x
cost of goods sold. None Br Ending Invty (I/S) x
Branch End Invty (B/S) x
There are two pricing methods generally used by the home
office in billing the branch for merchandise transfers: When a company is composed of a home office and more
1. Billed at cost – the merchandise is transferred at cost, than one branch, the home office records include a
thus when the branch sells the merchandise, the entire separate investment in branch account and a separate
gross margin is included in the branch net income. allowance for overvaluation account for each branch.
2. Billed at cost plus markup – the merchandise is Separate worksheet adjustments are made for each
transferred at an amount between cost and the selling branch.
price. This intermediate pricing method allocates part
of the gross margin to the branch and the remainder When assets are transferred from one branch to another
to the home office. branch, the home office account on each branch’s records
are used to record the transfers. (Inter-branch receivables
Working paper adjustments and eliminations must be and payables are not created.) In essence, the transferring
determined in order to: branch reverses the entry to record the transfer from the
1. Eliminate inter-company balances from the combined home office and the receiving branch enters a transfer as if
statements to avoid redundancy, and it comes from the home office.
- done -
Problem 1 (Branch was billed at cost) from the home office (there was no beginning
ROUNDHEAD CORPORATION, which prepares financial inventory).
reports at the end of the calendar year, established a
branch on March 1, 2020 in Malolos City. The following
1. Prepare journal entries in the books of the home office
transactions occurred during the formation of the branch
and in the books of the branch office for the above
and its operations through December 31, 2020.
1. The Home Office sent P28,672 cash to the branch to
2. Prepare closing entries in the books of the branch
begin operations.
office to close its income statement accounts.
2. The Home Office shipped inventory to the branch.
3. Prepare adjusting entry in the books of the home
Billings totaled P61,440, which was the Home Office's
office to reflect the increase or decrease in the
cost. (Both the Home Office and the Branch use a
branch's net assets resulting from the branch
periodic inventory system.)
3. On July 1, 2020,the home office paid cash of P12,288
for merchandise display equipment to be used by the Problem 2 (Branch was billed at more than cost)
branch. (As a matter of company policy, branch fixed The following transactions pertain to an ALBANY COMPANY
assets are carried on the home office books). branch's second month's operations in June, 2020:
4. The branch purchased inventory costing P44,032 from 1. The HOME OFFICE sent P14,400 cash to the BRANCH.
outside vendors on account. 2. The HOME OFFICE shipped inventory costing P64,000
5. The branch had credit sales of P87,040 and cash sales to the BRANCH at a billed price of P80,000. (This
of P35,840. billing policy was also used in May of 2020.)
6. The branch collected P45,056 of its accounts 3. BRANCH inventory purchased from outside vendors
receivable. totalled P48,000.
7. The branch paid outside vendors P28,672.. 4. BRANCH sales on account were P169,600.
8. The branch incurred selling expenses of P15,360 and 5. The HOME OFFICE allocated P3,200 in advertising
general and administrative expenses of P12,288. expense to the BRANCH.
These expenses were paid in cash when they were 6. BRANCH collections on accounts receivable were
incurred and include the expense of leasing the P72,000.
branch's facilities. 7. BRANCH operating expenses of P28,000 were
9. The home office charged the branch P2,048 for its incurred, none of which were paid at month-end.
share of insurance. 8. The BRANCH remitted P22,400 to the HOME OFFICE.
10. Depreciation expense on the display equipment 9. The BRANCH's inventory balances follows:
acquired by the home office for the branch, thru 6/01/20 6/30/20
December 31, 2020, is P1,024. Acquired from other vendors P17,600 P19,200
11. The branch remitted P10,240 cash to the home office. Acquired from HOME OFFICE 24,000 32,000
12. The branch's physical inventory on December 31, Totals P41,600 P51,200
2020 is P 33,792, of which P 25,600 was acquired
HULSEY CORPORATION has one branch office, named 1. If the adjusted balances for the BULLSTAG Home
BULLSTAG Branch. HULSEY is performing the end-of-the- Office Account and HULSEY’s Branch Account is
period reconciliation of its Branch account whose current P320,000, what unadjusted balance was listed in (1)
balance is P? and BULLSTAG’s Home Office account Hulsey’s Branch Account and (2) Bullstag’s Home
whose current balance is P?. The following items are Office Account?
unsettled at the end of the accounting period (you may a. (1) P326,560 and (2) P323,200.
assume that the item has been reflected in the accounts b. (1) P329,600 and (2) P317,280.
of the underlined entity): c. (1) P328,960 and (2) P330,240.
A. HULSEY has agreed to remove P480 of excess freight d. (1) P322,560 and (2) P320,480.
charges charged to BULLSTAG when HULSEY shipped
twice as much inventory as the branch office The SOLITARY branch of MULTIPLEX Company, at the
requested. end of its first quarter of operations, submitted the
B. BULLSTAG mailed a check for P7,040 to the Home following income statement:
Office as payment for merchandise shipments. The Sales P192,000
home office has not yet received the check. Cost of sales:
C. BULLSTAG returned defective merchandise to Shipments from home office P179,200
HULSEY. The merchandise was billed to the branch Local purchases 19,200
at P2,560 when its actual cost was P1,920. Total P198,400
D. Advertising expense attributable to the branch office Inventory at end 32,000 166,400
were paid for by HULSEY in the amount of P3,200. Gross margin on sales P 25,600
Expenses 22,400
Net income P 3,200
Shipments to the branch were billed at 140% of cost. a. CEBU BRANCH receives all its merchandise from the
The branch inventory as at September 30 amounted to HEAD OFFICE. The HEAD OFFICE bills the goods at
P32,000 of which P4,224 was locally purchased. Markup cost plus 10% mark-up. At December 31, 2020 a
on local purchases, 20% over cost. Branch expenses shipment with a billing price of P3,200 was in transit
incurred by home office amounting to P1,600 were to the BRANCH. Freight on this shipment was P160
inadvertently omitted from the branch’s income which is to be treated as part of inventory.
statement. b. December 31, 2020 inventories, excluding the
2. On September 30, the branch inventory at cost and shipment in transit was:
net income realized by the home office from the Head Office, at cost 19,200
branch operations, respectively are: Cebu Branch, at billed value
(excluding freight of P332.80) 6,656
a. P24,064 and P46,464 5. Net income of the HEAD OFFICE was
b. P20,224 and P 3,200 a. P 6,400 c. P 12,800
c. P32,000 and P35,200 b. P 9,600 d. P 14,080
d. P24,064 and P44,864
6. True income of CEBU BRANCH was
A HOME OFFICE transfers inventory to its BRANCH at a a. P 6,701 c. P 7,981
20% markup on cost. During 2020, inventory costing b. P 7,341 d. P 8,621
the HOMEOFFICE P51,200 was transferred to the
BRANCH. At year-end, the HOME OFFICE adjusted its The following data were taken from the records of
Unrealized Intercompany Inventory Profit account SWEATER CORPORATION and its BULACAN BRANCH for
downward by P11,648. The BRANCH’s year-end balance 2020:
sheet shows P3,072 of inventory acquired from the Home Office Bulacan branch
HOME OFFICE. Sales P 339,200 P100,800
3. How much is the beginning inventory of the BRANCH Inventory, Jan. 1 36,800 14,240
at cost? Purchases 262,400
a. P 9,600 c. P 1,920 Shipment to branch 67,200
b. P 11,520 d. P 10,240 Shipment from
home office 80,640
SULUAN. INC. established a BRANCH in JOLO to Inventory, Dec. 31 45,600 18,720
distribute part of the goods purchased by the HOME Expenses 122,240 32,480
OFFICE. The HOME OFFICE prices inventory shipped to In 2020, the HOME OFFICE billed the BRANCH at 120%
the BRANCH at 20% above cost. The following account of cost which was lower by 5% than last year’s.
balances were taken from the ledger maintained by the 7. The combined net income of the HOME OFFICE and
HOME OFFICE and the BRANCH: the BRANCH for 2020 was:
Suluan,Inc. Jolo, Branch a. P30,928 c. P31,904
Sales P384,000 P 134,400 b. P31,088 d. P35,888
Beginning inventory 76,800 38,400
Purchases 320,000 - BLUE MAGIC, INC. has a BRANCH in BORACAY
Shipment to branch 83,200 - established on April 1, 2020. During the year 2020, the
Shipment from home BLUE MAGIC shipped merchandise to the BRANCH at
office 99,840 billed value of P80,000 which was 25% above cost. At
Operating expenses 46,080 23,040 the end of the year, the BRANCH reported sales of
Ending inventory 62,720 30,720 P128,000, operating expenses of P60,800, and a net
income from operations of P9,600.
All of the branch inventory is acquired from the HOME 8. The true income of the BRANCH was
OFFICE. a. P 9,600 c. P 11,520
4. On the basis of these account balances, the b. P 16,000 d. P 21,120
combined net income of the HOME OFICE and the
BRANCH is: SYSTEM CORPORATION operates a number of
a. P108,800 c. P177,920 BRANCHES in Metro Manila. On June 30, 2020, its STA.
b. P 44,800 d. P 84,480 CLARA BRANCH showed a HOME OFFICE account balance
of P17,504 and the HOME OFFICE books showed a STA,
BICOL COMPANY is engaged in merchandising both at its CLARA BRANCH account balance of P16,352. The
HEAD OFFICE in MAKATI and a BRANCH in CEBU. following information may help in reconciling both
Selected accounts in the trial balances of the BICOL accounts:
COMPANY and the CEBU BRANCH at December 31, 2020 1. A P7,680 shipment charged by HOME OFFICE to STA.
follow: CLARA BRANCH was actually sent to and retained by
Debit Home Office Branch STA. INEZ BRANCH.
Inventory, January P 14,720 P 7,392 2. A P9,600 shipment, intended and charged to STO.
Branch 37,312 DOMINGO BRANCH was shipped to STA. CLARA
Purchases 121,600 BRANCH and retained by the latter.
Shipments from Home 3. A P1,280 emergency cash transfer from STA. INEZ
Office 67,200 BRANCH was not taken up in the HOME OFICE
Freight in from Home Office 3,520 books.
Sundry expenses 32,000 16,000 4. HOME OFFICE collects a STA. CLARA BRANCH
Credit accounts receivable of P2,304 and fails to notify the
Home Office 34,112 BRANCH.
Sales 99,200 89,600 5. HOME OFFICE was charged for P768 for merchandise
Shipments to Branch 64,000 returned by STA. CLARA BRANCH on June 28. The
Allow. for overvaluation of merchandise is in transit.
branch inventory – Dec. 31 7,040 6. HOME OFFICE erroneously recorded STA. CLARA
BRANCH's net income for May, 2020 at P10,416. The
Additional information: BRANCH reported a net income of P8,112.