Create and Sell Online Courses - The Step-By-Step Ultimate Guide
Create and Sell Online Courses - The Step-By-Step Ultimate Guide
Create and Sell Online Courses - The Step-By-Step Ultimate Guide
P05 Why create online courses P29 Price your online course
P10 Choose a topic for your online course P35 Create a course sales page
P13 Pre-sell and validate your course P38 Market your online course
P17 Create your course content P49 Help your students succeed
In the year 1440, Johannes Gutenberg, a German education. They learned from books and in turn
blacksmith, invented the printing press, and the codified their knowledge into new books to be
world changed forever. passed on to the next generation. As you can
imagine, it paid to be an author back in those days!
Prior to his invention, education was expensive
and accessible mostly to the nobles and upper Today, the Internet is our printing press and we
crust of society. The press heralded an age of produce new content at an exponential rate. Like
mass communication and ended their monopoly in the Renaissance, many people are learning new
over knowledge. skills online, outside of their formal education.
From coding to painting to entrepreneurship, it
Within a few years, printing houses had opened pays to be teaching your skills online.
up all across Europe, spreading education to the
masses as the price of books plummeted. Indeed, Given that you’re reading this guide right now,
the Renaissance happened in large part due to you’ve probably already realized this. While books
this. have traditionally been a great way to pass on
information, online courses are more engaging
Many of the famous Renaissance artists, Leonardo and interactive, making it a far more effective
da Vinci included, did not have access to formal method of education.
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global E-Learning Market is accounted for $165.21 billion in 2015 and is expected to reach As for how to read this guide, I suggest a quick
$275.10 billion by 2022 growing at a CAGR of 7.5% during the forecast period.
skim right now and then come back and go
through one section at a time. When you finish a
section, put it into action and return to the next
section when you’re ready.
Let’s begin.
Why create
online courses
At the height of the 2008 recession, Lewis Howes found himself
broke and living on his sister’s couch. His fledgling football career
had come to an end because of a fracture the year before. It was not
a great time for him to be jobless and without any professional job
they create, packaging it into an online course is John Lee Dumas had built one of the most focus on making a bigger impact via his online
easy. This allows them to generate a much higher popular business podcasts and was earning courses.
income than what they get from ads. six-figures through sponsorships. Recently he
created a course on podcasting because of all the Coaches and consultants who have reached
Sunny Lenarduzzi is an expert in YouTube questions he kept getting. capacity and can’t trade more time for money
marketing. As a consultant, she helped are scaling up by creating courses as digital
companies grow their YouTube channel. Today, Authors are augmenting their diminishing book complements to their coaching.
she teaches others to do the same in her YouTube revenues by creating follow-on courses. These
for Bosses course. courses are a natural extension of the concepts Mari Smith is the leading expert on Facebook
they cover in their books. marketing, consulting for countless companies.
Bloggers publish posts that are free to read on To scale up she shares her knowledge of
their sites. They previously monetized their blog Dorie Clark is a best-selling author and personal marketing via her online courses.
with banner ads and affiliate links. Now they’re branding expert. After the success of her books,
realizing that creating an in-depth course is a she took it to the next level with her Recognized You’ll meet these people and more, including
more natural and lucrative way to monetize. Expert course. fitness experts, athletes, dancers, artists,
engineers, and others who share their skills and
Danny Iny started the popular Firepole Marketing Speakers who have hit a ceiling with the number knowledge online, as you progress through this
blog to share his knowledge of marketing. After of speaking gigs they can take on are creating guide.
rebranding to Mirasee, he started creating and courses to scale past that barrier. Many of them
selling online course to monetize his audience. actually speak for free because they can make it So if you have a skill, or a passion, or an audience,
back and more with the resulting course sales. or some content that people want, then selling
Podcasters are eschewing the sponsorship it as an online course is a great way to generate
model in favour of selling their own courses. This Michael Port has been giving keynotes across revenue.
allows them to monetize their audience without the world for the last 15 years. Now he’s taken
interrupting their shows with advertorials. traditional keynoting off his plate so that he can
In 2015, Dorie Clark had just published her second people who had a great topic and started creating
book, Stand Out. The book was a huge success the course but stopped. They were not sure if
and became one of the top leaderships books of their course would generate income. The fear of
the year. failure held them back.
But Dorie had always wanted to create an online And that’s a valid fear because there are also
course. She knew it would help her increase dozens of people who have created courses only
her impact, reach more people, and earn more to find that no one wanted to pay for them. Instead
revenue without constantly jumping on planes. of letting the fear hold her back, Dorie decided to
validate her idea and pre-sell it.
The logical step was to create a course that went
deeper into the concepts she touched upon in This does three things -
her book. However, Dorie had experienced failure
with a previous book topic because she had made 1. It shows you if there’s actually any demand for
assumptions about what people wanted. She your course.
didn’t want to make the same mistake with her 2. If you pre-sell it, you have proof that it can
online course. generate revenue.
3. It builds a list of people likely to purchase
For every entrepreneur out there with a when you launch.
successful course, there are probably dozens of
Pre-selling Your Course Fifteen people responded, and five said yes. People are now very comfortable with this model
That’s a hit rate of 33%, more than enough to of pre-purchasing after the major success of
You may also want to consider pre-selling validate it. crowdfunding companies like Kickstarter and
your course. Not only does it prove that there Indiegogo. To incentivize your first few buyers,
is demand, it also helps you build up a list of Like Dorie, you need to come up with a one-page you can offer your course at a early bird price
potential customers who would then buy at description first. Use Thinkific to quickly create and quickly change it later on Thinkific, with our
launch. the sales page and collect payments. Just make it flexible one click pricing feature.
clear that the course has not yet been created.
Though Dorie had enough data, she wanted to Thinkific customer and digital marketing agency
make sure people would actually pay for her Then, send your audience to this page. You don’t owner Matt Kohn generated $30,000 in sales
course. She reached out to fifty people who had need to promote it to everyone. Pick a small before he created his course (watch our interview
filled out her survey and asked them if they’d be subset of your audience that’s highly engaged and with him to learn how he did it here). With the
willing to look at a one-page description of the release it to them. If you hit a certain goal, say 10 demand for online course idea validated, he
course and provide feedback. She also asked if sales, consider it validated and go to the next step proceeded to create the training for his first
they’d be interested in signing up for the course to create the course. If not, refund the money and round of customers.
if it cost $500 and their reasons why or why not. go back to Step One.
After her pre-sale experiment, Dorie sent out The purpose of creating a pilot course is to prove
another email to her broader audience. She was that people are willing to pay for a course about
opening up forty spots in a special pilot course on your chosen topic, and to obtain feedback and
becoming a recognized expert that would consist testimonials from your students. As you collect
of six live webinars over a five-week period. questions and feedback from your students, you
can improve your course by refining your content
In exchange for sharing frequent feedback about or adding additional training and resources to it.
the course (and providing testimonials if they
enjoyed it), participants would get more personal Remember, your pilot course is your minimum
access to her and at a much lower price: $500, viable online course, so it’s fair to offer your first
instead of the $2,000 that the course would cost group of students a reduced price to enroll in it,
when it officially launched. just like Dorie did. As you improve your course
and/or add more content to it based on feedback,
Launching a pilot course like this is a way to put in you can increase the price.
minimum effort into creating your online course,
before you invest more time expanding it once If you’re thinking of skipping this step you should
it has been validated. Notice that Dorie’s pilot know that less than an hour after she sent that
course was a series of live webinars. She hadn’t email, Dorie had earned $22,500.
actually created the course yet.
Create your
course content
Once you’ve validated your topic and you know that there’s demand,
it’s time to create the actual course!
The core of your course will be those videos where you’ll explain
the topic you’re teaching in a step-by-step manner. You can either
record yourself in front of a camera, or you can record a screencast,
where you’re sharing what’s on your computer screen, and talking
over your actions.
Pick the type of video based on what you’re teaching. If you teach
yoga, you’ll need to record yourself in front of a camera. If you teach
people how to use Excel, you’ll need to share your screen.
The three tools listed above are more than enough to get started.
If you’re looking for additional production value, check these out.
Canon EOS Rebel T5 DSLR Camera – If you need AmazonBasics Lightweight Tripod – This tripod LimeStudio Photo Video Studio – The better your
a camera that you can take outdoors, look no goes well with the Canon if you need to perch the lighting, the crisper your videos look. This studio
further than this DSLR by Canon. camera somewhere. in a box is a very affordable kit that has everything
you need.
Host your
online course
Chris Newman is a professional drone pilot
who specializes in remote controlled aerial
videography and photography. In April 2014, Chris
published a short video on his YouTube channel
to announce that he was going to create a course
about drone flying.
Option 3: Learning management The learning experience for your students will also
aystems be a lot better. Your course content is delivered
to them in an intuitive interface, and they can
Online course platforms, or Learning even access it on their phones. You can also add
Management Systems (LMS), are the best of both interactive elements like quizzes and surveys.
worlds. They give you full control over everything
and they’re very easy to set up. Having tried other options, Chris decided that
Thinkific met all his criteria. He opted for our
Thinkific is one example. To sell your online Business Plan, where in exchange for a fixed
courses on Thinkific, all you have to do is sign up monthly fee, he keeps all the revenue from his
for an account and upload your course content. course sales.
Thinkific has all the features you need to then sell
and deliver that course. And thanks to our Bulk Upload feature, Chris was
able to upload all of his course content in just a
Payment systems are already built in so all you few minutes.
have to do is set your price. With a few clicks you
can change the branding and design of your entire
site. You can create powerful sales pages for your
courses with our drag-and-drop builder.
Price Your
Online Course
Before we launch our course to the public and start generating
revenue, there’s a little question we need to answer first. How much
are we going to charge?
Create a course
sales page
The final piece before you hit publish is to create Excel, then your target audience could be finance
the sales page of your online course (also known students.
as your course description, landing page, or
sales letter). This is the page that describes What does it help them do? This is where you
your course, but more importantly, persuades need to articulate what results your online
someone to enrol in it. It’s the page that people course helps your target audience achieve. The
visit before they decide to sign up – or not sign up more specific you are, the better. With the Excel
– for your course. course, you could be making them 3 times more
Step 7 on launching and marketing your course
will be all about driving traffic to this page, so it’s Why is that beneficial to them? Try to translate
important to have this in place first. the results they get into real world benefits. If
your Excel course makes them more productive,
Before we go into what makes a good sales page, then the benefit could be that they earn a better
you need to know the answers to these three salary, or get a high-profile finance job.
questions –
Once you’ve answered these questions, tie them
Who is this course for? No one buys a course, together in a single sentence using the framework
they buy solutions to their problems. That means below. This is your Unique Value Proposition, and
your online course solves a specific problem it forms the core of your sales page.
for a specific group of people. If you’re teaching
Nine years ago, Elizabeth Rider started a blog out of her passion for
health and wellness. Her blog began as a way to share her insights,
nutrition tips, and healthy recipes for anyone interested.
As her readership grew, she realized the blog was something she
could potentially monetize. She started by offering 1-1 coaching to
her readers and subscribers. When she realized that she couldn’t
scale it, she switched to selling online courses. Having already built
an audience, her course was an instant success.
Reply quickly for the best chance of getting Google Ads Banner Ads
selected for a quote in an article, and ask for a link Google Ads lets you create ads that show up Reach out to websites and blogs that serve your
back to your site. This link helps your SEO. when someone searches for the keywords you’re target audience and offer to pay them to add
targeting in their search engine.You can specify a banner ad for your course on their website.
Paid Traffic exactly which words should trigger your ad. Before you commit to paying a website owner
Realistically, organic traffic does take time for a long period of time, ask for the opportunity
to build up. You’ll need to continuously create If you install the tracking code correctly, you’ll be to test your ad for one month to see how their
content in any or all of the formats mentioned able to see which keywords and ads lead to sales website visitors respond to your ad.
above to build up that ranking. and cut out the ones that don’t.
You can find a designer on Fiverr to create banner
So, if you’re not patient and have some money Facebook Ads ads for you. Create a unique link or coupon code
to spare, advertising is a good option. Just Unlike Google, the targeting on Facebook Ads is for each website you place banners on so you can
Podcast Interviews
Find podcasts in directories like iTunes related
to your topic with audiences that would likely
be interested in your course. Make sure you
read the description of each podcast (and even
better, listen to a few of their episodes) before
you contact the host. Send each podcast host
a personalized email, introducing yourself and
explaining why you think you would be a good fit
for your show.
Help your
students succeed
Dr. Carrie Rose is an educator, entrepreneur, and professional
speaker. As a child, Carrie had dyslexia and struggled with learning.
This drove her to pursue a Doctorate in educational leadership
and learning strategies so that she could help others with similar
As an online course creator, your role doesn’t end when you make
a sale. It is your responsibility to ensure that your students actually
learn what you teach and succeed.
In short, when your students are successful, so are you. Let’s start
by defining what success is before we talk about how to improve it.
Reiterate the goal they provide you with at the JOANNA SMITH, LANGUAGE FUEL ACADEMY
start of the course and ask how far towards this
goal they think they currently are (1-100%)
Ensuring Success visual learners, and they like to see images and time on our hands. We also prefer to learn in bite-
videos to grasp the concept. Others prefer audio sized pieces versus sitting down for a long period
Now that you have a way to determine if your or even text. of time.
course is making an impact on students, it’s time
to work on improving that number. In a perfect Appeal to all styles by creating content that can What Carrie suggests is that you should break
world, if your students focus, complete the be consumed in multiple ways. Instead of just your content up into smaller pieces and allow
course, and do the assignments you give them, using a video, strip out the audio and create your students to pick and choose what they want.
they should be successful. a separate audio lesson. Thinkific is mobile- Remember, we don’t measure success by how
friendly, so students can listen to your course on many hours of the course they’ve watched. It’s
In the real world, that doesn’t happen. People the go. about whether they feel they’ve made progress
have other priorities and responsibilities, they get towards their objective.
distracted easily, and unexpected things happen Have a downloadable transcript of your lesson, or
that derail even the best plans. a PDF summary for people who prefer reading. In With Thinkific, you can actually create learning
Thinkific, you can upload files like these directly paths like Carrie mentions. Typeform allows
Your role is to keep them engaged while they’re into a chapter for easy access. you to create a questionnaire with logic-based
logged into your course, and get them coming results. So depending on what students mention
back when life takes them away. Make your content consumable when you ask them what they want to learn next,
When we were in school, we had to sit in classes you can automatically suggest the appropriate
Appeal to all learning styles that lasted an hour or half an hour at the very lesson for them to navigate to.
Not everyone learns the same way. Some are least. As adults, we often don’t have that much
Right now there are people out there who can benefit from learning
the topic you teach. There may already be other online courses
on the same topic out there, but they do not have your unique