Compression Packages: C-SERIES Configurable
Compression Packages: C-SERIES Configurable
Compression Packages: C-SERIES Configurable
Compression Packages
Get the Performance You Want In Every Package
Natural gas producers must adapt quickly to changes in Exterran’s C-Series Configurable Compression Packages
the market, product pricing, and diverse locations for the provide the right solution for your immediate compression
production, processing and consumption of natural gas. needs. Designed to Exterran’s specifications, you control
Efficient, reliable and flexible compression solutions that the configurability, adding options needed to fit your unique
are designed, constructed and installed in a short time production requirements. With C-Series, Exterran gives you
frame are key to the economics of producing, gathering, speed, confidence and flexibility. We’re ready to be your source
processing and marketing natural gas. for proven, cost-effective and timely compression solutions.
Table Of Contents
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Key Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1
C-SERIES Configurable Compression Packages
Exterran C-Series Configurable Gas Both product families are available with
Compression Packages are pre-engineered an extensive list of pre-engineered options
and assembled with high-quality such as upsized coolers, PLC panels
components and a wide range of options and automatic valves.
– allowing for exceptional configuration
flexibility and high performance along with
Standard safety features include automatic
rapid delivery and startup. Two product
shutdown controls and checker-plated,
families are currently available – a 1380
skid-resistant work surfaces. Safety is
horsepower Caterpillar 3516B lean-burn
enhanced because all local instrument
engine coupled to an Ariel JGT4 compressor
vents are collected, manifolded and routed
as well as a 1680 horsepower Waukesha
to connections at the skid edge. Our
L7044GSI rich-burn engine paired with
design facilitates air emissions compliance
an Ariel JGK4 compressor. with catalyst housings and exhaust
These combinations are packaged on a sampling ports. Selectable safety options
heavy-duty steel skid suitable for mounting include exhaust insulation, caged ladders,
on a compacted gravel pad, piles or an OSHA-compliant work platforms, and
engineered concrete foundation. trim to handle up to 2% H2S mol.
process gas.
C-SERIES Configurable Compression Packages
GET STARTED NOW units and solved challenges for every • Drawing from an extensive list of
• Industry-leading deliveries allow application, so you can be highly pre-engineered options, there are
you to get your revenue stream confident that your unit is reliable thousands of ways to customize units
moving without compromising quality, and fit for purpose. to meet your application requirements.
performance or configurability. • Field-proven engineering ensures • Compact skid designs and
• Ready inventory of preconfigured consistent quality, predictable transportation-considerate packaging
units usually available for immediate performance, simple operation practices reduce permitting
delivery. and easy maintenance. requirements and associated
• Your unit is based on that same trucking costs.
• Standard drawings available with
proposal. Final production drawings engineering expertise and customers • Exterran can install, commission
can be generated within 2-3 days of regularly and consistently achieve and service your units to facilitate
project award to expedite your planning 99+% run-time with C-Series. your startup and unburden your
as well as lower your contract, budget • Engineering and operations experts maintenance operations.
and schedule risks. are available to assist with any
• Simple assembly and commissioning configuration decisions and/or
allows you to bring your operation technical support.
online quickly.
• From purchasing to delivery to
startup, substantial time is saved
which can be directed to other
aspects of your project.
• Exterran’s 50+ years of experience
and unsurpassed expertise as the
global compression leader assures
you are getting high-performing
packages. 3
C-SERIES 3516 Compression Package
As an X-PRESS SHIPTM product, the C-Series 3516 can be fully
configured by the customer and typically delivered in 10 weeks.
2-002 is convertible as a one or two stage model
Standard Specifications b
A ll cylinders are Ariel ET-class, except for the first
Number Stage Bore Diameter (inches) Performance Ranges
c stage of model 2-002, which is Ariel T-class
of Stages Model First Stage Second Stage Third Stage Suction psig Discharge psig Flow MMscfd
• Performance based on double acting cases only
6.375 - -
• Performance assumes sweet gas with specific
1 001 6.000 - - 200 - 600 800 - 1200 8.6 - 43.7
gravity of 0.65
- - -
• The performance ranges shown are specifically
- 6.375 - for the cylinder bore diameters that are bolded
2 001 9.750 6.000 - 50 - 200 600 - 1200 4.4 - 17.1 and on the same row to the left
9.250 - -
- 6.375 - 200 - 325 500 - 650 20 - 28.7 single stage
2 002 b
9.625 6.000 -
9.125 - - 100 - 250 1000 - 1200 6.3 - 14.7 two stage
- - 6.375
3 001 17.250 11.500 6.000 5 - 50 600 - 1200 3.3 - 7.5
16.750 11.000 -
- - 6.375
3 002 15.750 11.500 6.000 10 - 50 800 - 1200 3.7 - 7.0
15.250 11.000 -
- - 6.375
3 003 15.750 9.750 6.000 10 - 40 800 - 1200 3.4 - 6.5
15.250 9.250 -
- - 6.375
3 004 13.500 9.750 6.000 20 - 60 800 - 1300 4.2 - 7.8
13.000 9.250 -
- - - - = ‘3516T4-3-002-15.750-11.500-6.000’
Stages Model First Second Third (product code example)
Two, 2 inch NPT emissions test ports
provided in exhaust silencer/catalytic
converter outlet piping
Note: Colors shown on the renderings are for clarification purposes. The actual units are painted a single color. 5
C-SERIES 7044 Compression Package
Tough field gas applications call for a tough, rich-burn solu-
tion. Now that solution is configurable.
- - - - = ‘7044K4-3-002-15.875-11.000-6.750’
Stages Model First Second Third (product code example)
Two, 2 inch NPT emissions test ports
provided in exhaust silencer/catalytic
converter outlet piping 7
C-SERIES Configurable Compression Packages
Standard and Optional Equipment
• Included with base model ∘ When finished packages are available, these options are included
Oil Circulating Hotstart system for compressor oil only, with required valves and strainer
Heater Pump motor is 3HP, 3PH, 60HZ, 2.5KW, 480V
Hotstart system for compressor oil only, with required valves and strainer
Pump motor is 3HP, 3PH, 50HZ, 2.5KW, 400V
•∘ Not included in base package
Lube-Oil Meter
A07 Kenco model 1618 low-flow analog compressor lube-oil meter
•∘ Not included. Off-skid oil supply by customer
Oil Day Tanks A08 Cooler-mounted Kenco 55-gallon oil day-tank
A09 Kenco 55-gallon day-tank and stand (shipped loose for customer installation)
Blowcases for •∘ Not included in base package
Distance Piece &
Packing Drains A10 Jatco Model JATC-J5000CX blowcases. Shipped loose for customer off-skid installation
• Included with base model ∘ When finished packages are available, these options are included
Name Item Description Comments
Catalytic • Not included in base package
3516 Specific
Elements B23 ∘ (2) DCL catalyst elements and (1) DCL blank element included
B27 • EMIT Critical Grade (25-30 dBA) catalytic converter/silencer
B28 ∘ EMIT Hospital Grade (35-40 dBA) catalytic converter/silencer
7044 Start B24 •∘ 7044 - Low-pressure (90 PSIG) start gas pressure
Gas Pressure B22 7044 - High-pressure (150 PSIG) start gas pressure
7044 Specific
Catalytic Converter B02 • Catalytic converter test ports locally located on exhaust system above cooler
Test Ports B03 ∘ Catalytic converter test ports tubed low on cooler face for easy access. Includes two half-inch ball valves
Start Gas B08 •∘ Separate 2 inch fuel & 2 inch start gas connections at skid-edge
Inlet Piping B09 Fuel and start inlets combined as a single 2 inch connection at skid-edge
• Not included in base package
Start Gas Inlet PSV
B10 ∘ 1-½ inch x 2 inch NPT start-gas inlet PSV with outlet piping into starter vent piping header
Starter B11 •∘ Starter exhaust locally piped to safe elevation above top of cooler c/w rain cap
Vent Piping B12 Starter exhaust run to its own 3 inch -150# skid-edge connection
•∘ Not included in base package
Lube Oil Meter
B13 Kenco model 1618 low-flow analog engine lube-oil meter
•∘ Not included in base package
Combo Hotstart system for engine oil/water, with required valves and strainer. 480V, 3PH, 60HZ – coolant heater:
Oil Circulating B14
Heater 18KW, 1HP pump motor; oil heater: 6KW, 1HP pump motor
Combo Hotstart system for engine oil/water, with required valves and strainer. 400V, 3PH, 50HZ – coolant heater:
18KW, 1HP pump motor; oil heater: 6KW, 1HP pump motor
Connections for temperature indicators and thermocouples to be provided in engine jacket
B15 •∘
water (EJW) and auxiliary water (AW) piping, to and from engine to cooler
Temperature Only one selection
B16 Temperature indicators to be provided in EJW and AW piping, to and from engine to cooler
Measurement can be made
Temperature indicators and thermocouples to be provided in EJW and AW piping, to and
from engine and cooler
Not included in base package
Engine Work Only one selection
B18 ∘ OSHA engine work platforms with handrails and ladder (one platform on each side of engine)
Platforms can be made
B19 OSHA engine work platforms with handrails and stairs (one platform on each side of engine) 9
• Included with base model ∘ When finished packages are available, these options are included
Air Cooler
Name Item Description Comments
Air-X-Changers 144EH, Exterran standard dimensions and nozzles,
sized for customer site conditions
Air-X-Changers 144EH, Exterran-standard dimensions and nozzles.
3516 Specific
C19 Flexible operating conditions (between 110°F ambient at 500 feet and 100°F
ambient at 7,000 feet) Either C01, C19,
Cooler C02 or C03
Model Air-X-Changers Compact 156EH, Exterran-standard dimensions and nozzles. must be selected
C02 ∘ Flexible operating conditions (between 110°F ambient at 500 feet and 100°F
ambient at 7,000 feet)
Air-X-Changers Compact 156EH, Exterran standard dimensions and nozzles,
sized for customer site conditions
Air-X-Changers 156EH, Exterran standard dimensions and nozzles, sized for customer
site conditions
7044 Specific
Air-X-Changers 156EH, Exterran-standard dimensions and nozzles. Flexible operating Either C16 or
Cooler C17 ∘ C17 or C18
Model conditions (between 110°F ambient at 500 feet and 100°F ambient at 7,000 feet) must be selected
Air-X-Changers 168EH, Exterran-standard dimensions and nozzles, sized for customer
site conditions
C04 • Moore-10K-Series 8-blade cooler fan
Fan Style
C05 ∘ Moore-CL10K-Series 10-blade low-noise cooler fan
C12 •∘ One set of manual louvers across gas-sections to control gas discharge temperature
One set of automatic louvers across gas sections to control gas discharge temperature Only one selection
Louvers C13
(includes Kimray T12 controller and Garzo actuator) can be made
Automatic louvers on each gas section to control gas discharge temperatures
(includes Kimray T12 controllers and Garzo actuators)
• Not included in base package
Allowance C15 1/16 inch corrosion allowance on the gas headers
• Included with base model ∘ When finished packages are available, these options are included
Control Panel Off-skid control panel with sufficient umbilical length to allow location up to 10 feet from Only one selection
Location compressor end of skid can be made
Off-skid control panel with sufficient umbilical length to allow location up to 20 feet from
compressor end of skid
Instrument D07 •∘ Regulated gas supplied from downstream of fuel gas filter
Gas/Air Supply D08 1 inch NPT galvanized instrument air header with skid-edge ball valve, regulator PI and root valves 11
• Included with base model ∘ When finished packages are available, these options are included
F01 • Liquid drain valve only
Liquid Drain
Valve System F02 External liquid drain valve with 1 inch NPT isolation ball valves included
Scrubber Insulate Blanket insulation of fuel filter and scrubber bottom, dump line and valves and electric heat trace
& Heat Trace (220/240V, 1PH, 50/60HZ)
Blanket insulation of fuel filter and scrubber bottom, dump line and valves and heat trace with EJW
Includes 1 inch pipe through scrubber & fuel filter for heating medium
Pulsation Bottles
•∘ No additional ports/valves for pulsation analysis
Analysis Ports G01 Kiene valves with caps on each cylinder (head end and crank end) and pulsation bottle heads (opposite inlet/outlet)
• Included with base model ∘ When finished packages are available, these options are included
J01 •∘ Four, (4) 1-1/2 inch FNPT drain connections, one located in each corner
Skid Drains
J02 Manifold four skid drains to a single 1-1/2 inch outlet at compressor-end of package 13
C-SERIES Configurable Compression Packages
Proven Quality and Reliability, Delivered Fast
Top View
Overall skid length (shown in top view) is C D
the maximum assembled length of the unit.
Side View
This view represents the length of the skid
and the overall height of the assembled unit.
Skid Length Overall Length Skid Width Overall Width Height
ft - in meters ft - in meters ft - in meters ft - in meters ft - in meters
Exterran is a global leader in natural-gas compression and a premier provider of equipment and services for petroleum production, gas
processing, produced water treatment and more. We also offer turnkey services for the design, fabrication, installation and operation of
complete production and processing facilities, as well as an extensive parts and service network. For more than 50 years Exterran has
built a legacy of proven performance. We have abundant worldwide resources, unmatched experience and technical expertise, and an
unwavering commitment to service. We help clients of all sizes reduce their operational and financial risks and achieve project success.
This brochure is intended for general information purposes only and is not intended as
a representation or warranty of any kind, or as a statement of any terms or conditions
Corporate Office of sale. The information herein is believed to be correct, but is not warranted for
16666 Northchase Drive correctness or completeness, or for applicability to any particular customer or situation. Houston, TX 77060 © 2015 Exterran Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved. C-SERIES-TECH-EN-AP15-A4