Miscellaneous Accessories: Submittal A-338G
Miscellaneous Accessories: Submittal A-338G
Miscellaneous Accessories: Submittal A-338G
NO. 87, 67, and 7 AUTOMATIC AIR VENTS - are designed to vent RV-125A READOUT VALVE AND RP-250B READOUT PROBE -
the accumulation of troublesome air wherever it can be trapped. The RV-125A is designed for use wherever pressure tappings are
These non-ferrous automatic air vents are required to monitor flow or pressures. This Readout Valve is fitted with
4-3/4"x2-1/4", 3-3/16"x1-1/2", and 4-1/6"x2-3/16"(height and width), an EPT insert which incorporates a unique check valve feature
respectively, and are rated for a maximum operating temperature of designed to check flow when the Readout Valve is not being used to
240°F at pressures of 150, 35, and 75 PSI, respectively. The No. 87 monitor flow. Use companion RP-250B Readout Probes with the RV-
has a combination of 1/2" FPT / 3/4"MPT connection, whereas No's. 125A Readout Valve. 300 PSIG working pressure - 250°F maximum
67 and 7 have 1/8" MPT and 1/8" FPT connections, respectively. operating temperature.
No. 26 VACUUM BREAKER - Designed to protect closed vessels DT-2 DRAIN-O-TANK® AIR CHARGER - The Drain-O-Tank Air
and piping systems against collapse when the induced vacuum Charger offers a sure, quick way to recharge a water-logged
exceeds design conditions. When used on steam heating piping compression tank.
systems, the No. 26 Vacuum Breaker controls induced vacuum
permitting normal return of condensate to the boiler. Adjustable 125 PSIG Working Pressure
range 1/4" to 20" (mercury) vacuum - 150 PSIG maximum working 240 °F Maximum Operating Temperature
pressure - 240 °F maximum operating temperature (Factory set at 4"
No. 97 Air Vent - is a float type automatic air vent that is designed to
vent troublesome air from hydronic heating systems. The 97 vent has
No. 17 SR. AUTOMATIC AIR VALVE - No. 17 Sr. Valve is a deluxe, forged brass body and cap with non-ferrous internals. The vent is 3-
hygroscopic air valve with manual shut-off. 1/8" MNPT connection. 1/8"x1-7/8" with a maximum operating pressure of 150 PSI and
30 PSIG Working Pressure temperature of 240°F.
225 °F Maximum Operating Temperature 150 PSIG Working Pressure
No. 4V "COIN-OPERATED" AIR VENT - This vent is specially 240 °F Maximum Operating Temperature
designed for the new types of radiators. A particular feature is that it No. 98 Air Vent - is a high capacity automatic air vent that is designed
projects only slightly, being almost flush with the radiator. to remove air in closed loop systems. The No. 98 high capacity air
150 PSIG Working Pressure vent has brass body and cap with non-ferrous internals. The vent is 4-
250 °F Maximum Operating Temperature 1/2"x2-1/4" with with ½" NPTF connection.
NO. 107A HIGH CAPACITY AIR VENT - A rugged High Capacity Air 150 PSIG Working Pressure
Vent designed to purge free air from liquid systems at operating 250 °F Maximum Operating Temperature
pressures up to 150 psig. The Model 107A Air Vent has a cast iron
body and bonnet, with stainless steel, brass, and EPDM internal
components and is suitable for a maximum operating temperature of
250°F. The Model 107A Air Vent has a 3/4" FNPT inlet and 3/8"
FNPT outlet.
4V 113055 Air Vent 150 250
67 113020 Automatic Air Vent 35 240
7 113001 Automatic Air Vent 75 240
87 113021 Automatic Air Vent 150 240
High Capacity Automatic
107A 113076 150 250
Air Vent
17 Sr. 113004 Automatic Air Valve 30 225
26 113075 Vacuum Breaker 150 250
DT-2 113041 Drain-O-Tank 125 240
97 113222 Automatic Air Vent 150 240
High Capacity Automatic
98 113246 150 250
Air Vent
RV-125A 113100 Readout Valve 300 250
RP-250B 113102 Readout Probe 300 250
Body (all products except Model 107A High Capacity Air Vent): Brass
Body & Bonnet (Model 107A High Capacity Air Vent): Cast Iron
Internals: Nonferrous
Xylem Inc.
8200 N. Austin Avenue
Morton Grove, IL 60053
Phone: (847)966-3700
Fax: (847)965-8379