Advertisements - Lesson Notes
Advertisements - Lesson Notes
Advertisements - Lesson Notes
1. Adverts Vocabulary
2. Parts of an advert
3. What makes a good advert
4. Creating a slogan
5. Idioms
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IELTS Speaking Vocabulary: Advertisements
Here are some useful nouns, adjectives and collocations to talk about
● Ad (n.)
● Advert (n.)
● Advertisement (n.)
● Advertisement (n.)
● Advertise (v.) __________ (selling)
● Advertise (v.) for _______ (looking for person)
● Advertising campaign
To target somebody Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy
They want to target middle-aged men
Who is your target audience? (= the people you want to reach and sell
The headline. This appears at the top of a written advert and it is the
part that needs to catch the reader’s attention.
• Visuals
• Creatives
• Pictures
• Images
• Animation (sing.) Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy
Finally, many adverts make use of a short piece of music or sound, and
this is called a jingle. Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy
1. Appealing and interesting visuals, misleading, shocking, attractive
for children, makes good use of product endorsement (using
celebrities or other famous brands), memorable, fun.
The third advert is quite old and, back in the day, companies could
have got away with saying cigarettes with a filter are ‘healthy’.
Nowadays, this kind of advert would be regulated and not allowed in
many countries. So, we could say it is humorous, funny or even
hilarious, because it is so unbelievable. Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy
IELTS Discussion: Good Adverts Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy
IELTS Questions: Adverts you Like and Dislike
I can’t be doing with adverts that mislead and give false information
Creating a slogan
If you want to help create a slogan for the Keith Speaking Academy,
then you can add your idea to the board in the link below
0Academy%20Slogan Copyright@KeithSpeakingAcademy
Idioms to Talk about Adverts
I have played this song hundreds of times on the piano, now I have it
down to a tee.
The big companies like Coca Cola always splash out on advertising
Apple’s latest advert for the iPhone 13 stood out from the crowd
These adverts always harp on about how good the product is but then
they never keep their promises