Kaur Et Al-2010-Journal of Pineal Research
Kaur Et Al-2010-Journal of Pineal Research
Kaur Et Al-2010-Journal of Pineal Research
Abstract: This study investigated the potential of melatonin in ameliorating C. Kaur, V. Sivakumar and
hypoxic damage to the periventricular white matter (PWM) in the neonatal E. A. Ling
brain. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), nitric oxide (NO), Department of Anatomy, Yong Loo Lin School
glutathione (GSH) and malondialdehyde (MDA) content in the PWM of 1- of Medicine, National University of Singapore,
day-old rats subjected to hypoxia for a period of 2 hr was examined. Vascular Singapore
Kaur et al.
oxygen and 95% nitrogen for 2 hr. They were then allowed stable reaction product of NO. Homogenates from the
to recover under normoxic conditions for 3, 24 hr, 3 or PWM were prepared and nitrite colorimetric assays per-
7 days before killing. A second group of 31 rats was given formed according to the manufacturerÕs protocol.
melatonin before and after subjecting the rats to hypoxia.
A third group of 31 rats was kept outside the chamber
Lipid peroxidation
and the rats were used as age matched controls. All
experiments were approved by the Institutional Animal The content of LPO in the PWM tissue supernatant from
Care and Use Committee, National University of Singa- control and hypoxic and hypoxic + melatonin groups was
pore. All efforts were made to reduce the number of rats determined with Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances
used and their suffering. assay kit (Cayman Chemical Company, Ann Arbor, MI,
In vitro experiments were performed to examine cell USA) according to the manufacturerÕs instructions. The
death in response to hypoxia in OLN-93 cells which show optical density was measured at 540 nm with precision
characteristics of immature oligodendrocytes. microplate reader (Molecular Devices Corporation,
Sunnyvale, CA, USA). The amount of LPO in the tissue
supernatant was calculated using Malondialdehyde (MDA)
Melatonin administration
standard curve.
To assess the effect of melatonin on ultrastructural changes,
LPO, GSH content, VEGF and NO production as well as
Glutathione assay
vascular permeability in the PWM, 31 rats were given
intraperitoneal injections of melatonin (Sigma-Aldrich, The content of GSH in the PWM tissue supernatant from
St Louis, MO, USA) dissolved in normal saline (10 mg/kg control and hypoxic and hypoxic + melatonin groups was
body weight) as described previously [21]. Each rat received determined with QuantiChrom Glutathione assay kit
three injections, the first immediately before exposure to (DIGT-250; BioAssay Systems, Hayward, CA, USA)
hypoxia, the second immediately after exposure to hypoxia according to the manufacturerÕs instructions. The optical
and the third injection at 1 hr after exposure to hypoxia. density was measured at 540 nm with precision microplate
Ultrastructure, LPO, GSH content, VEGF concentration, reader (Molecular Devices Corporation). The amount of
NO production and vascular permeability was determined GSH in the tissue supernatant was calculated using GSH
at 3, 24 hr, 3, and 7 days after hypoxic exposure. standard curve.
Measurement of VEGF, NO, lipid peroxidation and Apoptosis analysis with caspase-3 labeling
OLN-93 cells, an oligodendrocytic cell line that was derived
The PWM above the lateral ventricles was removed from at a late stage of differentiation from spontaneously
the rats at 3, 24 hr, 3, and 7 days (n = 5 at each time point) transformed cells in a primary rat brain glial culture [22],
after hypoxic exposure, their corresponding controls were used for caspase-3 labeling. These cells show charac-
(n = 5 at each time point) and hypoxic rats treated with teristics of immature oligodendrocytes, and their antigenic
melatonin (n = 5 at 3, 24 hr, 3, and 7 days and each after and morphological properties resemble a highly pure
hypoxic exposure). They were homogenized with tissue culture of primary oligodendrocytes.
protein extraction reagent (Pierce Biotechnology, Inc., IL, OLN-93 cells were cultured at a density of 2 · 105 cells/
Rockford, USA) containing protease inhibitors, centri- well onto 24-well culture plates in DulbeccoÕs Modified
fuged at 14,000 g for 15 min and the supernatant was EagleÕs Medium, supplemented with 10% fetal bovine
collected to measure LPO and GSH content by Enzyme- serum mixture at 37C in a humidified incubator under 5%
Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA), VEGF by CO2 and were divided into three groups. Cells in Group I
Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) and NO by colorimetric assay were exposed to hypoxia in a chamber (Model: MCO-18M;
as described below. SANYO Electrical Co. Ltd, Tokyo, Japan) filled with a gas
mixture of 3% O2, 5% CO2 and 92% N2 at 37C for 4 hr.
Group II cells were incubated with melatonin at a concen-
VEGF concentration by EIA
tration of 1 lg/mL in the medium for 3 hr after hypoxic
The amount of VEGF (ng/mL) released in the PWM from exposure and Group III cells incubated in a chamber 95%
control, hypoxic and hypoxic + melatonin rats were air/5% CO2 were used as controls.
determined with a Chemikine VEGF EIA kit (Chemicon The OLN-93 cells were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde in
International Inc., Temecula, CA, USA). Homogenates 0.1 m phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) for 20 min and blocked in
were prepared and EIA measurements were performed 3% normal goat serum in phosphate buffered saline (PBS)
according to the manufacturerÕs protocol. for 1 hr. They were then incubated at room temperature
with a cocktail mix of two primary antibodies, caspase-3
(1:200; Cell Signalling Technology, Inc., Danvers, MA,
Nitric oxide: colorimetric assay
USA) and O4 (1:100; Chemicon International, Inc), a
The total amount of NO in the PWM of control, hypoxic marker for immature oligodendrocytes. Subsequent anti-
and hypoxia + melatonin rats was assessed by the Griess body detection was carried out with a cocktail mix of two
reaction using a colorimetric assay kit (US Biological, secondary antibodies: Cy3-conjugated goat anti-rabbit
Swampscott, MA, USA) that detects nitrite (NO2)), a IgG and FITC-conjugated sheep anti-mouse IgG (1:100;
Melatonin protects PWM against hypoxia
Sigma-Aldrich). After several washes with PBS, the sections brain was removed and coronal slices (approximately 1 mm
were mounted with fluorescent mounting medium (Dako- thickness) were cut. Blocks of PWM including the lateral
Cytomation, Glostrup, Denmark). The number of caspase- ventricle and choroid plexus were further cut from these
3 and O4 positive cells was counted in six randomly selected slices. Vibratome sections of 80–100 lm thickness were
microscopic fields from three wells in each group at ·60 prepared from these blocks and rinsed overnight in 0.1 m
magnification. The cells with O4 labeling overlapping with phosphate buffer. They were then postfixed for 2 hr in 1%
caspase-3 were counted as O4/caspase-3 positive cells, while osmium tetroxide, dehydrated and embedded in Araldite
those cells emitting only FITC fluorescence were counted as mixture. Ultrathin sections were cut and viewed in a Philips
O4/caspase-3 negative cells. The percentages of cells with CM 120 electron microscope (FEI, Eindhoven, The
positive expression for caspase-3 were calculated and Netherlands).
Statistical analysis
Vascular permeability
For ELISA, EIA and NO colorimetric assays, data are
Three control rats, three hypoxic rats at 24 hr, and three reported as mean ± S.D. and analyzed by One-way
hypoxic rats treated with melatonin were each given an ANOVA followed by post hoc analysis using DunnetÕs test
intraperitoneal injection of rhodamine isothiocyanate (SPSS version 15.0 software, Chicago, IL, USA) to deter-
(RhIC) (5 lL of 1% RhIC/g body weight; Sigma, MO, mine the statistical significance of differences in values
USA) dissolved in normal saline. The rats were killed by between the control and hypoxic and hypoxic and
perfusion with 2% paraformaldehyde at 6 hr after RhIC hypoxia + melatonin groups. A value of P < 0.01 (*)
injection according to our earlier study [23]. The brains was considered significant.
were removed, frozen coronal sections of 40 lm thickness
at the level of optic chiasma were cut and rinsed in PBS.
They were then incubated with FITC-conjugated lectin
(Lycopersicon esculentum, 1:100; Sigma-Aldrich), a marker We have shown in our earlier study [4] that VEGF and NO
for blood vessels and microglia. The sections were then production are increased in the PWM in a hypoxic insult to
washed in PBS and mounted with a fluorescent mounting the developing brain. The present study confirmed that
medium (DakoCytomation). Colocalization of RhIC and VEGF concentration increased significantly in the PWM at
lectin in amoeboid microglial cells (AMC) in the PWM was 3, 24 hr, 3 and 7 days in hypoxic rats when compared with
then examined by confocal microscopy (FV1000; Olympus the controls (Fig. 1A). It was suppressed significantly in
Company Pte Ltd, Tokyo, Japan). rats given melatonin treatment (Fig. 1A).
Nitric oxide levels in the PWM were significantly
increased following hypoxic exposure at 3, 24 hr, 3 and
Ultrastructural studies
7 days when compared with corresponding controls
The hypoxic rats (n = 4 at 3 and 24 hr) and their (Fig. 1B). With melatonin treatment, NO levels were
corresponding controls (n = 4 at each time point) along reduced significantly when compared with the hypoxic rats
with melatonin treated hypoxic rats (n = 4 at each time without melatonin treatment (Fig. 1B).
point) were perfused with a mixed aldehyde fixative The amount of LPO as manifested by MDA concentra-
composed of 2% paraformaldehyde and 3% glutaralde- tion in the PWM was increased significantly at 3 and 24 hr
hyde in 0.1 m phosphate buffer, pH 7.2. After perfusion, the or 3 days followed by a decrease at 7 days after the hypoxic
(A) Control
3.5 5 Control
*# *#
No concentration (µ M)
4.5 Hypoxia
3 Hypoxia + Melatonin *#
released (ng/mL)
Amount of VEGF
4 Hypoxia + Melatonin
2.5 *# 3.5
*# *#
2 *# 3
* #
1.5 2
1 1.5
0 0
3 hr 24 hr 3d 7d 3 hr 24 hr 3d 7d
Fig. 1. Significant increase in vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) concentration and nitric oxide (NO) production between control and
hypoxic rats (*P < 0.01) or reductions in these parameters (#P < 0.01) after melatonin administration are evident in A (VEGF) and B (NO).
(A) (B)
MDA concentration (µ M)
Hypoxia * 2 Hypoxia + Melatonin *
Fig. 2. Significant differences in malondi- * * # #
aldehyde (MDA) concentration between 1.5 * * 1.5
*# *
control and hypoxic rats are indicated by 1 1
*P < 0.01 in A. B shows significant
reductions (#P < 0.01) in levels of MDA 0.5 0.5
at 3, 24 hr and 3 days after melatonin 0 0
3 hr 24 hr 3d 7d
administration in hypoxic rats. 3 hr 24 hr 3d 7d
Kaur et al.
GSH concentration (µ M)
GSH concentration (µ M)
Hypoxia #
* 1.5 # * Fig. 3. Significant differences in glutathi-
1.5 * * *
* one (GSH) concentration between control
1 1
and hypoxic rats are indicated by
*P < 0.01 in A. B shows a significant
0.5 0.5
increase (#P < 0.01) in levels of GSH at
0 0 3, 24 hr and 3 days after melatonin
3 hr 24 hr 3d 7d 3 hr 24 hr 3d 7d administration in hypoxic rats.
exposure as compared to the controls (Fig. 2A). At 3, 24 hr increased significantly at 3, 24 hr and 3 days when com-
and 3 days in hypoxic rats given melatonin treatment, the pared to those without melatonin treatment (Fig. 3B).
MDA concentration was reduced but remained unchanged There was no change in the GSH content with melatonin
at 7 days when compared to hypoxic rats not treated with treatment at 7 days in hypoxic rats.
melatonin (Fig. 2B). O4-immunoreactive OLN-93 cells in the control group
The GSH content in the PWM was significantly were not labeled by caspase-3 (Fig. 4A–C). Following
decreased at 3, 24 hr and 3 days in rats subjected to hypoxic exposure, however, many of the O4-immunoreac-
hypoxia as compared to the controls (Fig. 3A) but it tive cells showed caspase-3 labeling (Fig. 4D–F). O4
remained similar to the control levels at 7 days. With immunoreactive cells subjected to hypoxia and treated with
melatonin treatment of hypoxic rats, the GSH content melatonin, showed markedly reduced caspase-3 labeling
Melatonin protects PWM against hypoxia
(Fig. 4G–I). The percentage of O4/caspase-3 positive cells identified as the oligodendrocytes by us earlier [24]. The
following hypoxic exposure was significantly higher than necrotic and apoptotic cells were phagocytosed by the
the corresponding controls. It was however, reduced in AMC (Fig. 6B). Swollen and degenerating axons were also
hypoxia + melatonin cells (Fig. 4J). observed in the PWM after the hypoxic insult (Fig. 6C). In
Lectin labeled blood vessels and macrophagic cells called addition, intraventricular hemorrhage, changes in the
the AMC were observed in the PWM in the control, ependymal lining of the lateral ventricles such as vacuola-
hypoxic and hypoxia + melatonin rats (Fig. 5A, D, G). tion of the ependymal cells and widening of intercellular
Leakage of RhIC was evidenced in the PWM of control rats spaces were observed (Fig. 6E). The choroid plexus epithe-
as some of the AMC emitted weak fluorescence for RhIC lial cells showed vacuolation and large accumulation of
(Fig. 5A–C). Our earlier studies have shown that some of glycogen in their cytoplasm (Fig. 6G). Occurrence of edema
the AMC were fluorescent within a few hours after the in the PWM was evidenced by widened perivascular spaces
administration of the dye intraperitoneally in neonatal rats. and swollen astrocytes (Fig. 7A).
In hypoxic rats, increased leakage of RhIC was evidenced The endothelial cells of the blood vessels often showed
by bright immunofluorescence emitted by the blood vessels; the presence of multivesicular aggregations and vacuoles in
the leaked RhIC was internalized by the lectin labeled the cytoplasm in hypoxic rats (Fig 7B,C). With melatonin
AMC (Fig. 5D–F). Melatonin administration reduced treatment, the swelling of axons subsided (Fig 6D). The
RhIC leakage as fewer blood vessels were labeled by RhIC occurrence of apoptotic and necrotic cells was reduced. The
in melatonin administered rats (Fig. 5G–I). Lectin labeled vacuolation of ependymal, choroid plexus epithelial
AMC showed a weak RhIC labeling as compared to the (Fig. 6F,H) and endothelial cells (Fig. 7D) was not
hypoxic rats (Fig. 5G–I). observed. The glycogen content of the choroid plexus
Cells undergoing necrosis or apoptosis were a common epithelial cells was also reduced (Fig. 6H).
feature in the PWM of hypoxic rats (Fig. 6A); these were
Control Hypoxia Hypoxia + Metn Hypoxia–ischemia is an important factor affecting the
(A) (D) (G) normal development and maturation of the CNS. The white
matter peripheral to the lateral ventricles called PWM, is
selectively vulnerable to damage in premature infants
[25–29]. The pathogenesis of PWM damage (PWMD) is
complex and multifactorial. Damage to axons and imma-
ture oligodendrocytes before the onset of myelination has
20.0 µm 20.0 µm 20.0 µm
been described as a characteristic feature of PWMD [4, 30,
(B) (E) (H) 31]. Excessive glutamate release, generation of free radicals
and inflammatory reactions are some of the factors which
have been reported to be involved in this damage.
The antioxidant properties of melatonin and its metab-
olites are due to their ability to scavenge free radicals and
their ability to induce expression of antioxidant enzymes
20.0 µm 20.0 µm 20.0 µm
[32–34]. Melatonin and its by products remove reactive
(C) (F) (I) oxygen and reactive nitrogen species including the hydroxyl
radical, hydrogen peroxide, singlet oxygen, hypochlorous
acid, peroxynitrite anion and/or peroxynitrous acid [35, 36].
The activity and expression of antioxidant enzymes, such as
superoxide dismutase, catalase, GSH peroxidase and GSH
20.0 µm 20.0 µm 20.0 µm
reductase has been shown to be increased by melatonin [37–
41], supporting its indirect antioxidant action. Further
Fig. 5. Confocal images showing the distribution of lectin (A, evidence of the antioxidant effect of melatonin is provided
green) and rhodamine isothiocyanate (RhIC; B, red) labeled blood by its ability to reduce LPO [42], a degradative phenom-
vessels and amoeboid microglia (arrows) in the periventricular enon involved in the pathogenesis of many diseases. Lipid
white matter (PWM) of a 2-day-old control rat at 6 hr after RhIC peroxidation contributes significantly to PWM injury [29].
administration. Amoeboid microglia (arrows) showing weak RhIC
Aldehydes such as MDA and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-
labeling are seen in B. Co-localized labeling of lectin stained
amoeboid microglia with RhIC (arrows) is detected in C. D, E and HNE) are formed during LPO and cause tissue damage by
F show lectin (D, green), RhIC (E, red) and co-localized labeling of augmenting free radical events [43]. Increased levels of
lectin and RhIC (F) in the PWM of a rat at 24 hr after hypoxic MDA and 4-HNE were reported in the white matter
exposure. Note lectin and RhIC co-labeled blood vessels (arrow- following a hypoxic–ischemic injury [44] and were reported
heads) and amoeboid microglia (arrows). G, H and I show lectin to be toxic to axons and oligodendrocytes [45]. Melatonin
(G, green), RhIC (H, red) and co-localized labeling of lectin and has been reported to directly interact with MDA and
RhIC (I) in blood vessels (arrowheads) and amoeboid microglia
protect against cellular damage induced by oxidative stress
(arrows) in hypoxic rats after melatonin administration. Note the
reduced RhIC labeling of blood vessels and amoeboid microglia [46]. The present study showed that MDA content in the
after melatonin administration in hypoxic rats. Scale bars: A– developing white matter was increased significantly up to
I = 20 lm. 3 days followed by a decrease at 7 days following the
Kaur et al.
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
(E) (F)
hypoxic exposure. The decrease in the MDA content at sis by blocking a glutamate–cysteine anti-porter in the
7 days could be due to the antioxidant action of GSH, the plasma membrane [48]. Glutathione depletion in oligoden-
levels of which were comparable to the controls at this drocytes leading to their death by free radical mediated
delayed time interval. Melatonin administration was effec- mechanisms has been described to be caused by glutamate
tive in reducing the hypoxia induced MDA content. [49]. Developing oligodendrocytes were reported to be
Hypoxia significantly reduced the GSH content in the vulnerable to intracellular GSH depletion [8, 9] in hypoxic–
PWM. Glutathione constitutes an important defense ischemic conditions, the mechanism for this vulnerability
against oxidative stress in the brain and is reported to be being intracellular accumulation of reactive oxygen species
used clinically for neuropsychiatric conditions and excito- (ROS) [8, 49, 50]. We have shown earlier that melatonin
toxic cell damage [47]. It protects the cells against oxidative treatment reduced glutamate concentration in the develop-
stress [5–7]. Hypoxia is known to cause accumulation of ing white matter [51]. The present study showed that
extracellular glutamate in the white matter and it has been melatonin increased GSH content in the white matter
reported that extracellular glutamate inhibits GSH synthe- following the hypoxic exposure. This is supported by results
Melatonin protects PWM against hypoxia
Kaur et al.
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