2012 Modelo Posner y Petersen

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REVIEWS Further The Attention System of the
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Human Brain: 20 Years After
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Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:73-89. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

School of Medicine, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri 63110;
email: [email protected]
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Department of Psychology, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403-1227;
email: [email protected]

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012. 35:73–89 Keywords

First published online as a Review in Advance on alerting network, executive network, orienting network,
April 12, 2012
cingulo-opercular network, frontoparietal network
The Annual Review of Neuroscience is online at
neuro.annualreviews.org Abstract
This article’s doi:
Here, we update our 1990 Annual Review of Neuroscience article, “The
Attention System of the Human Brain.” The framework presented in
Copyright  c 2012 by Annual Reviews.
the original article has helped to integrate behavioral, systems, cellular,
All rights reserved
and molecular approaches to common problems in attention research.
Our framework has been both elaborated and expanded in subsequent
years. Research on orienting and executive functions has supported the
addition of new networks of brain regions. Developmental studies have
shown important changes in control systems between infancy and child-
hood. In some cases, evidence has supported the role of specific genetic
variations, often in conjunction with experience, that account for some
of the individual differences in the efficiency of attentional networks.
The findings have led to increased understanding of aspects of pathol-
ogy and to some new interventions.

NE35CH04-Petersen ARI 14 May 2012 11:42

systems that could be affected by attention. The

Contents second concept is that attention utilizes a net-
work of anatomical areas. The third is that these
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
anatomical areas carry out different functions
that can be specified in cognitive terms. The
Alerting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
most unique aspect of our original article, which
Orienting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
separated it from the many excellent summaries
Executive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
of the attention literature appearing in the
Annual Review of Neuroscience in the years since,
FRAMEWORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
is the discrete anatomical basis of the attention
Alerting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
system: divided into three networks, each repre-
Orienting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
senting a different set of attentional processes.
Executive Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
We believe that these important concepts are
still operative. Here, we try to update the frame-
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:73-89. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

FRAMEWORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
work of our earlier Annual Review article [other
Self-Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
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summaries are available in Posner (2012a,b)].

Differences in Network Efficiency . . 84
In this review, we outline some of the ma-
Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
jor advances related to our framework that have
Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
taken place in the past 20 years. First, we rein-
FUTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
troduce the three original networks of the at-
tention system. We examine the nature of these
networks and how the ideas related to them
INTRODUCTION have evolved. The second part of the article
Twenty years ago, when neuroimaging was in explores additions to the original conception.
its infancy, we summarized the current state Two new networks are proposed with their
of knowledge on attention in the 1990 volume functional descriptions, and new methods for
of the Annual Review of Neuroscience (Posner & understanding interactions between them. The
Petersen 1990). At that time, most available ev- third part of the article indicates how the ideas
idence was from behavioral studies of normal have been extended to related topics, for exam-
adults or patients with varying forms of brain in- ple, in tying genetic variations to individual dif-
jury. However, the ability to image brain activ- ferences in network efficiency and in examining
ity with positron emission tomography seemed the development of attention in childhood.
to hold great promise for the physiological anal-
ysis of mental processes, including attention. In THE ORIGINAL NETWORKS
our review, we were able to integrate findings of
The three networks we described in 1990
the initial imaging studies. We never imagined
included an alerting network, which focused
that the growth of cognitive neuroscience over
on brain stem arousal systems along with
the subsequent 20 years would make it possible
right hemisphere systems related to sustained
to revisit our analysis, with 4,000–6,000 imag-
vigilance; an orienting network focused on,
ing papers on attention or cognitive control and
among other regions, parietal cortex; and an
nearly 3,500 citations of our original review.
executive network, which included midline
The original review suggested three basic
frontal/anterior cingulate cortex. Each of these
concepts about the attention system. The first
networks is explored below.
is that the attention system is anatomically sepa-
rate from processing systems, which handle in-
coming stimuli, make decisions, and produce Alerting
outputs. We emphasized the sources of the at- The concept of arousal goes back to the clas-
tentional influences, not the many processing sic work of Moruzzi & Magoun (1949) on the

74 Petersen · Posner
NE35CH04-Petersen ARI 14 May 2012 11:42

role of the brain stem reticular system in main- Alerting

taining alertness (Figure 1, for macaque brain).
As more became known of the neuromodula-
tory systems of the brain stem and thalamus,
it was necessary to qualify the general concept
of arousal into more differentiated components.
Within cognitive psychology, a major emphasis
has been on producing and maintaining optimal
vigilance and performance during tasks; this is
the sense of alertness that we discussed in our
1990 article.
One approach to the study of alerting is to
use a warning signal prior to a target event to Locus coeruleus:
produce a phasic change in alertness. The warn-
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:73-89. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

ing cue leads to replacing the resting state with

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a new state that involves preparation for detect-

Figure 1
ing and responding to an expected signal. If a
speeded response is required to the target, re- The locus coeruleus projections of the alerting system shown on a macaque
brain. The diffuse connections interact with other, more strongly localized
action time improves following a warning. This systems. The alerting system also includes regions of the frontal and parietal
improvement is not due to the buildup of more cortices (not shown). Reproduced from Aston-Jones & Cohen (2005).
accurate information about the target, which
is not changed by the warning signal, but the modality or location. Although the arguments
warning signal does change the speed of orient- in the original review included discussion of
ing attention and thus responding to the signal. the pulvinar and the superior colliculus, most
Several other methods have been used to of our focus was on visual selection and on the
study tonic alertness. These include changes parietal cortex as part of a posterior attention
over the course of the day (circadian rhythm). system (Figure 2a). Consensus in the imaging
Reaction times are usually longer in the early literature now indicates that frontal as well as
morning and decline over the course of the day posterior areas are involved in orienting. For
only to rise again during the night and peak in example, human and animal studies have impli-
the early morning (Posner 1975). These mea- cated the frontal eye fields (FEF) in this process
sures reflect other diurnal changes such as body (Corbetta et al. 1998, Thompson et al. 2005).
temperature and cortisol secretion. A long es- In addition, parietal areas have been impli-
tablished approach to tonic alertness is to use cated in related forms of processing. This pro-
a long and usually rather boring task to mea- cessing can be concrete as in the specification
sure sustained vigilance. Some of these tasks of directed motor or eye movements (Lindner
have grown out of the job of radar opera- et al. 2010) or more abstract as “movements”
tors looking for near-threshold changes over across a number line (Hubbard et al. 2005). In
long periods of time. Vigilance tasks rely heav- fact, the specificity of parietal regions in terms
ily on mechanisms of the right cerebral cortex of sensory versus motor processing is a major
(Posner & Petersen 1990). Both classical lesion point of contention. Nonetheless, most would
data and more recent imaging data confirm that agree the functions of the parietal lobe are not
tonic alertness is heavily lateralized to the right restricted to orienting to sensory stimuli but in-
hemisphere. volve other related processes.

Orienting Executive
The orienting network is focused on the In our original article, the third major system
ability to prioritize sensory input by selecting a was presented under the heading of target

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NE35CH04-Petersen ARI 14 May 2012 11:42

b Executive control
a Orienting
Precuneus Precuneus
Thalamus Thalamus


(IPL/STG) (IFg/MFg) al/fO al/fO

Dorsal attention system: Frontoparietal control system:

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:73-89. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

top-down visuospatial moment-to-moment task

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Ventral attention system: Cingulo-opercular system:

bottom-up reorienting task set maintenance

c Grouping of regions using resting state functional connectivity MRI

Figure 2
(a) The dorsal and ventral orienting networks (after Corbetta & Shulman 2002). The dorsal attention network (light green) consists of
frontal eye fields (FEF) and the intraparietal sulcus/superior parietal lobe (IPS/SPL). The ventral attention network (teal ) consists of
regions in the temporoparietal junction (TPJ) and the ventral frontal cortex (VFC). (b) Two networks of the executive control system.
The circled region indicates the original member of the executive control system from Posner & Petersen (1990). The remaining
regions come from the elaboration of the original cingulo-opercular system (black) and the addition of the frontoparietal system ( yellow)
(adapted from Dosenbach et al. 2007). (c) Resting-state correlation reflecting separate control systems. The figure illustrates three views
of the brain (left, dorsal view; middle, tilted lateral view; right, medial view). These separable resting networks are consistent with the
distinctions based on functional criteria exhibited in panels a and b: dorsal attention ( green), ventral attention (teal ), cingulo-opercular
(black), frontoparietal ( yellow) (adapted from Power et al. 2011).

detection. The main reason for this was not to the limited capacity of the attention system,
that target detection itself is a major atten- and to awareness itself, and has often been
tional process, but that the moment of target called focal attention. One might think of focal
detection captures awareness in a very specific attention as the entry to the conscious state,
way. Although it is possible to monitor for which may involve widespread connections
targets in many processing streams without from the midline cortex and the anterior cingu-
too much difficulty, the moment of target late cortex (ACC) (Figure 2b) to produce the
detection produces interference across the global work space frequently associated with
system, slowing detection of another target consciousness (Dehaene & Changeux 2011).
(Duncan 1980). This set of processes is related We associated target detection and awareness

76 Petersen · Posner
NE35CH04-Petersen ARI 14 May 2012 11:42

of the target with the medial frontal cortex and described above. There has also been a signifi-
the adjacent ACC. This brain region has been cant amount of elaboration or evolution of the
highly studied by imaging experiments partly ideas during that timeframe. The next three
because of its frequent activation. sections review some of the studies deepening
Although one of us (S.P.) has vacillated sig- or expanding our understanding of the original
nificantly on this original idea over the past networks.
20 years, it seems that the idea is still relevant.
One of the reasons is that the ACC and related
regions have been reliably activated when there Alerting
is conflict [e.g., a requirement to withhold a Our understanding of the physiology and
dominant response to perform a subdominant pharmacology underlying the alerting system
response (Botvinick et al. 2001)]. The argument has changed significantly. For example, strong
has been extended to include a role for these evidence relates the neuromodulator nore-
areas in the regulation of both cognition and pinephrine (NE) to the alerting system. A warn-
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:73-89. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

emotion (Bush et al. 2000). ing signal is accompanied by activity in the lo-
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The most compelling argument for a focal cus coeruleus, the source of NE (Aston-Jones
attention explanation comes from the activity & Cohen 2005). Warning-signal effects can be
found in the medial frontal/anterior cingulate blocked by drugs such as guanfacine and clono-
in such diverse operations as perception of dine, which decrease NE release (Marrocco &
either physical (Rainville et al. 1997) or social Davidson 1998). Drugs that increase NE re-
(Eisenberger et al. 2003) pain, processing of lease can also enhance the warning-signal ef-
reward (Hampton & O’Doherty 2007), moni- fect. The NE pathway includes major nodes in
toring or resolution of conflict (Botvinick et al. the frontal cortex and in parietal areas relating
2001), error detection (Dehaene et al. 1994), to the dorsal but not the ventral visual pathways
and theory of mind (Kampe et al. 2003). These (Morrison & Foote 1986).
different demands all activate this region, in To examine the specificity of these effects
most cases in conjunction with the anterior to the warning signal, researchers used a cued
insula. Some investigators advocate a separate detection task with humans, monkeys, and
role for the system for each of the comparisons rats (Beane & Marrocco 2004, Marrocco &
above (e.g., as part of a pain or reward system), Davidson 1998) to separate information about
but, as we argue below, we support a more where a target will occur (orienting) from when
comprehensive view that captures more of it will occur (alerting). To accomplish this, one
the results, including focal attention and the of four cue conditions was presented prior to
regulation of processing networks. Since the a target for a rapid response. By subtracting a
original article, this network has also taken double cue condition, where the participant is
on an even more extensive role in executive informed of when a target will occur but not
control on the basis of findings showing multi- where, from a no cue condition, they receive
ple top-down control signals in these regions. a specific measure of the warning influence
This more complex functional and anatomical of the signal. When the cue that indicates
network is discussed in the executive control the target’s location is subtracted from an
section below. alerting cue, the difference represents effects of
orienting. Results of drug studies with humans
and monkeys show that NE release influences
ELABORATIONS OF THE alerting effects, whereas drugs influencing
FRAMEWORK the neuromodulator acetylcholine (Ach) affect
The intervening 20 years since our original orienting but not alerting. Studies have shown
article have produced a surprising amount of that individual differences in alerting and
support for the basic outlines of the framework orienting are largely uncorrelated (Fan et al.

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2002) and that orienting improves to the same event-related fMRI, Corbetta & Shulman
degree with a cue regardless of the level of (2002) showed that two brain systems are re-
alertness. These results suggest a great deal lated to orienting to external stimuli as illus-
of independence between these two functions trated in Figure 2a. A more dorsal system in-
(Fernandez-Duque & Posner 1997). However, cluding the FEFs and the interparietal sulcus
these systems usually work together in most followed presentation of an arrow cue and was
real-world situations, when a single event often identified with rapid strategic control over at-
provides information on both when and where tention. When the target was miscued, subjects
a target will occur (Fan et al. 2009). had to break their focus of attention on the cued
The changes during the time between warn- location and switch to the target location. The
ing and target reflect a suppression of ongo- switch appeared to involve the temporoparietal
ing activity thought to prepare the system for junction (TPJ) and the ventral frontal cortex
a rapid response. In the central nervous sys- and was identified with the interrupt signal that
tem there is a negative shift in scalp-recorded allowed the switch to occur.
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:73-89. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

EEG, known as the contingent negative varia- The dorsal system included the well-studied
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tion (CNV) (Walter 1964), which often begins parietal regions but added a small set of frontal
with the warning signal and may remain present locations as well, particularly in the FEFs.
until the target presentation. This negative po- Some have argued that covert attention shifts
tential appears to arise in part from the ante- are slaved to the saccadic eye movement system
rior cingulate and adjacent structures (Nagai (Rizzolatti et al. 1987), and neuroimaging
et al. 2004) and may overlap the event-related studies using fMRI have shown that covert and
response to the warning stimulus. The negative overt shifts of attention involve similar areas
shift may remain present as a standing wave over (Corbetta et al. 1998). However, single-unit
the parietal area of the contralateral hemisphere physiology studies in the macaque suggest
(Harter & Guido 1980). If the target interval is important distinctions at the level of cell
predictable, the person may not show the CNV populations, with some cells in the FEFs active
until just prior to target presentation. during saccades and a distinct but overlapping
An extensive imaging study (Sturm & population of cells involved in covert shifts of
Willmes 2001) showed that a largely common attention (Schafer & Moore 2007, Thompson
right hemisphere and thalamic set of areas are et al. 2005). The cells responsible for covert
involved in both phasic and tonic alerting. An- shifts of attention also seem to hold the location
other imaging study, however, suggested that of cues during a delay interval (Armstrong et al.
the warning signal effects rely more strongly 2009). The two populations of cells are mixed
on left cerebral hemisphere mechanisms (Coull within the FEFs and, at least to date, have not
et al. 2000, Fan et al. 2005). This could rep- been distinguished by fMRI. However, the
resent the common findings described above physiological data indicate that covert attention
on hemispheric differences in which right lat- is distinct from the motor system governing
eralized processes often involve slower effects saccades, even though they clearly interact.
(tonic), whereas left hemisphere mechanisms As suggested by the FEF studies, it is impor-
are more likely to be involved with higher tem- tant to be able to link the imaging and physi-
poral (phasic) or spatial frequencies (Ivry & ological results with other studies to provide
Robertson 1997). The exact reasons for differ- more details on local computations. One strat-
ences in laterality found with tonic and phasic egy for doing so is to study the pharmacology
studies are still unknown. of each of the attention networks. Cholinergic
systems arising in the basal forebrain appear to
Orienting play a critical role in orienting; lesions of the
In a series of imaging experiments us- basal forebrain in monkeys interfere with ori-
ing cuing methodology in combination with enting attention (Voytko et al. 1994). However,

78 Petersen · Posner
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it appears that the site of this effect is not in between modalities. In many cases, orienting
the basal forebrain per se, but instead involves to a location will provide priority not only to
the superior parietal lobe. Davidson & Mar- the expected modality but also to information
rocco (2000) made injections of scopolamine present at the same location from other modal-
directly into the lateral intraparietal area of ities (Driver et al. 2004), indicating how closely
monkeys. This area corresponds to the human the sensory systems are integrated within the
superior parietal lobe and contains cells influ- orienting network.
enced by cues about spatial location. The in- How can the sources of the orienting net-
jections have a large effect on the monkey’s work described above influence sensory com-
ability to shift attention to a target. Systemic putations? Anatomically, the source of the ori-
injections of scopolamine, an anticholinergic, enting effect lies in the network of parietal,
have a smaller effect on covert orienting of at- frontal, and subcortical areas mentioned above.
tention than do local injections in the parietal However, the influence of attention is on the
area. Cholinergic drugs do not affect the abil- bottom-up signals arriving in sensory-specific
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:73-89. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

ity of a warning signal to improve the mon- areas: for vision, in the primary visual cortex
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key’s performance, so there appears to be a dou- and extrastriate areas moving forward toward
ble dissociation, with NE involved mainly in the temporal lobe. That this remote influence
the alerting network and Ach involved in the involves synchronization between activity in the
orienting network. These observations in the more dorsal attention areas and activity in the
monkey have been confirmed by similar studies more ventral visual areas is an influential idea
in the rat (Everitt & Robbins 1997). It is es- (Womelsdorf et al. 2007). The synchronization
pecially significant that comparisons in the rat apparently leads to greater sensitivity in the vi-
studies of cholinergic and dopaminergic mech- sual system, allowing faster responses to visual
anisms have shown that only the former influ- targets and thus improved priority for process-
ence the orienting response (Everitt & Robbins ing targets.
1997, Stewart et al. 2001). In addition to synchronization, single-unit
The more ventral network including the physiology studies conducted within ventral vi-
TPJ (Figure 2a) seemed to be more active fol- sual areas suggest that as items are added to a
lowing the target and was thus identified as part visual scene they tend to reduce the firing rate of
of a network responsive to sensory events. It cells responding to the target stimulus. Atten-
is strongly right lateralized and lesions in this tion to a target seems to reduce the influence of
area are central to the neglect syndrome, al- other competing stimuli. This idea was impor-
though the interaction of TPJ with more frontal tant in the development of biased competition
and dorsal brain areas is also critical (Shulman theory (Desimone & Duncan 1995). This the-
& Corbetta 2012). Researchers generally agree ory sees attention as arising out of a winner-
about the membership of the major nodes of the take-all competition within various levels of
orienting network on the basis of both spatial sensory and association systems. fMRI studies
cuing and visual search studies (Hillyard et al. confirm that attention to a stimulus can occur
2004, Wright & Ward 2008). prior to its arrival, changing the baseline neu-
Perhaps more surprising is that the brain ral and blood oxygen level–dependent (BOLD)
areas involved in orienting to visual stimuli response, and that the overall BOLD activity is
seem to overlap strongly (within fMRI res- affected in ways consistent with the biased com-
olution) with those involved with orienting petition theory (Desimone & Duncan 1995).
to stimuli in other modalities (Driver et al.
2004). Although attention operates on sensory-
specific modalities according to the incoming Executive Control
target, the sources of this effect appear to be Our third original network has been elabo-
common. There are also important synergies rated considerably. As noted above, our original

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focus was on midline regions of the medial transient signals at the beginning of blocks,
frontal cortex and anterior cingulate. We sug- whereas medial frontal/cingulate cortex and
gested that activity found during the perfor- bilateral anterior insula also showed sustained
mance of tasks was related to focal attention be- maintenance signals across task conditions.
cause trial-related activity in these regions was Although these experiments identified a set
greater for targets than for nontargets, for con- of regions that could be involved in top-down
flict more than for nonconflict trials, and for task level control, they provide no evidence of
errors more than for correct trials. We argued the relationships between regions.
that such a system might be very useful for pro- Another experiment (Dosenbach et al.
ducing top-down regulation, thus its relation- 2007) looked for functional correlations (at
ship to executive control. This role of the ACC rest) between regions that showed some or
in top-down control was based on rather slim all of these putative control signals, with the
evidence at the time but seems to still seems idea that these “functional connections” may
to be accurate and plays an important role in define the systems-level relationships between
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:73-89. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

two prominent theories of executive control in the regions. Lateral frontal and parietal re-
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the current literature. One theory stresses the gions that showed primarily start-cue activity
role of the ACC in monitoring conflict and in correlated well with each other (Figure 2c).
relation to lateral frontal areas in resolving the The midline and anterior insular regions
conflict (Botvinick et al. 2001, Carter & Krug that showed additional sustained activity also
2012). A different view arguing for two different correlated well with each other (Figure 2c),
top-down control networks is based on exten- but these two sets of regions did not correlate
sive studies of the specific aspects of the ACC strongly with each other.
during task performance and correlations with These results suggested there are two sepa-
other regions at rest (Figure 2b,c) (Dosenbach rable executive control networks. Detailed ev-
et al. 2006, 2007). idence for this view is found in Dosenbach
Support for two separate executive control et al. (2008). The frontoparietal network ap-
networks arises from studies designed to dis- pears to be distinct from the orienting net-
cover signals related to top-down task control. work discussed previously, whereas the cingulo-
Such signals might include those related to task opercular network overlaps with the original
instructions that are transient at the beginning executive network. If this view is correct, there
of a task block (Figure 3). Transient block are two relatively separate executive networks.
transition signals had been seen in earlier work Although the best imaging evidence shows that
(Donaldson et al. 2001, Fox et al. 2005, Konishi the orienting and frontoparietal executive net-
et al. 2001) with many different interpretations. works are separate in adulthood, they may have
A second type of activity is sustained across a common origin in early development (see
the trials of the task, putatively related to the Self-Regulation section, below).
maintenance of task parameters/top-down This breakdown of executive control into
control (Figure 3). The third type of signal is two separate networks is anatomically simi-
related to performance feedback; an example of lar to an influential idea pertaining to cogni-
such feedback would be systematic differences tive control (Botvinick et al. 2001, Carter &
between correct and incorrect trials (Figure 3). Krug 2012). However, this cognitive control
Dosenbach et al. (2006) studied 10 different view favors a single unified executive system
tasks (including visual and auditory words and in which lateral prefrontal cortex provides top-
visual objects as stimuli, with many different down control signals, guided by performance-
decision criteria, such as semantic, timing, monitoring signals generated by midline struc-
and similarity judgments) searching for ev- tures. Although the cognitive control view and
idence of these signal types. Lateral frontal the ideas shown in Figure 2 are anatomically
and parietal regions appeared to emphasize similar, several specific functional differences

80 Petersen · Posner
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a “start” +

+ “stop”


“fixate” “fixate”
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:73-89. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

Cue Correct Errors Cue

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b Task-related (adjusted) Trial-related

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 Sustained maintenance signal 0.2

% change

% change
0.1 task- 0.1

0 0

–0.1 –0.1
1 11 21 31 41 1 7
Time (MR frames) Time (MR frames)

Figure 3
Executive control signals. The top panel shows three putative executive control signals: a task initiation signal in yellow, a task-
maintenance signal in red, and activity related to correct (black) and error (blue) trials (adapted from Dosenbach et al. 2006). Regions
showing differences in error versus correct trials are considered to be computing or receiving performance feedback. The bottom figure
shows activity in the left anterior insula during a task that contains all the putative signals (plus a transient transition signal at the end of
the block of trials). MR, magnetic resonance.

remain. In the dual network view (Dosenbach stable background maintenance for task perfor-
et al. 2008), the two executive systems act rel- mance as a whole. The frontoparietal system,
atively independently in producing top-down in contrast, showing mostly start-cue signals, is
control. The cingulo-opercular control system thought to relate to task switching and initiation
shows maintenance across trials and acts as and to adjustments within trials in real time.

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Both the cognitive control view and the dual The addition of two separate orienting net-
networks view explain a considerable amount works and two separate executive networks
of extant data, but we believe there are several raises the possibility that additional control net-
reasons to choose the latter formulation. works will be elaborated in the future. How-
First, lesion studies in both humans and an- ever, for several reasons, we do not expect the
imals seem to indicate separate aspects of con- number of control networks to be much larger
trol. Large lesions of the frontal midline often than the number described here. The study
result in akinetic mutism in which people are ca- of many complex systems, from ecosystems to
pable of carrying out goal-directed activities but protein-protein interactions, seems to indicate
do not do so. On the other hand, patients with that these systems follow a “rule of hand” and
more laterally placed lesions, including those in have approximately five controlling variables
the dorsolateral prefronal cortex (DLPFC) of- (ranging from three to seven) (Gunderson &
ten exhibit perseverations with an inability to Holling 2002). For example, the maintenance
switch from one set to the other. In a com- of upright balanced posture appears to be con-
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:73-89. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

pelling set of macaque experiments, Rossi et al. trolled by at least three separate systems: vi-
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(2007) showed that a complete unilateral resec- sion, the vestibular system, and kinesthetic joint
tion of the DLPFC and an interruption of the sensors. These systems act relatively indepen-
corpus callosum resulted in a unilateral inabil- dently and have different spatial and temporal
ity to switch sets but an intact ability to adopt a characteristics. From this perspective, the pres-
sustained set, consistent with the human lesion ence of five relatively separate attention net-
data. works appears reasonable. A second argument
A second difference between the dual net- in favor of this view is an empirical one. In
work and cognitive control views is concerned a recent large-scale study of resting state net-
with the directionality of relationships. The works (Power et al. 2011), with effectively all
cognitive control view requires a timing dif- the brain represented, all the cortical networks,
ference between the midline monitoring pro- found by the more piecemeal approaches de-
cesses and the DLPFC implementation regions scribed above, are present.
within a trial. The two-network account is tol-
erant of ordering effects because the two net- EXTENDING THE FRAMEWORK
works operate separately. Two quite different
One of the gratifying outcomes of our original
sets of data argue that cingulo-opercular in-
publication has been the many ways that these
volvement is often at the end of or after the
ideas inspired a large number of studies. We
trial. The first is from studies of single-unit
review extensions of the framework into new
activity in the ACC in macaques (Ito et al.
areas related to attention networks.
2003). During a saccade countermanding task,
investigators found neurons that signaled er-
rors and unexpected rewards after trial com- Self-Regulation
pletion. Second, a recent human imaging study The ability to control our thoughts, feelings,
by Ploran et al. (2007) used a slow reveal task. and behavior in developmental psychology
During visual information processing, activ- is called self-regulation; with adults it is
ity progressively increased with increasing vi- often called self-control (see sidebar on Will,
sual information across several seconds in the Self-Regulation, and Self-Control for further
DLPFC. This preceded late activity in the ACC definitions). Neuroimaging presents strong
and anterior insula. These results are consistent evidence that conflict tasks such as the Stroop
with the hypothesis that the ACC may often effect activate common areas of the anterior
serve to monitor the consequences of actions, cingulate gyrus: the dorsal portion for more
and they are inconsistent with a more rigid strictly cognitive tasks and the ventral area for
directionality. emotion-related tasks (Botvinick et al. 2001,

82 Petersen · Posner
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Several names have been applied to the voluntary control of emotion and cognition. During
child development, these functions are often called self-regulation. This name provides a
clear contrast to the regulation that occurs through the caregiver or other external sources.
In adults, the same set of voluntary functions is frequently called self-control. Regulation
may also occur through nonvoluntary means, for example, by fear or by the calming aspects
of drugs or therapy. In all cases, self-control or self-regulation appears to be an ability to
control reflexive or otherwise dominant responses to select less dominant ones.
Conflict tasks: The Stroop effect involves the conflict between the task of naming the
color of ink of conflicting color names (e.g., the word GREEN presented in RED INK). The
Stroop and other conflict-related tasks have been used to measure the ability to select the
less dominant response. Because the classic Stroop effect requires reading, other conflict
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:73-89. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

tasks such as spatial conflict, flanker conflict, and pictorial conflict have also been used.
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Imaging studies with adults suggest that the conflict in these tasks have a common anatomy
(Fan et al. 2003a).
Anatomy: The use of imaging has provided some evidence of a common brain network
that is involved in all these senses of control. This network includes anterior cingulate (Bush
et al. 2000) and anterior insula (Dosenbach et al. 2007; Sridharan et al. 2007, 2008) and also
includes areas of the prefrontal cortex when inhibition of dominant responses is a strong
feature (Fan et al. 2003a). The common involvement of the anterior cingulate in attention
and both emotion and cognitive control has provided one basis for the argument that the
executive attention network is critical to these various functions. The brain activation of
conflict-related tasks such as the Stroop has also been common to studies of attention and
aspects of control.
Age: Self-regulation has been a concept used mainly in developmental psychology,
whereas the terms cognitive control, self-control, and willpower are usually applied to
adults. There appears to be no strict dividing line. A new finding is the important role of the
orienting system in providing some of the control in infants and in young children (Posner
et al. 2012, Rothbart et al. 2011). Even in adults, no doubt orienting to new sensory stimuli
or thoughts can be a self-control mechanism.
Future: The much broader term executive function is applied in psychology to self-
control as well as the ability to solve problems, shift tasks, plan ahead, and implement goals.
Although conflict resolution has been studied widely with normals, the anatomy of other
functions remains to be thoroughly explored.

Bush et al. 2000). Although the cingulate during processing of erotic events (Beauregard
anatomy is much more complex, the division et al. 2001) or to ward off emotion when look-
into cognitive and emotion-related areas has ing at negative pictures (Ochsner et al. 2002)
been supported by more detailed anatomical produces a locus of activation in midfrontal
studies (Beckmann et al. 2009). and cingulate areas. If people are required to
Support for the voluntary exercise of self- select an input modality, the cingulate shows
regulation comes from studies that examine ei- functional connectivity to the selected sensory
ther the instruction to control affect or the con- system (Crottaz-Herbette & Menon 2006) and
nections involved in the exercise of that control. in emotional tasks to limbic areas (Etkin et al.
For example, the instruction to avoid arousal 2006).

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Both behavioral and resting state functional (incongruent) direction as the target. Cues pre-
data suggest substantial development of the ex- sented prior to the target provide information
ecutive attention network between infancy and on where or when the target will occur. There
childhood. A study of error detection in seven- are strong individual differences in each atten-
month-old infants and adults (Berger et al. tion network and there are surprisingly low cor-
2006) shows that both ages use the anterior cin- relations between these network scores (Fan
gulate area, but the usual slowing following an et al. 2002), although the networks interact in
error does not seem present until about three more complex tasks and in everyday life (Fan
years of age ( Jones et al. 2003). We recently et al. 2009).
proposed (Posner et al. 2012, Rothbart et al. Normal functions including attention are
2011) that during infancy control systems de- undoubtedly influenced by many genes in
pend primarily on the orienting network as de- complex interaction with epigenetic and envi-
scribed previously. During later childhood and ronmental factors. Most studies have involved
into adulthood, the time to resolve conflict cor- various pathologies and have not centered on
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:73-89. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

related with parent reports of their child’s abil- common human functions; hence relatively
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ity to control his or her behavior (effortful con- little is known about the full range of genes
trol, EC) (Posner & Rothbart 2007, Rothbart involved in attention networks. One strategy
et al. 2011). The correlation between conflict would be to use emerging genomic and
scores and parent reports of EC form one ba- epigenomic technologies to carry out studies
sis for the association between self-regulation of large cohorts using various attention tasks as
and executive attention. EC is also related to phenotypes to determine genes that relate to
the empathy that children show toward others performance differences. A more limited
and their ability to delay an action as well as to approach, based on what is known about
avoid such behaviors as lying or cheating when attention networks, takes advantage of the
given the opportunity. High levels of EC and association between different neuromodulators
the ability to resolve conflict are related to fewer and attention networks to examine specific
antisocial behaviors in adolescents (Rothbart genetic alleles (e.g., related to dopamine)
2011). These findings show that self-regulation to examine individual performance on the
is a psychological function crucial for child so- appropriate network (see Green et al. 2008 for
cialization, and they suggest that it can also be review). As one example, the ANT has been
studied in terms of specific anatomical areas and used to examine individual differences in the
their connections by examining the develop- efficiency of executive attention. A number
ment of executive attention networks. of polymorphisms in dopamine and serotonin
genes have been associated specifically with
the scores on executive attention (Green et al.
Differences in Network Efficiency 2008). This work is still just getting started,
Although everyone has the attention net- and reports are conflicting. One reason for the
works described above, there are also individual conflict may be that genetic variations are also
differences in the efficiency of all brain net- influenced by environmental factors.
works. The Attention Network Test (ANT) has Genetic modulation by environmental fac-
been used to examine the efficiency of atten- tors is perhaps clearest for the dopamine 4 re-
tion networks (Fan et al. 2002). The task re- ceptor gene (DRD4), which has been associated
quires the person to press one key if the cen- with the executive network in adult imaging
tral arrow points to the left and another if it studies (Fan et al. 2003b). Data at 18–20 months
points to the right. Conflict is introduced by showed that quality of parenting interacted
having flankers surrounding the target point- with the 7 repeat allele of the DRD4 gene
ing in either the same (congruent) or opposite to influence the temperamental dimensions of

84 Petersen · Posner
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impulsivity, high-intensity pleasure and activity primates and humans. Anatomical studies show
level, and all components of sensation seeking great expansion of white matter, which has
(Sheese et al. 2007). Parenting made a strong increased more in recent evolution than has
difference for children with the 7 repeat al- the neocortex itself (Zilles 2005). One type of
lele in moderating sensation seeking but not for projection cell called a Von Economo neuron is
those children without this allele. At 3–4 years found only in higher apes and a few other social
of age, the DRD4 gene interaction with par- species, but they are most common in humans.
enting was related to children’s EC, suggesting In the human brain, the Von Economo neu-
that executive attention may be the mechanism rons are found only in the anterior cingulate
for this interaction. One study found that only and a related area of the anterior insula
those children with the 7-repeat of the DRD4 (Allman et al. 2005). This neuron is likely im-
showed the influence of a parent training inter- portant in communication between the cingu-
vention (Bakermans-Kranenburg et al. 2008), late and other brain areas. The two brain areas
suggesting that the presence of the DRD4 in which Von Economo neurons are found
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:73-89. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

7 repeat allele may make the child more suscep- (cingulate and anterior insula) are also shown to
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tible to environmental influences (Bakermans- be in close communication during the resting

Kranenburg & Van IJzendoorn 2011, Belsky & state (Dosenbach et al. 2007). It is not clear,
Pluess 2009, Sheese et al. 2007). This joint in- however, if the distribution of Von Economo
fluence of environment and genetics seems to neurons and the cingulo-opercular network
continue into adulthood (Larsen et al. 2010). are overlapping or closely juxtaposed (Power
et al. 2011). Some evidence indicates that the
frequency of this type of neuron increases in
Training human development between infancy and later
Because parenting and other cultural factors childhood (Allman et al. 2005). These neurons
interact with genes to influence behavior, it may provide the rapid and efficient connectivity
should be possible to develop specific training needed for executive control and may help
methods that can be used to influence under- explain why self-regulation in adult humans can
lying brain networks. Two forms of training be so much stronger than in other organisms.
methods have been used in the literature. One
involves practice of a particular attention net-
work. Several such attention training studies FUTURE
have shown improved executive attention func- It has been exciting for us to see the expan-
tion and produced changes in attention-related sion of work on networks of attention over the
brain areas (Klingberg 2011, Rueda et al. 2005). past 20 years. We now have the opportunity to
The practice of a form of meditation has been go from genes to cells, networks, and behavior
used to change the brain state in a way that and to examine how these relationships change
improves attention, reduces stress, and also im- from infancy to old age. In development, the
proves functional connectivity between the an- number of active control systems increases and
terior cingulate and the striatum (Tang et al. their influence changes.
2007, 2009). Although much has been learned, many
questions remain unanswered. We are hopeful
that the study of attention will continue to
Evolution provide greater understanding of how control
The ACC is a phylogenetically old area of the develops typically and in pathology (Posner
brain. Comparative anatomical studies point 2012a, Posner et al. 2011) and will provide
to important differences in the evolution of promising leads for translating basic research
cingulate connectivity between nonhuman into interventions to aid children and families.

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The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

This article was supported in part by grant HD060563 to Georgia State University subcontracted
to the University of Oregon. Prof. Mary K. Rothbart made important contributions to the research
and writing of this review. This article was also supported by NIH grants NS32797 and 61144
and the McDonnell Foundation.

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Annual Review of

Contents Neuroscience

Volume 35, 2012

The Neural Basis of Empathy

Boris C. Bernhardt and Tania Singer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
Cellular Pathways of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia
Craig Blackstone p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p25
Functional Consequences of Mutations in Postsynaptic Scaffolding
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:73-89. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

Proteins and Relevance to Psychiatric Disorders

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Jonathan T. Ting, João Peça, and Guoping Feng p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p49

The Attention System of the Human Brain: 20 Years After
Steven E. Petersen and Michael I. Posner p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p73
Primary Visual Cortex: Awareness and Blindsight
David A. Leopold p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p91
Evolution of Synapse Complexity and Diversity
Richard D. Emes and Seth G.N. Grant p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 111
Social Control of the Brain
Russell D. Fernald p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 133
Under Pressure: Cellular and Molecular Responses During Glaucoma,
a Common Neurodegeneration with Axonopathy
Robert W. Nickells, Gareth R. Howell, Ileana Soto, and Simon W.M. John p p p p p p p p p p p 153
Early Events in Axon/Dendrite Polarization
Pei-lin Cheng and Mu-ming Poo p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 181
Mechanisms of Gamma Oscillations
György Buzsáki and Xiao-Jing Wang p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 203
The Restless Engram: Consolidations Never End
Yadin Dudai p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 227
The Physiology of the Axon Initial Segment
Kevin J. Bender and Laurence O. Trussell p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 249
Attractor Dynamics of Spatially Correlated Neural Activity in the
Limbic System
James J. Knierim and Kechen Zhang p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 267
Neural Basis of Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making
Daeyeol Lee, Hyojung Seo, and Min Whan Jung p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 287

NE35-FrontMatter ARI 21 May 2012 11:24

Critical-Period Plasticity in the Visual Cortex

Christiaan N. Levelt and Mark Hübener p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 309
What Is the Brain-Cancer Connection?
Lei Cao and Matthew J. During p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 331
The Role of Organizers in Patterning the Nervous System
Clemens Kiecker and Andrew Lumsden p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 347
The Complement System: An Unexpected Role in Synaptic Pruning
During Development and Disease
Alexander H. Stephan, Ben A. Barres, and Beth Stevens p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 369
Brain Plasticity Through the Life Span: Learning to Learn and Action
Video Games
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:73-89. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

Daphne Bavelier, C. Shawn Green, Alexandre Pouget, and Paul Schrater p p p p p p p p p p p p p 391
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The Pathophysiology of Fragile X (and What It Teaches Us about

Asha L. Bhakar, Gül Dölen, and Mark F. Bear p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 417
Central and Peripheral Circadian Clocks in Mammals
Jennifer A. Mohawk, Carla B. Green, and Joseph S. Takahashi p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 445
Decision-Related Activity in Sensory Neurons: Correlations Among
Neurons and with Behavior
Hendrikje Nienborg, Marlene R. Cohen, and Bruce G. Cumming p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 463
Compressed Sensing, Sparsity, and Dimensionality in Neuronal
Information Processing and Data Analysis
Surya Ganguli and Haim Sompolinsky p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 485
The Auditory Hair Cell Ribbon Synapse: From Assembly to Function
Saaid Safieddine, Aziz El-Amraoui, and Christine Petit p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 509
Multiple Functions of Endocannabinoid Signaling in the Brain
István Katona and Tamás F. Freund p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 529
Circuits for Skilled Reaching and Grasping
Bror Alstermark and Tadashi Isa p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 559

Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 26–35 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 579
Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 26–35 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 583

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