Application To Random Matrices in Physics

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A Random Matrix Perspective on Random Tensors

José Henrique de Morais Goulart,1 Romain Couillet2 and Pierre Comon2

1: IRIT, Université de Toulouse, Toulouse INP, 31071 Toulouse, France

[email protected]
2: Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, GIPSA-lab, 38000 Grenoble, France
{romain.couillet, pierre.comon}

June 16, 2022

arXiv:2108.00774v2 [stat.ML] 15 Jun 2022

Tensor models play an increasingly prominent role in many fields, notably in machine learning. In
several applications, such as community detection, topic modeling and Gaussian mixture learning, one
must estimate a low-rank signal from a noisy tensor. Hence, understanding the fundamental limits
of estimators of that signal inevitably calls for the study of random tensors. Substantial progress
has been recently achieved on this subject in the large-dimensional limit. Yet, some of the most
significant among these results–in particular, a precise characterization of the abrupt phase transition
(with respect to signal-to-noise ratio) that governs the performance of the maximum likelihood (ML)
estimator of a symmetric rank-one model with Gaussian noise–were derived based of mean-field spin
glass theory, which is not easily accessible to non-experts.
In this work, we develop a sharply distinct and more elementary approach, relying on standard
but powerful tools brought by years of advances in random matrix theory. The key idea is to study
the spectra of random matrices arising from contractions of a given random tensor. We show how this
gives access to spectral properties of the random tensor itself. For the aforementioned rank-one model,
our technique yields a hitherto unknown fixed-point equation whose solution precisely matches the
asymptotic performance of the ML estimator above the phase transition threshold in the third-order
case. A numerical verification provides evidence that the same holds for orders 4 and 5, leading us to
conjecture that, for any order, our fixed-point equation is equivalent to the known characterization
of the ML estimation performance that had been obtained by relying on spin glasses. Moreover, our
approach sheds light on certain properties of the ML problem landscape in large dimensions and can
be extended to other models, such as asymmetric and non-Gaussian.

1 Introduction
Discovering and exploiting underlying low-dimensional structures in data are key to the success of modern
machine learning and signal processing techniques. In many applications, prior knowledge on the process
or generative model that produces the observations leads to a low-rank tensor model, which postulates that
the sought information takes the form of a tensor decomposition having a few algebraically simple terms—
examples can be found in (Anandkumar et al., 2014; Sidiropoulos et al., 2017; Mørup, 2011; Landsberg,
2012). While this approach often yields satisfying results thanks to the the strong uniqueness properties
enjoyed by such models (Sidiropoulos et al., 2017), which ensure their identifiability (and therefore their
interpretability), the performance of tensor methods is quite difficult to anticipate and very few of them—
which are specialized to restrictive models of rather narrow applicability—are actually accompanied
by performance guarantees (Ge et al., 2015; Jain and Oh, 2014; Huang et al., 2015; Anandkumar et al.,
2014). This difficulty stems in large part from the notorious and significant conceptual challenges that
accompany tensor models, as many results and notions pertaining to matrices do not readily generalize
to higher-order tensors.
Recent years have seen some important progress in understanding the properties of low-rank tensor
models of the form Y = X + W, with W standing for additive noise and X having the so-called canonical
polyadic decomposition (CPD) form (Hitchcock, 1927), (Landsberg, 2012)
X= λr a(1) (d)
r ⊗ · · · ⊗ ar ,

where the natural number R defines the rank of the model, ar ∈ RNi and λr is a positive number
for i = 1, . . . , d and r = 1, . . . , R. In particular, the performance of low-rank CPD estimators un-
der various priors for the vectors ar is now better understood thanks to the efforts of several authors
(Montanari and Richard, 2014; Perry et al., 2020; Lesieur et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2018; Jagannath et al.,
2020). This progress has been achieved by adopting a large-dimensional inferential statistics viewpoint,
which amounts to studying the inference of the random variables λr , ar from noisy observations (dis-
tributed according to some known law), under the crucial assumption that the dimensions grow large,
that is, Ni → ∞. Just like happens for random matrices, the latter assumption allows exploiting certain
concentration-of-measure phenomena and leads to quite precise results, some of which are briefly reviewed
Despite these recent results bringing a substantial advancement in the understanding of random tensor
models, they are still limited in scope and have in large part been derived by heavily relying on spin glass
theory, thus being quite difficult to understand for non-expert readers. Also, their extension to more
structured (and more relevant for applications) models is likely difficult with this approach.
We take a completely different path in this work, relying upon years of advances in the field of
random matrix theory (RMT) in order to study random tensor models. The key idea lies in the study of
contractions of a given tensor model with unit norm vectors, which give rise to a set of random matrices.
In particular, we show that with a judicious choice of such contractions one gains access to spectral
properties of a random tensor in the sense introduced by Lim (2005), which in turn allow a characterization
of the performance of the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator of the rank-one symmetric spiked tensor
model. For this model, our approach produces precise predictions matching recent results that had been
previously obtained only through sophisticated ideas borrowed from spin glass theory by Jagannath et al.
(2020). Our findings are obtained by invoking the Gaussian tools developed by Pastur and Shcherbina
(2011), and can be extended to other models, notably with non-Gaussian noise. This approach amounts
to a significant methodological contribution, as it opens the door to the investigation of other, more
general tensor models by means of random matrix tools, on which a vast and mature body of work has
been established in recent decades (Pastur and Shcherbina, 2011; Bai and Silverstein, 2010; Tao, 2012).
As such, the present work follows after the latest breakthroughs in the understanding, analysis and
improvement of machine learning methods based on spiked large-dimensional random matrix models.
Recent examples in data classification include the large-dimensional analysis of support vector ma-
chines (Liao and Couillet, 2019; Kammoun and Alouini, 2021), semi-supervised and transfer learning
(Mai and Couillet, 2018, 2021; Tiomoko et al., 2020), logistic regression (Mai et al., 2019), as well as
neural network dynamics (Advani et al., 2020; Liao and Couillet, 2018). Similar ideas in data and graph
clustering are found in (Couillet and Benaych-Georges, 2016; Nadakuditi and Newman, 2012).

Statistical performance of rank-one spike estimation. Our approach will be leveraged to study
ML estimation of a planted signal vector x in a rank-one symmetric model of the form
Y = λ x⊗d + √ W, (1)

with x uniformly distributed on the unit sphere SN −1 (which is known as a spherical prior) and W a
symmetric Gaussian noise tensor (see Section 2.2 for a precise definition). This is the so-called spiked
rank-one tensor model, whose “signal” part is referred to as a spike, with the positive number λ effecively
playing the role of a signal-to-noise ratio parameter.
Similarly to other high-dimensional statistical inference problems, the fundamental asymptotic per-
formance limits of estimators of x are of utmost importance in this context. Given some estimator x̂(Y)
taking values on SN −1 , a natural performance measure is the mean alignment (or overlap), defined as

ᾱd,N (λ) := E {|hx, x̂(Y)i|} ∈ [0, 1].

Two crucial questions regarding the behavior of this quantity as N → ∞ are as follows:

1. (Weak recovery) For which range of λ is there an estimator such that lim supN →∞ ᾱd,N (λ) > 0?
2. (Best asymptotic alignment ) What is the largest value of lim supN →∞ ᾱd,N (λ) attainnable by some
estimator for a given value of λ?
A clear understanding of these questions has been achieved in recent years. As it turns out, there exists
an O(1) (in N ) statistical threshold λc (d) (which can be numerically computed) such that weak recovery
is impossible when λ < λc (d), but is possible when λ > λc (d). Furthermore, for any λ the ML estimator

of x, which boils down to computing the best symmetric rank-one approximation of Y or, equivalently,
to solving

max Y, u⊗d = max ··· Yi1 ui1 . . . uid , (2)
u∈SN −1 u∈SN −1
i1 =1 id =1

attains the highest possible correlation among all measurable estimators of x (Jagannath et al., 2020).
Before summarizing our own contributions, we will briefly review existing studies on this topic, and
more generally on the estimation (and detection) of spiked tensor models with other priors.

Related work. The first study that seems to have looked into the spiked tensor model (1) was carried
out by Montanari and Richard (2014), who showed that weak recovery can be performed by ML esti-
mation whenever λ exceeds a number µ0 (d), defined as the almost sure limit of √1N kWk, where kWk
stands for the spectral norm of W (see Section 2.1 for precise definitions). Then, Montanari et al. (2017)
investigated the closely related problem of detecting the presence of a rank-one symmetric spike given
a realization of Y, which amounts to distinguishing the hypothesis λ = 0 from λ 6= 0. By using the
second-moment method, they proved that the law of Y is asymptotically indistinguishable1 from that of
√1 W when λ is smaller than a certain value λ2nd (d) < µ0 (d) (for which a variational characterization
was given), and thus no hypothesis test can possibly perform this task better than pure random guessing.
An extension of this result to a rank-R spiked tensor was later derived by Chevreuil and Loubaton (2018).
Perry et al. (2020) observed that detection is also possible (asymptotically) when λ > µ0 (d), since
P {kYk > µ0 (d)} = 1 − o(1) holds in this regime. Interestingly, they found that this already holds
for λ larger than a certain bound strictly smaller than µ0 (d), beyond which the spike can thus be
detected, and also (weakly) estimated. This effect is reminiscent of the so-called BBP transition of
spiked random matrix models, named after the authors that first exposed it (Baik et al., 2005); see also
(Benaych-Georges and Nadakuditi, 2011) for a quite general treatment of this phenomenon. By develop-
ing a modified second-order method, Perry et al. (2020) also found that detection and weak estimation
are impossible when λ is below some threshold λ′2nd (d) > λ2nd (d), thus also improving upon the previously
existing lower bound on the statistical threshold. Moreover, they derived similar results for Rademacher
and sparse Rademacher priors on x. Borrowing ideas from spin glass theory, Chen (2019) refined the
results of Perry et al. (2020) for the Rademacher prior, computing a single critical value that separates
the regimes where the rank-one spike is detectable (in the sense that the total variation distance between
the laws of Y and of √1N W converges to 1) and can be weakly recovered, and where Y and √1N W are
statistically indistinguishable (with the aforementioned distance converging to zero) and the spike cannot
be weakly recovered.
Also on the basis of results pertaining to mean-field spin glass models, Chen et al. (2021) derived
a variational expression for the threshold that applies to both detection and estimation of a rank-one
symmetric spiked tensor model with Gaussian noise. However, their model differs from (1) in that the
vector x has i.i.d. elements distributed according to some prior. Specifically, the estimation threshold
is defined in that work as the value beyond which the minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) estimator
performs strictly better (in the MSE sense) than any so-called “dummy” estimator (that does not depend
on the data), and below which it performs as well as a dummy estimator. They went on to extend this
result to the case with multiple spikes (that is, higher rank) with possibly different priors: essentially, the
signal-to-noise parameter λr of at least one spike must exceed the threshold associated with its prior, or
else neither detection nor estimation can possibly be performed.
For the rank-one symmetric setting of (1) with spherical prior and Gaussian noise, Jagannath et al.
(2020) finally settled the search for a precise expression for the phase transition threshold λc (d) that
separates the regime where one can detect and weakly estimate x (λ > λc (d)) from the one where these
tasks are impossible (λ < λc (d)), again by relying substantially upon results coming from spin glass theory.
They showed that this transition is much more abrupt for tensors of order d > 2 than for matrices, by
giving also an exact asymptotic expression for the alignment of x with the ML solution x̂ML (Y), namely
|hx̂ML (Y), xi|, which displays a jump discontinuity at λc (d) (see Section 3.2 for a precise description of
that behavior, shown in Figure 3). Their analysis also produced an exact expression for the spectral
norm of Y, which is very much in line with the BPP-like phenomenon reported by Perry et al. (2020),
and showed that the ML estimator is information-theoretically optimal, in the sense that its alignment
with x matches that of the Bayes-optimal estimator.
Another interesting related work has been carried out by Ben Arous et al. (2019), who studied the
complexity of the maximum likelihood landscape by using the Kac-Rice formula to compute the expected
number of critical points and of local maxima of (2). Among several other conclusions, their study shows
1 More precisely, the total variation distance between these laws converges to zero as N → ∞.

that for λ < λc (d) the objective function values of all local maxima (including the global one) tend to be
concentrated (as N → ∞) on a quite narrow interval, whereas for λ > λc (d) the value achieved by the
global maximum “escapes” that interval and grows with λ.

Summary of contributions. Our main contribution is of a methodological flavor, and is based on

studying random matrices obtained by contractions of a random tensor model. The fruitfulness of this
idea is shown in the case of the rank-one symmetric spiked tensor model Y given by (1). In this setting,
the ML estimator x̂ML (Y) of the planted vector x is shown to be the dominant eigenvector of the matrix
arising from the (d − 2)-fold contraction of Y with x̂ML (Y) itself. This is a simple consequence of the
tensor eigenvalue equations (see Section 3.1), which by definition characterize the critical points of (2).
By pursuing this connection, and under the assumption that there exists a sequence of critical points
(µ, u) of (2) such that |hx, ui| and µ converge almost surely to deterministic functions of λ, we are able to
deploy tools from matrix theory in order to establish a fixed-point characterization of these deterministic
quantities. As we will discuss, it turns out that for d ∈ {3, 4, 5} the solution to our fixed-point equation
precisely matches the results of Jagannath et al. (2020) describing the behavior of the ML estimator (and
thus of global maxima of (2)) beyond the critical value λc (d). We conjecture that this actually holds for
any d ≥ 3.
In the process of deriving these results, we demonstrate that the spectral measure of contractions of
Y with sequences of independent vectors or of local maximizers of the ML problem (satisfying a mild
technicalp condition) converges weakly almost surely to a semi-circle law supported on [−βd , βd ], where
βd = 2/ d(d − 1). This sheds light on one feature of the maximum likelihood landscape that had
been exposed by Ben Arous et al. (2019), namely, the fact that the value of the objective function of
(2) at every local maxima asymptotically lies on the interval [2β3 , kYk] when d = 3. It turns out that
every such a maximum is the largest eigenvalue of a contraction of Y, and the second-order necessary
optimality conditions combined with the derived spectral measure of such contractions entail the lower
bound (d − 1)βd = 2β3 , while the upper bound follows by definition of kYk.
Our analysis also offers another perspective into the behavior of the tensor power iteration method
(Kolda and Mayo, 2011), which can be seen to produce a sequence of matrices 2 Y · (v (k) )d−2 converging
(under appropriate conditions) to a contraction of Y with one of its eigenvectors u (in the sense introduced
by Lim (2005)), as v (k) → u. In this interpretation, each iteration is tantamount to a single step of a
matrix power iteration method applied to Y · (v (k) )d−2 , which then changes in the next iteration. In
particular, when this algorithm is applied to a spiked tensor model of the form (1), the spectra of such
matrices Y · (v (k) )d−2 exhibit a “bulk” obeying a semi-circle law and a spike that moves away from that
bulk until it reaches the position of an eigenvalue associated with a local maximum (see Figure 1 for
an illustration), which asymptotically must be at least as large as (d − 1)βd . The presence of this spike
in Y · (v (k) )d−2 is observed regardless of the value of λ, and is in fact a consequence of the dependence
between Y and v (k) .
Finally, the high degree of versatility of our approach should be emphasized, as it can be extended to
other, less stringent models with other noise distributions and asymmetric structure.

We point out that this work was first presented at the seminar in Random Tensors of Texas A&M Uni-
versity (Goulart et al., 2021a) and at the 2021 SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (Goulart et al.,

2 Preliminaries and main results

We will start by introducing some notation and defining the objects of interest in our study, before
describing our main results. For simplicity, in the following we shall stick to symmetric random tensors,
but the main ideas generalize to the asymmetric case.

2.1 Tensors and contractions

The entries of a d-th order tensor Y ∈ RN ×···×N will be denoted by uppercase letters, as in Yi1 ... id . The
same convention applies to matrices (d = 2) but not to vectors, whose components are written in lowercase
letters, as in ui . A tensor is said to be symmetric if and only if its entries are invariant with respect to
any permutation of the indices, that is, Yi1 ... id = Yj1 ... jd , where (j1 , . . . , jd ) is an arbitrary permutation
of (i1 , . . . , id ). The space of d-th order real-valued symmetric tensors of dimensions N × · · · × N will be
denoted S d (N ).
2 Here, the notation Y · (v (k) )d−2 stands for the (d − 2)-fold contraction of Y with the vector v (k) (see Section 2.1 for our

notational conventions).

Spectrum of Y · v (0) Spectrum of Y · v (5) Spectrum of Y · v (20)

0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.5 spike
0.2 0.2
0 0 0
q q q q q q q q q
2 0 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 2
− 3 3 2 3 − 3 3 2 3 − 3 3 2 3

Figure 1: Tensor power iteration method applied to find a local maximum of the ML problem (2), with
d = 3 and N = 500. This algorithm produces a sequence v (k) which (under certain conditions) converges
to a tensor eigenvector u associated with a local maximum of (2) (Kolda and Mayo, 2011).

Given a tensor Y ∈ S d (N ) and vectors u(1) , . . . , u(p) ∈ RN with p ≤ d, we define the contraction
Y · (u(1) , . . . , u(p) ) as the (d − p)th-order tensor with components
X (1) (p)
Y · (u(1) , . . . , u(p) ) = ··· Yi1 ... id ui1 . . . uip .
ip+1 ,...,id
i1 =1 ip =1

The order of the vectors in (u(1) , . . . , u(p) ) is immaterial, due to the symmetry of Y. Moreover, the
outcome is clearly symmetric as well, by symmetry of Y. In particular, when p = d − 2, p = d − 1 and
p = d we get a symmetric N × N matrix, an N -dimensional vector and a scalar, respectively. A special
case of interest to us is when u(j) = u for all j ∈ {1, . . . , p}, for which we introduce the notation

Y · up := Y · (u, . . . , u).
| {z }
p times

In a similar vein, the multilinear transformation of Y ∈ S d (N ) by a square matrix U ∈ RN ×N is defined

Y′ = Y · U d ⇔ Yi′1 ... id = ··· Yn1 ... nd ui1 n1 . . . uid nd .
n1 =1 nd =1

When U is nonsingular, this operation amounts to a change of basis in S d (N ).

A d-th order tensor X ∈ RN ×···×N is said to be of rank one if and only there exist vectors u(1) , . . . , u(d) ∈
(1) (d)
RN such that the entries of X decompose as Xi1 ... id = ui1 . . . uid . This relation can be expressed in
terms of the tensor product ⊗ as follows:

X = u(1) ⊗ · · · ⊗ u(d) .

In particular, a symmetric rank-one tensor can be written in this form with u(i) = u for all i, in which
case we denote it as u⊗d . A tensor is said to have rank R if it can be written as a sum of R rank-one
terms, but not fewer. Similarly, a symmetric tensor has symmetric rank S if and only if it can be written
as a sum of S symmetric rank-one terms, but not fewer.
By equipping RN ×···×N with the Euclidean scalar product (Hackbusch, 2012)
hY, Xi := ··· Yi1 ... id Xi1 ... id ,
i1 =1 id =1

we have the identity Y, u⊗d = Y · ud for any symmetric rank-one dth-order tensor u⊗d , and also

⊗d ⊗d d
u ,v = hu, vi for any two such tensors. Naturally, the Euclidean or Frobenius norm on RN ×···×N
is defined as kYkF := hY, Yi.

2.2 Random tensors and the Gaussian orthogonal tensor ensemble

A random tensor Y is simply a tensor-valued random variable with an associated probability measure ρY .
In particular, the Gaussian orthogonal matrix ensemble can be readily generalized to tensors in S d (N )
by defining the density
1 1 2
f (W) = e− 2 kWkF , (3)
Zd (N )

where Zd (N ) is a normalization constant. Just as in the matrix case, because f depends on W only
through its Euclidean norm, it is invariant with respect to an orthogonal change of basis of S d (N ), as

∀ U ∈ O(N ), kW · U d kF = kWkF ,

where O(N ) denotes the orthogonal group. Another consequence of the definition (3) is that, by symmetry
of W, the variance of an entry Wi1 equals the reciprocal of the number of distinct permutations of its
indices (i1 , . . . , id ). For instance, in the d = 3 case one can expand kWk2F as
kWk2F = 2
Wiii +3 2
Wiij +6 2
Wijk ,
i i6=j i<j<k

which shows that on-diagonal entries of W have variance 1, entries with two distinct indices have variance
1/3 and entries with three distinct indices have variance 1/6:

2 1 1 1 1 1
σW = + δij + δik + δjk + δij δjk ,
6 6 6 6 3
where δij equals 1 if i = j and 0 otherwise.

2.3 The contraction ensemble of a random tensor

A commonly used expedient when dealing with tensors is to consider matrix slices or matrix unfoldings. A
slice is obtained by fixing all but two indices of a tensor, which yields a matrix. For instance, one can define
the map SY : {1, . . . , N }d−2 → RN ×N by requiring that the components of the matrix SY (n1 , . . . , nd−2 )
(SY (n1 , . . . , nd−2 ))i,j = Yn1 ,...,nd−2 ,i,j .
Note that the order of the indices on the right-hand side (and of the arguments as well) is immaterial,
as Y is symmetric. Hence, this map produces an object of dimension lower than that of Y. By contrast,
an unfolding (also known as flattening or matricization) of a tensor accommodates all its entries inside a
matrix by partitioning its set of indices into two subsets, which are then bijectively mapped into row and
column indices. These two definitions are very useful as they enable the application of matrix-analytic
concepts and tools to tensors, and have long been studied in algebraic geometry (Landsberg, 2012)
and utilized in various scientific domains for data analysis purposes (Tucker, 1966; Bro et al., 1997). In
particular, a spectral method for the estimation of the spike in the rank-one model (1) based on unfoldings
has been proposed by Montanari and Richard (2014), and later studied by Ben Arous et al. (2021).
When it comes to the study of random tensors, one is tempted to resort to these definitions in order
to borrow tools from the well-developed RMT. However, merely taking slices or unfoldings of a tensor
turns out to be insufficient for our purposes, as these matrices cannot describe the whole picture and
in particular do not provide access to the spectral properties of the tensor (for us here its ℓ2 -eigenpairs,
which are connected to the ML estimation problem as we will shortly discuss). Nevertheless, realizing
that the above defined map SY amounts to the contraction of Y with unit norm vectors
SY (n1 , . . . , nd−2 ) = Y · (e(n1 ) , . . . , e(nd−2 ) ), where ei = δin ,

one can more generally consider arbitrary contractions of a random tensor with unit-norm vectors. For
our purposes, though, it will be sufficient to restrict these contractions to the case where all vectors are
the same. This motivates the following definition.

Definition 1 (Contraction ensemble). Let Y ∈ S d (N ) be a random tensor. We define the contraction

ensemble of Y as the set of random matrices
( )
M(Y) := Y · v d−2 : v ∈ SN −1 .

As will be shown ahead in Section 3, by studying appropriately chosen random matrices from this set
one gains access to spectral properties of Y.

2.4 Main results

We are now ready to describe our main results.

2.4.1 Spectral measure of contractions of the Gaussian orthogonal tensor ensemble
Our first result concerns the spectral measure of random matrices from the contraction ensemble M √1 W
of a random tensor W distributed according to (3). This result is of its own interest, as taking contrac-
tions of a Gaussian symmetric tensor with indpendent entries (apart from the symmetries) is a natural
way of introducing dependencies in a random matrix model.3 Furthermore, it plays a major role in our
analysis of the ML problem (2).
Theorem 2. Let W ∈ S d (N ) be a sequence of random tensors with density given by (3), with d ≥ 3. For
any deterministic sequence4 of vectors v ∈ SN −1 , the empirical spectral measure of √1N W · v d−2 converges
weakly almost surely to the semi-circle distribution whose Stieljes transform reads
r !
2 βd2
md (z) = 2 −z + z 1 − 2 ,
βd z
with βd := 2/ d(d − 1). Its density is thus given by
2 +
ρ(dx) = 2 (βd2 − x2 ) dx, (4)
π βd

and is supported on [−βd , βd ].

The proof of this result can be essentially obtained as a byproduct of that of Theorem 3. Concretely, it
will turn out that the limiting spectral measure of the contractions W · v d−2 with deterministic v ∈ SN −1
is exactly the same as that of Y · ud−2 , where the vectors u form a sequence of critical points u of the ML
problem satisfying certain conditions explained ahead. We comment on how the proof of Theorem 2 can
be derived from that of Theorem 3 in Section 4.3.4.
Though the statement of Theorem 2 might at first glance seem trivial since W · v d−2 is a linear
combination of Gaussian matrices, these matrices are not independent due to the symmetries in W.
Nevertheless, at the end we show that, just as for standard Wigner matrices, the limiting Stieltjes
transform also satisfies a quadratic equation, as the additional terms due to the dependence structure
all vanish asymptotically in the derivation. An illustration of the derived spectral measure is shown on
Figure 2.
One heuristic argument to see why the size of the support should scale like O(1/d) is as follows. Take
every vector v in the considered sequence to be the first canonical vector of the standard basis, denoted
by e(1) . Then, the contraction √1N W · v d−2 = √1N W · (e(1) )d−2 yields a matrix C with entries

Cij = √ W1...1ij .
It follows from the definition of W that C is by construction a Gaussian Wigner matrix whose entries
have variance equal to the reciprocal of the number of distinct permutations of (1, . . . , 1, i, j). With
the exception of the first row and first column of C, the variances are therefore d(d−1) off-diagonal and
d(d−1) on the main diagonal. Hence, apart from the first row and column (whose contribution vanishes
as N → ∞), we see that C equals a standard GOE matrix (with variance 1 off-diagonal and 2 on the
diagonal) multiplied by √ 1 , and hence its limiting spectrum should be a semicircle with support5
[−βd , βd ].

2.4.2 Fixed-point characterization of the ML estimator

We now state our main result concerning the performance of the ML estimator of model (1). In order to
derive it, we study a sequence of contractions Y · ud−2 , where the vectors u are critical points of the ML
problem satisfying some conditions discussed below. The result is as follows.
3 Indeed, according to the authors of (Au and Garza-Vargas, 2021), the first draft of our work motivated them to study
the spectral asymptotics of contractions of tensors of a Wigner type. They argued that existing methods for the study of
random matrices with dependent entries do not apply in this case, and then proposed a graph formalism for dealing with it
on the basis of combinatorial arguments. In its turn, our proof is based on analytic tools and focused on Gaussian tensors,
but can be extended to other distributions by means of the tools from Pastur and Shcherbina (2011).
4 To keep the notation simple, we adopt the usual practice of omitting the index of the sequences of vectors v and of

random tensors W. This convention is adopted throughout the paper.

5 This is the same result found by Au and Garza-Vargas (2021) for Wigner-type tensors when all d − 2 contractions are

with the same vector.√By contrast, when the contractions are allowed to involve d − 2 distinct vectors, the support size can
shrink down to O(1/ d!)—this can be understood along the lines of our heuristic argument by considering contractions
with the canonical basis vectors e(1) , . . . , e(d−2) .

d = 3, N = 500 d = 4, N = 200

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
q q q q
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 0 1
− 23 2
3 − 1

Figure 2: Density of the spectral measure of Theorem 2 (in red) for d = 3, 4 and histogram of eigenvalues
for one realization of √1N W · v, with a random vector v drawn uniformly on SN −1 and independently of

Theorem 3. Let d ≥ 3, fix λ > 0 and suppose that there exists a sequence of critical points u of the
maximum likelihood problem (2) such that
hx, ui −→ αd,∞ (λ), (5)
d a.s.
Y · u −→ µd,∞ (λ) (6)

for some deterministic functions αd,∞ (λ) and µd,∞ (λ) defined on λ. Furthermore, assume that the
following inequalities hold: αd,∞ (λ) > 0 and µd,∞ (λ) > (d − 1)βd . Then, µd,∞ (λ) satisfies the fixed-point
equation µd,∞ (λ) = φd (µd,∞ (λ), λ), where
1 z
φd (z, λ) := λ ωdd (z, λ) − md , (7)
d−1 d−1
1 1 z
ωd (z, λ) := z + md . (8)
λ d d−1
Furthermore, αd,∞ (λ) = ωd (µd,∞ (λ), λ).
For d = 3, we are able to verify that this fixed-point equation leads to the same exact expressions
that follow from the study of Jagannath et al. (2020) for the asymptotic spectral norm of Y (given by
µd,∞ ) and the alignment | hx, x̂ML (λ)i | of the ML estimator (given by αd,∞ (λ)). These expressions are
as follows.
Lemma 4. For d = 3, the only positive solution to the fixed-point equation of Theorem 3 for positive
values of λ is given by √
3λ2 + λ 9λ2 − 12 + 4
µ3,∞ (λ) = p √ ,
18λ2 + 6λ 9λ2 − 12

which holds for λ ≥ 2/ 3. Furthermore,
s r
1 3λ2 − 4
α3,∞ (λ) = + .
2 12λ2
Unfortunately, showing that this holds true for any d ≥ 3 is likely to be difficult, and we do not
pursue this path here. In particular, for d ≥ 6 the variational characterization of the alignment given by
Jagannath et al. (2020) does not admit an explicit expression, and thus another strategy would be needed
for such a proof. Nonetheless, for d = 4 and d = 5, explicit expressions for both quantities (spectral norm
and alignment) do exist, and we verify numerically that they satisfy the equations (7)–(8). We thus
conjecture that the same happens for every d ≥ 3.
Before moving on, let us comment on the assumptions of Theorem 3. The condition µd,∞ (λ) >
(d − 1)βd is essentially imposed for a technical reason, related to the use of the implicit function theorem
when computing derivatives of u and µ with respect to W. As we will argue ahead, it is not restrictive
for our purposes, since every local maximum u of the ML problem (including global ones) is such that
Y · ud ≥ (d − 1)βd with probability 1 − o(1). The condition αd,∞ (λ) > 0, in its turn, is required at the end
of our asymptotic analysis for deriving equations (7)–(8). Since αd,∞ (λ) is the limiting alignment hx, ui,
this condition means that the considered sequence cannot converge to any critical point (asymptotically)
lying on the orthogonal complement of x. Therefore, it prevents us from “seeing” the ML solution x̂ML
in the regime where it is asymptotically uncorrelated with x, that is, below the critical value λc (d).

Finally, the assumption that there exists a sequence of critical points such that both quantities in
(5)–(6) converge almost surely is of course a strong one, and is crucial to our analysis. At present, it is not
clear how one can rigorously show that such a sequence exists in the framework of our approach: it seems
hard to unambiguously pin down a sequence of critical points for which standard arguments (namely, a
moment control combined with Markov’s inequality and Borel-Cantelli) can be applied to show almost
sure convergence. Our result indicates that, for λ > λc (d), such a sequence asymptotically “behaves” like
a global maximum, in the sense that its alignment and cost function value match (for d = 3, 4, 5) what
is known for the ML estimator in that regime. However, the only characterization that we have at our
disposal corresponds to the tensor eigenvalue equations, which hold by definition for all critical points,
combined with the condition µd,∞ (λ) > (d − 1)βd , due to which one could probably restrict the sequence
to contain local maxima only.
As mentioned before, the limiting spectral measure of the contractions Y · ud−2 with the sequence
of critical points u considered in Theorem 3 is the same as that described by Theorem 2—indeed, the
Stieltjes transform md (z) is one of the main ingredients in the proof of Theorem 3. As we will see, it
turns out that the additional terms introduced by the dependence of u on W (which are computed using
the implicit function theorem and Gaussian integration by parts) all vanish asymptotically. Hence, the
limiting spectrum of Y·ud−2 is still a semicircle law on [−βd , βd ]. (Moreover, if u is a local maximum, then
a spike can be seen in the spectrum of Y · ud−2 regardless of the value of λ, because u is an eigenvector
of that matrix with an eigenvalue larger than (d − 1)βd with probability 1 − o(1)—see Figure 1 for an

3 Maximum likelihood estimation of the symmetric rank-one

spiked tensor model
In the following, we introduce the key ideas that underlie our analysis of the symmetric rank-one spiked
tensor model (1). Since the spherical prior imposed on x does not bring useful information for estimation
purposes, for simplicity we will take the point of view in which x is an arbitrary deterministic vector on
the unit sphere.

3.1 Maximum likelihood estimation, tensor and matrix eigenpairs

By writing the density of Y as
1 N ⊗d 2
f (Y) = e− 2 kY−λ x kF ,
Zd (N )
one can readily see that ML estimation of x boils down to solving the best rank-one approximation
min kY − λ u⊗d k2F .
u∈SN −1

Since λ > 0, it is straightforward to show that the above problem is equivalent to (2). For convenience,
we will add a d1 factor in the cost function of that problem, rewriting it as follows:

max f (u), where f (u) := Y, u⊗d = Y · ud . (9)
u∈SN −1 d d

Now, writing the Lagrangian as L(u, µ) := f (u) − µ2 (hu, ui − 1), it follows that stationary points (µ, u)
must satisfy the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions
= ∇f (u) − µu = Y · ud−1 − µu = 0 and hu, ui = 1,
implying that they are (real-valued) solutions to the equations

Y · ud−1 = µ u, hu, ui = 1. (10)

These are called tensor ℓ2 -eigenvalue6 equations, following the variational definition of tensor eigenpairs
introduced by Lim (2005). For simplicity, we will refer to (µ, u) satisfying (10) as a tensor eigenpair, and
to µ and u as an eigenvalue and an eigenvector of Y, respectively. It should be borne in mind that, unlike
the matrix case, the normalization kuk = 1 is essential, since Y · (αu)d−1 = µ αd−1 u 6= µ α u for α 6= 1
and d > 2.
6 Other definitions of eigenpairs have been proposed for tensors. In the book on tensor spectral theory by Qi and Luo

(2017), solutions to (10) are termed E-eigenpairs, and real-valued solutions are called Z-eigenpairs.

The above discussion shows that the spiked rank-one tensor model resembles in many respects its
matrix counterpart, in that its ML estimator also corresponds to the eigenvector associated with the
largest eigenvalue. However, there are several striking differences. One of them is computational, and
has strong implications in practice: whereas this estimator can be computed in polynomial time in the
matrix case, solving (2) for d > 2 is worst-case NP-hard (Hillar and Lim, 2013), and thus in general one
can at best hope to find a local maximum of the nonconvex problem (9). Another difference concerns
the sharp phase transition behavior that is observed in the tensor case, as we will discuss ahead.
Now, a simple but crucial observation that brings into focus the relevance of Definition 1 is the
following, whose proof follows trivially from the identity Y · ud−1 = (Y · ud−2 ) u:
Proposition 5. Let Y ∈ S d (N ) and u ∈ SN −1 . The pair (µ, u) is an eigenpair of the tensor Y if and
only if it is an eigenpair of the matrix Y · ud−2 ∈ M(Y).
An immediate consequence is that, by a suitable choice of matrices from the contraction ensemble
M(Y), we can gain access to spectral properties of Y. We will thoroughly rely on this link to derive our
results on the spiked symmetric rank-one tensor model.
Remark 6. Before moving on, we make another observation that will later prove useful. First note that,
if (µ, u) is an eigenpair of Y, then it is also an eigenpair of the Hessian ∇2L := ∂∂uL2 evaluated at u, since:

∇2L (u) = (d − 1) Y · ud−2 − µ I =⇒ ∇2L (u)u = (d − 1) Y · ud−1 − µ u = (d − 2)µ u. (11)

A necessary condition for u to be a local maximum of problem (9) is that ∇2L (u) be negative semidefinite
on the tangent space at u (see, e.g., Theorem 12.5 of Nocedal and Wright (2006)), that is,

∇L (u) w, w ≤ 0, ∀ w ∈ u⊥ := {w ∈ RN | hu, wi = 0}.

Under the above condition, it follows from (11) that

max (Y · ud−2 ) w, w ≤ .
w∈SN −1 ∩ u⊥ d−1

This means that µ must be the largest eigenvalue of (the matrix) Y · ud−2 , with all others bounded by
µ/(d − 1), which is true in particular for the largest eigenvalue of Y, as discussed above.
Remark 6 implies that, at every local maximum u of the ML problem, the second largest eigenvalue
of Y · ud−2 cannot be larger than µ/(d − 1) and, consequently, the largest eigenvalue µ is isolated from the
rest of the spectrum of Y · ud−2 . At first sight this seems to be a particularly unsettling conclusion since,
unlike the spiked Wigner random matrix model, this implies the systematic presence of a “spike” in the
spectrum of Y · ud−2 (positioned at least d − 1 times as far as the bulk spectrum of Y · ud−2 ) irrespective of
the (possibly null) signal-to-noise ratio λ. Yet, as previously discussed, note that this spike can merely be
induced by the contraction of W with a dependent vector u, and thus may bear no relation whatsoever
with the “signal” term λ x⊗d .

3.2 Asymptotic performance of ML estimation

Before stating our results, we briefly recall the contributions recently made by Jagannath et al. (2020).
ϕd (λ, t) := λ2 td + log(1 − t) + t,
and define λc (d) := sup{λ ≥ 0 : supt∈[0,1[ ϕd (λ, t) ≤ 0}. In was shown in (Jagannath et al., 2020) that
the critical value λc defines the phase transition point, below which ML estimation of the planted vector
x of the model (1) suddenly breaks down, in the sense that its solution (asymptotically) ceases to exhibit
any correlation with x as measured by the alignment | hx, x̂ML (λ)i |. More precisely, their result states
that for λ 6= λc (d),
a.s. p
| hx, x̂ML (λ)i | −→ qd (λ)
as N → ∞, where (
0, if λ < λc (d),
qd (λ) :=
arg maxt∈[0,1[ ϕd (λ, t), if λ > λc (d).
Furthermore, the quantity µ⋆d (λ) = Y·(x̂ML (λ)) also converges almost surely to a deterministic expression
given by 
µ0 (d), λ ≤ λc (d),
µ⋆d (λ) −→ √ 1+λ2 qd (λ)d−1 (12)
 d √ 2 d−1
λ > λc (d),
1+λ dqd (λ)


where µ0 (d) = (d + z ⋆ )/ d + dz ⋆ , with z ⋆ denoting the unique positive solution of
1+z 1 1
log(1 + z) − − = 0.
z z d
As discussed in the Introduction, µ0 (d) is in fact the (almost surely) asymptotic value of √1N kWk, and it
can be shown that λc (d) < µ0 (d) for all d—hence the claim of a BBP-like phase transition taking place
for all d. Similarly, µ⋆d (λ) is in effect the asymptotic spectral norm of Y.
For d = 3, 4, 5, one can analytically solve ∂φd∂t (λ,t)
= dλ2 td−1 + t/(t − 1) = 0 to find qd (λ) for λc (d),
which gives
1 3λ2 − 4
q3 (λ) = + , λ > λc (3),
2 12λ2
1 g4 (λ) 2
q4 (λ) = + + , λ > λc (4),
3 6 3g4 (λ)
u 1
g5 (λ) 3 √ 1
√ √ u
u λg5 (λ) 3 − 15 − 16 h5 (λ) + 15 λg5 (λ) 3
1 15 h5 (λ) 450 t
q5 (λ) = + + 1 , λ > λc (5),
4 60 60 g5 (λ) 3 h5 (λ) λ
√ ! 13
8λ2 + 3 81 − 48λ2 − 27
g4 (λ) = ,
√ p
g5 (λ) = 60 15 135λ2 − 256 + 2700λ,
2 1
2g5 (λ) 3 + 15λg5 (λ) 3 + 480
h5 (λ) = 1 ,
λg5 (λ) 3
and hence

3λ2 + λ 9λ2 − 12 + 4
µ⋆3 (λ) = p √ , λ > λc (3),
18λ2 + 6λ 9λ2 − 12
2 + 2λ2 31 + h46(λ) + 3h42(λ)
µ⋆4 (λ) = r  3 , λ > λc (4).
2 1 h4 (λ) 2
1 + 4λ 3 + 6 + 3h4 (λ)

These quantities are plotted in Figure 3. (As the expression of µ⋆5 is too long, we choose to omit it
here.) In fact, one can easily check that the above explicit formulas
p are still algebraically valid slightly
below λc (d), namely, for λs (d) ≤ λ < λc (d) with λs (d) := (d − 1)d−1 /d(d − 2)d−2 . As discussed by
Jagannath et al. (2020) andpBen Arous et al. (2019), a local maximizer of the likelihood having alignment
given (asymptotically) by qd (λ) with x exists in this regime as N grows large. However, the above
results are relevant not only to ML estimation, but in fact to any estimator: it turns out that the ML
estimator is information-theoretically optimal, in the sense that no other estimator can attain a higher
correlation | hx, x̂ML (λ)i | for any λ ≥ 0, as also shown by Jagannath et al. (2020). This implies, in
particular, that no estimator x̂(Y) of x can (asymptotically) achieve nonzero alignment with x in the
regime λ < λc (d) without additional information on x. Therefore, the above mentioned local maximizer
that is positively correlated with x for λ < λc (d) cannot be a valid estimator of x—that is, it cannot be
expressed a measurable function of Y.
The reader will notice that the above discussion makes no reference to the spectral viewpoint discussed
in the previous subsection. The omission is intentional, as the statement and derivation of the results
of (Jagannath et al., 2020) do not rely on or mention in any way the connection between ML estimation
and tensor eigenpairs. By bringing this connection into the picture and combining it with our proposed
approach described in the previous section, we are able to reach some of the same predictions but using
standard tools from RMT rather than from spin glass theory.

3.3 Analysis under the light of random matrix theory

In this section, we explain how we leverage our approach to obtain the result described by Theorem 3,
concerning ML estimation of the planted vector x of the symmetric spiked rank-one tensor model (1).
Then, we will discuss connections with other works, limitations and possible extensions of this result.
The proof of Theorem 3 itself is postponed to Section 4.

alignment, d = 3 spectral norm, d = 3
1 3.5
| hx, x̂ML (λ)i |

µ⋆3 (λ)
0.4 2.5
2 y=λ
0 1.5
0 1 λc 2 3 0 1 λc 2 3
λ λ
alignment, d = 4 spectral norm, d = 4
1 3.5
| hx, x̂ML (λ)i |


µ⋆4 (λ)
0.4 2.5
2 y=λ
0 1.5
0 1 λc 2 3 0 1 λc 2 3
λ λ
alignment, d = 5 spectral norm, d = 5
1 3.5
| hx, x̂ML (λ)i |

µ⋆5 (λ)
0.4 2.5
2 y=λ
0 1.5
0 1 λc 2 3 0 1 λc 2 3
λ λ

Figure 3: Phase transition for the ML estimator of the symmetric rank-one spiked tensor model (1) with
d = 3, 4, 5, according to Jagannath et al. (2020): (a) asymptotic alignment between x and ML solution
x̂ML (λ); (b) asymptotic maximum likelihood (or spectral norm of Y). The argument of λc (d) has been
omitted for simplicity.

3.3.1 Analyzing contractions of critical points

Let us now turn back to the goal of studying Y·(x̂ML (λ)d−2 ). As there seems to be no simple way of taking
into account the fact that x̂ML (λ) is a global maximum, we consider more generally random contractions
Y · ud−2 with critical points u. This can be done by relying on the tensor eigenvalue equations as a
characterization of critical points. Nevertheless, these critical points must asymptotically behave as local
maxima, since we also impose the condition that the largest eigenvalue of Y · ud−2 must (asymptotically)
be strictly greater than (d − 1)βd (cf. Remark 6). The tensor eigenvalue equations give
d−1 1
µ u = Y · ud−1 = λ hx, ui x + √ W · ud−1 ,
from which follows by taking scalar products with u and x (and recalling that kuk = kxk = 1) that
d 1
µ = λ hx, ui + √ W · ud , (13)
λ d−1 1

hx, ui = hx, ui + √ x, W · ud−1 , (14)
µ µ N
respectively. Taking the expectation of these expressions involves considerable difficulty, as u depends
on W in an a priori intricate manner, and thus cannot be pulled out from expectations. The technical
tools that allow managing this dependency are the implicit function theorem and Stein’s lemma (also
known simply as Gaussian integration by parts; see Appendix C for a statement). The former gives us
the derivatives of u and µ with respect to components of W, which read
   
 ∂u  1 µ 1 ∂µ
− √ R φ + u
 ∂Wi1   (d − 1) N
 d−1 (d − 2) µ ∂Wi1 
 = d
, (15)
 ∂µ   1 Y 
 √ uij 
∂Wi1 2
σW N j=1
i ...i 1 d

where R(z) is the resolvent of Y · ud−2 (a definition is given in Appendix C) and φ is an N -dimensional
vector that satisfies
2 1 X
σW φ = u1 . . . uij−1 uij+1 . . . ud e(ij ) ,
d j=1

with e(ij ) denoting the ij canonical basis vector. The expectations on the right-hand sides of (13) and
(14) can then be computed by resorting to (15), thanks to Stein’s lemma.
Now, one must be careful when taking the large-N limit of these expectations, because of the term
involving the resolvent R(z) evaluated at z = µ/(d − 1) in (15). In fact, along the proof we show that
1 a.s.
∀ z ∈ C such that ℑ{z} > 0, tr R(z) −→ md (z),
where md (z) is as given by Theorem 2, and thus by the Stieltjes continuity theorem (see Appendix C)
the spectral measure of Y · ud−2 converges weakly almost surely to the same semicircle law of (4), which
is supported on [−βd , βd ]. Consequently, the sequence of critical points u considered in Theorem 3 must
be such that the almost sure limit µd,∞ (λ) of µ = Y · ud (assumed to exist) must be strictly greater that
(d − 1)βd , so that (d − 1)−1 µd,∞ (λ) does not fall on the limiting spectrum of Y · ud−2 .
Once in possession of the asymptotic expressions of these expectations as N → ∞, we invoke the
assumption that the random quantities µ and hx, ui converge almost surely to a deterministic expression
depending only on λ and on d (as assumed in the statement of Theorem 3). This step (along with the
fact that the normalized trace of the resolvent of Y · ud−2 also converges almost surely, as in Theorem
2) allows breaking the resulting expectations of products into products of expectations, leading to the
final fixed-point equation described in the statement of Theorem 3. Moreover, it turns out that this
equation effectively describes the performance of ML in the regime λ > λc (d) for d = 3, 4, 5, as we
already mentioned and will further discuss next.

3.3.2 Discussion
One can readily verify that the expressions of q3 and µ⋆3 given in Section 3.2 precisely match those given
by Lemma 4, meaning that our fixed point equation describes the asymptotic performance of the ML
solution in the regime λ > λc (3). Even though we did not compute the solution of our fixed-point
equation explicitly for other values of d, it can be numerically verified for d = 4, 5 that they are again
consistent with the characterization of Jagannath et al. (2020) described above. We therefore conjecture
the following:
Conjecture 7. For any d ≥ 3 and λ > λc (d), the quantities characterized by Theorem 3 match those
described in Section 3.2, that is,
αd,∞ (λ) = qd (λ), µd,∞ (λ) = µ⋆d (λ).
Furthermore, the first above equation also holds in the regime λs (d) ≤ λ ≤ λc (d).
It can seem somewhat surprising that our analysis is able to predict the performance of ML estimation
in the regime λ > λc (d), despite relying on the tensor eigenvalue equations satisfied not only by the ML
solution but also by all other critical points of the ML problem—which are on average exponentially
numerous, according to the results of Ben Arous et al. (2019). The key to this “selectivity” lies of course
in the additional assumptions of Theorem 3, which seem to restrict the considered sequence of critical
points u to asymptotically behave as global maxima of the ML problem in the regime λ > λc (d). However,
a precise understanding of this effect remains yet to be achieved.
Another problem that remains open is whether our RMT-based approach can also predict the phase
transition point λc (d). This being said, from a practical standpoint, it is also known that the ML
solution cannot be numerically estimated in polynomial time for values of λ close to λc (d) (it is even
conjectured that λ must scale like O(N ℓ ) with ℓ > 0 for polynomial-time algorithms to recover the
solution (Jagannath et al., 2020; Hopkins et al., 2015)); this, in a way, makes the very notion of a phase
transition for the ML solution unessential.

4 Proof of the main results

In this section, we will provide the proof of Theorem 3, and explain how one part of it can be adapted to
show also Theorem 2. For clarity, we have organized the proof into separate subsections which deal with
each required ingredient.
Recall that we consider a sequence of critical points (µ, u) of the ML problem, and hence satisfy the
tensor eigenvalue equations Y · ud−2 = µ u and kuk = 1. Let us start by computing the expectation of µ
as given by (13).

Notational conventions: Since we manipulate explicit summations over indices i1 , . . . , id arising from
the contraction of Y with u and x, it is convenient to introduce some notation for avoiding too lengthy
expressions. Namely, we will abbreviate the indices i1 , . . . , id by a boldface
P notation Pi (and similarly for j
and ℓ). Under this convention, we have for instance Wi1 ,...,id = Wi and i1 ,...,id = i , where each ij runs
from 1 to N . We will also simplify the symbol Qd used for the variance of Wi , Q writing it more compactly as
σi2 instead of σW2
. Finally, the shorthand u
k6=j ik will be used to denote k∈{1,...,d}\{j} uik . Similarly,
Qd Q
k6∈S uik stands for k∈{1,...,d}\S uik .

4.1 Expectation of µ
The starting point is the expression
n o 1 
E {µ} = λ E hx, ui + √ E W · ud .
To develop it, we apply Stein’s lemma (which is simply Gaussian integration by parts, see Appendix C)
to the second term on the right-hand side, by relying on the derivative of u with respect to components of
W, as computed in Appendix A. This step requires the following result, which may not be immediately
clear. Its proof will be postponed to Appendix B.
Lemma 8. There exists an almost everywhere continuously differentiable function G : S d (N ) → RN +1
such that G(W) = (µ(W), u(W)) is an eigenpair of W (for almost every W).
The components of u(W) are bounded and µ(W) has polynomial growth, and hence Stein’s lemma
applies. We also note that all subsequent applications of this tool in the following sections can be justified
in the same manner.
Now, according to our computation in Appendix A, the partial derivative ∂Wji of a component of such
a function u is expressed in terms of the resolvent of Y · ud−2 , that is, of R(z) = Y · ud−2 − zI , and
also of a certain vector φ defined in (28), which depends on u and on the variance of Wi . For simplicity,
we will use the notation R̄ := R(µ/(d − 1)), as in Appendix A.
With these definitions, we can write
E W · ud = E {Wi ui1 . . . uid }
 
X d
X  ∂u d
Y 
= σi2 uik
 ∂Wi 
i j=1
 
d  d d 
X X 1 Y 1 1 Y
= σi2 E − √ [R̄φ]ij uik + 2 √ u2ik .
 (d − 1) N σi (d − 2)µ N 
i k6=j k=1

Using now (28) and kuk = 1, we get

  
d  Y d d d   
 1 XX 1 X Y d 1
E W · ud = − √ E  uik  R̄ij ,iℓ uim + √ E .
(d − 1) N j=1
 d  (d − 2) N µ
i k6=j ℓ=1 m6=ℓ

Now, Q for each j, the summation in ℓ in the first expectation contains exactly one term of the form
R̄ij ,ij k6=j u2ij , which gives rise to tr R̄ when summing over all indices i1 , . . . , id . All the other d − 1
terms are of the form ( k6∈{j,ℓ} u2ik )uij R̄ij ,iℓ uiℓ . Because (1/(µ − µ/(d − 1)), u) is an eigenpair of R̄,
summing each such term over the indices i1 , . . . , id yields
 
 u2ik  uij R̄ij ,iℓ uiℓ = u, R̄u = .
(d − 2)µ
i k6∈{j,ℓ}

Hence, using these results we arrive at

1 d(d − 1)2 d 1
E W·u = − √ E d tr R̄ + + √ E
d(d − 1) N (d − 2)µ (d − 2) N µ
1 1 1 
= √ E − √ E tr R̄ .
(d − 2) N µ (d − 1) N
Therefore, we have shown that
n o  
d 1 1 1 
E {µ} = λ E hx, ui + E − E tr R̄ . (16)
(d − 2)N µ (d − 1)N

4.2 Expectation of hx, ui
Now let us carry out a similar computation for the expected alignment:
1 d−1 1 1

E {hx, ui} = λ E hx, ui +√ E x, W · ud−1 .
µ N µ
By explicitly developing the scalar product of the last term, we write
E x, W · ud−1 = E Wi ui1 . . . uid−1 xid .
µ µ

Treating now µ and each component of u as functions of the Gaussian tensor W, by Stein’s lemma we
 ! 
  d−1 d−1 d−1
X  1 ∂µ Y 1 X ∂uij Y 
E x, W · ud−1 = σi2 E − 2 uik xid + xid uik .
µ  µ ∂Wi µ ∂Wi j=1

i k=1 k6=j

√ ∂µ Q
Since σi2 N ∂W i
= j uij , after multiplying by σi2 and summing over i the first term in the expectation
becomes −N −1/2 hx, ui /µ2 , as all factors uij appear twice except for uid . Using now the expression for
the derivative of uij , we get
1 hx, ui
E x, W · u = −√ E
µ N µ2
   
d−1 d−1 d
X  σi2 X  Y [R̄φ]ij u2ij Y 
+ E xid uik  − √ + √ u im
 .
 µ j=1 (d − 1) N µ(d − 2) N σi2 
i k6=j m6=j

The second term inside the inner brackets is easy to compute, since the products of uik and of √ uim
Qd−1 2 2
combine to yield uid k6=j uik , and thus the summation over i leaves only hx, ui divided by µ (d − 2) N
Pd Qd
for each j. As for the first term, we can expand it as [R̄φ]ij = (d σi2 )−1 ℓ=1 R̄ij ,iℓ m6=ℓ uim and note
that√for j = ℓ (there are d − 1 such terms), we recover after summing over i the a term of the form
−(d N µ)−1 hx, ui tr R̄. The terms for which j 6= ℓ (there are (d − 1)2 ) can be obtained by noting that
R̄u = (d−2)µ u and by matching the indices of the components of u (with only uid remaining free to
contract with xid ). This computation gives
1 hx, ui d − 1 hx, ui 1 hx, ui (d − 1)2 hx, ui
E x, W · u = − √ E + − tr R̄ −
µ N µ2 (d − 2) µ2 d µ d(d − 2) µ2
d − (d − 1) hx, ui 1 hx, ui
= √ E 2
− √ E tr R̄ .
d(d − 2) N µ d N µ

We have thus derived the formula

1 d−1 d − (d − 1)2 hx, ui 1 hx, ui
E {hx, ui} = λ E hx, ui + E − E tr R̄ . (17)
µ d(d − 2)N µ2 dN µ

4.3 Concentration of N −1 tr R(z) around md (z)

Since both expressions (16) and (17) involve the normalized trace of the resolvent R of Y · ud−2 evaluated
at µ/(d − 1), we will need the asymptotic expression of that quantity. It turns out that this normalized
trace converges almost surely to md (z), that is, the same Stieltjes transform that was computed for
contractions of W with independent unit norm vectors v in Theorem 2. We will now show this fact.
From now on, for simplicity of notation we shall omit the argument of R whenever it is simply z. As
in the previous sections, the notation R̄ will stand for R(µ/(d − 1)), where µ is the eigenvalue associated
with the vector u that defines the contraction Y · ud−2 . Recall that R satisfies the recurrence relation
1 1 
R=− I+ Y · ud−2 R. (18)
z z
Replacing Y by its definition and taking the expectation of the normalized trace,
  ( d−1
! )
1 1 λ n o 1 X Y
E tr R = − + E hx, ui hx, Rxi + √ E Wi uik Ri1 id . (19)
N z Nz zN N i k=2

As usual, Stein’s lemma will provide us an expression for the second expectation of the right-hand side:
( d−1
! )
1 X Y
√ E Wi uik Ri1 id = A + B, (20)
N N i k=2

( d−1
1 X 2 ∂Ri1 id Y
A := √ σi E uik ,
N N i ∂Wi
  
d−1 d−1
1 X 2  X ∂ui Y 
B := √ σi E Ri1 id ℓ 
uik  .
N N i  ∂Wi 
ℓ=2 k=2, k6=ℓ

In the following, we will compute asymptotic expressions for A and B.

4.3.1 Asymptotic expression of A in (20)

To compute A, we will need the derivative of R with respect to each component Wi . Starting again from
(18), it is easy to derive
∂R ∂ 
= −R Y · ud−2 R,
∂Wi ∂Wi
which component-wise reads
!  
  d−1 d−1   d−1
∂Rpq 1 X ∂Wj Y XX ∂ujℓ  Y
= −√ Rpj1 ujk Rjd q − Rpj1 Yj ujk  Rjd q .
∂Wi N ∂Wi Wi
j k=2 j ℓ=2 k=2, k6=ℓ

Hence, we can write A = A1 + A2 , where

(   d−1
! )
1 XX 2 ∂Wj Y
A1 := − 2 σi E Ri1 j1 uik ujk Rjd id
N ∂Wi
i j k=2

and    
1 XX d−1
Y 
A2 := − √ σi2 E Ri1 j1 Yj  uik ujk  Rid jd uiℓ . (21)
N N i j  ∂Wi 
ℓ=2 k=2, k6=ℓ
∂W ∂W
We focus first on A1 . Since ∂Wji = 1 if j is a permutation of i and ∂Wji = 0 otherwise, and since σi2 is
given by reciprocal of the number of distinct permutations of (the particular value of) i, the value of A1
is proportional to the sum of all d! possible d-fold contractions obtained by matching the indices of j with
one of the possible permutations of i. This conclusion is reached by noting that σi2 is precisely equal to
1/d! times the number of “repetitions” of the term with indices i that are required in order to “complete”
all such contractions. Therefore, by taking into account the result of all such possible contractions, we
concllude that A1 has the form
1  2
1 1
A1 = − 2 K1 E (tr R) + K2 E tr R + K3 E + K4 E tr R ,
N d! (µ − z)2 µ−z
where the integers Ki count the number of contractions yielding terms of each one of the forms in this
expression. In particular, it is easy to see that K1 = (d − 2)!, since (tr R)2 results from each contraction
in which (i1 , j1 ) and (id , jd ) are matched, while all others d − 2 indices j2 , . . . , jd−1 can be arbitrarily
permuted to match i2 , . . . , id−1 . At this point, we will simplify the subsequent calculations by already
droping terms which will vanish at the end in the large-N limit. We have
( 2 )
1 1
lim A1 = − lim E tr R , (22)
N →∞ d(d − 1) N →∞ N

since the terms mutiplied by K2 , K3 and K4 are all o(N 2 ). We will see in a moment that ( N1 tr R)2 will
in fact converge almost surely to (md (z))2 .
The key in the above argument is of course the fact that, in expectation, hu, R ui = 1/(µ−z) and hu, ui
are O(1), while tr R is O(N ). By the same√ token, the term A2 defined in (21) can also be neglected,
since the derivative of ujℓ contains a 1/ N factor and the contractions in (21) only produce o(N 2 )
terms: all resolvents appearing in the expression are ultimately contracted with one “copy” of u (hence
no second-order moment N1 tr R arises), and contractions of u with Y are also O(1).
Hence, in summary, A is asymptotically given by the expression derived in (22).

4.3.2 The term B in (20) vanishes asymptotically
Let us proceed by inserting the derivative of u into B to get B = B1 + B2 , where
    
 d−1 d−1 d d 
1 X Y X 1 1 X Y
B1 := √ σi2 E Ri1 id  uik  − √ 2 R̄iℓ ,im  uin 
N N i 
k=2, k6=ℓ ℓ=2
(d − 1) N dσi m=1 n6=m

    
1 X d−1 XX d d−1
Y Yd 
= − 2 E Ri1 id  uik  R̄iℓ ,im  uin 
N d(d − 1)  
i ℓ=2 m=1 k=2, k6=ℓ n6=m

     
 d−1 d 
1 X Y 1 Y
B2 := √ σi2 E
Ri i  uik  √  uij  uiℓ
N N  1d (d − 2) µ σi2 N j=1 
i k=2, k6=ℓ
 !   
X 1 d−1 d 
1 Y Y
= 2 E Ri1 id uik  uij 
N (d − 2) µ

i k=2
1 1 1
= 2 E
N (d − 2) µ µ−z
= O(1/N 2 ).
It is not hard to see that B1 = O(1/N ), since only one trace (that of R̄ when m = ℓ) arises from the
contractions. It thus follows that B = O(1/N ).

4.3.3 Concentration and asymptotic expression for the normalized trace

Relying on the same arguments used in the analytic proof of Wigner’s semicircle law, it is not difficult

to show that, for any z outside the real line, the (analytic) expected normalized trace E N1 tr R(z)
converges to a function of z
md (z) := lim E tr R , ∀z ∈ C \ R,
N →∞ N
which is also analytic by Vitali’s theorem. The first ingredient is the inequality kRp (z)k ≤ 1/|ℑ(z)|p ,
valid for all such z and all integers p, which entails that all moments N1 tr Rp are bounded on C \ R with
probability one, thus ensuring the existence of convergent subsequences. Then, it can be shown that
every such subsequence must actually converge to a same limit md (z), which by (19) must then satisfy
( 2 )
1 1 1
md (z) = − − lim E tr R . (23)
z z d (d − 1) N →∞ N

It is now a standard exercise to show that N1 tr R concentrates around md (z), and hence the above
moment can be replaced by (md (z))2 . This can be done by resorting to the Nash-Poincaré inequality
Pastur and Shcherbina (2011) to bound the variance of the normalized trace as in
 !2 
  X X ∂Rpp 
1 1
Var tr R ≤ 2 E σi2 . (24)
N N 
∂Wi 

Now, denoting the (i, j) component of R2 by Rij

, we can write
!  
X ∂Rpp   d−1 X d−1   d−1
1 X 2 ∂Wj Y X ∂ujm Y
= −√ Rj1 jd ujk − Rj21 jd Yj  ujk  ,
∂Wi N j ∂Wi m=2
k=2 j k=2, k6=m

Using this expression, it is tedious but not hard to verify that the expectation in (24) is O(1). This
esentially comes from the fact that each term in that expectation comprises a factor 1/N and at most  a
single trace (of R4 ). Because all moments N1 tr Rp are bounded on C\R, it follows that Var N1 tr R(z) =
O(1/N 2 ) for z ∈ C, and thus by a standard combination of Markov’s inequality and Borel-Cantelli we
have that N1 tr(R(z)) −→ md (z) on that set. Hence, from (23) we deduce that, as N → ∞,
(md (z))2 + z md (z) + 1 = 0, (25)
z d(d − 1)

thus yielding the solutions
−d(d − 1) ± d2 (d − 1)2 z 2 − 4d(d − 1)
md (z) = .
At last, using our definition βd = 2/ d(d − 1) and keeping the solution corresponding to a Stieltjes
transform (bevahing as O(z −1 ) at infinity), we arrive at
r !
2 βd2
md (z) = 2 −z + z 1 − 2 ,
βd z

which is the same expression of Theorem 2. Hence, by the Stieltjes continuity theorem (see Appendix
C), the spectrum of Y · ud−2 converges weakly almost surely to a semi-circle law supported on [−βd , βd ].
Let us pause for a moment to reflect on the implications of this intermediate result. Since the almost
sure limit µd,∞ (λ) of µ obtained by our calculations must be such that µd,∞ (λ)/(d − 1) is not in the
limiting spectrum of Y · ud−2 (because of the factor R(µ/(d − 1)) in the formulas for the derivatives of µ
and u), and since the limiting spectral measure of this matrix is a semicircle law supported on [−βd , βd ],
it follows that we must have µd,∞ (λ) > (d − 1)βd for our formulas to make sense—just as we assume in
the statement of Theorem 3.
Incidentally, the observation of Remark 6, combined with the limiting spectrum of Y · ud−2 , implies
that the existence of local maxima associated with negative eigenvalues µ becomes increasingly unlikely,
since the symmetric support of the limiting spectral measure [−βd , βd ] is incompatible with the condition
that all other eigenvalues must lie in ] − ∞, µ/(d − 1)]. This observation is coherent with the results of
Ben Arous et al. (2019), which show that the expected number of local maxima associated to negative
eigenvalues decays exponentially as N → 0.

4.3.4 A momentary digression: extending the above proof to show Theorem 2

The proof of Theorem 3 can be obtained by adapting the above derivation. The idea is to set λ = 0 and
replace u by a determinstic vector v ∈ SN −1 in (18):
1 1
Q = − I + √ (W · v d−2 ) Q,
z z N
where we use Q to denote this new resolvent to avoid any ambiguities. We are as before interested in the
expected normalized trace of Q,
  ( d−1
! )
1 1 1 X Y
E tr Q = − + √ E Wi vik Qi1 id . (26)
N z zN N i k=2

Since now v does not depend on W, the calculations are greatly simplified: the derivative of Q is
  d−1 !
∂Qpq 1 X ∂Wj Y
= −√ Qpj1 vjk Qjd q ,
∂Wi N ∂Wi
j k=2

and therefore the application of Stein’s lemma to compute the expectation in the right-hand side of (26)
( d−1
! ) (   d−1 ! )
X Y 1 XX 2 ∂Wj Y
E Wi vik Qi1 id = − √ σi E Qi1 j1 vik vjk Qjd id .
N i j ∂Wi
i k=2 k=2

Here again, by considering all possible matchings of the indices i and j, we conclude that
( d−1
! ) ( 2 )
1 X Y 1 1
lim √ E Wi vik Qi1 id = − lim E tr Q ,
N →∞ N N d(d − 1) N →∞ N
i k=2

since all other terms are o(1). In particular, contractions of Q with v are O(1) in expectation, since
by Cauchy-Schwarz | hQv, vi | ≤ kQvk kvk ≤ kQk ≤ 1/|ℑ(z)| for all z ∈ C \ R. We thus get the same
expression as in the study of R.
Finally, the same reasoning followed in the previous subsection to show concentration of N1 tr R can
be mimicked to show concentration of N1 tr Q, thus leading to the same asymptotic equation as before,
namely, to (25). This shows that the spectrum of √1N W · v d−2 also converges weakly almost surely to
a semicircle law supported on [−βd , βd ], as claimed. In retrospect, we can see that the additional terms
that are present in the computation of N1 tr R (originating from the dependence of u on W) are all o(1),
and thus the resulting spectral measures are the same in both cases.

4.4 Asymptotic fixed-point equation
We turn back now to the proof of Theorem 3, by invoking the key assumption that7
µ −→ µd,∞ (λ) > (d − 1)βd ,
hx, ui −→ αd,∞ (λ) > 0

as N → ∞. In particular, the first above statement guarantees that the derived derivative formulas hold
as N → ∞, since we know from the previous subsection that the spectrum of Y · ud−2 converges to a
semi-circle law on [−βd , βd ], and hence µd,∞ (λ)/(d−1) does not fall on this support. Hence, by inspection
of (16)–(17) we have
λ 1 αd,∞ (λ) µd,∞ (λ)
αd,∞ (λ) = (αd,∞ (λ))d−1 − md (27)
µd,∞ (λ) d µd,∞ (λ) d−1
1 µd,∞ (λ)
µd,∞ (λ) = λ (αd,∞ (λ))d − md .
d−1 d−1
Since αd,∞ (λ) > 0, we get from (27)
d−2 1 µd,∞ (λ)
µd,∞ (λ) = λ (αd,∞ (λ)) − md
d d−1

Solving now for αd,∞ (λ), we get

1 1 µd,∞ (λ)
αd,∞ (λ) = µd,∞ (λ) + md .
λ d d−1
The equations (7)–(8) are thus established, and the proof is complete.

This work was supported by the MIAI LargeDATA Chair at University Grenoble Alpes led by R. Couil-
let, and also by the Labex CIMI project of the first author. We would like to thank Gérard Ben-Arous,
Mohamed Seddik, Yang Qi and Arthur Marmin for helpful discussions on the subject. Finally, the anony-
mous Referees are also thanked for their constructive suggestions which led to significant improvements
in the manuscript.

Appendix A Derivative of tensor eigenpairs

Given an eigenpair (µ, u), the derivatives of µ and u with respect to any entry Wii ... id can be computed
by resorting to the implicit value theorem (see, e.g., Krantz and Parks (2013)). To this end, we start
from the system of equations that characterizes the eigenpair (µ, u):
Y ud−1 − µ u
F (µ, u, W) = = 0.
1 − hu, ui

The Jacobian of F with respect to (µ, u) is

(d − 1)Y ud−2 − µI −u
J(µ, u, W) =
−2uT 0.
Now, if d−1 is not in the spectrum of Y ud−2 , then the first block of the above Jacobian is invertible, and
its inverse is simply (d − 1)R d−1 , where R(z) = Y ud−2 − zI . For simplicity of notation, we will
write R̄ := R d−1 in the following. In particular, this implies

1 d−1
R̄u = µ u = u.
µ − d−1 (d − 2) µ
7 The reader will note that this assumption implicitly imposes that lim 1
N→∞ N tr R = md (z) not only outside the real
line, but also outside the support [−βd , βd ], since the formulas (16)–(17) both involve md evaluated on the real (random)
quantity µ/(d − 1), which by hypothesis converges to a number µd,∞ outside the support.

Defining also
A := (d − 1) R̄−1 , B := −u, and C := −2uT
and assuming that (d−1) is not in the spectrum of Y ud−2 , the Schur complement formula yields
A−1 + A−1 BS −1 CA−1 −A−1 BS −1
J −1 (µ, u, W) =
−S −1 CA−1 S −1 ,

2 2
S = −CA−1 B = − uT R̄u = − .
d−1 (d − 2) µ
1 1
−1 d−1 R̄ − (d−2) µ uu
− 21 u
J (µ, u, W) = .
−uT − d−2
2 µ
Now, by the implicit function theorem we have
 ∂u 
 ∂Wi1  −1 ∂F
 ∂µ  = −J (µ, u, W) ∂Wi ...i (µ, u, W).
 
1 d

The required derivative ∂Wi1 turns out to be
∂F √1 φ
(µ, u, W) = N ,
∂Wi1 0

where φ is an N -dimensional vector with at most d nonzero entries given by

2 1 X
σW φ= u1 . . . uij−1 uij+1 . . . ud e(ij ) . (28)
i1 ...i
d d j=1

Hence, provided that d−1 is not an eigenvalue of Y ud−2 , we finally get the derivatives
 
 ∂u  1 1 ∂µ

− (d − 1) N R̄ φ + (d − 2) µ ∂Wi1 u
 ∂Wi1   
 ∂µ  = 
   d
. (29)
1 Y 
 √ uij 
∂Wi1 2
σw i ...i
N j=1 1 d

For instance, for d = 3 we have

   1 1 ∂µ

− √ R̄ φ + u
 ∂Wimℓ   2 N µ ∂Wimℓ
  
 ∂µ  =  .

 1 
√ ui um uℓ
σ 2
∂Wimℓ Wimℓ N

Appendix B Proof of Lemma 8

For every triple T = (µ, u, W) such that the Jacobian J(µ, u, W) of F (see Appendix A) with respect to
(µ, u) is nonsingular, by the implicit function theorem there exists a neighborhood of T such that (µ, u)
is given by a (unique) continuously differentiable function of W whose derivative satisfies (29). Hence,
provided that the set

B = {W ∈ S d (N ) : J(µ, u, W) is singular ∀(µ, u) satisfying F (µ, u, W) = 0}

has measure zero, then for almost every W ∈ S d (N ) there exists at least one couple (µ, u) such that
the theorem can be applied to (µ, u, W). It follows that one can construct (at least) one function
G : S d (N ) → RN +1 defined and continuously differentiable almost everywhere on S d (N ) such that
G(W) = (µ, u) is an eigenpair of W, with u ∈ SN −1 .
Hence, we are left with the proof that the above set B indeed has measure zero. In particular,
every tensor W ∈ S d (N ) having at least one eigenpair (µ, u) such that µ/(d − 1) is not an eigenvalue of

the contraction W · ud−2 cannot belong to B, since the resolvent of such contraction is well defined on
µ/(d − 1), and hence we can apply the explicit expression (in terms of that resolvent) for the inverse of
J(µ, u, W) given in Appendix A. But it turns out that the set

B ′ = {W ∈ S d (N ) : W has one eigenpair (µ, u) such that µ/(d − 1) is an eigenvalue of W · ud−2 },

which contains B, has measure zero. To show this, it suffices to construct an example of a tensor W0
not in B ′ , since this implies the existence of a non-empty open set of tensors U (a neighborhood of W0 )
such that U ∩ B ′ = ∅. In other words, B ′ would then be proper Zariski closed in S d (N ), and hence of
zero measure. Such an example can be easily constructed. For instance, take any rank-one tensor v ⊗d
with v ∈ SN −1 : (1, v) is clearly an eigenpair of W, but 1/(d − 1) is not an eigenvalue of v ⊗ v.

Appendix C Main tools in Pastur’s Stein approach

We describe in the following the main tools used in the so-called Pastur’s Stein approach for the study
of random matrices, which mainly revolve around the resolvent formalism. In this description, we will
denote the N eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix Y ∈ RN ×N by µ1 (Y ) ≤ · · · ≤ µN (Y ), and its spectral
decomposition by
Y = µi (Y ) ui (Y ) uT
i (Y ),

where the dependence of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors on Y will be omitted whenever no ambiguity
arises, for the sake of simplicity.

C.1 The resolvent matrix and its properties

Let us start by defining the resolvent of a symmetric matrix.
Definition 9 (Resolvent). Given a symmetric matrix Y ∈ RN ×N , we define its resolvent matrix as

RY (z) := (Y − zI)−1 , z ∈ C \ σ(Y ),

where σ(Y ) stands for the spectrum of Y .

The resolvent is a rich object that encodes spectral properties of Y in its complex-analytic structure.
Among its various properties, we can mention the following:
(i) it satisfies the recurrence relations
1 1 1 1
RY (z) = − I + Y RY (z) = − I + RY (z)Y ;
z z z z
(ii) its spectral decomposition RY (z) = i=1 µi1−z ui uTi is a meromorphic function with poles on the
eigenvalues of Y ;
(iii) its trace tr R(z) = i=1 µi1−z is a complex analytic function on C \ σ(Y );

(iv) as a consequence of (ii), the contour integral

Pµi = − RN (z) dz
2πi Cµi

yields a projector onto the eigenspace associated with µi , where Cµi denotes a sufficiently small
positively oriented contour around eigenvalue µi alone.
Property (iv) is often utilized to get the alignment of an arbitrary vector x with the eigenvector u of
an eigenvalue µ of multiplicity one, via:
2 T 1
hu, xi = x Pµ x = − xT RY (z) x dz.
2πi Cµ

In particular, when studying a sequence of random N × N matrices of growing dimension N , the above
formula is useful for computing the asymptotic alignment of a given sequence of vectors x with the
sequence of eigenvectors u whose eigenvalues converge to a limit µ which is bounded away from the
support of the (rest of the) limiting spectrum.

C.2 The Stieltjes transform
One typical question that arises in the study of random matrices is whether the empirical spectral
1 X
ρYN := δµ (Y ) , (30)
N i=1 i N

where δµ is a Dirac mass on µ, of a sequence {YN } of random N × N matrices converges to some

deterministic probability measure ρ. One widely used method that allows answering this question is
based upon an analytic tool known as the Stieltjes transform, defined next.
Definition 10 (Stieltjes transform). Given a probability measure ρ, its Stieltjes transform is defined by
sρ (z) := ρ(dt), z ∈ C \ supp(ρ).

The usefulness of this tool in RMT is explained by the following result, discussed e.g. by Tao (2012)
(see Exercise 1.1.25 of that book).
Theorem 11 (Stieltjes’ continuity theorem). The sequence of random probability measures ρk supported
on R converges almost surely weakly8 to the deterministic measure ρ if and only if sρk (z) −→ sρ (z) for

all complex z in the upper-half plane C := R + i R+ .

It should be noted that the same result holds also for other forms of convergence apart from almost
sure (for instance, convergence in probability). In any case, the above posed question of convergence of
ρYN → ρ can be translated into a question of pointwise convergence of a sequence of Stieltjes transforms.
Furthermore, if ρ has a density f , then having determined the limiting transform sρ (z) this density can
be recovered by the following identity (often termed Sokhotski–Plemelj formula):
f (x) = lim ℑ{sρ (x + iǫ)};
π ǫ→0+
see, e.g., (Tao, 2012).
In the particular case of a sequence of probability measures (30), it can be seen that
1 X 1 1
sρYN (z) = = tr RYN (z),
N i=1 µi − z N

which reinforces the central role played by the resolvent formalism.

C.3 Gaussian integration by parts (Stein’s lemma)

The last technical tool that we will review is Stein’s lemma, also known as Stein’s identity or Gaussian
integration by parts, which allows replacing the expected product of a Gaussian variable with a differen-
tiable function f (of polynomially bounded growth) by the variance of that variable times the expectation
of f ′ .
Lemma 12 (Stein (1981)). If x ∼ N (0, σ 2 ) and f : R → R is continuously differentiable almost every-
where and has at most polynomial growth, then

E{x f (x)} = σ 2 E{f ′ (x)}.

Appendix D Maple solution of fixed-point equation for d = 3

By simply defining on Maple:

h(z) := sqrt(z^2 - 2/3)

omega(z) := (1/2*z + h(1/2*z))/lambda
phi(z) := lambda*omega(z)^3 + (3/4)*z - (3/2)*h(z/2)
8 While this result is often stated in terms of convergence in the vague topology rather than weak topology, these are

equivalent when the limiting measure ρ is assumed to be a probability measure, since no mass is lost.

(note that m3 (z) = −3z + 3h(z) with h(z) = z 2 − 2/3), one can find the solutions of z = φ(z, λ) for
the fixed-point equation in the case d = 3 by using the command:

solve(z = phi(z), z).

This produced four solutions:

√ q 3
18λ4 + 72λ2 ± 2 3 λ2 (3λ2 − 4)

z1,2 (λ) = , z3⋆ (λ) = −z1⋆ (λ) and z4⋆ (λ) = −z2⋆ (λ).

We now show that the solution z1⋆ (λ) corresponds precisely to the formula (12) for the case λ > λc (d).
As for the other solutions, z3⋆ and √
z4⋆ are negative and thus not of our interest, while z2⋆ holds only for
negative values of λ. Letting θ = λ 3, we get
√ r
1 θ2 + θ θ2 − 4 + 4 1 1
µ⋆3 (λ) = √ p √ and z ⋆
1 (λ) = √ θ2 + 12 + (θ2 − 4)3/2 .
6 2
θ +θ θ −42 6 θ
√ √
Defining also ω = θ2 − 4 = 3λ2 − 4, we can write the squares of these functions as
[µ⋆3 (λ)]2 = (θ2 + θω + 4)2 (θ − ω)
24 θ
1 3
[z1⋆ (λ)]2 = (θ + θ2 ω + 12θ − 4ω).

Finally, by developing the above expressions and replacing ω 2 by (θ2 − 4) to obtain a polynomial in (θ, ω)
of partial degree 1 in ω, one can easily show that [µ⋆3 (λ)]2 = [z1⋆ (λ)]2 . Since both formulas yield positive
values, this implies µ⋆3 (λ) = z1⋆ (λ), as claimed.

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