Packz 4
Packz 4
Packz 4
Copyright© 2016, PACKZ Software GmbH. All rights reserved. This document may not be
copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or converted to any electronic or machine-
readable form in whole or in part without written approval from PACKZ Software GmbH.
What’s New in PACKZ 4.0
The PACKZ Software team is pleased to announce the release of PACKZ 4.0.
With a new version also new features are introduced. PACKZ Software listens to the market needs, the daily worries
and the reality in the graphical industry. Requested features from users are added to PACKZ 4.0, turning worries into
valuable solutions.
Menu ________________________________________________________________________________
• In the File menu the Insert/Place and Export functions are gathered:
• A new menu is added, named Paint, containing some new functions as well as functions that were
previously located in the Prepress menu, such as: Clip Image Paint, Downsample Images…, Convert Colors,
Convert to and Resolve Invisible Paints.
• In the Assets palette, the screening tab has been removed and added to the Output tab. The curves section
has been removed from the Output tab and is now available as a separate option in the Window menu:
Toolbar ______________________________________________________________________________
• When using multiple monitors, the Customize Toolbar menu contains a Position option where you can
choose on which screen the toolbar will be shown.
• The Toolbar can be extended with the Smart Ribbon by enabling this option in the Window menu. The
Smart Ribbon contains information depending on the current selection and some options to edit certain
Document Window_____________________________________________________________________
The Selection behavior indicator in the indication bar shows the current Selection Marquee behavior as defined in
the Preferences palette (Editing tab: Selection: Behavior drop-down).
By clicking on this indicator you can switch between the two behaviors without going to the Preferences.
Palettes ______________________________________________________________________________
• The Page Boxes palette is removed from the Window menu. Instead an extra Page Boxes tab is added in
the Assets palette.
• All palettes accessible via the Window menu can be gathered and docked in the Palette Dock (previously
Reserved Palette Area palette) by dropping them onto the Palette Dock while pressing the ⌥ key () or
alt key (ÿ).
On startup PACKZ will check if the User Application Data folder and the Preferences and Workspaces files are
writable. The Shared Application Data folder will be checked on readability. In case one of the files or folders does
not have the correct permissions, a warning is shown.
• Launch Analyze Preset allows applying an Analyze and Fix when saving a document.
• The Incremental Save checkbox is replaced by a drop-down, allowing you to choose between the
- Always
- Never
- Always, Except Repetitions
• Image Replace
- Resolution
When selecting Preserve the resolution remains unchanged after replacing the image with another one,
while Fit will fit the replaced image to the bounding box sizes of the previous image.
- Clipping path
The clipping path will remain unchanged after replacing the image when Preserve is defined as setting.
Reload can be chosen if the clipping path needs to be updated by the replaced images.
File menu
• Compression
The Compression drop-down gives you the option to choose between three compression modes:
- None
- PackBits
Print _________________________________________________________________________________
( only) The scaling selected in the Print dialog (Fit to Page / Scale Down Only) is now honoured.
Edit menu
Object menu
Paint menu
• If the separation does not need to be converted, then Do Not Convert can be selected from the drop-down
or another separation can be chosen from the list.
Fit Object Path to Paint _________________________________________________________________
With the Fit Object Path to Paint function the path of the selected object will be adjusted to the paint’s boundaries.
This will mainly be used in case of images in a clipping path.
Prepress menu
Window menu
• Analyze and Fix will only be performed on visible objects. Objects that are hidden will be ignored.
Assets: Separations_____________________________________________________________________
• Order
Order shows the index of the separation and is updated automatically when adding, removing or
moving separations. You can edit this indexing after you have enabled the Enable Custom Separations
Index option in the action drop-down menu or contextual menu.
• With the checkboxes in the eye column you can define whether or not the separation should be taken
into account when applying marks (Live Objects).
• The name of the darkest color is shown in bold, based on the separation with the smallest L value
(Automatic Darkest Color). It is possible to change the darkest color tag to another separation. When
selecting Set Darkest Color from the action drop-down or contextual menu, the selected separation is
now set as darkest color.
• The total and the maximum ink coverage are shown in a tooltip that appears when you hover over the
header of the Ink Coverage columns.
• The - button at the bottom left of the palette lets you delete the highlighted PDF layer.
• An Update button has been added to the Edit Barcode sheet and will thus only visible when editing a
barcode, not when creating one.
When creating or editing a screening set, the curve can be selected from a drop-down:
Save As Template
A screening set can be saved as a template via the corresponding option in the action drop-down.
Assets: Output_________________________________________________________________________
A K-Factor can be entered in the K input fields. The K-Factor (or also called the ‘thicK-Factor’) defines the thickness
of the plate and the mounting tape.
Dimensions ___________________________________________________________________________
With the Dimensions palette, dimension lines, guidelines and the dimension values can be applied to a document
containing artwork for a bag. These dimensions are placed according to a reference box and are based on a certain
type of bag. The bag divisions will automatically take the sizes of the reference box into account when they are
being defined.
• Global Settings section: you can define the reference box and the position of the dimension lines within
the reference box.
• Bag section: A predefined parameterized type of bag can be selected from the Type drop-down list. You
can extend this list by adding your own custom bags.
• Horizontal / Vertical Divisions section: Based on the type of bag selected from the Type drop-down and the
length (the width or height of the reference box), the divisions for the specified orientation are calculated
from the parameters in the Bag section and displayed here.
When clicking the Create button, a dimension line, value and dashed line is created for each defined
division. The look of the dimension lines can be defined in the Dimension Arrows palette.
Swatches _____________________________________________________________________________
With the Swatches palette you can create and manage libraries with custom flat paints and apply these paints
(swatches) to objects.
Transform ____________________________________________________________________________
Transforming a recognized barcode by shearing or scaling will result in:
- a message: “Transformed barcode may no longer meet specifications”
- an exclamation mark in the barcode thumbnail in the Assets palette (Barcodes)
• The Back Intensity slider lets you change the color of the background of the document. If the slider is set to
anything higher than 0% the rendering will be done as if there is a big object in the background, in
registration color in the slider’s percentage.
With this function you can detect any overprints or transparencies to the background.
After trapping automatically, trap collections are generated. Now identical trapping pairs are grouped within the
Trap Presets __________________________________________________________________________
• Modifying, removing or adding a parameter of a Trap Preset, will result in an exclamation mark informing
the operator that the current parameters shown are different than the saved preset. Clicking this indicator
will reset the preset to its saved state.
By pressing the Save Preset button these changes can be saved to the preset.
• The Truncate on center / Truncate on edge segmented button will reduce the trap to half of the trap distance
when the Trap is getting too close to another object or will adjust the trap shape to the edge of the other
• With the Trap Layer drop-down you can push the Trap Layer to another position in the object tree
- On Top
- Between Layers
- Anywhere
• The different options in the Pull Backs drop-down are renamed to:
- Allow All
- Flat Parts
- 100% Black Flat Parts
- None
• Allow Object Dependent Traps will generate traps following the incoming edges.
Step and Repeat
• The Paper Size setup has a drop-down with a list extracted from the PaperSize.json file (Application Data
• When saving a repetition, the default location to save will be the same as the station files.
• The different Step and Repeat palettes and the Grid Imposition now also have Create Tumble and Create
Rotate 180º option in the Station section.
• In case the CFF2 file was originally imported with all information (Import CFF2), then the mirrored, tumbled
or rotated repetition will also include all structural layers of the original repetition in a separate layer
named ‘Structure’.
• When the page boxes are manually adjusted via the Page Boxes tab of the Assets palette, a message
appears in the General Settings of the Step and Repeat palette:
• Include partial one ups is available when Add extra station to Odd / Even columns / rows is used. It will add
partial labels to the step and repeat to avoid ink coverage instabilities.
• When a seamless repetition is created under a certain angle, a Cut Stations drop-down is available to
prevent having partial labels:
- Leave as is
- Unify at Top
- Unify at Bottom
- Unify at Left
- Unify at Right
Partial labels at the bottom, top, left or right of the repetition will be repositioned to the opposite side of
the repetition, matching the partial labels over there.
Additionally a cutline is added around the seamless step and repeat, with a hairline stroke, in a newly
created technical separation named ‘Repetition Cutline’, in overprint mode and in a newly created sub
layer ‘Repetition Cutline’.
• When moving a Step and Repeat block an error appears: “Transforming a tabular step and repeat is not
allowed: the repetition was released (use interactive step and repeat if you want to transform interactively.”
The same applies on Grid Impositions.
Staggered cutting paths can be created for all separations at once or for each separation separately by enabling /
disabling separation in the separation list.
3D Models
HYBRID Software NV HYBRID Software USA HYBRID Software Gmbh
Guldensporenpark 18 block B 1709 Langhorne Newtown Rd. Ste. 6 Uhlandstraße 9
9820 Merelbeke, Belgium Langhorne, PA 19047 D-79102 Freiburg, Germany
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