Act of Looking at Printed Words and Understanding or Comprehending What They Mean or What They Are Saying
Act of Looking at Printed Words and Understanding or Comprehending What They Mean or What They Are Saying
Act of Looking at Printed Words and Understanding or Comprehending What They Mean or What They Are Saying
Reading is the act of looking at printed words Reading is not just receiving or absorption
and understanding or comprehending what of ideas; it is an interaction or
they mean or what they are saying, or the act communication between the author and
of saying those words out loud or of the reader. When the reader fails to
interpreting those words. It is a process that understand the text, he may have a
involves recognizing words and leading to the problem of poor comprehension, thus
development of comprehension. Reading can communication gap between him and the
be silent or aloud. author occurs. The reading act is complete
only when the reading is put to use in some
way, like communicating with others in
discussion, reporting, summarizing, etc.
1985) - It is a process of communication
between the author and the reader
Reading is decoding written symbols.
- You have to communicate properly in
Reading is getting meaning from printed page. order for the reader to understand
what is being conveyed.
Reading is putting meaning into the printed -
page. 3. Reading is largely a visual process.
Reading is the process of interpreting the For one to be able to read well, he has to
written symbols. have good eyesight.
Reading is the process of communication Visual process – there’s the process of the
between author and reader. brain. Not only the text but the also the
Therefore reading is the active process &
understanding the print and graphic text. 4. Reading is an active process.
concept or categorization
-you’re grouping
-theming (qualitative)