Mordax DATA - User Guide - 171002
Mordax DATA - User Guide - 171002
Mordax DATA - User Guide - 171002
SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
Updated: 171002
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
What’s New in DATA Firmware V. 01.02.02...................... 3
DATA Overview................................................................. 4
Power................................................................................ 6
microSD Card................................................................... 6
Firmware........................................................................... 7
Calibration........................................................................ 9
Saving & Loading System State.................................... 10
Program : Oscilloscope.................................................. 11
Program : Spectrum Analyzer & Spectrograph............. 21
Program : Tuner.............................................................. 22
Program : Wave Output.................................................. 23
Program : Clock Output................................................. 26
Program : Voltage Monitor............................................. 28
Change Logs.................................................................. 29
Also, be sure to go and subscribe to the Mordax YouTube channel for Video Tutorials:
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
With the latest DATA firmware SYS V. 01.02.02 we have a major update to the CLOCK OUTPUT program.
The new CLOCK core has been completely redesigned, now with 4 channels of independent clock
output (upgraded from 2 ch), all with full CV input control over their divide/multiply value and offset.
Many new CLOCK divide/multiply values have been added, including fractional div/mults allowing
for dotted and triplet note values (e.g., x1.3 = dotted 8th note), and an increased overall range from /48
(12 measures) to x48 (128th note triplets). The selected div/mult now also displays the corresponding note
value beside the numerical value where applicable.
We had to drop the old CLOCK’s “tick display” bars to fit all the extra channels on the screen, which we
quite liked, but we think it’s a fair trade. Also, note that patches saved with the old CLOCK firmware are not
compatible with the new CLOCK; it’s not going to crash or anything, just know if you load a system patch
from the old firmware the CLOCK will be skipped, so whatever settings you currently have on the CLOCK
will remain as they are.
Check out the updated User Guide section on Program: Clock Output for more new CLOCK info.
The Wave Output program also got some “under-the-hood” work on this update. The oscillators have
been improved, they are now higher resolution and have less aliasing noise, and the CV input
processing has been further optimized allowing for faster and more precise CV modulation of the
oscillator’s frequency and amplitude
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
DATA Overview
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
The function of the DATA’s buttons and encoder, as well as the DATA’s
input and output jacks, are specific to each program, and are covered in
each program’s section of this manual. Generally though, the user input
controls have the following common behaviors throughout the system:
• Boxes with text along the display top and bottom correspond to
the soft-buttons along that edge. These boxes can allow the ability
to select pages in a program (e.g., Settings), activate a pop-up
menu (e.g., Scope cursor sub-menu), or engage a control (e.g., Volt
Monitor CV control).
1. In Wave Output, push soft-button 2-3, 2. Turn the encoder to select WAVE1 CV source
corresponding to the CV item at the top of for DVCA, as indicated by the hollow green box.
the display, to engage the CV pop-up menu. Currently CV INPUT 2 is the active source.
3. Push the encoder to act on this parameter. 4. When you’re done with the CV
Turn the encoder so the parameter is NONE. assignments, hit soft-button 2-3 again to
Push the encoder again and scroll to move to a leave the pop-up menu.
different parameter.
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
SYSTEM +5V Option: The +5V power LOCAL +5V Option: The +5V power is
is provided directly by your Eurorack converted from your Eurorack system’s
system’s +5V power rail. +12V power rail via a voltage regulator
inside the DATA module.
microSD Card
The DATA is equipped with a standard FAT32 formatted 4GB microSD Card, which must be inserted in the DATA’s SD card
slot at all times during operation. Currently, the SD Card’s primary functions are to transfer firmware update files to the DATA
and for the storage and recall of user system state patch memory and calibration variables.
To remove the SD Card for firmware update or replacement, first turn the DATA off. The DATA’s SD Card reader slot is located in
the bottom left corner of the back PCB, as indicated by the microSD guide image. The SD Card reader is a “push-push” type
mechanism, meaning that to remove the card, simply push gently in on the card and the card will partially eject, after which the
card can be fully removed. When re-insterting the card, line it up with the microSD guide image on the PCB and push it into the
slot until you feel the “push-push” mechanism engage, after which the card should be flush with the edge of the PCB and firmly
held by the card reader.
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
The DATA’s software is comprised of two parts: the bootloader firmware and the system firmware. The bootloader is a small
program that runs every time the DATA is started; it checks for system firmware updates on the SD Card. If the there is no
system firmware file present on the card, then the bootloader will start the system normally. The system firmware is the
main software and contains all of the DATA’s functions (e.g., oscilloscope, spectral analyzer, etc.). You are able to update the
bootloader firmware from the settings menu of the main system. All this may sound confusing, but the process of updating both
the system and the bootloader firmware is really quite simple, as explained below.
To get the most of out your DATA, be sure to keep the firmware up-to-date! It is through this process we provide
new and improved features, as well as fix bugs, for optimal DATA performance. Both the DATA’s system and bootloader
firmware update files can be found on the Mordax website as they become available (major updates will also be announced via
the email newsletter and social media channels). Also, note that system and bootloader updates are independent, for example
we’ve had multiple system updates in a row and no bootloader updates since the DATA was first launched.
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
Like all measurement equipment, the voltage accuracy of the DATA’s inputs and outputs are reliant on many factors, such as
the system’s calibration scheme, the initial accuracy of the performed calibration, and changes in the physical environment
(i.e.., temperature). To best mediate environmental effects, it is recommended to perform calibrations after the DATA has been
powered on for a period of 30 minutes or longer. The DATA’s voltage calibration is composed of two interlinked routines, Manual
Calibration and Automatic Calibration. Let’s take a look at each of these.
Manual Calibration
Manual Calibration is used to calibrate the DATA’s digital-to-analog converters (DACs); these are the DATA’s voltage outputs.
Unlike the Automatic Calibration covered next, Manual Calibration is not intended to be performed often, as it requires
the use of a Digital Multimeter (DMM) or other voltage measurement device with sub-millivolt precision. At the factory,
each DATA is put through a “burn-in” period, where the unit is powered for ~1 hour, after which manual calibration is performed
using a 5.5 digit DMM, in addition to other tests. Despite calibration at the factory, the Manual Calibration routine may need to
be performed on your DATA from time to time. As long as you have access to a reliable DMM or similar device, the process is
1. Power on the DATA for at least 30 minutes. From the DATA’s main
menu, hit button 1-4 to access the Settings program.
2. The Settings program opens in the ‘Memory’ page. Hit button
2-2 to navigate to the ‘Miscellaneous Systems Items’ page (top box
MISC), then scroll with the rotary encoder knob to select ‘Manual
Calibration Routine’ from the sub-menu. With this item highlighted,
push in on the encoder to access the Manual Calibration Routine.
This takes you to the entry screen for the routine; press START to
3. Follow the on-screen instructions, first measuring the OUT1 jack
for a range of voltages, then the OUT2, OUT3, and OUT4 jacks.
4. Once Manual Calibration is complete, the calibration information is
stored in the DATA’s on-board non-volatile memory. Neither Manual
Calibration information nor Automatic Calibration information are
stored on the microSD Card, so if your card is ever replaced for
any reason, you won’t need to perform a Manual Calibration again
(unless you want to).
5. Immediately after the Manual Calibration finishes, the DATA will
start the Automatic Calibration routine to calibrate the DATA’s analog
to digital converters (ADCs), applying the new Manual Calibration
Automatic Calibration
Automatic Calibration is used to calibrate the DATA’s analog to digital converters (ADCs); these are the DATA’s voltage input
sensors. Automatic Calibration relies on the DATA’s internal signal routing matrix to send known voltage levels into the ADCs
and record their values. This process should be done whenever using the DATA in a new environment, after the unit has warmed
up, preferably for > 30 minutes.
To perform Automatic Calibration, enter the Settings program, navigate to the ‘Miscellaneous Systems Items’ page, then scroll
with the rotary encoder knob to select ‘Auto Calibration Routine’ from the sub-menu and follow the on-screen instructions.
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
1. From the DATA’s main menu, hit button 1-4 to access the Settings
2. The Settings program opens in the ‘Memory’ page. Scroll with the
rotary encoder knob to select one of the eight available memory slots
to save or load.
3. To save the current system state to the highlighted slot, press
button 1-1, under the display text ‘SAVE’. Saving to the memory
slot will automatically overwrite any previously saved state in that
slot. The display will show a message indicating that the save was
4. To load a saved state from the highlighted slot, press button
1-2, under the display text ‘LOAD’. This will change all values in all
programs to those set at the time the system was originally saved.
5. To copy a saved state from one slot to another, simply load the
saved state from its memory slot, scroll to highlight the slot you want
to copy to, then save it there.
1. From the DATA’s main menu, hit button 1-4 to access the Settings
2. The Settings program opens in the ‘Memory’ page. Scroll with the
rotary encoder knob to select one of the eight available memory slots
to save or load.
3. To save the current system state to the highlighted slot, press
button 1-1, under the display text ‘SAVE’. Saving to the memory
slot will automatically overwrite any previously saved state in that
slot. The display will show a message indicating that the save was
4. To load a saved state from the highlighted slot, press button
1-2, under the display text ‘LOAD’. This will change all values in all
programs to those set at the time the system was originally saved.
5. To copy a saved state from one slot to another, simply load the
saved state from its memory slot, scroll to highlight the slot you want
to copy to, then save it there.
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
Program : Oscilloscope
An oscilloscope is to an electrical engineer as a telescope is to an astronomer; it allows the investigator to see, with their own
eyes, a representation of what they are studying. And as a eurorack user, you’re going to become an electrical engineer on
some level, like it or not! (Why? Because, you’re powering and wiring together different circuits [modules] to build a complex
system [your rack] for signal generation, and so EE concepts like voltage, resistance, PCBs, oscilloscopes, etc. will seep into
your vocabulary eventually).
The primary function of an oscilloscope, the DATA’s or any other, is to display a 2D graph of voltage amplitude over time,
with amplitude on the Y-axis and time on the X-axis. With this simple display a multitude of information can be extracted
and questions answered – from getting a basic understanding of a module’s behavior (what shape is my envelope really?), to
exploring interesting topics like frequency modulation and phase cancellation.
Scopes can be deceptively simple though, especially digital storage oscilloscopes (DSOs); in fact, when I got my first DSO and
started messing around with it, I thought it was broken! In reality, the scope was fine; I just needed to take some time to properly
learn how the DSO works. Just like positioning and focusing a telescope, you have to adjust the settings of an oscilloscope to
get the clear and accurate image you’re after.
We’ll be covering the operation of the DATA’s scope in the following pages, and we’ll visit a few specific oscilloscope “gotchas”
like triggering and aliasing. If you’re brand new to using scopes, I highly recommend checking out the excellent primer guide
from Tektronix “XYZs of Oscilloscopes” (Google it) as well as watching some YouTube videos (AdaFruit and EEVBlog have some
good ones) on general scope concepts. And of course, don’t forget to check out the Mordax YouTube channel for video tutorials
on the DATA’s scope and other programs!
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
Triggering is one of the most important concepts to understand when using an oscilloscope. The trigger controls the
oscilloscope’s “horizontal sweep”; in other words, it controls the display window of the incoming signal. The trigger can be used
to synchronize the oscilloscope’s display with an incoming repeating signal (e.g., an oscillator’s waveform), allowing for clear
viewing and measurement.
The DATA’s oscilloscope currently has two trigger modes available: AUTO (automatic trigger) and NORM (normal trigger). The
AUTO mode continuously samples the incoming signal and triggers at a fixed rate, based on the currently selected time scale.
The NORM mode continuously samples the incoming signal, but will only generate a trigger event when the signal crosses the
trigger level. In NORM mode, if the signal does not cross the trigger level, the screen will not change.
When to use trigger mode NORM - Viewing repeating, high frequency signals, such as audio-rate waveforms (typical oscillator
output). The oscilloscope time scale would be set at 10ms or less.
When to use trigger mode AUTO - Viewing slower signals like slower envelopes, low frequency oscillators (LFOS). Also
useful for viewing non-repeating higher frequency signals, like your main audio outputs (mix of many oscillators and FX). The
oscilloscope time scale would typically be set at 10ms or more.
*Always use trigger mode AUTO when your time scale is set to large values (e.g., 100’s of milliseconds or seconds)
3 4
*Note that if the incoming signal changes so that it never reaches the trigger level (3.14V in this case), the displayed
waveform will not update. For this reason, it’s advisable to start viewing a signal of unknown amplitude or shape in
AUTO mode, adjust parameters such as the trigger level and time scale, and then switch to NORM mode.
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
When triggering from a signal in NORM mode, the trigger event occurs when the incoming signal crosses the trigger threshold,
or LEVEL (orange dotted line). When a trigger occurs the signal display is centered at the trigger point - the intersection of
the orange trigger line, the grey center grid Y-axis, and the incoming signal.
3 4
Pro-tip: if your oscillator’s waveform is complex and contains non-repeating elements (e.g., wavefolding modulation or
scanning wavetables with lots of jagged edges), it might cross the trigger LEVEL many times per cycle, causing the display to
center the wave at different places, seeming to shift the wave left and right as it modulates. Try setting the trigger source to
another channel that’s monitoring a squarewave oscillator set to the same frequency as your complex waveform (or use the
SYNC output of your complex oscillator if it has one). This will keep a stable sync window for viewing your complex oscillator’s
waveform, even while it’s changing shape.
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
Let’s look at an example of viewing a LFO waveform. The incoming LFO signal is a sawtooth wave with a frequency of 0.1Hz,
which is equal to a period of 10 seconds (1Hz frequency = 1 second period); it’s a fairly slow LFO. But let’s say we didn’t
know the LFO’s frequency or period; we can use the scope’s horizontal scale to measure it (or alternately, the scope’s cursor,
covered in the following pages).
The TIME parameter is set to 5.0S (five seconds), so each vertical grey line is equal to 5 seconds of time. You can see on the
scope’s grid that the waveform crosses two of the vertical grey lines before repeating, so from this we can tell that the LFO’s
period is 10 seconds.
Also, there are 6 full cycles of the saw wave across the scope’s display. With 10 seconds per cycle this demonstrates that
there are 60 seconds of time displayed when the TIME parameter is set to 5.0S.
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
Below is an example of this aliasing distortion on the DATA’s scope display. The saw wave signal’s frequency is a little less than
350Hz (F4 note); with TIME: 1MS the signal is displayed appropriately, but as the TIME value is increased, there is more time
between samples and similarly each pixel on the screen spans more time. At TIME 2MS and 5MS the signal is still reasonably
displayed, while the bottom three images show TIME 20MS, 100MS, and 500MS, neither of which are appropriate for displaying
this frequency of signal. As the time per division is increased to larger and larger values, this relatively high frequency signal
experiences aliasing distortion resulting in interesting, but incorrect representations.
To avoid aliasing distortion, first start with a smaller TIME value and increase it until the signal is displayed to your liking,
rather than starting with a large TIME value and decreasing it.
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
For example, in image 1 right, the SCALE parameter for channel 1 is set to 5.0V per
division. That means each square on the grid is now 5.0V tall, and with 8 vertical divisions
on the grid, the entire display is showing a range of 40V. You can see that the incoming
saw wave is 2 boxes high, so 2 X 5.0V gives 10V; at a glance you now know the waveform
spans 10V peak-to-peak.
Also in the first image, note that the position of channel 1 (parameter POS) is set to 0.00V;
this means the center of the grid is displaying 0.00V. The saw wave spans one box above
the center grid line, and it spans one box below; we now know the saw wave’s actual
voltage amplitude, +5V to -5V peak-to-peak
If we set the position to 5.00V (image 2) the saw wave is moved up, offset by vertical
division (one box) at this scale.
Changing the SCALE parameter has the effect of zooming in or out on the signal. Images 3
and 4 show the same +/-5V saw wave, but the vertical scale is changed, making the signal
larger on the display. Recall that at SCALE:5.0V the display can show a full 40V (8 vertical
divisions, 8 x 5 = 40). Similarly, at a scale setting of 2.0V the screen can display 16V from
top to bottom, and at a scale of 1.0V it displays a range of 8V.
In image 4 you can see that our 10V peak-to-peak saw wave is clipped at it’s top and
bottom, because it spans a voltage range wider than what can be shown at SCALE:1.0V
(8V full display range).
Coupling - AC / DC
Also available in the channel pop-up menus is the parameter COUPL, which selects AC (alternating current) or DC (direct current)
coupling on the channel’s input. AC coupling places a 0.47uF capacitor in series with the channel input, which blocks DC
signals, only allowing AC signals to pass. For example, if you have AC coupling selected and you put a constant 5V CV signal
into the input, it will show 0V on the scope, as that 5V DC has been blocked. Similarly, the flat components of a square wave will
appear distorted when AC coupling is selected, as these are periods of DC (see images above). This distortion becomes more
pronounced the lower the sqaurewave frequency becomes (longer periods of DC). Typically, you will want to view signals as
Fun fact: The squarewaves you hear coming out of a speaker are generally distorted as shown in the AC coupled image, as the
signal lines to speakers most always have these series DC blocking caps.
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
As we saw in the sections on the DATA scope’s horizontal (X-axis) and vertical (Y-axis) scales, the scope’s grid can be used to
take quick measurements of an incoming signal’s voltage as well as its period and frequency. The scope’s cursors allow for more
precise measurements, in addition to creating custom visual windows or thresholds.
The cursor pop-up menu is accessed via the top left button (2-1), labeled CUR, with the current Y-axis scale reference shown.
The Y-axis scale can reference any of the four input channel’s scales; there’s no need to readjust the cursor if a channel’s voltage
scale or position is changed, as the cursor’s scale and relative position change along with it on the fly. Similarly, the cursor’s
X-axis scale is automatically updated to reference the display’s current TIME setting.
There are two cursors available per axis, with cursors AY and AX displayed as a solid white lines and cursors BY and BX
displayed as dotted white lines. Difference (delta) between each axes’ cursors are shown under each set of controls, calculating
the span in voltage or span in time between their A and B cursors.
The DISPLAY parameter of the cursor pop-up menu turns on and off the cursor display. This allows you to continue viewing
the cursor’s position and delta values while the pop-up menu is not engaged. Only the active cursors are present in the display
window, saving display space when only one cursor axis is being used.
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
XY Scope
The Oscilloscope program’s XY Scope takes a pair
of inputs and plots both of their amplitudes, one
on the X axis and one on the Y. The pairs are either
CH1(X) & CH2(Y) or CH3(X) & CH4(Y).
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
To toggle Minimal Display Mode, first enter the secondary top menu functions by pressing and holding the top right
button, as previously described. Click the MIN-MODE button in the top left to turn Minimal Display Mode on. Once in
MIN-MODE all of the soft button cease to function except the MIN-MODE button, which is indicated by the small grey
circle in the top left of the screen; click it again to exit MIN-MODE.
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
Peak Bin: The tallest bar in the bar graph is the RUN/STOP button: Push to switch
frequency bin with the greatest magnitude. This is between RUN and STOP of the display.
the signal’s first harmonic (fundamental frequency).
Channel buttons:
The currently active input channel is highlighted. Push the
soft buttons below each channel number to change inputs.
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
Program : Tuner
The DATA’s Tuner program measures an incoming signal’s frequency and automatically displays the nearest note in the
chromatic scale, as well as calculates the difference in hertz from the nearest note. Any of the four input channels can be
selected for measurement, allowing for quick tuning of multiple signals (e.g., tuning four oscillators to make a chord).
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
OFFSET: Percent gain or reduction in the AMP: The waveform’s amplitude as a percentage of 10V peak-
waveform’s center voltage value (e.g., 0% = 0V to-peak (e.g., 100% = 10Vpp, +/-5V). Max value is 200% and
center, 25% = 2.5V center). This can be used in will clip the waveform over +5V and under -5V for wave shaping.
combination with the AMP control to clip and Min values is -200%; negative amp values invert the wave
shape the waveform. (e.g., saw to ramp). This gain stage is prior to the VCA, so that
clipping waves will maintain their shape under VCA control.
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
Oscillator Waveshaping
Using the internal amplification and offset controls allow for waveshaping the basic oscillator waveforms, providing a
range of non-standard forms for use as LFOs or audio sources.
Click the MODE button and choose the waveshaping type via the SHAPE section in the MODE pop-up menu.
*Note that you can’t clip or fold a square wave. It’s kind of like trying to low pass filter a sine wave - nothing happens.
CLIP waveshaping will cause the waveform to clip (register a flat voltage) when shifted past the +5V or -5V limit on
the wave display window.
In the examples below the same AMP and OFFSET control values are applied to both a sine wave and a saw wave.
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
FOLD waveshaping will cause the waveform to reflect negatively when shifted past the +5V or -5V limit on the wave
display window.
Note that when the FOLD waveshape mode is selected, the waveform control AMP becomes FOLD. When OFFSET
is 0%, a 100% FOLD value generates a first reflection, while a 50% FOLD value generates an unaltered waveform.
In the examples below the same AMP and OFFSET control values are applied to both a sine wave and a saw wave.
AMP: 50% OFFSET: 0% AMP: 50% OFFSET: -70% AMP: 50% OFFSET: 30%
(no waveshaping)
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
The DATA’s Clock outputs can be used to trigger external sound generators directly (e.g., drum voices), acting as trigger
sequencers, or they can be used as variable clock sources to drive step sequencers or other time-based modules in
your system. With the use of CV modulation over the output clock parameters, very complex rhythms are possible, from
mechanical ratcheting to African-style drumming.
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
The voltage monitor display shows approximately 12 seconds of incoming information. For each channel display the thick
dotted center line represents 0V and the two fine dotted lines +/-5V. The display is designed to monitor constant or slowly
changing signals (LFOs, sequencers, manual CV or gate controls, etc.). Repeating signals at a frequency greater than 2 Hz will
experience display aliasing, as described in the DATA’s Oscilloscope Program section on aliasing distortion.
Output channels are configured via the OUTPUT pop-up menu in the top right corner. TYPE: CV configuration will output a
constant voltage from the channel’s output jack. To change this voltage, push the corresponding channel button at the bottom
of the display. The channel will then be highlighted in white and you can change the voltage via the encoder knob; scroll for
fine adjustment or push in while scrolling for coarse adjustment (1V per increment).
Output TYPE: GATE-MO configures the output as a momentary gate, where the voltage level set as G-HI is output only while
you press the associated channel button, otherwise the channel will output the G-LOW voltage. Output TYPE: GATE-LA
configures the output as a latched gate, meaning that the output voltage toggles between the high and low voltages with each
button press.
CV/Gate Outs: Outputs for the four CV/Gate channels. Each can be either
a constant DC voltage (CV), momentary gate (G-M), or latched gate (G-L).
Push the channel buttons to either access the CV voltage value (and scroll
with the encoder knob to change) or engage the channel gate. Output
range is -5V to +10V.
Pro-tip: Most of the DATA programs with outputs will reset to 0V upon exit, but not the Voltage Monitor, which allows for fixed
voltage outputs while using the Tuner, Oscilloscope, and Spectral programs. Simply go to the Voltage Monitor, dial in your CV
voltage level, then go directly into the Tuner, Oscilloscope, or Spectral program and the outputs will stay where you set them in
the Voltage Monitor.
MORDAX : DATA SYS V. 01.02.02
BOOT V. 01.00.00
User Guide Updated: 171002
Change Logs
DATE Revision Changes
171002 SYS V 01.02.02 Clock Output
• Complete program re-design, improving stability and range
• Increased output channels from 2 to 4
• Increased available number of div/mult factors from 20 to 32
Wave Output:
• Increased waveform resolution and reduced aliasing noise
• Optimized CV input processing for increased modulation rate
Moved LOAD button to opposite side of the display from the SAVE but-
ton in the Settings SAVE/LOAD program (per user request).
Bug fix - Rare OSX Apple Double SD Card file read error.
System wide optimizations in UI and memory buses.
170420 SYS V 01.01.00 Oscilloscope:
• Added XY Display (Lissajous curves)
• Added Minimal Display Mode
• Improved waveform drawing
Wave Output:
• Wave Folding Mode
Improved encoder knob handling and added encoder velocity system
Made various little improvements, system optimizations, and bug fixes.
161229 SYS V 01.00.00 Initial Release
DATE Revision Changes
161229 BOOT V 01.00.00 Initial Release