Paper-2 With Solution: Nurture - 24-June

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PART TEST-2 (27-08-2020)

Time: 3 Hours NURTURE_24-JUNE Maximum Marks: 183




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Some Useful Data

Quantity Values
Constant of gravitation 6.67259 × 10–11 N-m2 kg–2
Speed of light in vacuum 2.99792458 × 108 m s –1
Avogadro constant 6.0221367 × 1023 mol–1
Gas constant 8.314510 JK–1-mol–1
Boltzmann constant 1.380658 × 10–23 JK–1
8.617385 × 10–5 eV K–1
Stefan-Boltzmann constant 5.67051 × 10–8 W m–2 - K–4
Wien’s displacement law constant 2.897756 × 10–3 m -K
Charge of proton 1.60217733 × 10–19 C
Mass of electron 9.1093897 × 10–31 kg
5.48579903 × 10–4 u
Mass of proton 1.6726231 × 10–27 kg
1.007276470 u
Permeability of vacuum 4 × 10–7 NA–2
Permittivity of vacuum 8.854187817 × 10–12 C2 N–1 m–2
Faraday constant 96485.3029 C mol–1
Planck constant 6.6260755 × 10–34 J-s
4.1356692 × 10–15 eV-s
SECTION-I : One or More Options Correct Type
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE may be correct. You will be awarded 4 marks if all the
correct option(s) is/are chosen and zero mark if none of the option is chosen. For each correct answer
+1 mark will be awarded if no incorrect option is chosen. In all other cases minus two (–2) mark will be
1. Trajectories of two projectiles are shown in figure. Let T1 and T2 be the time periods and u1 and u2
their speeds of projection. Then –

1 2
(A) T2 > T1 (B) T1 = T2 (C) u2 > u1 (D) u1 = u2

2. Choose the correct statements -

(A) A dimensionally correct equation may be correct
(B) A dimensionally incorrect equation must be incorrect
(C) A dimensionally correct equation may be incorrect
(D) A dimensionally incorrect equation may be correct

   
3. Vector R is the resultant of the vectors A and B . Ratio of maximum value of | R | to the

3  |A|
minimum value of | R | is . The  may be equal to -
Nucleus Education-(NURTURE_13,20,27 JULY_24JUNE)_27082020

1 |B|
2 1 4 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
1 2 1 1

4. Which of the graph represents rectilinear motion with non zero constant acceleration? (x represents
position and t time)
x x x x

(A) (B) (C) (D) parabola

t t t t

5. A particle starts with a velocity of 2 ms–1 and moves in a straight line with an acceleration
= (– 0.1) m/s2. The time when its displacement is 15 m is/are
(A) 20 s (B) 30 s (C) 10s (D) 40 s

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 1
6. Two identical projectiles are fired with the same speeds from a cannon. For projectile A, the
cannon is tilted upward at an angle twice that of projectile B. (As usual, neglect air resistance.)

Which of the following statements is/are true?

(A) Airtime of A is more than that of B.
(B) Minimum speed of A is equal to that of B during whole flight.
(C) Minimum speed of A is less than that of B during whole flight.
(D) Magnitude of change in momentum of A more than that of B during the whole flight.

7. A gun is set up in such a way that the muzzle is at ground level as shown in the figure. The hoop
A is located at a horizontal distance 40 m from the muzzle and is 50 m above the ground level.
Shell is fired with initial horizontal component of velocity as 40 ms–1. Which of the statements
is / are correct?

(A) The vertical component of velocity of the shell just after it is fired is 55 ms –1, if the shell has
to pass through the hoop A.
(B) The shell will pass through both the hoops if X = 40 m.
Nucleus Education-(NURTURE_13,20,27 JULY_24JUNE)_27082020

(C) The shell will pass through both the hoops if X = 20 m.

(D) The vertical component of velocity of the shell just after it is fired is 45 ms –1, if the shell has
to pass through both the hoops.

SECTION-II : Integer Value Correct Type

This section contains 5 questions. For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal
notation, truncated / rounded off to the second decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, –0.33, –0.30, 30.27,
–127.30) using the mouse and the on screen virtual numeric keypad in the place designated to enter the
answer. You will be awarded 3 marks if correct numerical value is entered as answer. No negative
marks will be awarded for incorrect answers in this section.

8. A stone is thrown with speed of 20 m/s at an angle of 60° with the ground. Speed of stone when
makes an angle of 30° with the horizontal is:

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 2
9. A gun is mounted on a plateau 960 m away from its edge as shown. Height of plateau is 960 m
The gun can fire shells with a velocity of 100 m/s at any angle. Of the following choices, what is
the minimum distance OP from the edge of plateau where the shell of gun can reach?

10. A projectile of mass 1.50 kg leaves the ground with a kinetic energy of 200 J. Only gravity acts on
the projectile after it leaves the ground. At the highest point in its trajectory, its kinetic energy is
100 J. To what vertical height, relative to its launch point, did it rise?

11. The truck comes to a downhill section of road, at an angle = 37 relative to the horizontal,
as shown in the figure. The truck accelerates with an acceleration of magnitude a. As a result, the
bucket of Mass M = 18Kg tucked at the back tilts by some angle as shown. The truck accelerates
downhill such that the rope becomes horizontal. The tension (in N) in the rope in such case is
[g = 10 m/s2]
Nucleus Education-(NURTURE_13,20,27 JULY_24JUNE)_27082020

12. The elevator shown in figure is descending with an acceleration of 2.5 m/s2. The mass of the block
A is 0.5 kg. What force is exerted by the block B on surface of elevator? The mass of block B is
2 kg. (Take g = 10 m/s2)

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 3
SECTION-III : Paragraph Type

This section contains 2 Paragraphs each describing theory, experiment and data etc. Six questions relate
to two paragraphs with three questions on each paragraph. Each question of a paragraph has
ONLY ONE is correct answer among the four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D). You will be awarded
3 marks if only the correct option is chosen and zero mark if none of the option is chosen. (–1) marks
will be awarded for incorrect answers in this section.

 Answer Q.13, Q.14 and Q.15 by appropriately matching the information given in the three
columns of the following table
In the figure shown a block of mass 10 kg is resting on the inclined plane of inclination 37°. Two
forces F1 and F2 parallel to incline plane are applied on the block in the directions shown. If
coefficient of friction is 0.5, a is acceleration of block and f the value of friction, match the column
I & II.


Column-I Column-II Column-III

(I) F1 = 140N, F2 = 20N (i) a=0 (P) f = 10N

(II) F1 = 120N, F2 = 30N (ii) a = 2m/s2 (Q) f = 40N

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(III) F1 = 70 N, F2 = 20N (iii) Tendency of motion upwards (R) f = 30N

(IV) F1 = 120 N, F2 = 100N (iv) Tendency of motion downwards (S) f = 20N

13. Choose CORRECT combination for above questions?

(A) (I) (i) (Q) (B) (II) (iii) (C) (III) (iv) (D) (IV) (i) (Q)

14. Choose CORRECT combination for above questions?

(A) (II) (i) (R) (B) (I) (ii) (Q) (C) (III) (i) (Q) (D) (I) (ii) (R)

15. Choose CORRECT combination for above questions?

(A) (IV) (ii) (P) (B) (IV) (i) (R) (C) (III) (iv) (P) (D) (III) (iv) (Q)

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 4
 Answer Q.16, Q.17 and Q.18 by appropriately matching the information given in the three
columns of the following table

Column-I Column-II Column-III

(I) am/s
(i) aB/A (P) aB/a = a 2

(II) a (ii) wbyT (Q) aB/A = 2a

(III) (iii) aB/a (R) aB/A = a 10  6 cone

(IV) (iv) wby T  0 (S) aB/A = 0

16. Choose CORRECT combination for above questions?

(A) (IV) (iii) (Q) (B) (IV) (i) (Q) (C) (II) (ii) (R) (D) (II) (i) (R)
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17. Choose CORRECT combination for above questions?

(A) (II) (ii) (S) (B) (I) (ii) (S) (C) (II) (iv) (P) (D) (III) (iv) (Q)

18. Choose CORRECT combination for above questions?

(A) (I) (ii) (R) (B) (III) (i) (R) (C) (III) (iv) (R) (D) (I) (iv) (R)

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 5
SECTION-I : One or More Options Correct Type
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE may be correct. You will be awarded 4 marks if all the
correct option(s) is/are chosen and zero mark if none of the option is chosen. For each correct answer
+1 mark will be awarded if no incorrect option is chosen. In all other cases minus two (–2) mark will be
n 1
 r  2  99
19. If  2 
log    log r (r  1), then n is less than or equal to
r0  r  1  r 10
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
1 1
 2  3  2  3
20. If ,  are the roots of the equation 8x2 – 3x + 27 = 0, then the value of      is greater
   
than or equal to-
1 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 4 5 6

21. If |x – 5| – |x – 7| = k then
(A) for k = 2 the equation has infinitely many solutions
(B) for k = – 2 the equation has infinitely many solutions
(C) for k  (2, ) the equation has no solution
(D) for k  (–2, 2) the equation has exactly one solution

 4
22. If equation 2x2 + bx + b = 0 and x2 + 2x + 2b = 0 (b  0) have a common root, then 4  b  
 b
equal to
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) –4 log3 tan 30º (D) 0
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cos   sin   1
23. is equal to
cos   sin  1
1  cos  1  sin  sin 
(A) cot + cosec (B) (C) (D)
sin  cos  1  cos 

24. If (x3 + ax2 + bx + 6) has (x – 2) as a factor and leaves a remainder 3 when divided by (x – 3)
(A) sum of absolute value of (a + b) is 4 (B) product of a & b is 3
(C) difference of a & b is 14 (D) ab is defined

25. Let a, b, c, d be numbers in the interval [0, ] such that sin a + 7 sin b = 4 (sin c + 2 sin d),
cos(a  d)
cos a + 7 cos b = 4(cos c + 2 cos d) value of is equal to
cos(b c)
3  7 9
(A) (B) 7log2 sin (C) (D)
2 4 2 2
C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 6
SECTION-II : Integer Value Correct Type
This section contains 5 questions. For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal
notation, truncated / rounded off to the second decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, –0.33, –0.30, 30.27,
–127.30) using the mouse and the on screen virtual numeric keypad in the place designated to enter the
answer. You will be awarded 3 marks if correct numerical value is entered as answer. No negative
marks will be awarded for incorrect answers in this section.
1 1 1
26. If a + b + c = 6 & a2 + b2 + c2 = 14 and a3 + b3 + c3 = 36 then the value of 3   
a b c

27. If tan25º + tan85º + tan145º = a  c c , where a, c  I and c is prime number, then value of
(a + 2c) is-

28. If the graph of polynomial y = x2 + kx – x + 9 is above x-axis then the number of integral values of
k are

29. Given log4x2 + logx 16 – 5 < 0. How many positive integral solution can satisfy the given
inequality ?

T2020  2T2018
30. Let ,  be roots of equation x2 – 2020x + 2 = 0. If Tn = n + n, then the value of
SECTION-III : Paragraph Type
This section contains 2 Paragraphs each describing theory, experiment and data etc. Six questions relate
to two paragraphs with three questions on each paragraph. Each question of a paragraph has
ONLY ONE is correct answer among the four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D). You will be awarded
3 marks if only the correct option is chosen and zero mark if none of the option is chosen. (–1) marks
will be awarded for incorrect answers in this section.
Answer Q.31, Q.32 and Q.33 by appropriately matching the information given in the three
columns of the following table
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Column-I Column-II Column-III

1 A  5A  11
If 2 x  5 = x + 2, then find (i) cosA =
, k sin   .sin  2  = 27
(I) 3 2   (P) 3
the integral solution of x
, then the value of
The value of
The number of real solution
(II) (ii) cot13º  cot 26º  cot 51º (Q) 1
of equation x2 + 5|x| + 4 = 0 will be
cot13º  cot 26º  cot 51º
If x > 2, then the real solution The value of
(III) of equation (iii) 4sin 585º  tan 210º  cos1080º (R) 0
cos135º  cot 420º  tan(1665º )
(x – 2) + |x – 2| – 2 = 0
Find the number of integral
(IV) solution of equation (iv) If 13  x 10 = 8  5 , then the (S) 4
|x + 2| = 2(3 – x) value of "x + 4" will be

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 7
31. Which of the following options is the only CORRECT combination ?
(A) (I) (ii) (S) (B) (II) (iv) (R) (C) (III) (i) (Q) (D) (IV) (iii) (Q)

32. Which of the following options is the only CORRECT combination ?

(A) (I) (iii) (S) (B) (II) (ii) (Q) (C) (IV) (iii) (P) (D) (III) (iv) (Q)
33. Which of the following options is the only INCORRECT combination ?
(A) (III) (iv) (R) (B) (I) (iii) (S) (C) (II) (iv) (R) (D) (III) (i) (P)

Answer Q.34, Q.35 and Q.36 by appropriately matching the information given in the three
columns of the following table
Column-I Column-II Column-III
If < A < 2
A  7  6 2
(I) 1  sin A  1  sin A (i) ƒ(A) = tan   (P) g  
ƒ(A) = 2  6  2
1  sin A  1  sin A

If < A < 
2 A  2 
(II) (ii) ƒ(A) = cot   (Q) ƒ    3
1  sin A  1  sin A 2  3 
ƒ(A) =
1  sin A  1  sin A

If < A < 
2 A  7 
(III) (iii) g(A) = –2cos   (R) ƒ    ( 2  1)
g(A) =  1  sin A  1  sin A , 2  4 

If – < A < 0
A    3 5  5 5
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2 g(A) = –2sin 
(IV) (iv)  (S) g  
g(A) =  1  sin A  1  sin A , 2  10  2
 3 
(T) ƒ    2 1
 4
   5 1
(U) g   
 5  2

34. Which of the following options is the only CORRECT combination ?

(A) (I) (ii) (R) (B) (II) (i) (Q) (C) (I) (i) (R) (D) (II) (ii) (R)

35. Which of the following options is the only CORRECT combination ?

(A) (III) (iv) (P) (B) (IV) (iv) (S) (C) (III) (iii) (S) (D) (IV) (iii) (U)

36. Which of the following options is the only INCORRECT combination ?

(A) (IV) (iv) (U) (B) (I) (ii) (R) (C) (II) (i) (T) (D) (III) (iii) (U)

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 8
SECTION-I : One or More Options Correct Type
This section contains 7 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE may be correct. You will be awarded 4 marks if all the
correct option(s) is/are chosen and zero mark if none of the option is chosen. For each correct answer
+1 mark will be awarded if no incorrect option is chosen. In all other cases minus two (–2) mark will be
37. Select the pair in which the Ist ionization energy is greater for the 2nd element compared to Ist
(A) Be, B (B) B, C (C) C, N (D) N, O

38. Solution containing 23 g HCOOH is / are :

(A) 46 g of 70%   HCOOH solution (dsolution = 1.40 g/mL)
(B) 50 g of 10 M HCOOH solution (dsolution = 1 g/mL)
(C) 50 g of 25%   HCOOH solution
(D) 46 g of 5 M HCOOH solution (dsolution = 1 g/mL)

39. Identify group having both +R and –R effect?

(A) –CN (B) –F (C) –N=O (D) –S–R
Nucleus Education-(NURTURE_24-JUNE)_27082020

40. Which of the following options are INCORRECT?

(A) Decreasing I.E.2 : F > N > O
(B) Increasing atomic size : Be < B < Li < Na
(C) Metallic bond strength ; Na < Zn < Ca
(D) Increasing electron affinity : O2– < O– < O+ < O

41. Which of the following is the INCORRECT conclusion regarding the following reaction.
2H2(g) + O2(g)  2H2O(l)
(A) 2 mole of H2(g) will produce 2 mole of H2O(l).
(B) 16 g of O2(g) will produce 18 g of H2O(l).
(C) 2 litre of O2(g) at 25ºC and 1 atm will produce 4 litre of H2O(l) at 25ºC and 1 atm.
(D) 2 mole of H2(g) will produce 1 mole of H2O(l).

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 9
42. Identify CORRECT stability order among the following?

 <
(A)  (B) >
Cl Cl
O F O
(C) < (D) >
Br F Br

43. Select CORRECT order of bond length.

(A) Br–Br > Cl–Cl (B) Cl–Cl > O–Cl (C) P–O > Cl–O (D) P–O > P–S

SECTION-II : Integer Value Correct Type

This section contains 5 questions. For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal
notation, truncated / rounded off to the second decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, –0.33, –0.30, 30.27,
–127.30) using the mouse and the on screen virtual numeric keypad in the place designated to enter the
answer. You will be awarded 3 marks if correct numerical value is entered as answer. No negative
marks will be awarded for incorrect answers in this section.
44. Total number of vacant orbitals in valency shell of sulphur when it undergoes formation of SF4 is :

45. 2.0 g sample contain mixture of SiO2 and Fe2O3. On very strong heating leave a residue weighing
1.96 g. The reaction responsible for loss of weight is
Fe2O3(s)  Fe3O4(s) + O2(g), (unbalance equation)
What is the percentage by mass by SiO2 in original sample ? (Fe : 56, Si : 28)

46. Find the number of elements which are larger in size than O :
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C, N, F, Cl, B, Be

47. When the following compound is named correctly according to IUPAC convention . What would
be the sum of position of two chlorine atom?

O Cl

48. Find the number of elements having lower EA2 than EA1 of Cl.
O, S, P, I, As, Si, Al, Li, K

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 10
SECTION-III : Paragraph Type
This section contains 2 Paragraphs each describing theory, experiment and data etc. Six questions relate
to two paragraphs with three questions on each paragraph. Each question of a paragraph has
ONLY ONE is correct answer among the four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D). You will be awarded
3 marks if only the correct option is chosen and zero mark if none of the option is chosen. (–1) marks
will be awarded for incorrect answers in this section.
Answer Q.49, Q.50 and Q.51 by appropriately matching the information given in the three
columns of the following table

Column-I Column-II Column-III

 dP  –P
(P) Boyle's law (i)  dV   V (I)
 T

 dV  V
(Q) Charle's law (ii)  dT   T (II)
 P

 dV  RT
(R) Avogadro's law (iii)  dn   P (III)
 P,T
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log P

dP k
(S) Graham's law (iv) –  (IV)
dt d

49. Which of the following options is the only CORRECT combination ?

(A) P, iv, IV (B) Q, ii, I (C) R, iv, IV (D) S, iii, II

50. Which of the following options is the only CORRECT combination ?

(A) P, i, IV (B) Q, ii, II (C) R, iv, III (D) S, iv, I

51. Which of the following options is the only INCORRECT combination ?

(A) P, i, IV (B) Q, ii, I (C) R, iv, IV (D) S, iv, II
C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 11
Answer Q.52, Q.53 and Q.54 by appropriately matching the information given in the three
columns of the following table

Column-1 Column-2 Column-3

(Aromatic compound) (Common name) (IUPAC name)
(I) CH3 (i) p–Xylene (P)

(II) (ii) o–Cresol 2–Methyl phenol

(III) (iii) m–Chlorotoluene (R)

(IV) (iv) Pthalic acid (S) 1,4–Dimethyl benzene


52. Which of the following option is the only CORRECT combination.

Nucleus Education-(NURTURE_24-JUNE)_27082020

(A) III, ii & S (B) IV, ii & R (C) I, ii & Q (D) III, ii & Q

53. Which of the following option is the only CORRECT combination.

(A) IV, ii & R (B) II, ii & Q (C) I, iv & Q (D) III, i & S

54. Which of the following option is the only INCORRECT combination.

(A) II, iv & P (B) III, ii & S (C) IV, iii & R (D) I, ii & Q

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 12
1. BC 2. ABC 3. AB 4. CD 5. BC 6. ACD 7. AB
8. 11.54 9. 480.00 10. 6.67 11. 240.00 12. 18.75 13. D 14. B
15. C 16. A 17. B 18. B

19. BCD 20. BCD 21. ABCD22. BC 23. ABD 24. ABD 25. BC
26. 5.50 27. 12.00 28. 11.00 29. 13.00 30. 2020.0031. B 32. A
33. A 34. A 35. B 36. D

37. C 38. A,B 39. C,D 40. A,B,C,D 41. C,D
42. A,B,D 43. A,B,C 44. 4.00 45. 40.00 46. 5.00
47. 9.00 48. 9.00 49. B 50. A 51. C
52. C 53. D 54. B


1. (BC)

2. (A,B,C)

3. (AB)
Nucleus Education-(NURTURE_13,20,27 JULY_24JUNE)_27082020

   
| A B |max | A | | B| 3
Sol.  
=  
| A B |min | A | – | B| 1
 
If | A | > | B |
  
| A |  | B| 3 |A| 2
 
=  
= 
| A | – | B| 1 |B| 1
 
If | B | > | A |
  
| A |  | B| 3 |A| 1
 
=  
| A | – | B| 1 |B| 2

4. (C,D)

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 13
5. (B,C)
Sol. By using s  ut  at 2 where s=15, u=2, a= –0.1
 15 =2t – × 0.1 × t2  t2 – 40t + 300 = 0
40  1600 1200 40  20
t   30 s or 10 s
2 2

6. (A,C,D)
Sol. Vertical component of velocity is more for A.

7. (A,B)
g x2
Sol. y = x Tan  2
2 u cos 2 
10 (40)2
50 = 40Ttan – 
2 (40)2
55 55 u y
 Tan  = Tan =   uy = 55 m/s
40 40 u x

8. (11.54)
Sol. As horizontal component of velocity is same at all the time
u cos 30° = 20 cos 60°
3 1
u  20   10 , 10 3
2 2
20 –1
u ms
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9. (480.00)

u = 100 m/s
 V sin 
Sol. 0   u=V
V cos
 
u sin 2
(1) R=

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 14
960 10
= sin 2
100 100
sin 2  =
 = 37°
(2) Vy = 80 m/s
Vx = 60 m/s

(3) Sy = Vy t + gt 2
960 = 80 t + × 10 t2
t = 8 sec
(4) Sx = 60 × 8 = 480 m

10. (6.67)
Sol. Ui + Ki = Uf + Kf
0 + 200 = 100 + 1.5 × 10 × h
100 20
h= = m
15 3

11. (240.00)
Sol. Fpseudo = Ma
Ma cos37 = T ….(1)
Ma sin37 = Mg ….(2)
a = 5g/3 m/s2, T = 240 N
Nucleus Education-(NURTURE_13,20,27 JULY_24JUNE)_27082020

12. (18.75)
Sol. N = (2 + 0.5) (g – a) = 2.5 × 7.5 = 18.75 N

13. [D]

14. [B]

15. [C]

16. [A]

17. [B]
18. [B]

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 15
19. [B,C,D]
 3  4  n 1 
Sol. log22 + log2    log2    ...  log2  
 2  3  n 
= log10 11 · log11 12 · ...... · log99 100
 log2(n + 1) = 2  (n + 1) = 4  n = 3.

20. [B,C,D]
Sol. 8x2 – 3x + 27 = 0
2 2 3
3 3   8
E= 1  1  1  1
 3
 3
() 3  27  3
 8 
 
3 2 1
=  
8 3 4

21. [A,B,C,D]
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22. [B,C]
Sol. Let  is common root
22 + b + b = 0
22 + 4 + 4b = 0
Subtract   
 3b   3b 
Putting in equation     2   2b  0
 b4  b 4 

23. [A,B,D]
(cos   sin   1)(cos   sin   1) 2cos 2   2cos 
Sol.  
(cos   sin   1)(cos   sin   1) sin 2
cos   1  sin 
 = cot + cosec = cos 
sin  2 1  cos 

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 16
24. [A,B,D]
Sol. (x – 2) is a factor of x3 + ax2 + bx + 6, then 14 + 4a + 2b = 0
2a + b = – 7
x3 + ax2 + bx + 6 = (x – 3)q(x) + 3
put x = 3; 33 + 9a + 3b = 3
3a + b = – 10 ....(2)
on solving equation (1) & (2) we get a = – 3; b = – 1

25. [B,C]
Sol. sina – 8sind = 4sinc – 7sinb ...(1)
cosa – 8cosd = 4cosc – 7cosb ...(2)
 squaring and adding (1) & (2) we get
 65 – 16[cos(a – d)] = 65 – 56.cos(b – c)
cos(a  d) 56 7
  
cos(b c) 16 2

26. [5.50]
Sol. (a + b + c)2 = 36
 14 + 2 (ab + bc + ca) = 36
ab + bc + ca = 11
 a3 + b3 + c3 – 3abc = (a + b + c) (a2 + b2 + c2 – ab – bc – ca)
36 – 3abc = 6. (14 – 11) = 18
3abc = 18
abc = 6
 1 1 1   ab  bc  ca  11
 3     3   3· = 5.5
a b c  abc  6

27. [12.00]
Nucleus Education-(NURTURE_24-JUNE & LEADER_24-JUNE)_27082020

Sol. tan25º + tan85º + tan145º

sin85º sin35º
tan25º + 
cos85º cos35º
sin 25º sin85º cos35º  sin35º cos85º

cos25º cos85º cos35º
sin 25ºcos85ºcos35º  sin50ºcos25º
 cos120º  cos50º 
sin 25º   2cos2 25º 
 2 
1 
 4 cos75º 
 
 1 1 
sin 25º    sin 2 25º 2  2sin 2 25º 
=  4 2 
= 3tan75º

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 17
28. [11.00]
Sol. y = x2 + kx – x + 9 = x2 + (k – 1) x + 9
(k – 1)2 – 4.9 < 0
 (k – 1)2 – (6)2 < 0
 (k – 1 – 6) (k – 1 + 6) < 0
 (k – 7) (k + 5) < 0

So, number of integers are 11.

29. [13.00]
Sol. 2log4x + 2logx 4 – 5 < 0 [Let log4x = p]
= 2p + – 5 < 0
2p  5p  2
(2p 1)(p 2)
= 0  0
p p
(2log4x 1)(log4x  2)
 0
log4 x
As x is positive integer so x > 1 so log4 x > 0
So (2 log4 x – 1) (log4 x – 2) < 0
< log4 x < 2  4 2 < x < 42  2 < x < 16
So, 3, 4, 5 ..... 15

30. [2020.00]
T2020  2T2018 2020  2020  2(2018  2018 )
Sol. 
2019  2019
Nucleus Education-(NURTURE_24-JUNE & LEADER_24-JUNE)_27082020

2018 (2  2)  2018 (2  2)
2019  2019
= 2020

31. [B]

32. [A]

33. [A]
Sol. (I) 2 x 5 = x + 2
 4(x + 5) = x2 + 4x + 4
 x2 = 16  x=±4
But –4 (negative) – rejected (S)
(II) x2 + 5|x| + 4 = 0
x0 x2 + 5x+ 4 = 0  x = –1, –4 (rejected)
x<0 x2 – 5x + 4 = 0  x = 1, 4 (rejected) (R)

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 18
(III) x2 x2 – 4x + 4 + x – 2 – 2
X2 – 3x = 0  x = 3 (P)
(IV) |x + 2| = 2(3 – x)
x  –2 x + 2 = 6 – 2x  x=
x < –2 –x – 2 = 6 – 2x  x = 8 (reject)

 A 5A  k 11
(i) k  sin .sin   (cos2A – cos3A) =
 2 2  2 27
k 11
 [(2cos2A – 1) – (4cos3A – 3cosA)] =
2 27
 k = 11
cos13º  cot 26º  cos51º
(ii) m
cot13º  cot 26º  cot 51º
 13º + 26º + 51º = 90º  A + B + C = 90º
cotA + cotB + cotC = cotA cotB cotC
 m=1
1 1
(iii) sin585º = – tan210º = cos1080º = 1
2 3
1 1
cos135º =  cot420º = cot60º =
2 3
37   
tan(–1665º) = –tan1665º = –tan = –tan  9   = – tan = –1
4  4 4
(iv) On squaring, we get
13  x 10  13  2 5  8
 x = –4
Nucleus Education-(NURTURE_24-JUNE & LEADER_24-JUNE)_27082020

34. [A]
35. [B]
36. [D]
2 2
 A A  A A
1  sin A  1  sin A  sin 2  cos 2    sin 2  cos 2 
   
Sol. ƒ(A) = =
1  sin A  1  sin A  A A
 A A

 sin 2  cos 2    sin 2  cos 2 

   

(I) If < A < 2
sin  cos  sin  cos
ƒ(A) = 2 2 2 2 = ƒ(A) = cot A
A A A A 2
sin  cos  sin  cos
2 2 2 2

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 19
 7   7    
 ƒ    cot   = cot     =  cot   ( 2 1)
 4   8   8 8

(II) If <A<
   A A  A A
  sin  cos    sin  cos 
1  sin A  1  sin A
ƒ(A) = =  2 2  2 2  = ƒ(A) = tan A
1  sin A  1  sin A  A A  A A 2
  sin  cos    sin  cos 
 2 2  2 2
 3   2 
 ƒ    ( 2  1) & ƒ    3
 4  3 

(III) If <A<
 A   A  A
g(A) = –  sin  cos  +  sin  cos  = 2cos
 2 2  2 2 2
 7   7   5 
 g   = –2cos   = –2cos    
 6   12   12 
= 2cos = 2cos75º
6 2
(IV) If <A<0
g(A) = –sin –cos –sin + cos
Nucleus Education-(NURTURE_24-JUNE & LEADER_24-JUNE)_27082020

2 2 2 2
= – 2sin
     5 1
g    = –2sin    = 2sin = 2sin18º =
 5  10  10 2
     
g    = –2sin    = 2sin   = 2sin9º
 10   10   20 
5 1 3 5
 sin9º + cos9º = 1  sin18 = 1  =
4 2
5 5
& sin9 – cos9º = 1  sin18º =  (1) + (2)
3 5  5 5
2sin9º =

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 20
37. (C)
Sol. Li Be B C
1 2
2s 2s 2p1 2p2
I.E.1 = C > Be > B > Li

38. (A,B)
Sol. (A) 70 gm HCOOH  100 ml solution
70 gm HCOOH  140 gm solution
× 46 gm HCOOH  46 gm solution
= 23 gm HCOOH
(B) 10 moles HCOOH  1000 ml solution
460 gm HCOOH  1000 gm solution
× 50 gm HCOOH  50 gm solution
= 23 gm HCOOH
(C) 25 gm HCOOH  100 gm solution
12.5 gm HCOOH  50 gm solution
(D) 5 moles HCOOH  1000 ml solution
230 gm HCOOH  1000 gm solution
× 46 gm HCOOH  46 gm solution
Nucleus Education-(NURTURE_24-JUNE)_27082020

= 10.58 gm HCOOH

39. (C,D)
O –R
Sol. +R +R

40. (A,B,C,D)
Sol. (A) I.E. = O3  F4  N2
2p 2p 2p

(B) Size = B < Be < Li < Na

(C) Metallic strength = Na < Ca < Zn
(D) E.A. = O2– < O– < O < O+

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 21
41. (C,D)
Sol. (C) H2O is in liquid state.

42. (A,B,D)
Sol. (A)  < 

(B) >
6H 2H
Cl Cl
O F O
(C) Br F Br
(–I) (–I)
(D) >

43. (A,B,C)
Sol. Option (D) is incorrect because size of S > O.

44. (4.00)
Sol. SF4 is formed when
3s 3p 3d
Nucleus Education-(NURTURE_24-JUNE)_27082020

(For vacant orbitals are present)

45. (40.00)
Sol. 3Fe2O3(s)  2Fe3O4 + O2
480 g Fe2O3 provide 16 g O2. For loss of
0.04 g O2  0.04 × = 1.2 g Fe2O3
% by mass of SiO2 = × 100 = 40%

46. (5.00)

47. (9.00)

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 22
3 Cl
2 4
O 1 5 Cl

48. (9.00)
Sol. EA1 is higher as compared to EA2 for all the elements in periodic talble.

49. (B)

50. (A)

51. (C)
Sol. (P) (i) (IV)
(Q) (ii) (I)
(R) (iii) (III)
(S) (iv) (II)
 dP  K P
Boyle's law : PV = K    – –
 dV T V2 V
 d(PV) 
And 
 dP  T

V  dV  V
Charle's law  dT   K  T
T  P
Nucleus Education-(NURTURE_24-JUNE)_27082020

Avogadro's law :
n P
 dV  RT
  
 dn P,T P
 dP  1
Graham's law r =  – 
 dt  d

52. (C)

53. (D)

54. (B)

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 23
19. The question paper has three parts: Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry.
20. Each part has three sections as detailed in the following table:

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