During The Holy Service: Investiture Program
During The Holy Service: Investiture Program
During The Holy Service: Investiture Program
Have the congregation to sit and have the members of the Master Guide Club to enter. (Have different
music when the club enters.)
Director - I declare in this Master Guides investiture ceremony that the members of this club that will be
invested have completed all requirements according to the articles of the Texas Conference. As witness
of this ceremony before the Conference of Texas we have the Dallas East Texas Area Coordinator
The Master Guide Ministry in this Church has worked arduously since it was established. Applicants and
members have participated of numerous activities, they have worked arduously and they have learned of
the instructors and teachers.
Brother, family and friend. Being a Master Guide is an honor and it also brings with it so many challenges.
It is a task and it is a bonus to proclaim "The Advent Message to all the World in My Generation.", and we
do it because "The Love of Christ Constrains Me."
Today, the Master Guides that will graduate have made their future brighter not solely here in the church
but also in the world and mainly they have taken a step closer to heaven. Truly it is for me a privilege to
be a leader in this Youth Ministry since this Master Guides have fulfilled their wish and have achieved a
goal in their lives.
Dear Master Guides, you know that the classes are over but you should not finish here, the path of
learning continues ahead. I challenged you to continue learning and developing new skills and to have an
individual relationship with our maximum Master Guides leader Jesus. He is the only one that can lead
you to achieve the ultimate victory and one day have the goal to be with him in heaven.
Have the Area Coordinator or special Guest speak about a challenge theme.
Hymn Number.
Final Prayer
The flags will leave in the order in which they came in (Congregation will stand – play the music)
The platform leaves, (the congregation is instructed to sit down.)
The members of the club leave.
The congregation is dismissed.