WWW Toppr Com Guides English-Language English-Grammar Paragraph-Jumbles
WWW Toppr Com Guides English-Language English-Grammar Paragraph-Jumbles
WWW Toppr Com Guides English-Language English-Grammar Paragraph-Jumbles
English Grammar
Paragraph Jumbles English Grammar
Confusing Words
Direct/Indirect Speech
and many others. Hence a good understanding and practice are warranted here. Let Subjective Verb Agreement
Phrasal Verbs
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2.1 Browse more Topics under English Grammar Watch lectures, practise questions and take tests
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2.2 Solved Examples – Type I
2.2.1 Noun-Pronoun Relationship Approach
2.3 Acronym Approach
3 Practice Questions
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Para Jumbles
Most of the information given in the section on parajumbles is unnecessary for the
purpose at hand, i.e., sorting the sentences. In essence what we are looking for are
things that can help us in connecting the sentences. Some approaches are given
below to help identify the sequence of sentences. Generally, in a given parajumble
more than one approach will be applicable at the same time, therefore practices
identifying which approach/approaches apply to the parajumbles you have to solve.
Kinds Of Noun
Phrasal Verbs
Direct/Indirect Speech
In noun/pronoun relationships, we know that the noun will come first and will be
referred to later using suitable pronouns. Study the following example:
A. People can get infected by handling reptiles and then touching their mouths or an
open cut.
B. At first, they look the perfect pets: exotic, quiet and tidy.
C. A study estimates that in 1995, there were as many as 6,700 reptile-caused
salmonella infections.
D. But lizards and other pets can harbour a salmonella bacterium that makes people
Answer: Read sentences C and D carefully. Sentence D contains the noun phrase “a
salmonella bacterium” and Sentence C contains the noun phrase “salmonella
infections”. What is the relationship between the two? Since the phrase “a
salmonella bacterium” introduces the bacterium, it should logically precede the
phrase “salmonella infections”. Therefore, the sentence that contains the phrase “a
salmonella bacterium” should come before the sentence that contains the phrase
“salmonella infections”. So, Sentence D should precede Sentence C! Once you have
a link between two sentences, look at the answer choices to see if you are on the
right track. If you are, then you have the right answer [(Option (d) BDCA)].
Answer: Read sentences A and C carefully. Notice the noun/ pronoun relationship
between the two. Sentence A refers to “the West Coast of America” and Sentence C
talks about “this coast”. Which coast? Obviously “the West Coast of America”!
Therefore, Sentences A and C are related and Sentence A must come before
Sentence C. Now look again. Sentence C talks about “the cold, rich Humboldt
Current” and Sentence D refers to “the Humboldt” obviously these two sentences
are also related. Which one should come first? Once you have decided, check the
answer choices to see if you are correct. [(Option (c) ACDB)].
Acronym Approach
Full Form vs. Short Form When we introduce someone or something, we use the
complete name or title. When we refer to the same someone or something later in
the paragraph, we use just the surname or the first name if we are on familiar terms
with the person being discussed. If we are discussing an object, we remove the
modifiers and just use the noun or a pronoun to refer to it. In Parajumbles we
encounter full and short names or sometimes acronyms of some term or institution.
Example 3: A. If you are used to having your stimulation come in from outside, your
mind never develops its own habits of thinking and reflecting.
B. Marx thought that religion was the opiate because it soothed people’s pain and
suffering and prevented them from rising in rebellion.
C. If Karl Marx was alive today, he would say that television is the opiate of the
D. Television and similar entertainments are even more of an opiate because of their
addictive tendencies.
Answer: Sentence B has Marx (short form) and sentence C has Karl Marx (full
form). So, C will come before B. Now look at the options. In option (a), (b) and (c),
B is placed before C—hence, rejected. Option (d) is the right answer.
Practice Questions
DIRECTIONS for the Questions: Sentences given in each question, when properly
sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter.
Choose the most logical order of the sentences from among the four given choices to
construct a coherent paragraph.
Q 1:
A. By reasoning, we mean the mental process of drawing an inference from two or
more statements or going from the inference to the statements, which yield that
B. So logical reasoning covers those types of questions, which imply drawing an
inference from the problems.
C. Logic means if we take its original meaning, the science of valid reasoning.
D. Clearly, for understanding arguments and for drawing the inference correctly, it is
necessary that we should understand the statements first.
Answer: B) CABD
Q 2: Commercially reared chicken can be unusually aggressive, and are often kept
in darkened sheds to prevent them from pecking at each other.
A. The birds spent far more of their time — up to a third — pecking at the inanimate
objects in the pens, in contrast to birds in other pens which spent a lot of time
attacking others.
B. In low light conditions, they behave less belligerently but are more prone to
ophthalmic disorders and respiratory problems.
C. In an experiment, aggressive head-pecking was all but eliminated among birds in
the enriched environment.
D. Altering the birds’ environment, by adding bales of wood-shavings to their pens,
can work wonders.
6. Bales could diminish aggressiveness and reduce injuries; they might even
improve productivity since a happy chicken is a productive chicken.
[CAT – 2000]
Ans: D) BDCA
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