Val02 Module Chapter 1 - The Ethical Dimension of Human Existence - Value
Val02 Module Chapter 1 - The Ethical Dimension of Human Existence - Value
Val02 Module Chapter 1 - The Ethical Dimension of Human Existence - Value
Chapter Objectives
After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
1. identify the ethical aspect of human life and the scope of ethical thinking:
2. define and explain the terms that are relevant to ethical thinking and
3. evaluate the difficulties that are involved in maintaining certain commonly held
notions on ethics.
Even as the leaders of the Sigma Rho fraternity publicly denounced the death of
Cris, those members of theirs who had been with him that night vanished, avoiding and
refusing to cooperate with legal authorities. Meanwhile, UP students and the general
public clamored for justice. In a move that surprised the student body, the UP chancellor
called on all fraternities to justify their continued existence. Meanwhile, the case of the
tragic death of Cris Anthony Mendez was left unresolved. It remains that way up to this
No one knows just what exactly happened. No charges have been filed, no
definitive testimony has been forthcoming. But there is more to this for us than just a
criminal mystery. Pondering on the death of Cris, we may find ourselves asking
questions such as "What is the value of one's life?" "What exactly were the wrongs done
to Cris by his so-called fraternity brothers?" or perhaps even "Is there any good to
fraternities?" These questions that concern good and bad, or right and wrong--and
these are questions concerning value-are the kind of questions that we deal with in
Recognizing the notions of good and bad, and right and wrong, are the primary of
ethics in order to start it would be useful to clarify the following points.
Kinds of Valuation
Our first point of clarification is to recognize that there are instances when we
make is that are not considered to be part of ethics. For instance, I could say that I had
just seen was a good one because I enjoyed it or a song had just head on the radio was
a "bad" one because it had an unpleasant tone, but these are not discussion of ethics. I
may have an opinion as to what is the "right" dip (sawsawan) chicken barbecue, or i
may maintain that it is 'wrong" to wear a leather vest over a Barong Tagalog, and these
are not concerns of ethics. These are valuations that fall under the domains of
aesthetics. The word aesthetics is derived from the Greek word aisthesis (“ sense or
feeling”) and refers to the judgments of personal approval or disapproval that we make
about what we see heat smell, or taste. In fact, we often use the word "taste" to refer to
the personal aesthetic preferences that we have on these matters such as "his taste in
music or her taste in clothes.
We can also consider how a notion of right and wrong actions can easily appear
in a context that is not a matter of ethics. This could also be when learning how to bake,
for instance/am told that the right thing to do would be to mix the dry ingredients first,
such as flour or sugar before bringing in any liquids, like milk or cream, this is the right
thing to do in baking but not one that belongs to a discussion of ethics. This could also
be when learning how to play basketball I am instructed that it is against the rules to
walk more than two steps without dribbling the ball: again obeying this rule to not travel
is something that makes sense only in the context of the game and is not an ethical
prohibition. We derive from the Greek word techne the English words technique and
technical" which are often used to refer to a proper way (or right way) of doing things,
but a technical valuation or night and wrong technique of doing things) may not
necessarily be an ethical one as these examples show Recognizing the characteristics
of aesthetic and technical valuation allows us to have a rough guide as to what belongs
to a discussion of ethics. They involve valuations that we make in a sphere of human
actions, characterized by certain gravity and concern the human well-being or human
life itself.
` Therefore, matters that concern life and death such as war, capital punishment or
abortion and matters that concern human well-being such poverty, inequality, or sexual
identity are often included in discussions of ethics. However, this general description is
only a starting point and will require further elaboration , one complication that can be
noted is that the distinction between what belongs to ethics and what does not is not
always so clearly denned. At times, the question of what is grave or trivial is debatable,
and sometimes some of the most heated discussions in ethics could be on the
fundamental question of whether a certain sphere of human activities belongs to this
discussion. Are clothes always just a matter of taste or would provocative clothing call
for some kind of moral judgment? Can we say that a man who verbally abuses his
girlfriend is simply showing bad manners or does this behavior deserve stronger moral
Our second point of clarification is on the use of the words 'ethics and morals.
This discussion of ethics and morals would include cognates such as ethical unethical,
immoral amoral, morality, and so on. As we
proceed, we should be careful particularly
on the use of the word "not" when applied
to the words "moral" or ethical" as this can
be ambiguous. One might say that cooking
is not ethical that is the act of cooking does
not belong to a discussion of ethics, on the
other hand, one might say that lying is not
ethical but the meaning here is that the act
of lying would be an unethical act.
Let us consider those two words further. The term "morals may be used to refer
to specific beliefs or attitudes that people have or to describe acts that people perform.
Thus, it is sometimes said that an individual's personal conduct is referred to as his
morals, and he falls short of behaving properly, this can be described as immoral.
However, we also have.terms such as "moral judgment or moral reasoning' which
suggest a more rational aspect. The term "ethics" can be spoken of as the discipline of
studying and understanding ideal human behavior and ideal ways of thinking. Thus,
ethics is acknowledged as an intellectual discipline belonging to philosophy.
Therefore, various thinkers and writers posit a distinction between the terms
moral and ethics and they may have good reasons for doing so, but there is no
consensus as to how to make that distinction. Ordinary conversation presents a much
less rigid distinction between these terms, and in this book, we will lean in that direction
as we do not need to occupy ourselves here with the question of how different thinkers
and writers construe that distinction. So, in this book, we will be using the terms "ethical"
and "moral" (likewise, "ethics" and "morality') interchangeably.
Philosophy is commonly thought of today as a particular discipline in a college
curriculum, perhaps a subject that one could take, or a course in which one could get a
degree. The word "philosophy" is rooted in the Greek words that translate to "love of
wisdom" (philla is the noun often translated into English as some form of "friendship" or
"love," while sophia is the noun often translated into English as "wisdom"). More
specifically, the word "philosophy" had been first used by thinkers to refer to their
striving to better understand reality in a maintained and systematic manner. Historically
speaking, it can be said that philosophy started among the ancient Greeks around two
and a half thousand years ago, when certain people in the Mediterranean made the
mental effort of trying to make sense of the world and of human life in a unique way. As
time passed, asking certain specific questions would develop into specific methods,
these particular topics and the ways of addressing them established themselves as
disciplines in their own right, which is why we now have the empirical sciences such as
biology or the social Sciences such as psychology, Philosophy remains as the unique
discipline that asks significant questions that other fields are unable to address.
When one is placed in a situation and confronted by the choice of what act to
perform, she is called to make a moral decision. For instance, I choose not to take
something I did not pay for. When a person is an observer who makes an assessment
on the actions or behavior of someone, she is making a moral judgment. For instance, a
friend of mine chooses to steal from a store, and I make an assessment that it is wrong.
Finally, going beyond the matter of choosing right over wrong, or good over bad,
and considering instead the more complicated situation wherein one is torn between
choosing one of two goods or choosing between the lesser of two evils: this is referred
to as a moral dilemma. We have a moral dilemma when an individual can choose only
one from a number of possible actions, and there are compelling ethical reasons for the
various choices. A mother may be conflicted between wanting to feed her hungry child,
but then recognizing that it would be wrong for her to steal is an example of a moral
But why do we maintain one particular principle rather than another? Why should
I maintain that I should care for fair play and that cheating is, therefore, wrong?
Returning to the case of fraternity hazing where we started this chapter, why is it wrong
to cause another person physical injury or to take another's life? We can maintain
principles, but we can also ask what good reasons for doing so. Such reasons may
differ. So, for example, what makes the death of Cris such a tragedy? One person may
say that life is sacred and God-given. Another person may declare that human life has a
priceless dignity, Still another may put forward the idea that taking another's life does
not contribute to human happiness but to human misery instead. How exactly do we
arrive at any of these claims? This is where we turn to theory. A moral theory is a
systematic attempt to establish the validity of maintaining certain moral principles,
Insofar as a theory is a system of thought or of ideas, it can also be referred to as a
framework. We can use this term, "framework," as a theory of interconnected ideas,
and at the same time, a structure through which we can evaluate our reasons for
valuing a certain decision or judgment.
There are different frameworks that can make us reflect on the principles that we
maintain and thus, the decisions and judgments we make. By studying these, we can
reconsider, clarify, modify, and ultimately strengthen our principles, thereby informing
better both our moral judgments and moral decisions.
The next chapters of this book will explore different ethical frameworks that have
come down from the history of philosophy. This is not an exhaustive list, and many
worthwhile theories and thinkers have been set aside. But the choice had been made to
discuss more deeply and at greater length just a few of the more significant and
influential thinkers and ideas that have contributed to ethical discernment.
In The Apology of Socrates written by Plato, Socrates makes the claim that it is
the greatest good for a person to spend time thinking about and discussing with others
these questions on goodness and virtue. Hopefully, as we pursue these topics, you will
come to agree with Socrates that this effort is indeed a good thing. We will be returning
to Plato later in this chapter, as he guides us though some further difficulties.
Rachels, James. "Can Ethics Provide Answers?" The Hastings Center Report, Vol. 10,
No. 3, June 1980, pp. 32-40.
Reyes, Ramon Castillo. "The Relation between Ethics and Religious Belief." The Moral
Dimension: Essays in Honor of Ramon Castillo Reyes, edited by Nemesio S. Que, Jr.,
Oscar G. Bulaong, Jr., and Michael Ner E. Mariano, Quezon City: Office of Research
and Publications, Ateneo de Manila University, 2003, pp. 107-112.