The Genius Guide To... - Advanced Options - Extra Evolutions
The Genius Guide To... - Advanced Options - Extra Evolutions
The Genius Guide To... - Advanced Options - Extra Evolutions
lthough summoners might not seem as if they’re
rooted in mythology and popular fantasy
literature, they represent the iconic character
that accomplishes much with the aid of a powerful,
otherworldly ally (or sometimes slave). Aladdin and
his genie, the king and the witch Zoulvisia, the tale of
the genie of the bronze ring (from The Blue Fairy Book by
Andrew Lang), and even the tall tales of Paul Bunyan
and Babe the Big Blue Ox can all serve as templates
for how players can play summoners, and how they
might be seen by societies within a campaign world.
Because a summoner’s eidolon can take many
forms, you can use the class to represent a wide range
of character types. If the eidolon takes the form of
an incubus or succubus, the summoner becomes a
diabolist. If it takes the form of a dragon, the summoner
becomes a dragon rider. If it takes the form of a primal
nature spirit, the summoner is a shaman. If the eidolon
is a formless mass of horrific, shapeless flesh, the 536459
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evolutions focus on 1- and 2-point evolutions, on it, though abilities that allow a creature
and many provide additional color that adds
New Evolutions to see invisible objects (such as see invisibility
The following new options follow the
to an eidolon’s build. With these new options, and true seeing) reveal an invisible glowing
normal rules for eidolon evolutions.
an eidolon can become a brass elephant with rune. A Knowledge check (appropriate for
a built-in howdah, a horrific mass of shifting New 1-Point Evolutions gaining information on the type of creature
flesh, or a legendary animal spirit that can draw Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures take the eidolon seems to be), with a DC equal to
on any of nature’s natural defenses. a –1 penalty to attack rolls and damage rolls the eidolon’s HD + 15, reveals the eidolon’s
against an eidolon. The eidolon must have true nature.
New Base Forms the flight evolution before selecting this Hidden Compartment (Ex): An eidolon
The following new base forms follow all the evolution. has a concealed, built-in, watertight
normal rules for base forms. An ooze appears to compartment in which items can be stored.
be a formless mass of fleshlike material, while Centipede (Ex): An eidolon has dozens of
extra legs in long rows along the length of The weight limit of the compartment is
a hut is an eidolon that seems to be a small one-quarter of the eidolon’s light load, and
dwelling running about on attached legs. its body. It can twist its body to stand up
from prone without provoking an attack of the volume limit is 1 cubic foot (8 cubic
feet for Large eidolons, 64 cubic feet for
Hut Starting Statistics opportunity. If a second point is put into
Huge eidolons). Spotting the compartment
Size Medium; Speed 20 ft. (climb 20 ft.); AC this evolution, the eidolon also gains a +4 requires a Perception check with a DC equal
+1 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (bad), bonus to its CMD against bull rush and trip to the eidolon’s HD + 15. Removing items
Will (good); Attack Slam (1d8); Ability Scores attacks. Only eidolons with the quadruped from the eidolon against its will requires a
Str 16, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11; or biped base forms can take this evolution. steal maneuver (from the Advanced Player’s
Free Evolutions claws, howdah*, limbs (legs). Earth Mastery (Ex): An eidolon gains a Guide). Removing an item with the eidolon’s
*Indicates an evolution presented in this +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls if cooperation is a full-round action.
product. both it and its foe are touching the ground.
If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, Hyboreal (Ex): An eidolon can move
across icy surfaces without penalty, as if
Ooze Starting Statistics the eidolon takes a –4 penalty to attack rolls
using the spider climb spell, and it does not
Size Medium; Speed 20 ft. (climb 20 ft.); AC and damage rolls. These modifiers apply to
need to make Acrobatics checks to run
+1 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (good), bull rush and overrun maneuvers, whether
or charge on ice. The eidolon can also see
Will (bad); Attack Slam (1d8); Ability Scores the eidolon is initiating or resisting these
perfectly well in snowy conditions and does
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11; kinds of attacks. An eidolon cannot have the
flight or swim evolutions while it has this not take any penalties on Perception checks
Free Evolutions formless*, slam, tentacle.
evolution. while in snow.
*Indicates an evolution presented in this
Guise (Ex): An eidolon appears to be Ink Cloud (Ex): While underwater, an
an ordinary (not summoned) humanoid, eidolon can emit a 10-foot-radius sphere of
monstrous humanoid, animal, or magical ink once per minute as a free action. The ink
beast (depending on its current form). The provides total concealment in water, and it
eidolon does not have a visible glowing rune persists for 1 minute.
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Luminescence (Ex): An eidolon grows a eidolon cannot make an attack with the Shell (Ex): An eidolon has a large shell,
gland similar to a firefly, glowing brightly quills without making a grapple check, similar to a turtle’s, into which it can withdraw
enough to provide light in a 20-foot radius. but it counts as a secondary attack for the its extremities. As a full-round action an eidolon
The eidolon can turn this light on or off as purpose of determining bonus damage can pull into its shell, increasing its natural
a swift action. An eidolon that is glowing from Strength. armor bonus to AC by +4, but forgoing any
when it falls unconscious continues to glow Scintillate (Ex): As a standard action, an movement (even a 5-foot step) and no longer
for 1d6 minutes after falling unconscious. eidolon can create bright, flashing colors threatening any spaces. An eidolon can extend
Metal Skin (Ex): An eidolon’s skin is over the entirety of its body. All creatures itself back out of its shell as a swift action.
made of metal, such as bronze, copper, iron, within 30 feet must make Reflex saving Sprint (Ex): An eidolon can sprint like a
or steel. The eidolon gains DR 1/—. You throws (DC 10 + one-half the eidolon’s HD cheetah. Once per hour, it can take a double
can spend additional points, and each one + the eidolon’s Charisma modifier) or be move and travel ten times its normal ground
increases the DR by 1, to a maximum of DR dazzled for 1d4 minutes. An eidolon must movement rate.
5/—. A summoner must be at least 9th level have the luminescence evolution to gain this
to have this evolution. At 12th level, if you evolution.
spend an additional point, you can make
the eidolon’s skin consist of adamantine,
cold iron, or silver, which causes its natural
attacks to count as that material for the
purpose of penetrating DR. 536461
Water Mastery (Ex): An eidolon gains a +1 takes half its maximum hit points in damage by spending 1 additional evolution point
bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls if both it and gains the broken condition; a second hit (maximum 3/day). The summoner must
and its opponent are touching water. If neither destroys the item. Against creatures made of be at least 3rd level before selecting this
the opponent nor the eidolon is touching the metal, the eidolon’s ability deals 3d6 points evolution.
water, the eidolon takes a –4 penalty to attack of damage. An attended object, any magic Drench (Su): An eidolon can produce
rolls and damage rolls. These modifiers apply object, or a metal creature can attempt a large quantities of water as a standard
to bull rush and overrun maneuvers, whether Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + one-half the action. This allows it to put out nonmagical
the elemental is initiating or resisting these eidolon’s HD + the eidolon’s Constitution flames of Large size or smaller, or dispel
kinds of attacks. The eidolon must have the modifier) to negate this effect. The eidolon magical fire it touches as dispel magic (caster
swim evolution to select this evolution. can use this ability once per day. The level equals eidolon’s HD). Water created in
eidolon can use this ability 1 additional time this way evaporates after 1 minute, and it
New 2-Point Evolutions per day by spending 1 additional evolution cannot be used to slake thirst. The eidolon
Bloody Spray (Ex): An eidolon can fire a stream point (maximum 3/day). The summoner can use this ability once per minute.
of heated blood from its own eye sockets, as a must be at least 3rd level before selecting
horny toad does, blinding a foe. As a standard this evolution. Formless (Ex): An eidolon has no set
action, the eidolon selects one target within 60 form, instead existing primarily as a pile of
Death Roll (Ex): An eidolon can spin its fleshlike ooze. It can grow claws, tentacles,
feet, forcing that target to make a Reflex saving head or whole body repeatedly as a swift
throw (DC 10 + one-half the eidolon’s HD + the or tails (as dictated by its evolutions), but
action after grappling a foe of its size or these are as malleable as the rest of its
eidolon’s Constitution modifier) or be burned smaller with a bite attack. The eidolon
by a stream of steaming blood for 1d4+1 rounds. shapeless, amorphous body. It can grow
makes a CMB check, with success allowing basic features not requiring evolutions (eyes,
Each time the eidolon uses this attack, it deals 1 it to inflict its bite damage, knock the target
point of damage to itself. This damage cannot ears, mouths) anywhere it wishes, and as a
prone, and maintain its grapple. An eidolon result it cannot be flanked. Additionally, it
be avoided by the eidolon. must have the bite evolution to select this takes no penalty to Armor Class or attack
Camouflage (Ex): An eidolon’s hide, plus evolution. rolls from squeezing, and it can squeeze into
any hair or fur, change coloration to match its Deafening Roar (Ex): An eidolon can spaces as if it was one size category smaller
surroundings. This evolution grants the eidolon release an amazingly loud roar as a standard than its true size. An eidolon cannot have
a +20 bonus to Stealth checks, and it allows it action. Creatures within a 60-foot cone must legs and this evolution.
to make such checks even when observed or attempt a Fortitude saving throw (DC is
in bright or normal light. If the eidolon takes Hiss (Ex): An eidolon can make a loud
equal to 10 + one-half the eidolon’s HD + and disconcerting hiss or similar noise as
greater than a 5-foot step, the bonus is halved. the eidolon’s Constitution modifier) or be
If the eidolon moves at more than half its move a swift action, forcing air through its teeth,
deafened. The roar is so loud that the DC to using specialty breathing pores, or using
rate, the bonus applies only to creatures that are
hear it with a Perception check is increased
30 or more feet away from the eidolon. a natural rattle as some snakes have. This
by +1 for every 100 feet distance (rather than sound forces any creature within 20 feet of
Corrode Metal (Su): An eidolon can cause any the normal +1 per 10 feet). The eidolon can the eidolon with Hit Dice equal to or lower
metal object it touches (using any melee attack) use this ability once per day. The eidolon than the eidolon’s to make a Will saving
to swiftly rust and corrode. The object touched can use this ability 1 additional time per day throw (DC 10 + one-half the eidolon’s HD
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+ the eidolon’s Charisma modifier) or be Mucus Cloud (Ex): While underwater, an sickened for 1 minute per HD of the eidolon.
shaken until outside the hiss’s area of effect. eidolon can exude a cloud of transparent Creatures that fail their saving throw can be
This is a sonic attack. A creature that is slime as a standard action. All creatures tracked more easily with the scent ability (lower
already shaken, frightened, or panicked is adjacent to the eidolon must succeed on a associated skill check DCs by 5), until they have
immune to the effects of a hiss. Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + one-half the been thoroughly cleaned (requiring 24 hours,
Howdah (Ex): An eidolon has a built-in eidolon’s HD + the eidolon’s Constitution or a Heal check with the same DC as the stench
cabin appropriate for holding one creature modifier) or lose the ability to breathe air musk’s Reflex saving throw DC). The eidolon
a size category smaller than it, two creatures (but gain the ability to breathe water) for 1 can use this ability once per day. The eidolon
two sizes smaller, or up to four creatures three hour. Renewed contact with the eidolon’s can use this ability one additional time per
sizes smaller. Creatures within the eidolon mucus cloud and failing another saving day by spending 1 additional evolution point
are more stable and better braced than those throw extends the effect for another hour. (maximum 3/day). The summoner must be at
least 5th level before selecting this evolution.
riding a mount, and they take no penalties Puff Up (Ex): An eidolon can fill itself
for making ranged attacks while within it. with gas like a puffer fish, taking on a
Additionally, they are not considered to be greater size. As a move action the eidolon
suffering vigorous motion (for purposes of can become one size category larger. Its
concentration checks) unless the eidolon weight, reach, carrying capacity, and ability
takes a run action. Creatures in an eidolon’s scores do not change, since only its central
howdah are considered to have soft partial body grows in size (becoming rounder)
cover (+2 bonus to AC, no bonus to Reflex and its extra volume is all air. However,
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saving throws). An eidolon must have the the eidolon is considered one size larger for
mount evolution to select this evolution. purposes of the space it takes up, modifiers
Metamorph (Ex): An eidolon can change to maneuvers, and other size modifiers. An
its base form as a full-round action. It eidolon can maintain this increased size for 1
changes all its starting statistics to match minute per point of Constitution score, then
the new form, loses any free evolutions must deflate (a swift action). It also deflates
from its previous base form, and gains the if stunned, knocked unconscious, or killed.
free evolutions of its new base form. If it has Once deflated, an eidolon cannot puff up
any evolutions that are not allowed by its again until a number of minutes have passed
new base form, they cease functioning until equal to the time it spent inflated.
the eidolon changes form again. If it gains Stench Musk (Ex): An eidolon can spray
a free evolution that it has bought already, a cone of musk similar to a skunk’s. The
the free evolution is lost until it changes eidolon can spray a 30-foot cone of musk;
form again. (A player should prepare in those caught in the area weapon must
advance statistics for any form she wishes attempt a Reflex saving throw (DC is
her eidolon to take—changing base scores, equal to 10 + one-half the eidolon’s HD +
saving throws, and evolutions take awhile.) the eidolon’s Constitution modifier) or be
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Suction (Ex): An eidolon can create powerful Huge). An opponent hit by the darts takes the focus of the grab evolution. A summoner
suction against any surface as it climbs, allowing a –1 circumstance penalty to attack rolls, must be at least 9th level before selecting
it to cling to inverted surfaces with ease. An saving throws, and checks until the thorns this evolution.
eidolon can establish or release suction as a are removed (full-round action to remove the
Self-Destruct (Su): An eidolon can
swift action, and as long as it is using suction, it thorns). An eidolon can use this attack only
explode, killing itself, and it automatically
moves at half speed. Because of the suction, the six times in a 24-hour period, since it needs
explodes when other creatures kill it.
eidolon’s CMD score gets a +10 circumstance time to regrow its darts. A summoner of 9th
Select acid, cold, electricity, or fire. When
bonus to resist bull rush, awesome blows, level can spend an additional point to allow
the eidolon explodes, it deals 1d6 points
and other attacks and effects that attempt to the eidolon to make two attack rolls against
of damage of the selected type per HD it
physically move it from its location. Only a single target as a standard action with this
possesses in a 20-foot radius. Those caught
eidolons with the aquatic, snake, or ooze base evolution. A summoner of 18th level can
in the explosion can attempt a Reflex saving
forms can select this evolution. spend yet another additional point to make
throw (DC 10 + one-half the eidolon’s HD +
a total of three attacks at a single target as a
the eidolon’s Constitution modifier) for half
New 3-Point Evolutions standard action.
Adhesive Lash (Ex): As a standard action, an Dolorous Wounds (Su): An eidolon’s
Suffocating Slime (Su): An eidolon can
eidolon can fire out a long, sticky pseudopod natural attacks leave horrific, jagged wounds
create a thick, sticky slime that makes it
similar to a frog’s tongue. The adhesive lash has that continue to bleed. Pick one bite, claw,
difficult for foes to breathe, similar to the
reach triple the eidolon’s normal reach based on pincer, or sting attack. Whenever the selected
defense of a hagfish. Whenever the eidolon
size. The eidolon makes a CMB check to grapple attack hits, the target bleeds for 1 hit point. If
successfully makes a grapple check, it can
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one target within reach of it. A grappled target is the target is struck multiple times, the bleed
coat the target of the grapple in the slime as a
immediately drawn adjacent to the eidolon. The increases by 1 hit point each time it is hit. The
swift action. If a creature makes a successful
eidolon does not have the grappled condition summoner must be at least 9th level before
grapple check against the eidolon, the
while using its adhesive lash. This attack does selecting this evolution.
eidolon can coat it in slime as an immediate
not provoke an attack of opportunity. An eidolon Offensive Digestion (Ex): An eidolon can action. A target coated in slime must make
with the offensive digestion* or swallow whole disgorge its stomach, using it as an offensive a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + one-half the
evolution can make one attack with those powers weapon, as do some forms of sea cucumber. eidolon’s HD + the eidolon’s Constitution
as a swift action immediately after a successful This is a secondary attack. It deals 1d6 points modifier) or be fatigued as if left gasping for
grapple check. of slam damage (1d8 Large, 2d6 Huge) and breath. Creatures that need not breathe are
*Indicates an evolution found in this product. the same amount of acid damage. A struck immune to this ability (though those that
target must also make a Reflex saving throw breathe water are not). An affected creature
Darts (Ex): An eidolon has a group of needle- (DC 10 + one-half the eidolon’s HD + the can take a full-round action to make another
sharp quills or spines, usually located around eidolon’s Constitution modifier) or take this Reflex saving throw to remove the slime.
the head or on a tail. It can fire a cluster of these acid damage once a round for an additional Otherwise the slime dries and cracks off
as darts at a single target as a standard action. 1d4 rounds. A target taking ongoing acid after 24 hours. A creature that is already
The eidolon makes one ranged attack with a damage can take a standard action to rinse fatigued or exhausted is not affected by
range increment of 20 feet, dealing 1d8 points itself off if it has access to a gallon or more of suffocating slime. The eidolon can use this
of damage on a successful roll (2d6 Large, 2d8 fluid. Offensive digestion can be chosen as ability once per minute.
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it causes only 1d6 points of fire damage arms and legs as if trying to swim.
per round. The lava puddle solidifies and You’re attacked by a swarm of spiders!
is safe to touch after a number of rounds 2 Spend a full round action to attack the
equal to the eidolon’s Hit Dice. At the floor near you with your weapon.
GM’s discretion, this puddle of lava could An item you hold has turned into a
start secondary fires. The eidolon can use 3 viper! Drop it and flee from the item
this ability one additional time per day by at top speed for 1 round.
spending 1 evolution point (maximum 3/
You’re suffocating! Stand in place,
day). The summoner must be at least 5th
4 hold your breath, and clutch at your
level before selecting this evolution.
throat for 1 round.
Spores (Ex): As a standard action once You’ve shrunk to 1/10th your normal
per minute, an eidolon can release a cloud 5 size! Take no actions for 1 round, and
of invisible spores in a 20-foot radius. Each monsters won’t see you.
creature within the area must succeed on a
You’re melting! Grasp hold of yourself
Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + one-half the
6 in an attempt to hold yourself together,
eidolon’s HD + the eidolon’s Constitution
and take no actions for 1 round.
modifier) or be affected by powerful
1626980 #1630907, david akins <[email protected]>, Jul 13, 2011 1626980
DESIGNATION OF PRODUCT IDENTITY: The Super Genius Games (SGG) and OtherWorld Creations
We Err on the Side of Awesome! (OWC) company names and logos; the “Advanced Options: Extra Evolutions” name and logo; all
artwork, backgrounds, and logos; all trade dress, and graphic design elements.
DECLARATION OF OPEN CONTENT: All game mechanics, proper names of classes, prestige classes,
archetypes, feats, skills, spells, magic items, monsters, rituals, artifacts AND OR the names of abilities
presented within this book are Open Game Content as described in Section 1(d) of the License.