Maestro (ABLA) - (Oct 2014)
Maestro (ABLA) - (Oct 2014)
Maestro (ABLA) - (Oct 2014)
Thank you for selecting a Hero MotoCorp MAESTRO scooter. We wish you many
miles of continued riding pleasure in the years ahead.
Your Scooter is conforming to latest (Bharat Stage-III norms) regulation for emission,
safety & noise levels. We are also using non asbestos brake shoes and engine gaskets
which are environment friendly in nature.
This booklet is your guide to the basic operation and maintenance of your new
Hero MotoCorp MAESTRO scooter. Please take time to read it carefully. As with any
fine machine, proper care and maintenance is essential for trouble-free operation and
optimum performance.
Your Authorised Hero MotoCorp dealer will be glad to provide further information or
assistance and is equipped to handle your future service needs.
Let us make this world a safer, healthier and more environment friendly place.
Overall Length 1780 mm
Overall Width 710 mm
Overall Height 1165 mm
Wheelbase 1240 mm
Saddle Height 770 mm
Ground Clearance 155 mm
Kerb Weight 110 kg
Engine Oil 0.80 litre
0.70 litre at draining
Transmission oil 0.12 litre
0.10 litre at draining
Fuel Tank 5. 3 litres (minimum)
Maximum Power 6.0 kW (8.2 Ps) @ 7500 r/min
Maximum Torque 9.10 N-m @ 5500 r/min
Bore and Stroke 50.0 x 55.5 mm
Compression Ratio 9.5:1
Displacement 109 cc
Spark Plug NGK CPR 7 EA 9
Spark Plug Gap 0.8-0.9 mm
Valve Clearance (cold condition) IN : 0.16 mm EX : 0.16 mm
Idle Speed 1700 ± 100 r/min
Chassis Type High rigidity underbone type
Front Suspension Bottom link with spring loaded
hydraulic damper
Rear Suspension Unit swing with spring loaded
hydraulic damper
Caster 27O
Tyre size, front 90 / 100 x 10 - 53 J
Tyre size, rear 90 / 100 x 10 - 53 J (Tube with Puncture
Front / Rear Brake Drum Type Internal expanding shoe type (130 mm)
Combined Braking System (optional)
Primary Reduction Variomatic drive (2.5 : 1 - 0.85 : 1)
Final Reduction 50 / 20 x 49 / 13 (9.423)
Clutch System Dry, Automatic Centrifugal Clutch
Battery 12V - 3Ah **MF Battery
Alternator 110 W
Starting System Kick / Electric Start
Head Lamp (High / Low) 12V 35W / 35W Halogen Bulb, MFR*
Position Lamp 12V 5W
Tail/Stop Lamp 12V 5W / 21W (Amber bulb) with clear lens-MFR*
Turn Signal Lamp 12V 10W (Amber bulb) x 4 nos. MFR*
Meter Illumination L.E.D
Turn Signal indicator (RH +LH) L.E.D
High Beam indicator L.E.D
Main Fuse 10 A
3 * MFR stands for Multi-Focal Reflector Type
** MF stands for Maintenance Free
Your scooter can provide many years of that others can see you, signal before
service and pleasure if you take turning or changing lanes, and use horn
responsibility for your own safety and which will help others to notice you.
understand the challenges you can meet on Ride Within Your Limits
the road.
Pushing the limits is another major cause
There is much that you can do to protect of scooter accidents. Never ride beyond
yourself when you ride. You will find your personal abilities or faster than
many helpful recommendations through conditions demand. Remember that
out this manual. Following are a few that alcohol, drugs, fatigue and negligence can
we consider most important. significantly reduce your ability to make
Always Wear a Helmet good judgements and ride safely.
It is a proven fact, Helmet significantly Keep Your Scooter in Safe Condition
reduces the number and severity of head For safe riding, its important to inspect
injuries. So always wear a helmet and your scooter before every ride and
make sure your pillion rider does the same. perform all recommended maintenance.
We also recommend that you wear eye Never exceed load limits, and use
protection, sturdy boots, gloves and other accessories that have been recommended
protective gear (page 5). by Hero MotoCorp for this vehicle. See
Make Yourself Easily Visible (page 7-9) for more details.
Some drivers do not see scooters because
they are not looking for them. To make
yourself more visible, wear bright
reflective clothing, position yourself so
PROTECTIVE APPAREL Helmets and Eye Protection
Your Helmet is your most important piece
For your safety, we strongly recommend of riding gear because it offers the best
that you always wear an approved helmet protection against head injuries. A helmet
(ISI marked), eye protection, boots, should fit your head comfortably and
gloves, long pants and a long sleeve shirt securely. A bright coloured helmet can
or jacket whenever you ride. Take care of make you more noticeable in traffic, as
loose / hanging clothes while solo / pillion can reflective strips.
riding. Although complete protection is An open-face helmet offers some
not possible, wearing proper gear can protection, but a full-face helmet offers
reduce the chance of injury when you ride. more. Always were face shield or goggles
to protect your eyes and help your vision.
Additional riding Gear
Following are suggestions to help you
In addition to a helmet and eye protection,
choose proper riding gear.
we also recommend:
WARNING Sturdy boots with non-slip soles to help
protect your feet and ankles.
Not wearing a helmet increases the Leather gloves to keep your hands
chance of serious injury or death in a warm and help prevent blisters, cuts,
crash. burns, and bruises.
A two wheeler riding suit or jacket for
Be sure you and your passenger comfort as well as protection. Bright
always wear a helmet, eye protection coloured reflective clothing can help
and other protective apparel when make you more noticeable in traffic. Be
you ride. sure to avoid loose clothes that could
get caught on any part of your scooter.
Wear Gloves
GUIDELINES How much weight you put on your
scooter, and how you load it, are important
Your scooter has been designed to carry
to your safety. Anytime you ride with a
you, one pillion and limited amount of
pillion or cargo you should be aware of the
cargo. When you add cargo or carry a
following information.
passenger, you may feel some difference
during acceleration and braking. But so
long as you keep your scooter well
maintained, with good tyres and brakes,
you can safely carry loads within the Overloading or improper loading can
limits and guidelines. cause a crash and you can be seriously
However exceeding the weight limit injured.
or carrying an unbalanced load can Follow all load limits and other
seriously affect your scooter's handling, loading guidelines in this manual.
b r a k i n g a n d s t a b i l i t y. N o n H e r o
MotoCorp accessories, modifications, Load limits
and poor maintenance can reduce your Following are the load limits for your
safety margin. scooter:
The following pages give more specific Maximum weight capacity: 130 kg
information on loading, accessories and Includes the weight of the rider, pillion, all
modifications. cargo and all accessories.
Putting too much weight in individual Loading Guidelines
storage compartments can also affect Your scooter is primarily intended for
stability and handling. So be sure to stay transporting you and a pillion.
within the limits given below : If you wish to carry more cargo, check
with your Authorised Hero MotoCorp
workshop for advice, and be sure to read
Maximum weight : the information regarding accessories on
(page 9).
Center compartment 10.0 kg
Improperly loading your scooter can
Front inner box 1.5 kg affect its stability and handling. Even if
On luggage hook 1.5 kg your scooter is properly loaded, you
should ride at reduced speeds whenever
1 carrying cargo.
Follow these guidelines whenever you
carry a pillion or cargo:
Check that both tyres are properly
To prevent loose items from creating
2 a hazard, make sure the center
compartment is closed and that any
other cargo is securely tied down
3 before you ride away.
Place cargo weight as close to the
(1) Center compartment center of the scooter as possible.
(2) Front inner box Balance cargo weight evenly on both
(3) Luggage hook sides.
Accessories and Modifications Make sure the accessories do not
Modifying your scooter or using non-Hero obstruct any lamp, reduce ground
MotoCorp accessories can make your clearance and banking angle, limit
scooter unsafe. Before you consider suspension travel or steering travel,
making any modifications or adding any alter your riding position or interfere
accessory, be sure to read the following with operating any controls.
information. Be sure electrical equipment does not
exceed the scooter's electrical system
WARNING capacity (page 64). A blown fuse can
cause loss of lights.
Improper accessories or modifications Do not pull a trailer or sidecar with
can cause a crash in which you can be your scooter. This scooter is not
seriously injured. designed for these attachments, and
their use can seriously impair your
Follow all instructions in this owner's scooter handling.
manual regarding accessories and
modifications. Modifications
Accessories We strongly advise you not to remove any
We strongly recommend that you use only original equipment or modify your
genuine Hero MotoCorp accessories that scooter in any way that would change its
have been specifically designed and tested design or operation. Such changes could
for your scooter. Hero MotoCorp cannot seriously impair your scooter's handling,
test all other accessories, you must be stability and braking, making it unsafe to
personally responsible for proper ride.
selection, installation and use of non-Hero Removing or modifying your lamps,
MotoCorp accessories. Check with your muffler, emission control system or other
dealer for assistance and always follow equipment can also make your scooter not
these guidelines: meeting the emission standards.
The following tips shall ensure a healthy scooter, healthy environment, and a healthy
FRONT TOP VIEW 7 8 9 10 11 12
5 13
4 14
3 15
2 16
1 17
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
The fuel gauge (1) is of a Liquid Crystal
The odometer (1) shows accumulated Display (LCD) type.
distance traveled.
The tripmeter (2) shows distance traveled The approximate amount of fuel quantity
since trip meter was reset last time. available in the fuel tank is indicated by
the number of vertical bars in the display.
Tripmeter displays upto 999.9 kms. If the Each segment display approx. 0.5 litres of
tripmeter exceeds "999.9" kms it will return fuel.
to "0.0" kms automatically.
When tripmeter is selected long press the If all the vertical bars (2) are displayed it
reset button (3) to reset tripmeter to zero. means fuel quantity in the fuel tank is 5.3
The odometer displays from "0 to 999999"
2 km
40 80
1 2
20 100 E F
0 km
20 100 E
km/h ODO
After getting the vehicle serviced, make
sure that the Service Due Indicator has
been reset.
(Information you need to operate this
BRAKES (Combined Braking System)
Brakes are items of personal safety and
should always be maintained with proper
When one applies the left lever, front &
rear brakes activate jointly.
(2) Combined brake lever (3) Free play
The distance, the front brake lever (1) and Adjustment:
combined brake lever (2) moves before each Right hand front brake cable (A) on no.1 side
brake starts to engage is called freeplay (3). 1. Push the brake arm (4) by hand in the
Measured at the tip of brake levers, direction as shown.
freeplay should be maintained at 10 - 20 2. Turn the first adjuster nut (5) till you
mm. cannot turn it by hand.
3 (ii)
Make sure the cut-out on the adjusting nut
(1) is seated on the brake arm pin (2) after
(1) Front brake lever (3) Free play making final freeplay adjustment.
(A) Cut-out not seated properly available lubricant to prevent premature wear
and corrosion. Make sure the brake arm
A spring and fasteners are in good condition.
FRONT BRAKE (Standard)
1. Make free play adjustment by turning the
adjustment nut (1) in the brake arm (2).
2. Check the free play of right lever.
2 1
(1) Adjusting nut (2) Brake arm pin
(B) Cut-out seated properly
B (A)
TYRES Over-inflated tyres make your scooter
ride more harshly, are more prone to
To safely operate your scooter, the tyres
damage from road hazards, and wear
must be of the proper type and size, in
good condition with adequate tread, and
We recommend that you visually check
correctly inflated for the load that you are the tyres before every ride and use a gauge
carrying. The following pages give more to measure air pressure at least once a
detailed information on how or when to month or any time you think the tyre
check air pressure, how to inspect the tyres pressure is low.
for damage, and what to do when tyres Always check air pressure when the tyres
need to be repaired or replaced. are cold, when your scooter has been
WARNING parked for atleast three hours. If you check
the tyre air pressure when they are warm or
Using tyres that are excessively worn when the scooter has been ridden for a few
or improperly inflated can cause a kilometers, the reading will be higher
crash in which you can be seriously than if the tyres were cold. This is normal
injured. so do not let the air out of the tyres to match
the recommended cold air pressure given
Follow all instructions in this owner's below. If you do so, the tyres will be under
manual regarding tyre inflation and inflated.
maintenance. Recommended "Cold" tyre pressure are:
Air Pressure
Keeping tyres properly inflated provides Rider Only Rider & Pillion
the best combination of handling, tread
life and riding comfort. Front 1.50 kg/cm2 1.50 kg/cm2
Generally under-inflated tyres wear
unevenly, adversely affect handling, and
are more likely to be overheated. Rear 2.00 kg/cm2 2.50 kg/cm2
Tread Wear Look for:
Replace tyres immediately when the wear Bumps or bulges in the side of the tyre
indicator (1) appears on the tyre. The tread or treads. Replace the tyre if you find
limits are: any bumps or bulges.
Minimum tread depth Front: 1.0 mm Cuts, splits, or cracks in the tyre.
Rear : 1.0 mm Replace the tyre if you see fabric or cord.
Check the tread wear indicator for tyre Excessive tread wear.
The imported tyre(s) if fitted without ISI
mark; are in compliance of BIS standard
and Central Motor Vehicle Rules 1989, as
declared by the Tyre manufacturer.
Tyre Replacement
The tyres that come on your scooter are
designed to match the performance
(1) Tyre wear indicator (2) Arrow mark capabilities of your scooter and provide
the best combination of handling, braking,
Unidirectional Tyres durability and comfort.
Ensure the arrow mark (2) on the tyre is in The recommended tyres for your scooter
the same direction as that of forward
rotation of the wheel, whenever the tyre is
Front : 90 X 100 - 53J
removed and put back in case of puncture.
Rear : 90 X 100 - 53J
Whenever you inspect the tyre pressure,
you should always examine the tyre treads
and side walls for wear, damage, and
foreign objects:
NOTE: Features:
Whenever you replace a tyre, use one that See the following drawings for the “Tube
is equivalent to the original and be sure the with Puncture Endurance” structure. It
wheel is balanced after the new tyre is has a “fluid chamber” filled with a special
installed. fluid at the ground side of the tube as
Also remember to replace the inner tube shown. When a sharp object such as a nail
whenever you replace a tyre. The old tube etc. pierces into the tyre, fluid is pushed
will probably be stretched, and if installed out by the air pressure plugging up the hole
in a new tyre, it could fail. with the fiber in the fluid. Thus, the “Tube
with Puncture Endurance” is designed
WARNING to minimize air leakage.
Installing improper tyres on your
scooter can affect handling and Structure
stability. This can cause a crash in
which you can be seriously injured.
Detailed drawing of B section the tyre. Note that a foreign material
can get stuck into the tyre no matter the
tyre pressure may look to be normal.
Remove the foreign material from the
tyre when it is found during the daily
check and repair the tube as soon as
1 possible.
When the rim or tyre is wet with the
fluid or when the tyre pressure is
low, check the tyre for a foreign
2 3 material and remove it. Repair the
(1) Tyre (2) Plugged with Fibers tube immediately.
(3) Special fluid The fluid can come out when removing
the foreign material from the tyre. Take
NOTE: care not to get the fluid on you.
Tube with Puncture Endurance is not
The damage that can be repaired is up to
designed to prevent every puncture
3 mm in size. When the damage is larger
damage of the tube
than 3 mm, replace the tube.
U s e t h e Tu b e w i t h P u n c t u r e
Endurance on the scooter equipped with When replacing the tyre, select the new
the genuine tyres. Note that the Tube with tube of the same size.
Puncture Endurance are available in Use the tube with the specified air
every size, which are designated for the pressure.
tyres of the corresponding size respectively.
Do not use the tube in combination with the To check for puncture before or after
tyre of the different size. repair, inflate the tube as large as the
The Tube with Puncture Endurance is tyre inner dia meter size (i.e. to the
structured to be tough against air leakage degree that maintains the cylinder of the
when a sharp object pierces into tube). On the fluid chamber side, this
can be checked with the fluid oozing out HOW TO REPAIR
of the chamber, excessive inflation of The Tube with Puncture Endurance is
the tube will cause the air to enter the repairable as an usual tube.
fluid chamber, deteriorating the Follow the following cautions.
puncture function. (the material of Do not inflate a Tube with Puncture
liquid: anti freeze mixture, fiber, etc) Endurance larger than the tyre size as
CAUTION you do in a conventional tube or air will
flow into the fluid chamber and lower its
Wash out the fluid thoroughly with water performance.
when it gets on your skin or in your eyes When finding a puncture (1), inflate the
and get the medical attention promptly. Tube with Puncture Endurance to the
Damages to which Tube with Puncture same size as the inside of the tyre and look
Endurance is not effective: for a hole where fluid leaks out.
(1) Burst When fixing the Tube with Puncture
(2) Damage outside the grounding Endurance, hold the area where a patch is
surface of the tyre (e.g. rim, sides of attached higher than other parts of the tube
tyre, etc, that are not mounted with so that the fluid does not flow over the area.
the fluid chamber) Then wipe off the fluid thoroughly and
(3) Damaged or rubbed with a rusted nail, attach a patch firmly or it may cause air leak.
(4) Large damage or L- shaped damage 1
(5) Damages resulted from neglect of the
above note.
(1) Puncture
The ignition switch (1) is on the right side
below the steering.
“ON” Position
“OFF” Position /
Lock Open
3 2
1. Ignition switch
2. Ignition key
3. Steering lock position
“LOCK” Position
(4) Shutter pin (A) Turn to close
In this position the ignition key can be
inserted. To lock the shutter, remove the
ignition key and rotate the shutter pin
1 2
counterclockwise (A).
(1) Key slot (2) Shutter key NOTE :
Rotate the shutter key clockwise, the The shutter can only be opened with the key.
shutter (3) will open and the shutter pin The plate key (5) number should be noted
(4) will shift clockwise. down. This will be required for getting a
duplicate key.
(3) Shutter (5) Plate key
To lock the steering, turn the handle bar all The seat lock (1), is on the left rear side
the way to the left, turn the key (1) to below the rear grip.
"LOCK" position while pushing in and
To lift the seat, insert the key (2) and turn
remove the key. Lock the shutter after
it clockwise to unlock.
removing the key.
To lock the seat, push down until it locks.
Make sure the seat is secure before riding.
(1) Seat Lock (2) Key
(1) Ignition switch
(A) Push in CAUTION
(B) Turn to lock Gently close the seat by hand. Sudden
dropping of the seat may result in breaking
CAUTION the seat lock and malfunction of the lock.
Do not try to turn the key to "LOCK"
position while riding the scooter, which
may lead to loss of vehicle control.
CENTER COMPARTMENT The tool kit holder (2) and document
The center compartment (1) is below the holder (3) is located in the centre
seat. compartment.
For opening and closing the seat lock, see The tool kit and owner’s manual can be
(page 30). stored in it.
MAXIMUM WEIGHT LIMIT: 10 kg The first aid kit can be strapped by the
band (4) provided under the seat.
Never exceed the maximum weight limit, NOTE:
handling and stability may be severely When washing your scooter, be careful not
to flood this area with water.
The center compartment may become
2 4
heated by the engine. Do not store food
and other articles which are flammable or
susceptible to heat damage
Do not direct pressurised water spray
against the center compartment as water
may enter into the compartment.
(2) Tool kit holder (3) Document holder
(4) First aid kit holder band
Before the vehicle is pressure washed
the items kept inside the centre
compartment should be removed to
(1) Center compartment prevent consequential damage.
The luggage hook (1) is provided in the
front below the seat.
Do not hang large luggage to the hook, that
would hang out from the scooter and or
interfere with the movement of your feet.
(2) Bolts
4. Remove the bolt (3) from both the
sides. (4) Rod
Center Compartment - Removal
1. Open the seat (page 30)
(3) Bolt
2. Open the center compartment cum
petrol tank cover screws (1).
5. Lift up the body cover and support the
rod (4) securely. 3. Remove two bolts (2).
(1) Screws (2) Bolts (5) Luggage hook screws (6) Screw
4. Remove front bolt (3) and screws (4). 7. Remove the center compartment.
3 Installation:
Installation is in the reverse order of
(3) Front bolt (4) Screws 2. Lift up the body cover (page 33) and
detach the seat cable from the seat catch
5. Remove the luggage hook screws (5).
6. Remove the screw (6) located slightly
above the luggage hook.
3. Disconnect the rear turn signal lamp
connectors and tail/stop lamp connector.
4. Remove the wire from wire band (1).
(1) Screws
Release the front center cover bosses from 4. Remove the four screws (3) on the inner
the mounting grommet. Remove the front cover side.
center cover.
Installation is in the reverse order of
Front Cover
1. Remove the front center cover (page 35).
2. Remove the two bolts (1) from the (3) Screws
front cover. 5. Remove the screw (4) on the floor
3. Remove the top and bottom screw(2). panel.
6. Remove the front cover and disconnect 3. Adjust the rear view mirror.
the front turn signal lamp connector. 4. Tighten the lock nut.
To open the right side rear view mirror the
threads are to be loosened in clockwise
direction and tightened in counter
clockwise direction.
3 1
Installation is in the reverse order of 2
Rear View Mirror
1. Pull the dust cover (1).
2. Loosen the lock nut (2) until it will no (1) Dust cover (2) Lock nut
longer turn. (3) Rear view mirror
3. Loosen the rear view mirror (3) and
remove it.
1. Install the rear view mirror until it will
no longer turn.
2. Loosen the rear view mirror
approximately 2 turns.
Headlamp Case 4. Pull the headlamp case (3) slightly up,
Removal: carefully release the tabs.
1. Remove the rear view mirrors (page 37). 5. Disconnect the headlamp connector (4)
2. Remove the six screws (1) and position lamp connector (5) and
1 remove the headlamp case .
Installation is in the reverse order of
5 4 3
(1) Screws
3. Remove the front bolt (2) in the headlamp
2 Headlamp Focus
Vertical Adjustment
Headlamp focus is factory preset. However
in case of adjustment required please follow
the steps as given.
(2) Bolt
1. Park the scooter on main stand on a If you detect any problem, be sure you take
level ground in front of a wall. care of it, or have it corrected by your
2. Loosen the bolt (1) and move the Authorised Hero MotoCorp workshop.
headlamp up or down for correct focus.
Improper maintenance or failing to
correct a problem before riding can
An improperly adjusted headlamp may cause a crash in which you can be
blind oncoming driver or it may fail to seriously injured.
light the road for safe distance. Always perform a pre-ride inspection
before every ride and correct if any
1 Engine oil level- Add engine oil if
A required (page 57 ). Check for leaks.
2. Fuel level - Fill fuel tank when
B necessary (page 20). Check for leaks.
3. Front and rear brakes - Check
operation and if necessary, adjust free
play (pages 17-19).
4. Tyres - Check condition and pressure
(1) Bolt (A) Up (B) Down
(pages 22-24 ).
OPERATION 5. Throttle - Check for smooth opening
PRE-RIDE INSPECTION and full closing in all steering
For your safety, it is very important to take positions.
a few moments before each ride to walk 6. Lamps and horn - Check that
around your scooter and check its headlamp, tail/stop lamp, turn signals,
condition. indicators and horn function properly.
STARTING THE ENGINE 1. Park the scooter on its main stand.
Always follow the proper starting 2. Lock the rear wheel by pressing the
procedure described below. This scooter brake lever (1) and locking the
has an automatic fuel valve. parking lever (2 ).
Operate the kick starter or starter switch
for slightly longer than usual without
opening the throttle if the scooter has been Contact with the rotating rear wheel
left standing for a long time or when the can injure you.
fuel tank has just been refilled. Set the parking lever when the scooter
Your scooter's exhaust contains poisonous is on its main stand.
carbon monoxide gas. High levels of
carbon monoxide can collect rapidly in The electric starter will only work when a
enclosed areas such as a garage. Do not brake lever is operated.
run the engine with the garage door closed.
Even with the door open, run the engine
only long enough to move your scooter out
of the garage.
Do not use the electric starter for more
than 5 seconds at a time. Release the 2
starter switch for approximately 10
seconds before pressing it again.
Do not attempt to start the engine and
run the vehicle without a battery. This (1) Combined brake lever
may lead to electrical and electronic (2) Parking lever
components failure.
3. Open the key shutter (page 29) and turn 2. Use starter switch:
the ignition switch (3) to "ON". With the throttle closed, press the
starter switch.
Use kick starter:
With the throttle closed, operate the
3 kick starter with a rapid and continuous
3. When engine speed begins to pick
up, operate the choke knob to keep
fast idle.
4. Continue warming up the engine until
it runs smoothly and responds to
(3) Ignition Switch the throttle, when the choke knob is
Cold Engine: at “OFF” position (B).
1. Pull the choke knob (1) out all the way
to fully “ON” position (A). Warm Engine:
1. Do not use the choke.
2. Rotate the throttle 1/8-1/4 turn.
3. Start the engine.
B Help assure your scooter's future
reliability and performance by paying
extra attention to how you ride during the
1 first 500 kms.
(1) Choke knob During this period, avoid full-throttle
(A) Fully “ON” (B) Fully “OFF” starts and rapid acceleration.
RIDING 2. Stand on the left side of the scooter
Review Scooter Safety (pages 4-9) before and push it forward off the main stand
you ride. gripping below the seat using the right
hand as shown.
1. Make sure the throttle is closed and
the combined brake is locked before
moving the scooter off the main stand.
The rear wheel must be locked when
moving the scooter off the main stand
or it may result in loss of control.
Braking System
Braking System
4. Unlock the combined brake by 5. Before starting, indicate your
further pressing the combined brake direction with the turn signals, and
lever (1) so as to release the parking check for safe traffic conditions.
lever (2) from the lock. Then release Grab the handle bars firmly with both
the brake lever. hands.
2 Never attempt one-handed operation, this
could lead to loss of vehicle control.
(1) Combined brake lever (2) Parking lever
6. To accelerate, open the throttle (3) applied together. Independent use of
gradually, the scooter will move only the front or rear brake increases the
forward. stopping distance.
Do not "BLIP" the throttle (open and close Excessive brake application may
rapidly) as the scooter will move forward cause the wheels to lock, reducing
suddenly, causing possible loss of control control over the scooter.
and loss of fuel economy.
Do not accelerate with the brakes applied, CLOSE
this may lead to premature wear of brakes
and transmission parts.
7. To decelerate, close the throttle.
5 4
(3) Throttle
8. When slowing down the scooter,
coordination of the throttle (3) and
front (4) and combined brake (5) is
most important.
Both front and rear brakes should be (4) Front brake (5) Combined brake
9. When approaching a corner or turn, 10. After completing the turn, open the
close the throttle (3) fully, and slow throttle gradually to accelerate the
down the scooter by applying both scooter.
front (4) and combined (5) brake
(3) Throttle
4 5
4 4
(3) Throttle (4) Front and rear brake
12. When riding on wet or loose reduce the possibility of rolling off the
surfaces, be cautious. main stand or overturing.
When riding in wet or rainy 3. Lock the steering to prevent theft
conditions or on loose surfaces, the (page 48 ).
ability to manoeuver and stop will be
reduced. 4. Close the shutter (page 29).
For your safety:
Exercise extreme caution when CAUTION
braking, accelerating or turning. The exhaust pipe and muffler become very
Ride at slower speeds and allow for hot during operation and remain
extra stopping distance. sufficiently hot to inflict burns if touched
Keep the scooter as upright as even after turning off the engine.
Be cautious when riding over HOW TO USE MAIN STAND
slippery surfaces such as railway
tracks, iron plates, manhole covers,
painted lines, etc.
1. After stopping the scooter turn the
ignition switch to "OFF" position.
2. Use the main stand to support the
scooter while parked, lock and remove
the key and close the shutter.
Park the scooter on firm, level ground
to prevent it from falling over.
If you must park on a slight incline,
aim the front of the scooter uphill to
1. Always lock the steering, close the
shutter and never leave the key in the
ignition switch. This sounds simple but
people do forget.
2. Be sure the registration information
for your scooter is accurate and
3. Park your scooter in a locked garage
whenever possible. 1
4. Use an additional anti-theft device of A
good quality.
5. Never park your scooter in an isolated (1) Ignition key
area. Park as far as possible in a (A) Turn to lock
designated parking area.
6. Enter your name, address, and phone TOOL KIT
number in this Owner's Manual and The tool kit is located in the tool kit holder (1)
keep it in your scooter at all times. in the center compartment (2).
Many times stolen scooters are Some roadside repairs, minor adjustments
identified by information in the and parts replacement can be performed
Owner's Manuals that are still with them. with the tools available in the kit.
• Tool bag - 1 No.
NAME:__________________________ • Plus minus 2 driver- 1 No.
• Grip- 1 No.
ADDRESS:_______________________ • Spanner 8 x 12 mm- 1 No.
_________________________________ • Wrench plug 16 mm- 1 No.
• Spanner 10 x 14 mm- 1 No.
PHONE NO.:______________________ • Box wrench 12 mm- 1 No.
The first aid kit is strapped by the band (3) IMPORTANCE OF MAINTENANCE
provided under the seat. Some emergency
first aid can be performed by medicine A well-maintained scooter is essential for
available in the kit. safe, economical and trouble-free riding.
It will also help reduce air pollution.
Antiseptic Cream - 1 No.
Sterilised Dressing - 1 No. To help you to take proper care for
Water Proof Plaster - 1 No. your scooter, the following pages
Elastic Bandage - 1 No. include a Maintenance Schedule and a
Maintenance Record for regular scheduled
Gauge (Rolled Bandage) - 1 No. maintenance.
Sterilised Elastic Plaster - 1 No.
First Aid Bag - 1 No. These instructions are based on the
assumption that the scooter will be used
1 2 3 exclusively for its designed purpose.
Sustained high speed operation or operation
in unusually wet or dusty conditions will
require more frequent service than specified
in the Maintenance Schedule. Consult your
Authorised Hero MotoCorp workshop for
recommendations applicable to your
individual needs and use.
If your vehicle overturns or is involved in a
crash, be sure that you visit your
(1) Tool kit holder Authorised Hero MotoCorp workshop for
(2) Center compartment detailed inspections.
(3) Band
we cannot warn you of every conceivable
hazard that can arise in performing
Improperly maintaining this scooter maintenance. Only you can decide
or failing to correct a problem before whether or not you should perform a given
you ride can cause an accident in task.
which you can be seriously injured.
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Be sure that the combined brake is
locked by parking lever before running
the engine, while the scooter is parked
Make sure the engine is turned off
on the main stand. This will prevent the
before you begin any maintenance or
rear wheel from rotating and avoid the
repair. This will help eliminate several
possibility of someone being injured
potential hazards:
from contacting the wheel.
* Carbon monoxide poisoning from
To reduce the possibility of a fire or
engine exhaust.
explosion, be careful when working
Be sure there is adequate ventilation around petrol or batteries. Use only
whenever you start the engine. nonflammable solvent, not petrol, to
clean parts. Keep cigarettes, sparks and
* Burns from hot parts.
flames away from the battery and all
Let the engine and exhaust system
fuel-related parts.
cool before touching.
* Injury from moving parts. Remember that your Authorised Hero
Do not run the engine unless MotoCorp workshop knows your scooter
instructed to do so. best and is fully equipped to maintain and
repair it.
To ensure best quality and reliability, it is
Read the instructions before you begin recommended to use Hero MotoCorp
and make sure you have the tools and genuine parts for repair and replacement.
skills required.
To prevent the scooter from falling
over, park it on a firm, level surface, on
the main stand.
Perform the Pre-ride Inspection (page 39 ) at each scheduled maintenance period.
The following Maintenance Schedule specifies all maintenance required to keep
your scooter in peak operating condition. Maintenance work should be performed
in accordance with standards and specifications of Hero MotoCorp by properly
trained and equipped technicians. Your Authorised Hero MotoCorp workshop
meets all of these requirements.
* Clean carburetor if required after inspection during service.
** Should be serviced by a "Skilled Technician" of your Authorised Hero MotoCorp
*** In the interest of safety, we recommend these items to be serviced only by your
Authorised Hero MotoCorp workshop.
**** Replace engine oil once in every 6000 kms. Top up if the oil level is at or near the
lower level mark.
# Replace drive belt once in every 24000 kms.
Check idle CO emission along with idle r/min / idle CO adjustment (if required).
@ Replace once in every 12000 kms.
(1) At higher odometer readings, repeat the frequency interval established here.
(2) Service more frequently if the scooter is ridden in unusually wet or dusty areas.
(3) Service more frequently when riding in rain or at full throttle.
(4) Replace once in a year. Replacement requires mechanical skill.
(5) Early replacement may be required when riding in dusty areas.
Dear Customer,
We would strongly recommend the following schedule, to keep your
scooter in perfect running condition and healthy environment. Scooter subjected to severe
use or ridden in dusty area will require more frequent servicing.
is Earlier
During Free Service Period
After Free Service
Free Once In Every
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Days 1st 60 Next 100 Next 100 Next 100 Next 100
Kms Note -1 500 -750 3000-3500 6000-6500 9000-9500 12000-12500 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000
Fuel Line I I I I I I
I, A I, A I, A I, A I, A I, A
Carburetor* I, A I, A I, A I, A I, A I, A
Spark Plug @ I, C, A I, C, A I, C, A I, C, A R I, C, A R
Valve Clearance** I, A I, A I, A I, A I, A I, A
Engine Oil**** R T R T R T R
Battery Voltage I I I I I I
Pivot Arm L L L L L L
Brake System L L L L L
Headlamp Focus I I I I I I
Suspension I I I I I I
Fasteners** I I I I I I
Wheel/tyres*** I I I I I I
Refer to the Safety Precautions (page 51).
The air cleaner should be replaced at
regular intervals (page 52-54). Replace
more frequently when riding in unusually
wet or dusty areas.
1. Lift up the body cover (page 32).
2. Remove the air cleaner cover (1) by
removing the screws (2).
(3) Air Cleaner Element (4) Screw
1 2 4. Clean the air cleaner housing (5) using
a shop towel.
3. Remove the air cleaner element (3) by (5) Air cleaner housing
removing the screw (4).
Install a new air cleaner element in the
reverse order of removal.
CAUTION 3. Remove the air filter (3 ).
• Never wash or clean the viscous filter.
Replace filter element once in every
15000 kms.
• Replace it earlier if it becomes very dirty, 3
damaged on surface or on the sealing area.
Refer to the Safety Precautions (page 51).
Air filter cleaning
The air filter should be serviced at (3) Air filter
regular intervals (page 52-54). Service
more frequently when riding in 4. Wa s h t h e a i r f i l t e r i n c l e a n ,
unusually wet or dusty areas. nonflammable or high flash point
1. Remove the body cover (page 34). solvent and let it dry thoroughly.
2. Remove the air filter housing cover 5. Soak the air filter in gear oil (SAE
(1) by removing the screw (2). 80-90) until saturated, then squeeze
out the excess oil.
6. Install the removed parts in the reverse
1 order of removal.
Never use gasoline or low flash point
solvents for cleaning the air filter. A fire or
explosion could result.
3. After a few minutes, remove the oil level Engine Oil Replacement / Oil strainer
dipstick, wipe it clean, and reinsert the oil Cleaning
level dipstick without screwing it in. Change the engine oil with the engine at
Remove the oil level dipstick and check if normal operating temperature and the
the oil level is between the upper and scooter on its main stand to assure complete
lower marks. and rapid draining.
4. If required, add recommended oil upto
the upper level mark. Do not overfill. 1. Remove the oil filler oil level dipstick
5. Reinstall the oil filler oil level dipstick. 2. Place an oil drain pan under the
Check for oil leaks. crankcase and remove the oil drain
NOTE: plug (1).
• Running the engine with insufficient oil
may cause engine damage.
• Top up if required after every 3000 kms.
3 1
2 1
(3) Spring (4) Oil strainer screen
(5) O-ring
• Engine oil quality is the chief factor Refer to the Safety Precautions (page 51).
affecting engine service life. Replace Recommended plug.
and top-up the engine oil as specified in Standard : NGK CPR 7 EA 9
the maintenance schedule (page 52-54).
• When running in very dusty
conditions, oil changes should be
performed more frequently than Never use a spark plug with an improper
specified in the maintenance schedule. heat range. Severe engine damage could
• Please dispose used engine oil in a 1. Lift the body cover (page 32).
manner that is compatible with the 2. Disconnect the noise suppressor cap (1)
environment. We suggest you take it in a from the spark plug.
sealed container to your local recycling 3. Clean any dirt around the spark plug
center or workshop for reclamation. Do base.
not throw it in the trash or pour it on the 1
ground or down a drain.
• Used engine oil may cause skin
disease if repeatedly left in contact
with the skin for prolonged periods.
Although this is unlikely unless you
handle used oil on a daily basis,
it is still advisable to thoroughly wash
your hands with soap and water as soon
as possible after handling used oil.
(1) Noise suppressor cap
4. Remove the spark plug using the spark 8. Tighten a new spark plug 1/2 turn
plug wrench provided in the tool kit. with a spark plug wrench to
5. Inspect the electrodes and center compress the washer. If you are
porcelain for deposits, erosion or reusing a plug, it should only take
carbon fouling. If the erosion or 1/8 - 1/4 turn after the plug seats.
deposit is heavy, replace the plug. Clean
carbon or wet fouled plug with a plug
cleaner. The spark plug must be securely
6. Check the spark plug gap using a wire- tightened. An improperly tightened plug
type feeler gauge. If adjustment is can become very hot and possibly
necessary, bend the side electrode (2) damage the engine.
9. Reinstall the noise suppressor cap.
0.8 - 0.9 mm
Refer to the Safety Precautions (page 51).
The engine must be at normal operating
temperature for accurate idle speed
adjustment. Ten minutes of stop-and-go
riding is sufficient.
1. Warm up the engine, and park the
scooter on its main stand.
(2) Side Electrode
2. Lift up the body cover (page 32) and
adjust idle speed by adjusting the
7. With the plug washer attached, throttle stop screw (1) by inserting a
thread the spark plug in by hand to suitable screw driver.
prevent cross-threading.
Idle speed : 1700 ± 100 r/min FRONT BRAKE
(1) Arrow (2) Brake Arm
(1) Throttle stop screw
(3) Reference mark (4) Brake Panel
1 5
Refer to the Safety Precautions (page 51). 1. Remove the headlamp case (page 38).
The bulb becomes very hot while the lamp 2. Remove the dust cover (1).
is “ON”, and remains hot for a while after 3. Remove the bulb (2) pressing down
it is turned “OFF”. Be sure to let it cool the clip (3).
down before servicing.
4. Pull out the headlamp bulb without
Do not put finger prints on the headlamp turning.
bulb, as they may create hot spots on the
bulb and cause it to break. 5. Install a new bulb in the reverse
order of removal.
Wear clean gloves while replacing the
bulb. If you touch the bulb with your bare 2 3
hands, clean it with a cloth moistened with
alcohol to prevent its early failure.
After installing a new bulb, check (1) Dust cover (2) Bulb (3) Clip
that the lamp operates properly.
Tail / stop lamp Bulb
1. Insert hand from body cover rear side,
above rear fender area and remove
tail/stop lamp bulb holder (1) by turning
Rear Turn Signal Bulb
1. Insert hand from body cover rear side, (1) Bulb holder (2) Bulb
above rear fender area and remove turn
signal bulb holder (1) by turning 3. Install a new bulb in the reverse order
counterclockwise. of removal.
Clean your scooter regularly to protect the 1. Rinse the scooter thoroughly with
surface finishes and inspect for damage, water to remove loose dirt.
wear, and oil leakage.
2. Clean the scooter with a sponge or
Avoid cleaning products that are not soft cloth using water.
specifically designed for scooter or
automobile surfaces. Avoid directing water to muffler
outlets and on electrical parts.
They may contain harsh detergents or
chemical solvents that could damage the 3. Clean the plastic parts using a cloth
metal, paint, and plastic parts on your or sponge dampened with a solution
scooter. of mild detergent and water. Rub
the soiled area gently rinsing it
If your scooter is still warm from recent frequently with fresh water.
operation, give time for the engine and
exhaust system to cool down. Take care to keep brake fluid or
chemical solvents off the scooter. They
We recommend avoiding the use of high will damage the plastic and painted
pressure water spray. surfaces.
4. After cleaning, rinse the scooter TEST BRAKES
thoroughly with plenty of clean water.
Strong detergent residue can corrode
| alloy parts.
5. Dry the scooter with pressurised air, start
the engine, and let it run for several minutes.
Braking System
Hero MotoCorp Ltd.
Hero MotoCorp Ltd. (hereinafter called ‘Hero MotoCorp’) warrants its Maestro vehicles,
assembled/manufactured in its Plants and sold through its channel partners, to be free from
any defect-both in material and workmanship, under normal use and conditions, subject to
the following terms & conditions.
(1) If all free services/paid services/oil top-ups are not availed as per the recommended schedule at Hero
MotoCorp's authorized workshop.
(2) If any other engine oil which is non compatible with product is used other than SAE 10W30 SL Grade
(3) To normal wear & tear components including (but not limited to) brake shoes/pads, clutch plates, drive
chain & sprockets, bulbs, electrical wiring, filter, spark plug, fasteners, shims, washers, oil seals,
gaskets, rubber parts, bush, rubber bellows, plastic parts breakage and wheel rim for
(4) If additional wheel(s) is/are fitted and/or any other modification carried out/unauthorized accessories
fitted which shall be responsible for malfunction/detoriation of the vehicle.
(5) If Maestro vehicle has been used in any competitive events like races or rallies or for any commercial
purposes as taxi etc.
(6) To any damage on vehicle's painted surface cropping due to industrial pollution or other external factors.
(7) For normal phenomena like noise vibration, oil seepage etc., which do not affect the performance of the
(8) To any damage caused due to usage of improper oil/grease, non-genuine parts.
(9) If any defect crops or repairs needed as a result of using adulterated fuel.
(10) If any maintenance/repairs required due to bad road conditions or misuse of Maestro vehicle.
(11) If any defect crops or repairs needed as a result of Maestro vehicle meeting to some accident.
(12) For consumables like oil, grease, gasket etc to be used during free services and/or warranty repairs.
(13) To any part of the Maestro vehicle which has been tampered or repaired in such a manner which has
resulted in malfunction of the vehicle.
(14) For Maestro vehicle not used in accordance with the guidelines given in this Owner's Manual.
(15) To proprietary items like Tyres, Tubes, Batteries etc, as they are subjected to the warranty terms &
conditions of respective manufacturers and directly handled by them only.
(16) Any defect(s) developing on account of external factors such as environmental factors; including but not
limited to fading/peeling/rusting of paint and/or stripes and/or plated parts, seat leather tearing &
cracking, aluminium parts oxidation and cracking & discoloring of control switches etc.
Decision regarding warranty settlement shall be taken by Hero MotoCorp and the same shall be
final and binding on all concern.
Hero MotoCorp Ltd.
1. 18 months from date of sale of vehicle or 20000 km. or
2. 21 months from the date of charging (whichever is earlier).
3. 3 months idle period is allowed from the date of charging to date of sale on vehicle.
Terms and condition of warranty
1. Batteries are warranted against all defects in material and workmanship. Liability under this warranty is limited to
making good of defects rising solely from the use of faulty material or workmanship during manufacturing and
developing under proper use.
The warranty commences from the date of delivery to the original purchase of the vehicle.
2. In the event of any complaint the battery is to be returned complete with electrolyte to nearest battery service
station or any OEM dealer. On inspection, battery would be returned or replaced.
3. This warranty card accompanies a battery sold as OEM fitment only. Claims should be supported with vehicle
purchase invoice to enable processing.
4. The right to determine whether a battery needs repair or totally replacement lies with the company. In case where
the battery is replaced, the defective battery becomes the property of the company and no scrap rebate will be
given for it. The warranty period on the battery being repaired/replaced shall commence from the date of sale of
the original battery as stated in the original warranty card.
5. All liabilities under this warranty will cease if the battery is used on the vehicle other than that on which the battery
was originally fitted and on the expiry of the warranty period as mentioned above.
6. Recharging is not covered under the purview of this warranty and shall be billed as extra. However, FOC battery
replacement/ repair includes cost of charging.
7. This warranty does not cover damage to the battery caused by faulty electrical systems, incorrect charging and
filling, improper handling of the battery by unauthorized dealers/auto electricians, maintenance, willfull abuse,
destruction by fire, collusion, theft or recharging.
8. Breakage of container and cover do not come under the purview of this warranty.
9. Adjudication and settlement of claim will take a couple of days as a battery has to be tested for the reported
10. In case of tempering of the original wiring circuit in any manner whatsoever.
11. If a battery which is not recommended is fitted on the vehicle then such battery will not carry any warranty.
12. The applicable taxes which is leviable on the battery under repair or replacement will be borne by the customer.
13. Customers are deemed to have read, understood and agreed to these conditions at the time of purchase of the
Hero MotoCorp Ltd.
Scope of warranty
Hero MotoCorp Ltd. Warrants all its vehicles, assembled/manufactured at its various
Plants and sold through its Authorised dealers, to comply with emission standards as
specified in S.No. 5 of table in item(i) of sub rule (2) of Rule 115 of Central Motor
Vehicles Rules, 1989, which stipulates that "Idle CO (Carbon monoxide) emission
limit for all two wheeled petrol driven vehicles shall not exceed 3.0 percent by volume
and HC (Hydro Carbon) 3000 ppm, subject to following terms & conditions.
Terms & conditions
a) The emission warranty shall be applicable in India and shall remain valid for a
period of 3 years or 30000 kms, whichever occurs earlier, from the date of
vehicle purchase.
b) In case any defect is observed in any emission-related component, Hero
MotoCorp only obligation/liability shall be to repair and/or replace those part (s)
which is/are considered to be the cause of non-compliance with the emission
c) The emission warranty shall be applicable only to those vehicles, which are
being regularly maintained at Hero MotoCorp Authorised Dealers/Service
Points in accordance with the maintenance schedule provided in the owner's
d) The customer should follow the recommended parts replacement as per the
maintenance schedule in order to avail the emission warranty.
Hero MotoCorp Ltd.
4Peace of mind
4Assured quality
Cam Chain Kit 4Poor performance
4Reduced life
Gasket Cylinder Head 4Improper sealing
4Engine knocking
4Leads to leakage and smoky exhaust
4Higher emission level
Element Air Cleaner 4Improper air filtration resulting in premature engine