Act of Looking at Printed Words and Understanding or Comprehending What They Mean or What They Are Saying

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Reading 2. Reading is a two-way process.

Reading is the act of looking at printed words Reading is not just receiving or absorption
and understanding or comprehending what of ideas; it is an interaction or
they mean or what they are saying, or the act communication between the author and
of saying those words out loud or of the reader. When the reader fails to
interpreting those words. It is a process that understand the text, he may have a
involves recognizing words and leading to the problem of poor comprehension, thus
development of comprehension. Reading can communication gap between him and the
be silent or aloud. author occurs. The reading act is complete
only when the reading is put to use in some
way, like communicating with others in
discussion, reporting, summarizing, etc.
1985) - It is a process of communication
between the author and the reader
Reading is decoding written symbols.
- You have to communicate properly in
Reading is getting meaning from printed page. order for the reader to understand
what is being conveyed.
Reading is putting meaning into the printed -
page. 3. Reading is largely a visual process.

Reading is the process of interpreting the For one to be able to read well, he has to
written symbols. have good eyesight.

Reading is the process of communication Visual process – there’s the process of the
between author and reader. brain. Not only the text but the also the
Therefore reading is the active process &
understanding the print and graphic text. 4. Reading is an active process.

- Is a thinking process The reader constructs meaning from a text

and may have different interpretation of
- Difference between it’s just a sense of what he reads because of his experiences
sight than understanding what you’re reading and knowledge. As a reader reads, he asks
questions and looks for points to which he
agrees or disagrees.
5. Reading makes use of a linguistic
system which enables readers to be
1. Reading is a complex process. more effective users of written
Reading is a complex process because there
are many factors involved that may affect A reader would do better if he knows the
one’s performance in reading. Word syntax, orthography, and morphology of a
recognition, identifying and making sense language. Having said this, he could interact
out of the words being read are also a few more effectively with the printed page.
of the requisites towards better
comprehension of the text.
Even the hypo luting words or deep words, The individual begins to use picture,
we’re able to understand these because of context, and configuration clues to
reading. recognize words and then goes on to
beginning instruction in phonetic and
Before being a good writer, they did a lot of structural analysis techniques.
reading first.
Initial Reading Stage
6. Effective reading is partly dependent
on the reader’s prior knowledge or He learns to use and handle books, acquires
background experiences. the understanding that reading yields
information, and begins to develop skills in
A person’s knowledge of the topic finding main ideas, anticipating outcomes,
facilitates comprehension. making inferences, finding details, and
noting sequences.
Make sure that you like the topic given.
You’re trying to check for configuration.
Will be depending on the knowledge and
You’re trying to make inferences, and
the reader itself.
you’re doing cross examine.

3. Stage of Rapid Progress

The reader extends his use of a variety of
1. Pre-reading Stage word-recognition techniques and begins to
use the dictionary for word meaning,
During this stage, the individual is engaged spelling, and pronunciation.
in a program of experiences aimed to
enhance his oral language development to a Stage of Rapid Progress
level equal to or greater than the level of
He extends his vocabulary and
materials for beginning reading.
comprehension skills, he reads with
Experiences are provided for concept
understanding a greater variety of
materials, and he begins to read
Pre-reading Stage independently for information and
The individual is also trained auditory and
visual discrimination, listens to, tells, and You’re now into the word recognition.
discusses stories and learns basic work and
You’re now trying to formulate word
study habits. To develop his mental,
physical, emotional, and social readiness for
reading, further experiences are provided.

Language development ka palang. 4. Stage of Extended Reading Experience

and Rapidly Increasing Reading
Sa mga letters ka palang. How it is being
The individual, at this stage, uses word-
2. Initial Reading Stage
recognition techniques automatically, and is
almost completely independent in reading.
He reads with understanding in the subject Types of Organizational Patterns
areas, extends his dictionary independently,
and begins to use reading as a tool in a. Spatial order – info and ideas which are
problem solving. arranged in order and related to
geographic location
At this stage, you’re now trying to use diff
reading techniques and the use of War (distance or location) – used diagrams,
dictionary will be now independent. geographical/historical maps, atlas

You’re still using it however ‘di na katulad b. Order of importance – chronological

ng dati. order

Describes everything what happened

5. Stage of Refinement in Reading - Most to least

Abilities, Attitudes, and Tastes - Least to most
- Flow chart
The individual reader has acquired - Pyramid to show importance DOH (food
independence in locating and utilizing a chart)
variety of materials, is aware of varied - Sequencing
purposes for reading, and has developed - Even in rrl (local to intl or vice versa)
skills of critical evaluation of material read.
His reading interests are extended, and his
literary tastes refined. This refinement
c. Cause and Effect – we are arranging to
process actually begins with initial reading
link a result
instruction and proceeds into adult life.
Showing the logical relationship between
You’re excellent na here
causes and effects
You’re looking for the particular reading
-fish bone diagram
-Tables (2 columns or 3)
You’re now criticizing what you’re reading,
you’re evaluating different genres and
you’re using you’re critical thinking. You’re
start asking d. generalization – arrangement of information
based on the pattern of general to specific or
Is this coherent? specific to general
Do they have evidences? -pyramid
Do they have their claims? -process charts

-web charts (bar graphs, pie graphs)

Reading Techniques e. time order – can be seen in history books

1. Organizational Patterns – sequencing, looking into account of sequence of events
comparison and solution
- Commonly used is timeline
f. compare and contrast – make sure what is
the basis of your comparison

-Tables is also applicable

-Venn diagram – 2 or more circles, depending

on the topic you’re reading

g. classification – basically easy to understand

concept or categorization

-you’re grouping

-theming (qualitative)

-most used in elementary

-red, blue and green

graphic organizer – to organize the info and

show the relationship among the ideas

2. Finding signal words – cues or hints to the

reader about the new idea or the transition of
the idea.

I’m going to the mall today, however (negative)

Because (there’s a reason)

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