Chapter 10 Forecasting Demand

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MODULE TQM (Operation Management)


1. Identify the Forecasting.

2. Recognize Influence of Product Life Cycle

Every day, managers like those at Disney make decisions without knowing what will
happen in the future. They order inventory without knowing what sales will be, purchase
new equipment despite uncertainly about demand for products, and make investments
without knowing what profits will be. Managers are always trying to make better estimate
of what will happen in the future in the face of uncertainty. Making good estimates is the
main purpose of forecasting.
Forecasting is the art and science of predicting future events. Forecasting may involve
taking historical data and projecting them into the future with some sort of mathematical
model. It may be subjective or intuitive prediction. Or it may involve a combination of these
that is, a mathematical model adjusted by a manager’s good judgment.

Forecasting Time Horizons

A forecast is usually classified by the future time horizon that it covers. Time horizons fall
into three categories:
1. Short-range forecast: This forecast has a time span of up to 1 year but is generally
less than 3 months. It is used for planning purchasing, job scheduling, workforce levels
, job assignments, and production levels/
2. Medium-range forecast: A medium-range, or intermediate, forecast generally spam
from 3months to 3 years. It is useful in sales planning, production planning and
budgeting, cash budgeting, and analysis of various operating plans.
MODULE TQM (Operation Management)

3. Long-range forecast: Generally 3 years or more in time span, long-range forecasts

are used in planning for new products, capital expenditure, facility locations or
expansion, and research and development.

The Influence of Product Life Cycle

Another factor to consider when developing sales forecasts, especially longer ones, is
product life cycle. Products, and even services, do not sell at a constant level throughout
their lives. Most successful product pass through four stages: (1) introduction, (2) growth,
(3) maturity, and (4) decline.

Types of Forecasts
organizations use three majors’ types of forecasts in planning future operations:
1. Economic forecasts address the business cycle by predicting inflation rates, money
supplies, housing starts, and other planning indicators. Planning indicators that are
valuable is helping organization prepare medium to long-range forecasts.
2. Technological forecast are concerned with rates of technological progress, which
can result in the birth of exciting new products, requiring new plants and equipment.
Long-tern forecast concerned with the rates of technological progress.
3. Demand forecasts are projections of demand for a company’s product or services.
These forecasts, also called sales forecasts, drive company’s production, capacity,
and scheduling systems and serve as inputs to financial, marketing, and personnel
planning. Projections of a company’s sales for each time period in the planning


Good forecasts are of critical importance in all aspects of business: The forecast is the
only estimate of demand until actual demand becomes known. Forecasts of demand
therefore drive decisions in many areas/ let’s look at the impact of product demand
forecast on three activities: (1) human resources, (2) capacity, and (3) supply-chain
Human Resources
Hiring, training, and laying off workers all depend on anticipated demand. If the human
resources department must hire additional workers without warning, the amount of
MODULE TQM (Operation Management)

training decline and the quality of workforce suffers. A large Louisiana chemical firm
almost lost its biggest customer when a quick expansion to around-the-clock shifts led to
a total breakdown in quality control on the second and third shift.
When capacity is inadequate, the resulting shortages can lead to loss of customers and
market share, this is exactly what happened to Nabisco when it underestimated the huge
demand for its new low-fat Snackwell Devil’s Cookies. Even with production line working
overtime, Nabisco could not keep up with demand, and it lost customers. As the photo on
the next page shows, Amazon made the same error with its Kindle. On the other hand,
when excess capacity exists, cost can skyrocket.


Forecasting follow seven basic step. We use Disney World, the focus of this chapter’s
Global Company Profile, as an example of each step:
1. Determine the use of the forecast: Disney uses park attendance forecasts to drive
decisions about staffing, opening time, ride availability, and food supplies.
2. Select the item to be forecasted: For Disney World, there are six main parks. A
forecast of daily attendance at each the main numbers that determines labor,
maintenance, and scheduling.
3. Determine the time horizon of the forecast: it is short, medium, or long term? Disney
develops daily, weekly, monthly, annual, and 5-year forecasts.
4. Select the forecast model(s): Disney uses a variety of statistical models that we shall
discuss, including moving averages, econometrics, and regression analysis. It also
employs judgmental, or nonquatitative, models.
5. Gather the data needed to make the forecast: Disney’s forecasting team employs 35
analysts and 70 field personnel to survey 1 million people/businesses every year.
Disney also uses a firm called Global insight for travel industry forecasts and gathers
data on exchange rates, arrivals into U.S., airline specials, Wall Street trends, and
school vacation schedules.
6. Make the forecast.
MODULE TQM (Operation Management)

7. Validate and implement the results: At Disney, forecasts are reviewed daily at the
highest level to make sure that the model, assumptions, and data are valid. Error
measures are applied; then the forecast are used to schedule personnel down to15-
minutes intervals.

There are two general approaches to forecasting, just as there two ways to tackle all
decision modeling. One is a quantitative analysis; the other is a qualitative approach.
Quantitative forecast:
forecasts that employ mathematical modeling to forecast demand.
Qualitative forecast:
forecasts that incorporate such factors as the decision maker’s intuition, emotions,
personal experience, and value system.
Overview of Qualitative Methods
In this section, we considered four different qualitative forecasting techniques:
1. Jury of executive opinion: under this method, the opinions of a group of high-
level experts or managers, often in combination with statistical models, are pooled
to arrive at a group estimate of demand. A forecasting technique that uses the
opinion of a small group of high-level managers to form a group estimate of
2. Delphi method: There are three different types of participants in the Delphi
method: decision makers, staff personnel, and respondents. Decisions makers
usually consist of a group of 5 to 10 experts who will be making the actual forecast.
Staff personnel assist decision makers by preparing, distributing, collecting, and
summarizing a series of questionnaires and survey results. A forecasting
technique using a group process that allows experts to make forecast.
3. Sales force composite: In this approach, each salesperson estimate what sales
will be in his or her region. These forecasts are then reviewed to ensure that they
are realistic. Then they are combined at the district and national level to reach an
overall forecast. A variation of this approach occurs at Lexus, where every quarter
Lexus dealers have a “make meeting”. At this meeting, they talk about what is
selling, in what colors, and with what colors, and with what options, so the factory
knows what to build. A forecasting technique based on salesperson ‘estimates of
expected sales.
4. Consumer market survey: This method solicits input from customers or potential
customers regarding future purchasing plans. A forecasting method that solicits
input form customers regarding future purchasing plans.
MODULE TQM (Operation Management)

Time-Series Models- Time–series models predict on the assumption that the future is
a function of the past. In other words, they look at what has happened over a period of
time and use a series of past data to make a forecast. If we are predicting sales lawn
mowers, we use the past sales for lawn mowers to make forecasts.
Associative Models- Associative models, such a linear regression, incorporate the
variables or factors that might influence the quantity being forecast. For example, an
associative model for lawn mowers sale might use factors such as new housing starts,
advertising budget, and competitors’ prices.
Decomposition of a Time Service
Analyzing time series means breaking down past data into components and then
projecting them forward. A time series has four components:
1. Trend is the gradual upward or downward movement of the data over time.
Changes in income, populations, age distribution, or cultural views may account
for movement in trend.
2. Seasonality is a data pattern that repeats itself after a period of days, weeks,
months, or quarters. There are six common seasonality pattern:

Period of “Season” Number of “Seasons”

Pattern Length in Pattern
Week Day 7
Month Week 4-41/2
Month Day 28-31
Year Quarter 4
Year Month 12
Year Week 52

Restaurants and barber shops, for example, experience weekly seasons, with Saturday
being the peak of business. See the OM in Action box “Forecasting at Olive Garden and
Red Lobster.” Beet distributors forecast yearly pattern, with monthly seasons. Three
“seasons” – May, July, And September –each contain a big beer-drinking holiday.
3. Cycles are patterns in the data that occur every several years. They are usually
tied into the business cycle are of major importance in short-term business analysis
and planning. Predicting business cycles is difficult because they may be affected
by political event or by international turmoil.
4. Random variations are “blips” in the data caused by chance unusual situations.
They follow no discernible, so they cannot predicted.
MODULE TQM (Operation Management)

Naïve Approach
The simplest way to forecast is to assume that demand in the next period will be equal to
demand in the most recent period. A forecasting technique which assumes that demand
in the next period is equal to demand in the most recent period.
Moving Averages
A moving-average forecast uses a number of historical actual data values to generate a
Moving averages are useful if we can assume that market demands will stay fairly steady
over time. A forecasting method that uses an average of the n most recent periods of data
to forecast the next period.
Seasonal Variations in Data
Seasonal variations in data are regular up-and-down movements in a time series that
relate to recurring event such as weather or holidays. Demand for coal and fuel oil, for
example peaks during cold winter months.

For further discussion please refer to the link provided: Forecasting
For further discussion please refer to the link provided FORECASTING APPROACHES

Total Quality Management (OBE)
Prof. Angelita Ong Camilar-Serrano,DBA(candidate

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