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Fanmes Mining and Construction Limited Was incorporated in the
republic of Zambia on the 11th of February, 2009 as a private limited
Company, By Shares.


a. Name:
Fanmes Mining and Construction Limited
P.O. Box 280029
Kitwe, Zambia.

b. Offices / Workshop:
Plot 58 Twalilwisha Crescent Riverside
Riverside, Kitwe - Zambia.
Tel: +260 212 228035 Fax: +260 212 228035
E-mail: [email protected]

c. Contact Person
Darius Siwila
Telefax: +260 212 210 568
Cell: +260 966 925 032
E-mail: [email protected]

Private Limited Company


Mining, Construction Works and Various Supplies
Our prime objective is to be among the companies in the fore front attaining excellent
And maximum customer satisfactory in the supplying and contractual services. This
we can achieve by ensuring that, the services provided do not only comforts the world
standards but backed up by the experts and knowledgeable individuals in mining
And construction services in the continued development of industries
a) Mining

A) Objectives and Targets:

Our other objective is to provide high quality technical mining and

engineering support to the mining and other related industries and
Institutions in Zambia in order to improve and contribute to the
economic Progress of the country and the region at large.

To provide both service and material requirement at competitive prices

to ensure optimum support to the mining industry.

To collaborate with local and foreign companies in the field of general

Contracts as per tender procedures.

To operate all business transactions by adhering to government Programmes,

Policies and regulations.

Our vision is to contribute substantially to the development and smooth

running of Zambian industries and further provide Quality Products and
Services To our Partners in Development.

The MD started his mining career in 1983 in Environmental Control

And obtained his certificate in Environmental Control in 1984. Then
started in mining as Onsetter, Banks man and went through all the
phases of mining shaft timber man, developer and stoper, Shift boss and
Mine overseer.

Worked in Gold Mining Diamond Mining, Platinum, Cole, Lead and Copper
We are involved in successful contracts with Mopani Copper Mines
and Konkola Copper Mines. Due to differences between previous companies’
directors, we decide to brake clean and start a new Company. We previously
achieve 14 000 m3 in one month at Mindolo North Shaft, but we believe we
are capable of more than that. We obtained 300 linear meters’ of 4mx5m
excavations in Primary Development at Konkola Copper Mines, and even here
we are capable of doing better.
B) Primary and Secondary developments

Under the above mentioned mining tasks, we able to carry out these
tasks with full adherence to the requirements of both Domestic and
Mining safety regulations and mining standards.

These standards will include:

Drilling and Blasting operations mechanical rocket boomers and
own hand held Jackhammers and accessories.

Lashing the waste rock generated from the drilling and blasting
operation, we are able to provide strong and reliable crews (labour) for
lashing in secondary developments. LHD Equipments will be of use in
primary development.

Rock Bolt and wire mesh: will have to be installed as part of the support
work as per recommendations from our clients senior rock mechanical

Pipe laying and Construction are all part of the mining tasks that will
have to be done as part of service to achieve our objectives.

C) Responsibilities

As statutory requirements, we are capable to provide well qualified and

properly trained MME Overseer or Mine Captains appointed under the
Zambian mining regulations to be responsible for the safety and health
of men and equipments including other properties.

These equipments will be fully utilized to achieve maximum productivity.

These appointed senior officials by the Underground Manager will

ensure that working crew (men) are in accordance with
Mining Explosive, Domestic regulations and enforcement.

By following these regulations, the Mine Captain in turn will appoint

shift bosses. The Mining regulation (MR213) to cover for operations
during his shift. We very much know that all these appointed Officials
must have valid Certificates like the blasting license and first aid

We have ensured that all men have valid pneumoconiosis certificates

and renewable on time once valid.

D) Labour requirements
We are capable of providing qualified personnel in different field to
Suit the customer’s needs.

The primary and secondary development requires skilled / unskilled

Development crews of different categories to achieve our objective and meet
the development targets. It is there, our obligation to ensure that crews such
as pipe laying consist at least two qualified pipe layers, timber men(general
timber men), Drilling and blasting crew comprising of Miner
In charges who are holders of valid Blasting licenses to attain the best

8) Construction
We have vast experience in steel and concrete construction of various
fields such as in plants, in and around mine shafts, underground and
building of offices and house to suit the plan of the customer

9) Concreting
We have experience in concreting both surface and underground roadways.
We have done underwater concrete. Building of Ventilation seals in big
open stopes underground workshop floors.

10) Shot Crete Support Reinforcement

We have experience in both open pit and underground shot creting. We are
able to install wire mesh, lase and shot crete various unstable areas of
Open pit and underground mining.

We have supported and shot Creted for Lubambe Copper Mines at there
newly mined portal, were they experienced fall of ground (collapsing)
due to rains and currently busy with support and shot crete formerly
WBHO at No.2 shaft in Chililabobwe situated in the Copperbelt province
of Zambia.

Where the emergency decline, shaft is collapsing due to erosion of

rainwater. We have experience in with steel sets supporting and 6m long
ancore bolts for support.

11) Plant hire and repair

We have owned 6 underground loaders which was maintained by
South Africans as well as Zambian mechanics, we also hired them to

12) Reclamation of old worked out areas

We have experience in stripping and recovering materials from old
Developed levels and Shafts.

Cleaning and reline clarifier dams

We have done the cleaning of clarifier dams. Stripping damages areas
and relining and fibre glassing of clarifier dams for KCM in Chingola c/o
FA & F Mining and Construction.



a) 11th of February, 2009
b) Company Reg No. 77311
c) TPIN No.: 1001978660
d) VAT Reg No.: 10322576-33


The company has authorized share capital of K5, 000 divided into
K5, 000 Ordinary shares of K1.00 each. The issued and paid up share
capital of the company is K5, 000 as well.

Name No. Of Shares Percentage

FANIE VANDER MESCHT K 1, 700 Ordinary Shares 34%
SIWILA DARIOUS K 1, 650 Ordinary Shares 33%
ISSOBELLA VANDER MESCHT K 1, 650 Ordinary Shares 33%

Name Title
Mr. FANIE VANDER MESCHT Managing Director
Mr. SIWILA DARIOUS Director Operations


The company is managed by highly experienced personnel and is

associated by also highly experienced technical and operation staff. This
is a group people who have timed up with experience in the sense that
they totally committed to producing positive results in all the endeavors
they are engaged in.


First National Bank (z) limited, Plot 493/494, Corner, Zambia
Way/Oxford Road, Kitwe, Zambia.
Account Number 62278101284
Intermediary Bank Name First National Bank
Intermediary Bank Code 260006
TT Beneficiary Bank Details First National Bank
Currency Zambian Kwacha


Ernest Chartered Accountants
P.O. Box 22307
Kitwe, Zambia

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