Last 5 Year Apar Rating Sno Year Rating/Remarks
Last 5 Year Apar Rating Sno Year Rating/Remarks
Last 5 Year Apar Rating Sno Year Rating/Remarks
IRSE 2013
Deputy Chief Engineer Construction-II
Prayagraj North Central Railways
E mail: [email protected]
Contact: (+91) 9457825841
LAST 5 Year APAR Rating
SNo Year Rating/Remarks
1. 2016-17 10
2 2017-18 No remarks reported.APAR disposed by
Confidential at level of Reporting officer
3 2018-19 9.71
4 2019-2 0 8.20
5 2020-2 1 9.13
b) Constru ction of PWI stores in Kanpur, Panki and Govindpuri and New gang
tool rooms in place of conventional tool boxes for better systematic keeping of
Gang tools.
c) Improvement in Safety and punctuality of trains by making Panki Yard CRO
proof by constru ction of RCC/Chain link fencing along the complete yard.
3. Preparation and Finalization of EPC and PMC Document for Tender of Railway
Doubling Project in Khairar- Bhimsen Section from stage of Final Location survey
to Finalization of Tender. It has been the first integrated EPC Contract of Indian
Railways which has been awarded successfu lly and Work is under full swing
4. Associated with EPC Contracts for Prayagraj and Kanpur Station Develop m e nt