Ahimsa - Ashi Kesava MA First Year Ethic Buddhism - Dr. Jatilalankara 12-8-2022
Ahimsa - Ashi Kesava MA First Year Ethic Buddhism - Dr. Jatilalankara 12-8-2022
Ahimsa - Ashi Kesava MA First Year Ethic Buddhism - Dr. Jatilalankara 12-8-2022
Nowadays, many people in the world follow the practice of Ahimsa. Ahimsa means
non-violence to all living things and it relate with vegetarianism. Most of people in India avoid
killing or eating animals for they believe Ahimsa. If someone consider that animals were
created for people, it would be apply that people were also created for animals because some
animals consume human flesh. In the present day, societies protected animals are established
in every countries and they declared to avoid killing and eating animals or using the products
of animals and request to show their compassion.
According to Jainism, they divided Ahimsa by two steps what are small bows and great
vows. Small vows means for a householder that he would not kill any animal life and great
vows is for an ascetic that he avoid the cause of injury to any living soul knowingly or
unknowingly. Their main subject is Ahimsa that means non-injury or non-violence and
vegetarianism. They prevent the business concerned with the destruction to any living things
and refrain to consuming meat or eggs and besides, do not allow to cultivate crop for harvest,
weed-killer and ploughed field, as it caused the destruction of living things. So that most of
them are merchants, but they forbid the trading of poison, slavery or animal husbandry. They
refrain to eating meat accidentally or to going out in night when it is dark for it may trampled
living creatures that they do not see.
Most of Hindus believe that Ahimsa is the principle of non-violence towards all living
things are sacred and part of God. They have to apply that non violence means the respect to
all life, human, animal and vegetable. In addition, it need to avoid speaking harsh, rude and
false speeches and not allow harassment to someone or envy of other's properties. Ahimsa is a
vital role to establish own-self and it is concerned with everyone. Naturally people are non-
violence, but when they harm, they are angry and make revenge. It guides to get rid of anger
instead of revenge and to change their views.
Gandhi said that non-violence (Ahimsa) is the power of mind or godhead in our heart
and it can act the matters of wonder. Gandhi’s views and practices have no weapon and he hold
only the view of non-violence, however he completely implemented in the struggle for
independence with non-violence and it no need to shoot a gun.
In Buddhism, the Buddha taught his followers to avoid intentionally killing for other
living beings and should not ask other to kill. He lay down the five precepts (panncasila) and
it means to restrain wrong doing of body, verbal and mental. But he did not prevent to avoid
eating fish and meat for his pupils and preach only not take ten kinds of meat to protection their
life. He allows to eat meat for the monks in according with three respect that are not seen, not
heard and not suspected that is killed with purpose for them. It does not mean that Buddhism
is violence because the Buddha expounded his followers to refrain the violence to other in
inspired utterances of the Buddha. It mention that who desiring happiness should not harm to
other while he seeks his happiness, if he does it, not obtain happiness after death and if he
restrains any violence to other, he attain his happiness. Buddhism never says that the
consuming meat is right or wrong, but only prescribe moderation in food.
Christianity and Judaism also applied about non-violence or non-injury towards animal
and living things in their scriptures. Some people also refrain to kill or eat animals for their
health condition and show their compassion. Looking at this view point, it sees that many
religious practiced Ahimsa view and it may lead to peace of the world.