Liberal Theory of Democracy
Liberal Theory of Democracy
Liberal Theory of Democracy
Dr. Gagandeep Dhaliwal
Asst prof, pol sci
AIL, Mohali
• The Liberal Theory of Democracy is based on the Liberal ideology. Liberalism is an important political,
economic and social ideology. Till 17th century Liberalism arose as a reaction to Absolutism which was
prevalent whereby the King, pope and the feudal lord were absolute in their own fields i.e. Political,
Religious and economic. Due this man’s freedom was suppressed a lot.
• English word Liberalism has been borrowed from a Latin word 'Liberalis'. The Latin word "Liberalis"
means "Free Man". The literal meaning of "Liberalism" makes it amply clear that the ideology of
Liberalism is basically an ideology of a free man or freedom of man. The ideology of Liberalism gives
importance to the freedom of man in all the walks of life. The freedom of man is the very substance of the
entire Liberal ideology.
The ideology of Liberalism is neither a brain child of a particular thinker, nor it can be associated
with any particular date or era of the history. The various doctrines of this ideology evolved
gradually and several scholars have made their own contributions in making this ideology to
flourish extensively. Due to this Liberalism got most lucid expression in the writings of Locke,
Rousseau, Herbert Spencer, Thomas Paine, Montesquieu, Adam Smith, Ricardo etc .
The classical liberalists believed in ‘Liberty without restraints’.
• But, after the mid of the 19thcentury, the Negative Liberalism had to face several new kinds of
circumstances and it resulted in affecting a change in the nature of Liberalism.
• The propounders of Positive Liberalism laid stress on handing over more and more social welfare
functions to the state, whereas the supporters of Classical or Negative Liberalism laid stress on
the policy of Laissez Faire and believed state to be a necessary evil.
• The various Contemporary Liberalists have laid stress on the principles of human rights, representativebodies,
universal suffrage, secularism, rule of law, abjuring violence in public life, open competition to enter politics, etc.
• In the words of a famous scholar, Hallo-well, "Liberalism is the embodiment of thedemand for freedom in every
sphere of life, i.e. intellectual, social, religious, political and economic."
• In the view of another scholar, Sartori, "Very simply, Liberalism is theory and practice of individual liberty,
judicial defence and the constitutional state."
• Several scholars have made their own contribution in the evolution of the ideology ofLiberalism at different
periods of time. The names of English scholars like Herbert Spencer,Hobbes, John Locke, James Mill, Bentham,
John Stuart Mill, T.H. Green, Hobhouse, H.J.Laski; French scholars like Rousseau, Montesquieu and American
scholars like ThomasJefferson, Banjamin Franklin, etc. are remarkably outstanding
• Periodical Elections
• Rule of majority
• Adult franchise
• Secret Ballot
• Public Opinion
• Faith in constitutional/peaceful means
• Independent and impartial judiciary
• Pluralistic Society
• Tolerance
• Fundamental Rights
• Freedom of Thought and expression
• State as ‘means not an end’
• Accountability of the Government towards the people
• Free and Honest Press