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Neuro Guide

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NeuroGuide Help

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

8200 Bryan Diary Rd,
Suite 300
Largo, FL 33777

Contact: [email protected]
or Call 727-244-0240 for More Information

NeuroGuide Help Table of Contents 2

Table of Contents 0

Part I Getting Started 7

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 9

Intended Use ...................................................................................................................................... 12

Installations ...................................................................................................................................... 13

Key A and Key B......................................................................................................................................

Activate NeuroGuide 14

Demo Mode ...................................................................................................................................... 17

Support and Upgrades

...................................................................................................................................... 17

Supported Formats
...................................................................................................................................... 18

Help Menu ...................................................................................................................................... 18

Tutorials ...................................................................................................................................... 21

Conventional EEG .................................................................................................................................

Tutorial 22
QEEG Tutorial ................................................................................................................................. 23
EEG Collection Tutorial
................................................................................................................................. 24
EEG Surface Neurofeedback Tutorial
................................................................................................................................. 25
LORETA Neurofeedback Tutorial
................................................................................................................................. 26
BrainSurfer (BCI) Tutorial
................................................................................................................................. 27

Part II NeuroGuide 28

Automatic Clinical
Report Writer (ACR) 29

Annotation Tool ...................................................................................................................................... 36

Artifact Free Selections

...................................................................................................................................... 38

Bi-Spectral Analyses
...................................................................................................................................... 45

Bitmap Screen Capture

...................................................................................................................................... 50

Brain Performance
Index 52

BrainSurfer BCI/NFB
...................................................................................................................................... 55

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroGuide Help Table of Contents 3

Playback Mode ................................................................................................................................. 66

Symptom Check List BrainSurfer
................................................................................................................................. 66
Session Rounds ................................................................................................................................. 68
Intra-Session Progress Chart
................................................................................................................................. 69
Inter-Session Progress Chart
................................................................................................................................. 71
BrainSufer Network
Viewer 74

Burst Metrics ...................................................................................................................................... 78

Color Intensity of......................................................................................................................................

Edit Selections 80

Connectivity Suite
...................................................................................................................................... 80

Concussion Index
...................................................................................................................................... 84

Create Syptom Check

List Match 88

Database ...................................................................................................................................... 89

Digital Filters ...................................................................................................................................... 91

Discriminant Functions
...................................................................................................................................... 93

Surface 96

Dynamic Normative
FFT Databases 103

EEG Collection...................................................................................................................................... 106

Effective Connectivity
(Surface) 115

Effective Connectivity
(LORETA) 118

Event Marker ...................................................................................................................................... 121

Event Related Potentials

...................................................................................................................................... 124

Frequency Domain
Export 131

Gabor Adaptive......................................................................................................................................
Spectrogram 132

Impedance Measurements
...................................................................................................................................... 136

Import EEG File......................................................................................................................................

and Enter Age 138

Import ASCII or......................................................................................................................................

Text Files 143

Import EDF & EDF+

Files 145

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroGuide Help Table of Contents 4

(JTFA) 147

JTFA Feature Detection

...................................................................................................................................... 157

License Manager
...................................................................................................................................... 159

LORETA Key Institute

Software & Viewer 159

LORETA Coherence
and Phase Differences 166

LORETA Current
Density Z Scores 172

LORETA Export......................................................................................................................................
(ASCII Format) for Key Institute Programs 177

LORETA Export......................................................................................................................................
to Cross-Spectrum & LORETA Explorer 179

LORETA Phase......................................................................................................................................
Reset 181

Correlation Normative Database 185

LORETA Time Domain

Capture 195

Montage Creation
...................................................................................................................................... 199

Montage Selection
...................................................................................................................................... 201

Network Injury ......................................................................................................................................

Index 202

- Surface EEG 206

Symptom Check List Hypotheses and QEEG Z Scores

................................................................................................................................. 212
Session Rounds Panel
................................................................................................................................. 216
Visual and Sound.................................................................................................................................
Feedback Control 217
DVD Player Controls and Activation
................................................................................................................................. 219
Intra-Session Progress
................................................................................................................................. 221
Inter-Session Progress Charts
................................................................................................................................. 223
LORETA Z Score Neurofeedback 225

Symptom Check List Hypotheses and QEEG Z Score Tests

................................................................................................................................. 227
Session Rounds Panel_NF2
................................................................................................................................. 232
Visual and Sound.................................................................................................................................
Feedback Control_NF2 233
DVD Player Controls and Activation_NF2
................................................................................................................................. 234
Intra-Session Progress_NF2
................................................................................................................................. 235
Inter-Session Progress Charts_NF2
................................................................................................................................. 236
© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.
NeuroGuide Help Table of Contents 5

NeuroLink ...................................................................................................................................... 239

NeuroNavigator...................................................................................................................................... 243

Phase Reset - Surface

EEG 246

Polarity & Grid Color

...................................................................................................................................... 248

Re-montaging and
Use of Norms 249

Save FFT Power

Spectral Analyses in Tab Delimited Format 250

Save and Print ......................................................................................................................................

EEG Selections 252

Selecting Report
Content 254

swLORETA ...................................................................................................................................... 257

Topographic Color
Maps 259

Appendixes for......................................................................................................................................
NeuroGuide Manual 263

A: General Warnings
................................................................................................................................. 264
B: Spectral Analysis Methods
................................................................................................................................. 265
C: Warnings about Cross-Platform Data Transfers
................................................................................................................................. 269
D: Default LORETA Electrode Coordinates and T Matrix
................................................................................................................................. 269
E: University of Maryland Amplifier Characteristics
................................................................................................................................. 270
F: Normative Database
................................................................................................................................. 272
G: LORETA Normative Reference Database Z scores
................................................................................................................................. 278
H: LORETA Source Correlations
................................................................................................................................. 285
I: LORETA Coherence and Phase
................................................................................................................................. 290
J: NeuroNavigator................................................................................................................................. 291
K: Normative DB .................................................................................................................................
References 294

Part III NeuroStat 299

Step 1 - Open Demo

Lexicor NRS24 *.dat file 301

Step 2- Simultaneously
View Two Neuroguides 303

Step 3 - Create ......................................................................................................................................

NeuroGuide Analysis Files (NGA) 304

Step 4 - Compute
Individual Statistics and Select Variables 305

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroGuide Help Table of Contents 6

Step 5 - Compute
Group Statistics - Paired T-Tests 308

Step 6 - Compute
Group Statistics -NGG Files 309

Step 7 - 3 Dimensional
LORETA: Individual Statistics 311

Step 8 - 3 Dimensional
LORETA: Group Statistics 313

Appendix A: Computation
of the Auto and Cross-Spectra 315

Appendix B: Equations
and Statistics 316

Part IV NeuroBatch 319

Step #1 - Organize
the Files to be Used in the Batch Process 321

Step #2 - Use NG
Batch Analysis Window to Process the EEG Files 321

Step #3 - Repeat
Step # 2 to Process Different Montages 324

Step #4 - Individual
Statistics and NeuroStat 324

Step #5 - Group......................................................................................................................................
Statistics and NeuroStat 324

Part V Signal Generator 325

Step #1 - Launch
NeuroGuide and Open Signal Generation 328

Step #2 -Select ......................................................................................................................................

EEG Channels, Waveform and Other Options 329

Step #3 - Simulate
EEG "Spindles" using the Pulse generate option 330

Step #4- View FFT

Results 331

Step #5- Save the

signals in NeuroGuide or Lexicor Format 331

Step #6 - Example
Tutorial Replicate Gomez and Thatcher (2001) 332

Appendixes for......................................................................................................................................
Signal Generator 332

Appendix A: LORETA
................................................................................................................................. 333
Appendix B: Mathematics of Gomez and Thatcher, 2001
................................................................................................................................. 334
Appendix C: References
................................................................................................................................. 337
Index 339

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Getting Started
Manual and Tutorial
© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Part I

(All EEG Selections and/or Sine Wave Segments are for Illustrative Purposes Only)
Getting Started Manual 8

Getting Started Manual & Tutorial

Table of Contents
Introduction to NeuroGuide and the various NeuroGuide Add-ons.
Intended Use
How to Install NeuroGuide

Security Key A and Key B to Activate NeuroGuide
Demo Mode
Support and Upgrades
Supported Formats

Help Menu

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Getting Started Manual 9


NeuroGuide is an informative and comprehensive digital EEG and QEEG analysis

system. NeuroGuide provides access to modern and simple to use Microsoft windows
for automatic artifact rejection, Dynamic Lifespan Eyes Open and Eyes Closed
Reference Normative Database, covering the age from 2 months to 82 years of age (N =
727). NeuroGuide includes Re-Montaging to Average Reference or the Laplacian for
eyes open and eyes closed conditions.

NeuroGuide is designed for use with the LORETA Key Institute Source Localization
software for registration with the Talairach MRI Atlas from the Montreal Neurological
Institute. NeuroGudie provides tab delimited output files that can be imported into any
statistical package or database management system.

Joint-Time-Frequency-Analyses (JTFA) are available to explore the details of time and

frequency, including dynamic JTFA normative database analyses and instantaneous
power, coherence and phase delays.

The NeuroGuide Discriminant Functions (DIS) add on includes a Mild Head Injury
Discriminant Function and a Learning Disabilities Discriminant Function. The
discriminant functions are not intended to provide a clinical diagnosis but are only an
adjunct to other measures.

NeuroGuide Brain Performance Index (BPI) is an add on product and includes

predictive correlations between EEG and Neuropsychological function such as Block
Design, Digit Span and I.Q. and other cognitive measures. The Brain Performance Index
is a correlative research tool and is not intended to diagnose or render clinical

NeuroStat (NS) is an add on program that computes Pre-Test vs. Post-Test EEG
Comparisons, as well as, Statistical Group Comparisons.

NeuroBatch (NB) is an add on program that Automatically Processes Large Batches of

Edited EEG and Organizes EEG Data for Purposes of Group Statistics.

LORETA Normative Reference Database (LOR) is an add on program that provides 3-

Dimensional Z Scores from 2 months to 82 years of age launched from the NeuroGuide
edit window using the Key Institute Explorer Viewer.

LORETA Normative Source Correlation Database (SC) is an add on program that

provides 3-Dimensional Correlations between Regions of Interest from 2 months to 82
years of age.

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Getting Started Manual Introduction 10

LORETA Normative Coherence and Phase Database (LCP) is an add on program that
provides 3-Dimensional Correlations between Regions of Interest from 2 months to 82
years of age.

LORETA Phase Reset Normative Database (LPR) is an add on product that provides 3-
Dimensional Phase Shift Duration and Phase Lock Duration means and standard
deviations between Regions of Interest from 2 months to 82 years of age.

Connectivity Suite (CS) includes the full 171 electrode combination topographic maps
of Cross-Spectra, In-Phase Spectra, Out-of-Phase Spectra, correlation (comodulation),
coherence, Phase and Phase Reset.

Spindle or Burst Metrics include number of spindles/sec, mean amplitude of spindles,

mean duration of spindles and mean inter-spindle interval.

Scalp Surface EEG Phase Reset is part of the Connectivity Suite (CS) and is the first
derivative of the time series of straightened phase differences and includes number of
phase resets/sec, mean amplitude of phase resets, mean duration of phase resets,
mean phase locking interval and average rate of change of phase differences.

EEG Acquisition add on module (NC) designed to record EEG from different amplifiers
and is necessary for surface or LORETA Z Score neurofeedback.

Surface 1-19 Channel Z Score Neurofeedback (NF1) is a Symptom Check List based
EEG biofeedback add on module. Allows for Neurofeedback of Average Reference and
Laplacian and Linked Ears montages for absolute and relative power, power ratios,
amplitude asymmetry, coherence, phase differences, phase shift duration and phase
lock duration.

LORETA Z Score Neurofeedback (NF2) is a Symptom Check List based EEG

biofeedback add on module. Allows for Neurofeedback of 88 different Brodmann areas
for current density, amplitude asymmetry, coherence, phase differences, phase shift
duration and phase lock duration.

BrainSurfer (SURF) is a Brain-Computer-Interface (BCI) method to operantly modify the current

sources from Brodmann areas and connections between Brodmann areas (i.e., nodes and
network connections) of the EEG. BCI is a type of EEG Biofeedback or Neurofeedback
procedure in which particular EEG activity is detected and then subjects are trained to increase
the probability of EEG activity linked to a device like a computer display or robot or prosthesis.
BrainSurfer is the patient's own brain rendered by an MRI that provides real-time and
continuous feedback about the stability of nodes and connections between nodes in networks
of the brain linked to the patient's symptoms. A clinician can zoom inside of the 3-D rendered

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Getting Started Manual Introduction 11

brain to a specific node or a specific connection between nodes to increase specificity of

instrumental learning in particular Brodmann areas or functional connections between
Brodmann areas in real-time. One can view the 3-dimensional current sources inside of the
MRI volume by rotating the volume and making the rendered surface transparent. BrainSurfer
computes real-time sLORETA from the center voxel Brodmann Area Current Density, including
Surface and/or Node views. BrainSufer also computes real-time functional connectivity Z
Scores of Coherence, Phase difference, Phase Lock Duration, Phase Shift Duration between
Brodmann Areas.

Standalone Symptom Check List (SCL) is a neurofeedback protocol generator using a

patient symptom check list to link symptoms to disregulated nodes and connections
between nodes linked to symptoms. One can print and save the protocol in tab
delimited format.

NeuroGuide Signal Generator is a free educational tool distributed in the Demo at

www.appliedneuroscience.com by which basic digital signal processing of EEG can be
learned and LORETA and NeuroGuide and other programs can be tested.

Automatic Clinical Report Writer (ACR) is a "per use" add on to NeuroGuide available at
Report > Automatic Clinical Report Writer after one has has imported a valid and good
quality EEG sample, then selected artifact free EEG, preferably with > 0.90 test re-test
reliability to produce a template word document with the users company information
and icon, etc. in less than one minute, The word document template can be modified
by the user and contains all of the standard topographic maps and LORETA images
used in the past to produce clinical reports.

NeuroGuide provides tools as analytical resources and as an EEG reference based on

peer reviewed scientific publications. NeuroGuide does not diagnose nor render any
clinical decisions and it is designed for use by trained and competent individuals. Any
clinical use must be by qualified medical or clinical professionals restricted to the visual
and statistical evaluation of the human electroencephalogram (EEG). EEG artifact can
invalidate analyses and improper positioning of electrodes or significant deviations
from accepted standards of electroencephalographic recording methodology can
invalidate EEG recordings or erroneous storage of data and falsification of data,
improper manipulation of data or unlawful uses of NeuroGuide including violations of
copyright law and other improper uses of NeuroGuide are all contra indicated.

Visit www.appliedneuroscience.com to learn more about NeuroGuide

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Getting Started Manual Introduction 12

Intended Use

For clinical purposes the NeuroGuide Analysis system is to be used by qualified

medical or clinical professionals for the statistical evaluation of the human
electroencephalogram (EEG). For research and education NeuroGuide is intended to
be used by competent and ethical students and professionals for the statistical
evaluation of the human electroencephalogram (EEG).


How to Install NeuroGuide:

Before you proceed make sure to make a backup copy of zip folder that contains the
NeuroGuide installation files and keep it in a safe place, in case you need to reinstall this
version of NeuroGuide.

Unzip or Extract the NeuroGuide installation files from the .zip folder and save all the
installation files to the same folder and note the location of that folder (be sure that all
the installation files are in the same folder). To install NeuroGuide open the folder with
all the installation files, then open the Volume folder and double click on the setup.exe

If you have installed an earlier version of NeuroGuide then uninstall will run first and
then automatically proceed with the install.

After installation, depending on which version of Window you are currently using, Click
the Start button, select All Programs, select the NeuroGuide Folder, then select
NeuroGuide to launch NeuroGuide or Click on the NeuroGuide icon located on your
Desktop or in your Task Bar. We advise that one always use the default directory of
c:/program files for the installation directory. If you shift installation to a different
directory after receiving a Key B based on the initial directory then your initial Key B will
no longer work. If this happens, please contact us by phone 727-244-0240 or at
[email protected].

Download the Tutorial Files:

To download the other EEG Tutorial Files available to help you learn NeuroGuide, go to:
www.anipublishing.com/Downloads. The link is near the bottom of the Downloads
page, before the Download Form. Save the .zip file in the NeuroGuide Folder on your
hard drive. Then Extract or Unzip and save the TUTORIAL_FILES folder that contains
the tutorial files in the NeuroGuide folder for later use.

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Getting Started Manual Installations 13

How to Install the Add-On Normative Databases:

The Bi-Spectral Normative Database and the LORETA Source Correlation Normative
Database are large files that need to be downloaded, unzipped and installed separately,
using the following process.

Go to: www.appliedneuroscience.com/AddonDatabases.htm to download the Add-

on Normative Databases. Save the .zip file in a folder on your hard drive then right
mouse click and select unzip or Extract and save the installation files in the same
folder. Then double click the Setup.exe to install the large normative database add-

These databases are accessible only if one has purchased the BiSpectrum add on
and/or the LORETA Source Correlation normative database add on. See
http://www.appliedneuroscience.com/Price_List.htm for price details.

How to Install the Key Institute's LORETA software:

Go to: www.unizh.ch/keyinst/NewLORETA/Software/Software.htm and reading the available

information before you download the free software package, then:

Go to number 7. and click on the link to Download the LORETA-KEY©® software

package; and

Don't forget to click the link after number 8. to Request the Password (necessary for
installation & it may take 2-3 days for the password to arrive).

If you are interested: Download Brodmann Area information for LORETA Voxels (use
the LORETA-KEY software password to Extract the files from the .zip folder).

Install the Key Institute LORETA in the default directory at: c:/Program Files
(x86)/LORETA or the c:/Program Files/LORETA if your are using an older version of

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Getting Started Manual Installations 14

Key A and Key B to Activate NeuroGuide

The first time that NeuroGuide is launched a Copyright Agreement appears. Click yes to
accept the Terms of the Agreement, otherwise the program will terminate. The next
window is a NeuroGuide Security Key window that contains a Key A. Once your
payment for NeuroGuide has processed then a Key B will be issued that will unlock the
full power of NeuroGuide including the ability to import EEG files. Highlight and Copy
(Ctrl-C) the Security Key A and then Paste (Ctrl-V) the Security Key A into an email
addressed to [email protected]. To facilitate this process, click Create
Key A File to automatically launch Notepad, which you then attach to an email to
[email protected]. Note on some systems a blank Send_Key_A.txt
WordPad document will open, you can then Copy and Paste the Key A in the blank
WordPad document, select Save as under the File menu, and save the document to
some other location on your computer. Go to
www.appliedneuroscience.com/Order.htm to purchase NeuroGuide, any of the many
NeuroGuide Add-ons or to view the prices.

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Getting Started Manual Key A and Key B Activate NeuroGuide 15

After your payment for NeuroGuide has processed and you have received your Key B
by email, Copy (Ctrl-C) and Paste (Ctrl-V) the Key B into the NeuroGuide Security Key B
area and click OK. The Security Key B uses the Computer ID numbers that are unique
to the single computer and single user license that you use to register your software.
The security key C is issued only if one purchases the NC acquisition module (Click
Collection > Hardware Selection to view the amplifiers that NeuroGuide can collect EEG
from). A second but renewable license will be issued at no extra cost to individuals
who have a laptop at work and/or a desktop computer at home, etc. It is important to
note that a single user's license is all that is allowed and separate licenses must be
purchased if users other than the single user intends to use the software (see Copyright
License Agreement which is saved on your computer when you launch NeuroGuide).

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Getting Started Manual Key A and Key B Activate NeuroGuide 16

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Getting Started Manual Key A and Key B Activate NeuroGuide 17

Demo Mode

The Demo mode is activated clicking Help, and then selecting Enter Demo Mode. In the
Demo mode the user is still bound by the terms of the single user copyright agreement,
however, users are limited to using the exemplar files inside of NeuroGuide and demo
users will not be able to import their own data.

Even after one has activated NeuroGuide the user can Enter the Demo Mode at any
time. This allows users to explore Add Ons that they may want to purchase in the

Support and Upgrades

Support is available from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. You may contact us by email or
phone at http://www.appliedneuroscience.com/contact_us.htm. We are constantly
updating the program with new features and new EEG file formats.

One year of free upgrades from the date of first purchase are included with each
purchase of NeuroGuide. After one year of free updates, there is a fee for a one year
update subscription if one wants to continue to have access to future updates
(www.appliedneuroscience.com/Update_Subscription.htm). The Key B issued prior to
expiration of free updates will continue to operate for all NeuroGuide versions that were
made available prior to expiration of the free service condition.

You will be invited to join the NeuroGuide users group at yahoo.com where open
discussion is encouraged and new upgrades are announced. Once you purchase
NeuroGuide please join this group and check for the release of new updates of
NeuroGuide. To view the most recent updates and the history of updates go to:

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Getting Started Manual Supported Formats 18

Supported Formats

New File formats and features are constantly being added to NeuroGuide. Visit our
website at www.appliedneuroscience.com > Why NeuroGuide > EEG Imports for the
most up-to-date list of supported formats. To equate the amplifier characteristics of
different EEG machines to the amplifier characteristics of the normative reference
database micro-volt calibration sine waves are input into the different EEG machines
and equilibrated to the amplifier characteristics of the normative amplifiers. The
Universal physics metric of the EEG is the Volt defined as joules/coulomb.

Help Menu
The Help Menu contains important options. Click Help and view the options below:

Click Help > NeuroGuide Manuals to Open the Manuals...

Click Help > About NeuroGuide...

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Getting Started Manual Help Menu 19

Click Help > License Information... to determine the Expiration Date if a Renewable or
Temporary License is active and the Date of Expiration of the one year update subscription
after which access to future updates will not be permitted.

Click Help > Version Information... to determine the exact release number of NeuroGuide and
the CVI version number that was used to create NeuroGuide

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Getting Started Manual Help Menu 20

Click Help > Change Security Keys... in order to gain access to your Key A. Key B & C will be
blank and this window is important to send to Applied Neuroscience, Inc., if there was an
expiration or if new add ons are purchased.

Click Help > Update Security Keys Online to Renew your Renewable 2nd license Key B

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Getting Started Manual Help Menu 21

To Enter the Demo Mode Click Help > Enter Demo Mode

Conventional EEG Tutorial Steps
QEEG Tutorial Steps
EEG Collection Tutorial Steps
EEG Surface Neurofeedback Tutorial Steps
LORETA Neurofeedback Tutorial Steps
Brain Surfer Brain-Computer-Interface (BCI) Tutorial Steps

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Getting Started Manual Tutorials 22

Conventional EEG Tutorial Steps

Step 1 Open the NeuroGuide Demo
Step 2 Import EEG
Step 3 Change Polarity & Colors
Step 4 Create Montages
Step 5 Remontage to Bipolar, Common Reference, Average & Laplacian
Step 6 Visually Examine & Mark Events

Step 7 Visually Examine & Annotate Peak-to-Peak Amplitudes
Step 8 Digital Filter the EEG Traces
Step 9 Bitmap Screen Capture
Step 10 LORETA Time Domain Source Analysis of Gross Pathologies
Step 11 JTFA Feature Detection
Step 12 Save and Print EEG Traces

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Getting Started Manual Tutorials 23

QEEG Tutorial Steps

Step 1 Symptoms & Hypothesis Formation Prior to Recording EEG

Step 2 Import EEG

Step 3 Visual Examination and Artifact Free Selections
Step 4 Dynamic FFT Normative Database Z Scores
Step 3 Verify High Test Re-Test Reliability
Step 4 Re-Montage to Bipolar, Average Reference and Laplacian
Step 5 Create Montages

Step 6 Test Hypothesis Linkage of Symptoms to Surface EEG

Step 7 Test Hypothesis Linkage of Symptoms using LORETA Frequency Domain

Step 8 Select Report Content

Step 9 Generate, Save & Print Report

Step 10 Save & Export EEG

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Getting Started Manual Tutorials 24

EEG Collection Tutorial Steps

Step 1 Amplifier Selection
Step 2 Setup & Monitor
Step 3 Record, Pause & Stop

Step 4 Save the Recording

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Getting Started Manual Tutorials 25

EEG Surface Neurofeedback Tutorial Steps

Step 1 Hypothesis Formation of Likely Networks Linked to Symptoms

Step 2 Start EEG Collection & Monitor Traces

Step 3 Click Collection > Neurofeedback > Surface EEG Neurofeedback

Step 4 Symptom Check List to link symptoms to dysregulated brain systems

Step 5 Protocol Generation

Step 6 Set Number of Rounds and Duration of Rounds

Step 7 Start Neurofeedback and View the Progress Chart to Achieve 25-30

Step 8 Adjust Z Score threshold toward Z = 0 and maintain 25-30 rewards/minute

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Getting Started Manual Tutorials 26

LORETA Neurofeedback Tutorial Steps

Step 1 Hypothesis Formation of Likely Networks Linked to Symptoms

Step 2 Start EEG Collection & Monitor Traces

Step 3 Click Collection > Neurofeedback > LORETA Neurofeedback

Step 4 Symptom Check List to link symptoms to dysregulated nodes and

connections between nodes

Step 5 Protocol Generation

Step 6 Set Number of Rounds and Duration of Rounds

Step 7 Start Neurofeedback and View the Progress Chart to Achieve 25-30

Step 8 Adjust Z Score threshold toward Z = 0 and maintain 25-30 rewards/minute

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Getting Started Manual Tutorials 27

Brain Surfer Brain-Computer-Interface (BCI) Tutorial Steps

Step 1 Hypothesis Formation of Likely Networks Linked to Symptoms

Step 2 Start EEG Collection & Monitor Traces

Step 3 Click Collection > BrainSurfer

Step 4 Symptom Check List to link symptoms to dysregulated brain systems

Step 5 Protocol Generation

Step 6 Set Number of Rounds and Duration of Rounds

Step 7 Start BrainSurfer and view the Progress Chart to Achieve 80-90 percent of

Step 8 Adjust Z Score threshold toward Z = 0 and maintain 80-90 percent


© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Manual and Tutorial
© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Part II

(All EEG Selections and/or Sine Wave Segments are for Illustrative Purposes Only)
NeuroGuide Manual 29

NeuroGuide Manual & Tutorial

NeuroGuide Manual

The NeuroGuide Manual is a guide with a brief tutorial with step by step procedure
designed to help users to learn the basics of conventional EEG and qEEG. qEEG builds on
the foundations of artifact free selections and uses computers to spectral analyze the
frequency, power, phase differences, coherence and source localization of the surface EEG.

Automatic Clinical Report Writer (ACR)

The Automatic Clinical Report Writer (ACR) is a "per use" add on to NeuroGuide available at
Report > Automatic Clinical Report Writer after one has has imported a valid and good quality
EEG sample, then selected artifact free EEG, preferably with > 0.90 test re-test reliability to
produce a template word document with the user's company information and icon, etc. in less
than one minute. The word document template can be modified by the user and contains all of
the standard topographic maps and LORETA images used in the past to produce clinical

It is recommended that users enter the Demo Mode to setup and test the report format with the
desired company information, logo and scanned signature. An iterative process can be used
to quickly experiment and adjust the report header information until one is satisfied with the
company logo and contact information. Once satisfied, then close the demo and launch
NeuroGuide and then import the desired EEG data, select artifact free EEG and then click
Report > Automatic Clinical Report Writer to produce a final report. A decrement of the per use
counter will occur at this point and this is why it is recommended to experiment in the Demo
mode before proceeding the final report.

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroGuide Manual Automatic Clinical Report Writer (ACR) 30

To Generate an Automatic Clinic Report (ACR) Click Report > Automatic Clinic Report Writer.

The message below will appear, If any one of the following apply:

· The Computer you are using is not registered in the ANI database; or

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroGuide Manual Automatic Clinical Report Writer (ACR) 31

· You have not purchased any ACR Q-EEG Reports, for the computer you are using; or

· You have used up all the ACR Q-EEG Reports you purchased for the computer you
are using.

Click on the Hyperlink in the NeuroGuide Message window to open the web page in your
default web browser (or visit: www.appliedneuroscience.com/ACR_Order.htm). Then purchase
the desired ACR Q-EEG Report Package by Clicking the Add to Cart button.

If you have made a purchase then there may be delay of 24 hours to update the ANI database.
If after 24 hours the same message appears, Please email [email protected]
and ask to be added to the database.

After clicking Report > Automatic Clinical Report Writer then the message below will appear to
inform you about the number of ACR uses available to you. If the remaining Number of
Automatic Clinical Report Writer uses is low, for example: 1, or if you want to purchase more
ACR Writer uses then click on the hyperlink in the message or visit
www.appliedneuroscience.com/ACR_Order.htm and then click the Add to Cart button for the
ACR Q-EEG Package you desire to purchase.

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NeuroGuide Manual Automatic Clinical Report Writer (ACR) 32

Click the OK button in the above message panel and NeuroGuide will begin processing the
artifact free EEG that the user has selected. A series of messages will appear, similar to the
one below, describing the progress of the computations. Less than one minute is expected
for this process to complete.

Once the analyses are complete then the ACR Options panel seen below will appear.

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NeuroGuide Manual Automatic Clinical Report Writer (ACR) 33

If you have not purchased the discriminant functions and/or the Brain Performance Index (BPI)
then these items will be grayed out in the ACR Options panel. To purchase these add ons to
NeuroGuide click the Add to Cart button at: www.appliedneuroscience.com/Order.htm

The ACR Header Panel only appears after Clicking OK in the Options Panel

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NeuroGuide Manual Automatic Clinical Report Writer (ACR) 34

Warning Message Before Proceeding.... The Final Screen appears to remind you to make sure
High Quality EEG Data has been Selected for Analysis. Also, make sure that the Company
Information you entered is accurate, and Logo & Signature are of a desirable size by using the
Demo Procedure laid out above. Click the "No" button if you are uncertain about the Report
Options selected or the Edits that were Selected or the Average Test Retest Reliability of the
EEG Data Selected or any of the Company Information the user Entered or Size of Logo and/or
Signature that was Selected. Once the "No" button is Clicked you will return to Header panel,
where you can select a different Company's Info or make and save any Company Info
changes. Else Click the "Cancel" button to return to the Options Panel where you can either
select or deselect options or Click on the "Cancel" button to review or make further Edits to
EEG data.

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NeuroGuide Manual Automatic Clinical Report Writer (ACR) 35

Once the "Yes" button is Clicked a Decrement of the Per Use Account Counter will Occur.
NOTE: Any attempt to click on or move the Word document while it is being generated will
result in an incomplete Report, as well as, a Decrement in the Per Use Account Counter.

After the last page of the Word document has generated, click on the Word document and
immediately click File > Save As then navigate to the Patient's folder and rename word

Then Modify, Add or Delete text and/or pages until the Report meets the users needs, then
Save the Modified Report. Also, the User can Export or Save the files as a PDF, depending on

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NeuroGuide Manual Automatic Clinical Report Writer (ACR) 36

what version of Word the user owns. Print all of the report or a subset of pages and create PDF
outputs as part of the Patient's clinical record.

Annotation Tool

Use Annotate Tool to Examine peak-to-peak features of the EEG such as amplitude in
microvolts (uV) and time

Press the left mouse button and drag over the EEG segments of interest and read the
instantaneous microvolt values (uV) or microampers (uA) in the CSD montage. To Erase the
annotations, press the right mouse button and drag over the annotations to be erased.

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NeuroGuide Manual Annotation Tool 37

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NeuroGuide Manual Annotation Tool 38

Artifact Free Manual and Automatic EEG Selections

The complete entire EEG record must be viewed by clicking end and page down and page up
and home and by arrow keys and by moving the wiper at the bottom of the screen. Conduct a
careful visual examination of the EEG record to detect epilepsy and gross pathology as well as
to identify artifacts. The goal is to avoid selecting any artifact and instead to only select artifact
free segments of EEG. There are three methods of obtaining Artifact Free Selections:

1. Manual Selections are obtained by pressing the left mouse button and dragging to
select, press right mouse button and drag to erase;

2. Artifact Free Template Matching; and

3. Z Score Artifact Free Selections.

All three methods can be used and manual selection takes priority over all methods of artifact
free selection. That is, left and right mouse button dragging will override all other methods.
View the Length of EEG Selections in seconds and View the dynamic Reliability Measures of
the EEG Selections.

Manual Selections of Artifact Free EEG

Depress the left mouse button and drag it over the sections of EEG that do not contain eye
movement or muscle or drowsiness or head movement or any other type of artifact. Select at
least 60 seconds of artifact free EEG data as shown in the Edit Time counter (upper left of
screen). If a mistake is made, then right mouse click and drag over the EEG traces to erase a
selection. View the test re-test reliability which must be at least 0.90. Scan the EEG record and
select real and valid EEG and avoid selecting artifact.

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NeuroGuide Manual Artifact Free Selections 39

Then click View > Dynamic FFT > Absolute Power and depress the left mouse button and drag
over the power spectrum at the top right of the screen and do the same to the lower right

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NeuroGuide Manual Artifact Free Selections 40

Split-Half reliability is the ratio of variance between the even and odd seconds of the time
series of selected digital EEG (variance = sum of the square of the deviation of each time point
from the mean of the time points). Examine the average reliability and the reliability of each
channel as you increase the length of the sample and manually select different segments.
Selection of artifact free EEG should have a reliability > 0.95 and a sample length of edited EEG
> 60 seconds.

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NeuroGuide Manual Artifact Free Selections 41

Test re-test reliability is the ratio of variance between the first half vs. the second half of the
selected EEG segments (variance = sum of the square of the deviation of each time point from
the mean of the time points). Test re-test reliability > 0.90 and a sample length of edited EEG >
60 seconds is commonly published in the scientific literature. Test re-test reliability is an
excellent statistic to compare Brain state changes such as drowsiness as well as the
consistency of a measure independent of changes in brain state.

One can clear all the manual EEG Edit Selections by Clicking Edit > Clear All (Mouse
Selections) or by Clicking Edit > Clear All Selections and Rejections.


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NeuroGuide Manual Artifact Free Selections 42

Automatic Editing Tools

To Activate the Automatic Editing Tools.... Click Edit > Automatic Editing

Automatic Edit Selection - Z Score Artifact Free Selections

Deselect all of the Template items on the left side of the panel, i.e., Template Artifact Rejection
and Template EEG Selection. Retain all of the default Z Score Artifact Rejection selections on
the right side of the panel and click Generate Edits to make artifact free selections. Default for
eye movement and drowsiness selection is 'High' which is the most sensitive setting and 1.5
standard deviation threshold for the Amplitude Multiplier. The Z Score of 1.5 standard
deviations means that if at least one second of successive instantaneous Z Scores are equal to
or less than 1.5 standard deviations then a selection is made. Visually examine the EEG
selections and test re-test reliability and the Edit Time. Save the edits by clicking Edit > Save
Edit File. Then click 'Clear Edits' and experiment by changing the sensitivity and/or amplitude
multiplier and click 'Generate Edits' and re-examine the EEG selections to verify that no artifact
has been selected and that representative samples are made. Select a different start time and
duration and save the edits by clicking Edit > Save Edit File and compare the clinical
interpretation and stability of selections by clicking Edit > Open Edit File. Visually verify that no
artifact was selected and that the clinical interpretation is the same no matter what selections
one makes as long as the arousal state is the same (e.g., no drowsiness or sleep, etc.). The
goal is to make multiple artifact free selections (2 to 3) and verify that no matter what artifact
free selections are made the same clinical conclusions are obtained. This is another form of
test re-test reliability. For example, if probabilities of 0.01 (i.e., 2 st. dev.) are obtained by three
independent selections then the probability of finding this is 0.01 x 0.01 x 0.01 = 0.000001

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NeuroGuide Manual Artifact Free Selections 43

If one wants to use the template method of automatic artifact free EEG selections then deselect
all of the Z Score items on the right side of the panel, i.e., Z Score Artifact Rejection and Z Score
EEG Selection. The select the template Artifact Rejection selections and click Generate Edits to
make artifact free selections. Default for eye movement and drowsiness selection is 'High'
which is the most sensitive setting and 1.00 for the Amplitude Multiplier. The amplitude
Multipler of 1.00 means that the template is match one-to-one to the RMS amplitude of the EEG
recording. If the RMS amplitude is equal to or less than the RMS value of the template then a
selection is made. Visually examine the EEG selections and test re-test reliability and the Edit
Time. Save the edits by clicking Edit > Save Edit File. Then click 'Clear Edits' and experiment
by changing the sensitivity and/or amplitude multiplier and click 'Generate Edits' and re-
examine the EEG selections to verify that no artifact has been selected and that representative
samples are made. Save the edits by clicking Edit > Save Edit File and compare the clinical
interpretation and stability of selections by clicking Edit > Open Edit File. The goal is to make
multiple artifact free selections (2 to 3) and verify that no matter what artifact free selections are
made the same clinical conclusions are obtained. This is another form of test re-test reliability.
For example, if probabilities of 0.01 (i.e., 2 st. dev.) are obtained by three independent
selections then the probability of finding this is 0.01 x 0.01 x 0.01 = 0.000001

Both Template and Z Score Methods can be used simultaneously. To test and to create a
different selection of artifact free EEG to further verify high test re-test reliability click Close and
then re-open the Automatic Editing panel (click Edit > Automatic Edit) and click 'Generate

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NeuroGuide Manual Artifact Free Selections 44

Edits'. Then save these edits and compare to the Template alone and the Z Score alone
methods of selecting artifact free EEG data. Repeat artifact free selections two or three times
with different thresholds and/or settings and verify that the deviant Z Scores linked to a
patient's symptoms are the same. Repeated selections can occur in a few seconds and
thereby create a high degree of statistical reliability. For example, three repetitions at P < .05 =
0.000125 and at P < 0.01 = 0.000001. Read the next section on how to create Dynamic FFT Z
Scores and how to link patient symptoms to functional networks in the brain.

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NeuroGuide Manual Artifact Free Selections 45

Bi-Spectral Analyses

The NeuroGuide Bi-Spectrum Normative Database is an add on product that only works with
NeuroGuide version 2.5.4 or later. The Bi-Spectrum Normative Database must be downloaded
and installed separately. See How to Install the Add-On Normative Databases 13 located in the
Installations 12 section of the Getting Started 8 part of this Manual, before attempting to view
Bi-Spectrum Z Scores.

The Bi-Spectrum of the instantaneous time series of absolute power, relative power, amplitude
asymmetry, coherence, phase differences and phase reset (1st derivative of straightened
phase) is accessed by clicking View > Dynamic Bi-Spectrum. The Bi-Spectrum of the
instantaneous time series provides information about the frequency of bursts and the
frequency of changes in coherence and phase and phase reset over long intervals of time. The
frequency range is from the Infra-Slow 0.03 Hz to 5.0 Hz and a log-log plot or a simple linear
plot option is available.

To view the Bi-Spectrum of the instantaneous time series, Click View > Dynamic Bi-Spectrum >
Frequency Band and then select a desired Frequency from the list.

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Example of Bi-Spectrum of Instantaneous Absolute Power Time Series of the Theta Frequency
Band - 0.03 Hz to 5 Hz with the FFT Spectrum Plot on the Top Right of the Screen and Z Scores
on the Bottom Right .

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To view the Bi-Spectrum of Instantaneous Time Series of Phase Reset - Delta Frequency Band
with Log Plots. Click on View > Dynamic Bi-Spectrum > Phase Reset then Click on View >
Dynamic Bi-Spectrum > Frequency Band > Delta then Click on View > Dynamic Bi-Spectrum >
Log Plots

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Note, in the image above or on your screen that FP1-LE is flat and Background of the Lead
name is White, that is the reference lead...double click on the name P4-LE or another lead to
change the reference. Note the Instantaneous Time Series display in the middle and the FFT
Spectrum & Z Score Plots on the Right change.

Example of Bi-Spectrum of Instantaneous Time Series of Coherence - Delta Frequency Band

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NeuroGuide Manual Bi-Spectral Analyses 49

To Generate a Bi-Spectrum Report of the Instantaneous Time Series with Topographic Color
Maps and Tab Delimited Output. First click View > Dynamic Bi-Spectrum > Bi-Spectrum Report
and select either Raw Scores, Z Scores or both. Then click View > Dynamic Bi-Spectrum > Bi-
Spectrum Report > Generate Bi-Spectrum Report

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NeuroGuide Manual Bi-Spectral Analyses 50

Bitmap Screen Capture

Use the Bitmap Screen Capture tool to screen capture events and features in the EEG record.
For example, gross pathology, epileptic spikes, phase reversals, delta or theta waves, etc.
Open a Word document or clinical report and then paste into the report.

Click View > Bitmap Screen Capture

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NeuroGuide Manual Bitmap Screen Capture 51

Depress the left mouse button and drag over the event of interest and note the dashed lines
that represent the boundary of the screen capture.

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Right mouse click to open the Copy button and then click the copy button to save the screen
capture to the clipboard. Paste the clipboard screen capture in a Word document or clinical
report to highlight and illustrate events of interest.

Brain Performance Index

The Brain Performance Index (BPI) is based on EEG discriminiant analyses of 442 subjects
primarily age 5 to 18 a grouped based on I.Q. scores that ranged from < 90 I.Q. (low group) and
> 120 I.Q. (high group). The intermediate group was used to cross-validate the discriminant
functions. A multivariate regression equation was developed based on the best EEG
predictors of I.Q. scores and correlated 0.57 with full performance I.Q.

The BPI is a measure of the efficiency of neural resource allocation and is not a substitute for a
neuropsychological examination. It is an adjunct to standard neuropsychological evaluations
and is useful for individuals with a history of academic problems and a non-significant learning
disability discriminant score but with possible focal or spatially localized dysregulation in
nodes and connections in the brain. The BPI provides information about both general and
specific learning disabilities by estimating the efficiency of information processing. Go to
www.appliedneuroscience.com/Articles.htm and Download the study that the BPI is based on:
EEG and Intelligence: Relations Between EEG Coherence, EEG Phase Delay and Power

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NeuroGuide Manual Brain Performance Index 53

To activate the Brain Performance Index (BPI), Click Report > Report Selection

Select Brain Performance Index under Predictive Functions of the Report Selections Panel.
After you have finished Click OK to close the Panel.

In order to Generate a Report that includes the Brain Performance Index the Subject/Patient
must be between 5 to 18 years of age, else you will receive an message and the Report will not
contain the BPI Analysis Outputs. To Generate a Report that includes the BPI Click Report >
Generate Report

Here is an example of the BPI analysis output panel

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NeuroGuide Manual Brain Performance Index 54

Click File > Save > Bitmap Graphics Files... and Save the Report Analysis Outputs as Bitmaps
in a sub-folder in the Patient/Subject's Folder.

Click File > Save > Tab Delimited Text... and Save the Report Analysis Outputs as Tab
Delimited Text File in the Patient/Subject's Folder.

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NeuroGuide Manual Brain Performance Index 55


BrainSurfer is a Brain-Computer-Interface (BCI) method to operantly modify the sources of the

EEG. The term Brain–Computer Interface (BCI) is a type of EEG biofeedback or neurofeedback
(NFB) procedure in which particular EEG activity is detected and then subjects are trained to
increase the probability of that EEG activity linked to a device like a computer display or robot
or prosthesis. BCI uses the same physiological principals of operant conditioning as with EEG
biofeedback to increase the probability of occurrence of a particular EEG event or feature. BCI
differs from EEG biofeedback by the use of a continuous control loop between the brain and
physical device or prothesis and focusing primarily on modifications of motor cortical-
subcortical networks. For example, in NFB when a given brain event reaches threshold then
a feedback signal is delivered (sound or visual display or DVD, etc) to reinforce the brain event
at that moment in time. The goal is to modify the synapses involved in producing a given brain
event and to achieve increased stability in networks linked to symptoms. BCI also involves
modification of a selected brain event but the goal is to control an external device such as a
computer screen or robotic arm, etc. using continuous feedback and not turning on or off a
feedback signal. Thus, both involve operant conditioning but with a different emphasis on the
way that an external device is related to the brain.

BrainSurfer is the patient's own brain rendered by an MRI that provides real-time and
continuous feedback about the stability of nodes and connections between nodes in networks
of the brain linked to the patient's symptoms. A discrete feedback signal is not used, instead a
moment-to-moment continuous closed loop between the patient and the patient's brain is used
as the feedback signal and the goal is to modify the brain to reach increased levels of stability
and information processing efficiency in particular networks. Brodmann areas are considered
as nodes and the cortico-cortical white matter axons are the connections between the nodes.
Reinforcement of increased stability in dysregulated nodes and connections between nodes is
achieved by real-time LORETA Z Scores. As explained previously, extinction of extreme Z
Scores that indicate dysregulation and reinforcement of increased stability and efficiency is
likely to result in increased information processing in modules and hubs linked to the patient's
symptoms. A clinician can zoom inside of the 3-D rendered brain to a specific node or a
specific connection between nodes to increase specificity of instrumental learning in particular
Brodmann areas or functional connections between Brodmann areas in real-time. Both
conscious strategies and subcortical unconscious processes are involved in BCI and NFB.

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NeuroGuide Manual BrainSurfer BCI/NFB 56

3-Dimensional MRI Volume Dynamics of Real-Time EEG. sLORETA is used to compute the
time series of current density from the center voxel of each 88 Brodmann Areas. The location
of the center voxel of each Brodmann Area is assigned a 3-Dimensional Talaraich Atlas
coordinate in the interior of a MRI Volume. One can view the 3-dimensional current sources
inside of the MRI volume by rotating the volume and making the rendered surface transparent.
BrainSurfer computes real-time sLORETA from the center voxel Brodmann Area Current
Density, including Surface and/or Node views. BrainSufer also computes real-time functional
connectivity Z Scores of Coherence, Phase difference, Phase Lock Duration, Phase Shift
duration between Brodmann Areas.

To activate BrainSurfer, click Collection > Hardware Selection and then select the amplifier that
is used to collect the EEG. Then click Collection > Setup & Monitor and OK and observe the
EEG traces moving across the screen. Click Collection > Record if one wants to save the EEG
during the BCI procedure. Click Collection > BrainSurfer to activate the BrainSurfer protocol

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BrainSurfer - Opening screen. Move the control panel down and the BrainSurfer image to the
left. Expand the BrainSurfer image or re-size the image. Take a test drive and rotate the brain
left, right, up and down and click zoom in and then zoom out.

Click the Session Rounds tab in the protocol panel to activate the session rounds panel. The
Total Training Duration = number of rounds x round duration. For example, 8 rounds each at 5
minute duration = 40 minutes. Session duration = total training duration + inter-round delays.
For example, 8 rounds each with 30 second delays between rounds = 43 minutes and 30
seconds for the session duration. Round restart method can be automatic or manual and all of
the round settings can be changed. When the Apply button is clicked in the settings panel
then the Begin Session button will become active. To start the training session click Begin
Session in either the session round panel or the protocol panel.

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The Protocol Control panel is automatically populated by the symptom check list selection
described above. One can manually select Brodmann areas and metrics and frequency, etc.,
however, it is recommend to use the symptom check list to link symptoms to Brodmann areas
and connections between Brodmann areas that are dysregulated. The goal is to reinforce
toward Z = 0 which in order to reinforce toward greater stability and efficiency in the relevant
nodes and connections of networks.

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The Protocol panel shows the metrics and frequencies in the BrainSurfer protocol as well as
providing controls over the degree of transparency or zoom in or zoom out or move the
rendered brain. Also, there are controls to set the Z Score threshold in which a fixed 1
standard deviation band is operating where a Green color is present when the sLORETA Z
Scores are equal to or less than the Z Score threshold, Red is when the Z Scores are 1
standard deviation or greater than the threshold and Yellow appears when the sLORETA Z
Scores are between the lower Z Score threshold and 1 standard deviation above threshold.

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Green is Equal to or Less than Threshold Yellow is 1 Standard Deviation above Threshold

Red is Greater than 1 Standard Deviation above Threshold

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Transparency = 0 Transparency = 50%

Transparency = 100%

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Surface is Green At or Below Threshold Select Nodes (Brodmann areas) Only

Select Connections Only Select Both Nodes and Connections

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Zoom in a Little

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Zoom in Maximum to target a specific node or connection

View the progress of treatment in the upper left corner of the BrainSurfer display. Move the
mouse over a Node or Brodmann area and Right Mouse Click to Identify the Brodmann area
shown in the upper right of the BrainSurfer display

BrainSurfer - sLORETA Functional Connectivity as Measured by

Instantaneous Coherence, Phase Differences, Phase Shift Duration and
Phase Lock Duration

BrainSurfer functional connectivity is activated by selecting either Coherence, Phase

Difference, Phase Lock Duration and/or Phase Shift Duration radial button in the Symptom
Check List panel or in the Protocol Panel. The real-time functional connections between
Brodmann Areas are then available at different frequencies and for different networks. Rotate
or size and zoom into the networks. Change the transparency to 50% to retain the outline of

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brain landmarks and view the network coherence or phase Z Scores in real-time. Perform
neurofeedback by making the green when the instantaneous Z Scores are equal to or lower
than the Z Score threshold. Activate sound feedback and view the counters for the percent of
total metrics that reached threshold in a session, round and per minute. Keep adjusting the
threshold toward Z = 0 and view that the percentage of metrics at threshold declines and then
watch the percentage increase as the subject learns to create the Green color. Repeat by
lowering the threshold toward Z = 0 in order to reinforce increased stability in nodes and
connections between nodes in networks linked to the patient's symptoms. The successful
BCI session will involve a series of sawtooth waves of increasing percentage of metrics that
decline and then increase again as the clinician lowers the Z Score threshold and the subject
learns to create the Green color again.

All comments and feedback are welcome.

Contact us at [email protected] and tell us what you think.

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NeuroGuide Manual BrainSurfer BCI/NFB 66

Playback Mode

BrainSurfer can be activated in Playback mode by clicking Collection > Hardware Selection
and then select Playback. Then click Collection > Setup & Monitor and OK to activate the demo
playback or to navigate to a subject's folder and select a previously recorded EEG and click
OK. When the EEG traces start to be played back, then click Collection > BrainSurfer to
activate the real-time Brodmann area Z Scores.

Symptom Check List BrainSurfer

Create a .scl file in NeuroGuide by selecting at least a minute of artifact free EEG (see Artifact
Free Selections 38) and then click Report > Create Symptom Check List Match (see Create
Symptom Check List Match)

Click Symptom Check List in the BrainSurfer Protocol panel and then navigate to where the
.scl file was saved (see Create Symptom Check List Match). The protocol panel is a control
panel by which one can manually select Brodmann areas, frequencies and metrics as well as
the rendered brain transparency, zoom and rotation. Also, the Z Score threshold and sound
controls are in this panel.

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After clicking the Symptom Check List button, then navigate to the subject's folder where the
.scl file was saved and load the file. The symptoms check list panel will appear and then select
a single symptom that is most troubling and relevant to the patient and double click the
severity cell and assign a number from 1 to 10. The Hypothesis panel is based on the fMRI,
PET and neurological scientific literature of studies linking symptoms to Brodmann areas and
network nodes (see www.anipublishing.com)

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Increase the Z Score to select only the most deviant and dysregulated Brodmann areas and
connections between Brodmann areas (coherence, phase differences, phase shift & phase
lock). The match column are those Brodmann areas that match the hypothesized Brodmann
areas. Adjust the Z Score selection to only include the most deviant Z Scores inside of the .scl
file. Then click OK to create a protocol of metrics and frequencies in locations linked to the
patient's symptoms.

Session Rounds

Click Session Rounds tab in the protocol panel to activate the session rounds panel. The total
training duration = number of rounds x round duration. For example, 8 rounds each at 5 minute
duration = 40 minutes. Session duration = total training duration + inter-round delays. For
example, 8 rounds each with 30 second delays between rounds = 43 minutes and 30 seconds
for the session duration. Round restart method can be automatic or manual and all of the

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NeuroGuide Manual BrainSurfer BCI/NFB 69

round settings can be changed. When the Apply button is clicked in the settings panel then
the Begin Session button will become active. To start the training session click Begin Session
in either the session round panel or the protocol panel.

Intra-Session Progress Chart

After starting the session, then click the Progress tab to view the Intra-Session progress

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Set the display time to Min/Max to view the extreme instantaneous Z Scores rather than the
average of 32 Z Scores in a second which can result in small Z Scores.

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Inter-Session Progress Chart

After each BrainSurfer session close the session and then save the session in the client's
folder. The session files end in the extension *.bsf and will be automatically selected and used
to generate an Inter-Session Progress chart based on the chronological order of the sessions.
It is important that subject's sessions not be mixed with different clients and to save each
session in the same subject's folder.

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BrainSurfer Network Viewer

The BrainSurfer Network Viewer (BSV) is an assessment tool that allows one to evaluate
the Z score deviations of Brodmann areas (Hubs) and the functional (sLORETA coherence,
phase differences and phase reset) and effective connectivity (sLORETA phasse slope index)
between Brodmann areas. Use the controls to select different networks and rotate and zoom
the rendered brain. Change the Z score range, view networks at different frequencies and
different metrics.

Import an EEG data file and then select at least 60 seconds of artifact free data and then click
Analysis > LORETA > BrainSurfer Network Viewer

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NeuroGuide Manual BrainSufer Network Viewer 75

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NeuroGuide Manual BrainSufer Network Viewer 77

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NeuroGuide Manual BrainSufer Network Viewer 78

Burst Metrics

Click Report > Report Selections and then select Burst Metrics options to activate the Spindle
analyses and Burst Metrics which include the number of bursts/sec, average duration of bursts
(sec), average amplitude of bursts (uV) and average inter-burst interval (sec) for each
frequency band. Technical details of EEG burst metrics are at
http://www.appliedneuroscience.com/Articles.htm and then download Article "EEG and Brain
Connectivity: A Tutorial"

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NeuroGuide Manual Burst Metrics 79

A burst is defined as a significant departure from the baseline level of the instantaneous power
of the EEG in a particular frequency band (e.g.,> 2 sd) with a significant rise time and fall time as
measured by the 1st derivative. If this criteria is met then there is a "burst". The second
derivative is used to determine the intra-burst interval or the duration of the burst as well as the
full-width-half-maximum (FWHM). That is, the 2nd derivative measures the inflexion points of
the burst onset and burst offset. The inter-burst interval is the time between the falling phase
of one burst and the rising phase of the subsequent burst. Bursts per second are computed
by adding up the total number of bursts and then dividing by the total amount of time in the
selected record. The amplitude of a burst is the absolute amplitude at the peak of a burst as
defined by the 1st derivative = 0 or the amplitude at the maximum peak value of the burst.

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NeuroGuide Manual Color Intensity of Edit Selections 80

Color Intensity of Edit Selections

Change the color intensity of the Edit Selections by clicking View > Edit Selection Intensity

Connectivity Suite

Click Report > Report Selections in the Menu. Then select the Connectivity Suite to produce
the Full 171 combination maps of amplitude asymmetry, coherence, correlation ("co-
modulation"), cross-spectral power, cospectral power, quadspectral power, phase and phase
reset. The Connectivity Suite is an add on product to NeuroGuide. Technical details of the
Connectivity Suite are explained at www.appliedneuroscience.com/Articles.htm and then
download Article "How to compute EEG coherence with a hand calculator".

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NeuroGuide Manual Connectivity Suite 81

Select the color scales for the Connectivity Suite under Report > Color Map Settings.

· Fixed Scaling uses the Min and Max of fixed values to adjust the color scales for each map
(e.g., Amplitude Asymmetry is fixed from -200 to +200).

· Automatic Global Scaling uses the Min and Max of each measure to adjust the color
scales for each map (e.g., Amplitude Asymmetry is fixed from -50 to +150).

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NeuroGuide Manual Connectivity Suite 82

Below is an example of the full 171 combination maps that are available in the Connectivity

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NeuroGuide Manual Connectivity Suite 84

The cross-spectrum is the sum of the in-phase potentials (i.e., cospectrum) and out-of-phase
potentials (i.e., quadspectrum). The in-phase component (Instantaneous Coherence) contains
volume conduction and the synchronous activation of local neural generators. The out-of-
phase component (Lagged Coherence) contains the network or connectivity contributions
from locations distant to a given source. In other words, the cospectrum = volume conduction
and the quadspectrum = non-volume conduction which can be separated and analyzed by
independently evaluating the cospectrum and quadspectrum.

Concussion Index

The Concussion Index (CI) also called the Network Injury Index (NII) is designed for
sequential analyses post injury and also post treatment. The CI and/or NII is not be used for
diagnostic purposes. The purpose is to evaluate changes in the brain after a known head
injury or concussion has occurred in order to evaluate post injury changes in the brain. The CI

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NeuroGuide Manual Concussion Index 85

is based on a discriminant function of EEG network measures (coherence, phase, amp. asym.,
LORETA) between 250 normal control subjects and 348 mild to severe TBI patients. First step
is to record EEG, select artifact free EEG and then save the data in the .ng format in a folder.
Repeat this process for the same subject after treatment or after recover. Then click Analyses
> Concussion Index and navigate to the folder that contains the multiple EEG recordings
measured at different days following injury or following treatment or both. Click Done and the
CI will begin analyzing EEG .ng file in the folder in a sequence determined by the date of the
recording. Check one recording at a time in a temporal sequence in the panel to the left and
view the changes in the CI. Save or print the CI by clicking the corresponding button. One can
also use the Concussion Index viewer to review a previously produced output.

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NeuroGuide Manual Concussion Index 86

The lower part of the CII display are line graphs showing the sequence of changes in the NII on
the left and the sequence of changes in network Z scores on the right. Radar maps shrink
over time as as a function of successful treatment.

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NeuroGuide Manual Concussion Index 88

Create Symptom Check List Match

Create a .scl file by selecting at least a minute of artifact free EEG (see Artifact Free
Selections 38) and then click Report > Create Symptom Check List Match. The Symptom
Check List Match file (*.scl) contains about 5,000 Z Scores for absolute power, relative power,
power ratios, amplitude asymmetry, coherence, phase differences and LORETA current
density Z Scores. The file is in binary format and designed to be imported into the Protocol
and BrainSurfer 55 Brain-
206 225
panel for Surface Neurofeedback , LORETA Neurofeedback
Computer-Interface modules.

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NeuroGuide Manual Create Syptom Check List Match 89

Save the Symptom Check List File (*.scl) in the patient's folder.


A subject database panel appears when you record a subject's EEG or before
neurofeedback. The database helps keep track of subjects and save time by saving subject
information so that one does not need to keep re-typing the same information. It is important
to backup the subject information file on a regular basis. Click Options > Subject Data Base >
Create backup and then navigate to a folder where you save the subject database.

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NeuroGuide Manual Database 90

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NeuroGuide Manual Database 91

Digital Filters

Digital Filter Viewer is a IIR Butterworth Filter that only changes the appearance of the EEG
tracings and does not have any impact on the FFT or Normative Database comparisons. This
is a valuable visual tool to examine the time and frequency details of the EEG tracings

Click View > Filters to open the Filter Parameter panel:

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NeuroGuide Manual Digital Filters 92

Type the low and high pass filter settings that one is interested in. Or select Band Pass Filter
and one of the chosen common frequency bands. To eliminate a particular frequency select
the Band Stop Filter and then one of the common frequency bands. Change the order of the
Butterworth Filter

Here is an example of the SMR or Mu frequency range of 13 Hz to 15 Hz

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NeuroGuide Manual Digital Filters 93

Discriminant Functions

Access Discriminant Functions by clicking Report > Report Selections and then select the
Learning Disability and/or Traumatic Brain Injury radial buttons (an add on product). Uncheck
and check the Discriminant Functions that you want in your Report. Then click OK and then
click Report > Generate Report.

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NeuroGuide Manual Discriminant Functions 94

The discriminant functions are not designed to be used to render a clinical diagnosis. Instead
the discriminant functions are to be used for assessment of patients/clients that have already
been diagnosed with academic problems and/or mild traumatic brain injury. The discriminant
functions are pattern recognition routines designed to probe more deeply into the link between
symptoms and dysregulation in networks known to be dysregulated and linked to a history of
academic problems and/or a history of mild traumatic brain injury. The learning disability
discriminant function is to be used only if the patient/client has a history of academic problems
and over the age range of 5 years to 18 years. Also, the mild traumatic brain injury
discriminant function is to be used only if the patient/client has a history of mild traumatic brain
injury. The mild TBI discriminant functions was based only on patients with a history of mild
TBI and not patients with moderate or severe TBI.

Here is an example of the Learning Disability discriminant analysis output.

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NeuroGuide Manual Discriminant Functions 95

Here is an example of the Mild Traumatic Brain Injury discriminant analysis output.

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NeuroGuide Manual Discriminant Functions 96

The surface EEG Cross-Spectrum suite is obtained by clicking

Analysis > Cross-Frequency which provides access to different
types of cross-frequency analyses (Power Correlations + Coherence
+ Directed Phase Amplitude Coupling + Phase Amplitude Coupling +
Phase Reset). The Cross-Frequency power correlations use the
correlation function of power over time. The cross-frequency
coherence uses the coherence function for different frequency
bands, the directed phase-amplitude cross-frequency coupling
(PAD) uses the phase slope index to calculate the direction of
information flow across-frequency bands and locations, the phase-
amplitude cross-frequency coupling (PAC) uses the coherence

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NeuroGuide Manual Cross-Frequency Surface 97

function to relate the phase in a frequency band to the amplitude in

a different frequency band and cross-frequency phase reset uses
the 2nd derivative of the phase synchrony across frequencies or
cross-frequency phase synchrony or n:m phase synchrony. The
cross-frequency phase synchrony is measured in terms of the
duration of phase locking and the duration of phase shift.

The Surface EEG Cross-Frequency Power Correlation

Click Analysis > Cross-Frequency > Cross-Frequency Power Correlation

Select the Contour Map Settings by Clicking Analysis > Cross-Frequency > Contour Map

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NeuroGuide Manual Cross-Frequency Surface 98

To Set or Change the Cross-Frequency Power Correlation Contour Map Settings select the
Power Correlation Tab

Examples of the output from the Cross-Frequency Power Correlation. In the Analysis Output
Window Click Save > Bitmap Graphics Files to save the bitmap images and Click Save > Tab
Delimited Text to save the text data.

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Cross-Frequency Phase Reset (cross-frequency phase shift duration and cross-frequency

phase lock duration). Click Analysis > Bi-Spectral Analysis > Cross-Frequency Phase Reset >
Raw (or select Z Scores in the future)

To Compute Cross-Frequency Phase Shift Duration and Phase Lock Duration... Click Analysis
> Cross-Frequency > Cross-Frequency Phase Reset > Raw

In the Analysis Output window Click File > Save > Bitmap Graphic Files... then provide a File
Name and save the Bitmaps in a sub-folder inside of the Patient's and/or Subject's folder.

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NeuroGuide Manual Cross-Frequency Surface 101

Also save the Tab Delimited raw values in the Patient/Subject's folder by Clicking File > Save >
Tab Delimited Text ...then provide a File Name.

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NeuroGuide Manual Cross-Frequency Surface 103

Dynamic Normative FFT Databases

Activate the Dynamic Normative FFT Databases and examine the raw EEG and normalized

and EEG channels using the Average Reference and Laplacian norms and Linked Ears and
Bipolar montage norms.

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NeuroGuide Manual Dynamic Normative FFT Databases 104

Click Options > Subject Information and specify the recording condition as Eyes Open or Eyes
Closed. In addition, Age must also be specified in order to activate the Normative Databases.

Then Click View > Dynamic FFT > Absolute Power Spectrum to activate the absolute power
normative database Z Scores or Relavtive Power Spectrum to activate the relative power
normative database Z Scores . This will display the FFT Absolute Power or Amplitude or the
Relative Power values in the Upper Right quadrant and the Z Scores in the Lower Right
quadrant, for the recording condition selected. First try relative power eyes closed, then eyes
open, then absolute power, etc. With a few Clicks of the mouse one can quickly view each
option and watch the screen change.

Click View > Dynamic FFT > Relative Power and Release Mouse. Repeat but re-select
Absolute Power, i.e., Click View > Dynamic FFT > Absolute Power and Release Mouse.
Average Reliability for all channels is in the Reliability Window on the left margin of the edit
screen as well as reliability per channel. Scan through the reliability of different channels. As
defined in 2d Split-half reliability is the ratio of the variance of the even 1 second samples of
EEG digital samples divided by the odd 1 second segments of the EEG edited selection. The
split-half reliability value 0.86 is low because it represents only 4 seconds of EEG.

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NeuroGuide Manual Dynamic Normative FFT Databases 105

Example of how to change normative databases to eyes open. Click Options > Subject
Information and then click the "Eyes Open" button. Then click OK. Remember: Age must
also be specified in order to activate the Z Score Normative Databases.

Now click View > Dynamic FFT > Absolute Power Eyes Open, then view Eyes Closed, then do
the same for Relative Power Eyes Closed, then view Eyes Open, etc. Click & move the left
mouse button over the Z Score of Relative Power and read the frequency and Z Scores on the
left of the EEG display. Note Frequency of 6.59 Hz & the Red Z Scores at P3, O1, Pz & T3.

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NeuroGuide Manual EEG Collection 106

EEG Collection
To acquire and/or collect EEG using NeuroGuide one must purchase the correct NeuroGuide
Collection module. To below is a list of the many amplifiers available for EEG collection. Click
Collection > Hardware Selection to view the list of integrated amplifiers:

There are two classes of amplifier control:

1 - Software control of the start and stop of the amplifier and streaming of digital EEG data
to memory in microseconds of time; and

2 - Launch the EEG amplifiers acquisition software simultaneously with NeuroGuide and
then stream digital EEG data to memory using UDP communication with the PC.

There are 17 amplifiers that are direct and do not require simultaneous acquisition software:

1. ABM B-Alert X24

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NeuroGuide Manual EEG Collection 107

2. ANT (EEGOSport)

3. BioSignal MicroEEG

4. BrainAmp MR

5. BrainMaster (Discovery)

6. Cognionics Dry Electrode (Quick-20)

7. Deymed

8. Fistar

9. Medicom

10. Mitsar


12. NeuroField (Q20)

13. Neuron Spectrum-3

14. NeuroPulse/Mindset


16. Nexus-32

17.Wearable Sensing Dry Electrode (DSI-7 & DSI-24)

There are 3 amplifiers that require launching the EEG amplifier company's software
simultaneously with NeuroGuide:


2. Deymed

3. Neuroelectrics

Start EEG collection by first selecting the correct hardware, click Collection > Hardware
Selection and then select the amplifier. Then click Collection Setup & Monitor to open the

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NeuroGuide Manual EEG Collection 108

hardware setup panel. Create your own montages by Clicking Montage > Create Montage if
one wants a different arrangement or selection of recording channels.

Click Collection > Hardware Selection > NeuroField Q20. This selection will determine which
Setup is to be used for collection. Then click Collection > Setup and Monitor

ANT, Mitsar, NeuroField, NeuroPulse, Neuron Spectrum, Nexus-32 involve simply clicking
Collection > Setup and Monitor. The BrainMaster Discovery-24 and the Nexus-32 Amplifiers
require clicking Collection > Setup and Monitor and then contacting the amplifier company to
obtain a key code.

BrainMaster Discovery-24 Amplifier

To determine what port the USB Discovery connection is on click Start > Control Panel >
Device Manager > Ports. The Discovery device driver must be installed before a USB port
connection can be established. The Discovery Serial Number is on the back of the Discovery
amplifiers. Obtain the Discovery passkey and the Discovery device drivers from BrainMaster
(www.brainmaster.com). After all information is entered then click OK.

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NeuroGuide Manual EEG Collection 109

Nexus-32 Amplifier

To adjust for 1 Hz excess due to the DC amplifier, first launch BioTrace and Click on
‘Configuration’ in the top toolbar in BioTrace. Then Click on ‘System Settings’. In the middle of
this menu/dialog, in the field across from ‘Bandpass DC Correction’ click the downward
triangle/arrow and choose ‘Above 1 Hz’

To begin collecting EEG using the Nexus-32 and Click Collection > Hardware Selection and
select the Nexus-32.

Then click Collection > Setup & Monitor to open the panel shown below and click OK to
activate the Activation Code panel before one can begin monitoring.

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NeuroGuide Manual EEG Collection 110

Copy and Paste your Request Code from the Activation Dialog panel into an email addressed
to [email protected] and ask for an Activation Code so you can use your NeXus-32 with
NeuroGuide cc [email protected]

If there is no response, do a Google search for Mind Media B.V. and send the activation code.

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NeuroGuide Manual EEG Collection 111

NeuroPulse/Mindset Amplifier Systems

Before turning on the computer, turn the NeuroPulse/Mindset amplifiers on and make
sure the NeuroPulse/Mindset-24 amplifiers are connected to the computer. Then turn on the
computer and launch NeuroGuide. To begin EEG acquisition click Collection > Hardware >
NeuroPulse NP-Q10/20. Then click Collection > Setup and Monitor. The NeuroPulse/Mindset
amplifiers use linked ears as a reference, thus if one makes new montages by clicking Montage
> Create Montage make sure that one uses LE as the reference. Check that the display
montage is what is desired and then click OK to being EEG collection. Once collection is
stopped, then save the EEG in .ng format or EDF or Lexicor or Text (ASCII) format by clicking
File > Save As. Simple and unified collection and analysis can be achieved with a few mouse
clicks and no file import is necessary.

Deymed Amplifier Systems - Contact Deymed for Configuration Code

NeuroGuide waits for a short period of time to receive UDP data from the TruScan software. If it
does not receive this data, it displays the error message "errror code 0 Could not receive data
from TruScan Acquisition application". Any thing that blocks the transmission of data will
result in this error message. Please make sure that the following items are working:

1. Make sure that the TruScan software is authorized to send UDP data to NeuroGuide, and
make sure that this feature is turned on. This may require a security key from Deymed.

2. Make sure that the TruScan software is running; make sure it actively displaying EEG
data in real time, and make sure that it is not in the "Pause" or "Stop" state.

3. MAKE SURE THAT YOUR SECURITY SOFTWARE is not blocking the transmission of
UDP data from TruScan to NeuroGuide. Security software also blocks Nexus-32
acquisition. This is a common problem. Each new version of NeuroGuide may need to
have permission to receive UDP data depending on what security software you have and
what settings have been selected; each computer is unique in this respect.

If you still have problems, please determine the TruScan version number and then contact
Applied Neuroscience, Inc. at [email protected]

Start EEG collection by first selecting the correct hardware, click Collection > Hardware
Selection and then select the amplifier. Create your own montages by Clicking Montage >
Create Montage if one wants a different arrangement or selection of recording channels.

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NeuroGuide Manual EEG Collection 112

Note: If acquired EEG data is saved in Text (ASCII) format then it is necessary to open the tab
delimited text file and remove the patient information at the top of the file if users want to import
the text formatted file into NeuroGuide.

Monitor the EEG during acquisition. Stop or pause collection by clicking one of the control
tools to the left of the screen or by clicking Collection > Pause or Stop.

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NeuroGuide Manual EEG Collection 114


Make sure that the blue tooth receive is inserted into the USB port and that you have
downloaded a and installed the Cognionics driver. The Cognionics driver is inside of the blue
tooth receiver and should be automatically installed. If the driver fails to install then remove
the blue tooth receiver and re-insert it into the USB port.


Both the Enobio and the StarStim-20 are supported. One must first launch the Enobio NIC
software and follow the Enobio manual and select TCP server to stream EEG data by Wireless

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NeuroGuide Manual EEG Collection 115

or Bluetooth through the TCP port to NeuroGuide. After EEG is streaming across the display,
then in NeuroGuide click Collecteion > Hardware Selection and select the Neuroelectrics
amplifier that you are using (Enobio or StarStim20) and click OK. The click Collection > Setup
and Monitor and select the montage for either the Enobio or the StarStim depending on which
amplifier that you are using. The redording reference is the left ear or A1 and then connect the
Oz lead to A2. Once the EEG is recorded then re-montage to Linked Ears.

Effective Connectivity Surface (ECS)

The ECS measures the directionality of information flow between different scalp locations in 10
different frequency bands. We use the Phase Slope Index (PSI) that is interpreted as the
“Drivers-Responders” where positive values mean drivers and negative values mean
responders. Zero values are volume conduction in which there is no net flow of information.

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NeuroGuide Manual Effective Connectivity (Surface) 116

PSI uses the “Imaginary” part of “coherency” based on the cross-spectrum. By analogy
coherence is like the street and PSI is like the people walking in the street.

Here is a url to a You Tube Video that describes the surface EEG Effective Connectivity add on:

Effective connectivity surface (ECS)


Then Click Report > Color Map Settings and Connectivity and then Select Automatic Global
Scaling. Do this before Clicking Generate Report

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NeuroGuide Manual Effective Connectivity (Surface) 117

Then click Report > Report Generation. Below is an example of Information Flow from the left
Frontal regions to other brain regions. Red colors represent the "Drivers" (information is
flowing from) and blue colors are the "Responders" (information is flowing to. Green colors
represent volume conduction. Note that no information is flowing to the damage and
disconnected right parietal region in the Demo TBI patient. The red colors in the left frontal
region may reflect compensatory dynamics in the TBI patient.

Below is an example of Z scores of Effective Connectivity and Information Flow from the left
Frontal regions to other brain regions. Red colors represent the "Drivers" (information is
flowing from) and blue colors are the "Responders" (information is flowing to. Green colors
represent volume conduction. Note that no information is flowing to the damage and
disconnected right parietal region in the Demo TBI patient. The red colors in the left frontal

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NeuroGuide Manual Effective Connectivity (Surface) 118

region may reflect compensatory dynamics in the TBI patient. Significantly reduced
information is flowing from damaged parietal regions to other parts of the brain.

Effective Connectivity LORETA (ECL)

The ECL measures the directionality of information flow between all combinations of 88
Brodmann areas in 10 different frequency bands. We use the Phase Slope Index (PSI) that is
interpreted as the “Drivers-Responders” where positive values mean drivers and negative
values mean responders. Zero values are volume conduction in which there is no net flow of
information. PSI uses the “Imaginary” part of “coherency” based on the cross-spectrum. By
analogy coherence is like the street and PSI is like the people walking in the street.

Here is a url to a You Tube video describing the LORETA Effective Connectivity

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NeuroGuide Manual Effective Connectivity (LORETA) 119

Effective Connectivity LORETA



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NeuroGuide Manual Effective Connectivity (LORETA) 120

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NeuroGuide Manual Effective Connectivity (LORETA) 121

Event Marker

Event Markers to mark events in the EEG traces and then later sort the events by time or type.
To active the Event Marker Click View > Event Marker. To view the Event Markers make sure
that Display Event Markers is checked.

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Move the mouse to the event to be marked and left click to open the event list. Select an event
from the list to mark the event in the EEG record.

To Mark Events move the mouse to the event and Left Mouse Click to open the Event Marker
List, then Select an Event Type. Now continue scanning the EEG and Marking various Events.

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To View or Review the Events you have previously Marked, then Click View > Display Event
Table, now you can view all the Events Sorted by Time. To view the Events - Sorted by Type
Click the Event Table Label to change the Sort and then change it back to Sorted by Time.
Next Double Click on one of the Events listed in the Table to move the EEG Edit Screen to
where the selected event occurred.

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Event Related Potentials (ERPs) and Evoked Potentials (EPs)

The event related potential (ERP) module requires the collection of EEG using one of the
integrated amplifiers that are listed when one Clicks Collection > Hardware Selection to view
the list of integrated amplifiers. See the chapter on EEG Collection. If one is using one of
the integrated amplifiers then check that amplifier and then:

1- Click Collection > Setup & Monitor and OK

2- Click Collection > Record (one must be recording EEG to activate the ERP module)

3- Click Collection > Event Related Potentials

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The CheckerBoard reversal EP is a visual EP (VEP) for the valuation of the visual system. An
auditory tone is used for the Auditory evoked potential (VEP). A cognitive test called the P-300
event related potential (ERP) can also be selected by clicking the Auditory P-300 option. For
example, Checker Board Pattern Reversal for the visual stimulation procedure or Auditory
P300 for the P300 procedure. Mismatch Negativity (MNN) is another ERP option. Additional
procedures will be added in the future

Select Checkerboard Pattern for the Visual Pattern reversal procedure and click Next. Then
Select the parameters of the checker board pattern reversal and then click next

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Select the parameters of the visual EP recording and then click Run

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Example of the checker board pattern reversal display. Move the display to the subject's

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Auditory P300 ERP

Select the Auditory P300 ERP option and click Next to activate the odd-ball P300
paradigm. Click Next in the two subsequent control panels if one wants to use the P300
normative database from age 6 to 87 (see van Dinteren et al. (2014). P300 Development across
the Lifespan: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. PLoS ONE 9(2): e87347.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0087347). A red bar signifies 2 standard deviations or more in the
latency of the P300 with respect to age matched norms. A yellow bar signifies 2 standard
deviations or more in the amplitude of the P300 with respect to age matched norms. Attach
ear phones to the subject or allow the subject to listen to the computer speaker for the delivery
of the frequent and rare tones.

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Control the EP/ERP amplitude, references, channels and display settings in the screen below.
Move the mouse over the top menus to view the various functions. One can save the
EPs/ERPs in various formats and open or close 3D maps and also select grid layout or
Headview layout displays

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NeuroGuide Manual Event Related Potentials 131

Frequency Domain Export

The results of power spectral analysis on the selected data samples can be saved in a tab
delimited for export to other programs. The FFT frequency resolution is 0.5 Hz and the

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NeuroGuide Manual Frequency Domain Export 132

columns are channels and the rows are frequency. One can save raw relative or absolute
power values or Z Scores of absolute and relative power.

Gabor Adaptive Spectrogram

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NeuroGuide Manual Gabor Adaptive Spectrogram 134

Change the parameters of JTFA such as Maximum and Minimum Frequency, Zoom and Select
C4. Then click the left mouse button and move it over the JTFA viewer to identify the
frequency and power at a moment in time.

The default is 1 term. View the value of the residue and increase the number of terms until the
residue is approximately 10% . The residue is the ratio of the energy of the residual signal to
the energy of the original signal expressed as a percentage. Increase the number of terms
and observe the reconstruction of the original signal and the step by step decrease in the
residue. To add or remove terms from the reconstruction place the mouse over the white
marker in the JTFA display and right click. Position the mouse over a white 'dot' on the JTFA
screen and right click on the white dot to de-select a Gabor term. Right click on the red 'dot' to
select a Gabor term. Examine the accuracy of the reproductions of the time series by
increasing the number of terms and minimizing the residue. 5% residue is a reasonable level
of reproduction accuracy. Once the residue has been minimized, then de-select and re-select
different Gabor terms in order to evaluate the time series in detail.

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NeuroGuide Manual Gabor Adaptive Spectrogram 135

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NeuroGuide Manual Gabor Adaptive Spectrogram 136

Impedance measurements
Impedance measurements are available for amplifiers that provide impedance
information in their data formats. Currently this is for Mitsar and Wearable Sensing amplifier
systems. Start the EEG Collection procedure as usual, i.e., click Collection > Setup & Monitor
and then monitor the EEG traces as one applies electrodes and works to make good scalp
contact and to reduce the electrode impedance. To view the impedance values click Collection
> Impedance Measurement that will pause the traces and display the electrode montage head.

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NeuroGuide Manual Impedance Measurements 137

Change the threshold to control the color of the electrodes where the color is red above
threshold and green at or below threshold

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NeuroGuide Manual Impedance Measurements 138

Import EEG File and Enter Age

The EEG Demo file was obtained from a unidentified 54.6 year old patient with trauma to the
right parietal lobe resulting in a epidural hematoma. This EEG sample is only an example
tutorial selected to help users step through NeuroGuide's basic software features and there is
no diagnosis or clinical interpretation. NeuroGuide is only an adjunct to other clinical
information (competent clinical experience is required to use the electrophysiology of the brain
for clinical purposes). If you are a NeuroGuide user and want to explore different add ons then
the Demo mode is perfect for that. Click Help > Enter Demo Mode

From the Menu bar Left Click on File > Open > Lexicor > Lexicor NRS24 and then release the
mouse button to open the Demo example.

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NeuroGuide Manual Import EEG File and Enter Age 139

Universal file formats such as ASCII and EDF, plus many EEG Machine formats (Native
Formats) are available in the non-Demo mode.

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NeuroGuide Manual Import EEG File and Enter Age 140

Access to NeuroGuide Age Dependent Norms Requires Specifying an


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NeuroGuide Manual Import EEG File and Enter Age 141

This can be done by simply typing an age in the Age row or by typing in the Date of Birth and
the Date of EEG Test. Also, type in all of the subject information including Comments and click
Eyes Closed or Eyes Open depending on the recording condition. If you close the subject
information window, then to re-activate the subject information panel click Window > Subject

For demonstration purposes one can just type in a given Age, e.g., 55 years, select Eyes
Closed and click on OK .

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NeuroGuide Manual Import EEG File and Enter Age 142

To Open and Use the Tutorial Files that you previously downloaded and installed using the
Installation 12 Section of the Getting Started Manual and Tutorial. Click File > Open and then
Select Tutorial Files.

From the Read Workshop Example File window, Click on the down arrow at the end of the File
Type area and Select the NeuroGuide (*.ng) from the list of available file types, then Select the
Demo TBI.ng file from the list of available .ng Tutorial files. After Demo TBI.ng appears in the
File Name area, then click Load.

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NeuroGuide Manual Import EEG File and Enter Age 143

Import ASCII or Text Files

Click File > Open >Text file in order to select an ASCII formatted EEG file.

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NeuroGuide Manual Import ASCII or Text Files 145

Navigate to the ASCII file and open the file. The ASCII import window below appears. Open the
ASCII file in Word or Excel and examine the file and determine the channel order and delimiters
and whether or not there is a header in the file. One must know the Amplifier that recorded the
EEG, Montage or order of the channels, the sample rate and the delimiters. NeuroGuide will
search the file and help determine the delimiters or headers. If none is found then the default
window below is opened. If a different channel order is used, then select Montage and Create
New Montage. After creating a Montage to match the channel order, name the montage, save
and close. Re-open the ASCII import window and select this new montage.

Import EDF and EDF+ Formats

To Import EDF+ and EDF formatted files Click File > Open EDF+ or EDF. NeuroGuide assumes
that all channels were digitized at the same rate.

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NeuroGuide Manual Import EDF & EDF+ Files 146

EDF+ & EDF Collection Hardware and Collection Reference

Users must know the Amplifier that recorded the EEG (Collection Hardware) and Collection
Reference of the EDF+ and EDF file that you are importing.

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NeuroGuide Manual Import EDF & EDF+ Files 147

Compute Joint-Time-Frequency-Analysis

NeuroGuide uses two JTFA analysis methods to compute the Joint-Time-Frequency-Analysis

as follows:

v The Adaptive Gabor Transform also called "Matching Pursuit"

The adaptive spectrogram automatically achieves the best joint time-frequency
resolution possible.

The method involves the adaptive oriented orthogonal projective decomposition

algorithm from Qian, S. and D. Chen. "Signal Representation Using Adaptive
Normalized Gaussian Functions." IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 36(10): 1 - 11,
1994 and Mallat, S., and Z. Zhang, "Matching Pursuits with Time-Frequency
Dictionaries", IEEE Trans. Signal Process, vol. 41(12): 3397-3415, 1993.

Click Analysis > JTFA to activate the Gabor Adaptive spectrogram.

v The Complex Demodulation

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NeuroGuide Manual Joint-Time-Frequency-Analysis (JTFA) 148

Dynamic JTFA uses complex demodulation to compute Instantaneous Power and


Click View > Dynamic JTFA to activate this tool.

Click View > Dynamic JTFA to open the Dynamic JTFA Panel.

Select Absolute Power and Z Scores and click Apply. Then depress the left mouse button and
drag the mouse over the EEG tracings to dynamically produce absolute power. Change to
relative power or coherence or raw scores in the time domain, etc.

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NeuroGuide Manual Joint-Time-Frequency-Analysis (JTFA) 149

Dynamic JTFA Color Topographic Maps. To view Instantaneous EEG Power Values click View
> Dynamic JTFA and select Color Maps. Then drag the mouse over the EEG tracings to obtain
millisecond time resolution.

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NeuroGuide Manual Joint-Time-Frequency-Analysis (JTFA) 150

To view Instantaneous EEG Z Score Values click View > Dynamic JTFA > Color Maps and
select Z Scores. Then drag the mouse over the EEG tracings to obtain 7 millisecond Z Score
time resolution.

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After launching the dynamic JTFA Z Scores then click Report > Report Options > Z Scores and
set Normal color = white and Normal Z Score range = 2.0 (see section 10f). To view
Instantaneous EEG Power Values click View > Dynamic JTFA > Color Maps.

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Activate the instantaneous coherence JTFA by clicking View > Dynamic JTFA > Coherence.
The default reference channel is Fp1, double click the label of a different channel to change the
reference. Depress the left mouse and drag over the EEG tracings to view the instantaneous
changes in coherence.

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Activate the instantaneous phase JTFA by clicking View > Dynamic JTFA > Absolute Phase or
Signed Phase. The default reference channel is Fp1, double click the label of a different
channel to change the reference. Depress the left mouse and drag over the EEG tracings to
view the instantaneous changes in phase delay. Absolute phase varies from 0 to 180 degrees
and signed phase varies from 0 to 360 degrees and contains the singularity when 0 = 360.

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Select First or Second Derivatives of instantaneous time-frequency analyses:

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To View the JTFA time series Click View > Dynamic JTFA > View Time Series.

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To Export the JTFA time series in tab delimited format first click Frequency Band to select a
frequency and then click View > Dynamic JTFA > Export Time Series.

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NeuroGuide Manual Joint-Time-Frequency-Analysis (JTFA) 157

JTFA Feature Detection

JTFA Feature Selections allow one to include or exclude different features of the EEG record
and either remove or add the JTFA Selections to the Manual or Automatic Selections described

To activate the JTFA Feature Detection Panel... Click Edit > JTFA Selection. Then Select one or
more of the Montage Channels, then Select an EEG Measure (Absolute or Relative Power or
Power Ratio), Select a Frequency Band or a Frequency Ratio (if Power Ration was selected),
Select Raw or Z Values, Select the Value Range, Select Exclude or Include and then Click OK.

One can either continue Selecting various Features to Detect and Include or Exclude from
other Channels, Measures and/or Frequencies or Click Close to view the selections.

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NeuroGuide Manual JTFA Feature Detection 158

Manual Selection or Deselection (by dragging the Left or Right Mouse over the EEG tracings)
overrides any of the previous Automatic Selections or JTFA Feature Selections (inclusions or
exclusions). If Exclusion of a particular feature, e.g., Delta activity in Fp1 & Fp2 > 2 standard
deviations is chosen, then a Black Bar at the bottom of the EEG display will mark the excluded
segments. If Inclusion of a particular features is chosen, then a Red Bar will mark the included
segments at the bottom of the EEG display.

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NeuroGuide Manual JTFA Feature Detection 159

License Manager
The License Manager is a Server with customer's keys and License information. It is
used to renew the renewable 2nd license by clicking Help > Update Security Keys Online. One
must be connected to the internet in order to use this feature. It is important to click Help >
License Information first to know when your license is set to expire or be renewed, etc.

LORETA Key Institute Software and Viewer

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Key Institute Software & Viewer 160

Download and Install the free Key Institute LORETA programs 13 using the link and
instructions on the Installations 12 page of in Getting Started 8 section of this manual. After the
user has received the password from the Key Institute and the Key Institute software is
installed on the users computer then the LORETA viewer program can be launched directly
from the NeuroGuide edit window.

To analyze raw source current values Select artifact free EEG samples then Click Analysis >
LORETA > LORETA Current Density > Raw Scores. The units for the square root transform of
the squared source current vectors are amperes/meter^2.

Simultaneous NeuroGuide and LORETA Viewer

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Key Institute Software & Viewer 161

Time Frames are Frequencies from 1 to 30 Hz in 1 Hz increments.

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Key Institute Software & Viewer 162

The cross-spectral values are computed according to the equations provided by the Key
Institute for frequency domain analysis (i.e., Hermitian matrix multiplication as specified in the
Key Institute documentation) and the spatial localization can be independently verified by
exporting the same digital EEG selections in the time domain and then manually importing the
data into the Key Institute's LORETA viewer software. The automatic launching of the LORETA
viewer involves the use of the electrode coordinates and T- Matrix described in Appendix D,
therefore saving the user of NeuroGuide the trouble of manually importing the raw digital time
domain data into the to cross-spectral steps described by the Key Institute's documentation.
See the Key Institute documentation to learn how the *.crs file and the *.lorb are computed and
then passed to the LORETA viewer by NeuroGuide.

Select artifact free EEG samples then Click Analysis > LORETA > Current Source Density > Z
Scores. This procedure exports normative database Z Scores which is an add on feature of
NeuroGuide. See Appendix F for details.

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Key Institute Software & Viewer 163

Click ScaleWin and then click Time Frame > to advance from 1 to 30 Hz and view the default
maximum Z Scores. Note that the Z Scores of the maximum and minimum blue and red pixels
in the MRI sequence may or may not be statistically significant (i.e., Z > 2 standard deviations).
That is, the default ScaleWin only displays the "maximum" and "minimum" Z Scores which
may or may not be Z > 2 standard deviations. Click "Play" to automatically step through the
entire spectrum of Z Scores and note the Z Score maxima and minima. Click the NeuroGuide
edit window and identify the frequencies at which the maximum deviations from normal occur
on the scalp surface and then type these frequencies into the Explorer Viewer time frame and
examine the LORETA solution.

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Key Institute Software & Viewer 164

Click - ScaleWin in the Viewer and then check "Fit Maximum" and move "Change Max" wiper
to adjust Z Score thresholds and move "Change Linearity" wiper to adjust color extremes. Z
Scores are only valid if they correspond to the surface EEG measures in the NeuroGuide edit
window. Click the NeuroGuide EEG tracing and dynamic FFT window and determine the
frequencies of maximum deviance from normal and then click the LORETA Viewer and change
frequency and Z Score settings accordingly. Details of normative database creation and
validation using the Key Institute software and NeuroGuide computation of the Key Institute
equations are provided in Appendix F.

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Key Institute Software & Viewer 165

In the LORETA Viewer Click "3DSurf" to Open the 3-Dimensional Rendered Brain. Click
"Orthoview" to Produce a Full View of the Rendered Brain and the Location of Z Scores. Click
"Left" or "Right" to View the Hemispheres.

Convert .lor files for easy import into Excel and other Statistical Packages. The conversion
takes 1 column and 71,820 rows (i.e., 30 Hz x 2,394 = 71,820) and transforms to 30 columns (1
to 30 Hz) and 2,394 rows (all gray matter pixels)

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Key Institute Software & Viewer 166

LORETA Coherence and Phase Differences

After selecting at least 30 seconds of artifact free EEG data, then click LORETA > LORETA
Coherence > Raw Scores to compute the Raw LORETA Coherence values that range from 0 to
100 (i.e., coherence from 0 to 1 times 100 to scale to percent variance).

Save the bitmaps and/or tab delimited Raw LORETA Coherence data file by clicking File >

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Coherence and Phase Differences 167

To compute LORETA Coherence Z Scores click LORETA > LORETA Coherence > Z Scores

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Save the LORETA Coherence Z Scores bitmaps and/or tab delimited data file by clicking File >

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To compute LORETA Phase Differences raw scores click LORETA > LORETA Phase > Raw

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Save the bitmaps and/or tab delimited LORETA Phase Differences Raw Scores data file by
clicking File > Save.

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Coherence and Phase Differences 171

To compute LORETA Phase Difference Z Scores click Analysis > LORETA > LORETA Phase > Z
Scores. Save the LORETA Phase Difference Z Scores bitmaps and/or tab delimited data file by
clicking File > Save.

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Coherence and Phase Differences 172

LORETA Current Density Z Scores

To avoid multiple comparison statistics that cause large Type II statistical error we recommend
the use of planned comparison statistics based on hypotheses formed prior to launching
LORETA. For example, start with patient's symptoms and then based on the scientific
literature hypothesize the most likely Brodmann areas (nodes) and connections between
nodes in networks linked to the patient's symptoms. For example, a patient with attention
deficit disorder (ADD) then hypothesize the attention network, or anxiety symptoms with the
anxiety network or depression symptoms with the depression network, etc. A google search
of these networks will help identify the nodes and connections or the use of PubMed or the
Handbook of QEEG and EEG Biofeedback are recommended.

Hypothesis Formation and Planned Comparison Statistics

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Current Density Z Scores 173

It is best to double click Laplacian in the montage window to the left of the neuroguide edit
screen in order to compare the surface Laplacian to the LORETA sources. The reason is that
the surface Laplacian and LORETA sources are the same measures of CURRENT in amperes
and not VOLTAGE in microvolts. The scalp linked ears or other common referenced electrical
fields are transformed by the 2nd spatial derivative into current density in amperes which
minimizes the large spatial distribution of voltages and replaces the electrical field with focal or
spatially localized gradients of change in the electrical field. The same process happens with
LORETA sources, i.e., a Laplacian operator converts the surface microvolt electrical field
gradients into 3-dimensional current sources in microamperes and therefore there is a much
closer alliance and hypothesis testing capability when one compares the surface Laplacian to
LORETA. This is why the surface Laplacian and LORETA are so powerful in minimizing
medication or drug effects because they eliminate the low spatial frequencies that medications
cause due to their blood stream introduction effecting widespread brain regions. Therefore,
please make sure that you double click Laplacian for the montage to form hypotheses about
expected deviant Brodmann areas.

To help form hypotheses, identify the frequency of deviant Z Scores in the surface Laplacian
montage. Then move your mouse over the channel label with a significant Z Score at that
frequency and then right mouse click prior to launching LORETA. Then confirm or disconfirm
your hypotheses based on both frequency and location after launching LORETA Z Scores.
Below is an example of hypotheses formed at 5 Hz for C4 and P4 in the Demo patient.

Select artifact free EEG samples then Click Analysis > LORETA > LORETA Current Density > Z
Scores. This procedure uses the Key Institute 'T' matrix to calculate current sources from
each voxel and each raw value is subtracted from the normative database mean divided by the
standard deviation to compute a Z Score. The LORETA normative database Z Scores is an
add on feature of NeuroGuide. See Appendix F for details.

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Current Density Z Scores 174

Click ScaleWin and then click Time Frame > to advance from 1 to 30 Hz and view the default
maximum Z Scores. Note that the Z Scores of the maximum and minimum blue and red pixels
in the MRI sequence may or may not be statistically significant (i.e., Z > 2 standard deviations).
That is, the default ScaleWin only displays the "maximum" and "minimum" Z Scores which
may or may not be Z > 2 standard deviations. Click "Play" to automatically step through the
entire spectrum of Z Scores and note the Z Score maxima and minima. Click the NeuroGuide
edit window and identify the frequencies at which the maximum deviations from normal occur
on the scalp surface and then type these frequencies into the Explorer Viewer time frame and
examine the LORETA solution.

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Current Density Z Scores 175

Click - ScaleWin in the Viewer and then check "Fit Maximum" and move "Change Max" wiper
to adjust Z Score thresholds and move "Change Linearity" wiper to adjust color extremes. Z
Scores are only valid if they correspond to the surface EEG measures in the NeuroGuide edit
window. Click the NeuroGuide EEG tracing and dynamic FFT window and determine the
frequencies of maximum deviance from normal and then click the LORETA Viewer and change
frequency and Z Score settings accordingly. Details of normative database creation and
validation using the Key Institute software and NeuroGuide computation of the Key Institute
equations are provided in Appendix F.

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Current Density Z Scores 176

In the LORETA Viewer Click "3DSurf" to Open the 3-Dimensional Rendered Brain. Click
"Orthoview" to Produce a Full View of the Rendered Brain and the Location of Z Scores. Click
"Left" or "Right" to View the Hemispheres.

Convert .lor files for easy import into Excel and other Statistical Packages. The conversion
takes 1 column and 71,820 rows (i.e., 30 Hz x 2,394 = 71,820) and transforms to 30 columns (1
to 30 Hz) and 2,394 rows (all gray matter pixels)

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Current Density Z Scores 177

LORETA Export of EEG Time Series in ASCII Format Easy Steps


1. After editing the 19 channels of digital EEG, in the NeuroGuide menu bar select Analysis
> LORETA Export and click on Overlapping Windows and the Save Export Files window
will appear.

2. In the Save Export Files window Click on the create folder button and name the folder

3. Double click on the new folder (i.e., Overlap-LE), name the files LE and then click Save.


1. Download the FREE Key Institute LORETA software

(www.unizh.ch/keyinst/NewLORETA/Software/Software.htm) and then launch it and
double click on EEG cross-spectrum (users must first obtain a password to use the
FREE Key Inst. Software).

2. From the FREE Key Inst. EEG cross-spectral maker menu select A1EEGs -> 1Spec(aut)
and navigate to where you saved the LORETA Export files from NeuroGuide (i.e., step
#2). Click Add this folder and click add all sub-folders.

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Export (ASCII Format) for Key Institute Programs 178

3. Type: Number of electrodes = 19, Number of time frames = 256, sample rate = 128, select
normalize each EEG file, select the top frequency option, click GO.


1. Re-Activate the main LORETA window and double click LORETA Explorer for cross-
spectra then in the menu bar select File > Open EEG-crs and select the crs file created in
steps # 5 & 6, Open Electrode Coords and select Lex-TalairachCoord.xyz, highlight
File>Open TransfMatrix and select the file LexTMatrix.tm file. These two files were
created using the Key Institute Electrode Coordinates Maker and the Lexicor electrode
order for the international 10/20 system of electrodes. Download the coordinate and
transfer matrix files at www.appliedneuroscience and click the demo webpage to

2. Now click on the part of the spectrum that you are interested in and create the 3-D
displays that you are interested in. Try 3Dsurf and ScaleWin and please read the
LORETA-Key manual pages 34 and 35.

Details of Export of ASCII EEG as a Time Series

After making your edit selections in the NeuroGuide edit window, highlight Analysis in the
menu bar and select LORETA Export. There are two options: Overlapping Windows or
Successive Windows.

For purposes of this demo, select Overlapping Windows by highlighting with the left mouse
button. Then click on Overlapping Windows.

15b Save Key Inst. Formatted Files in a Folder

Click on the create folder button and name the folder Overlap-LE (e.g., for Cross-Spectral
Linked Ears montage). Open the folder & type the file name LE.txt and click save. This will
save the successive ASCII files in the Key Inst. Institute format for the A1EEGs -> 1Spec(aut)

Selection of the Overlapping Windows option minimizes the FFT windowing effects by
overlapping 256 point x 19 channel EEG segments by 75% in ASCII format (see Kaiser &
Sterman, J. of Neurotherapy, 4(3): 85-92, 2001). This is a standard procedure in NeuroGuide,
including the method by which the normative EEG data was analyzed.

The Successive Windows method saves successive 256 point data without overlapping which
is not optimal as discussed by Kaiser & Sterman, 2001). The user is encouraged to compare

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Export (ASCII Format) for Key Institute Programs 179

and contrast the Successive Windows vs the Overlapping methods in order to see the effects
of the cosine taper windowing of a 256 point FFT.

Export of ASCII EEG Time Series to LORETA EEG Cross-Spectra and

LORETA Explorer

First download the Lex-Talairachcoord.xyz and the Lex-TalairachTMatrix.tm files from the
Demo page of www.appliedneuroscience.com and save these files in a convenient location.
The user must download the free Key Institute LORETA Internet software by going to
http://www.unizh.ch/keyinst/NewLORETA/Software/Software.htm). Once the Key Inst.
Software is installed, launch the LORETA program and double click on EEG Cross-Spectra

Activate the EEG Cross-spectral maker > AlEEGs ->1Spec(aut)

As described on page 34 of the Key Inst. Documentation the A1EEGs -> 1Spec(aut) option
computes 1 single cross-spectral file for each and every 256 point NeuroGuide time series file
that the user previously saved as described in section 11a.

Navigate to the location where you created the folder Overlap-LE described in 11a and then
click Add this folder -> and add all sub-folders ->. Type 19 as the number of electrodes, type
256 as the number of time frames/EEG file, type 128 as the sampling rate (Hz), click Normalize
each EEG file (deselect Force Average Reference users are encouraged to repeat these steps
using Force Average to compare and experiment), click the Discrete frequency selection and
set the lower end = 1 Hz and the Upper end = 30 Hz then click Go. A cross-spectral file with a
*.crs extension will be saved with the same folder name of Overlap-LE that you created in
section 11a.

LORETA Explorer for EEG Cross-Spectrum

Double click LORETA Explorer for Cross-Spectrum in the main LORETA Key Institute window.
Highlight File > Open EEG crs and navigate to the folder where the *.crs file was saved in
section 15b and select the cross-spectral file that you created. Highlight File > Open Electrode
Coords and navigate to select the electrode coordinate file for Lexicor. NeuroGuide uses the
Lex-Talairachcoord.xyz file which was produced by the Key Inst. Talairach Electrode
Coordinate Maker and is compatible with the Lexicor order of electrodes using the LORETA
Export menu. Repeat this step and highlight File>Open TransfMatrix and select the file and the
Lex-TalairachTMatrix.tm which was also produced by the Key Inst. Software using the Lexicor
electrode order.

Create 3-D Maps

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Export to Cross-Spectrum & LORETA Explorer 180

To create 3-D LORETA maps use your left mouse button to select one of the eight frequency
bands and then click View1. 3-D LORETA source localization will appear at the top of the

Click 3Dsurf at the top of the LORETA Explorer menu to activate the cortical surface images.
Click Orthoview to produce 9 different views.

In the LORETA Explorer Place the Color Scale Window Below the 3-Dimensional Images. Set
the Change Linearity Wiper to the far right and then move the Change Max Wiper to the right
and left. Observe how the absolute power values spatially extend from the Midline Visual
Cortex or the Midline Occipital Cortex (near to Visual Area 17) and then spreads to Visual Area
18 as the Change Max Wiper.

Save the LORETA Images in jpeg format. Click File and then Save As.

Examine All of the LORETA Slices. Click AllSlicesWin in the LORETA Explorer Menu.

Save the All Slices LORETA images in jpeg format by Clicking Save.

Repeat Step 15a to 16g by importing a different NeuroGuide Output file into the LORETA
Explorer by clicking on the Open EEG/ERP menu. Repeat Steps 16b 16g with a different
NeuroGuide ASCII time series output, for example, an Eyes Open condition from the same
subject and explore the fine details of the 3-Dimensional Sources of the EEG. Enjoy exploring
relationships between frequency and 3-D space and brain anatomy using NeuroGuides
Exports to LORETA.

Export LORETA *.lor files to Excel and Other Statistical Packages in tab
delimited format

The *.lor files created by NeuroGuide are 71,820 rows and one column. That is, 2,394 x 30 =
71,820. Excel and other statistical packages often have limits to the number of rows that can
be imported. In order to facilitate export to statistical programs and database programs
NeuroGuide provides a tab delimited export utility that converts the NeuroGuide generated *.lor
files into a tab delimited file with 2,394 rows in the Key Institute pixel order and 30 columns of
frequency from 1 to 30 Hz. A return conversion from a tab delimited file with 2,394 rows and
30 columns to a *.lor file with 71,820 rows and 1 column is also available in NeuroGuide.

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Export to Cross-Spectrum & LORETA Explorer 181

LORETA is a special and excellent program and the user needs to read the LORETA Explorer
manual that is provided with the program from the Key Institute before using it.

A number of different tools are available after you launch the Key Institute LORETA programs.
Validation of LORETA is necessary before one can trust the solutions that are provided.

Try validating by comparing Eyes Open vs Eyes Closed changes in amplitude of the alpha
rhythms. It is expected that if the visually observed alpha is maximal in O1 and O2, then it
should also be maximal in LORETA in the posterior cortical regions and not in the midline Pz
lead or in anterior cortical regions, etc. Users must be cautious to validate LORETA to the
extent that LORETA is consistent with physiological information and the re-montaged digital

LORETA Phase Reset

LORETA phase reset is an add on product that is made up of two parts: LORETA phase shift
duration and LORETA phase lock duration. After selecting at least 30 seconds of artifact free
EEG (& preferably one minute or more) then Click Analysis > LORETA > LORETA Phase Lock
or LORETA Phase Shift and select Raw scores or Z Scores. Raw scores are displayed in a
contour map with the x-axis as frequency and the y-axis are Brodmann area pairs with respect
to each Brodmann area designated at the top of each contour map. The colors of the contour
map are scaled in milliseconds as depicted by the horizontal color bar at the bottom of each
contour map.

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Phase Reset 182

Adjust the Z Score range for LORETA phase reset Z Scores by clicking Report > Color Map

Click the Z Score Tab and open the Z Score color settings panel and set the normal range
where the color is green and the deviant or upper Z Score range where the colors are orange to
red in the contour maps

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Phase Reset 183

Here is an example contour map of LORETA Phase Lock Duration Raw Scores

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Phase Reset 184

Here is an example of LORETA Phase Shift Duration Z Scores

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Phase Reset 185

LORETA Source Correlation Normative Database

NeuroGuide computes the Pearson Product Correlation Coefficient (-1 to +1) with respect to
current density in a 3-dimensional Region of Interest (ROI) and the remainder of the 2,394
LORETA Gray Matter Pixels and then displays the results in either the LORETA Viewer or using
Color Contour Maps (see Appendix G). The ROI is identified by either an Anatomical Name or
by Brodmann Area. The average current densities of the ROI are used in the computation of
the correlation coefficient and the ROI correlation with itself = 0 in the LORETA Viewer.

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NeuroGuide Manual LORETA Source Correlation Normative Database 186

The NeuroGuide Source Correlation Normative Database is an add on product and the Source
Correlation Normative Database must be downloaded and installed separately. (see How to
Install the Add-On Normative Databases 13 located in the Installations 12 section of the Getting
Started 8 part of this Manual) Use the normative database as a reference to evaluate the
magnitude and direction of the LORETA source correlation from 6 months to 82 years of age.
Because the correlation coefficient is bounded at +1 & -1 the distribution of scores is often
kurtotic and skewed and therefore not normally distributed. In order to better approximate a
normal distribution the LORETA source correlation of gray matter pixels were averaged within
46 ROIs as compared to the 66 ROIs available for the raw correlations. A table of the 46 ROIs
used for the normative database is in Appendix G.

To view regions of interest, click Analysis > LORETA > LORETA Source Correlations > LORETA
Key Viewer > Z Transformed Region of Interest Correlations. For raw scores, select Region of
Interest Correlations and not the Z Scores

Select the Anatomical Region of Interest, age and hemisphere and click OK

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Select Left or Right or Both Hemispheres and Select Anatomical Names or Brodmann Areas
and then Select the ROI to be Correlated with the Remainder of the 2,394 Gray Matter Pixels.

Brodmann assigned numbers to various cortical regions by analyzing each area's cellular
structure starting from the central sulcus (Area No. 1). Different cell structures resulted in
different Brodmann Area numbers. Below are illustrations of the Brodmann areas for the
lateral sagital surface of the cortex as well as the medial surface. Use the illustrations below to
aid in deciding which Brodman Areas and/or Anatomical Locations to be selected.

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Save the Correlation Values in .LOR Format for Later Review or Click Cancel to Launch the

After the LORETA Viewer Launches Click ScaleWin and Adjust the Change Max Wiper to the
correlation value that is statistically significant based on the Degrees of Freedom (i.e., number
of 2 second epochs or the edit time in seconds divided by 2). Then click Time Frame arrows to
advance from 1 to 30 Hz and view the correlations between, e.g., the Right Inferior Temporal
Gyrus and the remainder of the 2,394 pixels.

Click AllSlices in the LORETA Viewer to Examine Source Correlations between the ROI (e.g.,
Right Inferior Temporal Gyrus) and the Remainder of the 2,394 Gray Matter Pixels

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To Activate the Color Contour Maps Click Analysis > LORETA > LORETA Source Correlation >
Contour Maps > Region of Interest Correlation

Create Individual Analysis File (*.ila)

To view the Z Scores of the source correlation normative database click Analysis > LORETA
Source Correlation > Create Individual Analysis File (.lia) and save the .lia file in the subject's

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To view source correlations in a contour map, click Analysis > LORETA Source Correlation >
Contour Maps and then either raw scores for the regions of interest or Z transformed regions
of interest. Select the LORETA Individual Analysis File and then name and save the .lor file or
click cancel to launch the LORETA viewer. As explained in Appendix G, there was a tendency
toward a kurtotic distribution, e.g., 0.13% is expected at 3 standard deviations while the
observed cross-validation percentages at 3 standard deviations were .06% and .02% . For this
reason users of the LORETA source correlation normative database are recommended to use
2.5 SD or 3 SD as the alpha for clinical comparison purposes.

To View source correlation Z Scores of the normative database using the color contour maps
click Analysis > LORETA Source Correlation > Contour Maps> Z Transformed Regions of
Interest Correlations.

Enter the correct age and the correct database condition of eyes closed or eyes open and
then click OK.

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Example of Z Score Color Contour Maps. The Analysis output page contains four ROI
Correlations to 23 left and 23 right hemisphere maps on each page. There are 17 pages so that
all 46 ROI correlations are available (see appendix G for details of the selection of 46 ROIs). The
X-Axis is frequency from 1 to 30 Hz, the Y-Axis are the 22 ROIs (see table of abbreviations in 17j
and on the last page of Analysis output window). The ROIs are ordered by distance from the
reference ROI using the Talariach coordinate system (square root of the sum of squares of x, y
& z). The absolute distance in millimeters is the first column in the Tab Delimited output (click
Save > Tab Delimited Text). The Z-Axis are Z Scores that are color scaled between + & - 3
standard deviations.

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Table of abbreviations of normative database source correlation ROIs is the last page of the
color maps in the Analysis Output panel. A smaller number of ROIs (N = 23) were used for the
normative database in order to achieve adequate approximation to Gaussian and high cross-
validations (e.g., > 95% ).

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Neurophysiological model used to explain and interpret source correlation maps is based on
Braitenberg "Cortical architectonics: general and areal". In: Architectonics of the cerebral
cortex, edited by M.A.B. Brazier and H. Petsche, New York, Raven Press, 1978, pp. 443-465 and
Schulz, A. and Braintenberg, V. "The human cortical white matter: Quantitative aspects of
cortico-cortical long-range connectivity". In: Cortical Areas: Unity and Diversity, edited by A.
Schultz and R. Miller, Conceptual Advances in Brain Research, London, 2002, pp. 377-386. See
Thatcher et al "Spatial-Temporal Current Source Correlations and Cortical
Connectivity" (Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 2007 Vol. 38(1): 35-48. To download copy visit
www.appliedneuroscience.com and highlight Articles & Links and click on Articles).

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Red = High Correlations, Green = Small Correlations and Blue = Near Zero and Negative

Example of Color Contour Maps. The Analysis output page contains four ROI Correlations to
32 left and 32 right hemisphere maps on each page. There are 17 pages so that all 66 ROI
correlations are available. The X-Axis is frequency from 1 to 40 Hz, the Y-Axis are the 32 ROIs
(see table of abbreviations in 17j and on the last page of Analysis output window). The ROIs
are ordered by distance from the reference ROI using the Talariach coordinate system (square
root of the sum of squares of x, y & z). The absolute distance in millimeters is the first column
in the Tab Delimited output (click Save > Tab Delimited Text). The Z-Axis are correlation
coefficients that are color scaled between the maximum and minimum values.

ROI Abbreviation Table is on the last page of the Analysis Output

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To Save the Color Contour Maps in Bitmap Format Click Save > Bitmaps Graphics Files. Then
create a folder and name the files and then save them. Click Save > Tab Delimited Text to save
the raw correlation files in text format.

LORETA Time Domain Capture

LORETA Time Domain Capture tool allows for 3-Dimensional source analysis of a selected time
series (1,024 maximum number of time points). For example, the source localization of a theta
or beta burst or a spike & wave event in the EEG traces can be exported to the Key Institute
LORETA program for rapid analysis of an EEG event. The LORETA Time Domain Capture tool
is activated by Clicking View > LORETA Time Domain Capture. Note this feature will only
work after you install the Key Institute's LORETA-Key Software package (see the Installation 12
section of the Getting Started Manual & Tutorial).

Capture up to 1,024 time points to be exported to the Key Institute LORETA software by
clicking the Left Mouse button and dragging over the EEG record. Release the mouse button

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and the LORETA capture pop-up window will appear. Select Launce LORETA Viewer to
analyze the 3-D sources of the events. Select LE or AVE to evaluate linked ears or average
reference time domain data.

Depress the Left Mouse Button inside of the Time Domain Capture Window ( Light Blue area)
to view the Time Index which corresponds to the Time Index of the LORETA Viewer. This
allows one to match the Time Point-by-Time Point Analysis of the Raw Digital EEG and the
Time Domain 3-D Sources produced by LORETA.

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Example of LORETA Time Domain Analyses. This is Time Point #42 as Indexed by the Left
Mouse Button and the Key Institute’s LORETA Viewer at Time Frame #42. Adjust the Display
Time to 3 Seconds in order to better view the fine temporal details of a Theta Burst. The time
point of an event of interest depends upon the start and ending point of the selection of the
EEG record by depressing the left mouse button and dragging the mouse to create the
selection. Therefore, the exact time point for an event will change if a different selection
window is created.

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Click the Right Mouse Button to make the LORETA Capture Pop-up Window reappear. Click
Clear Selections to clear the selected EEG points. Now you are ready to select different digital
time points by depressing the Left Mouse Button and dragging it over a different EEG Event or

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Create and Label Montages (1 to 85 channels. Up to 128 channels for

customized electrode placements)

Click Montage > Select Montage in the Montage Menu to view the locations and channel labels
used in NeuroGuide.

Click a Montage in the Montage List to view the electrode order and references that are present
in the left column of the EEG View screen

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EMG and EKG are assumed to be bipolar recordings and when selected will not show a
reference channel

Click Montage > Create New Montage in the Montage Menu to create your own montage.

Click on Electrode Locations and a Reference (e.g., Linked Ears, then Name the Montage then
click Save and then click close. Eighty five (85) scalp channels according to the 10-20 and 10-
10 standards for electrode placement are available as well as EKG, EOG, EMG and other
auxiliary channels. 128 channel montages are also available, but must be custom made
because of the lack of standardization of channel labels and locations when using 128
channels (contact us at [email protected]).

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If You Make a Mistake or Want to Remove an Electrode Selection, Double Click on the
Electrode and then Click Remove Channel. To Delete a Previously Created and Saved
Montage, Click on the Montage and then Click Delete Montage. Click Close to Return to the
EEG Display or Create and Save A New Montage.

Re-montage, Scale and Visually Scan the EEG and then further visually
scan the EEG for Artifact, Epoch Length and the General Status of the

Default Screen Contains Linked Ears Reference Digital EEG, Colored EEG Tracings, 6/sec
vertical grid lines, and Polarity = Positive Up.

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Double Click different montages, Average Reference, Longitudinal

Bipolar, Transverse Bipolar, Circular Bipolar, Laplacian, etc.

Network Injury Index

The Network Injury Index (NII) is also called the Concussion Index (CI) and is designed
for sequential analyses post injury and also post treatment. The CI and/or NII is not be used for
diagnostic purposes. The purpose is to evaluate changes in the brain after a known head
injury or concussion has occurred in order to evaluate post injury changes in the brain. The CI
is based on a discriminant function of EEG network measures (coherence, phase, amp. asym.,
LORETA) between 250 normal control subjects and 348 mild to severe TBI patients. First step
is to record EEG, select artifact free EEG and then save the data in the .ng format in a folder.
Repeat this process for the same subject after treatment or after recover. Then click Analyses
> Concussion Index and navigate to the folder that contains the multiple EEG recordings
measured at different days following injury or following treatment or both. Click Done and the
CI will begin analyzing EEG .ng file in the folder in a sequence determined by the date of the
recording. Check one recording at a time in a temporal sequence in the panel to the left and

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view the changes in the CI. Save or print the CI by clicking the corresponding button. One can
also use the Concussion Index viewer to review a previously produced output.

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The lower part of the CII display are line graphs showing the sequence of changes in the NII on
the left and the sequence of changes in network Z scores on the right. Radar maps shrink
over time as as a function of successful treatment.

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Neurofeedback - 1 to 19 Channel Surface EEG

Nineteen scalp electrodes distributed according to the 10/20 system measures the scalp
electrical field generated by cortical pyramidal neurons rhythmically modulated by thalamo-
cortical, cortico-thalamic and cortico-cortical connections. Therefore, the design of the
NeuroGuide Neurofeedback module (NF1) is to compute Z Scores of the EEG 10/20 electrical
field of 19 channels referenced to linked ears (mathematically linked and/or physically linked).
In this way one can select and use the autospectral and cross-spectral measures such as
absolute power, phase shift duration, phase lock duration, coherence, phase differences and
amplitude asymmetry. In addition, with 19 channels there are approximately 8,000 EEG
measures that can be computed. In order to reduce the number of variables to a logical and
practical first "guess" of the most optimal variables NeuroGuide uses a Hypothesis-Test

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process. The process is based on the goal to facilitate the user's ability to link symptoms and
complaints to "Hubs" or "Functional Modules" by use of a symptom check list and QEEG Z
Scores. The symptom check list is used to create "hypotheses" as to the most likely scalp
locations related to functional systems in the brain based on modern neuropsychological,
neurological, electrophysiological and functional imaging neuroscience. The hypotheses are
then tested by running a quantitative EEG analysis to match and mismatch the hypothesized
scalp locations to the "observed" locations of deviant Z Scores. Scalp locations of deviant
EEG Z Scores are divided into two categories:

1) Match to Symptom Locations; and

2) Mismatch to Symptom Locations.

The match to symptom locations are considered to represent the "weak" systems related to
the symptoms and complaints while the mismatch locations are considered to represent
"compensatory" systems as part of the homeostatic balance of dynamically linked "Hubs" and
"Functional Modules". Based on this logic a drastically reduced number of EEG variables (e.g.,
20) are automatically selected as a Neurofeedback Protocol out of a universe of approximately
8,000 measures.

There are six steps that must be followed to use the symptom check
list and automatic Z Score protocol generator:

1. Import an edited *.ng EEG file by clicking File > Open

2. Click Report > Symptom Check List Match

3. Click Collection > Setup & Monitor > OK

4. Click Collection > Neurofeedback > Surface EEG

5. Click Symptom Check List in the Surface EEG Control Panel

6. Select the Symptom(s) that best represent the patient's symptoms and assign a severity
from 1 to 10 for each symptom, then click OK.

There are three 10/20 scalp displays with the one labeled "Hypotheses" created by the
Symptom Check List. The size of the green circle expands as a function of a relative severity
index (average of the sum of channels x severity score and then scaled to the largest value).
The top right 10/20 scalp display shows the symptom check list match to QEEG Z Scores from
steps 1 and 2 above. The size of the green circles is scaled according to the largest average Z
Score for a given scalp location and is considered as an estimate of the "weak" functional

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systems. The lower right 10/20 scalp display shows the mismatches and is considered an
estimate of the "Compensatory" systems. The absolute Z Score control can be varied from 0
to 10 standard deviations. As Z Scores increase then the number of matches in the top right
head display is reduced and vice versa. Default is Z = |Z| (absolute Z).

First Import the Patient's Edited EEG samples and click Report > Create Symptom Check List
Match to generate temporary Z Score files to be used in the Hypothesis testing and
construction of a Neurofeedback Protocol

Then Select the Acquisition Hardware and Setup and Monitor the Hardware in Preparation for
Neurofeedback. Click OK in the setup and monitor screen to begin EEG collection. Then Click
Collection > Neurofeedback > Surface Neurofeedback

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19 channel Z Score Neurofeedback includes Power, Power Ratios, Coherence, Phase and
Amplitude Asymmetry as Well as Linked Ears, Average Reference and Laplacian Montages.
Four different frequencies can be activated and 1 to 19 channels can be selected. The Z
threshold determines Z Scores that will be reinforced if they are equal to or less than the
threshold value. The strategy is to reinforce Z Scores that move the EEG toward Z = 0. For
example, if a client has elevated Theta and reduced Beta then the goal is to suppress Theta (4 -
7 Hz) and simultaneously reinforce Beta (13-25 Hz). To achieve this goal select the two
frequency bands (Theta & Beta) and set the Z Score threshold at a value that is easy at first,
e.g., Z = 2.0. Set the event integration interval = 250 msec and monitor how the client achieves
a continually larger number of Green circles on the head display. The appearance of Green
circles in the head display or the bell or chime means that the threshold of Z < 2.0 was reached
in 50% of the events that occurred in a 250 msec. interval. As the client becomes more skilled
at achieving the threshold, then lower the Z Score threshold to 1.5 standard deviations and
again monitor the client's progress. The goal is to shape the client by making the initial
feedback easy and then as the client learns to control his/her EEG then make the criteria more

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difficult to slowly shape the client toward a Z = 0. This procedure will simultaneous lower Theta
and reinforce Beta as the EEG moves toward Z = 0.

Increase the difficulty by changing the threshold and time window, e.g., 1- Lengthen the event
interval, and/or 2- Lower the Z Score threshold. To make neurofeedback easier, then shorten
the event interval and/or raise the Z Score threshold.

The event integration interval is a time window that varies from 250 msec to 1 sec. There are
three reward options, the default is "Z Tunes" which is a Gaussian Adaptive filter that starts
with the all-or-none option and then calculates the 10 second history of the "outliers" or
"extreme scores" that do not meet the all-or-none threshold and if the slope of the history of
outliers is in the direction of Z = 0 then a feedback signal will be delivered. If the slope of the
history of outliers is divergent or not in the direction of Z = 0 then no feedback signal is
delivered. Z tunes is designed not to reinforce outliers or extreme scores or brief periods of
"chaos". Average is a reward option that averages the Z Scores in the reward window of time

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(e.g., 250 msec to 1 sec). The All-or-None method requires that 100% of the time events within
a window must reach the Z Score criteria. By lengthening the window time then one will
simultaneously reinforce reduced variability. Thus, the time window provides a variability
feedback method. Click sound on for the eyes closed condition and/or use both visual and
auditory feedback with eyes open.

Once one has selected the channels, frequencies, EEG features and montage then click OK to
activate the 10/20 Reward display or select the Progress chart as a display. If dual monitors
are used then enable the monitor in the control panel > Display Settings and depress the left
mouse button over the 10/20 reward display and move it to the 2nd monitor.

If the criteria is met for all time points in a window (e.g., Z < 2.0) then a reward is the color green
in the 10/20 locations selected in the Z Score neurofeedback panel. The goal is to make the
10/20 head display show green as often as possible. Start with an easy reward criteria, e.g., Z
< 2.0 and then adjust the reward criteria to lower Z values (e.g., Z < 1.0) in order to shape the
client/patient EEG features toward Z = 0.

Visual and Sound Feedback Control

Click the Display control to select different visual displays. The 1st is a green dot in the center
of a head display panel than can be moved to a 2nd monitor. Other options include
Brainmaster Multimedia and Deymed 3D displays that users must purchase from Brainmaster
or Deymed before the display controls are visible inside of NeuroGuide. A free NeuroGuide
multimedia player for videos can be selected. The NeuroGuide multimedia player control panel
is shown below. The default video is a family trip to the zoo. If users want to use their own
video then select User Specified in the Source control. Then browse to the location of the
video and click apply to start the video. Select the feedback transition mode where brightness
or size change when threshold is achieved. Turn sound off, or on linked to the reward or on
continuously. Select the range of transition change where 100% is complete disappearance of
the display to 25% of size reduction or brightness dimming, etc.

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Symptom Check List Hypotheses and QEEG Z Score Tests

Identify the symptom(s) exhibited by the patient/client and double click the severity score to
activate the symptom. Enter a severity score from 1 to 10. This will create red circle on the
10/20 scalp display and the size of the circle increases as a function of the severity value. As
more symptoms are selected then NeuroGuide automatically weights the symptom locations
and scales the size of the green circles to represent "hypotheses" of "weak systems" or "loss
of function" systems (Luria, 1973).

The top right 10/20 scalp display will change depending on the symptom check list and the
match of the QEEG Z Scores to the hypothesized locations. The location of green circles in
the "Match" 10/20 display represents a match between hypothesized scalp locations and
observed QEEG Z Scores. The radius of a green circle is produced by scaling with respect to
the maximum average Z Score greater than the threshold for a given scalp location. The larger

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the average Z Score then the larger the radius of the circle. After the user finds an optimal link
to hypothesized locations, then click OK to automatically generate a Neurofeedback Protocol.
The automatic protocol is produced by the cross-product of the symptom severity and the
average Z Score in a given location or S x Z where S = the severity index (1 to 10) from the
symptom check list for that location and Z = the sum of the absolute Z or |Z| scores equal to or
greater than the threshold as determined by the user (Default is |Z| = 2). The user can veto or
modify the automatically produced protocol by clicking metrics, frequencies, auto-spectrum
and cross-spectrum selections in the Surface EEG panel.

The "both" does not mean that both NF1 & NF2 are operational. If you only select "surface"
then only the surface EEG metrics must be deviant before they will be selected for the surface
NFB protocol. If you only select LORETA then only the Brodmann areas that project to surface
EEG locations must be deviant before they will be selected for the surface NFB protocol. The
projection Brodmann areas can be seen by moving your mouse over the channel label in the

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neuroguide edit screen and then right mouse click. The "both" option means the metrics
selected for NF1 surface EEG biofeedback require that both the surface and Brodmann areas
that project to those surface locations must be deviant before they will be selected for the
surface NFB protocol. The both option is more conservative than either one option alone.

Click OK in the Symptom Check List Panel to Return to the Surface Neurofeedback Panel and
View the Automatic Selections based on the Symptom Check List as Hypotheses and QEEG Z
Scores as Tests of the Hypotheses. Click OK if satisfied or modify by selecting or deselecting
variables or click Clear to start over. Then click OK in the surface EEG Neurofeedback panel to
activate the Neurofeedback reinforcement display.

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Toggle between the Surface Neurofeedback Panel and the Progress Charts by clicking the
Settings Tab or the Progress tab. If a setting is changed then in order for the new settings to
be activated click Apply and then click the Progress tab and view the instantaneous Z Scores
and % reward with the new settings. A red vertical line marks the point in time when the
settings change occurred.

Session Rounds Panel

Click Session Rounds tab in the protocol panel to activate the session rounds panel.
The total training duration = number of rounds x round duration. For example, 8 rounds each at
5 minute duration = 40 minutes. Session duration = total training duration + inter-round delays.
For example, 8 rounds each with 30 second delays between rounds = 43 minutes and 30
seconds for the session duration. Round restart method can be automatic or manual and all of
the round settings can be changed. When the Apply button is clicked in the settings panel

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then the Begin Session button will become active. To start the training session click Begin
Session in either the session round panel or the protocol panel.

Visual and Auditory Feedback Control

Make sure that the K-Lite codec is installed so that the Video and DVD sound track is
active. First, download the K-Lite Installer at:


When EEG traces are streaming across the view panel, click Collection > Neurofeedback >
Direct Show Settings.

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Once the k-lite codec and Direct Show settings are active then in the Neurofeedback protocol
panel click the Display control to select different visual displays. The 1st is a green dot in the
center of a head display panel than can be moved to a 2nd monitor. Other options include
Brainmaster Multimedia and Deymed 3D displays and Cybernetic Interface Systems (CIS)
display that users must purchase from the vendors before the display controls are visible
inside of NeuroGuide. A free NeuroGuide multimedia player for videos can be selected. The
NeuroGuide multimedia player control panel is shown below. The default video is a family trip
to the zoo. If users want to use their own video then select User Specified in the Source
control. Then browse to the location of the video and click apply to start the video. Select the
feedback transition mode where brightness or size change when threshold is achieved. Turn
sound off, or on linked to the reward or on continuously. Select the range of transition change
where 100% is complete disappearance of the display to 25% of size reduction or brightness
dimming, etc.

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DVD Player Controls

Make sure that the K-Lite codec is installed so that the Video and DVD sound track is active.
First, download the K-Lite Installer at:


When EEG traces are streaming across the view panel, click Collection > Neurofeedback >
Direct Show Settings.

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Once the k-lite codec and Direct Show settings are active then in the Neurofeedback protocol
panel click the Display control to select the NeuroGuide DVD Player. The NeuroGuide DVD
player control panel is shown below. Insert a DVD into the DVD/CD drive on the computer.
Select the feedback transition mode where brightness or size change when threshold is
achieved. Turn sound on continuously, linked to reward or off. Select the transition rate at
which the DVD appears or disappears based on the reward. Control the transition range of
change from only a small size change to a large size change based on a reward.

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Intra-Session Progress

View the progress of Neurofeedback by clicking OK in the Surface EEG Neurofeedback Panel

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Change the display setting to Min/Max to view the extreme instantaneous Z Scores and not the
average Z Score per second. The average Z Score/second may be small because 32 Z Scores
were averaged over a one second period and some Z Scores may be small.

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Inter-Session Progress Charts

After each Neurofeedback session close the session and then save the session in the client's
folder. The session files end in the extension *.nfb and will be automatically selected and used
to generate an Inter-Session Progress chart based on the chronological order of the sessions.
It is important that subject's sessions not be mixed with different clients and to save each
session in the same subject's folder.

Click Collection > Inter-Session Progress > Surface Neurofeedback and then navigate to the
Patient/Subject Folder where the sessions were saved and click Done

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NeuroGuide Manual Neurofeedback LORETA Z Score Neurofeedback 225

Neurofeedback LORETA Z Score Neurofeedback

LORETA Z Score Biofeedback uses similar controls as for the surface Neurofeedback. To
activate LORETA Z Score Biofeedback first conduct a qEEG analysis on the patient and after
editing click Report > Create Symptom Check List Match in order to link the patient's
symptoms and complaints to functional systems in the brain. Activate the EEG collection
software and begin recording the EEG as described above. Then click Collection >
Neurofeedback > LORETA Neurofeedback to activate the LORETA Neurofeedback Protocol

'Live' LORETA Coherence and Phase Difference Z Scores are selected by clicking Coherence
or Phase and then select pairs of Brodmann Areas out of the universe of 88 Brodmann Areas.
Once a Brodmann Area pair is selected then select the frequency bands. Of course one can

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use the Symptom Check list which will automatically select Brodmann Areas and frequencies
linked to the patient's symptoms.

If the qEEG Z Scores were generated by Report > Create Symptom Check List Match, then click
Symptom Check list to open the Symptom Check List panel. If no prior qEEG was conducted
or no Z Scores transferred then select the Brodmann Area(s) and frequencies and feedback
settings and thresholds and click Apply and skip the symptom check. Here is a view of the
symptom check list to help link a patient's symptoms and complaints to functional systems of
the brain.

After testing the symptom check list hypotheses to LORETA Z Scores then click OK to return to
the setup panel and select the threshold and type of feedback displays. Click Apply to begin
the Neurofeedback session. The visual and auditory displays are the same for the surface
EEG Z Scores and the LORETA Z Scores.

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Symptom Check List Hypotheses and QEEG Z Score Tests

Identify the symptom(s) exhibited by the patient/client and double click the severity score to
activate the symptom. Enter a severity score from 1 to 10. This will create red circle on the
10/20 scalp display and the size of the circle increases as a function of the severity value. As
more symptoms are selected then NeuroGuide automatically weights the symptom locations
and scales the size of the green circles to represent "hypotheses" of "weak systems" or "loss
of function" systems (Luria, 1973).

The top right 10/20 scalp display will change depending on the symptom check list and the
match of the QEEG Z Scores to the hypothesized locations. The location of green circles in
the "Match" 10/20 display represents a match between hypothesized scalp locations and
observed QEEG Z Scores. The radius of a green circle is produced by scaling with respect to
the maximum average Z Score greater than the threshold for a given scalp location. The larger
the average Z Score then the larger the radius of the circle. After the user finds an optimal link
to hypothesized locations, then click OK to automatically generate a Neurofeedback Protocol.
The automatic protocol is produced by the cross-product of the symptom severity and the
average Z Score in a given location or S x Z where S = the severity index (1 to 10) from the
symptom check list for that location and Z = the sum of the absolute Z or |Z| scores equal to or
greater than the threshold as determined by the user (Default is |Z| = 2). The user can veto or
modify the automatically produced protocol by clicking metrics, frequencies, auto-spectrum
and cross-spectrum selections in the Surface EEG panel.

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Click OK in the Symptom Check List Panel to Return to the Surface Neurofeedback Panel and
View the Automatic Selections based on the Symptom Check List as Hypotheses and QEEG Z
Scores as Tests of the Hypotheses. Click OK if satisfied or modify by selecting or deselecting
variables or click Clear to start over. Then click OK in the surface EEG Neurofeedback panel to
activate the Neurofeedback reinforcement display.

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View the progress of Neurofeedback by clicking OK in the Surface EEG Neurofeedback Panel

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Toggle between the Surface Neurofeedback Panel and the Progress Charts by clicking the
Settings Tab or the Progress tab. If a setting is changed then in order for the new settings to
be activated click Apply and then click the Progress tab and view the instantaneous Z Scores
and % reward with the new settings. A red vertical line marks the point in time when the
settings change occurred.

Session Rounds Panel

Click Session Rounds tab in the protocol panel to activate the session rounds panel. The total
training duration = number of rounds x round duration. For example, 8 rounds each at 5 minute
duration = 40 minutes. Session duration = total training duration + inter-round delays. For
example, 8 rounds each with 30 second delays between rounds = 43 minutes and 30 seconds
for the session duration. Round restart method can be automatic or manual and all of the
round settings can be changed. When the Apply button is clicked in the settings panel then

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the Begin Session button will become active. To start the training session click Begin Session
in either the session round panel or the protocol panel.

Click the Display control to select different visual displays. The 1st is a green dot in the center
of a head display panel than can be moved to a 2nd monitor. Other options include
Brainmaster Multimedia and Deymed 3D displays that users must purchase from Brainmaster
or Deymed before the display controls are visible inside of neuroguide. A free NeuroGuide
multimedia player for videos can be selected. The neuroguide multimedia player control panel
is shown below. The default video is a family trip to the zoo. If users want to use their own
video then select User Specified in the Source control. Then browse to the location of the
video and click apply to start the video. Select the feedback transition mode where brightness
or size change when threshold is achieved. Turn sound off, or on linked to the reward or on
continuously. Select the range of transition change where 100% is complete disappearance of
the display to 25% of size reduction or brightness dimming, etc.

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DVD Player Controls and Activation

Click the Display control to select the NeuroGuide DVD Player. The NeuroGuide DVD player
control panel is shown below. Insert a DVD into the

DVD/CD drive on the computer. Select the feedback transition mode where brightness or size
change when threshold is achieved. Turn sound on continuously, linked to reward or off.
Select the transition rate at which the DVD appears or disappears based on the reward. Control
the transition range of change from only a small size change to a large size change based on a

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Intra-Session Progress

During the Neurofeedback session, click the Progress Tab and

view the Intra-Session Progress

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Inter-Session Progress Charts

After each Neurofeedback session close the session and then save the session in the client's
folder. The session files end in the extension *.nfb and will be automatically selected and used
to generate an Inter-Session Progress chart based on the chronological order of the sessions.
It is important that subject's sessions not be mixed with different clients and to save each
session in the same subject's folder.

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NeuroLink is a stand-alone program designed to aid the clinician in the evaluation of
client/patient severity of symptoms by the use of a self-assessment symptom check list. The
patient/client ranks the severity of 10 different symptom categories after which a bar chart and
radar map showing the relative symptom severity appears. Other assessment options are the
Early Dementia Questionnaire and the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC). All of
the questionnaires are designed to link different symptom categories with brain networks
known to be related to symptoms. The self-assessment scores are then saved and can be
imported into the NeuroGuide Symptom Check List panel for purposes of Neurofeedback for
surface (NF1), LORETA (NF2) and BrainSurfer (BCI) treatment of symptoms. The NeuroGuide
user can select a given symptom category and then the corresponding Brodmann areas of

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NeuroGuide Manual NeuroLink 240

scalp electrode locations linked to the symptom are selected and the Neurofeedback protocol
is immediately available to begin Neurofeedback targeting the locations linked to the
symptoms. To learn more about NeuroLink go to: www.anineuolink.com

The figure below shows the integrated over view of symptom self-assessment with NeuroLink
and NeuroGuide

Open the Symptom Check List panel and then click the NeuroLink tab

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Navigate to the subject's folder where you saved the client/patient *.nla data file produced by
filling out the symptom check list questionnaire using NeuroLink and select the session that
you want to create a Neurofeedback protocol for.

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NeuroGuide Manual NeuroLink 242

Below is an example of selecting Addiction as the symptom for which the addiction network is
selected as a protocol for Neurofeedback. Click OK to be taken to the Neurofeedback protocol
panel and immediately begin Neurofeedback to reinforce increased stability and efficiency in
the addiction network.

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NeuroGuide Manual NeuroLink 243

The Key Institute LORETA (Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography) and sLORETA are
obsolete, not only because it is scientifically outdated, but also because of hardware and
Windows incompatibility. In response, the ANI staff has developed a new 21st Century
replacement, the swLORETA NeuroNavigator (NN), that retains the general feel of the old Key
Institute viewer but adds a supercharged engine that:

· Provides improved localization accuracy to better link symptoms to brain networks

· Uses the real MRI 12,270 voxel projection of the International Consortium for Brain
Mapping (ICBM)
· Uses the Boundary Element Method (BEM) compute the Inverse Solution
· Is able to localize deeper brain structures using weighted sLORETA or swLORETA
· Provides powerful MRI navigation panels
· Able to sort Z scores and Brodmann areas (NNZ)
· Zoom in and out of the brain

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· Highlighting of the boundaries of Brodman Area

· Transparency Controls for the Scalp and Head and Cortex
· Play a Movie from 1 to 40 Hz
· Includes Functional Connectivity NNF (Instantaneous Coherence, Lagged Coherence
and Phase Differences)
· Includes Effective Connectivity or measures of the Magnitude and Direction of
Information Flown (NNI)
· Integrated Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) or Axonal Fiber Bundles (NND)
· .... and much more.

Click Analysis > NeuroNavigator > Generate New Data and then select Z
scores or Raw Scores

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To activate Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) fiber bundles in the Options Tab click Atlas > DTI.
controls to select different fiber bundles such as the Arcuate Fascculus, the Cingulum, the
Corpus Callosum, the Forniz, Inferior-Frontal-Occipital Fasciculus, Inferior-Longitudinal
Fasciculus, Uncinate Fasciculus. In addition we plan to include the Catani and de Shoten
"Atlas of the Human Connectome". The Brodmann areas are the end points of these fiber
bundles and are already inside of NeuroGuide's LORETA Z score Neurofeedback for
Functional Connectivity.

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Phase Reset - Surface EEG

Click Report > Report Selections > Connectivity Suite > Phase Reset options. Phase reset is
computed from the time series of instantaneous phase differences using Complex
Demodulation and then straightening the phase differences and computing the absolute value
of the first derivative of the straightened phase difference time series. When the first
derivative exhibits a peak, then this is "Phase Reset". When the first derivative approximates
zero, e.g., < 5 deg/cs, then this is "Phase Locking". That is, when there is little change in
phase difference over time, then phase locking or phase synchrony is present. Below is an
illustration of the definition of phase reset and phase locking. NeuroGuide uses peak detection
algorithms to identify peaks in the 1st derivative of phase differences, the full width half
maximum, the amplitude of the peak, the duration of the peak and the interval of time between
the offset of one phase reset event and the onset of the next phase reset event. Only edited
selections of EEG are used in the phase reset analyses and there must be continuity between
phase reset events in order for the phase locking interval to be computed. Further technical
details of phase reset are explained at http://www.appliedneuroscience.com/Articles.htm and
then download Article "How to compute EEG coherence with a hand calculator". Also, see
Thatcher et al, (2007) "Self-organized criticality and the development of EEG phase reset.
Human Brain Mapping (In Press).

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NeuroGuide Manual Phase Reset - Surface EEG 247

Left is the unit circle in which there is a clustering of phase angles and thus high coherence as
measured by the length of the unit vector r. The vector r1 = 45 degrees occurs first in time and
the vector r2 = 10 degrees and 135 degrees occurs later in time. The transition is between time
point 4 and 5 where the 1st derivative is a maximum. The right displays are a time series of the
approximated 1st derivative of the instantaneous phase differences for the time series t1, t2, t3,
t4 at mean phase angle = 45 degrees and t5,t6,t7, t8 at mean phase angle = 10 degrees. Phase
reset is defined as a significant negative or positive 1st derivative (y < 0 or y > 0). The 1st
derivative near zero (e.g., < 5 degrees/cs) is when there is phase locking or phase stability and
little change over time. The sign or direction of phase reset is arbitrary since two oscillating
events are being brought into phase synchrony and represent a stable state as measured by
EEG coherence independent of direction. The clustering of stable phase relationships over
long periods of time is more common than are the phase transitions. The phase transitions are
time markers of the thalamo-cortical-limbic-reticular circuits of the brain (John, 2005; Thatcher
and John, 1977; Thatcher et al, 2007).

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Polarity & Grid Color

Click on View and change the Polarity or change the Grid Color or eliminate the Grid
lines by changing the Intensity. The Default Screen Does Not Allow Access to Normative
Databases. To Access the Normative Databases Double Click a Montage in the Montage Panel
to the Left of the screen. Double Click Linked Ears in the Montage Window to reformat to
Linked Ears... this will remove the Auxiliary and other Default Channels.

Scale the EEG tracings in uV/cm, change the Display Time Scale, Resize the Screen or Display
Window and Move the Slider to View more of the EEG.

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Re-Montaging and the Use of the Linked Ears, Average Reference and
Laplacian Norms

Double click on the Average Reference Montage or use the Tab & Arrow keys. The
corresponding Z-Scores will be displayed in the lower right Z Score window. Scan the Z-Scores
and compare to the Linked Ears montage.

Double click on the Laplacian Reference Montage or use the Tab & Arrow keys. The
corresponding Z-Scores will be displayed in the lower right Z-Scores window. Hold the left
mouse button and scan the Theta peak at 5 Hz to 6.5 Hz and make a written note of the Red Z-
Scores and frequencies in the left margin of the EEG tracings.

Note that the scale is in microamperes because the Laplacian is an estimate of the current
flowing at right angles through the skull (Nunez, 1981; 1994; Pasqual-Marqui et al, 1988).

Linked Ears Reference Montage Revisited - Double click on LINKEARS Montage & Re-Examine
Theta and make notes as to which Locations show Red Z-Scores (i.e., > 1.96 SD). With linked
ears reference the significant Z-Scores are more diffuse.

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Save Power Spectral Analyses in Tab Delimited Format

Click Analysis > FFT Power Spectra and then Absolute Power, Relative Power or Z Scores

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Navigate to a Folder and Name the File

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Print EEG Tracings. After making EEG selections then click File > Print to launch the windows
print manager. Select properties and then "Landscape" and then click OK to print.
NeuroGuide only prints the EEG selections and it prints "what you see is what you get"
WYSIWYG, therefore, scale the volts or amperes and time display to your liking before

Save and Print EEG Selections

Save the final edit selections that will be used in the QEEG analyses by Clicking Edit > Save
Edit File... If you want to only print a specific page, save the edits, then clear all selections and
select the single page that you want to print.

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Save in the patient/client's folder using the *.edt extension

After importing a digital EEG file to open Edit Selections for that file Click Edit > Open Edit File >
NeuroGuide and navigate to the location where the edits were saved. This only opens the Edit
Selections for a given EEG data file and an EEG file must be imported first.

Print or Export the Edited EEG in ASCII format by Highlighting Print or Export in the File Menu.

Save the Edited EEG Selections and patient information in NeuroGuide Format (*.ng) . Save
the EEG records without any edit selections in EDF format or Lexicor format or Text (ASCII)

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NeuroGuide Manual Save and Print EEG Selections 254

Selecting Report Content

Click Report > Report Selections to open the Report Dialog Box. Then Click the radial buttons
to select the report content. To Save your selections click the Save button and then name and
save your selections. To load previously saved selections click the Load Button at the bottom
of the dialog box. To exit click OK or Cancel. Save your preferred selections as Default so
that NeuroGuide will automatically load your preferred selections when you launch

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Click the radial buttons in the Report Dialog Box to determine the report content. When
completed, click OK and then Report > Generate Report.

To select only statistically significant Z Score connections for coherence, phase or amplitude
asymmetry click Report > Report Selections > Connection Maps. The complete range of raw
scores and Z Scores for connectivity measures is available in the connectivity Suite.

Click Report > Report Selections > Spectral Values in the dialog box and then select or de-
select the FFT numerical spectral values to be included in the report. All numerical values can
be saved by clicking Save > Tab Delimited Text file in the Output Windows, the window below
controls a limited set of numerical values that are printed in the report itself.

Click: Report > Color Selections to Select the range of Z Scores and colors ranges in the
Topographic Z Score maps.

In the color map settings dialog box select the Z Score range and color contrasts, then close
the Color Map Settings window.

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Click Z Score Tab to Scale the range of Normal Z Scores and to Change the Color Scheme

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Save your report selections so that you can tailor the report to meet your needs and so that
you can easily retrieve your selections in the future.

Load previously saved selections so as to quickly tailor the report to meet your needs.

After making your Selections (Final Items Checked and Unchecked) click OK in the Report
Selections Dialog Box, then click Report > Generate Report to compute color maps and report
content. Repeat with Different Montages and Conditions (Laplacian & Average Reference) for
additional report output.

swLORETA stands for weighted sLORETA in which one can resolve sources at the top and
bottom of the cortex and in between the top and bottom in 10 approximately 0.2 millimeter
steps. To launch swLORETA click Analysis > swLORETA > Generate New Data and either raw
scores or Z scores. One can also import saved .swl data files by selecting the View Data

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NeuroGuide Manual swLORETA 259

The best way to learn how to use swLORETA is to view the You Tuber
Videos at:


Topographic Color Maps

Click Report > Report Selections in the Menu. Uncheck and check FFT Connection maps that
you want in your Report. The connectivity maps are limited to a smaller number of measures

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NeuroGuide Manual Topographic Color Maps 260

and the statistically significant pairs of leads only. This is in contrast to the Connectivity Suite
which presents all 171 possible combinations and a full range of Z Scores for a wide range of
connectivity measures.

First Page of Report is the Subject Information, then Technical Information and then a
Summary Page. Below is an example of a summary page

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Example Page of the 1 Hz Z Absolute Power Z Score Maps

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Example Page of the Coherence Z Scores

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In the Analysis Output panel, click Save > Bitmaps to save the Results of the Color Maps in Bit
Map Format or click Save > Tab Delimited to save the numerical values in ASCII Tab Delimited
Format to be Export to Excel or Database Management or Statistics Programs. Create a
Folder, then open the folder and name the bitmap files before saving them in the folder. Later
navigate to the Folder to Import directly into Word, or Power Point or Print Shop Pro, etc.

Table of Contents for Appendixes


Appendix A: Warning about Digital and Statistical Analyses of the EEG

Appendix B: Computation of the Auto-spectral and Cross-spectral Densities,

Coherence, Phase Delays and Amplitude Asymmetry of the

Edited EEG Selections


Appendix C: Warning about Cross-Platform Data Transfers


Appendix D: Default LORETA Electrode Coordinates and T Matrix

Appendix E: University of Maryland Amplifier Characteristics

Appendix F: Normative Database

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Appendix G: Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA)

Normative Reference Database: Birth to 82 years

Appendix H: LORETA Source Correlations

Appendix I: LORETA Coherence and Phase

Appendix J: A Few of the Normative Database Publications, Replications and



Appendix A: Warning about Digital and Statistical Analyses of the EEG

WARNING: NeuroGuide does not diagnose and only provides displays of the digital EEG and
statistical analyses of selected EEG segments. NeuroGuide requires competent human
intervention for it's many mathematical tools and NeuroGuide is only considered as an adjunct
and/or as a supplement to other measures that may aid in evaluating the status of the EEG by a
competent person. Clinical use of NeuroGuide requires a competent medical or clinical
professional. NeuroGuide is a standalone software package that uses "look up" table
functions to create Z Scores which are a reference based on published scientific selection
criteria of samples of EEG (Thatcher et al. 1987; 1986; 1989; 2003) and the use of these tables
is at the discretion of the competent professional. It is advised that reliability measures and
validity tests using different montages and different selections of EEG be conducted as a
routine procedure when using NeuroGuide. NeuroGuide was designed to allow for mouse
click selections and testings of hypotheses and reliability and validity using digital analyses of
the EEG. qEEG is not a substitute for EEG, but an addition to EEG. Some forms of clinically
important information are better recognized by eye than by quantification, and the visual
inspection of the waveform EEG data is a good way to monitor and control the level of
consciousness as well as eye movement and muscle artifacts. A qEEG device will not
substitute for lack of EEG training, qEEG is more demanding than classic EEG on both the
clinician and technologist. Those performing and reading of qEEG studies must not only have
basic EEG skills, but must also have a functional understanding of the numerical and statistical
techniques used in qEEG, be specifically trained in qEEG analysis and be aware of the
necessity for better control of artifact and subject state. qEEG should always be interpreted by
a knowledgeable clinician in the light of all relevant information.

CONTRA INDICATIONS: EEG artifact can invalidate analyses and improper positioning of
electrodes or significant deviations from accepted standards of electroencephalographic
recording methodology can invalidate EEG recordings or erroneous storage of data and
falsification of data, improper manipulation of data or unlawful uses of NeuroGuide including
violations of copyright law and other improper uses of NeuroGuide are all contra indicated.

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NeuroGuide Manual Appendixes for NeuroGuide Manual 265

Appendix B: Computation of the Auto-spectral and Cross-spectral Densities,

Coherence, Phase Delays and Amplitude Asymmetry of the
Edited EEG Selections

Use the Signal Generator to Calibrate the Digital Signal Processing

1 - Import of digital EEG data involves the following steps:

1) Down-sample or up-sample to 128 Hz;

2) Baseline the EEG by filtering at < 1 Hz and > 40 Hz (5th order Butterworth filters and
creating values from zero time to negative time to allow the filter to start at time point
= 0);

3) After each edit selection baseline the spliced selections of EEG by filtering a second
time at < 1 Hz and > 40 Hz.

2 - Amplifier equilibration is computed as the difference between the normative database

amplifier characteristics in microvolts based on the frequency response of a calibrated sine
wave from 1 to 40 Hz. The equilibration ratio for each EEG machine manufacturer is a
coefficient in all of the subsequent spectral computations in the list of EEG machines in the File
> Open window. The FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) parameters are: epoch = 2 seconds at a
sample rate of 128 sample/sec = 256 digital time points and a frequency range from 0.5 to 40 Hz
at a resolution of 0.5 Hz using a cosine taper window. Each 2 second FFT is 101 rows
(frequencies 0 to 50 Hz) X 19 columns (electrode locations) = 1,919 element cross-spectral
matrix for each subject. NeuroGuide uses the same equations as used by the Key Institute
(see Key Institute equations 10 to 19 in the Key Institute Help Manual) and Bendat and Piersol,
1980; Otnes and Enochson, 1978 which are standard equations. The N in the Key Institute
cross-spectrum equations 16 and 17 is the number of 2 second windows that are used in the
computation of the average FFT which is the sum of the spectra from 2 second windows/N.
The last whole integral of 256 points marks the end of window summation and averaging. The
N sub T (Key Inst. equation 17) is the number of time frames per FFT window = 256 at 128
samples per second. A detailed documentation of the mathematical equations for the Fourier
Transform and the Power Spectrum and Power Spectral Density is available at
http://www.appliedneuroscience.com/Brain% 20Connectivity-A% 20Tutorial.pdf

3 - In order to minimize the effects of windowing in the FFT (Kaiser and Sterman, J.
Neurotherapy, 4(3): 85-92, 2001) a EEG sliding average of the 256 point FFT cross-spectral

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matrix was computed for each normal subjects edited EEG by advancing in 64 point steps
(75% overlap) and recomputing the FFT and continuing with the 64 point sliding window of 256
point FFT cross-spectrum for the entire edited EEG record. Each of the 101 frequencies for
each 19 channels is log10 transformed to better approximate a normal distribution. The total
number of 2 second windows is the number that is entered into the analysis of variance and t-
tests and it is used to compute the degrees of freedom for a given statistical test.

4 - The FFT mean, variance, standard deviation, sum of squares, and squared sum of the real
(cosine) and imaginary (sine) coefficients of the cross-spectral matrix is computed across the
sliding average of edited EEG for all 19 leads for the total number of 101 frequencies and 1,919
log transformed elements for each subject at 0.5 Hz resolution. This creates the following eight
basic spectral measurement sets and their derivatives

1) Cross-Spectral Power (square root of the sums of squares of the real and imaginary

2) Auto-Spectral Power which is the diagonal of the cross-spectral matrix where the
imaginary coefficient = 0 and power = sine square;

3) Amplitude asymmetry of auto-spectral power = (A-B)/(A+B) x 200 where A = EEG

channel 1 and B = EEG channel 2;

4) Coherence = square of the cross-spectrum divided by the product of the two auto-

5) Phase = arctangent of the ratio of the real/imaginary components for frequencies

from 0.5 to 50 Hz,;

6) Real coefficients;

7) Imaginary coefficients; and

8) Peak Frequency = sum (freq. x abs. power(freq))/sum abs. power(freq), e.g.,

(4.0x2+4.5x4+5.0x2)/(2+4+2) = 4.5 Hz).

(Bendat and Piersol "Engineering applications of correlation and spectral analysis", John
Wiley & Sons, NY, 1980; Otnes and Enochson "Digital time series analysis", Wiley-Interscience,
1978; Press et al, "Numerical recipes in C".

5 - The frequency bands are slightly different for NG 1.0 to NG 2.3.8 and were changed on May
15, 2007 for NG 2.3.9 and later versions. The frequency bands for the various versions of
NeuroGuide are shown below:

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NeuroGuide Manual Appendixes for NeuroGuide Manual 267

NG v 1.0 - 2.3.8 NG v 2.3.9 and later

Delta 1.0 - 3.5 Hz 1.0 - 4.0 Hz
Theta 4.0 - 7.5 Hz 4.0 - 8.0 Hz
Alpha 8.0 - 12.0 Hz 8.0 - 12.0 Hz
Beta 12.5 - 25.0 Hz 12.0 - 25.0 Hz
Hi-Beta 25.5 - 30.0 Hz 25.0 - 30.0 Hz
Gamma 30.0 - 40.0 Hz 30.0 - 50.0 Hz
Alpha 1 NA 8.0 - 10.0 Hz
Alpha 2 NA 10.0 - 12.0 Hz
Beta 1 12.0 - 15.0 Hz 12.0 - 15.0 Hz
Beta 2 12.0 - 17.5 Hz 15.0 - 18.0 Hz
Beta 3 18.0 - 25.0 Hz 18.0 - 25.0 Hz
Gamma 1 NA 30.0 - 35.0 Hz*
Gamma 2 NA 35.0 - 40.0 Hz*
Gamma 3 NA 40.0 - 50.0 Hz*
* Coherence, Phase and Amplitude Asymmetry Sub-bands of Gamma

The reason for the change in frequency band designation was to create uniformity between the
FFT and the JTFA frequency analyses. The FFT spectrum is computed with 0.5 Hz resolution
with the center frequency at 0.25 Hz within a given frequency 0.5 Hz band. The frequency
bands in NeuroGuide do not have any gaps or overlaps, for example, frequency band 1.0 Hz to
2.0 Hz = 1.0 to 1.5 Hz + 1.5 Hz to 2.0 Hz. The adjacent frequency band, 2.0 to 3.0 = 2.0 to 2.5 Hz
+ 2.5 Hz to 3.0 Hz. The complex demodulation JTFA analyses use the same frequency bands
as the FFT but without the sharp 0.5 Hz sub-bands as are used in the FFT.

6- Split-Half Reliability Coefficient is defined by the ratio of the variance of the even and odd
seconds of the selected EEG record and referred to as the proportion of the obtained variance
that is true variance. Test Re-Test reliability uses the same equations but is the ratio of the
variance of the first half of the EEG selections vs the variance of the second half of the EEG
selections (Ferguson, G.A., Statistical Analysis in Psychology and Education, McGraw-Hill,
1976. Test Re-Test reliability is especially useful for detecting state changes in vigilance during
the course of the recording session.

7 - Time-Frequency means, standard deviations, sum of squares and squared sum of the real
and imaginary coefficients are computed using complex demodulation. A 500 millisecond
integration window and a five point recursive filter with a sixth order Butterworth band pass
filter is used. The center frequencies and half bandwidths for absolute power, relative power,

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NeuroGuide Manual Appendixes for NeuroGuide Manual 268

amplitude asymmetry, coherence and phase differences are: Delta = 2.5 Hz, 1.5 Hz; theta = 6.0
Hz, 2 Hz; alpha = 10 Hz, 2.0 Hz; Beta = 8.5 Hz, 6.5 Hz; Hi-Beta = 27.5 Hz, 2.5 hz; Beta-1 = 13.5
Hz, 1.5 Hz; Beta-2 = 16.5 Hz, 1.5 Hz; Beta-3 = 21.5 Hz, 3.5 Hz; Gamma = 35.0 Hz, 5.0 Hz; Alpha-1
= 9.0 Hz, 1.0 Hz and Alpha-2 = 11.0 Hz, 1.0 Hz . The center frequencies and band widths were
selected in order to achieve high reliability and stability and to approximate accepted band
widths used in EEG biofeedback. The computational details of complex demodulation are
described in Otnes and Enochson "Digital time series analysis", Wiley-Interscience, 1978 and
at: http://www.appliedneuroscience.com/Brain% 20Connectivity-A% 20Tutorial.pdf

8 - Z Scores are computed as mean1 population mean/population st. dev. where the
population mean and standard deviation are computed across normal subjects for each age
group and where mean1 = the average spectral value computed based on the users EEG
selections for a given subject. There are 21 different age groupings from birth to 82 years of
age. Go to Appendix-F to view the age groupings. Details as to selection criteria, artifact
removal, reliability, cross-validation, fitting to a guassian curve and other aspects of the norms
are published in peer reviewed journals (see Thatcher et al, Science, 236: 1110-1113, 1987;
Thatcher, J. Neurotherapy, 2(4): 8 39, 1998; Thatcher et al, J. Neurotherapy, 7 (No. ¾): 87 122,
2003; Thatcher et al, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 36(2): 116-122, 2005). Z Scores of
autospectral and cross-spectral power are based on 0.5 Hz frequency bins from 1 to 30 Hz (i.e.,
61 total 0.5 Hz bins) and are displayed in the NeuroGuide edit screen when one selects the
Dynamic FFT option (i.e., click View > Dynamic FFT > Absolute Power). Band Z Scores, e.g., 1
Hz bands, delta (1 to 4.0 Hz), theta (4 - 8 Hz), alpha (8 - 12 Hz), beta broad (12 - 25 Hz), beta 1 (12
- 15 Hz), beta 2 (15 - 18 Hz), beta 3 (18 - 25 Hz) and hi-beta (25 - 30 Hz) are the average of the 0.5
Hz Z Scores within a given band. Averaging of the Z Scores within a band provides for
flexibility customizing bands as well as exact replication in the Dynamic FFT window which is a
what you see is what you get WYSIWYG display that gives instant verification to the
topographic maps and band Z Score values. Coherence, phase and amplitude asymmetry do
not involve averaging of Z Scores within a band but rather the computation of the mean and
standard deviation of band value using the cross-spectral FFT.

9 - Time-frequency Z Scores are computed using complex demodulation. The within subject
variance as well as between subject variance is used to compute the database means and
standard deviations. There is no averaging of Z Scores within a band, instead the absolute
power within a band is determined by the center frequency and band width of the complex
demodulation. The computational details of complex demodulation are described in Otnes
and Enochson "Digital time series analysis", Wiley-Interscience, 1978 and
at:http://www.appliedneuroscience.com/Brain% 20Connectivity-A% 20Tutorial.pdf

10- Effective Connectivity uses the Phase Slope Index (PSI) to compute the direction of the
information flow between two signals. The slope index indicates the temporal order of two
signals, which is then interpreted as a driver-responder relation. This mean if then the
signal i happens before the signal j where i is the driver and j is the responder. After computing
the absolute value of coherence called coherency we compute the Phase Slope index (PSI) as:

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where Phi is the coherency function between channel i and j, is the frequency resolution in
our case = 0.5Hz. represents the imaginary part of coherency. We do this for each 0.5 Hz
frequency bin within a band and then we compute the average for the standard band
definitions in NeuroGuide.

Appendix C: Warning about Cross-Platform Data Transfers

WARNING: NeuroGuide uses a splicing method of appending edited selections of EEG

(minimum segment length = 600 msec.) and then baselines using a Butterworth high pass filter
at 1 Hz and a low pass filter at 55 Hz so as to minimize splicing artifact. When NeuroGuide
exports the edited selections there is an approximation to baseline adjustment and possible
splice artifact may occur when the edited data are imported into other software platforms.
Amplifier matching will be violated if users, for example, collect EEG using a Deymed amplifier
and then export in Lexicor format because NeuroGuide matches the amplifier characteristics of
different EEG equipment manufactures and miss-labeling defeats the matching process.

Another warning about cross-platform comparisons are possible differences in FFT epoch
lengths (NeuroGuide uses 2 second epoch lengths), windowing methods (NeuroGuide uses
cosine taper windowing), successive vs. overlapping epochs (NeuroGuide uses 75% sliding
epoch overlapping while other platforms do not use overlapping epochs, see Appendix B), etc.
Within platform analyses using calibration sine waves are recommended and cross-platform
comparisons are not recommended unless the exact same analytical procedures are used.

Appendix D: Default LORETA Electrode Coordinates and T Matrix

ASCII Electrode Order and Spherical Coordinates for Use of the NeuroGuide Output Files with
the Key Institutes LORETA Explorer. If the Lex-TalairachCoord.xyz file is not available then
create this file by copying the values in the Table below and save as an ASCII file (tab delimited,
free space or comma delimited). You will need this file in order to use the NeuroGuide output
files with the LORETA Explorer. The user of course can always create their own electrode
coordinate files and T matrices by using the Key Institutes Talairach Electrode Coordinate
Maker 01.

-3.28E+01 8.10E+01 -3.70E+00 Fp1
1.49E-09 9.02E+01 -4.63E+00 Fpz
-7.06E+01 3.16E+01 1.32E+00 F7

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-5.09E+01 4.82E+01 5.04E+01 F3

1.49E-09 5.70E+01 7.11E+01 Fz
5.09E+01 4.82E+01 5.04E+01 F4
7.06E+01 3.16E+01 1.32E+00 F8
-8.25E+01 -1.95E+01 6.51E+00 T3
-6.11E+01 -1.31E+01 6.95E+01 C3
1.49E-09 -1.03E+01 9.65E+01 Cz
6.11E+01 -1.31E+01 6.95E+01 C4
8.25E+01 -1.95E+01 6.51E+00 T4
-7.34E+01 -7.25E+01 1.19E+01 T5
-5.14E+01 -7.75E+01 6.37E+01 P3
1.49E-09 -8.02E+01 8.37E+01 Pz
5.14E+01 -7.75E+01 6.37E+01 P4
7.34E+01 -7.25E+01 1.19E+01 T6
-3.17E+01 -1.16E+02 1.64E+01 O1
3.17E+01 -1.16E+02 1.64E+01 O2

Appendix E: University of Maryland Amplifier Characteristics

Normative reference EEG was acquired using 20 identical amplifiers mounted in a rack at the
Baltimore campus and another rack of 20 identical amplifiers at the Eastern Shore campus.
Each of the amplifiers and A/D systems were calibrated before and after each subject's EEG
and evoked potential acquisition.

· Gain = 104 v/v switchable to 105 v/v

· Gain Stability = 0.5%

· Common Mode Rejection = 100 db

· Bandwidth: 0.5 Hz to 27.5 Hz 3db point with notch filter at 60 Hz. Notch Q = 10, Notch
rejection = 40 db, flatness less than 0.25 db.

· Input Impedance = 100 meg (differential or common mode).

· Noise Level = 0.5 uv p-p at 104 v/v & 1.5 uv p-p at 105 v/v.

· Nominal Output Level = ± 0.5v at 104 v/v & ± 5v at 105 v/v.

· Supply Voltage = ± 15vdc.

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· Supply Current = +15vdc: 37ma ± 10% & -15vdc: 37ma ± 10%

· A to D conversion = 12 bit, sample and hold (Analog Devices).

· Sample Rate = 100 Hz.

Below is an example of the frequency response of the University of Maryland amplifiers

NeuroGuide uses calibrated sine waves injected into the input of different EEG machine
amplifiers as well as the normative database amplifiers in order to equilibrate the frequency
responses and thus match amplifier characteristics. The graph below is an illustration of the
method of amplifier matching between 1 Hz and 30.5 Hz for the Deymed amplifier and the Univ.
of Maryland amplifiers in which the equilibration ratio at each frequency is used to amplitude
scale the FFT in order to match the frequency characteristics of amplifiers. Although 0 to 40 Hz
is shown, matching is only between 1 Hz and 30.5 Hz as stated above.

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Appendix F: Normative Database

The NeuroGuide (NG) normative database in versions 1.0 to 2.4.6 included a total of 625
carefully screened individual subjects ranging in age from 2 months to 82 years. NG 2.5.1
involved the addition of 53 adult subjects ranging in age from 18.3 years to 72.6 years resulting
in a normative database of 678 subjects. The inclusion/exclusion criteria, demographics,
neuropsychological tests, Gaussian distribution tests and cross-validation tests are described
in several peer reviewed publications (Thatcher et al, 1983; 1987; 2003).

The age matching of norms in NeuroGuide version 1.0 to 2.3.8 involved stratification of age in
five non-overlapping age groups as described in Thatcher et al, 2003. In order to increase the
time resolution of age sliding averages were used for the stratification in NeuroGuide version
2.3.9. Two year means were computed using a sliding average with 6 month overlap of
subjects. This produced a more stable and higher age resolution normative database and a

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total of 21 different age groups. The 21 age groups and age ranges and number of subjects
per age group is shown in the bar graph Appendix F figure 2 below.

NeuroGuide version 2.5.1 expanded the number of age groups to 22 with the addition of a finer
adult age grouping between age 45 and 82. The 22 age groups and age ranges and number of
subjects per age group is shown in the bar graph in Appendix F figure 3 below. NG 2.5.1 thus
has a normative database of 678 subjects from 2 months of age to 82 years of age. The
childhood norms from 2 months of age to 17.9 years of age are the same in NG 2.5.1 as they
were in NG 2.3.9. Cross-validation and Gaussian tests were performed using the standard
methods described in Thatcher et al (2003). Below is a diagram of the procedures used to test
Gaussianity and cross-validation and clinical correlation (from Thatcher et al, 2003, figure 1):

Below is a graph (Figure 2) that shows the 22 different age bins and the number of subjects per
age bin in NG 2.5.1 and later releases of NeuroGuide:

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Graph of Normative Database Released with NG 2.6.8 (8/24/11). The blue color are the norms
for NG 2.0 to 2.4.6, the magenta color are the added normative subjects in NG 2.5.1 to 2.6.7 and
the yellow color are added 49 normative adult subjects in NG 2.6.8.

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Cross-validation involved computing the sensitivity and classification accuracy of each normal
subject in the normative database. An illustration of the computations are shown below and
the complete details of the computation are provided in Thatcher et al, 2003.

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There are too many tables and charts to show all of the cross-validation results of the entire
normative database which also includes Burst Metrics, Phase Reset and Cross-Spectra in the
Connectivity Suite. Nonetheless, below are examples of the results of cross-validation for
many of the normative database values. The method of cross-validation is described in
Thatcher et al (2003) and is shown in the figure above.

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Appendix G: Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA)

Normative Reference Database: Birth to 82 years

1.0- Introduction

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There are many potential uses of a normative EEG database among the most important being a
statistical guess as to the error rate or to the probability of finding a particular subjects EEG
measure within a reference normal population. Most other uses of a reference EEG database
also involve statistics and the same statistics that all of modern clinical medicine relies upon.
For example, null hypothesis testing, measures of reliability, sensitivity, power, predictive
validity, content validity, etc. all depend on specific assumptions and statistical procedures.

Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA) (Pascual-Marqui et al, Int. J.

Psychophysiol., 18: 49-65, 1994; Pascual-Marqui, Internat. Journal of Bioelectromagnetism 1:
75-86, 1999) is a distributed inverse model of 2,394 gray matter pixels to estimate the current
sources in 3-dimensions that give rise to the surface EEG. The use of a normative LORETA
database depends upon the statistical distribution of the 3-dimensional sources. The
statistical stability of a normative database is directly related to the extent that the distribution
of sources in a large population of normal individuals approximates a Gaussian distribution.
This appendix demonstrates how the use of the FFT cross-spectrum of 2,394 sources from a
large population of normal subjects provides a reasonable approximation to Gaussian and
how leave-one-out cross-validation statistics demonstrate sensitivities > 95% accurate in the
statistical estimation of values based on the NeuroGuide normative database. Expertise in the
use of the Key Institute LORETA Viewer is necessary and validation of the maximum Z Scores
by the surface EEG in frequency and scalp location are important. The user of the NeuroGuide
LORETA normative database is encouraged to read the Key Institute documentation and
always validate the LORETA solutions based on the surface EEG.

1.1 Key Institute and Applied Neuroscience, Inc. LORETA Normative

EEG Database comparative validation

Four different normative reference databases were computed: eyes open and eyes closed for
linked ears and for average reference montages. Five sequential age groupings of 625 normal
subjects (Thatcher et al, J. Neurotherapy, 7(3/4): 87-121, 2003) were selected to cover the age
range from 2 months to 82 years. The age groupings were: 1- Two months to 5.99 years; 2- 6.0
years to 9.99 years; 3- 10 to 13 years); 4- 13 to 16 years and 16 to 82 years. The details of the
selection/exclusion criteria, clinical validation using neuropsychological tests and other
aspects of normative reference database creation are described in Thatcher et al (J.
Neurotherapy, 7(3/4): 87-121, 2003).

To make sure that the calculations of the 2,394 LORETA currents were correct, two different
procedures were compared: 1- the Key Institute computation of currents followed by leave-
one-out cross-validation and, 2- NeuroGuide computation of currents followed by cross-
validation. Figure 1 is an illustration of a step by step procedure by which the ASCII digital time
series was exported to the Key Institute and then the Key Institute software was used to
compute *.crs files that were transformed into *.LOR files from which means and standard

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deviations of the 2,394 gray matter pixels were computed. In order to approximate Gaussian
distributions, skewness and kurtosis were calculated and then the individual subject values
were transformed by log10 and skewness and kurtosis were re-calculated. Other transforms
such as square root and loge were used but these transforms were not as affective in reducing
skewness and kurtosis. The left side of the figure is the edited and artifact clean and reliable
Digital EEG Time Series which may be re-referenced or re-Montaged to average reference,
which is then analyzed using the Key Institute software.

Fig. 1 Illustration of cross-validation procedures using the Key Institute software to compute
the cross-spectrum and means and standard deviations of the 2,394 LORETA currents. Leave-
one-out cross-validation procedures were followed and parametric and non-parametric
sensitivities were compared.

The second method which yielded essentially the same results as obtained using the Key
Institute software involved computing the cross-spectrum in NeuroGuide and then multiplying
the diagonal of the cross-spectral matrix (19 columns) by the Key Institute T matrix of 2,394 x, y
& z rows for each frequency (1 to 30 Hz), then computing J or the current source density as the
square root of the sum of the squares for each frequency and each of the 2,394 pixels (same

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procedure as described by the Key Institute manual for the computation of *.crs files). Figure
2 illustrates the cross-validation procedures using the NeuroGuide software and the Key
Institute T matrix.

Fig. 2 - Illustration of cross-validation procedures using the NeuroGuide software to compute

the cross-spectrum and means and standard deviations of the 2,394 LORETA currents.
Approximations to Gaussian were achieved and statistical sensitivities of the Z Scores were

2.0 Results

2.1 Gaussian Distributions and Affects of Log transforms

Figure 3 shows examples of the pre and post log10 distribution of LORETA Z Scores in the
adult subjects for different frequency bands.

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Fig. 3 - Distribution of the 2,394 LORETA currents in the delta (0.5 3 Hz), theta (3 7 Hz) and
alpha (8 13 Hz) without transforms (left) and with log10 transform (right). The log transform
adequately approximated a normal Bell Shaped distribution.

The ideal Gaussian and the average cross-validation values of the database by which
estimates of statistical sensitivity can be derived were published in Thatcher et al, J.
Neurotherapy, 7: 121, 2003. True positives (TP) = the percentage of Z Scores that lay within
the tails of the Gaussian distribution, False negatives (FN) = the percentage of Z Scores that fall
outside of the tails of the Gaussian distribution. The error rates or the statistical sensitivity of a
QEEG normative database are directly related to the deviation from a Gaussian distribution.
These facts provide a mathematical method of estimating the statistical sensitivity of a
normative EEG database in terms of the deviation from Gaussian for the NeuroGuide normative
database of surface EEG values as well as for the 2,394 gray matter pixel LORETA norms.

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Fig. 4 - Statistical sensitivities based for the eyes closed condition in a group of adult subjects
for linked ears and average reference.

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Fig. 5 - Statistical sensitivities for the eyes open condition in a group of adult subjects for
linked ears and average reference.

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Appendix H: LORETA Source Correlations

NeuroGuide uses the standard Key Institute Tab Delimited File of Brodmann Areas and
Anatomical Names to Identify each of the 2,394 gray matter voxels that are associated with one
of 66 different Regions of Interest (ROIs with 33 from the left hemisphere and 33 from the right
hemisphere) or with one of 94 Brodmann areas (ROIs with 47 from the left hemisphere and 47
from the right hemisphere). The current source values are computed for all 2,394 gray matter
gray matter voxels using the Key Institute cross-spectral equations for each successive 256
points or each two second epoch of EEG. For a 2 second epoch the square root of the sum of
squares of the x, y & z values or the resultant current value is computed for each of the 2,394
pixels and a .lor file is produced for each 2 second epoch. The current density values (A/m^2)
^2 of voxels within a selected ROI are averaged and each voxel in the selected ROI is replaced
with the average value for that ROI. Then a Pearson Product correlation coefficient is
computed for the covariance of current density over successive two second epochs between
all combinations of ROIs for each frequency from 1 Hz to 40 Hz. The correlation values range
from -1 to +1 and the statistical significance level is determined by the number of degrees of
freedom which is the number of 2 second epochs minus 1. For example, 60 seconds of EEG =
30 two second epochs or 30 -1 = 29 degrees of freedom and for r = 0.562 then = P < .001. The
ROI correlation with itself = 1, and for purposes of using the LORETA Viewer the ROI
correlation to itself is set to zero and thus a selected ROI is white in the Key Institute viewer.

Source Correlation Flow Chart

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Source Correlation Norms were computed by averaging gray matter voxels and combining
anatomical regions so that the number of voxels is sufficient to achieve a reasonable
approximation to a gaussian distribution. The total number of ROIs in the source correlation
norms = 46 and they are shown in the table below. The anatomical names are contained in the
Z Score ROI control panel. The match of the numbers 1, 2 & 3 in the "Regions of Interest"
column include the average ROIs to select 46 ROIs from the larger universe of 66 ROIs. For
example, within the Frontal Lobule the extra-nulear gyrus and the inferior frontal gyrus were
averaged as represented by 1 and the medial frontal gyrus and subcallosal gyrus were
averaged as represented by 2, etc. The numbers 1, 2 & 3 order the averaging within Lobules
and not between Lobules.

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Below are examples of the cross-validation tests of the LORETA source correlation normative
database and the relationship between 'U' shaped fibers and LORETA spatio-temporal

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Appendix I: LORETA Coherence and Phase

The standard procedures for the computation of Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography
(LORETA) were followed according to Pascual-Marqui et al, (1994; 2001); Pascual-Margui,
(1999), Gomez and Thatcher, (2001); Thatcher et al, 2005a; 2005b). LORETA is a distributed
EEG inverse solution where the currents at 3-dimensional gray matter voxels J are a linear
combination of the EEG electrical potential recorded at a scalp electrode at each sample point
to a 3-dimensional matrix of 2,394 gray matter voxels (each voxel is a 7mm3 volume) with x, y
and z coordinates in a generalized inverse that weights the solution to sources that are
synchronous in local volumes or regions using the 3-dimensional Laplacian operator
(Pasqual-Marqui et al., 1994; Pasqual-Marqui, 1999). The Talairach Atlas coordinates of the
Montreal Neurological Institute's MRI average of 305 brains (Lancaster et al, 2000; Pascual-
Marqui, 1999) and the linkage to standard anatomical 7mm x 7mm x 7 mm voxels each with a
distinct Talairach Atlas Coordinate. Groups of voxels are also defined by the clear anatomical

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landmarks established by Kobian Brodmann in 1909 and referred to as Brodmann areas. The
time series of current source vectors in the x, y & z directions were computed at the center
voxel of each of fourty seven left hemisphere and 47 right hemisphere Brodmann Areas. In
addition to the x, y & z time series from each voxel the resultant vector was computed as the
square root of the sum of the squares for the x, y and z source moments.

The Hilbert transform of the LORETA time series was computed using complex demodulation
to compute instantaneous coherence and phase-differences between each pair of the
Brodmann area time series (Granger and Hatanaka, 1964; Thatcher et al, 2008; Bloomfield,
2000). All combinations of 47 pairs of the LORETA Brodmann area time series were used to
compute "instantaneous" coherence and phase differences from the left hemisphere and the
homologous 47 Brodmann areas from the right hemisphere. Homologous combinations were
also computed but not diagonal combinations. LORETA coherence and phase differences
were computed for each of 10 frequency bands (Delta = 1.0-4.0 Hz; theta = 4.0-8.0 Hz; alpha1 =
8-10 Hz; Alpha-2 = 10-12 Hz; Beta1 = 12-15 Hz; Beta2 = 15-18 Hz; Beta3 = 18-25 Hz; Hi-Beta =
25-30 Hz).

The NeuroNavigator uses the standard Collin's brain from the Montreal
Neurological Institute for the structural images and coordinate system. The
idea is to use the well accepted and well used standard for spatial location of
brain structures from a single well studied brain as a spatial reference. ANI
selected 12,270 cortical gray matter voxels and placed 3-dimensional current
vectors in each voxel and then solved the inverse solution using the weighted
sLORETA method of Soler et al (swLORETA: a novel approach to robust
source localization and synchronization tomography, Physics in medicine
and biology, 52: 1783-1794). swLORETA differs from the Key Institute
sLORETA by: 1- Use of 12,270 voxels vs 6,200, 2- The use of the Boundary
Element Method (BEM) to determine true brain surfaces rather than a
spherical head model and, 3- The use of single-value-decomposition (SVD) to
transform the heterogeneous source space into a homogeneous source
space which is the "weighting" in swLORETA. The use of a homogeneous
source space dramatically improves the depth estimate of sources. Below is
an illustration of how swLORETA differs from the regular sLORETA.

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Below is an explanation of the genesis of the standardized brain see:


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Send to

Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) is also integrated inside of the Collin's Atlas
brain as described below.

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Appendix J: A Few of the Normative Database Publications, Replications and

Validations (see the National Library of Medicine database for
more citations)
Bell, M.A and Fox, N.A. (1992), The relations between frontal brain electrical activity and
cognitive development during infancy. Child Dev. 63(5): 1142-63.

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Bloomfield, P. Fourier Analysis of Time Series: An Introduction, John Wiley & Sons, New York,

Boldyreva GN, Zhavoronkova LA. (1991). Interhemispheric asymmetry of EEG coherence as a

reflection of different functional states of the human brain. Biomed Sci.; 2(3): 266-70.

Cantor DS, Thatcher RW, Hrybyk M, Kaye H. (1986). Computerized EEG analyses of autistic
children. J. Autism Dev. Disord., 16(2):169-87.

Cantor, D.S., Thatcher, R.W. and Kaye, H. (1987). Computerized EEG Analyses of Autistic
Children. Int. J. Autism, 114: 21-36.

Case, R. (1992). The role of the frontal lobes in the regulation of cognitive development. Brain
Cogn. 20(1): 51-73.

Collura, T.F, Thatcher, R.W., Smith, M.L., Lambos, W.A. and Stark, C.R. EEG biofeedback
training using live Z-scores and a normative database. In: Introduction to QEEG and
Neurofeedback: Advanced Theory and Applications, T. Budzinsky, H. Budzinsky, J.
Evans and A. Abarbanel (eds)., Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 2008.

Dawson G, Panagiotides H, Klinger LG, Hill D. (1992). The role of frontal lobe functioning in the
development of infant self-regulatory behavior. Brain Cogn. 20(1): 152-75.

Fishbein, D. and Thatcher, R.W. (1986). New Diagnostic Methods in Criminology: Assessing
Organic Sources of Behavioral Disorders. Research on Crime and Delinquency, 23 (3):
240 - 267.

Fisher, K.W. (1987), Relations between brain and cognitive development. Child Dev. 58(3): 623-

Granger, C.W.J. and Hatanka, M. Spectral Analysis of Economic Time Series, Princeton
University Press, New Jersey, 1964.

Hanlon, H. W. (1996). Topographically different regional networks impose structural limitations

on both sexes in early postnatal development. In: K. Pribram & J. King (Eds.), Learning
as self-organization (pp. 311-376). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc., Inc.

Hanlon, H. W., Thatcher, R. W. & Cline, M. J. (1999). Gender differences in the development of
EEG coherence in normal children. Developmental Neuropsychology, 16 (3), 479-506.

John, E.R. Karmel, B., Corning, W. Easton, P., Brown, D., Ahn, H., John, M., Harmony, T.,
Prichep, L., Toro, A., Gerson, I., Bartlett, F., Thatcher, R., Kaye, H., Valdes, P., Schwartz, E.
(1977). Neurometrics: Numerical taxonomy identifies different profiles of brain
functions within groups of behaviorally similar people. Science, 196, 1393-1410.

John, E.R., Prichep, L.S. and Easton, P. (1987). Normative data banks and neurometrics: Basic
concepts, methods and results of norm construction. In: Remond A. (ed.), Handbook of

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Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. III, Computer Analysis of the

EEG and Other Neurophysiological Signals. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 449-495.

Ito Y, Teicher MH, Glod CA, Ackerman E. (1998). Preliminary evidence for aberrant cortical
development in abused children: a quantitative EEG study. J Neuropsychiatry Clin
Neurosci. 10(3): 298-307.

Kaiser J, Gruzelier JH. (1996). Timing of puberty and EEG coherence during photic
stimulation. Int J Psychophysiol. 21(2-3): 135-49.

Matsuzawa J, Matsui M, Konishi T, Noguchi K, Gur RC, Bilker W, Miyawaki T. (2001). Age-
related volumetric changes of brain gray and white matter in healthy infants and
children. Cereb Cortex. 11(4): 335-42.

McAlaster, R. (1992). Postnatal cerebral maturation in Down's syndrome children: a

developmental EEG coherence study. Int J. Neurosci. 65(1-4): 221-37.

Thatcher, R. W., McAlaster, R., Lester, M. L., Horst, R. L. & Cantor, D.S. (1983). Hemispheric EEG
asymmetries related to cognitive functioning in children. In A. Perecuman (Ed.),
Cognitive processing in the right hemisphere (pp. 125-145). New York: Academic Press.

Thatcher, R. W., Krause, P. and Hrybyk, M. (1986). Corticocortical association fibers and EEG
coherence: A two compartmental model. Electroencephalography and Clinical
Neurophysiology, 64, 123-143.

Thatcher, R. W., Walker, R. A. & Guidice, S. (1987). Human cerebral hemispheres develop at
different rates and ages. Science, 236, 1110-1113.

Thatcher, R. W., Walker, R. A., Gerson, I. & Geisler, F. (1989). EEG discriminant analyses of mild
head trauma. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 73, 93-106.

Thatcher, R. W. (1991). Maturation of the human frontal lobes: Physiological evidence for
staging. Developmental Neuropsychology, 7 (3), 370-394.

Thatcher, R. W. (1992). Cyclic cortical reorganization during early childhood. Brain and
Cognition, 20, 24-50.

Thatcher, R. W. (1994). Psychopathology of early frontal lobe damage: Dependence on cycles

of postnatal development. Developmental Pathology, 6, 565-596.

Thatcher, R. W. (1998). EEG normative databases and EEG biofeedback. Journal of

Neurotherapy, 2 (4), 8-39.

Thatcher, R.W. (1999). EEG database guided neurotherapy. In: J.R. Evans and A. Abarbanel
Editors, Introduction to Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback, Academic Press, San

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroGuide Manual Appendixes for NeuroGuide Manual 297

Thatcher, R. W., Biver, C. & North, D. (2003) Quantitative EEG and the Frye and Daubert
Standards of Admissibility. Clinical Electroencephalography, 34(2), 115.

Thatcher, R.W., Walker, R.A., Biver, C.J., North, D.M., and Curtin, R. (2003). Quantitiative EEG
Normative Databases: Validation and Clinical Correlation. Journal of Neurotherapy, 7,

Thatcher, R.W., North, D., and Biver, C.J. (2005). Parametric vs. Non-Parametric Statistics of
Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA). Clinical EEG and
Neuroscience, 36(1): 1 - 8.

Thatcher, R.W., North, D., and Biver, C.J. (2005). Evaluation and Validity of a LORETA
Normative Database. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 36(2): 116-122.

Thatcher, R.W., North, D., and Biver, C. (2005). EEG and Intelligence: Univariate and
Multivariate Comparisons Between EEG Coherence, EEG Phase Delay and Power.
Clinical Neurophysiology, 116(9):2129-2141.

Thatcher, R.W., North, D.M, and Biver, C.J. (2006). Intelligence and EEG current density using
Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography, Human Brain Mapping, May.

Thatcher, R.W., Biver, C. J., and North, D.M. (2007). Spatial-temporal current source
correlations and cortical connectivity, Clin. EEG and Neuroscience, 38(1): 35-48.

Thatcher, R.W., North, D.M, and Biver, C.J. (2007). Intelligence and EEG current density using
low-resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA). Human Brain Mapp. 28(2):118-

Thatcher, R.W., North, D., and Biver, C. (2007). Development of cortical connectivity as
measured by EEG coherence and phase. Human Brain Mapp., Oct. 23.

Thatcher, R.W., North, D., and Biver, C. (2008). Self organized criticality and the development of
EEG phase reset. Human Brain Mapp., Jan 24.

Thatcher, R.W., North, D., and Biver, C. (2008). Intelligence and EEG phase reset: A two-
compartmental model of phase shift and lock, NeuroImage, 42(4): 1639-1653.

Thatcher, R.W., North, D., Neurbrander, J., Biver, C.J., Cutler, S. and DeFina, P. (2009). Autism
and EEG phase reset: Deficient GABA mediated inhibition in thalamo-cortical circuits.
Dev. Neuropsych, 34(6), 780-800.

Thatcher, R.W. and Lubar, J.F. History of the scientific standards of QEEG normative
databases. In: Introduction to QEEG and Neurofeedback: Advanced Theory and
Applications, T. Budzinsky, H. Budzinsky, J. Evans and A. Abarbanel (eds)., Academic
Press, San Diego, CA, 2008.

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroGuide Manual Appendixes for NeuroGuide Manual 298

Thatcher, R.W. (2008). EEG Evaluation of Traumatic Brain Injury and EEG Biofeedback
Treatment. In: Introduction to QEEG and Neurofeedback: Advanced Theory and
Applications, T. Budzinsky, H. Budzinsky, J. Evans and A. Abarbanel (eds)., Academic
Press, San Diego, CA.

Thatcher, R.W. (2012). "Handbook of Quantitative Electroencephalography and EEG

Biofeedback". Ani publishing, Inc., St. Petersburg, Fl

Thatcher, R.W. Quantitative EEG and EEG Biofeedback/Neurofeedback. In Swartz, et al.

"Biofeedback", in Press 2014.

RW Thatcher and JF Lubar (2014) “Z Score Neurofeedback: Clinical Applications”. Academic

Press, San Diego, CA.

Trudeau, D.L., Anderson, J., Hansen, L.M., Shagalov, D.N., Schmoller, J., Nugent, S. and Barton,
S. (1998). Findings of mild traumatic brain injury in combat veterans with PTSD and a
history of blast concussion, J. Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 10(3):308-313.

Wolff, T. and Thatcher, R.W. (1990). Cortical reorganization in deaf children. J. of Clinical and
Experimental Neuropsychology, 12: 209-221.

van Baal, G. C. (1997). A genetic perspective on the developing brain: EEG indices of neural
functioning in five to seven year old twins. Organization for scientific research (NWO).
The Netherlands: Vrije University Press.

van Baal, G. C., de Geus, E. J., & Boomsma, D.I. (1998). Genetic influences on EEG coherence in
5-year-old twins. Behavioral Genetics, 28 (1), 9-19.

van Beijsterveldt, C. E., Molenaar, P. C., de Geus, E. J., & Boomsma, D. I. (1996). Heritability of
human brain functioning as assessed by electroencephalography. American Journal of
Human Genetics, 58 (3), 562-573.

van Beijsterveldt, C. E., Molenaar, P. C., de Geus, E. J., & Boomsma, D. I. (1998). Genetic and
environmental influences on EEG coherence. Behavioral Genetics, 28 (6), 443-453.

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Manual and Tutorial
© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Part III

(All EEG Selections and/or Sine Wave Segments are for Illustrative Purposes Only)
NeuroStat Manual 300

NeuroStat Manual & Tutorial

Table of Contents
Introduction to NeuroStat
Step 1 Open Demo Lexicor NRS24 *.dat file

Step 2 Create NeuroGuide Analysis Files and Launch NeuroStat

Step 3 Compute Individual Statistics and Select Variables

Absolute Difference
Percent Difference
One Way ANOVA (independent group statistics)
t test (two-tailed) (independent group statistics)
Paired t-Test

Step 4 Comparing Two Different NeuroGuide Analysis Files

Step 5 Save Results as Topographic Maps and Text

Step 6 Compute Group Statistics Using *.NGG Files

Descriptive Statistics Means & Standard Deviation

Comparative Statistics

Step 7 Simultaneously Launch Two NeuroGuides and Compare

Step 8 3 Dimensional LORETA: Individual Statistics

Step 9 3 Dimensional LORETA: Group Statistics

Appendix A: Computation of the Auto and Cross-Spectra
Appendix B: Equations and Statistics

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroStat Manual 301


NeuroStat is a program that provides statistical comparisons and descriptive statistics of EEG
samples saved as Individual NeuroGuide Analysis Files or *.NGA files. NeuroStat also provides
individual and group parametric statistical tests using the Key Institute LORETA program.
Individual comparison options are independent t-tests, paired t-tests and ANOVA as well as
absolute and percent differences. Individual statistics are used for pre vs post treatment
comparisons or differences between eyes closed and eyes open, etc.
Group comparative statistics may require the use of NeuroBatch to produce a NeuroGuide
Group Analysis File or *.NGG file of the surface EEG Group paired t-tests do not require the use
of NeuroBatch and LORETA statistical analyses do not require the use of NeuroBatch.
Descriptive Group statistics include Means and Standard Deviations and independent t-tests
between Groups (does not assume equal variance or sample sizes). Group statistics are used
to compare different groups of subjects such as 100 ADD children to 100 normal children, etc.
Use NeuroBatch to create the *.NGG files before using NeuroStat.

Step 1 In Demo Mode Hold the Left Mouse Button and Click File >
Open > Lexicor NRS24.

Click File > Open > Lexicor > Lexicor NRS-24

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroStat Manual Step 1 - Open Demo Lexicor NRS24 *.dat file 302

Enter identifying subject information, especially age and eye condition and then Click OK.

Depress the left mouse button and select the 1st 40 seconds for demonstration purposes.
Open a 2nd NeuroGuide demo and import the Lexicor file and same subject information and
select the last 40 seconds for demonstration purposes.

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroStat Manual Step 1 - Open Demo Lexicor NRS24 *.dat file 303

Step 2 Simultaneously View Two NeuroGuides to Compare Pre vs

Post Treatment Effects

Repeat Step #1 and position the 2nd NeuroGuide near the bottom of the computer screen and
the 1st NeuroGuide near the top of the computer screen. Re-size the two NeuroGuides so that
one can view both at the same time.

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NeuroStat Manual Step 2- Simultaneously View Two Neuroguides 304

This procedure is valuable because a single mouse click can toggle between two different EEG
records and guide the creation of the NeuroGuide Analysis files. Lets assume that the top
NeuroGuide is a Pre-Treatment EEG and the bottom is a Post-Treatment EEG. In order to
achieve differences it is a good idea to select different segments of the demo EEG file for

Step 3 Create NeuroGuide Analysis File. (For Demonstration Purposes


Create an NeuroGuide Analysis File (*.NGA) by clicking NeuroStat > *.NGA that are of interest
for comparison purposes.

Save the .nga file in the patient's folder and label it Pre-Treatment.nga. Repeat this step for the
lower or 2nd NeuroGuide and save it as Post-Treatment.nga. Toggle Between the Top and
Bottom Window and Repeat Step # 2 to create different NeuroGuide Analysis Files *.NGA and
then select a individual comparative test or compute Pair t-Tests.

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroStat Manual Step 4 - Compute Individual Statistics and Select Variables 305

Compute Individual Statistics and Select Variables

In the main NeuroGuide menu, Click NeuroStat > Individual Statistics > Absolute Difference.

Here is the list of metrics to include in the statistical analyses. Click OK

In the "Open NeuroGuide Individual Analysis File 1", Navigate to where you saved the Pre-
Treatment.nga file and double click on it. Then double click on the Post-Treatment file when
the "Open NeuroGuide Individual Analysis File 2".

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroStat Manual Step 4 - Compute Individual Statistics and Select Variables 306

Interpretation of Absolute Differences is based on the order of the file names in the upper right
corner of the Analysis Output Window. For example, if Pre-Treatment is larger than Post-
Treatment the color = Red. If Post is larger than Pre then the color = Blue. That is, if A > B then
the color is Red. If B > A then the color is Blue.

Click File > Save > Bitmap and then navigate to the patient's folder and create a sub-folder and
label it NeuroStat Bitmap Abs. diff. Open the folder name the file abs and click OK to save all of
the bitmaps. To save the tab delimited raw values click File > Save > Tab Delimited Text.

Repeat this exercise but select Percent Difference. It is a good idea to 1st compute either
Absolute Difference or Percent Difference before computing individual statistics because one
needs to know the direction of significant differences.

Compute Paired t-Tests or Independent t-Tests or ANOVA depending on what you want to do.
Here is an example of a Paired t-Test.

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroStat Manual Step 4 - Compute Individual Statistics and Select Variables 307

The P values range from 0.0001 to 0.06 in the display. The color scale shows the magnitude of
the P values where White is > 0.06. Click Save > Tab Delimited Text to save the raw P values
and then open the tab delimited file using Microsoft Excel or Word to see the exact P values.
Repeat this test for independent t-tests and ANOVA.

Adjust the Scales of the Color Topographic Maps by clicking Report > Color Map Settings. In
the Report Options panel select Automatic Individual Scaling where the minimum and
maximum range is set for each individual map or Automatic Global Scaling where the min and
max are computed for all maps or Manual Scaling in which the user sets the min and max.

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroStat Manual Step 4 - Compute Individual Statistics and Select Variables 308

There are two categories of group statistics. One is Group Paired t-Tests and the 2nd is
Independent Group statistics. Group Paired t-Tests can use the individual statistic *.nga files
described by Step #3. The 2nd method does not use *.nga files and instead one must create
*.ngg files based on the individual .nga files.

Group Paired t-Tests

Create the Individual Analysis Files for each subject that comprises each group. Save the
*.nga files for group one in one folder and for group two in a 2nd folder. Then click NeuroStat
> Group Statistics > Comparative > Paired t-Test

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroStat Manual Step 5 - Compute Group Statistics - Paired T-Tests 309

In the Group Paired t-Test panel click the top Browse button and then navigate to the folder
when you saved the *.nga files for group one. Then click the bottom Browse button and
navigate to the folder where you saved the *.nga files for group two. Click the Match Subject
ID button to order the subject ID for the two groups because Paired t-Tests require that the
same subject be test two times and subject ids must be aligned correctly. Then click the ADD
button to add the matched subjects to the list of Matched Individual Analysis File Pairs. Click
the Remove button if you want to remove a subject or pair. Once all the subjects are matched
then click OK to start the statistical analyses.

Step 6 Compute Group Statistics After Creating NeuroGuide Group

Analysis Files (*.NGG) using NeuroBatch

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroStat Manual Step 6 - Compute Group Statistics -NGG Files 310

Click Analysis > NeuroBatch and read the NeuroBatch manual which gives the step by step
procedure to create Group Analysis Files *.NGG. NGG files are the input to the Group Statistics
component of NeuroStat where NeuroBatch is used to create the group means and standard
deviation values, etc. which are then utilized in NeuroStat.

NeuroStat imports the *.NGG files created by NeuroBatch and then computes the group
statistics and color topographic displays and tab delimited outputs. NeuroBatch is required
for NeuroStat group statistics only. Individual comparative statistics such as Pre-Treatment vs.
Post-Treatment comparisons and Paired t-Tests do not require NeuroBatch.

Click Statistics > Group Statistics > Descriptive > Mean or Standard Deviation and then
navigate to where you saved the *.ngg file using NeuroStat to view these statistics. The
NeuroStat options are the same for the Individual Analysis Comparative Statistics. See Step #4

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroStat Manual Step 6 - Compute Group Statistics -NGG Files 311

Adjust the Scales of the Color Topographic Maps by clicking Report > Color Map Settings. In
the Report Options panel select Automatic Individual Scaling where the minimum and
maximum range is set for each individual map or Automatic Global Scaling where the min and
max are computed for all maps or Manual Scaling in which the user sets the min and max.

Step 7 3-Dimensional LORETA: Individual Statistics

Follow Steps #1 and #2 and open two NeuroGuides and position them on the top and bottom
of the display screen. Click Statistics > LORETA Statistics > Individual Analysis File Options
and select LE and Raw LORETA Values. Either raw or Z Scores can be used in LORETA
statistics. Then click NeuroStat > Create LORETA Individual Anlaysis File (.lia) and save the .lia
file in the subject's folder as Pre-Treatment.ila. Do the same for the 2nd LORETA and save the
.lia file as Post-Treatment.ila

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroStat Manual Step 7 - 3 Dimensional LORETA: Individual Statistics 312

Click NeuroStat > LORETA Statisatics > Statistics Options and make sure that T or F values
are selected. This is because the LORETA viewer does is not capable of display differences
between small P values. The T or F values are larger and easier to see in the LORETA viewer.
To determine statistical significance of T or F values consult a standard statistical text book
with tables of T or F values and then calculate the degrees of freedom to determine the level of
statistical significance. Two second epochs are used in the FFT and therefore the degrees of
freedom are the total number of two seconds epochs minus 2. For example, two 40 second
samples of data = (20 + 20) - 2 = 38 df.

Click NeuroStat > LORETA Statistics > Individual Statistics > Comparative > Percent Difference.
Double click the Pre-Treatment.lia in the Open LORETA Individual Analysis File 1 window.
Then Double click Post-Treatment.lia in the Open LORETA Individual Analysis File 2 window.

A Save LORETA Statistics window will open so that one can save the results of the analysis in
an ASCII *.lor format for purposes of importing into Excel or for use with the Key Institute
software, etc. For purposes of this tutorial click Cancel to proceed to the computation of the

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroStat Manual Step 7 - 3 Dimensional LORETA: Individual Statistics 313

After the Key Institute software is launched, click ScaleWin on the Key Institute menu bar and
position the color scale window in the lower left corner of the screen. Then advance through
the frequencies by clicking the Time Frame right arrow to examine the percent differences
between the o to 30 seconds of EEG versus the period from 10 seconds to 40 seconds of the
EEG. Note that the maximum percent difference varies from about 30% at 1 Hz to about 9 % at
9 Hz.

Now click Statistics > LORETA Statistics > Individual Statistics > Comparative > Paired t-Test.
Double click the Pre-Treatment.ila in the Open LORETA Individual Analysis File 1 window. Do
the same for the Post-Treatment.ila in the Open LORETA Individual Analysis File 2 window.
Click cancel when the Save LORETA Statistics window opens.

After the Key Institute software is launched, click ScaleWin on the Key Institute menu bar and
position the color scale window in the lower left corner of the screen. Move the Change
Linearity wiper to the extreme right position or 100. For the moment keep the Change Max
wiper in the default middle position so that the maximal probability values will be displayed.
To evaluate statistical significance move the change max wiper to 1.0 and check the Fix
Maximum box. Move the mouse over the regions of interest and read the t or F values in the
window at the bottom right of the viewer. Advance through the frequencies by clicking the
Time Frame right arrow. Use a standard statistics table to determine the level of statistical
significance based on the degrees of freedom. Repeat these steps by selecting a different
statistic, such as Independent t-Tests or ANOVA. Also, evaluate the descriptive statistic option
by clicking Statistics > LORETA Statistics > Individual Statistics > Descriptive to evaluate
single *.lia files.

3-Dimensional LORETA: Group Statistics

Launch NeuroGuide and open the Demo Lexicor NRS-24 file. Select the first 0 to 30 seconds
and then click Statistics > LORETA Statistics > Create LORETA Individual Analysis File (*.lia).
Name the file as Beginning1.lia and then save.

Click Edit > Clear Selections and then depress the left mouse button and select EEG starting at
10 seconds and continuous to 40 seconds. Then click Statistics > LORETA Statistics > Create
LORETA Individual Analysis File (*.lia). Name the file as Beginning2.lia and then save.

Click Edit > Clear All Selections and then click the End Key. Position the mouse on the last
EEG values and depress the left mouse button and select EEG starting at 3.48 seconds and
move the mouse to the right and stop at 3:18 seconds. Then click Statistics > LORETA
Statistics > Create LORETA Individual Analysis File (*.lia). Name the file as End1.lia and then

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroStat Manual Step 8 - 3 Dimensional LORETA: Group Statistics 314

Click Statistics > LORETA Statistics > Create LORETA Group Analysis File (*.lga). In the
LORETA Group Analysis File Creation window Click browse to browse to the folder where the
individual analysis files were saved (i.e., the *.lia files) and click Done.

In the LORETA Group Analysis File Creation window click the file Begining1.lia and click Add.
Then click the file Beginning2.lia and click Add. Then Click O.K. In the Save LORETA Group
Analysis Output File As name the Group file Beginning.lga.

Now let us create the second group file. Click Statistics > LORETA Statistics > Create
LORETA Group Analysis File (*.lga). In the LORETA Group Analysis File Creation window
Click browse to browse to the folder where the individual analysis files were saved (i.e., the *.lia
files) and click Done.

In the LORETA Group Analysis File Creation window click the file End1.lia and click Add. Then
click the file End2.lia and click Add. Then Click O.K. In the Save LORETA Group Analysis
Output File As name the Group file End.lga.

Click Statistics > LORETA Statistics > Statistics Options in order to select P values or T values
as well as the non-transformed raw values (squared source current vectors (square root of the
sum of squares of the x, y & z moments) or the square root transformed raw values which will
return source current values in units of amperes/meter squared.

Click Statistics > LORETA Statistics > Group Statistics > Comparative > Paired t-test. Select
by double clicking the file Beginning.lga, then double click on the file End.lga. A Save
LORETA Statistics window will open so that one can save the results of the analysis in an
ASCII *.lor format for purposes of importing into Excel or for use with the Key Institute
software, etc. For purposes of this tutorial click Cancel to proceed to the computation of the

After the Key Institute software is launched, click ScaleWin on the Key Institute menu bar and
position the color scale window in the lower left corner of the screen. Move the Change
Linearity wiper to the extreme right position or 100. For the moment keep the Change Max
wiper in the default middle position so that the maximal probability values will be displayed.
To evaluate statistical significance move the change max wiper to 1.0 and check the Fix
Maximum box. Move the mouse over the regions of interest and read the t or F values in the
window at the bottom right of the viewer. Use a standard statistics table to determine the level
of statistical significance based on the degrees of freedom. Advance through the frequencies
by clicking the Time Frame. Repeat these steps by selecting a different statistic, such as
independent t-tests. Also, evaluate the descriptive statistic option by clicking Statistics >
LORETA Statistics > Group Statistics > Descriptive to evaluate single *.lga files.

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroStat Manual Appendix A: Computation of the Auto and Cross-Spectra 315

Appendix A: Computation of the Auto-spectral and Cross-spectral Densities of

the Edited EEG Selections

1. The FFT parameters are: epoch = 2 seconds at a sample rate of 128 sample/sec = 256
digital time points and a frequency range from 0.5 to 40 Hz at a resolution of 0.5 Hz
using a cosine taper window to minimize leakage. Each 2 second FFT is 81 rows
(frequencies 0 to 40 Hz) X 19 columns (electrode locations) = 1,539 element cross-
spectral matrix for each subject.

2. In order to minimize the effects of windowing in the FFT (Kaiser and Sterman, J.
Neurotherapy, 4(3): 85-92, 2001) a EEG sliding average of the 256 point FFT cross-
spectral matrix was computed for each normal subjects edited EEG by advancing in 64
point steps (75% overlap) and recomputing the FFT and continuing with the 64 point
sliding window of 256 point FFT cross-spectrum for the entire edited EEG record. Each
of the 81 frequencies for each 19 channels is log10 transformed to better approximate a
normal distribution. The total number of 2 second windows is the number that is
entered into the analysis of variance and t-tests and it is used to compute the degrees of
freedom for a given statistical test.

3. A mean, variance, standard deviation, sum of squares, and squared sum of the real
(cosine) and imaginary (sine) coefficients of the cross-spectral matrix is computed
across the sliding average of edited EEG for all 19 leads for the total number of 81 and
1,539 log transformed elements for each subject. This creates the following six basic
spectral measurement sets and their derivatives 1- Cross-Spectral Power (square root of
the sums of squares of the real and imaginary coefficients); 2- Auto-Spectral Power
which is the diagonal of the cross-spectral matrix where the imaginary coefficient = 0
and power = sine square; 3- Coherence = square of the cross-spectrum divided by the
product of the two auto-spectra; 4- Phase = arctangent of the ratio of the real/imaginary
components for frequencies from 0.5 to 40 Hz,; 5- Real coefficients; 6 Imaginary

4. The results of the computations are stored in the NeuroGuide Analysis File, designated
as *.NGA. These results are used in the comparative statistical analyses when one
selects and opens the .NGA files in the menu operation of Statistics>Comparative
Statistics. Calibration of NeuroStat is by computing the statistics contained in the NRS-
24 demo sample of EEG from an unidentified traumatic brain injured patient.

5. The results of the LORETA computations from a single selection of EEG are stored in a
LORETA individual analysis file *.LIA. The .lia file contains all of the cross-spectral
values for each 2 second epoch so that the means and standard deviations, higher
statistical moments and sum of squares, etc. can be computed for each gray matter pixel
in the Montreal Neurological normative MRI. Details of the computation of the T matrix

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroStat Manual Appendix A: Computation of the Auto and Cross-Spectra 316

and the J currents as the square root of the sum of the squares (x, y & z) is described in
Appendix F in the NeuroGuide manual. The mathematics for the LORETA statistics are
identical to the surface EEG statistics except there is a larger number of individual
comparisons (2,393) in comparison to the surface 19 channel situation.

6. This issue of multiple comparisons when using LORETA is best handled by the statistics
of "Planned Comparisons" or where one first creates hypotheses as to frequencies and
Brodmann Areas before launching LORETA. For example, if the surface EEG at F3 is > 2
standard deviations deviant from normal at 4 Hz, then the hypothesis prior to launching
LORETA is significant deviations from normal in left Broadmann Areas 8 & 9 at 4 Hz.
Bonferroni corrections (i.e., alpha/n) are blind exploratory adjustments and result in large
Type II errors. Hypothesis testing is preferred over multiple comparison adjustments.

Appendix B: Equations and Statistics

1. Absolute Differences: Mean test 1 Mean Test 2 for 19 channels and 81 frequencies or in the case of
LORETA for 2,394 gray matter pixels from 1 to 30 Hz in 1 Hz increments (by averaging 0.5 Hz bands).

2. Percent Differences:

where X bar = mean

3. Independent t test (Assuming Population Variance Not Equal) (from Winer, R.J., Statistical Principles
in Experimental Design, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1962, p. 42 43):

, To test the hypothesis that u1-u2 = 0 against a two-tailed alternative

hypothesis P < .025.

4. Paired t-test (from Winer, R.J., Statistical Principles in Experimental Design, McGraw-Hill, New York,
1962, p. 44 46):

where the mean differences between test 1 and test 2 and the variance of the
differences and n = number of FFT windows in test 1 + test 2.

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroStat Manual Appendix B: Equations and Statistics 317

5. One Way Analysis of Variance (from Hayes, W.J. Statistics for the Social Sciences, Holt, Rinehart
and Winston, Inc., New York, 1973, p. 473-475):

Sum of squares total (SS total) =

Sum of squares within (SS within) =

Sum of squares between (SS between) =

Where M = mean and j = number of groups to be compared, i.e., j = 2 and i = number of FFT
windows in both test 1 and test 2. Degrees of freedom = J -1 and i - 2 and F = Mean square
between groups/mean square within groups. Probability is computed using the F based on 1
and i - 2 degrees of freedom.

6. Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance (from Hayes, W.J. Statistics for the Social Sciences, Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, Inc., New York, 1973, p. 571-573):

Sum of squares between (SS between) =

Sum of squares within (SS within) =

Sum of squares between treatments =

SS residual SS within SS between treatments. J = number of groups (2) and n = number of

FFT windows in both test 1 and test 2. The degrees of freedom are 1 and n - 2.

7. Covariance, Correlation and R2 (from Winer, R.J., Statistical Principles in Experimental Design,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1962, p. 44 52):

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroStat Manual Appendix B: Equations and Statistics 318

= R2 or the percent variance shared by test 1 and test 2

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Manual and Tutorial
© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Part IV

(All EEG Selections and/or Sine Wave Segments are for Illustrative Purposes Only)
NeuroBatch Manual 320

NeuroBatch Manual & Tutorial

Table of Contents
Introduction to NeuroBatch
Step #1 Organize the Files to be Used in the Batch Process
Step #2 Use NeuroGuide Batch Analysis Window to Process EEG Files
Step #3 Process Different Montages
Step #4 Individual Statistics and NeuroStat
Step #5 Group Statistics and NeuroStat

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroBatch Manual 321


NeuroBatch is a program that provides for automatic processing of large numbers of edited
EEG files in batch mode. Color topographic maps and tab delimited output is provided for
each edited EEG file as well as NeuroGuide Analysis files that can be imported into NeuroStat
for the purposes of individual and group statistics. NeuroStat is an independent software
program which does not rely upon NeuroBatch except for the creation of Group Analysis Files
(*.NGG) that NeuroStat uses to compute group statistics.

Step #1 Organize the EEG Files to be Used in the Batch Process:

1a - Create a Batch Input Folder and then copy and paste the *.ng or *.dat files that you want to
process into this folder.

1b - If Group Statistics are planned then individual group folders must be created so that each
folder contains only the selected subjects for a given group, e.g., ADD children or Alzheimer’s
patients, or Stroke patients, normal control subjects, etc.

1c - If age has not been specified in the NeuroGuide *.ng or in the *.dat files, then one must
create a text file using word or notepad that lists the EEG file names and the ages that
correspond to each file. The best method is to use the NeuroGuide *.ng files with age entered
in each *.ng file because one can skip this step and go directly to Step # 2.

1d - NeuroBatch assumes artifact free edited EEG files in which all of the EEG data has been
selected by a competent person and/or visually verified including the use of test re-test
statistics. The competence of the professional is a critical factor in all statistical analyses and
NeuroGuide requires a competent operator to select and organize the EEG files in a correct
manner. If one does not use *.ng files, then one must specify the artifact free edit files that are
to be used in the batch program. It is unethical to intentionally select artifact and then do
analyses on the data without full disclosure that artifact was intentionally selected. Make a
folder and then copy and paste each of the subject’s artifact free *.edt EEG edit files for each
analyzed EEG which were produced by clicking Edit >Save Edit file in the main NeuroGuide
menu. As stated previously the best method is to use the NeuroGuide *.ng files because one
can skip step 1c and go directly to Step # 2.

Click Analysis > NeuroBatch to open the NeuroBatch panel. Automatic

batch analysis of hundreds artifact free EEG data files is the mission of
NeuroBatch. One must specify the file format, file location, Montage,

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroBatch Manual Step #2 - Use NG Batch Analysis Window to Process the EEG Files 322

Edits (cannot run NeuroBatch without valid selections of artifact free

EEG - see Artifact Free Selection in the NeuroGuide Manual).
Use the NeuroGuide Batch Analysis Window to Process the EEG files that were organized in
Step #1

Step # 2b - Select Input File Format by clicking on NeuroGuide for the *.ng format or Lexicor
NRS-24 for the Lexicor *.dat format (DeyMed, Mitsar and NeuroNavagator all export EEG time
series in the Lexicor *.dat format).

Step # 2c - Click Input Directory and then Click "Browse". Browse to the input folder that
contains the *.dat and/or *.ng files as was organized in Step #1a.

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroBatch Manual Step #2 - Use NG Batch Analysis Window to Process the EEG Files 323

Step # 2d - Type ng or dat for the Input File Extension

Step # 2e - The montage parameter (Linked Ears, Average Reference, Laplacian or CSD) is
contained in the *.ng file and the Montage Parameter panel can be by-passed if one does not
want to change the Montage. If a *.dat file was selected in Step #2c then one must select a
Montage Parameter such as Linked Ears, Average Reference or Laplacian (i.e., Current Source
Density or CSD). If one wants to change the Montage of a *.ng file from e.g., Linked Ears to
Laplacian, then click the "Additional Montage Information is Required" button and then click
Laplacian montage.

Step #2f - Select Output Parameters that are the processes that one wants performed on the
files contained in Step #1.

Step 2g - Click "Report Generation" to produce topographic maps and tab delimited outputs
which are the same as those produced in NeuroGuide Deluxe "Report>Generate Report" by
hand. That is, NeuroBatch automates the NeuroGuide Deluxe ”r;Report>Generate Report”
process for each subject in the folder. A subfolder will be produced within each subject’s
folder in which the bitmaps and text files are saved.

Click "Individual File Creation" to produce NeuroGuide Individual Analysis Files (*.NGA) that
can be used by NeuroStat for the purposes of Pre-Treatment vs Post-Treatment, or Pre-
medication vs. Post-medication comparisons in the same subject. Repeated measures
analysis of variance and Paired t-Tests as well as absolute differences and percent differences
are the statistical tests performed on *.NGA files in NeuroStat (see the NeuroStat Manual for

Click "Group Statistics" to produce NeuroGuide Group Analysis Files (*.NGG) that can be used
by NeuroStat for purposes of comparing groups of subjects and not individual subjects.
Examples are a group of ADD children vs. a group of Normal children or a group of Alzheimer
Patients vs. a group of depressed patients, etc. The user must follow Step # 1b before
selecting "Group Statistics". Correct selection and organization of groups by a competent
person is necessary in order to obtain valid statistical results.

Step # 2h - Select Additional Edit Information or Edit Parameters (Skip this step if you use
edited *.ng files).

Step # 2i - Select Additional Eyes Condition Information (Skip this step if you use edited *.ng
files with the eyes open & closed conditions specified)

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroBatch Manual Step #3 - Repeat Step # 2 to Process Different Montages 324

Step #3 Repeat Step # 2 to Process different Montages

3a - Parameters and/or Different Output

3b - and/or Different Edit Selections

Step #4 Individual Statistics and NeuroStat

4a - In NeuroBatch step # 2g Select Individual Analysis File (*.NGA).

4b - Click Statistics > Individual Statistics. Select the type of statistical comparison, e.g., for
absolute differences, percent differences, Paired t-Test, Individual t-Test and ANOVA for
comparisons between two individual NGA files. See the NeuroStat Manual for details.

Step #5 Group Statistics and NeuroStat

5a - In NeuroBatch Step #2f select Group Analysis File (*.NGG) . and proceed to the end of Step
# 2.
5b - Click Statistics > Group Statistics for t-Test group statistics. See the NeuroStat Manual
for details

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Signal Generator
Manual and Tutorial
© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Part V

(All EEG Selections and/or Sine Wave Segments are for Illustrative Purposes Only)
Signal Generator Manual 326

Signal Generator Manual & Tutorial

Table of Contents
Introduction to the Signal Generator
Step #1 Open Signal Generation
Step #2 Select EEG Channels, Waveform and Other Options
Step #3 Use the Pulse Generate Option to Simulate EEG "Spindles"
Step #4 View FFT Results
Step #5 Save the Signals in NeuroGuide or Lexicor Format (*.ng or *.dat).
Step #6 Example Tutorial: Replicate Gomez and Thatcher (2001) Publication
Appendix A: LORETA
Appendix B: Mathematics of Gomez and Thatcher, 2001

Appendix C: References

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Signal Generator Manual 327


The signal generator is used to calibrate and test the digital signal processing properties of
NeuroGuide as well as to serve as an educational program by which the principles of digital
signal analyses can be learned and explored. Concepts such as frequency, time, phase
delays, noise, amplitude and coherence can be tested and evaluated. EEG data can be
simulated by approximating the selected mixtures of signals to match the signal parameters
and scalp locations of the EEG.

Note: Sine Wave Segments were Selected for Illustrative Purposes Only

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Signal Generator Manual 328

Step #1 Launch NeuroGuide; and

Click File > Open > Signal Generation

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Signal Generator Manual Step #1 - Launch NeuroGuide and Open Signal Generation 329

Step #2 Use the Mouse to Select:

EEG Channels;

Waveforms (sine, sawthooth, square and pulses);

Frequencies (1 to 30 Hz);

Amplitudes (uV)

Phase Delays (degrees); and

"Noise" (% S/N ratio)

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Signal Generator Manual Step #2 -Select EEG Channels, Waveform and Other Options 330

2a - Click a channel to select a location in Lexicor format (e.g., O1), then double click a
Frequency (e.g., 10 Hz), then double click Amplitude (uV) and type in a value (e.g., 100 uV).

2b - Mix sine waves in by double clicking the amplitude of a different frequency, e.g., 5 Hz and
type 50 uV.

2c - Shift the Phase of the 5 Hz signal by double clicking "Phase Shift (Deg)" at 5 Hz and type

2d - Add "Noise" to the 5 Hz signal by double clicking the window below "Signal Noise (uV)"
and type 100. This adds 100 microvolts of noise to the 5 Hz signal located at O1.

2e - Repeat Steps 2a to 2d for each channel with or without adding phase delays and/or noise
or multiple frequencies, etc. Unselect any value by double clicking in the appropriate box and
set the value = 0. The Channel is the primary selection and then the amplitude, frequency or
mixtures of frequencies and phases and noise are the secondary selections.

Step #3 Simulate EEG "Spindles" by selecting pulse and then select

the frequency and amplitude of the intra-pulse structure,
duration and inter-pulse intervals of the simulated spindles.

3a - Generate Pulses of different durations and inter-pulse intervals. Use this tool to simulate
EEG "Spindles".

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Signal Generator Manual Step #3 - Simulate EEG "Spindles" using the Pulse generate option 331

3b - Simulate any EEG by comparing the auto and cross-spectral values and then entering
these values into the appropriate channels and appropriate parameter selection locations.

Use the Signal Generator feature of NeuroGuide to learn about digital signal processing in
general as well as various analytical programs including LORETA and other inverse solutions.

Step #4 Click OK, then Click Edit > Select All to view FFT results

Step #5 Click File > Save As to Save the signals in NeuroGuide or

Lexicor format (*.ng or *.dat).

Step 5a - Follow the NeuroGuide Manual Instructions to Save As NeuroGuide (*.ng) or Lexicor
(*.dat) files.

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Signal Generator Manual Step #5- Save the signals in NeuroGuide or Lexicor Format 332

Step 5b - Follow the NeuroGuide Manual Instructions to save Power Spectra and Cross-
Spectra and to Export to LORETA in the NeuroGuide Manual).

Step #6 Example Tutorial by replicating the publication: Gomez and

Thatcher "Frequency domain equivalence between
potentials and currents using LORETA." Int. J. of
Neuroscience, 107: 161-171, 2001.

6a - Select O1 at 10 Hz at 50 uV and 20 Hz at 25 uV

6b - Select O2 at 8 Hz 50 uV and 16 Hz at 25 uV

6c - Select F7 at 10 Hz 25 uV and 20 Hz at 50 uV

6d - Select F8 at 8 Hz 25 uV and 16 Hz at 16 uV

6e - Click OK and then click File > Save As NeuroGuide (*.ng) or Lexicor (*.dat) for purposes of
further analysis. For example, save the power spectra and/or export the digital time series to

Appendixes for the Signal Generator Manual

Appendix A: LORETA
Appendix B: Mathematics of Gomez and Thatcher, 2001

Appendix C: References

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Signal Generator Manual Appendixes for Signal Generator 333


Gomez and Thatcher, 2001 used the Key Institute mathematical equations to validate LORETA
and cross-validated their math by comparing the forward solution and the inverse solution
using MRI 3-D voxel locations and the surface scalp EEG currents and potentials (Based on
the Reciprocity Theorum, Helmholtz, 1853). The results of the Gomez and Thatcher, 2001
study is also consistent with Tesche, C. and Kajola, M. "comparison of the localization of
spontaneous neuromagnetic activity in the frequency and time domains."
Electroencephalography and Clin. Neurophysiology, 87(6): 408-416, 1993.

One can test the facts and the science of LORETA for themselves using the NeuroGuide signal
generator and the Gomez and Thatcher, 2001 frequencies and locations which is only one of
several tools available to test LORETA (see Appendix B and C) not to mention the mathematical
concepts of linearity between frequency and time and between electrical potentials and
currents (Helmholtz, 1853 physics of "Reciprocity" and the "Lead Field", Malmivuo and
Plonsey, 1995).

It makes no difference whether one exports signals in the time domain or in the frequency
domain (as demonstrated in the Gomez & Thatcher, 2001 and the Tesche et al, 1993
publications as well as by mathematical simulation in step # 5). Caution must be exercised
when using LORETA to be sure to physiologically validate using the surface linked ears,
average reference and current source density data. This is not to indicate that LORETA is not a
valid mathematical and scientific methodology, to the contrary, it is an important contribution.
We are emphasizing the fact that LORETA is valid when used by competent professionals who
take the time to validate the source solutions by evaluating the surface EEG distributions and
physiology in order to guard against localization error. For example, scalp recorded EEG with
large amplitude alpha in O1 and O2 should appear as high current density in areas 17, 18 & 19

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Signal Generator Manual Appendixes for Signal Generator 334

APPENDIX B: Mathematics and Results of Gomez & Thatcher, 2001

Note: There are three instances when multiplication of matrices is communtative: 1- by a null
matrix, 2- by an identity matrix and, 3- multiplication by a scalar.

We apply this communtative property in the following manner.

For S = KJ, where K is the lead field matrix, J = current and S = the sensitivity of the sensors
(depending on the model used and the conductivity, etc.). S is an N x W matrix for the scalp
potentials (EEG/MEG), where N is the number of sensors and W is the number of time samples.
J is a 3M x W matrix, where M is the number of sources and W is the same time samples as for
S. Then the inverse solution is a linear combination of the signal S in the sensors

J=T·S Eq. 1

Where T is some generalized inverse of K, where the minimum norm solution is

T = (pinv(K’ · K = K)) = K’ Eq. 2

K’ is the transpose of K, and · represents matrix multiplication and pinv(X) is the Moore-
Penrose pseudoinverse (Menke, 1984). Pascual-Marqui et al, 1994 use the mathematical
method that they refer to as "Low-Resolution Computed Tomography" (LORETA) to add
physiological foundations and to avoid the minimum norms’s problems in localizing deep
sources by using the Laplacian Operator B and W as a weighting matrix. The LORETA
equation is

T = {pinv(WB’BW)}K’[pinv(K inv(WB’BW)K’} Eq. 3

The critical factor in these considerations is that the real number FFT computed by the cross-
spectrum (Hermitian matrix as a scalar real number) as represented in equation 1 is a linear
operator such that for any inverse solution of the form in equation 3 is equivalent to:

FFT(J) = FFT [T · S] = T · FFT[S] Eq. 4

Equation 5 is the formula that Gomez and Thatcher (2001) used. Gomez and Thatcher (2001)
simulated the linear equivalence by a combination of sine waves and confirmed the linearity of
equation 5 as any one can do by using the NeuroGuide signal generator as described in step #
5 for oneself.

Figure 1 - From Gomez & Thatcher, 2001. This is the three-shell spherical model of the head
used to simulate LORETA. Four electrodes (F7, F8, O1, O2) and the reference electrode (A1) are
indicated by black rectangles. The coordinates of the electrodes are according to the best-

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Signal Generator Manual Appendixes for Signal Generator 335

fitting sphere relative to cortical anatomy (Towel et al., 1993). The peaks of beta (for F7 and F8)
and alpha activity (for O1 and O2) are indicated in parenthesis. Eight sources (1 to 3) indicated
by black circles were located in the interior of the sphere to represent the equivalent current
sources such as in the gray matter.

Figure 2 - From Gomez & Thatcher, 2001. Power spectrum of the signals used to simulate
LORETA. The spectrum of the signals in the scalp electrodes is shown on the left (amplitude of
beta is higher in the anterior regions, alpha amplitude is higher in the posterior regions and a
frequency shift toward the lower frequencies in the right hemisphere). The center and right
columns are the spectra of the current sources nearest to the electrodes J1, J3, J5 and J7 after
calculating the inverse solution. Each source has three components x, y and z. The y-axis of
the electrodes is uv2 /cycle/sec for the electrodes and uA/cm2 )2 /cycle/sec for current density
at each source location. The x-axis is frequency in Hz in all cases. This simulation confirms
the mathematical statements and demonstrates a frequency domain equivalence between the
spectra of electrical potentials at the scalp and the spectra of currents in the interior of the
head model.

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Signal Generator Manual Appendixes for Signal Generator 336

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

Signal Generator Manual Appendixes for Signal Generator 337


Baillet, S., et al, "Evaluation of inverse methods and head models for EEG source localization
using a human skull phantom". Physics in Medicine and Biology, 46: 77-96, 2001.

Baillet, S. and Garnero, L. "A Bayesian approach to introducing anatomo-functional priors in

the EEG, MEG inverse problem". IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 44: 374-375, 1997.

Casper, et al. "Evaluation of inverse methods and head models for EEG source localization
using a human skull phantom" at:

Gomez, J. F. and Thatcher, R.W. "Frequency domain equivalence between potentials and
currents using LORETA." Int. J. of Neuroscience, 107: 161-171, 2001.

Hämäläinen, M. "Discrete and distributed source estimates", ISBET Newsletter Edited by W.

Skrandies, Giessen, Germany, No 6 / December 1995.

Helmholtz, HLF, Ann. Physik and Chemie 89: 211-233, 354-377, 1853 (see also "Helmholtz's
Treatise on Physiological Optics" by Hermann Von Helmholtz, edited by J. P. Southal,
Thoemmes, Press, 2000, ISBN 1855068311).

Malmivuo, J. and Plonsey, R. "Bioelectromagnetism", Oxford University Press, 1995.

Menke, W. "Geophysical Data Analysis: Discrete Inverse Theory." Orlando: Academic Press,

Pascual-Marqui, R. D. "Review of methods for solving the EEG inverse problem". Inter. J. of
Bioelectromagnetism, 1:75-86, 1999.

Tesche, C. and Kajola, M. "A comparison of the localization of spontaneous neuromagnetic

activity in the frequency and time domains." Electroencephalography and Clin.
Neurophysiology, 87(6): 408-416, 1993.

Thatcher, R.W., North, D., and Biver, C. EEG inverse solutions and parametric vs. non-
parametric statistics of Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA). Clin.
EEG and Neuroscience, 36(1), 1 – 9, 2005.

Thatcher, R.W., North, D., and Biver, C. Evaluation and Validity of a LORETA normative EEG
database. Clin. EEG and Neuroscience, 2005, 36(2): 116-122.

Thatcher, R.W., North, D.M., and Biver, C.J. 2011. Diffusion Tensor Imaging ‘Modules’
Correlated with LORETA Electrical NeuroImaging ‘Modules’. Human Brain Mapping
(EPub, Jan. 2011).

Towel, V. et al., "The spatial location of EEG electrodes: locating the best-fitting sphere relative
to cortical anatomy". EEG & Clin. Nerurophysiol., 103: 9- 15, 1993.

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroGuide Help 338

All Comments and Feedback

Are Welcome

Contact Us at
[email protected]
and tell us what you think.

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroGuide Help Index 339

Access Age Dependent Norms 138

Index Acquisition

Demo Mode 17
-%- NeuroGuide 14
% reward 212, 227 Add On Normative Databases 13
adult 272
-.- age 294, 301
groups 272
.bsf file 71
matching 272
.dat 331
ranges 272
.lga 313
sliding averages 272
.lia 185, 311, 313
Alpha 265, 290
.lor 185, 313
amplidude 330
.nfb 223, 236
Amplifier 265
.ng 331
Characteristics 270
.NGA 305
matching 269
.NGG 309
Amplifier Characteristics 270
.scl 88
Amplifier Systems 106
amplifiers 106
-1- amplitude 329
19 Amplitude Asymmetry 206, 265
channels 315 Analog
leads 315 Devices 270
Analysis 309
-3- FFT Power Spectra 131

3D 217, 233 Gabor Adaptive Spectrogram 132

3-D 55
3D maps 124 Anatomical Region of Interest 185
3-Dimensional 55, 290, 311, 313 Annotate Tool
Examine Peak-to-Peak features 36
3-Dimensional source analysis 121
Use 36
ANOVA 308, 311
-A- appending 269
A/D 270 Appendix A (NG) 264
ABM 106 Appendix A (NS) 315
Absolute Difference 305 Appendix B (NG) 265
Absolute Differences 308, 316 Appendix B (NS) 316

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroGuide Help Index 340

Appendix C (NG) 269

Appendix D (NG) 269 -B-
Appendix E (NG) 270
Appendix F (NG) 272 Protocol Panel 66
Appendix G (NG) 278 Symptom Check List 66
Appendix H (NG) 285 B-Alert X24 106
Appendix I (NG) 290 bandwith 270
Appendix J (NG) 294 Batch 309
Appendixes for Signal Generator 332 Beta 206, 265, 290
artifact 264, 269 Biofeedback 294
Artifact Free 38 Bi-Spectral Analyses
ASCII 278 Absolute Power 45
Electrode Order 269 Amplitude Asymmetry 45
file 269 Bi-Spectrum 45
asymmetry 294 Coherence 45
auditory 225 Cross-Frrequency 45
Auditory P300 124 Dynamic 45
Autism 294 Instantaneous Time Series 45
autistic 294 Phase Differences 45
Automatic Phase Reset 45
Global Scaling 309 Relative Power 45
Individual Scaling 309 Bi-Spectral Analysis
Automatic Editing Contour Map Settings 45
Template 201 Cross-Frequency Phase Reset 45
Time Constraints 201 Cross-Frequency Power Correlation 45
Tools 201 Bit Map Export 259
Z Score 201 Bitmap Screen Capture
Automatic Editing Tools 201 Copy Button 50
Automatic EEG Selections 38 Left Mouse Button 50
Automatic Global Scaling 115 Right Mouse Button 50
Automatic Selections 212, 227 Bitmaps 308
Automatically Editing EEG 201 blue 55, 308
Auto-spectral 265, 315 BPI
auto-spectrum 212, 227 Analysis Output 52

average 55 brain 294

average reference 206, 278 Brain Performance Index 52
Averaging 55 Brainmaster 106, 217, 233

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroGuide Help Index 341

BrainSurfer Brodmann Areas 285

Control Panel 55 Burst Metrics 78, 272
Image 55 Bursts 78
Inter-Session Progress Chart 71 Butterworth 269
Progress Tab 55 Butterworth filters 265
Protocol Tab 55
Save Session Data
Session Rounds Tab
calibrated 270
BrainSurfer Control Panel
Progress Tab 69 Calibration 315
Session Rounds Tab 68 CD 234
BrainSurfer Inter-Session Progress Panel Change
Plot Selections 71 Linearity wiper 311

Plotted Data 71 Max wiper 311

BrainSurfer Progress Panel Change Polarity 201

% of Total Metrics at Threshold 69 Channel Selection
Display Time 69 Change Display Time 132

Display Type 69 Change uV Scale 132

Intra-Session Progress Chart 69 Examine Residual Variance 132

View Instantaneous Z Scores 69 Select the Zoom Factor 132

Z Max 69 Set Frequency Range 132

View EEG 132
BrainSurfer Session Rounds Panel
Begin Session 68 View Gabor Atom 132

Close Session 68 channels 330

End Session 68 Checker Board Pattern Reversal 124
Inter-Round Delay 68 CheckerBoard reversal EP 124
Number of Rounds 68 childhood 272
Restart Method 68 Children 294
Round Duration 68 Clear Selections 311
Total Session Duration 68 close 236
Total Training Duration 68 cognitive
brightness 217, 219, 233, 234 development 294
Broadmann processing 294
Areas 315 Coherence 55, 206, 225, 265, 290
Brodman Area 181 Collection 55, 206, 225
Brodman Areas 185 BrainSurfer 66
Brodmann Hardware Selection 66, 106
Areas 290 Inter-Session Progress 223
Brodmann Area 55, 225 Pause 106

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroGuide Help Index 342

Collection 55, 206, 225 .lor File 185

Record 106 .scl File 66
Setup and Monitor 66 LORETA Group Analysis File 313
Start 106 LORETA Individual Analysis File 311, 313
Stop 106 NeuroGuide Analysis File 304
Color 55 NGA file 304
Topographic Maps 309 Symptom Check List 225
Color Map Settings 115 Symptom Check List Match 88, 225

Comparative 309, 311, 313 Create 3-D LORETA maps 179

Comparative Statistics Create Montage 201
One Way ANOVA 308 criteria 272
compensatory dynamics 115 Cross-Platform
competent 264 comparisons 269

complaints 206, 225 Data Transfer 269

Complex Demodulation Time-Frequency Analyses Cross-Spectra 272, 331

Color Topographic Maps 147 Cross-spectral 265, 315
Display Options 147 cross-spectrum 212, 227, 278
View 147 cross-validation 272
Computation 265, 272, 315 current 270
conductivity 334 density 285, 334
Connectivity Suite 80, 272 gray matter 285
Phase Reset 246 source density 278

consciousness 264 source values 285

Contour Map 181 sources 334

values 285
Contour Maps
Region of Interest Correlation 185 voxels 285

CONTRA INDICATIONS 264 Current Density 55

Control Panel 55, 206 currents 333, 337
Control the EP/ERP amplitude 124
controls 225 -D-
conversion 270 data 264
copyright 264 database 272
Correlation 316 deaf 294
Cosprectrum 80 Default 269
Covariance 316 Default EEG Screen 201
Create degrees of freedom 316
.lga file 313 Delta 265, 290
.lia file 185, 311, 313 Demo

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroGuide Help Index 343

Demo LORETA Key 3-D Images 177

Lexicor 301 LORETA Key Cross-Spectrum 177
Mode 301 LORETA-Key©® Software 12
demographics 272 NeuroGuide Time Series 177
Densities 265 Normative Databases 12

Descriptive 309, 311 Tutorial Files 12

development 294 Down's syndrome 294

device drivers 106 Drivers 115
Device Manager 106 Drivers-Responders 115
Deymed 106, 217, 233, 269, 270 duration 216, 232, 330
different DVD 234
montages 264 DVD Control Panel
selections 264 Activation 219

digital DVD Player 219

analyses 264 DVD Player Settings
EEG 264 Select Reward Brightness 219
time series 332 Select Reward Size 219
digital EEG 265 Select Sound Control 219

Digital Filter Viewer 91 Select Transition Range 219

digital signal Select Transition Rate 219

analyses 326 DVD/CD 234

processing 326 Dynamic FFT 304
Digitial Filters 91 Absolute Power Spectrum 103

dimming 217, 233 Absoulte Amplitude Spectrum 103

Relative Power Spectrum 103
Direct Show settings 217, 219
Viewing actual values 103
directionality of information flow 115
Viewing Z Score values 103
Discriminant Functions
Learning Disabillity 93 Dynamic JTFA
Color Topographic Maps 147
Traumatic Brain Injury 93
Display Options 147
Display Event Table 121
View 147
displays 217, 225, 233
Dynamic Normative FFT Databases
distribution 272, 278
Activating 103
How to Activate 103
Key Institute LORETA software 177, 179
Lex-Talairachcoord.xyz 179
Lex-TalairachCoord.xyz file 177 -E-
Lex-TalairachTMatrix.tm 179 EDF Parameters
LexTMatrix.tm file 177 Select Collection Hardware 145

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroGuide Help Index 344

EDF Parameters study 294

Select Collection Reference 145 traces 55, 121
edit 304 tracings 304, 308
JTFA Selection 157 VALUES 278
Edit Selection Intensity Viewing 201
Change Intensity 80 EEG data 106
edited EEG Tracings
data 269 automatic selection 121
selections 269 feature exclusion 121
Edited EEG feature inclusion 121
Selections 315 manual de-selection 121

Edited EEG Selections 265 manual selection 121

EEG Effective Connectivity Surface (ECS) 115

Acquisition 106 electrical potentials 333, 334
Analyses 294 electrodes 334
biofeedback 265, 294 Electromagnetic 278
Channels 329 enter
Coherence 294 subject information 301
Collection 106 Enter Demo Mode 17
current density 294 Enter Patient Age 138
data 265 Enter Patient Information 138
database 278, 294 Enter Subject Age 138
edited 304 Enter Subject Information 138
electrodes 337
environmental 294
equipment 269
Equations 316
event 121
Erase Annotations 36
Import 18
Event Marker 121
machine 265, 270
event related potential (ERP) 124
machines 18
Example 332
measure 278
exclusion 272
normative databases 294
Expand 55
phase 294
record 265
LORETA Key 3-D Images 177
Re-Montaging 201
LORETA Key Cross-Spectrum 177
Scaling 201
NeuroGuide Time Series 177
selections 265, 308
sliding average 265 Export LORETA Tab Delimited Text Files 179
source localization 337 Export Tab Delimited Text Files
Spindles 330 JTFA Time Series 147

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroGuide Help Index 345

Exporting Change parameters 147

Bit Maps 259 Compute 147
Edit EEG in ASCII format 252 Launch 147
eye condition 301 gain 270
eye movement 264 Gamma 265
eyes Gaussian
closed 278 Distribution 272, 278
open 278 General Warnings 264
generate 236
-F- Genetic 294
Gomez 332
Fast Fourier Transform 265
Graph Metrics 55
feedback settings 225
gray matter 334
FFT 265, 269, 270, 315, 316, 334
pixel 315
FFT Power Spectra 131
pixels 278, 316
file 301
voxels 290
Open 143, 145
green dot 217, 233
File formats 18
filter 270
Color 248
filtering 265
Intensity 248
filters 265
Grid Color 201
folder 236
grid layout 124
forward solution 333
Grid Lines 201
frequencies 206, 212, 225, 227, 265, 329, 333
Frequency 270, 329, 330, 332, 333, 337
Analysis Files 309
bands 290
Statistics 309
domain 334
Group Statistics 313
frequency bands 225, 265
brain 294
lobes 294 Hardware 206
Functional Modules 206 Hardware Selection 55, 106
functional systems 225 Playback Mode 66
head 217, 233
-G- Help 18
Help Menu 18
Gabor Adaptive Spectrogram 132
hemisphere 290
Gabor Joint-Time-Frequency-Analysis
Hubs 206
Activate 147
hypotheses 206, 212, 225, 227, 264
© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.
NeuroGuide Help Index 346

hypothesis 316 Normative Databases 12

instantaneous Z scores 55, 212, 227
-I- inter-round delays 216, 232
Inter-Session Progress 236
IIR Butterworth Filter 91
Surface Neurofeedback 223
IIR Butterworth Filter Parameters
Inter-Session Progress Charts 236
Band Pass Filter 91
Band Stop Fiter 91
intervals 330
High Pass Filter 91
structure 330
Low Pass Filter 91
Intra-Session Progress 221
impedance 270
Introduction 326
ASCII Files 143 Introduction to NeuroGuide 9
Text Files 143 inverse
methods 337
Import EDF+ and EDF 138
problem 337
Import EEG
ASCII 138 inverse solution 333
Demo 138
EDF 138 -J-
Machine Formats 138 Joint Time Frequency Analysis Viewer 132
Native Formats 138 JTFA Feature
Tutorial Files 138 Detection 121
Import Formats 18 Selections 121
Import of ASCII EEG Time Series JTFA Feature Detection Panel
LORETA EEG Cross-Spectra 179 Frequency Ratio Selection 157
inclusion 272 Frequency Selection 157
Independent t test 316 Select a Measure 157
Independent t-tests 309, 311 Select Montage Channel(s) 157
Individual Statistics 305, 311 Select Value Range 157
information 301 Select Values Type 157
information flow 115 JTFA Spectrogram 132
Component 80 -K-
Potentials 80
Key A 14
install LORETA software 13
Key B 14, 17
Installation 12
Key Institute 265, 333
Installing cross-spectral equations 285
LORETA-Key©® Software 12
LORETA Viewer 278, 311
NeuroGuide 12
manual 278

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

NeuroGuide Help Index 347

Key Institute 265, 333 Viewer 278, 311

menu bar 311 Z scores 278
software 278, 311, 313 LORETA Source Correlation
T matrix 278 Contour Maps 185
Tab Delimited File 285 Create Individual Analysis File 185
Key Institutes LORETA-KEY Viewer 185
LORETA Explorer 269 LORETA Source Correlation Normative Database
Talairach Electrode Coordinate Maker 269 LORETA Source Correlation 185
K-Lite codec 217, 219 LORETA Capture Pop-up Window
K-Lite Installer 217, 219 Clear Selection 195
Launch LORETA Viewer 195

-L- LORETA Time Domain Analyses 195

LORETA Viewer 195
Laplacian 206, 334
Select EEG Points 195
Learning Disabillity
LORETA Coherence
Discriminant Analysis Output 93
Bitmaps 166
Discriminant Function 93
Raw Scores 166
Lexicor 269, 301
Tab Delimited Text Files 166
format 331
Z Scores 166
light blue 55
LORETA Current Density
linked ears 206, 278 Z Scores 172
LORETA 185, 294, 316, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334
LORETA Current Density Z Scores 172
Coherence 290
LORETA Explorer
computations 315
EEG Cross-Spectrum 179
currents 278
LORETA Export 177
Electrode Coordinates 269
LORETA Key 3-D Images 177
Explorer 269
LORETA Key Cross-Spectrum Export 177
Group Analysis File Creation 313
LORETA Phase Differences
How to Install Software 12
Bitmaps 166
individual analysis file 315
Raw Scores 166
LORETA Current Density 172
Tab Delimited Text Files 166
LORETA Phase Reset 181
Z Scores 166
LORETA Phase Shift 181
Normative EEG Database 278
LORETA Phase Reset
Raw Scores 181
Normative Reference Database 278
Z Scores 181
Phase 290
Source Correlations 285 LORETA Phase Shift
Raw Scores 181
Statistics 311, 313
Z Scores 181
time series 290
LORETA software installation 13
© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.
NeuroGuide Help Index 348

LORETA Time Domain Capture Tool 121 matrices 334

LORETA Viewer matrix 334
3DSurf 172 mean 265
Adjust Color Scale 159 Method 265
Change Linearity 172 methodology 264
Change Max Wiper 185 metrics 212, 227
Change Maximum 172 mild
Download 159 head trauma 294
Fit Maximum 172 traumatic brain injury 294
Full View of Rendered Brain and Locations of Z Scores
Mild TBI 93
Install 159
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Discriminant Analysis Output 93
Launch 159
Discriminant Function 93
Launching 121
Non-Transformed Raw Values 159 Mindo 106
Open 3-D Rendered Brain 159 mismatch 206
Orthoview 172 Mitsar 106
Password 159 monitor 55, 106, 264
ScaleWin 159, 172, 185 montage 206
Setting 159 Create 199
Square Root Transformed Raw Values 159 Delete 199
Time Frame 172 Label 199
to analyse 3-D sources of events 121 Save 199
Z Scores 159 View 199

LORETA Z Score Montage Use

Biofeedback 225 Average Reference 249
Neurofeedback 225 Laplician 249

LORETA-KEY Viewer Link Ears 249

Region of Interest Correlation 185 Montreal Neurological Institute 290
Z Transformed RoI Correlation 185 MRI Volume 55
Low Resolution 278 multimedia 217, 233
multimedia player 217
-M- muscle artifacts 264

Manual Editting EEG 201

Manual Global Scaling 309
Manual Scaling 309 network 55
Manual Selections of Artifact Free EEG 201 Neural Resource Allocation 52
match 206, 212, 227 NeuroBatch 320
mathematical tools 264 manual 309

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NeuroGuide Help Index 349

Neurofeedback 206, 212, 225, 227, 294 NP-Q 10/20 106

Neurofeedback Protocol 212, 227
NeuroField 106 -O-
NeuroGuide 264
One Way Analysis of Variance 316
Add-Ons 9
One Way ANOVA 308
Analysis File 304, 305, 308, 315
exports 269
.lia file 311
format 331
demo 301
How to Install 12
EDF File 145
Indended Use 12
EDF+ File 145
Introduction 9
Lexicor 301
manual 315
LORETA Individual Analysis File 311
normative database 278
Text Files 143
output files 269
software 278
Component 80
users group 17
Potentials 80
uses 269, 270, 285
overlapping 269
version 272
NeuroGuide Time Series Export 177
Neuron Spectrum 106
neuropsych 272 P Value 308
neuropsychological 272 Paired t-test 311, 313, 316
NeuroPulse 106 panel 212, 227
NeuroStat 300, 315 Pasqual-Marqui 278, 285, 290
group statistics 309 Pattern Recognition Routines 93
imports 309 Pause 106
NeXus 106 pause collection 106
NF1 206 Pearson 285
NG 272 Percent Difference 308, 311
NGG files 309 Percent Differences 316
Node 55 Phase 206, 294
Noise 270, 329 Delay 329
Non-Volume Conduction 80 Difference 225
normative 270 differences 290

Normative Database 265, 272, 294 Lock 55

Normative Databases Shift 55, 329

How to Install 12 Phase Delays 265

norms 272 phase reset 272, 294

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NeuroGuide Help Index 350

Phase Reset - Surface EEG 246

Phase Slope Index (PSI) 115 -R-
Pink 55
R2 316
pixels 278
real time 106
Playback 55
Real-Time EEG 55
Player 217, 233, 234
record 106, 265
plot 223, 236
recording 264
Polarity 248
red 55, 308
Port 106
reduction 217, 233
reference electrodes 334
cerebral maturation 294
references 337
development 294
References (NG) 294
potentials 337
regions of interest 285, 311
Power 206
reinforcement 212, 227
Spectral Density 265
rejection 270
Spectrum 265
Relative Power 304
Power Ratios 206
reliability 264, 265
power spectra 331, 332
Re-Montage 201
previously recorded EEG 55
Re-Montaging 249
Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance 316
Edit EEG in ASCII format 252
replication 265
professional 264
Replications 294
progress 212, 227
Report 206
ProgressCharts 212, 227
Color Map Settings 80, 181
protocol 212, 216, 227, 232
Create Symptom Check List 66
PTSD 294
Create Symptom Check List Match 88
Publications 294
Options 309
Pulse 330 Report Selections 52, 78, 80, 93, 246
P-Value 308
Report Content
Generation 254
-Q- Saving Selections 254
QEEG 206, 264, 294 Selection 254

qEEG analysis 225 Report Generation 254

QEEG Z Scores 212, 227 Report Selections
Quadspectrum 80 Brain Performance Index 52

Quantitative EEG 294 Burst Metrics 78

Connectivity Suite 80, 246
Discriminant Functions 93

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NeuroGuide Help Index 351

Report Selections Saving

Predictive Functions 52 EEG Edit Selections 252
re-size 55 EEG Edits 252
Responders 115 Saving in Tab Delimited Format
restart method 216, 232 Power Spectral Analyses 250
reward 206, 212, 227, 234 Scale EEG Tracings 248
ROI Scale the EEG 201
control panel 285 ScaleWin 311
correlation 285 scalp locations 206
rotate 55 Screen Capture Tool 259
round settings 216, 232 Security Key 14
rounds 216, 232 Select
Variables 305

-S- selections 212, 227, 265

service 17
sample 265
session 223, 225, 236
sample rate 270
duration 216, 232
Save 185, 223, 236, 304, 308, 331
rounds 216, 232
.lor file 311, 313
Session Rounds Panel 216, 232
ASCII 311, 313
Bitmaps 166
Settings 212, 227
BrainSurfer Session Data 71 Setup 55, 106
FFT Power Spectra Z Scores 131 setup panel 225
LORETA Coherence Raw Scores 166 signal
LORETA Coherence Z Scores 166 generator 326

LORETA Group Analysis Output File 313 parameters 326

LORETA Phase Differences Raw Scores 166 Signal Generation 328

LORETA Phase Differences Z Scores 166 signal generator 326, 330, 333
LORETA Statistics 311, 313 Signals 331
Raw FFT Power Spectra Values 131 Simutaneously View 2 NeuroGuides 303
Symptom Check List File 88 sine waves 329
Tab Delimited Text Files 166 size 217, 233, 234
Save As sliding 269
.dat 331, 332 sliding averages 272
.ng 331, 332 sLORETA 55
Lexicor 331, 332 sound 217, 233, 234
NeuroGuide 331, 332 Source Correlation
Save Tab Delimited Text Files Flow Chart 285
JTFA Time Series 147 Norms 285

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NeuroGuide Help Index 352

Spectral Analysis 265, 294 Inter-Session Progress Charts 223

Spherical Coordinates 269 Surface Neurofeedback Panel
splicing 269 Progress Tab 221

Split-Half Reliability 265 Surface Neurofeedback Progress Tab

Split-Half Relibility 201 Average Z Scores per Second 221

SS 316 Display Time 221

stability 265 Display Type 221

Percent Reward 221
Standard Deviation 265, 309
Scale Range 221
analyses 264 Surface NFB Inter-Session Progress Charts
technique 264 Close NFB Session 223
Generate Inter-Session Progress Charts 223
Statistical 316
sensitivities 278 Symptom Check List 66, 206
Hypotheses 212, 227
Statistics 294, 304, 316
QEEG Z Score Tests 212
Absolute Difference 305
Comparative Statistics 308 symptoms 206, 225
Create NeuroGuide Analysis File 308
Individual Statistics 305 -T-
One Way ANOVA 308 T matrices 269
Stop 106 T matrix 269, 315
Stop or pause collection 106 tab 212, 227
subject Tab Delimited Format
information 301 Save Power Spectral Analyses 250
subjects 272, 278, 315 Table of Contents
subscription service 17 Appendixes for NeuroGuide 263
successive 269 Getting Started 8
Sum of squares NeuroBatch 320
between 316 NeuroStat 300
total 316 Talairach Atlas
within 316 coordinates 290
Support 17 Talaraich Atlas 55
supported formats 18 Test Re-Test 265
Surface 55 Test re-test reliability 201
EEG 206, 212, 227 testing 225
Neurofeedback 206, 212, 227 Text Data 308
surface EEG 278 Text File Parameters
Surface Neurofeedback Header is in File 143
DVD Player 219 Select Collection Hardware 143

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NeuroGuide Help Index 353

Text File Parameters

Select Sampling Rate 143 -V-
Select Text File Delimiter 143
Validations 294
Use File Header 143
validity 264
Thatcher 264, 272, 332
verification 265
Theta 206, 265, 290
videos 217, 233
threshold 55, 206, 212, 227, 234
thresholds 225
Edit Selection Intensity 80
time 333
Filters 91
domains 337
Grid 248
time series 55, 290, 294 LORETA Time Domain Capture 195
Tomography 278 Polarity 248
Topographic View Event Table 121
Difference Maps 305
View Patient Information 138
topographic maps 309
View Subject Information 138
trained 264
View Z Score Color Contour Maps 185
training 216, 232, 264
violations 264
transition 217, 233, 234
visual 225
transparent 55
visual EP (VEP) 124
traumatic brain injury 294
visual inspection 264
voltage 270
Acquisition 106
Volume Conduction 80
software 106
voxel 290
t-tests 308
Tutorial 332
Tutorial Files 12
twins 294 Warning 264, 269
two-tailed P Value 308 Waveform 264, 329
white 308

University of Maryland 270

updates 17
upgrades 17 Z Score
criteria 206
USB 106
neurofeedback 206
Use of Norms
protocol generator 206
Average Reference Montage 249
ROI 285
Laplician Montage 249
Link Ears Montage 249 Z scores 55, 265

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Z threshold 55
Z Transformed Regions of Interest Correlations
Z Tunes 206
Z values 206
in 55
out 55
Z-scores 294

© 2002 - 2018 Applied Neuroscience, Inc.

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